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Everything posted by Venge

  1. This RPG is after season 4, so dont be surprised if somethings are different or changed... It was a long battle, but the Digidestined, Takuya, Koji, Zoe, JP, Tommy, and Koichi, had finally defeated the evil Lucemon and restored the Digital World to its fullest. When they left, the spirits of the 10 Legendary Warriors had stayed to protect the Digital World with all their power... But, over the past 10 years, their powers diminished and the spirits that were corrupted by Lucemon and Cherubimon became evil once again. Darkness, Water, Wood, Metal, and Earth ravaged the Digital World with their powers and the other spirits, Fire, Light, Wind, Ice, and Lighting could't stop them due to their weakened powers. So, the 5 spirits that were not corrupted called out into the Real World for one person to stop the other spirits and restore the Digital World once again. When this child appeared, his young heart was not decided to be good or evil, so after he gained the power to have his Digimon partner digivolve, the spirit of Darkness corrupted his mind and his Digimon to be evil. With this, the good spirits called out once again to the Real World to try to find other children. This time, they made sure that they were already decided to be good or evil. After these 6 few were called apon, they were given each a Digimon partner, a Digivice, and a Digital Card Deck. These 6 new Digidestined must now go to the Digital World to find and stop this evil child... [U]Sign Ups[/U] Name: Age: 13-16 Gender: Male or Female Physical Description: Bio: Partner: Digivolving Stages: [U]Other Notes[/U] There are only 6 Digidestined and they all have pre-chosen Digimon by me: Agumon-Lrb Gabumon-Me, Marcus_Beuford Salamon-Ohkami Hawkmon-Mighty kai DemiDevimon-JoyKiaba ToyAgumon-Cysword6 Patamon-Maximillion404 And, the one with Patamon is the evil person, the new Emperor I should say. Also, if you choose Salamon, your character must be a girl, and whoever chooses Salamon must be a girl also. All the others can be whatever you want. And, the one who chooses Salamon, my character will have a crush on, but she doesnt know it. All these Digidestined live in Bainbridge Ohio and they go to Paint Valley High School, which is where they find out they are Digidestined. [U]Digivolving Charts[/U] [U]Rookie[/U] [U]Champion[/U] [U]Ultimate[/U] [U]Mega[/U] Agumon Greymon MetalGreymon WarGreymon Gabumon Garurumon WereGarurumon MetalGarurumon Hawkmon Aquilamon ToyAgumon DarkGreymon SkullGreymon BlackWarGreymon Salamon Gatomon Angewoman Demidevimon Wizardmon Myotistmon VenomMyotistmon Patamon Angemon MagnaAngemon Seraphimon Name: Matthew Duffey Age: 16 Gender: Male Physical Description: 'Bout 5'5'', rather short, yet buit well. Short brown hair with hazel eyes. Scars are on his arms and legs from his sister hurting him. Main attire is a pair of jeans and a sleeveless DBZ Buu Saga shirt. Bio: Born in Ohio and raised there all his life, Matt really never had much of a big adventure with his life. Losing his dad at 10 wasnt easy either. Moved quite a couple times, leaving his friends behind many times. His best friend, Aric, was sad to see him go but he had to. He first got Gabumon while on his brothers computer and a Digi-egg appeared. It hatched into something but was instantly Digivolved into Gabumon. He also got a Digivice and a deck of Digimon cards along with his new Digimon. Partner: Gabumon Digivolving Stages: See Above Digivolving Chart BTW, please change your Digivolution stages according to the charts, please. And, this RP is going along with a story I'm writing.
  2. I just got a banner from ULX and I have no idea how to put it on my sig. Will someone please help me out here?
  3. Yay! Something original again! Name: Billy Watson Age: 25 Gender: Male Weapon: Pump action shot gun, 2 revolvers Personality: Gritty, hard-core, "loves the ladies" type of guy, but cannot resist a fight whether it concerns him or not. He'll jump in for kicks. But sometimes he is the sweet type who is nice, but that happens...when he is drunk. Bio: Living on a farm as a kid until 14 and then becoming a farm hand of an old antique gun collector, Billy became great with guns and has a wealth of knowledge about farming and guns. After he left when the farm owner died, Billy inherited his fortune since Billy was the only person the farm owner had left. Billy sold some of the guns and bought himself a shotgun and two revolvers. He loved to get dirty and was always fighting as a kid, so he loves fighting as an adult. He went to Jessie's Prarie when he heard that someone was coming to attack the town. He could't resist it, so he followed.
  4. Name: Leon Kanta Brew Age: 14 Gender: Male Dragon Element: Earth Appearance: [url]http://www.atpictures.com/display.php?g=yuyu&img=yyh03.jpg[/url] but without the scars and wears a black shirt. Personality: Mainly cocky and a too tough to know whats going to hurt and not to hurt. But he also has a sweet and gentle side which only comes out around girls and his close friends. Bio: Having a case of amniesia (cant spell the word) from the age of 10 due to a car accident, the only things he can remember is his parents and his friends. He had to relearn a lot of stuff for school and had many headaches and mental problems when he first went into high school. Anger outburts were a common for him, even for his usual calm demeanor. He started taking medicine for his anger problems and he now does good in school. At 13, he was walking down the street one day towards his home after school, when he was bumped into a kid from behind. Leon fell down but knoticed that the kid had dropped a pack of playing cards, due to the shape of the case and the flimsyness of it. Leon picked it up and knoticed that the kid disappeared as fast as he bumped into him. Leon was a major card player, being one of the reighning Euchre champs in his school. He opened the silver plastic and picked out the cards. Each one was showing a dragon with something that resembled each element that was known to be magical. He closely looked at the one of Earth, which was a green dragon with the Earth itself behind it. Leon then placed the Earth Card into his pocket and ran home to ask his parents about it. They told him a story about the Elemental Dragons and they said that he must have the spirit of the Earth Dragon dwelling somewhere within him. His grandfather was a great spiritual person so he went to see his grandfather. Leons grandfather, whom Leon was named after, told the boy about the dragons and knew that the boy had a strong power within him and he would need to seek out the others to find this power. The young Leon then set out to find the others. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Will someone please PM me some information about the Dragon Cards in the manga. I dont read the manga and I'd like to know some stuff about it before I go on with this. Remember PM me, not post it.
  5. I have an idea for this MB. You know how on Yahoo! Messenger, you have a login name and a Screen name? Why doesnt the Otaku Boards do that? You would still have the same login name, just a different name on your posts and stuff!
  6. OOC: This event occurs during the fight between Renamon and Dragomon, okay? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lisa awoke in an alarm. She forgot to set her clock and due to that, she woke up at 2:00 PM. "Hey, Gummymon. Wake up! We overslept!" "Unnngggg....too early. Five more minutes." "Arrrgggg...alright, you asked for it!" Lisa picked up her In Training Digimon and dumped her into a sink full of ice cold water. Gummymon awoke instantaneously. "WHADJA YOU THAT FOR!?" "You wouldnt wake up, so I woke ya up." Lisa gave Gummymon a little smile as they soon were laughing. After they ate breakfast, which was a quick one due to oversleeping, Lisa decided to call Tanya and Emily and ask if they'd like to have a little training session is the Digital World. They both said yes and said that they'd meet each other at Emilys house in an half hour. As Lisa walked up to Emilys house, she spotted Tanya up at the door with Devimon. "Hey Tan!" "Oh. Hey, Lisa. Guess your just in time, eh?" "Yup. Have you knocked yet?" "Mmmmhmmm. Emily should be coming any minute now." Just as Tanya said that, Emily opened the door for Lisa and Tanya to step inside. Gummymon and Devimon came inside also. "So, you want to go now, girls?" Emily asked. "Sure." Tanya and Lisa said at the same time. "Alright then. To the Digital World!" Emily walked up to her computer with Salamon beside her, and the two other girls and their Digimon with them behind her. Lisa stared at Emilys hair thinking, 'I wish I had hair like that...'. "Digiport open!" Suddenly, the three girls where thrusted into the computer screen and appeared on the otherside, into the Digital World. Gummymon was now YamiGatomon, Salamon was now Gatomon, with Devimon staying the same. "So, shall we start or what?" Lisa asked.
  7. I have been thinking of the old Sonic games I've played and I got to thinking: Why is it that Sonic and Knuckels could use the CHAOS Emeralds and go Super while Tails (aka Miles) had to get the SUPER Chaos Emeralds to go to his Super form while Sonic and Knuckels could go to Hyper. Is it that Tails had enough power in him to equal the Chaos Emeralds? I know it isnt the fact that Tails is not strong enough to contain the power of the lower level emeralds because he can use the upper level emeralds. Does anyone have any other opinions or myths of the game?
  8. In my personal opinion, I think Vegeta is the most important character. Look at what he has done: On Namek, if it wasnt for Vegeta, Gohan and Krillian would have been killed by Kui or if they survived that, Recoom would have been the one to kill them all. And then there is Frieza. Frieza would have made mince meat outta the two short people instantly. Lets move on shall we? Later, he saved Goku from Andriod 19 by going Super Saiyan in space and also fended off Cell 17 (after he absorbed Andriod 17) for a while so Goku and Gohan could finish their training. And THEN he helped Gohan kill Cell with his high powered attack, which I think it was the Big Bang Attack. Finally, in the Buu Saga, Vegito would have never been born, thus ending the Earth, and Goku would have had to take on all of Buus attacks without Vegeta fending off the little pink monster thingie for a good bit. Also, Gogeta would have never been born and neither would had Trunks. To finalize my post with Ixions post, without Vegeta, Trunks could have never went back in time to save Goku cause he wasnt born yet. Thank you.
  9. This RP is based off a couple of my characters that havent been totally finished, so Im gonna use this RP to finish their bios and stuff off. It was a cold night that Leon had been working in the stable. He looked into the night sky, glaring at the stars and their brightness. He loves the night sky much. And for only a 7 year old, he worked most of the week. He was a cleaner for the family tavern and inn, and a stable boy for his royal majesty, King Lixius. Leon loved working with the horses, but he hated cleaning up everything. That was until, 3 years later, he met a girl. Her name was Serenia Tolkov. She was half human half demon. They grew up together closely, becoming close friends. But, as time passed on, she dissappeared suddenly. Leon had to wait until he was of age to begin his search for her. He left when he got his supplies ready: a horse, a sword, some armor, a shield, and some food. He set off for her and its been 11 years since he began his search... Elsewhere, a young man by the name of Olarken was searching for a jewel that was his brothers. His younger brother, Kantron, was killed by something but he didnt know what. Hes been searching for that jewel since its been in his family for generations. Of course, his family has been around for over 100,000 years, himself being only 24,000 years old himself. His search began when he was 19,000 and he always went the wrong way everytime. He thinks he is getting closer to it, because he can feel something pulsing nearby... On the high tops of the Lixius Mountains, Serenia was there. She was captured and tortured for all these years and she couldnt escape. She tried again and again untill finally she got free. While escaping, she found a small jewel on a string. She placed it on her neck and started going downt he mountain. As she did, a pair of gleaming yellow eyes glared up on her from a distance. She felt this presence behind her and turned around to meet a shadowed figure. She ran down the mountain as fast as she could to get away from him... Okay, now thats done. I might edit it a bit before I get this started. Now, some other characters are going to be in this. Here is the list: Olarken Sercon-Taken by me Leon Dohue-still open Kereena Strif-still open Rika Maru-still open Serenia Tolkov-still open PM me to get all the vital information from them. You can post original characters here, but make sure that they will go well into the story.BTW, there are only a few races you can be: Human, Demon, Dwarfe, and Elf. This is what you need. Name: Age: Race: Gender: Physical Description: [U]Bio[/U] [U]Transformations[/U] [U]Equipment[/U] [U]Techniques[/U] Here is mine: Name: Olarken Dracon Sercon Age: 24,000 years old; 24 Andraen years old Race: Dragon Andraen Gender: Male Physical Description: 6' 1'', 170 lbs. Long black hair that reaches his mid-back. It has ice blue streaks in it. Eyes are a glacier blue. Good sized dragon wings sprout from back. A 2 1/2 foot draconic tail pokes out from his tail bone. Main attire is a thin shirt covered by a layer of mythril armor. Brown trenchcoat with loose jeans and worn out leather boots. [U]Bio[/U] Having an older brother when he was six, Olarken was always provoked to do better than his brother, so he joined the army at 14, Captured in battle and tortured and tested for many years had left Olarken greatly different. He turned into a cold blooded, heartless person. Still in his cell, a girl was thrown in with him. Her name was Keara, a half demon, half human. She was dying, so Olarken helped her out by escaping with her. They soon found themselves in an old rundown village. She was close to dying, so Olarken granted her her last wish. He then buried her and took her weapon, a katana, with him. He now searches for a jewel that was given to his brother and he must find it. [U]Transformations[/U] *means permanent *Beserk Level One: Wings sprout from back. Eyes become more menacing. Beserk Level Two: Tail grows to 4 ft. Pupils become pure blue. Beserk Level Three: Draconic horns grow in head and white of eyes becomes pure black. [U]Equipment[/U] Artic Glacier Katana Diamond Mythril Armor [Techniques[/U] Death Cannon Shining Darkness Fire Fira Firaga Blizzard Blizzara Blizzaga Thunder Thundara Thundaga Water Watera Waterga Flare Flare Star Artic Wind Lightning Dome Omega Flare Delta Cannon Meteor Ultima Star Rain Diamond Storm Sakuretsu Blast Ultima Cannon Delta Flare Dragon Cannon Blast
  10. Im writing a story, a Zelda one none the less, and I need some ideas (this is after Majoras Mask, BTW. I got the main story line down and everything, Ill post it later on this post. I just need some ideas to go along with it, to make it more interesting.BTW, no talking about other subjects here. Please create a different topic for them! Link had returned to Hyrule after the events in Termina. He had Epona with him, him using the items and masks he had to get her up the hole. He went back to Hyrule Castle and returned the Ocarana of Time to Zelda and then settled down in Kakariko Village. But Link would have more things to worry about... Four years later, Ganondorf suddenly took over Hyrule with an unbelievable power. No one saw it coming, but he took over ALL of Hyrule within a matter of days. The only place untouched was the Kokiri Village, which was protected by the Spirit of the Great Deku Tree after his death. Link knew he had to stop Ganondorf again, but this time, he needed help to do so. He retrieved the Master Sword from the pedestal and went out in search of help. Thats all I have now. This is not, I repeat, NOT adult Link. I call him Teenage Link since he is not an adult quite yet. Any ideas, suggest them, please. BTW, to understand this story, you have to think in terms of timelines and dimensions and such.
  11. To the Mods: Since only 2 other people had actually joined, please close this/ delete this thread since no one is going to join this thing, please. -Matthew Duffey
  12. OOC: sorry I havent even PUT my first post here. Major brain malfunctions going on. I can barely keep up with all the RPs Im in. Well, I hope Im not too late in the story! :D :p ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Matt walked down the street, the dark night sky shining in the moonlight. He was walking to clear his mind. "Why are these murders happening?" He asked himself. He suddenly looked to his right to see a car swirve out of the way of someone who was pushed out of the way of the speeding car. He couldn't recognize the two in the darkness, even though a street light was near them. He reached behind to his back pocket and grabbed his two daggars, the metals of the blades shining in the moonlight. He walked up to them. "Hey, are you two okay?" Keitaro and Cortiga looked up to him. Cortiga spoke first. "WHAT!? She almost got hit by a freakin' car here!? Are you crazy or something?" "As a matter of fact, I think I am. Most people think I am anyways." "Who is that Cortiga?" Keitaro asked. "Some dumb idiot thinking that you might be okay after almost being ran over by a car." "Thanks for the compliment." Matt said. "Well see ya!" Matt passed the two girls as he continued his walk. He put his two daggars back into his back pocket. 'That was strange. Something felt weird when I spoke to them...It couldn't be that they..wait, why the hell am I thinking about them anyway?' Matt thought. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC (again): BTW, Matts special sense is he can feel strange auras around someone when either they will impact his life or that he will impact their life. But he doesn't truly understand it completely.
  13. OOC: Sorry I havent posted in a while. Been having a "drawing block" mood, and my mind has been more on my artwork more than anything. Also, since no one said that Matt went into the mountain (i dont know if I seen that part), he is still outside on his Charizard, okay? He'll be in the mountain soon enough. Matt and Charizard flew around the mountain after seening the others go into the volcanoe. He had returned Vulpix to her Pokeball and Matt wanted to explore the rest of the island. While scanning the sides of the mountain on Charizard, he knoticed an opening. He made Charizard go into it. When they landed, he returned the dragon and sent out his Pikachu, which went and rested on its head. "Ready to explore the unknown, Pikachu?" "Pika!" Matt walked deeper into the tunnel until it got dark. He took and released Vulpix to light a stick that was laying nearby. "I hope this lasts long." As the trio continued deeper, Matt could here a deep growling and the area around him shook. He returned Pikachu and Vulpix and sent out Nidoking. "Hey buddy. Theres something nearby. I can feel it. You ready to go up against it if we fight it?" "Roar!" Matt and Nidoking kept walking. When he went around a bend, he seen two strange Pokemon. They looked like the legendary Mewtwo, but one of them had purple skin and black markings instead of the normal Mewtwo. "Nidoking, be prepared to use Hyper Beam on them. They're psychic and you're weak against psychic attacks, so be ready!" Matt charged head on into the battle. Nidoking jumped up above Matt and fired a Hyper Beam at the two Pokemon. It hit the center of the two sending them flying. "Nice one. Now, use Blizzard to freeze them!" Nidoking sent a frost wave at the Pokemon, one of them freezing in its tracks. The other just got a shot of coldness. It launched a Shadow Ball at Nidoking, which hit its tail. Nidoking yelled in pain, but came back with a Horn Drill. It flew itself at the opposing Pokemon, it slamming into it with amazing accuracy. The Pokemon fainted instantly. "Good job Nidoking. Return." Nidoking returned to the Pokeball as Matt threw two Ultraballs at the Pokemon. His Pokedex registered one but not the other. "So, one of them WAS Mewtwo! Rock my socks! Now, for the other." Matt pulled out the ball which had the other Pokemon in it. He released the one inside. It looked like a Mewtwo but had purple skin with red markings instead of purple. "So, what do you call yourself?" "I call myself Kaiser Mewtwo." "You can talk?" "Not nessecarilly. Like my counterpart, I can speak to you mentally." "Oh. How did you become like yourself?" "My original body was exposed to the effects of a Moon Stone that was inside this mountain. it evolved me into this. Now, I am a Dark type, as you humans call it." "Hmmm. Need to scan you first." Matt pointed his Pokedex at the Pokemon. "Hmmmm....Six feet...two hundred pounds...thats good. I'll go ahead and give you a nickname. How about Kaiser?" "Whatever you say. You caught me, remember?" "Oh right..now for your info-" "The evolved form of Mewtwo, throught the effects of a Moon Stone. These creatures are the exact opposites of there unevolved self, yet possessing the same attributes, but having different weaknesses, and learning new techniques." The Mewtwo interuppted. "Thanks. I might keep you out just in case I get in a fight." "Fine with me."
  14. "Get to Celadon in a hurry, hmm? I can take care of that." Matt got up and walked outside the building. He pulled out a very old Poke'ball, one that looked over 3 years old. It opened and a bright beam of red energy shot out and the energy formed into a Chairzard. It roared loudly, rumbling everything nearby. "Hey Inferno. Want to see if you want to get to Celadon in less than five minutes?" The big red dragon like Pokemon let out another roar, not as loud. It leaned down so Matt could jump up on its back. Matt did so and Charizard lifted off into the sky. "Hey! Don't worry about me! Just go stop those Pokemon if they are responsible. This shouldnt take long!" Matt and Charizard blasted into the horizon, flying faster than a normal Charizard could. Matt made sure that his agility and speed were higher than all the other stats. Matt patted Charizard on the head because within 2 minutes, they flew over Goldenrod and then they found themselves in Celadon City. Matt looked down and seen everyone running about, trying to get out of the city. Matt made Charizard land. "Charizard. Get as many people as you can out of here. Carry them on your tail, head, back, even in your mouth if you have to!" The Charizard roared as it flew into the deeper reaches of the city. Matt then pulled out a few more Pokeballs and released his other Pokemon, Haunter, Pikachu, Nidoking, and his two Vulpixs'. "Ghost, Boltstryke, Nidoking, Flamer, and Vulpi, get these people to any place besides here and Saffron! Hurry!" The 5 Pokemon went off into the city to get survivors and Matt did the same.
  15. Matt stepped into the police building, his pink furred Vulpix trailing behind him. As soon as he stepped in and looked around for the person who asked him to come here, he heard something about killing some legendary Poke'mon. Matt then walked over to Zire. "You want to kill a legendary Poke'mon? You wouldn't have a chance! Besides, it would be best to catch them and study them than to kill them." "Who in the hell are you?" Zire said as he looked to Matt. "One of the people who was sent here by you. I ain't killing ANY Pokemon. I'm gonna catch them instead" "These are Entei, Raikou, and Suicune. They can't be caught!" "Try me." Matt pulled out a Ultra Ball from his knapsack and walked to a bench and sat down as his Vulpix did the same. He started swirling the ball around like a basketball as he looked to Mina. "Hey, I think I recognize you. Olivine City, correct?" "Yeah." "I thought I seen you before. Heard you where the best Pokemon breeder in the city." "Correct." "Oh. I might have you look at some of my Pokemon to see if they are in good condition when this 'thing' is overwith." "Okay." Matt leaned back on the bench, wanting to leave, but if the police were involved, he had to stay.
  16. Matt looked down at his Charizard. It had been the first Poke'mon he recieved when he got his liscense. The thing was only a few months with a trainer when it evolved to a Charmeleon and then to a Charizard only a month after. He was glad that he went on this little expedition and knew that he was in for one heck of a ride. "Hey Charizard, want some company?" [I]"ROAAAR!"[/I] Matt pulled out another Poke'ball and released his Vulpix. It was his talking one, in which it could be distinguished by its slightly pinker looking coat, and not the average red looking fur. She landed on Charizards head and looked back at Matt. "Hey, where are we going?" "To Mount Pouliko. Remember?" "Oh. Yeah, I forgot!" ~[I]Flashback[/I] ~ Matt was walking on the outskirts of Celadon City where he decided to camp for the night. It was a starry night and he thought that everything was perfect. Suddenly, he could hear some screams coming from the inner woods nearby. He thought it was a human and sent out his Charizard and Pikachu just in case. Then, a Vulpix busted out of some bushes and slammed into Pikachu. Matt looked at it and then it spoke to him! "Please, help me!" Matt was amazed but was interuppted by an Aggron which was the thing chasing her. He told his Charizard to use Hyper Beam and Pikachu to use Surf. It fainted instantly and Matt threw a Pokeball at it and caught it. Matt then looked at the Vulpix as she went up to him. "Hi!" ~[I]End Flashback[/I] ~ "Hey Matt!" "Huh?" "You was staring out in space!" "Oh. Sorry. Just remembering when I first met you." "I remember. You couldn't believe that I could speak!" "Thats for sure...Hey look! Whats that?" Matt and Vulpix looked up at the top. Something that looked like a building was up there, but strangely, it also didn't.
  17. Matt looked out his window from his aunt and uncled house. He turned around when his Vulpix nudged him. "What is it girl?" "Vul!" "Oh. Are you hungry?" A nod. Matt walked into the kitchen and got out some left over food from the night before. He then set it for her. "There you go." Matt looked out the window and seen the helicopter outside. "What the heck?" Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Matt opened it and some police entered. "Yes?" "Are you Matthew Duffey?" "Yeah." "Come with us. Bring everything you would take on a Pokemon journey." "Whatever." Matt walked into his room and grabbed his Pokeballs, packed some clothes and some supplies and walked out the door. He left a note on the door for his guardians. Matt then walked to the helicopter and stepped inside. He then seen Mina. "Hi."
  18. Name: Matthew Duffey Gender: Male Age: 16 Apperance: 5'6'', average weight. Tough looking build and very durable to weather changes. Has deep hazel eyes but they change to ice blue when he is angry. His main attire is a pair of black loose jeans that have flames on the legs and a black DBZ shirt with Goku, Vegeta, and Vegeto on it. Pokemon: Nidoking, Pikachu, Charizard, Haunter, Vulpix, Vulpix. (He has 2) Personality: Tough, not social, and will stand up for anyone if he sees fit. Barely speaking, the only ones he talks to are his Pokemon. But he does have a soft side, in which is very rare for people to see. Good with electronics, Matt can dismantle and put back together about anything. He also created his custom Pokeballs. Bio: Having a poor life during child hood, Matt went on a Pokemon Trainers journey to get away from it all. His journey has made him tougher than he was and has tought him many things than before. He learned how to make Pokeballs from Kurt, and learned all he knows about electronics from his journeys and helping others. After he became one of the leading Pokemon Champions, Matt decided to settle down in Olivine City where he stayed with his aunt and uncle. He still travels, meeting old friends and making new ones. When he heard about Maulville being destroyed, he headed to there to check it out. But something told him to stay home just in case.
  19. A shadowed figure walked up the sidewalk. His clothes blended in with the darkness as he walked up the street to the hotel. He pulled out a small Pokeball, which he then opened it, but nothing came out. He looked into it and started thinking. 'I hope these people know who they're dealing with. I was told to go to this hotel and wait for some others.' The boy walked into the hotel, pushing the swinging doors away from him. He walked up to the front desk. "Any one here supposed to go to Mount Pouliko?" "Yes sir. Party Suite Five. You going with them?" "Yeah." "Heres a key to get in." "Thanks." Matt took the key and walked up to the room that said 'Party Suite 5'. "I guess this is the place..." The boy opened the door with his key and stepped in. He first saw David and looked around to see Nate and Aurora. "Hey, any of you know who called me to this place?" "Who are you first?" "My name is Matthew Duffey. Someone called me and told me to come to this place." Matt then pulled out a Pokeball and released his Pikachu for some fresh air. The yellow electric mouse climbed up to Matts head and sat on top of it looking at everyone else. "Oh, yeah. I'd like for you to meet Boltstryke."
  20. Name: Matthew Duffey Age: 16 Gender: Male Personality: Anti-Social, not very talkative. He only talks to his Pokemon which are his best, yet only, friends. Always the outcast, few know about his past. Description: 5'5'', short brown hair that goes just below the ears. Hazel eyes that turn blue when angered. His main attire is a black DBZ shirt with Goku, Vegeta, and Vegeto on it. He wears a black pair of loose jeans that have flames on them and he has a necklace that has the keys to his house. Bio: Not much is known except that he had a hard life. Only going on a Pokemon adventure was the only escape from his dull and dreary life. He was on the road in Hoenn when he recieved a phone call from someone. That person said they knew his reputation as a Pokemon trainer, there being few to have beat him. The person said to go to a hotel. He goes there intriuged by this event. Pokemon: Charizard (male), Nidoking (male), Vulpix (female), Pikachu (male), Aggron (male), Haunter (male) Reason for going: Intruiged and wanting to do something different. Other Notes: His Vulpiz is EXTREMELY rare, being the second Pokemon to ever speak English.
  21. Lisa was walking home from the soccer game when her Digivice rang. On the screen was Gummymon, which was surprising. How in the world did she get up on the computer keyboard, let alone turn the blasted thing on? Lisa thought for a second, but asked how she was doing. "I'm fine. How was the soccer game?" "It was good...how did you get online?" "I mustered up the energy to digivolve for a few minutes to get online. I'm pretty tired, but I wanted to know when you will be home." "In about five minutes or so." "Okeee!" Gummymons picture disappeared from the Digivice screen as Lisa put it back into her pocket. She thought of the things she and Gummymon would be doing for the rest of the afternoon. Maybe a walk in the Digital World would do her some good, Lisa thought. Lisa went up to her front door, when she heard her grandmother, Sora, talking to Gummymon. Lisa walked in and seen the two sitting on the couch talking. "Hey grandma. Hey Gummymon." The little Digimon jumped up and ran to Lisas feet. Lisa picked up Gummymon and carried her in her arms. "So Lisa, how was your day?" "Fine. Watched a soccer game earlier." "Oh, was that why the phone didnt answer? I tried twice. You must of been on the internet the first time I called." "Yeah, I was. Hey, me and Gummymon was gonna go to the Digital World for a while, okay? I think she would like that." Gummymon looked up in excitement. Please?!" Gummymon asked. "I guess so." Sora answered. Lisa was in front of her computer when she booted it up. "Ready Gummymon?" "Yup!" "Okay....Digiport open!" A flash of light and the two was absorbed in the computer. They were transported to the Digital World and during the transmission, Gummymon digivolved to YamiGatomon. On the Digital World side, a bright flash of light and the two appeared on the other side. They set up a picnic with the stuff they brought and sat down to eat. YamiGatomon scooted over beside Lisa and then climbed up on to her lap. Lisa laid back so YamiGatomon could lay on her stomach. "The sky is beautiful isnt it, Lisa?" "Yeah. Just like you." YamiGatomon climbed up to Lisas' face as she laid a small kiss on her lips. "I love you Lisa." "I love you to, Gatomon." They laid there until it was about sunset then set out for home. Lisa knew that her life was good. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Now you know Lisas secret. But you dont know the entire story. I'll reveal it later on in the story. But NO ONE knows this except YamiGatomon and Sora, so Taro will learn later in the story.
  22. Hearing Taro ask her for a suggestion, Lisa smirked. "Never give me a chance to choose...I challenge you to a game of Age of Empires. With two computers and two lines, we can play together at the same place." "Huh? Whats Age of Empires?" "Computer based real time strategy game. Similar to StarCraft, but a lot more difficult. You've played StarCraft?" "Yeah." "Well, then its pretty easy. Go into the dining room and turn the comp on. The internet is on the main line since its hardley ever used. The one in my room is the other." Lisa showed Taro into the dining room and then went to her room. Gummymon looked up at her, sleepely. "You woke me up!" "Sorry. I challenged Taro to an AOE game." "He is so dead." Lisa booted up the computer and got on the internet. She yelled at Taro and told him what to do. When everything was ready, Taro and Lisas' game started. Lisa was winning but a sudden message popped up on Yahoo! Messenger. "Hey Taro. Pause for a minute. Someone sent me a message." "Okay." Lisa read the message as Gummymon jumped onto her lap to read it. It said that a soccer game was going on, and she was invited to watch. It wasnt from anyone she knew, but it said that her friends were playing. "Hey Taro, want to watch a soccer game? Emily and some others are in it!" "I guess. Besides, this game is to freakin' hard!" Lisa shut down her computer as Taro did the same. She walked outside, Taro behind her. As they walked to the soccer place, Taro just had to ask. "Lisa, are you single?" "What?...." "Are....you single?" "Uhhh, yeah. Why?" "Just wondering..." Lisa looked at him strangely but kept walking. They soon reached the soccer place and took a seat. Lisa watched as Taro sort of stumbled to sit down. Lisa wondered why he was always nervous and a klutz around her. She thought about it, but soon drifted into the game. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: if you want to know Lisas' little secret, PM me and I'll PM you back with the answer.
  23. Lisa opened the door to see Taro and Emily outside. "Hey guys! Come on in. Some of the others are outside, I think. Let me check." Lisa ran to the back door, seeing if anyone else was out there. No one was there, so she ran back to the front door. "Nope, no one there. Sit down for a while. The others should soon be here." Taro got a little nervous but no one seemed to knotice. Suddenly, Lisas' pet cat jumped on to Taros' lap. The cat was a creamy white with black streaks on its chest and stomach. "Oh. Hey there Kemaru." Taro said to the cat. The cat meowed at him and curled up on his lap and fell asleep. Lisa and Emily laughed at the site a bit. Taro blushed under the embarrasment. Then, the phone rang. It was Akiro. Lisa answered it. "Hey!...Mmmhmm...yeah, they're here...okay, bye!...that was Akiro. He said he'll be over in just a few minutes. He said he had to take care of something." "Okay." Lisa walked into the kitchen, making something to drink. "You guys want anything?" Taro shook his head yes, while Emily said no. Lisa went back to making her drink. She was making some tea for her and Taro. She got done rather quickly and went back into the living room. She handed a glass to Taro and sat down on a chair that was adjacent to the couch that Emily and Taro was sitting on. "Now, all we have to do is wait..." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Since you guys said you came over, I had to make your characters move. Hope you don't mind. Also, Lisa has a secret that she won't tell anyone except YamiGatomon.
  24. Name: Yamato "Matt" Tachikawa Occupation: Student Age: 15 Gender: Male Appearance: Uniform in school, but outside, usually wears loose jeans, not baggy. Black sleeveless shirt, with a two dragons on it, curling around each other, one fire red, the other ice blue. Has a bracelet with a dragon on it, and wears a pair of tennis shoes with dragons flying on the sides. Weapon(s): Two 7' Daggar with a dragon embroided on the handle. Silver blade with gold and brass handle. Personality: Loner type, yet sticks up for the wimps and unpopular kids in school. Anti-social all the time, hardley speaks and tells people to shut up when they try to talk to him. Gets nervous around girls at his school, if they go to talk to him or not. Only his mother calls him Yamato. He is always called Matt by his peers. Bio: Growing uo in Kyoto, Matt had a good life. Lots of friends, popular ones at that. He was the friendly type with everyone, even the geeks and low lifes of the school. When he moved in the 5th grade, everyone ignored him. Always was made fun of, Matt turned into a stone cold person, never talking and always going out on walks. His parents loved him, so they never bothered to ask about that. They bought him the two daggars he uses when he was 14, and held them in his back pockets since the murders been happening.
  25. Name: Lisa Takenouchi Who they descended from: Sora Takenouchi Age: 14 Gender: Female Personality: Tough, tomboyish type. Always looks for a good rumble. Gets the last punch in fights and loves to play hands on sports, especially football and padless football. She doesn't like boys much though. Appearance: [url]http://www.atpictures.com/display.php?g=neongenesis&img=asuka001.jpg[/url] Bio: Lisa always loved listening to the stories that the original Digidestined told. She was always interested in them, and loved the fight scenes that were told. Always wanting to have a Digimon partner, Lisa kept wondering how she could get to this "Digital World". One day, a package came in the mail for her without a return address. Her parents didnt want her to open it, but she did. Her mother recognized the egg and the divice that was inside. The egg hatched to be a YukimiBotamon which soon became a Gummymon, which then became a Gatomon, but with black fur and red where the purple fur should be. It was also her Rookie form, instead of the Champion form. They became close friends, but thats all that anyone knows about. Grade: 10th Partner Digimon: YamiGatomon Partner Digimon's Digivolution Line: YamiGatomon>AlphaGatomon>Angewoman>ArchAngewoman Partner Digimon's Appearance: Champion- Like Rookie but with grey fur instead of black fur. Ultimate- [url]http://www.anime.altocartoons.com/cgi-bin/preview.pl/d/digimon/n-000023-im-000390.jpg,0,0,0,digimon[/url] Mega- Like Ultimate, but with black clothes and no helmet. Has deep ice blue eyes and wears a black tank top style shirt with a dragon on it. Digivice Style, Color, Attributes: Season 2 style, but is blue and black. Similar in looks but is a bit bigger (Season 4 Size). OOC: This is the first time I've used a female character, so don't be surprised if I mess up anything.
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