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Everything posted by No_Regrets

  1. I can wait. Yeah. I LOVE this banner! I'm taking it off when I get a new one but I'm putting it on my Animeiowa forum screenname and you'll still be credited. Ish my favorite ever. Like my Avi. I luff it too! Thanks! :catgirl: :animeswea Hmmmmm......I see you like FMA too.... Horrays!
  2. .......I don't like blankets. I'm one of those people who would rather be freezing than be oven hot. BUT! I did make me a blanket recently. It a star wars three piece of fleece that I bought and sewed to a black back. It's cool. I would have to say my favorite blanket is my cosplay blanket though. I took a few 5'5' squares of every pice of fabric I've used in a cosplay sewed into a quilt. When I am cold It is very nice. And it's fun to think of all the cosplays I made. :catgirl: :animesigh :animesmil :animeswea
  3. Well It's been 6 months since I've been here, and with my other forums kinda going downhill I decided to come back home. Now all I need is a new banner! Here's what I would like! I want an animated *if possible* banner of Rock Lee. I want it to be a picture of him from the episode where he gets wasted on Sake. I want the first picture of him, obviously wasted, with the Text "I'm not drunk!" Then a picture of when he pretends to pass out, with the text "I'm underage!" Then with No_Regrets on the bottom corner. Hell, feel free to put your own name on it for credit. Now for a non animated, picture(s) of Lee wasted with the same text. Lots of Green though! it really doesn'tmatter if it's animated or not. I just think Animated ones are funny. Those aren't spefics, feel free to throw in your own flair. Creativity = good! I'd do it myself but photoshop uninstalled itself somehow. Thanks! :D :D :D :animesmil
  4. Muahahahahahahahaaaa! I just got back from cosplay hell, I mean AnimeIowa a few days ago. I was the crazy Naruto cosplayer. We had a photoshoot. It was amazing. We had like, 30-40 Naruto Cosplayers, and AnimeIowa just hit over 2,000 atendees at this con!!! I don't think we were all there at once. People had panels to go to!
  5. I really love animated banners. Like my current Rock lee one. But they get boring, so I was wanting a new one! I was thinking along the lines of a Young Sasuke and Itachi, back when Itachi killed the Uchiha clan. I'm ok with just changing words, so yeah. But I would like a picture of Young Sasuke on that night. One where he's crying would be neat, and Itachi, and have the words, "If you want to kill me, the hate, spite and live in an unsightly way..." Then have, "Run and run and cling to life..." and Have No_Regrets at the bottom. Thanks anyone who tries!!!!!
  6. What's this about the naruto manga not appearing in the next few weeks? What's this about Kishimoto 'Gathering info'? That's bullcrap! Anyone know what's going on? No_Regrets...out-
  7. Ok, hope this isn't too late. Name: Temari Age:15 Gender: female Weapons: Throwing knives/stars. A large fan. A Albino Ferret. Occupation: A member of the Demon Slayers clan. Appearance: She's a tall blonde who has her long hair in four ponytails. She wears a baggy, Kimono styled top with a grey halter style thing over it and a pink piece of fabric tyed around her waist. She wears a short skirt and has a piece of mesh go from her hip to her knee around her left leg, and another piece of mesh go from her right ankle to her knee. History: Grew up well, became a master slayer around 12. Never had anything too wrong happen in her life. Side: Heroes Story: Temari and her two brothers, Gaara and Kankuro, were all traveling to a village where a large racoon demon was spotted. Along the way, a fight broke out and Temari was seperated from her brothers. She now wanders through the forest aimlessly, untill she spotted a odd white haired demon with white dog ears...
  8. [QUOTE=r2vq]AnimeSuki says Naruto was not played on TVTokyo this week. This shouldn't come by as a doomsday prophecy because they have done this before. Though what really makes me curious is this new release... from SG-Anime... Apparently it's Episode 90 of Naruto... Does anyone know if this is real? Or if it is, where they got the episode? Hm... I guess I'll download it anyway... -ArV[/QUOTE] SG-Anime? Is that another company or channel or something? So what, do people think that Naruto is hopping on to another boat or something like that? I know that sometimes shows don't go on due to news or a start of a new season (doubt that's the case) or like a new opening thing, or even a special episode! I dunno, they do that here in America alot. But maybe I'm not getting it..... No_Regrets...out-
  9. Sorry 'bout that. ^_^' Yeah I agree r2vq. I know most people at some point in time who's up on the Manga is curious about Itachi's power and how he went so evil, but come on. I think more poeple want to see awesome Curse-seal Sasuke versus the always great Naruto. That will be a great fight! If you're not a Naruto and sasuke fan. But poor me, I'm a Lee and Neji fan and one's probably dead, and one is finally fixed-ish. No_Regrets...out-
  10. Oh wow. I will usually perfer to watch a original Japanese Dub and English Subtitles, like with my beloved Naruto. But sometimes, like in the case of Trigun, and Cowboy BeBop, I actually liked the american better. But I think the best example I own, is Andriod Kikaider. I own the series, and I really kinda hate the American...compared to the japanese. The way I usually explain this to my parents when they make me turn my anime off 'coz they can't understand it, is that I would rather watch the anime the way it was ment to be. It is [I]Japanese[/I] Anime. No_Regrets...out-
  11. So anyone here in this post live around Iowa? I am trying to gather more Naruto cosplayers for my AnimeIowa Cosplay group. I am going as A ANBU, Rock Lee and Sakura, and Dead-Angel is going as A ANBU too, Gaara, and Itachi....and unfortunately, I am the only one with costume designing experience.......so I'm stuck making the costumes. >_< But if anyone around here is interested, or even going, let me know! I only live 100 miles from Anime Iowa! LOL :D :D Two hours!
  12. Well, at my school, I'm really put down about being atheist. I live in mennonite central; IOWA. And I'm kinda shunned by my teachers too. So I guess I'm used to being kinda like that. thanks
  13. Yeah, my school ha a problem with that. EVERYONE at our school calims to be an 'individual' which isn't really true. This will sound really steriotypical but I do think of myself as an individual. I have a outlook on life that is like no one's. But I do dress like people like me.....you know black, wristbands, peircings, but I tried to do something to keep seperate, so I kept my blonde hair. A steriotypical goth has black clothes and black hair, but since I think it is impossible to be totally, 'different' since, someone, somewhere, will be almost exactly like you, so I just to do my best. :D
  14. Yeah, sorry 'bout that. I was having a bad time last night.....^_^ But yeah, This post is going down in fl-ames (as wolfwood said) Whatever. I think I'm done here. :D :cool:
  15. I was looking over the Member list off in my nifty sidepanel, and this question came to my mind..... I noticed the labels under people's names' like 'New Member' or 'Member' or 'Moderator'....and I noticed me and my friends were not on the member list. Is that because we are new members? How do you become a member? Is it posts? or do you like, get promoted? I was asking Dagger and she told me to put this up here. Thankx No_Regrets
  16. [quote name='Harry']I'm glad you're making decisions off of wrong information.[/quote] Thank you Doctor Phil. See how much I care about the christian religion? what's the fuss about? I posted that topic just to say my oppinions, not to get preached at by anyone. You know, I've really found myself paitent with this thread, but all you snippy people are ruining this for me, and others, I'm sure. There is no need to be pissy. look I was trying to be nice and have paitence with all of you. Sure this thread has gained my a new friend, but it's also gained me a few not- so much friends. and I do not like that. All I ask is that we all at least keep civil. Look even I've gotten mad. I'm gonna go work on MyOtaku.....
  17. hehehehehe....I got drunk two weeks ago just to fit in........ya' know Hangovers suck.......I'm NEVER drinking again. But I believe many people do fake to fit in, but I try my best not to. If they do not like me for who I am then it's their loss. I know it's hard to not do. And it's much eaiser to say you won't, but I think that some people are so obsessed with what people think of them, that they sub-conciously change themselfes and lie about themselves to fit in with the best croud. But I found out that if you are just the way you are, you really kinda fit in with almost everyone. Like I'm one of the irregulars, at school. Not unpopular, not popular, I'm goth. And we have a little goth sect at school, and we get along with most everyone. I'm also labeled as a 'Drama' We are a group of anout 18 people who are into Speech, plays, and free expressions. So i found it was no longer neccesary to change myself. and it's a great feeling, being able to be yourself. :love:
  18. [QUOTE=Harry]Do you even know what christianity is about? As to the original poster, you'd have to be insane to let some girl that reads witchcraft books and uses candles to burn away "old desires" into your house.[/QUOTE] I'd think NOT since I am a Atheist.....all I know I heard from friends, parents or tv. So I have had a large variety of different mediums go into my thoughts. Why not? Better to burn a candle the beat someone up with a 2 by 4......... Don't know if that's what you ment....but I'm gonna go with it! :cool: And you know that the Wiccan religion and these "Witchcraft" books are actually really interesting? I'm serious.....It gives you a different way to look at things. Am I insane? I don't know let me ask Hank..... You want to know who Hank is? He's flying around my room right now. :D :cool: ;) :p :babble:
  19. [QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1] And, White Akita, they made you [i]write a report[/i] on your religion? You should be able to refuse to do that. Anyway, here is a virtual breakdown of a typical class. Of 30 students, 15 Good Christians hand in their report on Christianity. 10 students outline their report on the benefit of remaining neutral. 3 students write a flowery report on Buddhism, 1 students fails to hand theirs in, and 1 student is stuck with the 'Wiccan' stigma. Fairly accurate, ne?[/size][/QUOTE] Yeah.....People used to think I was Wiccan....and I was for a while.......then I ran out of $ and salt...........But mostly for other reasons I became Atheist. I think that it's nicer to think, that when you die, your dead. Than to think that if you don't practically devote your life to praying and worshiping some 'god' that we don't even know exists.......and like....If you are bad a few times in life or you don't want to worship this ' character from a book' you get to spend a peaceful eternity burning and suffuring in HELL. I like to live, and not be concerned with suffering when I die. and part of living is being good, and being bad. EVERYONE is a bad person at some point in time. It's nicer to think the way of the Atheist. In my oppinion. [I]Now for the apology: I know this post could be seen as offencive to any/all christians. I do not mean to begin a arguement, or to make anyone angry/ and or convert anyone. PLease don't yell at me because I ment no harm. I really have no problems with christians. I like everyone for what they do and their outlook on life and their way they live......I know religion is a part of it, but it's not something I really ever look at. This was NOT MENT TO OFFEND ANYONE. [/I] :( Please don't get angry christians :( So while I'm at it.....Anyone know a good way to tell your parents you're Atheist? My parents do not know, and my mom was talking about getting me baptized...... My parents are strict Lutherans........ :( :( :( :( :( :(
  20. [quote name='hexadol']I'm in the same boat as Anime_Ninja. I adore the manga, it has got to be my most favorite one! But I didn't even know it was anime yet, like, i knew it was in japan, but not here. So how are you guys seeing it?!?! [yeah, you've got to remember that your talking to a computerless otaku, boo hoo][/quote] Well, If u had a computer, you could download the subbed episodes......or Like I have done on accident......Go to ebay and buy a $30 bootleg..which I'd rather not do...... :cool: All The episodes we've seen were in japanese...just subtitled..like crouching tiger, hidden dragon for example. :babble: Go Naruto Manga! I want to meet Masashi Kishimoto!!!! It's my dream! PS. I met someone who went to E3 today. He had a Cowboy Bebop shirt from there. Lucky media.......(PLEASE Excuse my spamming)
  21. [QUOTE=Dagger IX1] No_Regrets: FUNimation recently obtained the right to release uncut, bilingual Shaman King and Yu-Gi-Oh DVDs. This goes to show that even if Naruto gets taken by 4Kids, you can still have something to hope for. :) ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] Oh sweet. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D MMMmmmmmmm Bilingual.......*gargle* But I'd rather have Naruto taken in by FUNimation, or ADV, (Their Samurai X ROCKS) or even Kodansha *Think that's right.. They did Medabots* But I personally have a grudge against 4kids for what they did to Marik and Bakura's dubs, and Seto's story from Yugioh.... But I'm ok with buying Japanese subbed dvd's or even sometimes Bootlegs, *when I accedentally do....from eBay* But the problem is that sometimes the audio track gets off, or it gets laggy from lots of movement, or it glitches, or worst of all, You can't read the subtitles!!!!! White is a bad sub color. Like most of my Naruto is....>_< White and Italic.....>_<
  22. [quote name='White Akita]Thanks No_Regrets, and Dead-Angel. I was just simply asking a question and thats really it. I didn't mean to make everyone all B*tchy about it all. I just don't really think I should have told anyone my religion, but the teatchers made us write a report on our religions..........Thats when all the [i]fun[/i] started. Name calling.......The list goes on and on. But I still stand proud for I have my beliefs, and no one can destroy them. My theorys are mine. I myself try to see people on their good side, unless of course, well, the really crazy ones who commit genocide........ Even the people who [i]hate[/i'] me, I still respect them. Anyones friggin opinion doesn't really matter to me anymore, but Sometimes it will hurt. A continous battle rages on within me.........All because of this d*mn religion problem. I hate it.[/quote] No problem! But isn't that like, against the law? Making students tell their religion? I thought it was. You have a right to privacy don't you? I'd ask someone about that.... [B]I'm proud of being an Atheist!!![/B] you don't get all confusd over religion then..... Dead-Angel and I are the proud Atheists of Mid-Prairie High! ;)
  23. Oh wow. That's a really good point. and now that I think of it, that does happen. well, I'm changing my movement to the "BRING THE NARUTO DVD'S TO AMERICA" Movement Is that better? I hope so.... Cuz I don't want what happened to my sweet Yugioh and Shaman King to happen to me even sweeter Naruto. :( :( :( :( :( Then again, Inuyasha and Naruto are two shows that I see on the same plain...I like Naruto a lot more, but to me they're just....similar. and Inuyasha is on Adult swim and The most commercial thing I've seen about that, *besides comics and DVD's* was a Tee-shirt at Hot Topic......that's really the only way I'd see it. I think that the people who can't afford DVD's, or have crappy computers should still be able to enjoy Naruto as we do. Cause it can change your life....really. :wigout:
  24. My Nii-chan graduated this year. I've talked to him and he said it was a big thing for him since he was so anxious to get to college and along with his career as a historian. >_< eep. Well my second best friend graduated this year too. And she was crying cuz she hated school so much, but also hated the Idea of moving on to a new life. All I know is that when school starts up.....I'll be a sophomore next year...and I DUN WANNA EVER GRADUATE. I'm afraid of growing old...... >_< I love my life right now. I don't want it to change.
  25. [QUOTE=Dead-Angel]Hang in their White Akita! I kind of know what it?s like. I'm an atheist. At school one day someone asked me my religion and I said I?m atheist. The next thing I know they tell me I should die and burn in hell. I got made fun of a lot but held me head high. I lost a few good friends but I got over it. Then later on I got in to a fistfight. That was "fun". Oh hey undefeated what the hell is with the "atheists" I with No_Regrets about this thing.[/QUOTE] Yeah! Go Dead-Angel-Kun! See? We are [U]nice, optimistic, and keep our smart-arse comments to ourselves[/U] . It's a bit non-realistic, Undefeated.......let's just call it....being decent. What you said to MistressRoxie was just mean. It seemed to me to not even be pointing something out. It sounded just freaking [B]mean[/B] . Good god people. White Akita asked a freaking question. Just to know, not to get us all in a fight. Oh hey, does the fact that I see people differently than everyone else make me arrogant? Because I can't hate [I]anyone[/I] unless, obviously, their like, Hitler or something...... :p Whatever, I still don't have a problem. :p *Laughes insanely* :D :D :D
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