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[COLOR=DarkRed][B]"This [i]is[/i] fun for me."[/B] Star tried to back up quickly as Skye retaliated to the cut on her cheek by swinging her spear at her shoulder, but wasn't fast enough and the blade made another cut. Star winced, but turned back to Skye. [B]"This is begining to bore me. I think it's time to liven things up a little."[/B] She pointed towards the city she had so recently come out of. [B]"What do you say to some city fighting?"[/B] Skye arched her eyebrow. [B]"You really do find this fun, don't you."[/B] Star nodded as she jumped forward, knife out, creating another cut on Skye's other cheek. [B]"And might I suggest not listening to me talk?"[/B] She flipped backwards, landing 10 feet away from Skye. [B]"I only do it to distract anyway."[/B] She watched as the girl came running towards her. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Star rubbed the lump that was forming where Skye's spear-thing had hit her, and shook her head. [B]"No, I don't think I'll stop now... you see I just saw this beatifully crafted silver bracelet at a bazaar last month... only problem? No money..."[/B] Star jumped over the fire landing right in front of Skye. [B]"You can fix that problem." [/B] She slid one of her switchblades out of her coat, flicking the blade open in one smooth motion. Skye brought her spear around, catching it behind Star's ankles. Star fell, but twisted halfway down to land on her hands, flipping back to her feet. [B]"I can see you're not willing to give it up just yet..."[/B] a second switchblade joined the first. Star stepped back as Skye swung the spear at her head again, ducking under the staff to draw one of her blades accross one of Skye's knees before leaping back out of spear-range. [B]"Hee. Your turn..."[/B][/COLOR]
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4815162342 replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
[B]Name: [/B]Aka Matsushita [First name is first] [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v641/ozyssite/Fruits20Basket01155.jpg]The blonde[/URL]. Just turn her hair black with pink and green streaks, and you've got Aka. [B]Location: [/B] A large apartment with three bedrooms, two bathrooms (one off their parents room), a study, and a kitchen that opens into the livingroom. [Location, will edit later... when there's a map...] [B]Personality:[/B] Aka is a Yankee so she doesn't really care what people think about her. She is obnoxious and as long as you are not on an opposing gang she won't bother you. Those who do make friends with her will find themselves with a protector and a good friend. She is often getting into trouble due to her strange appearance and attitude. She doesn't like it when people insult other people unless she's doing the insulting. [B]Short History:[/B] Aka has lived all her life in Kitikata with her parents and twin brother Ken. Her parents love her and Ken very much but aren't around the house often as they work for a advertising company that sends them on a lot of business trips. Aka has basically always been obnoxious and tough and the only place she doesn't act this way is in Drama, in that she likes to do really well and usually takes roles that differ from her personality in real life. She gets along well with the people in her school usually, those who aren't intimidated by her, and likes to skip school. She also is part of a gang but doesn't talk about it that much. She usually spends her time getting in trouble and talking to her friends. [B]Subjects:[/B] Math, English/Japanese, Visual Art, History, Physics and Performing Arts. [B]Relationships with other students:[/B] [list] [*]Ken?Ichi (Astdis) - Is Aka's twin brother. They get along [I]very[/I] well. Sometimes it gets on their teachers nerves. [*]Alex (Reiku) - She likes teasing him. [*]Micky (Innocent) - Not sure yet. [*]Rin (Kitty) - Friends, one of Rin's since grade school. [*]Zephan (Sakura) - Respects [*]Ran (Opal) - Treats him like a brother [*]Maria (Kairi) - Doesn't like her very much...hee... [*]Hoshiko (Ozy) - Acts as a protector to her. [*]Jace (DC) - Doesn't know very well, but occasionaly talks to. Would like to get to know him better as he has a nature simular to hers. [*]Kaela (Skye) - Looks after her from afar to make sure everyones nice to her. Doesn't really talk to her [*]Kina (Albel the Wicked) - Really good friend [*]Andrew (Jung-Woo) - Knows through classes. [/list] [COLOR=DarkRed]OOC: Just so you know, a Yankee is a gang member. And I have Reiku's permission to play as a girl...[/COLOR] -
OOC: Forgot to mention that there is a abandoned city in this desert area. You may use it as you like. And sorry it took so long... :animeswea [CENTER]***[/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkRed]Star leaned against the wall of the abandoned city, watching the dust devils swirl in miniature whirlwinds. She was getting bored and it showed. Star walked into the city and up the flight of stairs to the top of the wall she had just been leaning on. She sat down in the middle of the walkway and repeatedly threw her three stilletos at the door of one of the watchtowers, when she got up to retrieve them she noticed a fire just visible all the way across the city. She quickly put her knives back in her coat. [B][I]Could be a caravan... or just some lone wanderer... either way hopefully they have money...[/I][/B] Star jumped down from the wall, wove her way through the city streets and left the city through the small wooden door just to the left of the campfire. She stayed in the shadows leaning against the wall, even though most if they looked would notice her, and observed the lone wanderer. Seated at the campfire was a girl several years younger than herself, the girl was armed well with a long spear. [B][I]Probably has concealed weapons too...better be careful...[/I] [/B] Star pushed herself off the wall. [B]"Are you prepared to fight to keep your money? Or will you just give it to me? As a... gift..."[/B] She grinned at the other girl. [B]"I like presents." [/B][/COLOR]
Delete this, please...forgot to rate. :animeshy: :animeswea
[COLOR=DarkRed]Sakura, I don't think it's a deathmatch..I dunno... [FONT=Georgia]And I, Star, challenge [B]Skye[/B]. The setting is a desert; therefore it's dry, and the time is...2 am, under the full moon. Not a death-match...but fighting dirty is, shall we say...permitted? I await your acceptance...[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo]Carmen stood beside Brandon outside the office building for Panzer Weaponry. [B]"You ever see what rats do before ships sink?"[/B] Brandon looked over at her, a confused look on his face. [COLOR=Black][B]"Ok, what does that have to do with getting in there?"[/B][/COLOR] Carmen sighed, rolling her eyes. [B]"You're not very bright, are you?"[/B] Iris shook her head at Carmen. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B][I]I know it goes against your nature, and mine, but right now you need to stop insulting him and tell him your plan.[/I][/B][/COLOR] [B][I]Sorry.[/I][/B] [B]"I'm going to make illusions of flames okay? In all the confusion that they cause, do you think that you could get in there and get information on clients that are going to be meeting with the president in the future?"[/B] Carmen pulled a paper out of her pocket and looked at it. [B]"They should be in a filing cabinet inside of a Ms. Hoshi's office, you go in the main door and directly to the right."[/B] She looked again at her paper. [B]"We basically need stuff like background checks, tapes of phone conversations, biographys, pictures... meeting dates...."[/B] Carmen looked over at Brandon. [B]"You can get those, right?"[/B] Brandon nodded. [COLOR=Black][B]"Should be a piece of cake. Why?"[/B][/COLOR] Carmen answered him as she transformed, [B]"Just do it, I'll explain later when we're not so busy."[/B] She finished transforming and Carmen/Iris stood there. She looked at the building which her illusion would be focused on. [B][I][COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Apa[/COLOR]ti!"[/I][/B] Flames seemed to flicker in and around the whole building and the acrid smell of smoke filled the air as the workers inside the building fled to the outside. Carmen/Iris looked over at Brandon. [B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Go, while there's[/COLOR] no one inside."[/B] They watched as he hurried inside the building. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B][I]Congratulations... you got lucky, Hecate didn't feel like talking aparently.[/I][/B][/COLOR] [B][I]That's good? [/I] [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]OOC: Tag LKB.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][B]Name: [/B] Star [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Place of Origin:[/B] Romania [B]Appearance: [/B] [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/DeSotoDiceFreak/PDVD_1047.jpg]Star[/URL], [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/DeSotoDiceFreak/PDVD_1055.jpg]Also Star[/URL] [B]Occupation:[/B] Thief/Poet/Gypsy [B]Body:[/B] Small (5'2") and somewhat compact. Graceful without looking as if she's being graceful. [B]Fighting Style:[/B] Crazy and chaotic, without really losing control, she uses speed more than anything else, darting in and out. Her fights tend to look like a dance, on her part. She also uses her size to her advantage. [B]Weapons:[/B] 3 switchblade stilettos, [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/DeSotoDiceFreak/HindsSwitchblade3.jpg]Chance[/URL], [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/DeSotoDiceFreak/HindsSwitchblade2.jpg]Destiny[/URL] and [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/DeSotoDiceFreak/stiletto-stag2.jpg]Fortune[/URL]. Although they're technically not throwing daggers, she uses them as such. [B]Skills:[/B] Tracking, stealth. She has excellent aim...writing poems, too...although that's an odd skill for a warrior. ;) [B]Blade God:[/B] Si, si, me compadre....[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo]Mimishi finished up her training, throwing in one last block before turning of the remote and heading over to sit beside Cedrax and Jassk who were talking about their mission. [B]"Yeah, well, I suppose we'll find out, won't we?"[/B] Mimishi supposed that they were discussing what had killed all of those people, and joined in. [B]"And that whoever they are, they will be brought to justice so that they are unable to do it again. Senseless killing should not be tolerated."[/B] Her point spoken she turned to watch as the others around them meditated and practiced against the remotes, as she had just finished doing. Then she turned back to the window and slowed her breathing, soon reaching the calmness that came with meditation. [I]You will be able to help, do not feel useless...[/I] How? [I]You will know... listen to those who teach you...[/I] I see. Mimishi slowly came out of her meditative state and went back to looking at the stars moving past. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Doves cooed outside the window, lending their song to the sunny morning. One flew in the window and landed on Renee's nightstand, cooing in her ear. She pulled her pillow over her head and growled at the bird, [B]"Silence, evil being, you're making my head ache worse."[/B] She sat up quicky, regretting it as soon as she did. [B]"I know your laughing at me for being stupid, just don't do it so loud..."[/B] She swung her legs over the side of the bed, and walked over to where she had put her clothes the night before. Getting what she needed from her suitcase she headed into the bathroom and started the shower as cold as it would go, and turned on the radio to listen to [I]quietly[/I] as she showered. [I]What do you do with a drunken sailor? What do you do with a drunken sailor? What do you do with a drunken sailor early in the morning? Answer: Put him in a longboat till he's sober. put him in a longboat till he's sober, put him in a longboat till he's sober, early in the morning. Hooray, up she rises. hooray, up she rises, hooray, up she rises, early in the morning. [/I] Renee shook her head. [B][I]What station plays that now-a-days? They must be doing it just to spite me... [/I][/B] She threw her soap at the radio and got dressed quickly, sitting down on the chair in her bedroom, where she fell back asleep and didn't wake up again until 10:00. While she still had a headache, it was less than it had been earlier. She took a tylenol to try and relieve the dull ache and headed out the door to the breakfast room the hotel provided, sitting as far away from the window through which streamed bright sunlight that only made her head feel worse. She scowled to herself. [B][I]Should have known not to drink so much... ouch...[/I][/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo]Mimishi sat through the explanation that came from the teachers on what she and others had just felt, then headed out of the mess hall and towards her room, passing the Bothans, Alask and Jassk as she did so. She smiled at Jassk's excitment. But was soon lost in her own thoughts. [I]That isn't right. Nobody should take that many lives.[/I] She entered her room and picked up her pack. [I]I feel honored to be chosen as one of the Jedi to investigate this.[/I] She took most of her spare clothing out of the drawers and then walked over to the special case she had for her lightsaber. Taking it out of the case she fastened it to her belt, left her room carrying her sack, and headed towards the hanger.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo]Carmen headed out the door with Julie, their incarnates still arguing behind them, and walked towards the bus stop. On the way they saw a group of four people heading towards them, then they noticed that they all four had forms behind them like that of Hedylogos and Iris. She looked over at Iris. [B][I]"How much do you want to bet that they had an encounter with a cyclops too?"[/I][/B] Iris shrugged. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B][I]"We could always ask them. They're reincarnates of Deimos, Morpheus, Persephone, and Ares... I'd say that your best bet would be to ask Persephone."[/I][/B][/COLOR]Carmen nodded, and walked over to the girl with the the goddess. [B]"Would you perhaps have just fought a cyclops?"[/B] Julie stopped beside her. [B]"Tall, ugly... has only one eye?"[/B] Carmen rolled her eyes as the girl answered. [B]"Yes. We just got rid of him. Why? You fought one too? I'm Michaelina by the way. The others are Nick/Deimos, Z/Morpheus, and Alex/Ares."[/B] As she said each name they waved. Carmen nodded. [B]"Yeah, we just got rid of it recently."[/B] Julie broke in. [B]"And almost got arrested to, mind you." [/B] Carmen turned towards Julie. [B]"Does that have anything to do with the cyclops? I don't think so. We were talking about the cyclops, [I]not[/I] stupid Norman."[/B] She turned back to Michaelina and the others. [B]"We're about to go visit some of the others that had encounters, would you like to join us in our adventure?"[/B] The others nodded, Alex turned towards the bus that had just pulled up. [B]"I take it we'll take that bus?"[/B] He pointed towards it, and Carmen nodded. [B]"Yeah. It's somewhere out in the country."[/B] [B]"Well then shall we go then?"[/B] Carmen sighed. [B][I]Iris? Do we have to take him along?[/I][/B] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B][I]What? Already finding him overbearing?[/I][/B][/COLOR] Carmen nodded, following the others onto the bus. [B][I]A little...[/I][/B] [CENTER]***[/CENTER] About thirty minutes later they all got off the bus at the address Carmen had gotten from the computer. They walked up to the door and Z knocked. [B]"Can we come in?"[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Renee entered the third bar behind Dimitri and Dave, hopefully [I]this[/I] one wouldn't have people who liked her, or hated Brits. They went and sat down in one of the booths. Dave remained standing beside the booth. [B]"Wot'll you two 'ave t'drink?"[/B] Renee looked at the card set in the center of the table, trying to focus. [B]"Ask Dmmit... Dmiri.. Mi...Ask Tri firs..."[/B] Dave shook his head, grinning slightly. [B]"Y'know you're drunk."[/B] She shook her head solemnly. [B]"S'not drunk... jus, mildy inebriated."[/B] Dimitri leaned his elbows on the table. [B]"You're drunk, and I will have a vodka. If they have it here in America."[/B] Dave nodded, [B]"And you, Renee?"[/B] She leaned back in her seat, thinking. [B]"My name's Ren, and I will have... champaigne, if they have it... if not, a martini will do..."[/B] She nodded decisevley. Dave rolled his eyes at Dimitri, but was soon back with her champaigne, Dimitri's vodka, and his beer. [B]"So what'dya wanna do?"[/B] Dave shrugged, Dimitri pulled a pack of cards out of his pocket. [B]"Do you know how to play the russian game Svoi Kozyri?"[/B] She didn't but apparently Dave did. They had soon taught her the rules and she was winning quite a few hands. They both looked at her in consternation. [B]"You are playing good for someone who just learned how."[/B] She shook her head. [B]"You now how? I'm cheating."[/B] They went back to playing, and she kept winning. Dave looked over at Dimitri. [B]"You know she might 'ave been tellin' the truth..."[/B] [/COLOR] OOC: Tag, Dy...
[COLOR=DarkRed]OOC: Of course I'm fast Raid3r, I have to show that I'm better than everyone else. ;)[/COLOR] ___________________________________________________________________ [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Na was back at the harbour. She had just received new information from An-wen that they were constructing another chunk, this one would hold more soldiers and would be on the sea by mid January. She continued walking out of the harbour, head down, colliding with a tall lithe man. Looking up, she was about to snap at him when two things stopped her. First of all, it would not do well to be recognized, and a woman who spoke her mind was something that most would remember. And secondly, she recognizes the man she had bumped into. [B]"Tzu!"[/B] She hissed. [B]"Nobody told me that you were here."[/B] Tzu arched his eyebrow as he helped her up. [B]"I don't think I told any of the Pearls..."[/B] He grinned [B]"You could say it was... spur of the moment!"[/B] Na lowered her head so no one would see, and rolled her eyes. [B]"The Pearls will not be pleased if you are taken into custody by the soldiers." [/B] They began walking towards the river. [B]"Why are you gracing Hangzhou with your presence anyway?"[/B] They were now heading towards the road that lead towards the lake. [B]"Because, Shanghai decided it no longer liked me."[/B] He looked over at Na. [B]"Do you know Four Fingers Wu? I need some papers to gain entry into Peking with, and he has them."[/B] Na nodded. [B]"I met him two days ago when I met with the cartographer who is supplying me with maps. Most unsavory man, that Wu..."[/B] They turned down another road, this one leading away from the river. [B]"I was headed towards his storehouse when I bumped into you, and am still heading there now, he has... supplies... that the Pearls desire for a... reasonable price. Will you be joining me?"[/B] She looked over at Tzu, keeping her head down so no one could read her lips. [B]"Because I'm not so sure we're not being followed, and it is safer for two people to travel together, than one alone."[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]OOC: Tag. Hope that works.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][B]Name: Lakshi' mimishi' sabosen ("Mimishi") [/B] [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Personality:[/B] Mimishi is cool and reserved like most of her species, she is however not as set in the idea that they are the superior race of beings. She has a somewhat abstract sense of humour and it shows most of the time although others don't always pick it up. She has a very strong sense of honour and morality. [B]Appearance:[/B] [B]Species:[/B][URL=http://www.asarea.de/pictures/truuzdaan/csanportrait.jpg]Chiss[/URL] [B]Personal:[/B] Mimishi looks like the picture except about 5 years younger. [B]Bio:[/B] Mimishi when she was born was alligned with House Sobosen which is responsable for justice, health, and education. She grew up being taught that you should protect all beings who need it, and how to heal others. Her parents knowing she was a Jedi, have always made sure she learned things that would help later when they sent her to train with other Jedi. She began helping in the courts when she was 13, and continued working there till she was 16, when her parent decided it was time to send her to train. Mimishi is very protective of those who need it and those who are guilty can be sure she will show mercy, but still give them their just punishment. Because she is a Chiss, she ages differantly than humans and though she is 16 in human years her mentality and intelligence is that of a 21 year old. Chiss aren't that open with their culture so Mimishi doesn't tell anyone much about herself. [B]Lightsaber colour and type:[/B] Double bladed, red with purplish edges [B]Most likely to turn to:[/B] Light[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][COLOR=DarkRed]OOC: Tig yourself, Oz.[/COLOR] ____________________________________________________________________ [B]"Little help, please?!"[/B] Carmen stopped in front of Julie and arched her eyebrow. [B]"You know if it weren't for the fact that the cyclops just took out your school this would be highly amusing."[/B] She sighed. [B]"But as it is, that is not the case."[/B] She turned back to her partner and frowned. [I][B]Iris... how do we get rid of Normy?[/B] [B][COLOR=RoyalBlue]Why do we have to get rid of him?[/COLOR] Transforming? I don't think it would be good for him to see. I'd probably be fired. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]But it could kill people, you know...[/COLOR][/B][/I] Carmen rubbed the back of her neck. [I][B]True...[/B][/I] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][I][B]Well then, are you ready?[/B] [/I] [/COLOR] Carmen looked once more at her partner and shrugged. [I][B] Yep. Let's begin operation "get fired" [/B][/I] She concentrated on the emotion that was Iris and felt a cool trickling feeling flow from her head down to her heels, acompanied by a light purple light. Once the light left Carmen's hair had lightened to a light honey colour, she had a set of golden wings, and the colours of the rainbow shone in the air around her. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][I][B]I still look better than you Hedy...[/B][/I][/COLOR] Carmen/Iris smirked at Julie/Hedylogos. Julie just glared, her arm still held tight by the Cyclops. [COLOR=DarkRed]Hello?!! Destroy the cyclops first, be snarky later![/COLOR] [I][B]I take it you know this guy?[/B][/I] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][I][B]Yeah, he's kind of like Julie. Com'n, let's get rid of Big-Cyc there. [/B] [/I] [/COLOR] Carmen stepped towards a phone-booth over to the side and a little behind Julie and the cyclops and began to speak in a low musical voice. [I][B]"Apati!"[/B] [/I] A beautiful sea nymph appeared over by propane truck parked in the street, and raising her arm beckoned for the cyclops to come to her. [B]"Polyphemus! Come my love, I have been waiting for you!" [/B] The Cyclops let go of Julies arm and headed towards the nymph. Carmen frowned. [I][B]You don't really mean for me to finish him this way, do you? [COLOR=RoyalBlue]I know it doesn't seem right deceiving him with Galatea. But he will only kill if you do not.[/COLOR] Got it.[/B][/I] Carmen sighed and went back to her task, the nymph began to speak again. [B]"I have missed you so much..." [/B] The cyclops crossed the remaining ground to reach her. [B]"I'm sorry."[/B] The nymph dissapeared as Carmen raised her gun and shot the propane truck, causing it to explode, taking the cyclops with it. [I][B]Well, he's gone...[/B][/I] [COLOR=DarkRed][I][B]That's an understatement[/B][/I]...[/COLOR] Julie/Hedylogos seperated into two seperate people again, both of whom were glaring at Carmen, who had also seperated from Iris. [B]"Warn a girl next time you're gonna do that!"[/B] Carmen cocked her head to the side. [B]"What? You want me to give away what I'm about to do?" [/B] She stopped as Norman grabbed her wrists placing them into handcuffs. [B]"I'm afraid both of you will have to come with me to the station."[/B] Norman then walked over and placed Julie into handcuffs also. Carmen rolled her eyes. [B]"I just got rid of a monster. And your taking me downtown. Joy..." [/B] Julie was freaking out... as usual. [B]"You can't arrest me! I didn't do anything!"[/B] Norman jerked his thumb at the camera crew. [B]"I think they'll say otherwise." [/B] Carmen groaned. [I][B]Of [U]course[/U] there are camera crews...[/B][/I] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][B][I]What did you expect?[/I] [/B][/COLOR] Iris turned from Carmen towards Julie. [I][B]And I am prettier. [/B][/I] She stuck her tongue out.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]My family (the kids at least) play minor jokes. Mostly having to do with what people are eating, and not just salt either mind you. I would have to say that my cousin so far has had the funniest, she gave my uncle a glass of "water". He wasn't very pleased when he drank it and found out it was vinegar... well that is all I had to say! So if you will exscuse me. ::goes of to do stuff to the room she shares with her sister while said sister is asleep::[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Renee stood for a minute, stunned by what Lani had just told them. [B][I]But she can't kill babbo... I can't allow her too... [/I][/B] It took a couple of minutes before her brain started to think rationally again. [B][I]She won't be able to anyways... nobody knows where he is...but... Tia![/I][/B] She quickly ran to her cabin, grabbing her i.d. before she headed back towards the road where she could grab a bus that was just stopping. She sat down next to Dimitri, breathing heavily. [B]"Are you going back to Russia to help your family?"[/B] She asked, leaning back in her seat, trying to catch her breath. [B]"My family... we do not really get along well... at least me and my da'. Sergei, the collector sent after me... I think he knows that and will not go after them."[/B] Ren nodded. [B]"I see... Would you come with me to Italy then? The only person in my family still alive and living there is my Tia, I couldn't stand for her to die just because of me...and since you are not planning on going back to Russia..."[/B] She looked over at Dimitri. [B]"Will you?"[/B] He nodded. [B]"I may not be able to do much, as I am wounded. But I will help however I am able. Have you been able to figure out how to summon your tattoo again?"[/B] Ren shook her head and he spent the time it took to get to the airport telling her what the Maoui Cheiftain had told him pertaining to the tattoos. Once on the plane they both fell asleep, not waking until they arrived in the Venice airport. [B]"How far is it to where she lives?"[/B] Dimitri asked as the walked out of the airport. [B]"Not far at all, my Tia has two places. The one she would be staying at now is out by those hills over... there..."[/B] Her voice slowly dropped off as she noticed the bright light that usually comes from a city, or a house that is on fire. [B]"Mio dolce Signore!"[/B] Dimitri looked at her in confusion, asking, [B]"What is wrong?"[/B] Ren broke into a run, calling over her shoulder. [B]"Get to the nearest house you can and get them to call the police and fire department for you, tell them to come to Tia Magdalena's house, then meet up with me as soon as possible!"[/B] She rounded the corner and hurried on to her aunts house which was totally engulfed in flames. She tried to find her way in, but the flames leaped and danced higher, making it impossible. [B]"Tia! Tia Magda! Can you hear me? Please answer!"[/B] The voice she was coming to hate, not that of her aunts, was the only reply she got. [B]"Quando la gatta non รจ in paese, i topi ballano. [I]When the cat's away the mice will play[/I]. You weren't here so she had to go...because she [I]is[/I] gone you know..." [/B] Astraela brightened, clapping her hands. [B]"Aren't the flames such a lovely colour?"[/B] She grinned like a little kid getting a present. [B]"And I started them all by myself!"[/B] Ren felt a burning feeling working its way down her arm. [B]"Why?! Why did you do this? Couldn't you have just come after me? Instead of killing Tia?!"[/B] Astraela shook her head, pretending to pout. [B]"No I couldn't... You see, she was the only one of your relatives that would get you here, what with us not being able to find your father and all."[/B] She raised her arm and pointed it at the burning building. [B]"I wanted to use my new tattoos!"[/B] She waved her arms. [B]"There's even a rhyme about them!"[/B] She started chanting in a voice that sent shivers down Renee's spine. [B]"One for Sorrow, Two for Mirth, Three for a Wedding, Four for a Birth, Five for Silver, Six for Gold, Seven for a Secret Not to be Told. Eight for Heaven, Nine for Hell, And Ten for the Devil's Own Sel'."[/B] As she spoke each of the numbers, a flaming crow, each about the size of a large rat, seemed to peel itself from her flesh and become airborne. [B]"I know that they can not do as much damage to people as some of Miladys other servants tattoos... but it gets the job done!"[/B] The feeling that had been working down Ren's arm all the time while Astraela had been talking finally released itself, manifesting itself into her sword. She lunged towards Astraela with it. [B]"This time I am not going to be nice and simply crack your wrist! You've killed my aunt, pray for forgiveness because you won't be here much longer!"[/B] Astraela shook her head, as all her crows came back to her. They could both hear sirens coming up the road. [B]"You are right about the 'won't be here much longer' part... But as for you killing me, I don't think so. Le cattive nuove sono le prime, [I]Bad news travels fast[/I]. And the police are coming. We will finish this eventually, but now is not a good time. And besides that, I want it to be sunny when you die. Common courtesy, you like the sun better, don't you?"[/B] She bowed to Renee. [B]"We will finish. Remember that."[/B] As she had before at the campground she dissapeared in a cloud of smoke. Renee walked down the street away from the fire, meeting Dimitri as he came out of someones house. He walked alongside her as they headed back towards the airport. Finally he broke the silence. [B]"Your aunt... did she survive?"[/B] Ren shook her head. [B]"No. She did not."[/B] They walked the rest of the way to the airport, and boarded the next flight to Canada. Once in their seats Dimitri spoke a little awkwardly. [B]"I wish to tell you that I am very sorry for you and the death of your aunt."[/B] Renee smiled at him. [B]"It means a lot to me, and I thank you."[/B] They both remained quiet for the remainder of the flight except to thank the flight attendant when she brought them their meals. Getting off the plane in Montreal they went into the "High Flyers" lounge where they were to meet up with the others and sat down at the table next to Lani. Ren noticed that her face had a look of sadness on it along with a look that could only be described as righteous anger. [B]"They killed a member of your family also, Lani?"[/B] Lani nodded, [B]"My mother, she was all I had left. We're going to stop them."[/B] Ren hugged Lani before sitting back down. [B]"I agree whole-heartedly."[/B][/COLOR] OOC: Waaahhh! No more Tia Magdalena...and in case you can't tell, I'm sorta-kinda babysitting Dimitri...
[COLOR=Indigo][B]"Do you know her from somewhere?"[/B] Carmen turned towards her partner Detective Norman Kane. [B]"I went to highschool with her, that's all." [/B] [B][I][COLOR=RoyalBlue]"Went to highschool with and tried to insult her and/or get her in trouble whenever you could is more like it. Oh look! Norman's toupee is slipping"[/COLOR][/I][/B] Carmen trying not too laugh, looked over towards the outdoor squid stand were she could see the shimmering lady she knew as Iris, but Norman would see, well, squid. [B][I][B]"Shah! You're gonna make me laugh! How would I explain that to Norman?"[/B] [/I][/B] [B][I][COLOR=RoyalBlue]"I don't have any idea, you could always tell him that you could hear the dead squid talking and that they were planning a rebellion..."[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][I][B]"That still wouldn't explain the laughter!"[/B][/I][/B] She stopped as Norman suddenly grabbed her arm and pulled her back from the road just as a car flew by where she had been. [B]"What are you trying to do?! Get yourself killed?"[/B] She looked back at him rolling her eyes. [B]"Yes. And you just ruined it for me. Will you ever be able to forgive yourself?"[/B] Norman shook his head. [B]"Look. I know you don't really want to be here, but you are so, don't take it out on me. Got it?"[/B] Carmen widened her eyes. [B]"Oh I'm taking it out on you? I'm so sorry! Now the question is will you ever be able to forgive me? " [/B] [B][I][COLOR=RoyalBlue]"You don't like Japan, do you..."[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][I]"Got that right, too much fish." [/I][/B] Norman sighed. [B]"I can see this is going to be a really irratable day for you. Lets go meet the officer in charge so we can get our assignments."[/B] They started walking again as Carmen muttered to herself. [B]"Yippee. I'm dying of curiousity... If I'm lucky they'll assign me an undercover assignment where you aren't."[/B] She stuck her tongue out at Norman behind his back." [B][I][COLOR=RoyalBlue]"If your lucky"[/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][I]"Cross your fingers."[/I][/B][/COLOR]
[B]Name:[/B] Atraela [B]Age:[/B] 27 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]Origin:[/B] Italy [B]Appearance: [/B] Astraela looks like [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/DeSotoDiceFreak/astraela.jpg]this[/URL] [B]Personality:[/B] Astraela is very creepy and jester like. She most of the time tries to get what she wants by hypnotizing people. She sings, talks in a sing-song voice, and does semi-acrobatic stunts that serve to further creep others out. [B]Tattoo/s:[/B] A pendulum on her left hand and a wolfsbane plant on her right. [COLOR=DarkRed]Hey Jung-Woo? Currently we have just fought our bad guys again, gotten our powers sucked out of us, are trying to figure out how to get the powers back, and are now going back to where we used to live because our enemys are trying to kill people we know. That's about where we are... hope it helps![/COLOR]
[LEFT]Inna and Francesco had come across a clearing were they had seen Nina and Elisa fighting, Inna had been apalled, why were her friends trying to kill each other? Before she had been able to ask them, Francesco had hurried off. Not wanting to leave him alone, for fear that he would kill more people. Inna hurried to catch up with him. "Cesco, Cesco. What did you say to Nina?" He looked back at her and replied. "I was telling her of the need to cleanse the earth of those not worthy of it." He stopped for a minute, before continuing on. "She did not understand yet, but she has great potential." Inna frowned. "But can't we live alongside them? I'm sure that eventually they will learn to understand us!" Francesco whirled around. "Don't you see? Why would we want to live with them? They see us as monsters, and besides, we should not be forced to live with those lower than us." He turned around and walked faster then before, Inna followed cose behind him, waiting for his bad mood to clear.[/LEFT]
[COLOR=DarkRed]Renee looked up from her conversation with Sakura and Rayne to see Alex standing there. She was about to ask what he wanted when he bagan speaking. [B]"Hey... uhh... I'd like to thank whoever helped me out, back there, dragging me into that cabin was nice of you,"[/B] Sakura nodded [B]"But you all should know that I'm going to leave soon. At least I want to leave. I guess next time I come into contact of transportation good enough to take me State-side."[/B] Ren stood for a minute considering what he had said, before speaking to him. [B]"I know that some of us haven't talked to you much, myself being one of them, but we have all had a lot on our minds."[/B] She paused before speaking again. [B]"And I know that this must be very strange, being attacked for no reason other than the fact that we all have tattoos. But I believe that we should all stay together in case the collectors come back, that way we can protect each other."[/B] She laid her hand on Alex's arm. [B]"Please reconsider your decision, I'm sure we can figure out another way to make our tattoos come to life. Just please consider changing your mind."[/B][/COLOR] ___________________________________________________________________ OOC: Tag, Retri.
[COLOR=DarkRed][B]"Do you think I want to what modifications are?"[/B] Dave looked from Dimitri, who looked seconds away from collapsing, back to Renee. [B]"I don't think we do."[/B] He gestured towards Dimitri. [B]"'elp me with 'im, 'ey?[/B]" Ren nodded. [B]"Ok." [/B] She walked over and helped Dave lift Dimitri up by the arms. [B]"Are we going over there with the others?"[/B] Her question was soon answered as they hobbled over to the others, the wounded Dmitri between them. They turned to look at the group of collectors bowing down before the figure who had seemingly just appeared. [B]"My children....I need their tattoos.....get them for me......I need them....please help me...." [/B] Ren frowned,[I][B] maybe I should...[/B][/I] As soon as that thought had crossed her mind, Dave's voice shook her from her thoughts. [B]"How does she do that?" [/B] The American woman, Alexia. looked over at him. [B]"Do what?"[/B] Dave answered her. [B]"She entices anyone with her words. It like music....music that forces you to do her willing." [/B] [B][I]So maybe that's why I felt like I should give them to her...[/I][/B] Ren thought, suddenly sickened. She shouted at the woman. [B]"Who are you? Why do you want us?"[/B] The woman turned and started to glide towards her. Ren got one brief image of Venice falling in flames before she got this sense of calm. The woman was about to touch her when she heard Sakura, like listening under water. [B]"Don't let her touch you!"[/B] And then she saw Sakura's wolf leap at the lady, biting her wrist. Ren turned towards Sakura. [B]"Why shouldn't she touch people?"[/B] She asked, confused... didn't they see that Milady was their Master? Another girl walked over and slapped Ren across the face, waking her from her trance. [B]"Why?"[/B] Ren looked at Lani for an explanation. [B]"Because she'll kill anyone that she wants to, by touch,"[/B] Lani replied [B]"She lures them in by her soft, innocent words and her trances, then kills them instantly by touch." [/B] Ren grimaced. And then turned to listen to Dimitri. [B]"I think we have a problem,"[/B] he said seriously. [B]"What?"[/B] That was the new arrival asking, Ren couldn't remember her name... [B]"We have new members of the 'collectors',"[/B] Dmitri said even more seriously. Ren looked over at the 'Death Flower' and saw what Dimitri had said was sadly, true. The 'Death Flower' stood and came towards them again, speaking softly. The images of a burning Venice returned as she spoke. [B]"You will regret that action.....all of you...."[/B] The 'Death Flower' began to breath in very audibly, and Ren felt something being pulled from her before everything went blank. [CENTER]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/CENTER] Ren woke suddenly, lying on the back porch of her cabin. She looked at the small plant beside her head. [B]"Hello little one, looks like you need to grow a little more or the next rain will squash you."[/B] She reached down towards it and tried with her tattoo to make it grow; finding she couldn't, she frowned. Suddenly all the memories of what had happend earlier came flooding back to her; she got up and hurried towards the front of her cabin muttering to herself. [B]"I hope Lani can explain this..." [/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Indigo][B]- SIGN UP -[/B] [B]Name:[/B]Carmen Loki [B]Age:[/B] 22 [B]Gender:[/B] Female [B]God/Goddess:[/B] Iris [B]Appearance:[/B] [B]Normal -[/B] Carmen stands 5" 4' and has a build that is lithe if not slender. She has black mid-back length hair that is quite curly. Her eyes are a brown that is so dark you could call it black. The expression most often on her face is mischievious for she likes to play tricks on others. [B]Transformed -[/B] Large golden wings like an angels, hair that is a light honey colour, and eyes of a deep purple. Same height and build. Her facial expression most of the time is the same as when she is not transformed. The colours of the rainbow shimmer in the air around her. [B]Personality:[/B] Carmen is very sarcastic, and easily amused. She likes to fool people and is a very good mimic. Despite her sarcastic nature, she tries not to hurt other people's feelings which is sometimes hard to do. [B]History:[/B] Carmen and her parents have always known that she is the reincarnation of Iris, but her parents, being hippies, are quite unfazed by the fact that she has the spirit of a goddess inside her. Carmen has led a normal life from the very begining, even though her parents travel alot, giving concerts and attending sit-ins. Because Carmen's parents wanted her to get a good, stable education, they sent her to live with her grandparents, but still spend three months of the year with her (around Christmas, Easter, and her Birthday). She now has her own apartment downtown from her grandparents house. Carmen decided once she graduated to put some of the traits she gets from Iris to good work and entered the police academy to become a detective. She's assigned to vice were she mostly does undercover work, using her skills of illusion to fool people. While undercover she often carries messages to other undercover officers. Iris is like the sister that Carmen never had, and Carmen has always liked talking to Iris and sometimes gets into trouble because Iris tells Carmen to play tricks on people. [B]Magic:[/B] [U][I][B]Apati (Illusion):[/B][/I][/U]This spell is to make others see things that are not there. Carmen most often uses it to disguise herself and to scare people off. She can fool almost anybody with this spell. [U][I][B]Antigrapho (Mimicry):[/B][/I][/U] Carmen uses this spell to enhance her natural talent for mimicry. [U][I][B]Summon Aurora:[/B][/I][/U]This summons Carmen's peacock Aurora. She is the size of a regular peacock and most of the time stays summoned. Carmen sometimes sends her to create rainbows, the colours come from the edges of her wings. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed]I am very ashamed to say that most of the time I don't even remember I have one. Every now and then I'll remember, and post for about a week straight and then *bloop* I'll forget again. But then it's not that bad... I forget that I own some things until I'm looking at them, and then it's like, oh yeah... that is mine isn't it... :animeswea *goes to update myO site*[/COLOR]