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Everything posted by 4815162342
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Elanor sat up quickly. She found herself in a wood. [I][B]Oh this is just GREAT! If I ever get back from... here... wherever here is...I'll be either grounded for life or sent to military school. Joy.[/B][/I] Elanor started walking. Elanor kicked at a nearby bush only to have her leg grabbed by... something... it looked like a puppy... blob... thing. [B]"Ok. What are you and why are you attached to my leg?"[/B] She looked down at the creature. [B]"I am Shaomon, Milady. I'm a Digimon. And the reason I am attached to your leg due to the fact that I belong with you and because you were trying to kick me which is not nice. You mean mean person!"[/B] With that he let go of Elanor's leg and jumped into her arms instead. [B]"I wasn't kicking at you! I was kicking at the general bushness... see I have no clue why I'm here, and I'll probably never get my bass back, and my parents weren't pleased with my scores, and... why am I telling you this?"[/B] Shaomon looked up at her. [B]"Because, it's like I said. Me and you, and you and me, no matter how they tossed the dice, it had to be, the only one for me is you, and you for me, so happy together" [/B] Shaomon was singing. [B]"Uh, I think that was the Turtles." [/B] Elanor couldn't help but laugh [B]"And just who are the Turtles compared to me? Nobody! I'm all you need! I sing... I dance... what more could you ask for?"[/B] At this he jumped to the ground and began hopping around. Elanor laughed, scooping the little Digimon up and dancing around with him. She, being her, danced into a tree. The tree rustled...and a giant... teddybear? jumped down. Shaomon squeaked. [B]"Ack! You're not friendly, I don't like you, go away! RUN!!!" [/B] Elanor took off. [B]"No argument here! What is that psycho thing?" [/B] [B]"It's a Monzaimon...really big and nasty, but has stuffing for brains."[/B] trees seemed to find her attractive today...she ran into yet another when she turned to look over her shoulder. [B]"Ow..."[/B] Shaomon jumped between the teddy Digimon and Elanor. [B]"Stay away you!"[/B] The other Digimon didn't. Shaomon glared. [B]"Fine, then..."[/B] Elanor looked down at the strange thing that had come out of her computer. A starlike shape had appeared on it's screen. [B]"Shaomon digivolve to... Labramon!"[/B] Elanor almost squealed at the puppy-like digimon. [B]"Toy Fire!"[/B] Fire blazed from the digimon's mouth, hitting the Monzaimon. The digimon fled into the bushes. [B]"Coward!"[/B] Labramon called after the fleeing bear. Elanor grinned. [B]"Cool." [/B] She walked out of the trees, followed by Labramon. [B]"Oh, look...more people...Hey! I'm Elanor..."[/B][/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue][B]"Auntie, El, Auntie, El, lookit that! Looky, looky!"[/B] Eleanor looked up at the towering roller coaster. One of her nephews (Jojo...she thought...it was so hard to tell sometimes)...tugged on her hand. [B]"I'm looking, I'm looking....what am I supposed to be looking at?"[/B] One of the others latched onto her other arm. [B]"Come ON! Take us on it NOW!" [/B] Ok...easily identified...bossy...definatly Johnny. [B]"And why would I do that?"[/B] Eleanor grinned. " I wanna go on THIS one." She dragged the two boys towards the Teacup. The third nephew, Robert, latched onto the back of her shirt, attempting to drag her the other way; all three boys howling in protest. [B]"Auntie El, we can't go on THAT!" "That's for BABIES!" "BORING!"[/B] Eleanor stopped dragging before Robert stretched her shirt. It was one of her favorites -Watch me!- on the front -I Talk!- on the back, with "R. Dorothy Chatdoll" scripted across the sleeve.She looked down at three indentical, indignant faces. [B]"Well, what DO you want to go on then?" "We already TOLD you!" [/B] Johnny was exasperated now, stomping his feet. Eleanor hid a smile. [B]"I don't remember very well...what one was it?"[/B] [B]"AUUGH!" [/B] Jojo sighed, as if he was talking to a little (or littler) child. [B]"The Wildcat!" [/B] Eleanor pouted. [B]"I don't wanna go on the Wildcat...it looks scary..." [/B] Robert rolled his eyes. [B]"What, you're a scaredycat?"[/B] [B]"Auntie El's a scaredycat, Auntie El's a scaredycat..."[/B] The other two danced around Eleanor, siging that. Eleanor sighed. Now people were beggining to stare at them. She began walking towards The Wildcat. [B]"Oh, yeah? I bet I'll be able to ride it more times in a row than you..."[/B] She stuck her tongue out. Her nephews giggled, placated now that they were getting their ride. She bent down. [B]"'s Johnny's turn for the piggy back...Up, up..."[/B] Johnny wrapped his arms around Eleanor's neck. "[B]Upupupupupup!"[/B] She turned her head slightly to glare at him [B]"Silence, ingrate..."[/B] She stood, then picked up he other two, one under each arm...they looked rediculous, but they didn't care. Eleanor was just greatful her nephews were still so small...there would have been riots had she been only able to carry one... The que line to the classic wooden roller coaster wasn't long at all, most patrons prefering to go on the newer, "faster" coasters. But Eleanor and her nephews knew a secret...the wood creaked and rocked, the cars had lap bars to speak of...and "speed", after all, was mostly an illusion... [B]"Ok, which one's riding with me?" [/B] [B]"My turn!"[/B] She arranged Jojo and Robert into their cars, making sure the seat belt was tightened, and fixed them with a firey glare. "[B]You try to undo that this time, and we're going straight home. No more rides, no water park, no dinner. Capice?" [/B] Two nods. She sat in her own car, helping Johnny fix his belt as the ride started moving. Five times...that was all they got before Johnny needed to get off... [B]"Auntie El, I don' feel good..."[/B] "Auntie, is this a normal color?" Eleanor turned in her seat. Jojo was leaning away from Johnny, who was faintly green. [B]"Ah...no, I'd have to...no. Don't worry, we're off as soon as this one's done."[/B] Disaster was averted, and soon all three boys were happily munching corndogs, candy apples, popcorn and peanuts that they had mooched off of her. She didn't mind really...[i]At least they're happy...and not dying my hair...[/i] she fingered the blonde streak. [i]little twerps...[/i]. [B]"Hey, John me lad...how is it that you're eating twice as much as those two put together? You were sick just a minute ago!"[/B] Johnny grinned, his mouth full. [B]"We're off it now..." [/B] She grinned, opening her mouth to reply when her beeper shrilled off, barely heard at first in the general bustle of the amusement park. [B]"Auntie El, that thingie's making noise..."[/B] Eleanor grin disappeared. It was. She grumbled as she took it off her belt to see what the beeping was for. [B]"Ingrates...work for three weeks nonstop, an' do they give me a day with no fuss?" "NO!"[/B] Her nephews were quite familiar with this rant. [B]"That's exactly right...they have to make the fiendish thingie go...off..."[/B] Eleanor's voice trailed off as the tone changed. Her nephews all stared. [B]"That's a new noise, Auntie El..."[/B] [B]"What's that one mean?"[/B] She drew the three boys together so she could stare at them. [B]"Remember that plan we made? The one with the old lady?" "What, the "The Fiendish Doom Beeper" plan?"[/B] Eleanor almost laughed. [B]"Yes, that one. I need you to do that right now, ok?" [/B] Three pairs of big brown eyes blinked up at her. [B]"Is everything ok?"[/B] She kissed the top of Jojo's head, then the other two, just to be fair. [B]"Everything'll be ok, sweetie...really."[/B] She and the three boys ran over to the corndog vendor. [B]"Look, I'm really, REALLY sorry, but can you PLEASE watch them for just a minute? They have money to call their momma, but I reall have to go, watch 'em till she gets here, please?"[/B] She was off before she got an answer. They'd planned for this. [B]"I'm really sorry!" [/B] She called back. [B]"Be good!" [/B] She dodged into an empty tent, and hit the button, arriving in the TCD just in time to rebound off of...someone...looked like Jude. She collided second with the wall, turning to glare at the world in general. [B]"This had better be something important!" [/B] she announced to the vicinity, trying to blink the lights out of her eyes. [B]"There is a civilized thing known as a "day off"..." [/B] Her voiced trailed off as she saw just how many people were crammed into the hall...the arrival room was just as crowded as the amusement park had been, overflowing into the hall. She sighed. [B]"Gonna be one of [i]those[/i] things, ain't it?"[/B][/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1]The 17x10^23th time an incarnation of that particular riddle has been said Ozy. The Captain says that he will be shot. And yours is shadow, Darksbane.[/size][/QUOTE] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Correct. My next: "Two legs it has, and this will confound: only at rest do they touch the ground!"[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f]Yeah. Oh by the way, I looked up the answer to yours, but I won't say the answer until more people have tried. Here is a riddle I was told as a child, but it is metaphorical, so it might be a bit hard . I find it a bit corny but meh: There is this "land", the "inhabitants" of the land are black "people", the "grass" is very green, and the "sky" is red. The "people" are floating, stuck up in the "sky". What is this "land"?[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Is the answer a watermelon? If so, my mom gets the credit... I know Ozy's 'cuz she's my sister, so I'll post this one until someone else figure's hers out: "By Moon or by Sun, I shall be found. Yet I am undone, if there's no light around." Pretty easy...[/COLOR]
Discuss BeatleMania Redux [Underground] (PG - VL)
4815162342 replied to Ozymandius Jones's topic in Theater
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Do you have a basic idea for our first posts? Are we supposed to write a certain event? Just wanted to know so I could start working on it...[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Elanor was quite pleased. She had actually gotten up when she wanted to. Now was the perfect time to practice her bass. Some might argue that 5 am was not the perfect time to practice such a loud instrument by itself, but Elanor didn't care. The perfectionoids were both asleep so it was a very good time. One might further argue that this was petty on Elanors part, but Elanor didn't care about that either. Five weeks of studying, three weeks of constant worrying, one week of tests, she comes in third in the school district and it's still not good enough. [I]Oh darling, third is nice but Edward came in first when he was in that class.[/I] "But Edward's a genius and he was two years older than me when he was in that class. Remember? You started me two years early?" [I]Go to your room! [/I] So she'd gone, and stayed, and was still there the next morning. Now. With her bass, and her mind on vengeance. She flipped her CD player on. Helter Skelter blared out exactly the same as always, except no bass, till now. Twice as loud as it ever should have been. Elanor grinned. This ought to get a reaction... [I][B]"MOTHER!!!" [/B][/I] Elanor winced. Emily could yell really loudly. You had to, to be able to be heard in the other wing of the house. [I][B]"MOTHER, MAKE HER TURN THAT THING OFF!!!!"[/B][/I] "It's not a THING, it's a BASS!" "Elanor Rita Starr, what is the meaning of this? It's five in the morning!" Godiva Starr appeared, a vision of glamour in a frilly pink bathrobe. Elanor almost gagged. Pink in the morning? "Yes! It is...and 5 in the morning is the perfect time to play." "Hand it over." "Hand what over?" Godiva extended a slender, perfectly manicured hand. "You know precisely what I mean, young lady. Now." The bass, the perfect blue bass that had taken three months of paychecks to buy, was handed over. One did not defy Godiva when she used that tone. Elanor frowned. "When do I get it back?" "When your father and I decide. Now go back to sleep like a civilized person." Godiva stode out. Elanor glared at Emily. "Wasn't like I was asleep in the first place...I hope you're happy..." Emily stuck her tongue out, and flounced back into her bedroom. Elanor sat down at her computer. "Stupid, no good...lousy...grr." She opened a chat room at random. Someone named "Courage_of_Destiny" and "Dear_Prudence" were in there...but no conversation was happening. At all. She'd have to fix that. She was about to start typing when the question appeared. [FONT=Courier New]"Ever feel like you don't belong in this World?" [COLOR=Green]Courage_of_Destiny: I don't belong here [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Dear_Prudence: Well, I sure don't seem t'belong 'ere, if tha's what ye mean.. [/COLOR] H3lt3rSk3l3tr: Pft. All the time...that's normal, though, ain't it? [/FONT] The computer didn't do anything. Nobody responded. "Stupid chatroom..." There was an electronic chirp - and a strange thing appeared on her desktop. "Er...ok...what is that?" It was white and shiney silver. She picked it up. "What is this? Never had the computer do this before..." And like that, she was gone.[/COLOR] ~~~~ Just in case anyone's interested, using Ozy Jones' post as a starting point, the approximate time of arrival in the digiworld (? Is that where we're going?) if we all arrived at about the same time, would be: Tala: 11 am Rae: 3 am Sakura: 1 am Sally: 4 pm Elanor: 5 am Suzuka: 2 pm Phayt: 6 pm
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]1. Name: Eleanor Walrus Maxwell 2. Age: 19 (Y.O.B. 2086) 3. Appearance: 5'2" Brown eyes, brown hair with one blond streak through it at the front. Tattoo of a blue rose with a silver stem wrapped around her upper-arm so that the stem meets the rose again. Two silver hoop earrings. Usually wears jeans and t-shirts with weird and random sayings on them (i.e. Grew a mustache its [COLOR=Yellow]RED[/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]RED[/COLOR] [COLOR=Red]RED![/COLOR], Don't Panic, I Hear Voices, etc.). 4. Bio: Up until Eleanor was 16 she traveled with her archeaologist parents (Desmond and Pam) all over the world. She has one married older brother (Morgan) who has triplet sons: Jojo, Johnny and Robert. Once the boys hit 4 years old, they got to be a bit too much for just her brother and his wife (Madonna) to handle, so Eleanor was sent home to help them control the kids. It didn't go that well. The boys discovered that they could pretty much do anything to their Auntie without too much protest. Eleanor bore it all in fairly good spirits, only losing it when they dyed half the front of her hair platinum blonde. Her brother sympathized with her, and recommended her to his boss in the T.C.D. She went into the Academy not sure of what she wanted to do, and had horrible problems with half of her classes and breezing through the other half. She is very interested in languages and learned a lot of the languages of the places where she and her parents visited. She just recently graduated from the Academy and as such is new to her job, not having gone on a single mission to date. If things aren't busy she likes to draw and play the bass. She also really likes music. 5. Personality: Eleanor is very talkative and easygoing. She wears her emotions on her sleeve, but most of the time she's cheerful and hyper. She likes things to be in order and organizes stuff into sections. Despite her loving things to be organized, she tends to be rather forgetful and scatterbrained. She has to tie strings to her fingers to help her remember things. She doesn't like it when people get hurt, and is a peacemaker. This is both her weakness and her strength. 6. Position: Eleanor is a supplier or requisitioner. She helps make sure that teams get the equipment and money they need to complete their missions. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=RoyalBlue]Name: Eleanor Starr Age: 16 Appearence: five foot two with brown hair and maroon eyes, always wears black despite her cheerful personality. Wears a trenchcoat, fedora and always goes barefoot. Country: New Zealand Crest: Light Bio: Elanor is very loud and obnoxious... She's cheerful and enjoys company, but prefers to let others make decisions. She hate tension, even though she occasionally creates it with her hair-trigger temper. The youngest child, she has a brother and a sister, twins, who are considered the family's perfect children, and most of the time given all the attention. Not that she [i]minds[/i] that much...but it would be nice to have attention once in a while...she has trouble saying what she wants to say much of the time - she knows what she means, but it doesn't come out right - and most other kids don't quite like that. Baby- [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/DeSotoDiceFreak/1.gif]Paomon[/url] (Strong acid bubbles) In-Training- [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/DeSotoDiceFreak/2.gif]Shaomon[/url] (Tsumo {no clue what it means...}) Rookie-[url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/DeSotoDiceFreak/3.gif] Labramon[/url] (Retrieve Bark, Cure Liquor) Champion-[url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/DeSotoDiceFreak/4.jpg] Dobermon[/url] (Grau Realm, Schwarz Strahl) Ultimate- [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/DeSotoDiceFreak/5.jpg]Cerberumon[/url] (Mad Dog Fire, Portals of Darkness, Inferno Gate) Mega- [url=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v650/DeSotoDiceFreak/Anubismon.jpg]Anubismon[/url] (Amemit, Pyramid Power)[/COLOR]
1. Thousand Foot Krutch I got to see them in concert this summer! Favorite songs: Bounce Puppet Rawkfist Quicken Faith, Love, and Happiness 2. The Beatles. See Ozy Jones' post for the explanation. Favorite songs: Blackbird Only a Northern Song Hey Bulldog Goodnight Taxman I could go on forever but there's not enough room. 3. The Monkees Another great 60's band with their own tv show. Favorite songs: Auntie Grizelda Mary Mary Alvin Circle Sky Listen to the band 4. Superchic[k] Almost got to seem them in concert. I was however able to get their autographs Favorite songs: Hero (Red Pill Mix) Princes and Frogs (Underdog Mix) One Girl Revolution (Battle Mix) Me Against the World Stand Up (Mob Action Mix) 5. The Orchestra that does the LoTR soundtracks. They're all so beautiful. Steward of Gondor Into the West
[QUOTE]I guess you forgot about the long standing rivalry between the Buffalo Bills and the Miami Dolphins huh?[/QUOTE] Yep. I know about it. I used to live in Buffalo. I always root for the Dolphins. :rolleyes: :smirk: :p Sorry. Anyway I was rooting for the Eagles so although it was a good game, I wish that the Patriots had lost.
At the time I signed up, I was reading the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. Raolin Darksbane was one of the "False Dragons" and I just really liked his name. Except I changed mine to Raonin. I stopped reading the books, but the name is still cool.
Could someone please make me a banner with Ryoko on it? All it needs to say is Raonin Darksbane, Queen of the Pirates. In red. Thanx in advance. Edit: Ryoko from Tenchi. Sorry!
Category 1: general The Fellowship of the Ring (Each question increases in difficulty) 1. What gift is Frodo Baggins given by his uncle, Bilbo? The One Ring, Sting, Mithril Coat 2. Who captured Merry and Pippin in the Old Forest? Old Man Willow 3. What great evil did Gandalf fight in the mines of Moria? Balrog 4. What gift was Gimli given upon departing the forest of Lothlorien? Three strands of Galadrial's hair. 5. What do the elves refer to Gandalf as? Mithrandir the Grey Wanderer 6. Who bore Frodo to Rivendell? Glorfindel 7. What was the significance of the lake outside the EAST gate of Moria? It is the Mirrormere 8. What derogatory name did Bill Ferny lay upon Aragorn in Bree? Longshanks 9. How many Ringwraiths attacked at Crickhollow? One 10. What race is Goldberry? River Daughter Category 2: general The Two Towers 1. Who is the king of Rohan? Theoden 2. Besides the name Wormtounge, what name does the servant to saruman go by? Grima 3. Where was the battle that ended the life of Boromir of Gondor? Parth Galen 4. What sword killed Shelob? Sting 5. What ent is named after Fangorn forest? Treebeard 6. Who killed Theodred, son of Theoden? The Orcs 7. What waterfall was Boromir?s body sent over? Rauros 8. Who appeared with Gandalf over helms deep with over two thousand riders? Eomer 9. Name 2 Uruk-Hai. Ugluk and Lugdush 10. What were the final six words Gandalf said to Saruman the White? "Saruman, your staff is broken. Go!" Category 3: general The Return of the King 1. What was the name of Gandalf?s horse? Shadowfax 2. What city was beseiged by the forces of Mordor? Gondor 3. Who did Aragorn marry? Arwen 4. What was planted on Mt. Mindolluin as a symbol of Gondor? The White Tree 5. Who led the armies of Mordor after the Witch King died? The Lieutenant of the Tower (aka the Mouth of Sauron) 6. What path did Aragorn take out of Dunharrow? The Paths of the Dead 7. What one person stood before the Nazgûl Lord without injury? Gandalf 8. Name three elves that stood before the Black Gates with Aragorn? Legolas, Elrohir, and Eladan 9. What ship-haven did Aragorn and the Dead men of Dunharrow re-take? Osgiliath. 10. After Theoden?s great speech ended at Pellenor fields with "Ride now, ride now! Ride to Gondor!" What specific, uber-cool action did the King of the Mark take? Category: Random pick , Geography (5 questions, so as not to test your nerve , no difficulty order) 1. Name the three greatest peaks of the misty mountains. Barazinbar (redhorn), Caradhras the Cruel, and ? 2. What was the realm of elves in mirkwood named (after a person). Thranduil 3. What great city within Gondor was called "the prince?s realm" and mastered by Imrahil? Belfalas 4. What mound of land did Aragorn die upon? In Gondor, In the house of the Kings, on the Silent street. 5. Name the ruins that in sindarin mean "north fortress" Amon Sul or Weathertop if you like. Hey I didn't look at the others answers my sister scrolled down really fast. (Yah I'm whining, I know.)
Lets see, this is going to be a long list! 1:Lilo and Stitch 2: The Emperors New Groove 3: Treasure Planet 4: Mulan 5: All Herbie the Love Bug movies 6:Princess Diaries 7: Muppet Movies There are more but this is long enough already and I don't classify these as kids movies cause I'll probably be watching them when I'm 111!
I liked the AOL commercial with the motorcycle guy. And the Pepsi one with the bears (although Pepsi is evil go Coke ). And the car commercial with the shrinking basketball players. I didn't get to see any more commercials after that cause our TV fritzed out:(
My real name's Theresa. Lets see, some of my nicknames are... 1. Reesi 2. Reeci Cup 3. Joe (Because I played football with my youth group and they said I played like Joe Montana) 4. Crunch ( Long story, my brother [i]thought[/i] it would be funny) 5. Pintard (Hey I was playing scrabble and all I did was ask if it was a real word now they're never going to forget it)
In answer to Xyanders post, there are a lot of christians who condemn rap 'cuz of the few jerks who preform it. More christians (myself included) know you can't condemn an entire art form just 'cuz of a few foulmouthed losers.
:bawl: I never got to see the end of one of the Tenchi series because CN decided to stop it right in the middle and started it over again but then we had to move to a place without cable:bawl: . So could people please tell me the endings to all the Tenchi series's or where to find them? Thanx!
I know it dosn't make sense! But I read enough ep. guides to know I would like it! And the reason for asking about a sequel was 26 episodes? isn't that kinda short? although I'll trust you on it ending well. Thanx for answering!
[COLOR=crimson]Hey! Does anyone know if they're coming out with a sequel series to Trigun? I haven't even seen the original yet, and I already want a sequel![/COLOR]