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Everything posted by Venge
This RP consists of the war between the Andraens and one of the many demonic factions like the Corona Faction. You may be any of the Andraen races or a human on one side. Or a demon or human on the other. I dont have much time left, so I'll add a backstory soon. For now, all I can do is put a sign up sheet. (no copyrighted characters or races allowed) [U]Andraen[/U] Name: Sub-Race:(Wolf, Behemoth,Pheonix, Titan, Dragon{only 5 dragon Andraens left. I have 2 of them}) Gender: Male or Female only Age: every 100 human years is 1 Andraen year. Description: Wolf Andraens have claw like nails, with a wolf tail at there tail bone. Pheonix Andraens have pheonix wings out of there back, and they also have talon like hands. Behemoth Andraens have sharp claws, toe nails, and VERY sharp teeth. Titan Andraens are usually taller than normal Andraens and have strong bulky arms. Dragon Andraens have a long dragon scale tail(3' long) out of there tail bone. Bio: must be born on Celcia or Earth only! Weapons: Cannot be the Masamune(Jessica, my character has that), but can be any other mythical weapon or normal weapon. Psychic Ability: Theres able to feel others feelings, read minds, astral projection, after imaging. Cannot have 2 or more. only 1! Skills: includes magic, Kai (no copyrighted attacks), or other trained skills [U]Demonic Person[/U] Name: Age: Gender:Male or female Description: Bio: Has to participate in the war. Weapons: Same as Andraens. Skills: Same as above. [U]Human[/U] Name: Age: Gender: Description: Bio: Has to participate in the war. Weapons: Same as Andraens Skills: Same as above Side: Either on the Andraen or Demon side. [U]Other Notes[/U] No cross-breeding races. Andraens are on there own side as are demons. Humans have a choice.
"Not so fast!" Yugi had gotten up off the ground, anger in his eyes. "You will die for your incompetence!" Suddenly, Dueling Machines (from the show) appeared on everyones wrists and activated. Yugi, Kantron, Amber, and Joeys machines read 4000 LP, while Seth and Junes read 8000 each. "So, were gonna have a duel? Looks like fun!" Kantron said excitedly. In a puff of smoke, there appeared a hat. Inside was paper. "Hmmmm... looks like we draw to see which order we go in turns..." Joey suggested. Everyone drew... and the turn order is as this: June, Amber, Seth, Kantron, Yugi, and Joey. OOC: if anyone agrees with this PM me. if not, PM me and i'll edit it. Also, you cannot control others cards unless they are on your team. Thats if you agree with this idea!
Amazed at what just happened, Kantron chuckles to himself. "Since this is the Shadow Realm and Dueling cards can be used,.." Kantron pulls from his front pocket, his dueling deck. "...I'll draw and use...DNA Surgery. I turn all of our attributes into Fairy types. Now try to control us 'dragons'!" With that, Kantron fires a White Lighting Blitz at the Lord of Dragons.
Kantron: "Hey Mika. You still havent answered my question yet. Why did you choose to go with me? You too, Tsai? Thats been on my mind for a while now." Tsai: "....Huh?" Mika: "Whats that?" Kantron looked at his map for a few seconds and replied something. Kantron: "Oh nothing....hey look! Were almost to the meeting point!"
"To get to Yugi, you have to get to me!" Kantron pulled from a sheath on his back a sword, the Millenium Blade. "Now, prepare to die!" Kantron runs at Seth with blinding speed and attempted a top assualt.
Kantron sneers at Tao with a low growl. (thinking)"He doestn know how powerful I can become. If he really fought me, he would be dead within seconds..." He looks around, towards the mountains. "I'm going to Gokus to train. Tao, after this fight, your a dead man!" [size=1][b][color=darkblue]Please do not double post. You can contact the other participants in this RPG through PMs, IMs or even e-mails. There is no need to draw their attention by posting SPAM. -Shy[/b][/color][/size]
As a fireball headed toward him, Kantron fired a White Lighting attack at the fireball, destroying it. "Ha! Seth, you are so stupid. We are Duel Monsters, are we not? If you remember, Pitch Dark Dragon has only 900 attack points. But even a All Seeing White Tiger can defeat it I bet. And since a Blue Eyes has well over 900 attack, and I'm a Blue Eyes, I will destroy that thing!" With that said, Kantron fires another White Lighting charge at the opposing dragon, destroying it instantly.
I'll start this thing probably thursday
Here is my duelist character. Name:Kantron Sercon Age:17 Gender:Male Duel Monster:Blue Eyes White Dragon and Dark Magician Girl Desctription:Tall with blue eyes. Long black hair in a ponytail goes down to his mid back. Always wears black jeans and a white musle shirt. Bio:Born in Domino City, he got into Duel Monsters when he was 10. Getting a lucky streak with his cards, Kantron had got 3 pieces of Exodia, one Blue Eyes, and a Dark Magician Girl. SInce then, he's been wanting to get the other Exodia pieces. When he turned 16 he met Yugi and Joey. He travelled with them and duelef them constantly to get better. Now, he is willing to help Yugi and Sonic rid of Eggman. Now for Shadow... Name: Project Shadow(Shadow for short) Age:Unknown Skills:Using the Chaos Emeralds, Chaos Control(teleportation), and able to copy anything Sonic can do. Bio:After the fight with Biolizard, Shadow was beleived to be dead. He awoke in the arms of his twin sister, Shari. He lived with her until he was better. Tracing Sonic down, Shadow learned all of Sonics techniques and can even combine some. That was until he went into Yugis world. If you didnt knotice, you can have two duel monsters out with you. just edit your post to do so.
I think an anime based off of MM would be great. Because Link has so much stuff to do, and so little time to do it in. A OoC anime would be good, or just make a new one. But one question: why is Link mute?
I havent seen much of the cartoon, so I'll make a back story up... It's been 3 years since Yugi had defeated Marik. Everyone was happy. Yugi was in high school, Joey and Tea had become a couple, soon to be married. Tristan had decided to go on a little spiritual quest, while Seto was with Mokuba at Kaiba Corp. All was well...until Seto had tryed his experitment. Seto was working on making a way to create Duel Monsters in the real world. But in the process, he opened a portal to another dimension. Seto was thrown out the window by the explosion in which the gate opened. He was hospitalized for a long time. No one knew of that portal, but strange things has been happening. Robots of an advanced technology was attacking people in little towns to huge cities. Yugi went to see how Seto was doing, and that is where Seto told Yugi about the portal. Later, Yugi, Joey, and Tea went to the Kaiba Corp. building, which had been transfered to the surrounding forest(they built a new one), there was a huge screen up on the front. A face appeared on it. "My name is Docter Eggman. Will you please be kind and tell everyone on this planet that I will control it? Thank you." With that, the three teens were booted back to Domino City. They all decided to stop this madman before he was able to get enough power to control this planet. But they'd need some serious help. Yugi went back to Seto and told him what happened. Seto then gave Yugi a device that could make any Duel Monster appear in this physical world and it had the same destructive ability. But there was a catch. The monster or monsters could only stay out 24 hours then had to recharge for another 12. Yugi accepted it but, he knew he had to get other duelists. But as Yugi left the building, Eggmans enemy appeared. Yugi: " What is that thing?" ???: "My name is Sonic. I followed Eggman here to stop him and return him to our own world." Yugi: "We're trying to stop him from taking over this world. Will you help us?" Sonic: "Of course!" (End backstory) Ok, you can be any duelist you want, or any STH character you want. But its been 3 years in the STH world too. If you are going to be a Yu-Gi-Oh! character, you have to tell whats been happening in the past 3 years. [U]Yu-Gi-Oh! Character[/U] Name: Age: Duel Monster: Bio: [U]Sonic The Hedgehog Character[/U] Name: Age: Skills: Bio: [U]Fan Made Duelist[/U] Name: Age: Gender: Duel Monster: Desctription: Bio: [U]Fan Made STH Character[/U] Name: Age: Gender: Skills: Bio:
Kantron started heading down a well worn path. "This path leads to a fountain that will restore you if you are hurt in any way. I've been there before, so I know this vicinity pretty well. Besides that, I'm lost. Where to next?"
Kantron was in his room online playing a duel in a chatroom. Kantron: "I'll sacrifice my two monsters to summon my Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Then I'll play Jar of Greed to draw two cards...cool. Now, I'll fuse my Buster Blader and my Dark Magician to summon the Dark Paladin. And since there is two Blue Eyes, one Red Eyes, and a Baby Dragon in my graveyard, Dark Paladin has 4800 attack points. Now I'll attack you directly!" Opponent: "Not so fast. Rakieki Break! I destroy your Dark Paladin!" Kantron: "Ha. I activate Riryoku Field. You lose over 7000 Life Points. And since you had only 6530, you lose! -LATER- "That was a good duel...hmm?" His Millenuim Blade was glowing a bright blue as the blade was blue. The eye on the handle showed some of his friends from school in the Shadow Realm. "For the love of all things holy, I got to get in there!" Kantron holds the blade in front of him and he suddenly dissappears. He then appears in the Shadow Realm in front of Jono, Joy, Joey, and Amber as the Blue Eyes White Dragon. "Hey guyes. Everyone okay?" OOC: if you didnt read my profile in Recrutment, I'm a Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Name:Kantron Sercon Age:17 Description: Long black hair in a ponytail. Rather muscular for a 17 year old. Average height and has blue eyes. His attire consists of a musle shirt and a pair of black denim jeans. Bio: Coming to Domino High at 12, Kantron has had trouble with many of the students there. He was on the football team but was always made fun of. But at 16 he found the Shadow Realm. His monster reflected how he felt. Since then, Kantron has done all he can to know everything about the Shadow Realm. Millennium Item: Millenium Blade Millennium Item?s Power: Unbreakable and steals the enemies spirit if it is evil. If it is good, the spirit will pass on. Also can teleport him to the Shadow Realm if nesseccary. Monster: Blue-Eyes White Dragon Monster Description: Normal looking as if he was in the Real World but had two BEWD head on his shoulders. He has the wings of the dragon and the scaled trace his arms to his hands. The rest of him is like a trenchcoat(similar to Kaiba in Duelist of the Roses) which is made of BEWD scales. Side: Yugis Side Reason for Playing the Shadow Game: Wanting to save his friends from death.
Kantro looks around and knotices something moved in the bushes. Kantro:"Gabumon, can you see anything?" Gabumon:"I think so...oh crap..." From all around them emerged various rookie level Digimon and one ultimate. The ultimate was a MetalGreymon. Kantro:"For the love of all things holy! Mika, get out of here. Gabumon and I will take care of him." Gabumon:"Definitly!"
This is a little story I'm starting. There are 3 parts to it. I'm not done with part 1, but I need some feedback to this: The Eternal Jewels Part 1: In The Beginning And To The Present Copyrights Kantro Sercon, Jessica Noles, and Matt Prower? © Matthew Duffey Alkintude? ©Doyle Collins When the universe first began, there was nothing. Since there was nothing, the universe had collapsed due to unbalance. When it collapsed, a single jewel was created in this collapse. Within this jewel came living beings, the Andraens, the guardians of this gem. The jewel was created in one of the different universes. Legend has it that when this sacred jewel is used by a certain person, tremendous and god-like power will emerge. If the soul is pure of heart, all of time will be protected by good. If the soul is of pure darkness, all of time will be binded unto his will. There was only one instance when this happened. But the Andraens came together and locked the user away, along with themselves. When this happened, the jewel was lost, being interrupted. No one has found that gem since. Since that day, the Andraens have been sealed away, thinking it would be forever. But they were wrong, terribly wrong? March 23, 2004 11:19 AM Canadian Mineshaft #4 It was dark and musty in the mineshaft. Many workers had died due to lack of oxygen. Very few had trudged on working. During this morning, one of the workers had found something strange. It was a vault like chamber filled with bodies in the walls. One of the greedy workers had spotted a jewel stuck in one of the walls. As he grabbed a pick and struck the jewel, there was a flash of light as the bodies emerged out of the walls. Suddenly, there was a cave-in and most of the workers had been killed, yet few escaped. Inside, these beings emerged in this new and advanced world, not knowing that one of them was destined to save it? April 15, 2004 3:27 PM Los Angeles California The bustling of the city streets and the sound of people talking while walking was to much for Katron. His head was pounding due to all that noise. ?Have to find a place where I can think.? He thought. Katron was one of the Andraens who emerged from that mine shaft a month ago. His long, black hair flapped in the wind as he flew. His tail was wrapped around his waist covered by his long leather black jacket so no one would be suspicious of him. When he reached a cliff side overlooking an ocean, Katron sat down to think. ?Where could those other jewels be? They have to be on this planet. I don?t have a way out of this planets gravity and I?ve looked all over this piece of shit planet over and over but found nothing!? Katron said to himself. ?So quit whining and find a way out of this gravitational pull and search the universe!? ?Huh?? Katron snapped, spinning around to see who was behind him. ?Oh, it?s you Jessica. What are you doing here?? ?Just admiring the ocean and listening to you whine about that stupid jewel you wear!? Jessica was one of Katrons close friends. She picked on him of course, but it was the only friend he had. She had short brown hair and crystal blue eyes that shined in the sun. She was wearing a pair of jeans and sleeveless shirt covered by a denim jacket. Tearing out of her back was a pair of phoenix wings, which enabled her to fly very fast. ?You and your silly comments.? Katron replied. ?Where do you think that jewel is, Katron?? ?Don?t know, but I might have to go off this planet. And besides, I?ve always wanted to see the universe!? ?Well, it just so happens I know a way to go to other planets without using any spaceship! I call dimension warping.? Katron looked at Jessica with a surprised look on his face. ?You can do that?? He asked. ?Correct. And the price is?a big hug!? Jessica lunged at Katron with blinding speed to hug him. When she grabbed him, the world around them shifted greatly and then the shifting stopped in the middle of a forest. ?Where are we!? And what the heck was that for!?? Katron demanded, blushing. ?I had to grab you to shift. We?re still in the same universe but I just teleported us to a different planet!? ?Anyway Jessica, warn me about doing that, please?? April 15, 2004 4:01 PM The Great Forest It was a bright and shiny day as Matt went for a walk down to the beach for a swim. It has been two years since Eggmans defeat. All of his friends had left, going their separate ways. Matt had chosen to stay put since he had a house built and a good school to go to. He had black fur covering his body along with a long fluffy tail with a grey end. Grey fur also surrounded his muzzle and his chest. The jean shorts he was wearing flipped in a mid spring breeze. ?It?s a bit chilly out here today. I better make sure to stay warm till summer.? Matt thought. Suddenly, Matt felt a strange presence that appeared near him. It felt that someone had just teleported to this area with ease. ?Hmmmm?I better check it out.? Matt thought.
"Hey Rad, Gotenix! Catch!" Kantron then fires a Big Bang Wave at the two wildly to get the real training started. "How about a little two on two training? Me and Riku versus you and Gotenix?" Kantron flys up as he transforms to beserk level one. His tail gets longer and he sprouts draconic wings. He yells in pain as his back is ripped apart.
If you are any Chrono Trigger chracters or DBGT characters you dont have to but a full bio. I know who they are! DJ you can be Majin Buu. Mangagod. The village is called Leene. If you put a full bio for a Chrono Trigger Character or DBGT character, you will not be able to use them when this is posted. Before hand I'll let it slide. Please read the first post.
As Kantro and Mika walked to the meeting coordinates, he asked her a question "Mika, why did you want to go with me? You could have gone with David." "Why do you ask?" Mika responded. "I don't know. Just curious." Gabumon was soon on his feet and walking along with the two kids and Shadowmon. Kantro took out his map and looked. "Well, we have a long way ahead of us, but there is a shortcut. Should we take it?"
DBGT is actually pretty good. You just watch the US version. Buy them uncut on DVD to see what really happens. And Vegeta is NOT Goku. Goku may grow his hair back, but Vegeta may not. But Super 17 has a shorter saga than Bebi so that means that Super 17 SUCKS! And he is supposed to be stronger.(of course Bebi possesed Vegeta). And one final thing. Babidy did not posses Vegeta. Vegeta still had control over what he does. He just went back to being his ol' evil self. Nuf said.
Kantron stepped out of the Room of Spirit and Time(Hyperbolic Time Chamber) with Riku. He was sweating as was Riku due to all the training they got in that day..err, year...whichever. Kantron:"Oh look. They're fighting Saibamen. Those things are weak. One punch will take them out. Watch!" Kantron runs at one outside the dogpile and slams his fist into it, making its head fly off. Riku:"Kantron! Don't hit them so hard. They're for training, not killing!" Kantron:"Man...and I was having fun!"
OOC: hey people, sorry to interupt ur fight but since i didnt know when this started and i dont know whats going on, just take me off the character list, ok?
*Kantro gets up despite the pain* I think the second part means that there is someone that wants to...maybe use us to destroy the evil so we will be weakened so the new evil can then defeat us? *grabs Gabumons limp body* Well, I can make it for a while, but when we rest or sleep, I'll probably be a bit longer than you all. And by what David said, we better get amovin'!
All right, here it goes! *Kantro put his Digivice out in front of him with both hands, pointing at his Digimon. A blue light surrounded Garurumon as he was absorbed into the Digivice* FUSION EVOLUTION!! *The blue light grew brighter as it surrounded Kantro. As he stepped out of the light, a new body emerged. It was Lobomon* Lets get rid of this thing! *Lobomon pulled out his kendo saber and ran at the Okuwamon fireing his blaster at it to daze it. When he got to the enemy, he struck the digimon and sliced it in half with all his strength. WHen the data dissappeared, Lobomon fell to the ground as Gabumon and Kantro appeared, lying down and breathing hard as if they just ran a 3 day marathon* Kantro: THAT...was a little trick...me and Gabumon developed. *with that said, Kantro closed his eyes so he could rest for a few minutes*