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Everything posted by No_Regrets

  1. Because he has never ticked me of and It's because I'm a [B]nice[/B] person who tries to get along with everyone.
  2. Yeah. Naruto is NOT for children. Likke, *this isn't a good example* But Yugioh. They edited alot in that. It was more in the Dailouge then the video though..... And Shaman King. It ROCKS. But not edited like that....Messed up Amidamaru's story. But yeah. I would rather have Naruto on Adult swim or at least Cartoon network. They are more leaniant with blood and swear words. But knowing Shonen Jump, with their thing with Fox. That's where it'll be. And they are also more leaniant than WB. They let Tray say Jackass on Shaman King. I :love: Rock Lee!
  3. [quote name='wrist cutter']Look - science agrees with me again. I think I've proven that I'm pretty much always right, all the time.[/quote] I agree with the pencil thing. That's true. I don't understand that, you're accusing White Akita of being arrogant? That's either real arrogant or just plain snobby. Whatever. Why am I trying if all you're going to do snap something back at me. That may just be the way you are, and since I'm [I]understanding[/I] I'll say no more. :cool: Doesn't bother me. :cool:
  4. Hey, I think you're being to hard on White Akita. Arrogant? That's real supportive. I'm not here to make enemies, but come on. Anyway, White Akita, I know what it's like to be [I]shunned[/I] by people or friends over your religion. Dead-Angel and I both, at different times, opened up to my classmates and told them that we were Atheists (did I spell that right? I'm sorry but it's hard to spell) and my class and hers, (we are in different grades.) all just locked us out. Now I would like to point out I live in IOWA. Mennonite central. If you're not Christian, you're BAD.
  5. I can't stand that crap the studio's do. Like with the new Yugioh movie! >_< Whatever, I realized I never really said why I like Naruto and since I practically live off of it. (I wear my Konohagakure Leaf headband like a belt!! ^_~) I figured I'd better. Just to try and Keep this post alive. Why I love Naruto The characters. All of the characters in Naruto are so realistic and well rounded. Ok so there are some who have little plot holes in them but It's ok, since most anime's have bigger ones. My favorite Character, Rock Lee (obviously) is so great [spoiler] since he's so determined and hardworking...I'm so glad he gets all fixed up later....*By Tsunade....I think....* So him and Gaara can fight the bone guy together. And I like how Gaara kinda mellowed out *Manga only so far* And him and Lee get kinda buddie buddie.[/spoiler] And I like Sakura, since we are anime doubles, I'm just three years older.....My thing is that people made fun of her large forehead....AND I HAD THE SAME PROBLEM. (That isn't a spoiler is it?) And we just act alike or at least that what Dead-Angel tells me. NINJA'S I love ninja's. I was a ninja for halloween like, eight times when I was younger. And I just bought some Shuriken and throwing knives (not quite kunai) from a magazine. I just love the Idea of ninjutsu, and genjutsu, and Taijutsu.....since one of my friends uses the same things, or at least talks about all of them but Genjutsu in his....(lemmie see if I can spell this right...) A-kade-o class. I guess overall.......Naruto just is an amazing show, and to me It's more of a way of life. I really live for Naruto, and it's a really serious thing for me. I just wanted all my fellow fans to know that, and see if maybe, someone was like that to. :o
  6. OOOoooooooohhhhhhhhh noooooooooooooooo I knew one day I would come here and see this......and I would have a typing cramp ALL DAY! Heeheehee Here I go.... Katsuya Jounouchi x Seto Kaiba : Yugioh- OK What is better than a hot and loud blonde and a hot antisocial brunette? yeah...exactly. Youko Kurama x Jaganshi Hiei : Yu yu hakusho- Demons.....yay. They are great. And Yoshihiro Togashi confirmed it may exist. heehee...besides, Kurama is really the only one Hiei will hang out with... Uchiha Sasuke x Uzumaki Naruto : Naruto- Don't rivals make the cutest couples? Naruto and Sasuke seem a lot different...but really they have some great moments together. and Naruto cries for Sasuke!!!! That's sweet! Yuugi Moutou x Yami : Yugioh- um...they are really cute but they share a body.....so that confuses me........but that's ok........ Iruka-sensei x Hatake Kakashi : Naruto- HAHAHAHAHA Here's my favorite! So they don't have too much contact....but I've read a doujinshi with them in it and DA*N! It was great. Inuyasha x Koga : Inuyasha- Dog boy and Wolf boy....Hahahaha I like the ear and tail things...they just look good together!!! HEHEHEHEHE! I love Yaoi. :love:
  7. Yeah I'm pretty confused with Tsunade. Manga and Anime were not equal. Anyway. I'm cosplaying as her for a convention. Any one know of a GOOD full body COLORED picture of Tsunade? I'm Havin' some problems with that......... Anyway about my relations post. Found out the person I got that from was on pot. So scratch that. [spoiler] but I still think that Yondaime is Naruto's father.....Even if some don't!. There are just to many similarites.......and I know that Kakashi was in Yondaime's team. but that bit with Jiraiya being naruto's grand pops....What the hell was he thinking..o wait he was on POT! Lol....whatever..[/spoiler]...I :love: ROCK LEE!!! HE'S ALL MINE!!!! BACK OFF!!!!! *HISSSSSS* He simply is the best. and I wwill fight to prove that. Sorry if I sound like a bi*ch..... :confused:
  8. So I don't know if you allow these types of posts, so if not I'm sorry...but anyway......Today I was playing through Prince of Persia again.....And something WEIRD happened..... OK so after Farah runs of with your sword and dagger, and you get your new 1 hit duster sword....you enter the next room to see Farah run away and have the prince yell at her. so you beat up the bad guys and run up hop up the wall to see she's gone right?...............not in my game. >_< I climbed up the wall, and she was just standing there. So I could push her around and hit her and have her hit me.....but she didn't have my weapons...and if I stared at her....her mouth would move, but nothing came out. It was really freaky? This is just one of my freaky POP adventures. And it's not a scratched disc. It's still perfect, since it's my fav game. Anything like this happen to anyone else?????? :( :eek: :eek: :smirk:
  9. Yep yep...I found out some new sstuff.....My convention is called Anime Iowa. they have a little show where everyone goes on stage for a moment to act like their character.....Lol..i'm going as Rock Lee.....Dead-Angel is going as Garra, and Kenshin-sama is going as Miroku........D-A and I are gonna have a mock fight. :D she's gonna throw sand at me and I'm gonna use the 'leaf spinning wind" on her! LOL......theres sure to be many inuyasha cosplayers so Kenshin-sama is gonna find a Sango and grab her butt.......LOL...... :rolleyes:
  10. Lol, Dead-Angel's forum got merged... Hey Dead-Angel Chan how do you know it's not for looks....HUH? answer that!!! _>
  11. Oh wow.........hm.........I started watching anime in third grade..um about 8 years old. I was a big fan of Sailor Moon and Pokemon and i remember having a huge problem with them both being on @ 6:30 am and on different channels...heehee
  12. I have read all the naruto in the Shonen Jump mag. and I have seen up to episode 67 on a bootleg DVD (It's not mine!) And i must say, It's changed my life! I live by Shikamaru's code...."I'll live so-so and make okay-okay money" lol I have also been changed by rock lee I mean, [spoiler] when he realized he had no ninja talent and couldn't even use basic ninja skills, so he became a Taijutsu, hand-to-hand master. And even mastered the inital lotus and beyond! And when Garra crushed his leg and his arm and he couldn't be a ninja anymore, I cried. He would escape from the hospital to try to train only to hurt himself more :( so sad....and this is really big so if you don't want to get real spoiled dont read.............................................................Naruto's dad, Yondaime, was Hokage the 4th, and Jiraiya is Naruto's grandpa and Kakashi was Yondaime's student! That is so well hidden!!!! LOL!!!! anyway I'm not sure if that's true...but I found it out from a friend........ [/spoiler] Remember....."The lotus in Konoha blooms twice...." ~Rock Lee~
  13. Hi! I was wonderin' if anyone here had a list, or knew where to get a list of all the anime conventions in the united states. I know that there is one in my area, Iowa, in Des Moines in September. I got that from someone @ the arcade. And I'd like to know the date so I could finish my Rock Lee costume, Dead-angel's Garra costume, and Kenshin-sama's Miroku outfit on time! :( Anyway, anyone ever been to a anime convention? I havent yet but I'm thinking about goind to Anime Expo 2005 next year and that is my dream.....but I really want to hear about them if anyone has ever been to one! :love:
  14. Hey Thanks! That's cool. I think there would be more Rock Lee fans if the Naruto Anime came to america. I'm actually goin' to a anime convention in September here in Des Moines, Iowa. I'm going as Rock Lee, my beat friend Dead-Angel is going as Garra... and my friend Kenshin is going as Miroku! me an DA are arch rivals. heeheehee....anyway I'm going as part of my new "Bring the Naruto Anime to America." Movement......heeheehee..PM me to join and I'll send you info when I get it. :D :D :D :D ;) :p :cool:
  15. Oh wow....man that really sucks. But hey, I used to be a cutter. I never got help. I stopped myself. I realized instead of feeling pain by getting useless scars.....I invested in peircings. When ever I get mad or upset, which is rare anymore, I go get a peircing. Like I got my bellybutton done after I failed 2 classes @ school. And After my boyfriend breaks up with me, like he's telling my friends he's going to....I guess I'll go get my tounge peirced...other than that I just have my ears done a couple of times. I don't know if that will help and I doubt it..but....I hope she works it out! You seem really great and i think if she stopps stressing about cutting...you two could really be great together! But whatever you do.... DON'T BREAK UP WITH HER CUZ OF IT! That's why one of my friends is dead......But, Just talk to her....or take sharp things from her....hav her stay @ your house for a while and watch out for her....help her break the habit! Good Luck! No_Regrets........keeps on trucking onto her goal of being a member...... :D
  16. I have a BIG problem with Arnold Shwa-sz-nag-er or something like that..... He's a macho, dumb as a rock, MOVIE actor who thinks he can run a state! I saw a interview where it was about Terminator 3. The person asked...."So what do you think about your new movie?" and he was like "My new movie? Which one is that?" OMG I laughed so hard and then I was like.......those poor people in Cali. T_T It made me sad. LOL! I Hope I haven't offended anyone, and If I did, I'm sorry! :p
  17. THank you soooo much! I love it! It's great! Anyway... anyone else who wants to try can and I would appreciate it!!!!! I know the one I have on was by Nomad and It's realy great! Wanna try again Nomad? Anyone is welcome to try! Stills of Rock Lee are kool too. :cool: :love:
  18. Hey I would like a new Naruto banner starring ROCK LEE! my hubbie anyway i want a animated banner with "The lotus in Konoha..." and switch to another screen saying, "always blooms twice."I want to have the background a cool blue or black or dark green and a colage od Rock lee pictures! I know it's spefic but feel free to simplify it!!!! THANKS!!! No_Regrets
  19. No_Regrets


    OOOOOOOOO I first saw Berserk about a year ago...and I was really happy. It deals with things that did actually happen in that timeline...except the stuff w/ the egg of the king.............that was just weird....... But anyway the characters were great and the ending did suck.......[spoiler]I really hate shows where they kill everyone @ the end. [/spoiler] I really had to watch it over again and again for a while before I could understand some of it.... (Listen to the anime Guru!) :love: :devil: If you liked "Berserk" You may also enjoy...... Hellsing Evangeilion *I know it's spelled wrong* Sin Metropolis Akira Anything in the top shelf in the video store Anything gory [color=hotpink][size=1]Please use the Spoiler Tags from now on, especially when referring to stuff as you did. You simply type [ spoiler] and then [/spoiler]. Also, try using words instead of "w/" or "@" in your sentences. Thank you! *QA*[/color][/size]
  20. I would DEFINATELY say Haruno Sakura from Naruto! She is in love with someone who hates her kinda, she has a big forehead, and she has a deep and hidden personality she is afraid of showing. I AM Haruno Skaura!
  21. I love musicals! I am actually in the process of being Gladys Zutwitizki in "Carnival" I am playing as one of the saimease twins!!! I was also Baptista in "The Taming of the Shrew" In the fall. I know it isn't a musical but it was fun. Carnival is amazing. Lots of carnies though. we had a bunch of people audition! And after all the leads and supporting leads were full....we ended up w/ like.........15 carnies.....it's scary....we even have a bearded lady......who is actually a guy. Well, I hope you enjoy reading my reply....AND JOIN PLAYS ANS MUSICALS!!! THEY ARE A GREAT EXPERIENCE! I mean right now..me and my older brother are making a documentary on the practices. it's really funny...and we record our plays and have them put on DVD's and we're putting the docu. on. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
  22. Hey, Recently my friend bought the whole first 68 episodes of [B]Naruto[/B] and I realized that if I was a man.....I would love Sakura.....but since I'm a chick....*and not a lesbian....no offence to............er................anyone* I can't really....I mean...we're so alike......The real reason people always made fun of me as a child.....was because I had an unnaturaly large forehead.....and so does Sakura! I thaought that was AMAZING! How many people do you know who create anime characters with big foreheads......that's just not common..... So I felt that I had a strong connection with her.....for other reasons also...but that mainly.....So i would like a Sakura Banner and a Avatar..... If someone can make animated banners...I WANT ONE! On the banner; I would like it to have Sakura.....with short hair prefurabbly.....but long's ok too........ or maybe mourning when she thinks that sasuke died fighting Zabusa.... and at the top have it say..."A true shinobi must never show their emotions" Then @ the bottom say " Carry that in your heart and never shed a tear..................No_Regrets" ????I hope you can fit it........then have the avatar just a normal nice pic of sakura /w short hair *even though I have long hair...* and just have it say." No_Regrets" Thank you to anyone who tries!!!
  23. Owner: Alright Celes, just remember what may happen it you do not win. Celes: *Pshh* Don't tell me what to do. Besides, I already know. My Team and I will win, and I WILL get him back. Celes, Mai, and Daidrean walked out of the Gundam Fight Headquarters building in the Capitol of Romainia, Bucharest. She wrapped several strands of her dark honey colored hair around her left index finger. She released her hair and glanced over to Daidrean, who was glancing around the sidewalks, in a nervous manner. She shifted her gaze to Mai, who was clicking away at a small palm handheld. Eventually the group reached the shuttle that was already loaded with the most exquisite gundam, The Belmont Gundam. After a 5 hour flight, the crew arrived in Neo France, apparently not knowing that the fighter was already defeated. The ship landed in Paris, and Celes and Daidrean left the port to explore Paris, and Mai stayed behind to prep Belmont gundam for the upcoming fight. Celes: So Daidrean, have you ever been to Paris before? Daidrean: Of course! I speak fluent French. Have you ever been here before? Celes: No, Since this is my first gundam fight, I havent gotten around as much as you. Daidrean: I guess that's the case, but you kn- hey, Isn't that the Neo France fighter, George Do Sand? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To be continued....
  24. Pilot Stats Name*: Celes Belmont Age: 16 Nationality: Romainian Height: 5'9" Weight: 150 lbs. Description (written or pic):[url]http://www.janime.biz/images/FanArt/shizuka/01/07.jpg[/url] Mobile Trace Suit Design: A pure white suit with pattern blue Romainian Crosses on it, and silver trace attena's. Bio: Chosen to be the represinative of Neo Romainia after a long and painful test, her being the only to survive. She looks nice on the outside but can be very mean when need be. Personality: Nice and usually caring, but in reality very hard and cold to those not close to her heart. Crew Members: Mai: Engineer Daidrean: Beta tester Kurai Larkand: Team owner. Gundam Stats Gundam Name: Belmont Gundam Nationality*: Neo Romainian Head Height: 14.3 meters Base Weight: 11.2 tons Full Weight: 16.3 tons Armor Materials*: Gundamian Alloy Armament: One metal retractor whip, 2 vulcan cannons, 2 beam sabers, and a few, hidden tings... Special Techniques: Revenge Sweep Gundam Ability Points (You have up to 250 pts. to use) Power:70 Speed:50 Offense:40 Defense:10 Search:20 Adaptation:20 Gundam Design (optional but preferred):40
  25. Profound moment? oooo man, that's a toughie. Let's see.....If by profound, you mean, life-changing, then it's probably when one of my friends commited suicide. Her parents were fighting while I was over, and they were even hitting and stuff like that and she told me to stay in her room, cuz she needed to use the bathroom, well, I was waiting for over 45 minutes and I got worried and walked in, and she had slit her wrists. Now I have learned how presious life is and would never let anything change that. Well, that was fun, but I gotta do a report on Louis Armstrong now........bye bye!
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