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Everything posted by 4815162342

  1. [COLOR=SlateGray][i]Mithrandir, Gandalf?Grey-Wanderer. I answer to them all. People come to me for help, as most have seen what I can do, or at least have seen my fireworks and believe that someone who cane make those should also be able to fix problems?but most do not come to me because I am a member of the Istari?this may be because I do not tell many that I am Istari? Yes?most come because of what they have seen me do, or what has been rumoured that I can do. Although some, when they see a tall man with a massive beard, don?t know what to think. I believe some think ?Oh, he looks like us! He cannot be anything special?? Or ?I would not dare to ask THAT man a favour?he is so much larger and more powerful than me?? And now that I think of it, I must say I get the most requests from the elves?they know the most of my legend, while to the other races that I dare speak to, I am but a magician, powerful, yes, but someone who is not to be bothered. [/i] Gandalf paused in his writing to get up and make his way to Bilbo?s kitchen ? he bumped his head on the low door frame. [i]Always forget to duck?[/i]He set the kettle on and moved to the window, bending down to peer outside at the early morning sun lighting up the valley. He became so caught up in the beauty of the landscape that he did not hear Bilbo as he padded up softly behind him. ?What are you thinking about, old friend?? Gandalf turned slowly to look at Bilbo. ?I am thinking?what a shame it is, that these hard times are coming...and I am wishing that they were not. Things are changing?? Bilbo nodded slowly. ?I know, old friend?the changes feel heavy in the air?? He turned and left the kitchen, making his way outside. Gandalf placed the kettle on the fire and returned to the desk he was using, and after picking up his pen returned to his journal entry. [URL=http://www.thecharly.f2s.com/film/gandalf.jpg]Gandalf[/URL] [/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Sienna]Barlow Girl ? Barlow Girl Various artists - Celtic Soul, The Magic of Ireland, Disc 1 Various artists - Celtic Soul, The Magic of Ireland, Disc 2 DJ Maj ? Full Plates Various artists - Holes Soundtrack John Rueben ? Hindsight Various artists - Oh Brother Where Art Thou Soundtrack Pirates of the Caribbean Soundtrack Various artists - Rap It Up (For Christmas) Sanctus Real ? Fight the Tide Various artists - Shrek 2 Soundtrack Superchic[k] ? Karaoke Superstars Superchic[k] ? Last One Picked Superchic[k] ? Regeneration Superchic[k] ? Beauty from Pain Switchfoot ? The Beautiful Letdown Switchfoot ? Nothing is Sound London Symphony Orchestra - Tchaikovsky?s Nutcracker The Beatle?s ? Live at the BBC, Disc 1 The Beatle?s ? Live at the BBC, Disc 2 Various artists - Narnia Soundtrack Howard Shore and Orchestra ? LoTR Soundtrack, The Fellowship of the Ring Howard Shore and Orchestra ? LoTR Soundtrack, The Two Towers Howard Shore and Orchestra ? LoTR Soundtrack, The Return of the King The Insyderz The O.C. Supertones ? Adventures Of The O.C. Supertones ? Hi-Fi Revival Original Broadway Cast ? The Phantom of the Opera, Disc 1 Original Broadway Cast ? The Phantom of the Opera, Disc 2 Various artists ? The Prince of Egypt, inspirational Various artists ? The Prince of Egypt Soundtrack Various artists ? The Sound of Music Soundtrack The W?s ? Trouble With X The Who ? A Quick One Thousand Foot Krutch ? Phenomenon Thousand Foot Krutch ? Set It Off Original Broadway Cast ? Wicked, the Musical I'm quite proud of my collection there...now I need to make it larger. Hee! [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=SlateGray]Eshka Sei'pek, Jedi Knight, landed her Uriel class fighter several blocks down from the Temple and looked out the rear window, searching the spaces behind her for her Padawan, Laruc Torio. Not seeing him there, where she thought he would be, she shifted in her seat and depressed the button to open the cockpit and slipped out to stand on the wing of her vessel. She looked behind her again, and then to the sides, still not seeing him, but able to sense him. [i]These crafts are difficult to hide, where could he?[/i] A mental sigh. [i]?why not look where you sense him from then?[/i] She looked forward and indeed there he was, in front of her by two spaces and perched on top of his vessel, grinning at her. She jumped lightly from the wing of her craft to land on the ground the same moment he did. Laruc once he had his feet on the ground began the walk towards the Temple. Eshka sighed and caught up with him. [b]?Always in such a hurry to get where you?re going, Laruc?you need to take time?it?s much pleasanter that way??[/b] She smiled at him and he smiled back. [b]?We are late, though, Master?I don?t think we can go as slow as you wish today.?[/b] Eshka nodded and sped up. [b]?You are correct?but, you do need to slow down sometime?sometime when we [i]have[/i] time.?[/b] She nodded at her Padawan and they broke into a run, skidding through the streets of Coruscant until they reached the Temple. They stopped for a moment to catch their breath before Eshka nodded. [b]?Ready to go in?[/b][/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna][b]OOC:[/b] And I?ll leave it to you, Laruc/Corey, to get them to their respective designations. :p[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Sienna][quote name='The Monster']My favourite Muppet as no doubt either the Sweedish Chef, Animal or the Saxophone guy. I loved all three of them.[/quote] That is Zoot! He's so awesome. Ha. [QUOTE=Blayze][size=1] The first sketch is still to my mind one of the best (the one with the dancing cow-things, I'm not even going to attempt to spell the name of the song they sing here, because it is not even a real word). My other favourite sketch had to be the one with Zoot playing a saxophone solo, that consisted of one note every dozen or so bars, and he then ended up accompanied by a small hairy guy who played a bell. [/size][/QUOTE] Mahna Mahna doo doo doo do doot.... the cow things don't seem to like it when he improvises and scats, do they? And Zoot gets SO agravated by the Mahna Mahna guy...so agravated to the point where he causes explosions to come from his saxapone...'tis great! Hee.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Sienna][quote name='Dooby'] I remember having numerous debates with my cousin on just what exactly Gonzo was.[/quote] He's a whatever! ;) I just received that for Christmas today from my Gramma...I now remember why I love it. The humour is just right for me, not stupid or crude. Yes, at times the jokes are a little obtuse, or corny...or filled with puns...but I love it, it's just right. Especially Statler and Waldorf, they remind me of my Grandpa. Of all the Muppets, I think my favourite is Zoot. I cannot honestly tell you why, but he is. And...that's all I have to say.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=Sienna]Ozy and I will be gone from this morning until sometime Monday the 26th. [/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Indigo]Maerkos seemed to smirk at the group who stood there gaping. "Impressive yes, but it is nothing compared to the glory of my master..." He turned, heading down a long passageway, waving a tail for them to follow, which they did. Vernacular walked at the back, muttering to herself as they walked up a set of steep black stone stairs. "Oh, this seems good, yes it does, so wonderful, delighful, superb...now we're stuck, trapped, ens-" She went silent as one of the lesser Nemeans slid past beside her. "I mean I like it, enjoy it...am having fun here. So enj-" She fell quiet once more as Sakura turned to glare at her. "Shuttin' up." Sakura turned back towards the front, calling to Maerkos. "Sir, are you taking us to see your master?" The gigantic head nodded once. "Yes, I am doing as you ask..." The group was now making there way through a columned hall, their footsteps echoed off in the shadowed room that they could barely see. "When you see him, you shall adress him as Most High..." The group nodded reluctantly, not wishig to anger the lion, to enrage the powerful beast. Impulse fell back beside Vernacular. "What do you now about these beings, anything that will help us?" Vernacular nodded. "I must say I admired, respected, salute your valiant, brave effort against them, on any other creature that might have worked, but as he said. His type is not affected by them..." She glanced up at the Maerkos, and backwards at the lions flanking them before continuing. "Neither are they affected by any of our powers...it takes brute force to take one down...something that I am horrible at...we need to find a place to talk, discuss, converse without prying, spying ears...where we can get a plan to win them over, convert them...so, which of us, me or you, should talk to Sparks? Or shall we ask Sakura, maybe she wouldn't arouse suspicion as she was not plotting, talking, convers-" One of the lions came over and glared at her. "You know what I mean..."[/COLOR] OOC: The Nemean's it would seem, have a tendency to drop some eaves. ;)
  8. Vernacular stared at the creature that repeatedly attacked the group and wondered what she could do to stop it. She had a weapon, but it was a simple gun, she had no powers to attack with, her main power being a mastery over languages. [i]Well, I could always taunt it?get it away from the boy?Arachnid?distract it from the whole group so they can blast it?[/i] She stepped out of the group, moving a little ways away from them and looked at the huge spider for a couple of minutes before she nodded decidedly. ?Hey! Nasty, icky, disgusting creature, being! You there, in front of me, not beside me thank goodness!? Sheba?s head turned slightly at the noise and Vernacular smiled. ?Yeah?I?m talking, speaking, conversing with you, nasty freak, foul abnormality!? Sheba?s head turned further and Vernacular kept on speaking. ?Ok?has anyone, another person, ever told you, informed you, that you make their skin crawl? ?cause you SO do, make our skin crawl, try to jump off us, leave?? She backed up as Sheba turned to face her fully. ?And I really decidedly HATE you, loathe you, am disgusted by you?I think it?s the fact that you?re a flippin? ARACHNID, spider, creature with eight legs!? Sheba made her way even closer to Vernacular. Vernacular watched as the others prepared to attack it once more. ?And the many, numerous, nasty eyes? They just don?t do it for you, they?re not your style, design, yeah?GET AWAY FROM ME!? Vernacular rolled under the lunging body of Sheba and back towards the group as Sheba spun once more. [i]That better have given them time?I hope I helped?[/i]
  9. Vernacular had been fine through most of the mission, [B]It[/B] seemed to be ignoring her, sending her no nightmares. She had been horrified like most of the others when their youngest members died, horrified and saddened. But still she had not received nightmares. Other members had dropped back, or been separated from the group, but still ? no nightmares. Just a few minutes ago she?d been fine, getting madder by the minute at what was happening to her team-mates, mad that she could do nothing to stop it. Monsters and fighting?they were certainly [i]not[/I] her area of expertise? But right now? Right [i]now[/i] Vernacular was scared, was sure that her pain was not that of a nightmare, but was rather reality. Why would the Arbiter have taken her child and husband? Why would he send them to this infernal place with her and let them be killed? They knew nothing about what she did, didn?t affect what she did in any way and didn?t threaten the security of the Legionnaires. She sobbed into the darkness, crouched beside the bodies of her dead family; hands stroking across their cold faces. ?Why did you [i]do[/i] that, kill them I mean? They had done, perpetrated nothing! They were not even from my job!? There was no answer from the darkness, from [B]It[/B], she didn?t expect one. ?If I could find you I would kill you! I swear I would!? David and Hira had come out of the sudden darkness that had blinded her...darkness she supposed that the others saw as well, darkness she hoped was caused by It?David had wrapped his arms around her and only let go to help her pick up Hira so they could hold her between them, speaking in hushed voices. But just as suddenly as they had been there to comfort her, they were gone, taken down by snipers?right in her arms. David had fallen first, shot through the heart and as soon as Hira started to sob, she had been shot as well. Vernacular began to swear louder than she had before, cursing the fact that instead of continuing on like bullets normally do and hitting her, they had stopped. Stopped without hitting her, without allowing her to join her dead family, her whole life?s meaning. She looked up as she heard a noise to her left ? It was Speedy coming out of the darkness, bouncing from foot to foot, face bored. ?Just get over it! They?re dead, now come on and play with me!? Vernacular shook her head wiping tears from her eyes. ?You can?t mean that, be saying that, be serious?these two are my life, existence, being?? Speedy just shrugged. ?That doesn?t matter to me!? Vernacular nearly began crying again. ?But it does, must, has to?I took you to see, meet, be introduced to, talk with my family once, one time, when neither of us, we both, weren?t on a mission?you loved, adored, were taken with Hira, thought, believed, was under the impression she was like a little sister to you?you were NEVER this uncaring?unfeeling?? Vernacular?s eyes widened at her last statement. [i]Were? She?s standing right there! Why are you thinking in past-tense? Wait?how could I forget, she died earlier?she?s an illusion?[/i] Her eyes widened still further as Speedy disappeared. [i]Then?hang on a second, moment, brief amount of time?I, myself, didn?t, couldn?t, WOULDN?T bring, David or Hira here, where we are, this location?and the Arbiter wouldn?t, could not bring them either?he isn?t like[b] that[/b]. And I have not told them, informed them, let slip what I do?so they WERE NOT here, they DIDN?T die?so [b]what[/b] is going on?[/i] Vernacular blinked as the darkness lifted and looked around. It seemed that the others were still there?the whole incident had taken less than a minute. She let out a silent sob of relief when she turned and the bodies disappeared. She ran a hand over her eyes and stood, turning to the more immediate task at hand ? figuring out what was happening. ?What is going on, happening, occurring? We need, should help, assist, aid the others, right?? She gazed down the hallway, trying to shake off the aftereffects of her ?nightmare,? and lapsing into unfamiliar briefness. ?Further in??
  10. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]Name:[/B] Ringo [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/image023.jpg]Ringo[/URL] [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Species:[/B] Human [B]Age:[/B] 27 [B]Talents:[/B] Drums, trumpet, some guitar. Can pick up seemingly non-existent items?like holes. 'ow do you pick up a hole? That 'as got t' be some sort o' talent?also applies to manipulating various molecules. We?re sure this is a useful talent some'ow?listed as Metaphysical/atomic manipulation [B]Personality:[/B] Loveable. Not much more to say than that. 'e 'as a somewhat odd sense of 'umour, and an unbelievable ability to attract trouble. Very friendly and caring, he insisted they bring along Jeremy, din't 'e?. [B]Bio:[/B] Ringo is the only child of the King of the Crimson Court who rules a land not far from Blue. He was left in Liverpool as a child and they never bothered to pick him back up for reasons unknown. He started working when he was twelve and moved from job to job ranging from window-washer to pickpocket. He quit his last job as insurance agent because of the whole "hole" thing. At age 22 he met John who also seemed to have weird powers. Declaring that the world at large was not worth of talents such as their own (Or possibly to save on rent money) the two bought a house. Ringo doen't actually pay much of the mortgage himself due to the hole in his pocket. Ever since their first visit to Pepperland Ringo has longed to go back[/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]Me likes to drop the h's...hee.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Indigo]Armes was happy. She didn't know exactly [i]why[/i] she was happy, only that she was. She hummed lightly to herself as she watched the others interacting and tried to think of the reason for why she was happy. [i]Is it this beautiful area?[/i] Her mind responded in the affirmative. [i]How about this fog...do I like that?[/i] Again the yes as she walked to the edge of the water and knelt, dipping her hands into it. [i]And the water...the water is good as well, I think...and the mystery of why we're here. I like that as well...[/i] The answer was once more positive as she continued to run her hand through the water. [i]And that note for Alex...how...stange.[/i] A smile crept across her face. She glanced over her shoulder eyes flickering lazily as she scooped water up in her cupped hands and let it run through her fingers repeatadly. "Who's the...lady? And is everything alright, Ashlyn?" [/COLOR]
  12. [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=SlateGray][U][B]Character Overview[/B][/U] [B]Name:[/B] Eshka Sei'pek [B]Age:[/B] 35 (Knight) [B]Species:[/B] Bothan [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] Eshka stands at 1.2 meters, shorter than the average adult Bothan and her build is lithe and agile. Her fur is a light silver with black splotches through it. Her eyes are a light violet. Eshka usually wears loose, flowing pants and tunics in blues and silvers. She also prefers to go barefoot. [B]Personality:[/B] Eshka has a somewhat strict and reserved personality, and at times she can be rather clueless to when others are joking. She, like most of her race, is somewhat intolerant to imperfection, but as she is always continuing to grow and learn through the force she is well on her way to accepting that not everything is going to [i]be[/i] perfect and she can't hold it against others, especially since she herself isn't perfect. She doesn't have a very obvious sense of humour, you have to be around her for a while before you catch on to it, and she is very quick to help those who need it, medical or otherwise. She is a very gentle person and doesn't like to hurt others, but if she has to protect herself, other of the Jedi, or civilians, she will. [B]General Overview:[/B] Eshka was born on Bothawui and was taken to be a Jedi at the age of two. She grew up amongst other children like herself, learning about the force at an early age. From that early age she always has had a caring and healing nature. Once she was old enough she was taken as a padawan by Master Gotto, another Bothan who was an expert on healing and taught her that as well as how to fight and other things that are necessary for a Jedi to learn. She did better at the healing and defense parts of her training than the attack, but was quite competent in that as well and at the age of twenty she became a Jedi Knight, something she had looked forward to since becoming her Master's Padawan. [U][B]Jedi Overview[/U][/B] [B]Lightsaber(s) Appearance:[/B] The handle is silver and ebony metals inlaid and is completely smooth, its switch being indented into the handle. [B]Lightsaber(s) Type:[/B] Double-bladed lightsaber. Combined with the use of Soresu, Eshka is able to protect herself and others better as she can switch from one side to the other faster than if she were to swing the blade from one side to the other. Unlike previous users of this type, she uses it with the intention of only defending herself. [B]Lightsaber(s) Crystal/Colour:[/B] Eshka?s lightsaber uses an Adegan crystal, more specifically a Pontite. The blade is a pale blue which is almost white. The crystal she chose is known to radiate a powerful aura that cools both skin and tempers. [B]Lightsaber Combat Style:[/B] Soresu [Form III]. Eshka chose this form as it reflects her personality and views. She would rather just defend herself than attack. If absolutely necessary, however, she will do what is needed to stop others, even if it means attacking and even killing. [B]Favoured Force Power(s):[/B] Improved Heal and Force Shield, these also reflect her personality and views. Always protective and always a healer. [B]View of the Force:[/B] Eshka believes that the force is in everything and that everything is the force, that the force aids life. She also believes that people should be influenced by it and not use it in a quest for power, that just because someone has it does not mean they are better. [/COLOR][/FONT] [COLOR=Green][B]EDIT:[/B] Done.[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Navy]Armes showered and dressed quickly, the visitor last night had just been someone coming in for a cup of coffee and they had left soon after. Shortly after 5 she had done a few more things and then gone to bed herself. Her sleep had been mercifully dreamless. But now she needed to eat her breakfast with the others and they'd be leaving. Armes opened the door to her room just as Ashlyn raised her fist to rap on it. Armes opened the door wider. "Good morning Ashlyn can I help you with anything?" She smiled at Ashlyn who shook her head. "Good morning to you as well! I was just coming to see if you were up, Armes." Armes nodded, laughing as she locked her door. "Sorry you had to go to the trouble of coming up here...but as you see, I'm ready..." she finished locking the door. "So, shall we go?" She spread her arm towards the stairs and they both walked down to the kitchen where all the others were already, all in the middle of discussions. Armes slid quietly into her chair and helped herself to the food as she watched the others. [I]I see my...errand had an impact...[/I] She cleaned her plate quickly and joined in the discussions as they cleared and washed the dishes in readiness for their departure.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Navy]Armes arrived at the expeditions house late in the afternoon to find it empty except for the head of the expedition who showed her around and then left her to her own devices. She spent the rest of the day that way, up in her room by herself, unpacking. Around 10 o-clock, however, Armes left her room and curled up in a chair in front of the fire in the main room of the house. She looked up once as Alex walked through with a drunken Patrick, but other than that she remained pretty much absorbed in her book. Armes was [i]still[/i] reading about the languages of India when the clock struck three, she sighed, looking up at it. She didn't [i]want[/i] to go to bed yet, most nights she had quite vivid dreams that involved mine shafts collapsing and her father's voice. Dreams that were not fun to deal with. She rermained in her chair for another half- hour before she stood and walked into the kitchen just off of the living room. Making herself a cup of cocoa, she sat down at the table and once more began reading. [i]I'll probably just stay up all night again, one more time won't hurt...[/i] She didn't hear the other person enter the room. [/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]OOC: Tag to whomever wishes it. I reused my post from the first time with some edits here and there, please tell me if you want me to fix it.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Navy]Armes is a student at Cambridge and was Katie's flat mate before she dissapeared, she is part of the expidition because they needed someone who did well with other languages and Armes is now searching with the others for her missing friend. [/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Armes Hayle [B]Age:[/B] 23 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Reincarnate[/B]: Viviane [B]Physical description or pic:[/B] [URL=http://w1.1861.telia.com/~u186101659/Babes/Images/CatherineZetaJones3.jpg]Armes[/URL] [B]Personality: [/B] Armes is very calm and dreamy. She is very forgetful and walks around with her head in the clouds. She is often mistaken as dumb, but beneath the daydreaming side of her she is actually quite bright. When people need someone to talk to, they usually come to her. She is very good at fooling people and sometimes doesn't make a lot of sense (Especially right after she has a vision). [B]Basic bio:[/B] Armes was born in Aberystwyth, Wales, where her family was poor. Her father was a miner and her mother worked at a hotel nearby. Her father was killed when she was five when the shaft he was working in caved in and her mother, who didn't make enough money to support herself [i]and[/i] Armes, sent Armes to live with her very strict quite rich only Welsh speaking grandmother in her manor. She loved to sit for hours on end, doing basically nothing or taking long walks in the dark forests surrounding the manor. While living there she found she had visions. She also became increasingly absentminded except when she was studying. Her grandmother suspecting that she might be more than a simple Welsh girl, made sure she was taught by tutors and once she graduated from the tutors sent her to Cambridge. Armes is very fluent in Welsh and for her major she chose Languages and her goal is to become an interpreter. She has always liked the legends and myths surrounding Avalon, which was made even larger by her grandmothers vast library. She also has found out lately that if she tries that she sometimes can make people stay where she wants that too, frozen like statues, but only for [i]short[/i] amounts of time. [B]Weapons or skills:[/B] Magic - second sight and entrapment skills [trapping people in inanimate objects and caves and the suchlike, is a skill she gained from being Viviane's reincarnate][/COLOR] [COLOR=SlateGray]OOC: Yay! It's back![/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=SlateGray][CENTER][B]Fire And Water[/B] Fire Hot, red Flaming, jumping, blazing Embers, drops, ashes, puddles Singing, rippling, drenching Still, clear Water[/CENTER] [CENTER]***[/CENTER] [B]Leaf[/B] A leaf floats away on the ocean it cries to the shore Am I too far away to come home? [CENTER]***[/CENTER] [B]Silver Moon[/B] Silver moon Outshone by the sun... Do you mind?[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Indigo][i]Not goin' ter be sick, can't be sick...just come up with a reason fer 'im t'be in 'ere so 'e'll stop killin' the kids...ugh...think think think think...[/i] Vernacular snapped her fingers, [i]Ok, got it![/i] "Dust, I'm going to try and tell the next children we meet a story, don't go off shooting them, ey?" She waited for him to nod before she moved to the front..."which way do we go now?" Dust sighed. "Any direction, kid." Vernacular gritted her teeth but refrained from making an obnoxious retort to the kid statement as she headed to the left, smack into a group of three or four children. She tugged at her earlobe nervously as the children all pulled weapons, the smallest jumping onto Dust's back, holding a knife to his throat. To Dust's credit, he remained perfectly still, despite his knife wound, not even attempting to draw his gun . [i]Ok...show time...[/i] [b]"No you meat-heads! The Head will kill [i]us[/i] if you kill [i]him[/i], this man is a weapons supplier who doesn't ask questions..."[/b] She stood, waiting for some kind of response, for the children to stand down...getting none she continued. [b]"Com'n! If The Head don't like this man I'll bring him back to you and you can do whatever you want...."[/b] The children seemed to hold a hurried conversation with their eyes alone before the small one removed his knife from Dust's throat and slid down. The oldest looking of the children stepped forward, glaring up at Vernacular. [b]"Ok then.You do that..."[/b] He smirked. [b]And we'll come with you.[/b] Vernacular mentally grimaced as she tried to think of an excuse. [i]Got it...I hope...[/i] [b]"No one else is supposed to know he's"[/b] She jerked her head towards Dust [b]"here...The Head said so...besides,[/b] She narrowed her eyes. [b]If you don't I'll tell The Head you aren't part of that fight going on...[/b] she smirked as they all glared at her before dissapearing through the various doors that lead ofthe hall. Vernacular quietly spoke to Dust over her shoulder as the continued down the hall. "Now all we have to do is find Saturn before trying to rendevous with...Speedy...right?" She shook her head, she couldn't believe she was leaving of all the extra words simply to ease Dust's temper. Dust nodded "Correct. That shouldn't be to har-" He stopped as they heard pounding footsteps on the floor above them. Seconds later in a shower of powder and fragments of floor, Saturn fell through the celing. Vernacular winced. "Hooray for faulty building materials...ey?" [/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Indigo][B]Code Name/Call Sign:[/B] Vernacular [B]Gender:[/B] Female, luv. [B]Location:[/B] London England [B]Age:[/B] 27 [B]Personal Appearance:[/B] Vernacular's looks vary by her moods each day. One day she may be a classy blonde without a single hair out of place, makeup applied with the perfection of a porcelain dolls, no fault in her dress, perfect posture and the next look like a fugitive from some disaster movie where no one cares about appearance. The only thing that remains constant is her height of 6'4", her slim build and her hands with their long, narrow fingers. [B]Personality/Behavior:[/B] Vernacular is very scatterbrained and word/talking oriented. She often uses more words than necessary when talking, giving people many options for the same word. She is not quiet or shy at all, but very outgoing. Her emotions are very easy to read. She is a very very disorganized person in every aspect of life, but most especially in her thoughts. You can tell by the way her sentences come out some times. The only time she's perfectly normal is when she's translating something. [B]Personal History:[/B] Vernacular was brought up in poverty, beggary, destitution, impoverishment, as a child, juvenile, urchin, named Caoimhe (Pronounced Kee-Vee) Amanda Townshend. Her parents, despite their lack of wealth, assets, were never [I]ever[/I] neglectful, delinquent, unmindful, inattentive of their daughters needs. She was always fed as healthily as possible and her clothes though ragged, dilapidated, patched, shabby, were always clean and presentable. From the beginning, basis, infancy, onset, her parents could tell that there was something different, contrary, about their child. Especially when at the age of two she could speak, articulate, discourse, vocalize, in small sentences such as "Mama I'm tired. May I go to bed now?" while others children merely said "Mama tired..." or some variation, aberration, modification, thereon. Up till she was five her parents moved the family around in search, hunt, quest, of new jobs that would pay for their residence while leaving money, currency, moolah, wampum, salary, for the little extras. Soon after, ensuing, her fifth birthday, however, they realized that their daughter needed to be in school so they got permanent, changeless, steadfast, jobs that would pay for the rent as well as weekly grocery bills etc. And Caoimhe entered the local Kindergarten. Caoimhe did very well in certain aspects of her school work, assignments, endeavors, (i.e. the parts that involved words and writing), often passing up her classmates. In others, however, such as math and science, she would often fall far behind. Her frustration, annoyance, with how little she was taught, coached, informed about words led to her spending whole afternoons after school in the local library while her parents were at work where she would read books made for much older children devouring the words just as a dog would devour, absorb, partake of, take in, its meal. Throughout her elementary, middle and high school career she managed to get her grades in the other subjects to get to at least average, familiar, passable, grades...but English and Languages were subjects where she pretty much was ahead, before, preceding everyone. After graduation she won, achieved, was granted a scholarship to a small local community college where she majored in English and minored in foreign languages. In her freshman year she met David Alec Hood, majoring in accounting, and after courting, dating, seeing each other, for one year they decided they were meant for each other and got engaged her sophomore year, marrying her junior year. By the time she was graduated she had her first child. David and Caoimhe named there child Hiranmayi Rajata because of Caoimhe's love, fondness of, devotion to the Indian languages. When Hira, as their little girl was named, was three and Caoimhe twenty-five, the Legionnaires contacted Caoimhe about hiring her to work as a member of their Intel. operations and Caoimhe accepted, approved, okayed, the job along with the call name Vernacular. Vernacular has been working there for about two years now, transferring messages and documents into other languages as well as translating for those who need it. She still manages to find openings to spend time, breaks, with her family especially her daughter, who at the age of five is a complete terror, anxiety, dismay, fright. [B]Special Skills or Abilities:[/B] Vernacular is a master of words and languages. She can speak and use almost any language but when she gets flustered, nervous, mad, excited, etc. she just stops using those languages at all. In example, if she was getting madder and madder and yelling at someone in...let's say Greek, she just might forget to use that language at all and start swearing at the people she's mad at in her normal accent, normal language, the one she grew up using...which happens to be Cockney. [B]Player?s Availability:[/B] At least once every two days, what with the school year coming up and all... [B]Which Otaku Thread Rating Do You Expect Your Posts To Fall Under?:[/B] My posts, I would say, fall under the PG rating most of the time. :) [/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna]Actually finished it. WOO![/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=DarkGreen][I]Geometry, Rhetoric, American History, Bookkeeping, Physiology, Singing, Topical Events and...Latin.[/I] Rori sighed as she looked down at her schedule. [I]Busy year....busy year...[/I] This was to be her last at Madam's before she would have to decide whether to request a job teaching and continue living in the relative safety of the Academy, or if she would take a risk and get a job outside of it. [I]Not thinking about that now...we have all year to do so...[/I] She turned back to her schedule. [I]And I signed up for Latin...why? You know it is going to sound rather funny coming out in an Irish accent...[/I] She grinned as she remembered her atempts to learn it in previous years, the Latin teacher had sent her away telling her to learn "proper english" before even [I]attempting[/I] to learn Latin. [I]I know how to [B]speak[/B] it properly now...so lets hope the [B]accent's[/B] not a problem...[/I] At the clapping she loked up, Madam had just concluded her speech. Rori looked around for her roommate, they both had Physiology as their first class. [I]Eyuck...plants and bugs and animals...[/I] Raised in cities for most of her life, she hadn't encountered these very often, and, to be perfectly honest, didn't like them that much anyways...cats were good, but other than that...eh. Spotting Catherine exiting through one of the doors, Rori got up to follow. Looking down at her hands as she headed towards the door, she noticed that her schedule was...severely singed. [I]Oh, that's great....going to have to get a new one...later, of course, as [B]class[/B] is now.[/I] She hurried out the door towards the classroom. [/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=Sienna]Heh. Not that many yet but I'ma workin' on it. ;) Barlow Girl - Barlow Girl Celtic Soul (The Magic Of Ireland) Discs One and Two dj maj - Full Plates Holes Soundtrack John Reuben - Hindsight Pirates of the Caribbean Soundtrack Random Sampler CD Sanctus Real - Fight The Tide Shrek 2 Soundtrack Superchic[k] - Karaoke Superstars Superchic[k] - Last One Picked Superchic[k] - Regeneration The Prince of Egypt Soundtrack The Prince Of Egypt Inspirational The Sound of Music Soundtrack The Supertones - Hi-Fi Revival The Supertones - Adventures of the O.C. Supertones Switchfoot - The Beautiful Letdown The Insyderz LotR - The Fellowship of the Ring LotR - The Two Towers LotR - The Return of the King Thousand Foot Krutch - Phenomenon Thousand Foot Krutch - Set It Off The W's - Trouble With X And my two latest editions which I love veddy muchly: The Beatles - Live at the BBC and The Who - A Quick One. I also got the original vinyl for The Who - Who By Numbers and The Who - Odds and Sods recently and am planning on transfering them via recording them onto a tape and then transferring them to a CD...somehow...heh.[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=DarkGreen][B]Name:[/B] Rori Keelin Malone. [B]Age:[/B] 17. [B]Gender:[/B] Female. [B]Origin:[/B] County Mayo, Ireland. [B]Teacher or student:[/B] Student. [B]Appearance:[/B] Rori is 5'2" with very well muscled arms even if she is a little on the plump side. Her hair is a rather unnoticable shade of red but it has tints of gold when she stands in the sun. Her eyes are a pretty, if boring shade of brown but they express her moods well and her one feature that she likes completly is her smile which is wide and full of joy. Her cheeks, more often than not are a bright pink from doing laundry, which she still does despite being at the Academy. She usually wears simple fawn coloured skirts, white shirtwaists without any frills and black high button shoes. [B]Powers:[/B] Rori emits intense heat but only through the palms of her hands. This power can burn through cloth but usually only scorchs wood and melts weaker metals such as tin and gold. [B]Biography:[/B] Rori was born and raised in County Mayo Ireland until she was 8 years old. Her mother was a washerwoman, from Dublin who fell in love with Rori's father, a carpenter. Once her parents got married they continued living in Dublin until they discovered that Siobhan was pregnant. Deciding that Flinn's birthplace was a safer place to raise a child than Dublin they moved out to County Mayo and the baby was born soon after. From the time Rori could balance on her feet, and run without falling down, she helped her mother out with the laundry. But even with money that they took in from that laundry [I]and[/I] the money that came in on the rare occasions Flinn had work, most of the time there was only money enough to buy food to take away just the gnawing in their stomachs. In eighteen ninety, when Rori was eight her parents could no longer stand to see their daughter starve in front of their eyes, and they were tired of starving as well. So they sold the small house that Flinn had inherited from his grandmother, and bought tickets to America, the land of hopes and promises. In America her mother found fairly frequent and well paying employment quickly and to make up for all the times they hadn't had food they made sure that the kitchen was always stocked and Rori was soon much more healthy, if a little plump. When Rori was ten her mom got sick so Rori ended up doing more and more of the laundry until she was doing it all instead of her mother. Her mother kept getting worse and worse though from all the city air. When Rori turned fifteen she got her parents an offer from one of her employers to move out to her employer's country home and help with caring for it. Soon after her parents had left for the country with her assurances that everything would be fine, and that this would be good for her mothers health, her powers emmerged and she quit her job for fear that someone would find out what she could do and lock her up in an asylum. For a couple of months she had minimal contact with anyone until one day while she was shopping for food with some of her savings. She accidentally burnt one of the apples she was holding into a crisp. A teacher from Madame Davis had been standing there and seeing what Rori had done brought her to live at the Academy and wrote a letter informing her parents that she would be well cared for. She has been at the academy for two years now and is learning to control her powers and what her powers limits are. [B]Personality:[/B] Rori is far from your stereotypical red-haired Irish girl. She has a temper but rarely does it show itself. She is a rather loud and fun loving person who also knows how to work and when given a job will not slack off. She likes to live life to the fullest and wants others to be happy. Being a neat freak, outspoken to a fault and a little bossy at times are her main faults. [B]Character snippet:[/B] Rori shoved her hands into the water again and grabbed the sheet. She sang as she rubbed it up and down the washboard. [B]"My wild Irish Rose, The sweetest flow'r that grows, You may search ev'rywhere But none can compare With my wild Irish Rose. My wild Irish Rose, The dearest flow'r that grows And some day for my sake, she may let me take The bloom from my wild Irish Rose."[/B] She pulled the sheet out of the soapy water and transfered it to the hot clean water that she had taken off the stove wringing it out with her hands over and over again till all the soap had been extracted from the sheet. She took the sheet into the backyard, hanging it up before returning to the steaming room only to find a cat had wandered in through the open door and was in the bin of potatoes. [B]"Gerrup the yard yeh maggot!"[/B] She dipped her hand into the water, flicking it at the cat. [B]"Go on shoo!"[/B] Picking up the next sheet she was about to place it into the soapy water when she smelled smoke. Looking down at the sheet in her hand she noticed that it was burning. Right where her hands were. [B]"I'm goin' ta be kilt for sure..."[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Sienna]OOC: Rori means famous or brilliance and Kileen means slender or fair. A fact that Rori despises. [URL=http://www.ushist.com/wardrobe/inc/images/rj-lbs671_shoe-ladies_high-button.jpg] high button shoes[/URL] [URL=http://www.cwu.edu/~robinsos/ppages/resources/Costume_History/images/shirtwaist.jpg]Shirtwaist[/URL][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Indigo][I]Act Fifth Scene 1 The King's camp near Shrewsbury Enter the King, the Prince of Wales, Lord John of Lancaster, Sir Walter Blunt, and Falstaff. King: How bloodily the sun begins to peer Above yon Busky...[/I] [B][I]"Is that even a word?" [/I][/B] Jin rolled off his bed and grabbed his dictionary from his desk. Flipping through it he came upon the definition. [I]Busky: Old English for "Bushy" [B]"Heh. Wonder why they didn't say that in the first place..." [/B][/I] He picked up his book and still reading headed towards the kitchen. [I]Above yon busky hill! The day looks pale At his distemperature.[/I] [B]"His...what?"[/B] He dashed off towards his room again, picking up the dictionary and heading towards the kitchen once more, knocking over the hall table as he did so. [B][I]"Ah. His...disordered condition...?"[/I][/B] Jin rubbed his hand accross his eyes. He'd been reading "King Henry IV Part I" since he'd gotten home from school. The only reason he was allowed to stay by himself was if he kept his grades up. It worked out well for him and his family. He didn't destroy the house and blow his top at his five younger siblings, that was the benefit his parents got, and he got his own place, his benefit. He grabbed a soda out of the fridge and threw his book onto his bed before grabbing his jacket and heading out the door. He decided it would be a good thing to see if his boss had a job for him helping other people move...[/COLOR]
  24. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/DeSotoDiceFreak/SnowQueen.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][CENTER]?Thousands and thousands of years ago, deep down in hell, the devil made a mirror. The devil gave this beautiful mirror to the four seasons so that they could admire their work. And when the Spring stood in front of the mirror, it reflected the essence of her season, and the promise of life. And so it was for Summer?and Autumn?and when the Winter stood in front of the mirror the world was reflected cold and covered in snow. And that was as it should be, for each season has its power in its time. And there was harmony. But the devil had made the mirror twisted, so that as Winter gazed at her own face, she longed to be queen of the seasons. And one day she stole the mirror, and took it to the Artic Wastes for herself. Now she was the Snow Queen, and the world became a colder place. But not cold enough for her, because Autumn, and Spring and Summer still existed, however diminished. So she took the mirror, and flew with it up into the sky, to demand of Heaven Itself that winter should rule the earth, unchallenged. But as she approached heaven, the mirror shook and shook, as if good and evil were wrestling for control. When the pieces fell to earth, and flew round and round until they flew into people?s eyes. When those people looked at the world, they saw it as cold and ugly. And each winter she began to roam the earth, looking for all the missing pieces; dreaming that one day she?d be able to put the mirror back together?and again become all powerful??[/CENTER][/B] Thousands of years of searching. Thousands of years of failures. Thousands of years of being forced to share the year, the power, the attention? All to end now. The last shard of the mirror, the last piece of the mirror, the last obstacle between me and unrivaled control, has been found?found in the eye of one Kai Greznek, the young porter at an inn in a small village in Norway. It shouldn?t be that hard to get?after all, I [I]am[/I] Winter.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]That was only the back-story. See, in the actual story, there is a young woman named Gerta. Gerta has hated winter since it killed her mother and turned her father, Wolfgang, into a bitter man. She lives hating winter until a new porter is hired for the White Bear Inn owned by her father. Kai helps her to learn that winter is not all bad. Kai, and Gerta are beginning to fall in love when one of the mirror shards pierces Kai?s eye, turning him from warm and loving to cold and distant. Gerta tries to find out what is wrong, why Kai is acting the way he is - but because the shard of mirror in his eye, nothing works. The snow queen, the one looking for the pieces of the mirror so she can rule un-stoppable, comes looking for the shard, and takes Kai with her to her domain in the Artic, a palace that mirrors the inn where he worked; covered in ice. Once the Snow Queen has Kai there, she sets Bear to watch him and forces Kai to repair her mirror piece by piece, alternately threatening and seducing him. Kai gets colder and colder all the while; even as his true love, Gerta, searchs everywhere for him. I can say that Kai and Gerta do win out over the Snow Queen, and it ends happy, but anything more would ruin the story... Ok. These are the characters I need played. Kai, Gerta, Snow Queen, and Polar Bear are the main characters and show up the most. The others show up in different sections as Gerta makes her journey to find Kai. [B]Kai[/B] - 19 [B]Gerta[/B] - 18 [B]Snow Queen (Winter)[/B] ? Age unknown - (Reserved for me) [B]Spring[/B] - Age unknown [B]Summer[/B] - Age unknown [B]Fall[/B] - Age unknown [B]Polar Bear[/B] ? Age unknown [B]Young Magician[/B] - 12 [B]Wolfgang[/B] - 53 Just please realize that this is taking place in the very early 1900?s. So when creating your sign-up please create your character according to that time period. [B]Name:[/B] (Self explanatory. You choose one of the names from above) [B]Age:[/B] (Look at the above list) [B]Appearance:[/B] (For the seasons please choose something that matches them.) [B]Personality: [/B] (Self explanatory) [B]Character Snippet:[/B] (This will work better than a bio since the bio will be pretty much the same as in the movie.)[/COLOR]
  25. [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/DeSotoDiceFreak/continuingstoryofSGandSGD.jpg][IMG]http://photobucket.com/albums/v650/DeSotoDiceFreak/th_continuingstoryofSGandSGD.jpg[/IMG] [/URL]
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