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Crimson Warrior

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Everything posted by Crimson Warrior

  1. OMG stupid duelists all around. ^.^ I had this one guy tell me that kuriboh reduced all mons attacks in that battle phase, such as a waboku would. He also said I had to choose to boost lily before he chose to chain. Another person, at an irl tourny took like 20 min to understand IFL. He kept thinking he could disc riboh after I boosted. Same with waboku. It took 5 people and an official ruling to convince him, and I dont think he understands it yet either. Then you get the children, theyre the worst. You reduce em to 2000 and then they say some **** like "you shouldnt have made me angry" then they raigeki, monster reborn something useless like gemini elf when they have like, don zaloog in the grave, then they summon something like, goblin strike team, and use early burial on another elf. And all this time they have like giant orc and demon soldier on the field. They say "you should have never made me mad because now your going to die" they attempt to attack directly, then you flip mirror force. The first assumption was that you did something illegal (idiots) and then they begin to realize that had they not exhausted theyre hand so quickly they could have still defeated you with what was already on the field + 1 monster. However the nincompoops were too late at realizing this and have to topdeck 1 turn until theyre gone.
  2. Theres a way for admins to make a thread that doesnt count posts to your count towards your count. Plus a strict moderator can handle flaming... oh well ;_;
  3. This has probably been asked before but is there a duel clans? If not can you tell me why cuz I like em, if there hasnt been please consider adding one... Sorry if this has been posted but I'm a lazy person and didnt wanna look through all other threads.... I know theres a battle arena thing but its some sparring crap (i personally dont even understand the consept but whateva) and theres no clans for dueling....
  4. [COLOR=crimson]Looks like the rebirth or yugioh/ygo and pokemon combined to try and make more money... I personally think you should master one game before starting another, but thats just me.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=crimson]Props to firephoenix (no im not a wigga thats the first time ive ever said props >.>) Im from good ol st lu but unfortunately (very unfortunate) i live in dfw, tx now.[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=crimson]Thats gotta suck. I know if my school was like that it woulda shut down a long time ago. Just like when the princy was thinkin about drug tests....that woulda eliminated over half the foot ball team -_-; [/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]Anyway back to the subject, its unfair for them to take away funding if one person is not passing. Everyone is different and plus some people are dumb. They shouldnt ruin someone elses education just because someone is a slacker or fell off the dumb tree.[/COLOR]
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