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Everything posted by 4815162342

  1. [COLOR=Sienna][URL=http://images5.theimagehosting.com/ScissorsGirl.JPG][IMG]http://images5.theimagehosting.com/ScissorsGirl.th.JPG[/IMG][/URL] [B]Name:[/B] ScissorsGirl [B]Weapons:[/B] Scissors and her Goth :emo:-ness. [B]Powers?[/B] :emo:...extreme resistance to "PrettyBoys" See? This is why I don't use MS paint. My crappy person is an example. I make up for it with cool text though.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Purple][B]Name:[/B] Kobayashi Kyoujin. He mostly goes by the nickname Jin. [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Sign:[/B] Horse [B]Instrument/Job:[/B] [URL=http://www.drastix.be/images/drastix_turntables.jpg]Turntables/sound[/URL] [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/DeSotoDiceFreak/moon-keith-photo-xl-keith-moon-6211714.jpg]Jin.[/URL] He usually wears blue jeans, t-shirts and a leather jacket. [B]Personality:[/B] Jin is very hotheaded and agressive. He often doesn't think about the consequences of his actions. He has anger issues but usually he is able to control them by boxing or distracting himself with his turntables. If he feels a certain way, he will tell you the way he feels quite bluntly, often without any regard to others feelings. His feelings are very open for all to see except for sadness as he doesn't want others to pity him. Jin is claustrophobic; prefering to be in open spaces such as stages or outside. The feeling of claustrophobia goes with his love for freedom. In closed spaces and if he has a job he feels like he's lost that freedom so Jin is often without a job. He also has a tendency to destroy stuff to entertain people, and because he likes to. The times when stuff gets destroyed the worst is when he's had caffeine. Which is quite often since he's addicted to it. [B]Character Snippit or Bio: [/B] [I]Thud, thump, thud thud.[/I] Jin jumped back from the swinging fist. Fists up, stance on the offense, he swung again. [I]Thud, thump, thud, thump, thud thud.[/I] Jin dodged his oppenents right hook but caught a punch to his shoulder. He spun around and kicked his foot out so it would connect with the man's chin. The man went down, and the referee stepped into the ring. [B]"Jin! How many times do I have to tell you? This is boxing. You use your hands."[/B] Jin scowled. [B]"It was getting boring."[/B] The ref shook his head. [B]"Well I told you last time you did this, don't use your hands and you can't come back for a week. I'm sorry, but you gotta leave."[/B] Jin spat on the floor as he climbed down from the ring, pulling off his gloves. [B]"Fine, whatever."[/B] He moved towards the door, knocking over a bench press as he did causing it to smash a table to pieces. [B]"If I beat someone up it's your fault."[/B] He walked out of the gym and broke into a jog. [B][I]"Might as well go see if the band is practicing tonight...can't remember...hope Sakura's there..."[/I][/B] He smiled slightly as he ran towards his apartment to take a shower before calling Inuki to see if there was going to be practice that night. [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Navy]Armes narrowed her eyes. Why couldn't Ashlyn and Kei realize that [i]they[/i] where not supposed to be here? [i]They[/i] weren't welcome, [i]they[/i] were not the chosen ones, [i]they[/i] were the reason it had been sealed off from all in the first place? She had been about to tell Alex, that it had been she, who placed the note inside his room, but it had seemed as if he would be unreceptive to this piece of news. She'd have to find a way to tell him later. She sat on the ground and watched as the running Alex met up with the others. She smiled as the two knights ran off once Alex told them to. They did well obeying a true child of Avalon. Getting up, she greated them as they came back. Once more she slipped easily into her normal persona, Viviane's veiws slipping away as easily as water in a stream. [B]"Who were they? Did they have something to do with the dissapearences?"[/B] Ashlyn shook her head, as Kei answered shakily. [B]"They didn't tell us who they were nor did they say if they had anything to do with the dissapearences."[/B] Armes thought for a minute before speaking, as they once more headed off. [B]"Did they speak at all? Did they speak in another language? That might prove to be helpful in setting us on the right path to finding those who have dissapeared..."[/B] She looked at them expectantly, trying to keep Viviane's way of looking at them as if they didn't belong from showing in her eyes. Those were [i]Viviane's[/i] veiws, not hers.[/COLOR] [COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Georgia]OOC: Seriously, I should be fined for how long it takes me before I remember to post.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=SlateGray][FONT=Georgia]Just so you know. Anything that [i]looks[/i] like a typo? Like Ringo driving a car down the hall? Isn't a typo. The house is insane! Anyways, Ozy says that you can make any music referances you want in the post, but to keep it clean obviousley. No questionable lyrics please. :) [/FONT][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Indigo]It was early evening when Ringo finished work. He jumped down the stairs of the courthouse whose windows he had been washing. [B][i]Wish we were still in Pepperland. No work to do there...It's been a hard nights day...[/i][/B] Ringo hurried down the street, sidestepping an open pothole. As he neared the hill leading up to the house, he noticed a street nearby had smoke pouring out of it. One of his previous jobs having been a proffesional rubbernecker he immediatley headed down it, stopping short when he came to a bunch of firemen. Ringo walked up to one of the men and lightly tapped him on the shoulder. [B]"Who lives 'ere mistah?"[/B] The man turned around. [B]"A little old lady name Betty. Her cat's stuck in there still."[/B] He pointed at the burning building, and went back to calling the cat. [B]"Here, puss, puss, puss..."[/B] Ringo stood for a minute, thinking. [B]"Can I be of any help mistah?"[/B] He reached into his pocket. [B]"I 'ave got a 'ole in me pocket, if that would 'elp."[/B] The man turned to him to look at him. [B]"How is having a hole in your apperral going to help us?"[/B] Ringo withdrew his hand from his pocket, pulling a black shape with it. [B]"I can place it on the wall to help the cat in wandering."[/B] He showed them, placing it on the bricks. A hole opened and a small silver cat scurried out of the burning building. The surrounding firemen, all except for the one who had left to return the cat to its owner, stared. Seeing that all the men were going to do was stare, Ringo went back the way he had come returning the hole to his pocket as he did so. One of the firemen looked at another. [B]"What's wrong with kids these days?"[/B] He shook his head as the other man shrugged. [B]"I don't know. I've always thought the kids are alright." [/B] [CENTER]***[/CENTER] Ringo walked slowly up the hill. He considered going for a swim in the river Mersey but decided against it as it looked like rain. He quickened his pace as he neared the house, eager to get home to his car. Whatever colour it was. He sighed as he opened the door. [B][i]Today, was fun....[/i][/B] [B]Woke up, fell out of bed, Dragged a comb across my head Found my way downstairs and drank a cup, And looking up I noticed I was late. [/B] Ringo shook his head. [B][i]better stop that...the neighbors don't like it when I sing for no apperant reason. Especially Mrs. Rigby...[/i][/B] He sighed and closed the door. [B][i]But now its the weekend and I can do whatever I want instead of what my bosses want. [/i][/B] He got in his car and drove down the hall, already relaxing.[/COLOR]
  6. [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=SlateGray]Do I need to edit out the part about my Padawan then?[/COLOR][/FONT]
  7. [COLOR=SlateGray]If I am accepted I would like to request that [B]Ryo the Tamer[/B] be my Padawan. His personality seems to fit with what mine will be like...provided Ryo doesn't mind, of course.[/COLOR]
  8. [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=SlateGray][U][B]CHARACTER SIGN UP[/B][/U] [B]Name:[/B] Cula (Pronounced "Sue-lah") Va [B]Age:[/B] 35 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Race:[/B] Kaminoan [B]Homeworld:[/B] Kamino [B]Affiliate Order:[/B] New Jedi Order [B]Rank:[/B] Jedi Knight [B]Class:[/B] Jedi Consular [B]Lightsaber:[/B] Single Lightsaber with a white blade. The handle is silver and ebony metals inlaid and is completely smooth, its switch being idented into the handle. [B]Lightsaber Style:[/B] Soresu [Form III] - Level One [B]Force Powers:[/B] Improved Heal - Force Shield - Force Deflection - Stasis -Mind Trick - Improved Force Jump - Improved Revitalize [B]Appearance:[/B] Cula looks like basically all [URL=http://www.meshbuilder.com/pictures/kaminoan2.jpg]Kaminoans[/URL] there really isn't a major difference in the appearence of different Kaminoans. Her eyes look like [URL=http://www.starwars.com/databank/character/taunwe/img/movie_bg.jpg]this[/URL] except they are icey blue where the yellowish colour is. She stands at 6'5. [B]Biography:[/B] Cula was born about the same year the first Death Star was found and destroyed, but due to the Kaminoans not paying much attention to what happened outside their world, her parents didn't care and didn't even think about who was fighting since it didn't affect [i]them[/i]. She grew up without the influences of almost any other species, besides the clones that her race makes. Her parents found it strange that sometimes when their daughter was in the room, things would go flying. They just didn't pay that much attention to it...until her grandfather figured out that she was the one [i]causing[/i] the objects to fly across the room. Her parents, immediatly thinking something was wrong with her, sent her to one of the cloning facilities to have that imperfection remedied. After a series of tests and expiriments, they gave up on trying to correct the "problem" since it was obvious that it wasn't able to be fixed. So she went on being the way she was and when she was sixteen Cula began work in one of the medical areas of a cloning facility because of how well she did with sick people. One day, while she was working, one of the Kaminoans who had worked on a clone army [and had visited with the Jedi that had come to look at said army] was inspecting the room she was working in, to make sure it was performing correctly. While he was there, Cula had one of her "moments" when something just flew without anybody touching it. Before the she could apologize for breaking the piece of machinary she had thrown, the other Kaminoan asked her if she often did this. Explaining that, yes she did, he asked her if she had thought of the possibility that she could be a Jedi. After determining that it was quite possible for her to be a Jedi, he sent out a message to a Jedi he knew, who came and confirmed for her and her family that she was indeed a Jedi. he took her with him to train. Cula's Master, Master Gotto, a Bothan, was an expert on healing and taught her that as well as how to fight and other things that are necessary for a Jedi to learn. She did better at the healing and defense parts of her training than the attack, but was quite competent in that as well and at the age of twenty she became a Jedi Knight, something she had looked forward to since becoming her Master's Padawan. After becoming a Jedi Knight, Cula went on ambassadorial missions as well as ones that required a healer. Once, on one of her numerous visits to Mon Calamari she met Cilghal, the niece of Admiral Ackbar, an ambassador to the republic and a reknowed Jedi healer. When Cula was twenty-five, the Yuuzhan Vong began their attack while she was at the academy just back from a mission. Booster Terrick and his crew took the younglings and Knights that were at the academy to safety in his ship. After leaving the ship, Cula traveled around with a group of Jedi healers such as herself staying away from the Vong as much as they could and helping out where they were needed. Cula's group mainly helped out on on watery planets such as Naboo and Mon Calamari, the latter of which had been attacked very heavily by the Vong. Cula did not recieve a Padawan to train until she was thirty-three years old, a rather strange length of time to wait before getting one. She was returning from a mission to Mon Calamari where she had been helping their healers with their research on various deseases, and she noticed one of the younglings at the academy sitting apart from the others. After speaking to the child for some time, she requested that she be allowed to train him. They were well into her Padawan's second year of training when the Sith attacked. Cula and her Padawan hid below the temple with some of the other Jedi, staying there until Luke arrived back on Yavin at which time they left the underground temple to return to semi-normalacy. [B]Personality:[/B] Cula has a somewhat strict and reserved personality, and at times she can be rather clueless to when others are joking. She, like most of her race, is somewhat intolerant to imperfection, but as she is always continuing to grow and learn through the force she is well on her way to accepting that not everything is going to [i]be[/i] perfect and she can't hold it against others, especially since she herself isn't perfect. She doesn't have a very obvious sense of humour, you have to be around her for a while before you catch on to it, and she is very quick to help those who need it, medical or otherwise. She is a very gentle person and doesn't like to hurt others, but if she has to protect herself, other of the Jedi, or civilians, she will. [B]Other:[/B] It may appear that the white clothes she always wears are boring but through her eyes, because the Kaminoan can see colours in the ultra violet spectrum, they are the iridescant colours of the rainbow. [B]Final Question:[/B] Liked it very much. Very well thought out. I especially like the use of Teirs, and the Jedi Ranks.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  9. Aka sighed, after Ken had picked her up from the meeting place they had come home to find a letter. Now she and Ken were packing. She pulled out the drawers and basically poured them into her suitcase. It didn't fit real nice but who cared? Not Aka. Clothes packing finished she headed to the bathroom where she bumped into Ken who stared at her. [B]"You're finished packing your clothes already?"[/B] Aka nodded. [B]"What? You think I was gonna take time to do that? Uh-uh."[/B] She moved past him into the bathroom. Gathering up all her necessitys from there before retuning to her room and sticking all her CD's and her portable player into her backpack. She grabbed some new clothing and headed back towards the bathroom, calling to Ken as she did. [B]"I'm gonna take a hot shower, call me when you're done."[/B] She went into the bathroom and closed the door.
  10. [COLOR=Navy]Armes sat down on top of her duffle bag, trying to stifle a yawn as they waited for Leo to arrive. She pulled her book out of her backpack, turned to the page she had marked and was about to begin reading when Ashlyn sat down beside her. She smiled, setting her book down. [B]"Is Alex the only one who hasn't shown up so far?"[/B] Ashlyn nodded. [B]"Yeah, he's the only one since Leo has informed me that he will be meating up with us later."[/B] Armes leaned back against the wall fighting to stay awake. [B]"So have any theories as to [i]where[/i] these people have dissapeared to?"[/B] She shook her head [B]"There haven't been that many people around when they've dissapeared, have there?" [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]OOC: So sorry, Astdis.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkRed]I can say most assuredly that I will never drink or get drunk. I see no point in it. I cannot even stand communion wine. No, it [i]doesn't[/i] make me feel tipsy or anything, I mean we have it in [i]shot glass[/i] sized cups. But it does burn my stomach pretty nicely. So I will not get drunk simply because, 1) I do not like the taste. 2) I do not like throwing up. 3) I don't want to. Seems pretty stupid to me. :p and 4) I do not like the idea that I could do things without me knowing it. So, I have tried wine, but find it vile. Therefore I do not drink. Besides that I'm only sixteen and therefore, living in Pennsylvania, am below the drinking age. [/COLOR]
  12. [center] [LEFT][COLOR=White][B]Name:[/B] Ringo [B]Appearance:[/B] Ringo [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Species:[/B] Human [B]Age:[/B] 27 [B]Talents:[/B] Drums, trumpet, some guitar. Can pick up seemingly non-existent items?like holes. How do you pick up a hole? That has got to be some sort of talent?also applies to manipulating various molecules. We?re sure this is a useful talent somehow?listed as Metaphysical/atomic manipulation [B]Personality:[/B] Loveable. Not much more to say than that. He has a somewhat odd sense of humour, and an unbelievable ability to attract trouble. Very friendly. [B]Bio:[/B] Ringo is the only child of the King of the Crimson Court who rules a land not far from Blue. He was left in Liverpool as a child and they never bothered to pick him back up for reasons unknown. He started working when he was twelve and moved from job to job ranging from window-washer to pickpocket. He quit his last job as insurance agent because of the whole "hole" thing. At age 22 he met John who also seemed to have weird powers. Declaring that the world at large was not worth of talents such as their own (Or possibly to save on rent money) the two bought a house. Ringo doen't actually pay much of the mortgage himself due to the hole in his pocket. [/COLOR][/LEFT][/center]
  13. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Georgia]Ozy needed this to go back up, so...yeah. Upupup! He's callin' you, up up! I actually had a question, too...may I have a pet bulldog? Please?[/FONT][/COLOR]
  14. Aka sat on her bike waiting for the others to get there. They were late again. [i]He calls us out, and I'm the first one here...if I have to wait another thirty minutes I'm gonna just leave...[/i] She leaned forward, resting her head on the handles of the bike, looking down the road. [b]"Hey Aka!"[/b] She looked up to see one of the other gang members, Tohru, walking towards her from the other direction. She scowled at him. [b]"Where are the others? They were supposed to be here an hour ago."[/b] Tohru shook his head. [b]"You didn't get the news? We're not meeting today, the police got word and we had to cancel. They don't take kindly to gangs arguing with each other."[/b] Aka rolled her eyes. [b]"Well you coulda told me, I've been sittin' here a while!"[/b] She pulled her keys out of her jacket pocket. [b]"So I'd better go before Ken gets to worried. When we doing this thing then?"[/b] Tohru looked around before answering. [b]"Tuesday the 18th. 10 o-clock pm."[/b] Aka nodded at Tohru before pulling on her helmet and heading her bike towards her family's apartment. She wove it in and out of traffic going about one half times more than the normal speed limit, nearly crashing her bike into the apartment but managing to stop right on time. Mr. Honda, their landlord hurried out of his house and yelled at her. [b]"Watch where you're going you baka!"[/b] She turned from heading up the stairs. [b]"I didn't harm your precious building or myself so leave me alone."[/b] She started to walk the rest of the way up the stairs but stopped as she met Ken and Maria walking down. [b]"Where are you to going?"[/b] Ken shrugged. [b]"To find some of the others, done with whatever you were doing already?" [/b] Aka shook her head. [b]"No, they had to re-schedule it."[/b] She smiled [b]"Guess I'll be coming with you guys then!"[/b] She slung her arm around her brother's shoulders, and all three of them walked down the street. [COLOR=DarkRed]OOC: Sorry 'bout the long time it took for that...creative juices would [i]not[/i] flow.... EDIT: Guess I should have looked to see if someone had posted while I was writing... had to edit. :animeswea[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Navy]After arriving at the main house that was being used for the expidition pretty late in the afternoon, Armes didn't really meet anyone besides the head of the expidition who showed her around, and she kept to herself for the evening. Around 10 o-clock Armes left her room where she had been unpacking her luggage and curled up in a chair in front of the fire in the main room of the house. She looked up once as Alex walked through with a drunken Patrick, but other than that she remained pretty much absorbed in her book. She was reading about the languages of India when the clock struck three, she sighed, looking up at it. She didn't [i]want[/i] to go to bed yet, she usually had bad dreams involving mine shafts collapsing and her father's voice, and those weren't fun to deal with. She stayed in the chair for about half an hour more before she stood and walked into the kitchen just off of the living room. Making herself a cup of cocoa, she sat down at the table and once more began reading. [i]I'll probably just stay up all night again, one more time won't hurt...[/i] She didn't hear the other person enter the room. [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]OOC: Tag...whomever wishes it...[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkRed]Renee had gotten in quite easily. She had found a grate in the ground next to the building and had climbed in. She walked slowly down the halls in the basement, looking for well...anything. As Renee moved down one of the many hallways a guard walked out of one of the rooms and before she was able to hide, spotted her. She brought her gun up, aiming at her. [b]"Ma'am, you'd better be planning on coming with me without a fight, because you are [i]not[/i] supposed to be down here."[/b] She took a step closer to her, gun steady. [b]"How did you even get [i]in[/i] here?"[/b] Renee tried to smile innocently. [b]"I was let in by the man at the desk? Aheh."[/b] The guard shook her head. [b]"I rather doubt that, you have to have pretty high clearance to be down here, and I doubt that you [i]actualy[/i] have that."[/b] She stepped closer to Renee who brought her left hand which now had her sword in it up. Renee swung the sword up and to the left, striking the gun from the guard's hand and making it skid down the hallway and into another room. The guard stared at her. [b]"You didn't have that before. Where'd it come from?"[/b] She dodged as Renee pointed her sword at her. She managed to get behind Renee, and grabbing her wrists, tried to place her in handcuffs. Renee focused on her rose tattoo, feeling it once again raise itself from her flesh. The guard yelped, letting go. Renee took off the minute the pressure was gone from her arms, heading down hallways blindly before stopping in a unoccupied room. She sat down leaning against the wall, breathing heavily. Just as she caught her breath she looked down and noticed that her tattoos were still manifesting themselves. Ren tried to get them to vanish once more into their plain tattoo forms but couldn't. Sighing in exasperation she took her sword and made a cut through the bottom of her backpack, using it as a carrier. She got up and slowly walked down the hall, searching for some of the others and trying not to stab herself with the thorns from the rose tattoo.[/COLOR] OOC: Sorry for the "long time no post" I had absolutly no idea how to do this until now.
  17. [COLOR=Navy]Armes is a student at Cambridge and was Katie's flat mate before she dissapeared, she is part of the expidition because they needed someone who did well with other languages and Armes is now searching with the others for her missing friend. [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]OOC: Just because my character is the reincarnation of Lancelot's foster mother does not mean he can call her mother, Anarchy. ;)Although that would be amusing. Or I could just be weird... :animeswea [/COLOR]
  18. Aka stopped Ken right before he ran of into the building again. [B]"I'm gonna go back and get Johnson, kay?"[/B] Ken nodded and headed into the school as well. Aka soon lost sight of him in the smoke as she made her way into the IT classroom. [B][I]Guess it's a good thing for once that I'm a gangster...[/I][/B] Aka thought as she adjusted her hospital mask while looking for Hoshiko. She leaned down looking beneath a semi-unscathed table. [B]"Hoshiko?"[/B]
  19. [COLOR=Navy][B]Name:[/B] Armes Hayle [B]Age:[/B] 23 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Reincarnate[/B]: Viviane [B]Physical description or pic:[/B] [URL=http://w1.1861.telia.com/~u186101659/Babes/Images/CatherineZetaJones3.jpg]Armes[/URL] [B]Personality: [/B] Armes is very calm and dreamy. She is very forgetful and walks around with her head in the clouds. She is often mistaken as dumb, but beneath the daydreaming side of her she is actually quite bright. When people need someone to talk to, they sometimes come to her. She is very good at fooling people and sometimes doesn't make a lot of sense (Especially right after she has a vision). [B]Basic bio:[/B] Armes was born in Aberystwyth, Wales, where her family was poor. Her father was a miner and her mother worked at a hotel nearby. Her father was killed when she was five when the shaft he was working in caved in and her mother, who didn't make enough money to support herself [i]and[/i] Armes, sent Armes to live with her very strict quite rich only Welsh speaking grandmother in her manor. She loved to sit for hours on end, doing basically nothing or taking long walks in the dark forests surrounding the manor. While living there she found she had visions. She also became increasingly absentminded except when she was studying. Her grandmother suspecting that she might be more than a simple Welsh girl, made sure she was taught by tutors and once she graduated from the tutors sent her to Cambridge. Armes is very fluent in Welsh and for her major she chose Languages and her goal is to become an interpreter. She has always liked the legends and myths surrounding Avalon, which was made even larger by her grandmothers vast library. She also has found out lately that if she tries that she sometimes can make people stay where she wants that too, frozen like statues, but only for [i]short[/i] amounts of time. [B]Weapons or skills:[/B] Magic - second sight and entrapment skills [trapping people in inanimate objects and caves and the suchlike, is a skill she gained from being Viviane's reincarnate][/COLOR]
  20. Aka rolled her eyes. [B]"Of course I am. Lets go already..."[/B] Ken laughed. [B]"And I'm the one who had to get you up. Now your acting like you had to wait for [i]me[/i]..." [/B] He followed Aka out the door to where their motorcycles were parked. [B]"Com'n Ken, race? It'll get us to school faster you know."[/B] She grinned at him. [B]"Although I'll probably skip around noon, gotta meet someone."[/B] He shook his head, but grabbed his keys from where they were dangling beneath her hand. [B]"You're on."[/B] He started his engine, shouting above the roar. [B]"Do you hafta meet someone today? We have drama today you know."[/B] Aka pulled her helmet on. [B]"Yes, I have to meet them today, don't worry I won't do anything bad, and I'll be back by then anyways."[/B] Ken smirked. [B]"He cute?" [/B] [B]"Who said I was meeting a guy?"[/B] [B]"C'mon, Aka...you're sneaking out of school to meet "someone". What else would it be?"[/B] [B]"First, I ain't sneakin'. I'm simply going to stand up, and walk out. Second, how do you know I'm not meeting someone from the PoisonCats?"[/B] Ken ignored the question. [B]"Aka and whoever, sittin' in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g..." [/B] Aka rolled her eyes, ignoring the fact that he wouldn't see that fact. [B]"C'mon, let's just [i]race[/i] already..."[/B] She started her engine as Ken pulled on his helmet, and together they drove their motorcycles into the street. Aka held three fingers down towards the ground, then two, then one. Once all three fingers were in a fist she pressed the gas and she shot out ahead of Ken. She wove her motorcyle through the early morning traffic, Ken close behind her. Aka turned down one of the alley ways, coming out about a mile from the school. She swerved quickly as Ken who had used the main road came out beside her. She pressed the gas pedal harder and entered the parking lot ten feet ahead of him. [B]"Beat ya again, boy! Your gonna hafta stop driving like an old person."[/B] She punched him on the arm as they entered the school and walked towards their first class. [COLOR=DarkRed]OOC: These are Aka and Ken's bikes. [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/DeSotoDiceFreak/Chopper-DeSoto.jpg]Aka's[/URL] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/DeSotoDiceFreak/Kenichi.jpg]Ken's[/URL] [/COLOR]
  21. [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=DarkRed]Hey Skye, I only have two out of five, and I agree that is should be just you and ReFlux. Ok Astdis. Artemis vs. dMage: I vote for dMage no Artemis no dMage! Ack, you both made it really hard to decide but I must say that I liked... how can I decide?!? Ok... um... einy-meenie-miny-moe! I choose Artemis. Like I said both of your posts were great![/COLOR][/FONT]
  22. [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=DarkRed][QUOTE=ReFlux][color=darkred][size=1] (Oh, and in the fight between me and Sakura, I told her that she could take it any way and that she could end the battle, and she decided it to end it that way, so don't count that against me, Starr.)[/color][/size][/QUOTE] I didn't! I like her writing style better, and I put the ;) :p there to indicate that I was KIDDING, silly! So...yeah, that wasn't meant as biased. I even asked if being knocked out had an influence on who won. I was planning on voting for you, even after you got knocked out, until I re-read the spar and realized I like Sakura's better. That's not bias. Sorry if I came across that way. :animeswea [/COLOR] [/FONT]
  23. [FONT=Georgia][COLOR=DarkRed]The battle Star vs. Skye has finished, just so you know. Anyways... Reflux vs. Sakura: My vote goes to Sakura. I like her writing style better and her posts seemed to be a little more accurate. And, well... she [i]did[/i] knock you out Reflux... ;) :p [/COLOR] [/FONT]
  24. [COLOR=DarkRed]Star grabbed Skye's spear by the staff, wrenching it out of her hand. She inspected it carefully. [B]"This is a beatiful piece of craftsmanship."[/B] She smiled at Skye. [B]"Would fetch a good price at the bazaar." [/B] Star dodged as Skye came at her with her knife. [B]"I already gave you the money, do NOT take my spear."[/B] Star rolled her eyes. [B]"Ok, well since you have so kindly lent me your money, I shall leave it for you." [/B] She threw the spear over beside Skye's fire were it landed tip first and stayed upright and picked up the rest of the coins. [B]"If you're ever in Romania at a Bazaar, tell them you know Star and no one will bother you, it was nice meeting you! Ta."[/B] With that Star bowed, picked up her three switchblades from the various places that they lay and ran of towards the otherside of the city where her horse was tethered. She was soon mounted and headed towards the next city and more people to fleece. [B][I]Gotta take care of these infernal cuts... ouch...[/I][/B][/COLOR] OOC: Thus endeth Star vs. Skye.
  25. [COLOR=DarkRed]Star rolled quickly out of the way of the blade, wincing as her back burned. Jumping up quickly she tackled Skye making the younger girl's head slam against the ground then rolled back onto her knees as Skye got to her feet trying to focus. Star pulled another switchblade out of her coat. [B]"Well we could have skipped this if you had just given the money in the first place!" [/B] Star grabbed a handful of sand trying to throw it into Skye's eyes. The wind was going the opposite direction though, and it backfired, hitting herself instead. Star blinked furiousley, trying to clear her eyes as Skye's foot slammed into her ribs causing her breathe once more to take leave, she also felt a burning sensation, telling her that one of her ribs was probably cracked. She could hear Skyes voice, coming from her left. [B]"But I already told you!"[/B] She sounded as if she was gritting her teeth. [B]"I'm not going to give it to you!"[/B] Star pinpointed about where she figured Skye was, and aimed her foot at where she thought Skye was, landing a solid kick to what she supposed was Skye's back and heard a exhalation of breath. Star took the small break as an oppurtunity to clear her eyes of the sand, blinking in relief as she could see again. She lunged at Skye again, a switch blade in each hand. [/COLOR]
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