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Everything posted by Venge

  1. I've read very little manga (the only ones I've read are a few Poke'mon ones and a Yu-Gi-Oh! one out of Shonen Jump), but I've watched much anime. I really think it goes with personal taste in this matter, whether you like to read and slowly absorb the story and movemets, or you like to watch everything go at a faster pace. I'd rather watch the anime because those 'filler' episodes as some call may actually be funny, even though they may tend to go away from the story line. But like most of you said, the 'fillers' can be annoying. Anime: 7/10 Manga: 5/10
  2. Here is a little story of mine I am workign on. Its in chapters and they are rather short. Here is the first 3 chapters of my story... Matt Prower (C) Matthew Duffey All DBZ related stuff (C) Akira Toriyama ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [font=Verdana][size=2]Chap.1- The Meeting [/size][/font] Vegeta stared up into the sky. He felt a familiar energy coming towards Earth but it didn?t quite click in his head. ?Trunks?.do you remember that power? Vegeta asked his now adult son. ?I remember it, but I can?t quite place it?? ?Never mind then?? Vegeta continued to look into the sky, as the power got closer. ?It?ll be here in three hours. Be prepared for anything. Tell Bra to go somewhere safe just in case. Meet me outside in three hours, got that!?? ?Alright father.? Trunks rushed through the house to his sister as his father walked to the front lawn. [center]3 Hours Later [/center] Bulma, Vegetas wife, spotted a large sphere like object in the sky. She slowly walked down the observatory walkway outside. ?Vegeta-? ?I know woman?whoever it is, its here. Trunks, get ready!? The two Saiyans prepared for battle as the sphere landed. It was the same design and structure as the Capsule Corporation ship that Goku had used when he went to Namek. It landed with a loud thud, sending a large wave if dust and dirt around it. The chamber door opened slightly, letting the pressure stabilize until it fully opened. A figure stepped out of the ship, but the figure could not be seen due to the steam. ?Who are you?! What do you want!?? ?Dammit Vegeta! Why are you always uptight!?? ?That voice?it can?t be!?? The figure stepped out of the steam. He didn?t look like a human, but he walked, talked, and had the same body structure of a human. He looked like a fox, covered in midnight black fur, but with grey on his mouth, chest, stomach, and at the end of his tail. His bright, emerald green eyes gleamed with happiness as he looked at Vegeta. ?My prince?.how art thee?? The boy said as he knelt. ?Matt?get up. You don?t have to kneel. What are you doing here?!? ?I just wanted to see how ya been.? Suddenly, Vegeta?s teenage daughter, Bra, walked outside in her usual red skirt and red belly shirt. She walked over to her father, staring at Matt. ?Ummm?.Daddy?.who is this?? ?This is my old friend, Matt.? Matt stared at Bra, the wind ruffling his tattered jeans and over his nude upper body. ?Uhhh?..Vegeta has a daughter!?? [font=Verdana] [center][u]Chapter 2[/u] [/center] Matt stared at the young, blue haired girl as she walked over to him. Bra then took her left index finger and ran it down Matt?s neck and to his lower chest. ?Well, you?re well build, I do have to?? Matt suddenly smacked her finger away. ?I don?t like it when unfamiliar girls do that to me. So please, don?t do that.? ?Hmph. Fag.? Bra then walked away, swaying her curved hips at the young Saiyan boy. ?God?what?s up with that girl?? Matt thought to himself. Vegeta walked over to him. ?Lets go inside.? Matt looked about the front room of Capsule Corp. ?It still looks like the same place before I left it.? ?Nothing has changed really?.except?? Vegeta was cut off by the sound of pounding footsteps. ?Oh shit, here comes Bulma?? Trunks muttered who was standing by the door. ?MATT! WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!? I?VE BEEN WORRIED SICK ABOUT YOU! YOU HAVEN?T CALLED, SPOKE TO US, OR EVEN MADE A NOTION TO SPEAK TO US IN 16 YEARS!? ??..Uhhh?..? ?That?s right. You BETTER have nothing to say. Well, now I?m pissed?.SO START CLEANING!? Bulma then reached into the broom closet in the kitchen and grabbed a bunch of cleaning supplies and threw them at the ones in the living room. ?Ugh?here we go again?? Matt stood in the kitchen, looking around it. He noticed that the kitchen was rather dirty, so he shrugged and got to work. As he was cleaning, he spotted Bra glancing over at him from time to time from the living room, which was the room she was cleaning. ?Uhh?.why are you looking at me?? ?Umm?no reason.? Bra quickly turned her head away from him. ?Wonder what her problem?is? Matt thought to himself He continued to clean as Bra continuously glanced over at him from time to time. ??Why do I keep looking over at him? Oh man?maybe Daddy or Mom can help me out?? Vegeta looked out at the star lit night sky as Bulma wrapped her arms around his waist. ?Beautiful night isn?t it?? Bulma asked. ?Yes it is?.but not quite as beautiful as you are.? ?Hahaha?Vegeta, you are too damn sly..? Bulma turned the Saiyan Prince around and pressed her lips to his as Vegeta put his arms around hers. ?Yes I am?? Bra watched as her parents kissed. Trunks passed her and noticed the confused look on her face. ?Hey little sis. What?s wrong?? ?Oh?I just want to talk to Mom and Dad, but I?m not sure how they will react.? ?Well, then just go and ask!? Trunks then pushed Bra into their parent?s bedroom as Vegeta and Bulma looked at her. ?What is it honey?? Bulma asked. ?Well...umm?it?s kinda embarrassing?? ?Tell us. We?re your parents. Come on.? Vegeta said. ?Well..it?s about that boy?Matt?? ?What about him? Is he causing you trouble?? Vegeta stood up, ready to go to Matt?s room. ?No, it?s not that?I think I?m starting to like him?? [center][u]Chapter 3[/u] [/center] ?What?? Bulma asked in disbelief. ?I don?t know?it?s just something about him that makes me like him so much?and I barely even know him?? ?But you already have a boyfriend, Bra?wasn?t his name James or something?? Vegeta asked. ?Yeah. And James is a good person?but I get this strange sense of security from Matt whenever I am around him?and it?s only a day?can you help me out with this feeling?? ?I think it?s just your teenage hormones raging, that?s all. I have to admit, Matt IS a pretty good looking guy?? Vegeta glared at Bulma evilly. ?But I have Vegeta. So, just try to ignore that feeling?but if it gets the better of you again, you can talk to us, okay?? ?Alright?promise?? ?Promise.? Vegeta and Bulma said in unison. Matt stepped into the bath tub as the shower water drenched his black and gray fur, matting it down onto his skin underneath. He closed his eyes slowly as he took a deep breath. ?Hmm?I?m back home?it feels good to be back home?? A knock on the door occurred as Bulma walked in, her back turned to Matt, even though the shower curtains were closed and the shower doors were made of that normal blurry glass. ?Here are your clothes, okay Matt? I threw those old pair of torn jeans away, okay?? ?Thanks Bulma.? ?You?re welcome?oh, and Matt?.can I talk to you for a min when your done with your shower.? ??Okay.? Matt continued to wash himself and finished up his shower. He stepped out of the tub and walked over to a towel and dried himself off. As he was grabbing his shirt, Bra stumbled in, and let out a startled screech. Matt fell backwards, but already had his pants on, so he wasn?t completely naked. ?What the hell!? Why the hell did you just barge in here!?? ??This is my house as well! I didn?t know that you were in here, you dumbfuck!? ?Grr?I ain?t a dumbfuck, got that? So, if you will excuse me, I would like to get dressed in PRIVATE!? Bra slammed the door behind her and stomped off towards her room, getting ready for her later date with James. Matt got dressed and walked out of the bathroom as Bulma approached him. ?Follow me, please.? Without a word, Matt followed. He soon found himself in Bulmas? lab. ?Uhhh?.what did you want?? ?It?s about Bra?.can you keep a secret?? ?Sure.? ?She told me last night that she was starting to have a crush on you?so, if you would please, try not to invoke that feeling.? ??.Wha? Bra has a crush on me?? ?Yeah. But try not to provoke that.? ?Alright.? Bra and James sat across each other at a nearby restaurant. The young Saiyan girl poked at her fries with her fork, not bothering to eat. ?Umm?Bra?can I ask you a question?? ?Hmm?...oh yeah. Sure you can.? ?Why were you staring at that fox boy that was at your house when I got there??? ?Uhh?no reason.? ?Yes there is?please tell me?? ??I?.I can?t.? ?Why not?? ?Because?you?ll hate me for it?? ?I won?t ever hate you?? ?Okay?.here it goes?? Matt and Trunks were sitting in the front room playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. They were taking turns at it while laughing hard at all the crazy stunts in the game. Suddenly, Bra rushes into the house, stumbling in. She had bruises on her face, arms, and legs, and was crying uncontrollably. James stepped inside, a pissed off look on his face. ?Get back here! I ain?t through with you yet!? James darted at Bra, punching her straight in the back, and she started to fall forwards. Matt caught her before she could react, helping her back up. ?Bra?what the hell happened!?? ?He?he hit me!? Matt turned his head around to James, still holding on to Bra from behind. He let go of her, letting his body turn completely to James. ?What are you talking about Bra?? ?That little whore has been cheating on me with this pint sized faggot fuck!? Matt twitches slightly as his eyes start to flash and electricity starts to spark off of him. ?I can handle an insult?to my race, friends, looks, pride, honor, likes, dislikes, or any of that shit?but you made one hell of a grave mistake my friend?? ?And what would that be, you stupid freak?? ??.YOU SHOULD?VE NEVER HURT THE SAIYAN PRINCESS!? [/font]
  3. A DC RP? Awesome! I like this idea. I had one like that, but it failed...couldn't make a backstory. But, if you want to make this RP interesting, I suggest making it like 100 or 200 years after the first DC game. Toan's (the boys name from the first game) journey is now legend, and the Dark Genie is locked away. But since he exists in all eternity, he is still alive...cursed DG. If you want any more ideas, just PM me. I like this kinda stuff! ^-^
  4. [size=1][color=#8b0000]Name: Matthew Wayne Duffey (Matt) Age: 16 Gender: Male [/color][/size] [size=1][color=#8b0000] Appearance: [img]http://saiyajinpride.7h.com/images/the_evil_beast_of_the_underworld.jpg[/img] [u]Weapons[/u] ~Melee~ A blue handled katana with a cross at the hilt. It is approximatly 6 feet long, but is very light. ~Long Range~ A .44 magnum revolver which he keeps strapped to his hip whenever he goes outside of school [/color][/size]
  5. ~Inuyasha~ Inuyasha - He needs anger management, not to mention an acutal hair color. And maybe a girlfriend from his own time and at least half demon like he is. I think the anger classes will help him with his transformations and getting angry at Kagome. Miroku - A good beating. For the fact that he is a pervert and needs to be beaten to the point of near death for being a pervert. If not that, maybe a wish to get rid of his Wind Tunnel curse. ~Dragonball Z~ Goku - COMMON SENSE! Oh god, is this guy stupid....he needs to go through preschool, kindergarten, and then all the way through grade school and then high school. And maybe a new wife and a not so weakling youngest son. Vegeta - He'd be in Inuyashas anger management class. He needs to lower his temper down along with his pride. Too much arrogance will get you killed (twice to be exact). ~Full Metal Alchemist~ Ed - I'd give him his arm and leg back, along with shorter hair. He needs a good hair cut and I think the new arm and leg will do him some good. Al - His old body back. I don't want to know how it is to not have a body. Poor Al...being a guy where his spirit is in a giant suit of armor... Ed and Al - I'd give them both their mother and father back mainly. I hate seeing them sad about losing both of their parents.
  6. Venge

    Best Death

    [u]Dragonball Series[/u] Krillian [spoiler]When Frieza picks him up using some type of psychic ability and blows him up, it wasn't much.[/spolier] But the results were awesome. I always seem to get an adrenaline rush whenever Goku first goes Super Saiayan.^_^ Vegeta When Frieza [spoiler]shoots him once when Goku arrives on Namek, you seem to learn a bit about Vegeta. After another shot, Vegeta starts to CRY![/spoiler] Now that is a first to see from him. (Vegeta) The other is when [spoiler]he self destructs when fighting Buu. I thought I was gonna cry when that happened.[/spoiler] Cell I know he is a villian, but I always seem to become hyper [spoiler]when Gohan finishes Cell off with the help of Goku and Vegeta.[/spoiler] ~Edit~ The spoiler tags went over Vegetas name, so thats why its at the end...I'm not so good with HTML code.
  7. I've played both and beaten both, but the decision is VERY hard to make in my point of view: ~Story~ In FFX, the story line is great...at least the world is not gonna be destroyed like usual. Its not that complicated to figure out, but its deep and inertwines with a few of the main characters. In FFX-2, the story line is short, and the 'worlds gonna be destroyed, gotta save it!' scenario is crap....but the shear fact that further into the story line, you may begin to think....when was Vegnagun built? Who built him? Was this building going on during FFX?...the list goes on....but FFX wins here... ~Gameplay~ I liked the battle system of FFX, but the system of X-2 got me...gaining EXP to level up, learning new abilities with AP, and with the difficulty of FF7 style turn based battles, this game keeps you on your feet and one wrong command can lead to certain death....even though FFX had a great, yet 'easy' battle system, FFX-2 is better....FFX-2 wins here... ~Game Time~ No need to explain...FFX wins hands down due to the amount of time it takes to go through the game. FFX-2 tells you when you completed something, making you advance further on. FFX didn't do that too well...you had to KNOW when to move on and the overall time (including side quests), made this game better than the sequal....FFX wins here... Well, it looks like FFX is a better game in my opinion on account of winning 2 out of 3 parts. I like them both, but still, Final Fantasy X is the better one....-drools over Rikku-
  8. My favorite character would HAVE to be the One Winged Angel himself, Sephiroth. He wields the legendary Masamune, the 7 foot long sword, and he is one of the most recongnized characters throughout all of the FF series, I believe. His battle capabilities are awesome, especially his 'Super Nova' spell....even though I hate that spell, I'd love to use it...-looks at various people he hates- Right below him would be Cid Highwind (FF7). I just love his 'Hold on to your drawers and don't piss in'em!' like attitude. He wields a spear with ease and is the best pilot from ANY FF game in my opinion. Plus, he was one of the first people to go in space. Besides that, his overall being helps the team in 7 a lot...piloting the Highwind...driving the train...fighting Sephiroth...
  9. OOC: Sorry I haven't posted in a while....I hate life...:flaming: :( ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Paul continously fired his machine gun at the various flying Digimon, nailing some, missing others. After a few more seconds of firing, his gun made a clicking sound. "Son of a bitch!" Reaching for a new clip, Paul reloaded and began to fire again. Out of no where, a blast suddenly game towards the vehicle from an AeroVeedramon. Thinking fast, Paul grabbed a grenade, and pulled the pin, throwing it at the blast that was heading towards them. The two connected, causing a large explosion to occur, rocking the vehicle back and forth. The rocking motion caused Paul to fall back and slam his shoulder into the side, dislocating it. "Gah! Die mother fuckers!!" Using his other arm, Paul re-aimed his gun and continued to fire, dispite his shoulder.
  10. OOC: I changed my email and I did't get to check it for a while. Sorry! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Paul stepped out of the X-11 he was riding in, Gabumon right behind him. He looked around, letting his eyes take in every little detail that they could see. The rest of the team got out as well and looked around as well. "So, what are we to do now?" Paul asked. "Search around this relic site for any information on the missiing operatives." Azufe replied. "Well, shall we get started then?" Paul said. Walking over to the vehicle, Paul grabbed a AF-45E and a GL-4SR, strapping the machine gun on his back and the grenade launcher at his left hip. "Everyone, get your weapons and supplies. We start searching in five minutes, got that?" Azufe ordered. The rest of the group got prepared as Paul looked about continuosly, taking note of places to snipe and hide. 'Well, this outta be fun.' Paul thought. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Sorry its short...I'll make them better next time.
  11. I was reading in an issue of a game magazine, either EGM or GI, and I spotted a large article on an upcoming game in the DB series: Dragonball Z: Budokai 3. Set to come out November 23rd, this installment of the series as tooken the most awesome parts of the first 2 games and genetically altered them and fused them together to create a game thart would blow most non-DBZ fans out of their seats, not for the shear fact that its a fighting game, but even some non-DBZ fans would want to pick up a PS2 controller and play it due to the graphics, various modes and the gameplay itself. [U]Graphics[/U] From what I seen, B3 still goes along with cell shading from B2, but jumps ahead further. The backgrounds are not just things to look at anymore. They can be used to your advantage, not just to slam your opponent into, either. And, not to mention the energy attacks and the transformations! Just like in B1 and B2, whenever you go to use a simple PPPPE or >E (Punch X4 then Energy and Forward Energy), the area becomes dark. But, this time, you see more sparks, electricity and more fun stuff than in the first 2 installments. [U]Game Play[/U] This game should have a good gameplay engine. Some new skills put into this game are: Teleporting, Counter-Blasts, and even though its for Brolly (Burouri) only, he can JUMP! But, they also use the same side dodging, running, and back jumping, but there is a catch: it takes ki. And blocking all the time won?t work anymore. It will fatigue you to the point where your opponent can get in ANY attack they want. Then, there is the third installment in the Precurser Legacy series, Jak 3. No article was on the game, but by previous ?Sneak Preview? articles and ads, this game will be everything the first two games and more than that! It is supposed to take place 1 or 2 years after Jak 2. Jak has been banished from Haven City along with Daxter. Therefore, you have to play as Jak and clear his name. What he did, I don?t know. The play time for Daxter has increased as well from the second game. Along with new Light Jak powers, new vehicles, and a twisting story line, I?d say this game is worth getting. Well, that?s all I know about these two games. If the old saying, ?Third times a charm?, then both third installments will do greater than the previous ones can ever do. If you have any more info on these two games, post it. ~Venge~
  12. I'm not sure if there is a section on the main site for this but I tried putting a banner and a welcome sign in my Introduction on [URL=http://www.myotaku.com/users/matt_prower/]myOtaku[/URL] but everytime I tried, it either didn't appear on my Introduction or changed all the text after that specific text into one giant link to the site where I got the stuff. I also tried putting up 2 animations, but that didn't work either. I posted the animations and the link to the welcome sign on myOtaku, but the banner didn't appear up there. Can anyone help me out and help solve this problem?
  13. Hrmm...-scratches head-...interesting... Name: Paul David Duffey Sr. Age: 24 Gender: Male Appearance: 6' 2'', 190 lbs. Short, dark brown hair with a few bangs hanging from his forehead. Usually wears loose blue jeans and a black, long sleeved shirt. Also has a necklace with his house key on it, which he keeps for good luck. Hazel eyes and rather muscular build. Personallity: Short temperted when agitated, but other wise happy and positive. A clear thinker and strong thinker, Paul almost always thinks problems through before attempting a solution, but there is always a chance that he will goof up. Paul is able to use computers, electronics, and any form of machinery with ease. Digimon: Gabumon -Blue Blaster -Horn Slam Digivolution Chain: Rookie: (See Above) Champion: Gaururmon -Howling Blaster Ultimate: WereGarurumon -Wolf Claw Mega: MetalGarurumon -Ice Rocket -Frozen Claw -Freezing Blaster If any changes are needed, probably concerning my Digimon, PM me.
  14. [QUOTE=MistressRoxie][color=#9933ff] Brains: [list] [*]Intelligence is a key factor. I like people who I can and WILL converse with, not only about everyday things, but also on a higher intellectual level. If your'e not oging to use your smarts, what's the point?[/list] Personality/other:[list] [*]isn't an arsehole, or wants other girls while he's dating me [*]Not pressuring me for anything (call me old fashioned but I believe in chastity) [*]Must be nice, nobody who drinks, smokes cigarrettes, or does drugs. I'd drop a bf like a dead weight if he ever did that. [*]Funny to some extent. Not a comedian here, but can crack a few jokes once in a while. [*]Likes to cuddle sometimes[/list] Of course, I've never had a boyfriend because I'm a loser, so what do I know?[/color][/QUOTE] It's uncommon to find a guy like that, no offense to all you OB guys out there. Most of you probably are like this but its not RARE, but only UNCOMMON. And MistressRoxie, you are NOT a loser. Never tell yourself that. [U]Physical[/U] I like a girl who, IMPO, has small breasts. I ain't like some guys who like the 'biguns' or anything like that. Another thing is the face. If I look at a girls face and become putty, then thats another factor I like. And the hair...I'm usually attracted to girls with short hair rather than long hair. But long hair is sometimes good ^-^. I also like it if a girl has a small butt. Thats just me, but it would be good IF it was small. [U]Mental Capabilities[/U] If a girl has the mental capacity of a small slab of granite or anything of the like, thats a major turn off for me. A decent girl can actually have an intelligent conversation about most things (TV, politics, sci-fi stuff). If she doesn't know the difference between her left and right...well, that would be a big NO on my part. [U]Personality[/U] Heh, I like the types that are understanding, caring, but at the same time, kinda of a...crap, can't say it...well, they have an 'evil' side, to put it nicely. I don't want the type of girl who would back down from an argument or won't make her opinion heard. If she is willing to take a stand, that shows she is capable of doing stuff on her own. And, she'd need a good sense of humor, which I have already (making people laugh is simple ^-^). I'd hate it if a girl would just be dull and not the least bit funny. [U]Other Notes[/U] Heh....for some reason, if a girl bosses me around, I like that....!?...I don't know why, but thats just me, I guess...
  15. The sound of metal on metal echoed throughout a small area. Matthew braced his body as his uncles sword came down apon his own, almost causing the young boy to fall backwards. Matthew forced upwards, knocking his uncle off balance as he took a swing at his mentor. The uncle blocked it, but barely. Only half a millimeter closer and Matthews blade would have touched his skin. The uncle stood back some, stating that the training is over. "You've improved Matthew. I can't believe your as skilled as me and it's tooken you a shorter amount of time to do so!" "Eh, I guess I'm a fast learner, Uncle Micheal." "Well, go get some rest at the tavern. You'll need it for your later training. Next time, I'm not going so easy on you." "Hahaha...okay, I'll see you later then." Matthew began to walk to a nearby building as his uncle walked to his house. The young boy took a step inside, letting his emerald green eyes wander about, taking everything in. He sheathed his sword on his back, as the policy inside was to have all weapons sheathed or concealed, as not to instigate fights. He sat down at a table, taking a deep breath, and resting his head in his hands. As Matthew looked about, something in the window caught his eye. It was a piece of paper with some writing on it. Matthew went up to the paper and read what it said. "Warriors needed...long adventure....money included.....room three hundred two, huh? Guess, I'll check it out.." Heading towards the stairs, Matt wondered what type of adventure this would be...
  16. ....-jaw drops to floor-....Kieko....you are a GOD/GODDESS! Thanks muches! -hugs-
  17. I was wondering if anyone could make a banner based off the Vegeta avatar I have. I'd appreciate it. Thanks! -Matthew Duffey
  18. I don't watch much anime, so I guess I'll go with the small arsenal of characters I like. ^-^ Vegeta (Dragonball Z, NOT GT)- Tough, badass, strong. He has this arrogant attitude and unwillingnes to give up, no matter what the odds. And of course he has the power of 10,000 nuclear bombs in his left hand, not to mention the strength of more than 500 Mr. Universe weight lifters. This guy is one tough cookie, and the anger problem is the best...-twitch- Miroku (Inuyashsa)- This guy is one heck of a pervert. He will make you laugh at the failed attempts to get a woman. And his protectiveness of his friends? Man, I'd love to have a friend like him. Thats all I can think of...maybe I should watch some more anime...but where to get it...-sigh-
  19. Matt watched as Jamie went to the locker rooms. He watched as Imric went to the nurses office with his hand over his nose. 'Ouch...wonder what happened to him...' Matt continued to get his gym clothes on and headed out to the gym floor. There, everyone, except Imric, was getting ready to play a game of dodgeball. The gym teacher got the teams seperated on the two sides of the gym and told everyone to start playing. Jamie was on Matts team, which was a plus. She was agile and speedy, which was good for a dodgeball player and a dancer. "Ready?" Matt smirked as he looked to Jamie, ball in hand. "More than you!" Jamie shouted. A ball then slammed Matt in the face, causing his entire face to become reddened. He wasn't out, but he decided to sit out till the pain went away. 'Gah..don't I have all the luck.' He thought, his left hand over his face.
  20. Name: Matthew Collins Gender: Male Age: 17 Race: Zaban Appearance: [URL=http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=retrieve&id=40735]Clikcy and go...BOOM![/URL] He has light brown hair and emerald green eyes. He usually wears a simple sleeveless shirt and loose pants, but he does wear some armor during battles. On his back is his sword, always with him, no matter what. Background: Matthew had a good home life and grew up like any normal boy in his town. He learned to use a sword at a young age and was very skilled with a blade not too long afterwards. Matthew was first given a sword in his hands at 7 years old. His father and uncle taught him everyday after school and whenever the boy had free time. Due to all this training, Matthew became as skilled as some of the knights by the age of 10. As he enetered his teenage years, Matthew told his parents he wanted to be a Paladin, and he had already started to learn a little bit of light magic. His parents were furious, not wanting their son to become a warrior, no matter what he was. They kicked him out, sending him to live with is uncle. There, Matthew continued to learn light magic and had continuously trained with his sword. He had gotten in a few fights as he became older, but won most of them due to the light magic arts he knew. On his 16th birthday, his uncle gave Matthew a new sword, since his old one was cracking and the handle was worn almost completely gone. He said the sword was from a Paladin he knew and wanted to give this custom sword to Matthew for his birthday. Now, Matthew still lives with his uncle but he is always about, training with his new sword and training with his magic. Popularity: Not widely known, but still known. Almost everyone has heard of his parents kicking him out. Gossip: They see him as a good person, but the stories about why he was kicked out were rather out of place. Zaban Race: Paladin - Main(Mp) Sub(Lm) Weapon: Long Broad Sword
  21. Venge


    Matt slightly gasped at the condition of Cindys cuts. "What the fuck happened to you!?" He asked. "I got cut by some rusted old chains...I didn't think they'd get this bad..." Cindy sighed. Matt looked around, thinking hard. He sat down at a bar stool, placing a hand on his forehead. "We have to find some way to clean up your wounds, Cindy." Claudia said. "But how? I don't think there is any alcohol or peroxide in a bar is there?" Cindy asked. "Alcohol..thats it!" Jessie got up and reached over the bar, grabbing a bottle of whiskey, and ran over to Cindy. "This whiskey should do the trick!" Opening the bottle, Jessie went to pour it onto Cindys cuts, but Cindy grabbed his hand. "I don't want that stuff on me! It may make it worse!" "This stuff works just the same as medical alcohol. Thats why they call it 'alcohol'. It has the same disinfecting properties." Without another word, Jessie poured the liquid out onto the cut, causing it to bubble up white stuff and making Cindy scream in pain. "It's supposed to-ooof!" Cindy punched Jessie straight on his left cheek, sending him to the ground. "You should have said it would hurt like hell!" Cindy yelled. "...It seems you're getting the shitty end of the deals, huh, Jessie?" Hazel asked. "Well, you never asked.." Jessie said. Matt looked up, staring at Jessie as he picked himself up. "Now, Matt, go get some water. We need to clean it up with some warm water." "Alright." Matt headed to the kitchen, turning on the faucet as he grabbed a large pan and a rag. Outside in the front room, everyone started talking. Cindy suddenly piped up. "Umm...has anyone seen Sheldon?" Cindy asked.
  22. I think playing Super Mario Bros. as a child influenced my first two words: [SIZE=2][SIZE=4][B]Nintendo Power[/B] [/SIZE] [/SIZE] Technically, my first word would be 'Nintendo', and I kinda find it freaky that my first word was Nintendo....-goes to play Super Mario Bros. some more-
  23. Matt waved goodbye to Jamie, Nathan, and David as he walked to his first class, Art, the teacher being one that goes by the name of Mr. Crawford. Matt slipped in silently, trying not to attract so much attention as he sat down, and pulled out a sketchbook. "Okay, class. Today, we'll be doing something new...we're gonna be making our own comic book! How does that sound?" The class made various sounds of disappointment, happiness, and boredom, Matt himself just doing some simple sketches of hands, feet, eyes, and faces. 2 of them looked rather like his two good friends, Jamie and Nathan.
  24. Name: Matt Summers Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: 5' 6'', short brown hair, slightly spiked with blonde highlights all around. Rather good build due to being a dancer and an avid basketball player and likes to wear loose clothing so he can move more freely during his dances. Always sports something black, even though he isn't goth, he just likes black. [U]Personality/Character Clip[/U] Others- Socially active, likes to be nice around others, especially Jamie and Nathan. Opposite Gender- Is somewhat shy, but still tries to be social. Only girl he isn't that shy around is Jamie. Same Gender- Same as 'Others' [U]Clubs Joined[/U] Manga/Art Dance Basketball [QUOTE]Oh, and Matt is taken by Venge! >> From Delerium[/QUOTE] I'm taken by myself?! o_0 ...its a conundrum!
  25. Grrr...most of the spots were tooken and I didn't want to play Quina. Lol Name: Eiko Carol Age: 5 or 6 Gender: Female Appearance:[URL=http://ffartwork.com/contributions/images/$aine!s!haruna$-ff9-eiko-.jpg]Thish ish SHOO CUTE![/URL] Personality: Hyper, cute, somewhat of a theif. Eiko has a large heart for her friends especially her pet moogle. She stayed at her birthplace with her moogle friends, and even met Amarant Coral, whom seems to be her protector no matter what. Class: Summoner Sorry its so short...haven't played FF9 in a while...better start it up again ^-^. I need to get that game. Grrr...
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