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Everything posted by Venge

  1. Heezay, I'll do it, no offense. and thanks for the greeting Terra! And Dagger, if you are going to be a Chrono Trigger character, just say so, no need to put a whole bio, ok? It was 2 years since Lavos was defeated. Crono had left the Rainbow in the shell, his most favored weapon. Frog, Robo, and Ayla had went to their own times to keep time safe. Since Magus didnt have an actual time, he decided to stay in 1000 AD, Cronos time. Marle had decided to be the queen of Leene and Crono to be her future husband when the time came. Lucca had devoted her time to figuring out time travel without gates for the past two years. Due to that, Lavos was able to escape as a spirit from his own time. He went into a body of a man named Cyrus, Glenns old friend. In 600 AD, the new Glenn had tooken the Masamune and went off in search of Cronos past family. When he found them, Crono, Lucca and Magus came through the Gate at the mountains in time to save his past family(they lives in a mountain cottege). With that, Cyrus/Lavos went through time again, but was put into the future, stuck there. He killed Robo with his last bit of energy, regretting that he done this much damage to the planet. When Crono, Lucca and Magus came through tha Gate, Lavos had enough time to rejuvinate. His new powers along with the Masamune, were too much for the 3 fighters. Magus then hurried Crono and Lucca through the gate while casting a curse on Magus making him unable to travel through time. Lucca then came up with the idea to go through a dimension to find help when they got back. Unfortunatly, all they got was Vegeta, Goku, Trunks, Gohan, Goten, Pan, and Bra(Bulla. they are a few years older than in GT). Crono told the Z Fighters about Lavos and they agreed to help them... That good? Oh, by the way. I'm adding Bra/Bulla to my character thing. Max of 3 characters to control please!
  2. I hope i'm not to late! Name:Kantron Sercon Age: 17 Gender: Male Race: Andraens Abillites: Able to shift time and space to go to other dimensions, but takes 5 seconds to do so. If he has a hold of someone or something, he can take that with him. Signature Move: Cosmos Shield, Shining Darkness Other moves: Death Cannon, Kamehameha Flash, Final Shot, Ultimate Sacrifice, Final Flash, Big Bang Attack Transformations: Beserk Andraen Lvl 1( tail grows to 10 feet and he grows small fangs. His eyes turn purple and his body grows a bit more) Beserk Andraen Lvl 2 ( tail grows to 12 feet and he sprouts draconic wings with a wingspan of 10 feet. He starts to grow scales on his cheeks and upper back) Beserk Anraen Lvl 3 ( Wings go to 15 feet and his body becomes covered in scales except for his face, hands and chest. He does have scales on his cheeks still) Gadgets: Two diamond-mythril katanas that are extremely hard to break, almost unbreakable by ANY human means Description: Long black hair in a ponytail. Average human height for a 17 year old. Muscular and has deep blue eyes. Always wears a long sleeved shirt and black denim jeans. Has one of the 3 Andraen jewels as a necklace he never takes off, even in the shower. Out of his back is a 6 foot long dragon scale tail. Bio: Being born on his planet, Celcia, but going around visiting other planets, Kantron has been to over 3000 planets in many dimensions and universes. When he came around to Earth, Vegeta was the first one he met. They fought, not knowing both of them were good. When the fight was a draw, Vegeta told Kantron about the battle with Buu and learned about the other Z Fighters also. When he seen Goku, Kantron beleived Goku was an angel with the fact that he defeated Frieza.(Freiza attacked his planet). Since then, he trained with Vegeta off and on, got a lot stronger and has started a little relationship with Bra(Bulla for those who havent learned her real name). But when he hears about Leon, Kantron trained harder than ever for his coming. X Legend or Z Fighter: Z Fighter
  3. Gabumon, ready? Gabumon: Definitly! *a blue data stream surrounded Gabumon as his body transformed and Digivovled to his Champion form, Garurumon* Kantro: Takuya, trust me. If I hate someone, you'll know it! Garurumon, use Howling Blaster on that bug! *a blue blast flew from Garurumons mouth heading at the Okuwamon. The blast hit directly, but only made the bug angrier* Crap, it didn't even phase him! Everyone, stand back! I'll try something! OOC: would non Digimon stuff appear in this RP? If not, I'll change what I'm gonna do on my next post.
  4. OOC: this concerns Chrono Trigger characters. it takes place after the fight with Lavos maybe 2 years. Crono is 15, Lucca and Marle are 14. Magus is still with them, but hes good. all the others are in there own time. you may be whoever you want, even from another universe, but im gonna be Crono and Vegeta. Yes the DBZ team is here. they are gonna help also. they'll need it. FOR FAN CHARACTERS ONLY Name: Age: Sex: Description: Weapon Preference: Bio: OOC: for those who are going to be a Z Fighter or Chrono Trigger character, just post that you are going to be them but add a little bit since its been a few years: For Z Fighter or Chrono Trigger Characters Character: Age: Weapon Preference: Bio:
  5. OOC: thanks Takuya. you caught Kantros actions key. and thanks for putting me in. *pulls out his digivice from his pocket.* I'm ready. I just want to get this overwith.
  6. Name: Vegetron Warriors Fused: Katron(my character) and Vegeta(duh) Fusion Type: Potara Techniques: Solar Ray, Galick Flash, Death Cannon, Final Flash, Big Bang Wave, Ultimate Sacrifice, Shining Darkness, Cosmos Shield, Super Saiyan(1-4) Description: Tall as Vegeta, but has longer hair which goes back (GT Vegeta). Wheres the shirt Vegeta wears but has loose jeans from Kantron that leaves his legs room to move. Has the earings but also has a jewel on his neck which creates the shield he can use. Has blue eyes. Power Level: 12,345,904,617 but can go A LOT higher if nessecarry PM me if you want a pic of Kantron
  7. Venge

    Digimon: A New Evil

    OOC: sorry i havent posted in a while. i didnt know this would be on the main page(why cant i figure these things out?) if i am still in, heres my post. *a young boy and a Gatomon stood at a far distance watching the fight, waiting for the right time to enter.* Stripe: I'm not sure you should do this Kantro. Theres ten people, and your gonna fight them all? Kantro: Well, I'm tired of there being both good and evil in this world, so I'll just destroy all of them. And thanls to this jewel I have, it will give me the power I need....BEAST SPIRIT EVOLUTION! *a fireball surrounded Kantro as he emerged out of it as BurningGreymon* BurningGreymon: Stay here Stripe. I can handle this. OOC: that jewel gives him the ability to go to EmpererGreymon at will as long as he's either in beast form or fused form. Hope thats OK!
  8. Marik_Duelist...dont use theme decks. someone will use cards to render your monsters useless. Use many different cards, not just one or two types. You'll last longer if you use a variety of monsters instead of a few.
  9. The castle inside is hard to navigate but at lvls 20 and up, Flea (is this person a guy or woman?) is very weak against physical attacks. One hit should kill him/her. BUt then he/she uses MP Buster on the character who beat him/her the first time. He/she is then very weak against physical attacks again. Use no magic but use other techs. Against Slash, use magic. Heal when nessecary. He'll get his sword down after a bit. He gets a lot stronger then. Finally, Magus. Use Crono, Lucca, and Frog. He has a shield that is only vulnerable to one element: Fire, Lightning, Water/Ice, Darkness. When he uses a dark shield, attack him with Frog and the Masamune. His PHYSICAL defense will go down. Then he will switch shields every time you attack with a magic attack. Near his defeat, he will stick with one shield and cast magic on you. Have Frog attack while Lucca and Crono use magic, depending on the shield. Soon, he will be dead. EXTRA: Lose to him to see one of the 14 endings in Crono Trigger(Playstation ver.)
  10. * a young boy walks around a forest area scanning the trees for any sudden movement. He has his Digivice ready in case he is attacked* Where am I going to go from here? *suddenly, there is a rustle in the bushes. Kantro jumps into the bushes, knocking out another person* What the heck are you doing here?! OOC: can i make the first post? and if this is done, will someone be the person I tackle?
  11. Basically the entire thing. can you point me to a site that has a walkthrough for it?
  12. Name: Kanto Sankon Age:15 Gender:Male Race: Hylian Description:Tall, black hair in a little ponytail. Black tunic and black knee length shorts. Brown hiking boots(the only things that are not black on him) and deep red eyes Bio:Born in a land outside of Hyrule, Kanto had learned the ways of the sword and magic to survive. Ever since his parents were killed while Ganondorf ruled, he vowed to kill Ganondorf. Main Weapon: Marasame and Maramasa Other Weapons: Masamune and various elemental spells. Good or Evil: Unknown...
  13. Name: Kantro Sercon Age: 15 Appearence: About 5'6'', long black hair in a ponytail. Mainly wears clothing that are loose and limber for him to move. Has red and black eyes considering he had laser surgery to get that eye color. Choice: Unwillingly Digivice Color: Red Bio: During grade school, Kantron was picked on and bullied a lot. Then, when he was about 11 years old, he had got on the Internet at his home and an egg came out. The Digimon inside soon became a Gabumon. Then, at 14, the DIROne Institute found out about his Digimon and had to sedate him to get him to the institute. Many people got their noses broken when they poked him with the needle. Digimon Rookie:Gabumon(Blue Blaster, Horn Tackle) Champion:Garurumon(Howling Blaster, Claw Strike) Ultimate:Weregarurumon(Wolf Claw, Wolf Kick) Mega:Metalgarurumon(Freeze Missile, Ice Tackle)
  14. When you see Vegnaguns hole in the Bevell Underground, I got to thinking...Was Vegnagun built during or BEFORE FFX!? When was it built? And for those who beat the game...how do you get past the Magus sisters?
  15. I need some serious help. In Master Quest, I can't figure out what to do in the Water Temple! I tryed to figure it out, but my brain is fried trying to get through the other dungeons. The data was lost and now I'm back at the Dodongos Cavern. Please tell me something soon because I'll get to the Water Temple soon enough!
  16. I somewhat agree with you Solo. Having a theme based deck might be good but if people find out your theme(example: Light and Dark Monsters) they will find cards that render them useless or lower thier atk and def. Thats why my deck has no true theme. And SportsGuy, I feel your pain. All I needed was one Tremendous Fire cause my opponent had only 1000 LP left, and I had like 6600 LP. But he got the better of me and I decided to forfieght( I cant spell worth crap)
  17. My niece is great at video games so don't sweat it! And she's only 6 years old! I think that a girl gamer is just as good as a guy gamer. Besides, if your better than them, PROOVE IT!!
  18. The RE remaking and RE Zero are awesome! But don't get 2 or 3. They are just the same things(no different graphics or new things) except that Jill in 3 has better looking boots.
  19. I got a question. When Gogeta is formed, does he go SS4 like Goku first did or does Goku and Vegeta go SS4 then fuse? And why doesnt Bra and Pan go Super Saiyan?
  20. I heard that Jackie Chan was going to be Vegeta but I doubt that. And Goldberg being Nappa? Hmmmm....I think he would play better as another character. Maybe Tien. Don't know...And by the way, on the DBZ website, the movie was going to be out 2004 in the fall-winter time but now its going to be filmed this summer and then released early 2005. Darn film makers!
  21. First off, I don't base my deck around just one or two monsters. I've seen that happen and it didn't work real well. Try bringing out your Dark Paladin when your Buster Blader is dead and your Dark Magician is out of play and you only had one each. I try to focus my deck on a variety of things. And Ayokano, try to add more monsters than just Spellcaster types. I think there is a card that makes spellcasters unusable. And add at least one Blue-Eyes to give your deck some more power. And a good card to use is Non Spellcasting Area. All face up monsters are not effected by Magic/Spell cards unless they are Effect Monsters.
  22. Rate this deck please! Fusions:1 (Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon) Rituals:1 (Relinquished) **Monsters** Sonic Bird Mystical Elf Fire Sorcerer Cyber Jar Summoned Skull X2 Dark Fire Soldier #1 Giant Soldier of Stone Wall of Illusion X2 Island Turtle Thunder Dragon X2 Old Vindictive Magician X2 Neo The Magical Swordsman Girochin Kuwagata Maha Vailo Big Eye Dark Jeroid Gearfried the Iron Knight Moisture Creature Alpha The Manget Warrior(Japanese) Valkerion The Magna Warrior(Japanese) Des Koala Man-Eater Bug X3 GagagigoBlue-Eyes White Dragon Millenium Shield Beta The Magnet Warrior Dark Magician Gamma The Magnet Warrior Spirit of The Harp X2 Labyrinth Wall X2 **Magic** Remove Trap X2 De-Fusion Solu Exchange Goblin's Secret Remedy Polymerization Hinotama X2 The Forceful Sentry Dian Keto The Cure Master X2 Red Medicine Dark Hole Fairy Meteor Crush Swords od Revealing Light(Japanese) Tremendous Fire X3 Monster Reborn Change of Heart Pot of Greed(Japanese) Ookazi De-Spell X2 Umi Ring of Magnetism Poison of The Old Man X2 Nobleman of Crossout Card Destruction Non-SPellcastsing Area Ground Collapse Malevolent Nuzzler X2 SPell Reproduction Share The Pain Nobleman of Extermination X2 Horn of The Unicorn Gravekeepers Servant Cestus of Dagla Fissure X2 Black Illusion Ritual Metamorphosis **Traps** Trap Hole X2 Spell Shield Type-8 Physical Double Magic Cylinder(Japanese) Mirror Force(Japanses) Riryoku Field Gift of The Mystical Elf X2 Dragon Capture Jar Enchanted Javeline Minor Goblin Official Call of The Haunted Nutrient Z Infinite Dismissal Fake Trap Numinous Healer
  23. I think that it depends on whether or not the viewer is 'into' the show or not. I think that the old pokemon show was just plain crap. And just like Leh said, they may be too 'mature' to understand that. And what I mean by mature is the fact that many kids today listen to all this rap music and watch a lot of PG-13 and R rated movies and they are only 5-9 years old! It all depends on how the person has matured depending on how they were raised.
  24. Venge

    Sonic X

    First off, the series would be cool if someone else would beat Eggman instead of Sonic. And Swordmaster, Knuckels has appeared but he hasnt been shown for a while. he appears in episode 3. and shadow, he appears like in episode 60 i think, its the season where shadow takes the stage.
  25. Wait! Last minute entry here! Digispirited Name: Kantro Usaki Age:15 Description: Shoulder length black hair with red tips on the bangs. 5'9'', better than average build. Has a scar on his left cheek in the form of a star. Personality: Anti-social most of the time due to past experiences Spirit Evolution: Agunimon Beast Spirit Evolution:Burning Greymon Fusion Evolution: Aldramon Element: Fire Bio: Born in Peebles Ohio, Kantro was more of an outsider because of his familys history. He was Japanese-American and was bullied around until he found a way into the digital world and found the Spirits of Fire. He later became friends with a Digimon that was a Gatomon but he called Stripe because of her blue striped arms and paws(this is not a Digi-partner, just his friend from the Digital World) Side: Unknown
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