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Everything posted by Venge
Just this morning, I had an idea for a new RP...It sparked in my head after remembering playing Sonic Mega Collection at my bros house last weekend ^-^. Well, anyways, I got the FIRST part of the story planned out. Here is a short summary: When Mobius began, there were 15 gods. 7 of them was the weakest, 7 others were more powerful, but one of them was the most powerful of them all. It would take the combined powers of the other 14 gods to take her down. After centuries of prosperity and goodness between the people of Mobius and the gods, some of the gods started to get power hungry. Soon they all became that way, besides the main one. So, she locked their powers away, along with hers in 15 seperate jewels... Many people have tried to get these jewels and failed. There were 3 warriors who protected the jewels with their lives: The Hero (Sonic), the Chosen One (Tails) and the Guardian (Knuckels). Whenever someone one had attempted to steal the jewels, these 3 would protect them and foil the persons plans on obtaining them.. Thats all I go so far...I plan on integrating my own Mobian character into it, and having Sonic, Tails, and Knuckels be dead due to old age. I'm gonna write down what I thought up this morning and then post it tomorrow. Any comments, post here. Any questions, post here or PM me ^-^.
Project Ryu 2 looked at all the others in the vicinity of the forest. He frowned being around these four others. Since everyone was introducing themselves, he thought he might as well do the same. After a few minutes of thought as the others talked, Project Ryo 2 decided to introduce himself and no more. "My name is Cory Matthews...from Germany Zero..." He suddenly looked down when a few of them looked to him. "...one of you said that someone done something to us?" He asked. "I did." Cory looked over to the girl that spoke. "Well, I'm outta here. I'm gonna go and kill the people that did anything to me.." Cory started to walk off, checking his swords and guns, making sure he had all his equipment.
Matt poked his eyes around the main room as Hazel fiddled with her metal fan. He took a deep breath to relax, but something in the air was not supposed to be there. "Hey, you smell that?" Matt asked Hazel. She breathed in. "Yeah..it smells like.....SMOKE!" Hazel and Matt quickly jumped up and began the search for the smokes origin. As she rounded a bend, Hazel spotted a door with smoke coming out from under it. "HEY! I FOUND THE SMOKE!" She yelled. Matt came running and spotted the door as well. He reached for the door but Hazel smacked his hand away. "Don't touch the door knob if there is a fire behind it!" "Oh..yeah.." The two heard Jessies cry for help as they stood there. Then, Matt had an idea. "What if we kick the door down or use your fan to slice it down?" "Good idea!" Matt took a few long steps back and then took a run towards the door. Just as he reached it, he thrust his left foot at the middle of it, in hopes of kicking it down.
Matthew stared at Jessie and Hazel for a few seconds before standing up, shifting around his kendo stick that was strapped to his back. He walked around the bar, studying the structure and texture of the building. 'Pretty sturdy...' He thought. "Hey, we're in a bar, right?" Jessie asked. "I guess so." Hazel replied. "We should be. There are beer ads and neon lights around.." Matt said. Matt walked to the door and tryed to open it. It stayed shut as if something was pressing up against it. "GRAH!" Matt drew his kendo stick and smashed the front door window. He looked outside and saw that something was set up against the door to keep them from getting out. "Well, we're stuck in here for a while..." He sheathed his kendo stick and took a seat at a nearby stool, closing his eyes.
Everything was dark...Matthew couldn't see a thing. The last thing he remembered was standing outside the mansion ans asking Cindy to go in with him. Then, everything went black. He slowly regained his eyesight back, finding himself on the bathroom floor of a bar. The scent of 3 day old piss and shit waffed through the air, making Matthew cringe and almost throw up. He stumbled out of the bathroom, choking on the rancid oxygen in the bathroom, and he gasped for the fresh air outside of the bathroom. He looked up and seen a scared girl on the counter top. She looked down on him, as Matt looked up to her. "Uh...who are you?"
I think that CN had a lot to do with the crapishness of anime today. They cut it up, chop the heck outta the dialouge and usually make the shows seem like it was done by a two year old. Example: I have a DBGT video that was edited to the extreme. It showed NO blood and was rather short (Heart of The Prince, The Five/Three Star Dragon, The One Star Dragon), but my brother had the same episodes on DVD. In the first one, it showed a pile of blood under Vegeta when he had a flashback in the Frieza saga, right before he died...and the frame motion on the video was HIDEOUS compared to the DVD. Due to Funimation and CN, a lot of todays anime has been tooken to the trash bin. I havent really watched Wolfs Rain, Ghostfighter, Fushigi Yuugi, Escaflowne, or any of most of the animes mention here, but like someone said, get the Japanese versions online and you'll see some major differences.
I'm not a mod or anything, but I'll help you out. Well, this would go better in the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/forumdisplay.php?f=87]OB Analogy[/URL] most likely. If you are going to make it into a story or post the story itself, make a thread there. If you are going to make it into an RP, think about the story line a bit more, and after you get all of the bugs out, go to the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/forumdisplay.php?f=48]Adventure Inn[/URL] . There, you can make a sign-up thread and let people sign up. It sounds like a good idea, story or RP wise...I think that some of the RPs here SHOULD be stories :laugh: . Good luck and I hope I helped out a little! ^-^
Name: Matthew Duffey Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance:[URL=http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=get_pic&pic_id=1492] Click this and go BOOM[/URL] Bio: Matt was born into a decent family. His mother and father got a divorce when he was only 2 and his dad got custody of him. He would've died if his mother got ahold of him, due to a meth lab explosion that happened at her house 3 months after the custody battle. He grew up with his father, and was a very hyper and active child. On his 16th birthday, Matt had recieved a gift from someone he didn't know. It was left on his bed, and he opened it slowly, not sure what it would be. When he did, a puppy like creature jumped out, covered in a peach colored fur and had a red collar on. It called itself Salamon. Inside the box with it was a device, shaped like a GameBoy Advance SP, and worked like one, but it was black. Soon afterwards, he and Salamon became best friends and Matt also learned from Salamon about the Digital World. Matt was facinated by this information. Ever since then, Salamon and Matt went everywhere together. Personallity: Very hyper and active. He loves to get to know people and likes to joke around a lot. He doesn't care about appearence or gender or anything, he just likes to befriend people. Digimon: Salamon Digivolution chain: Gatomon-Angewoman-Ophanimon Any changes needed, PM me.
Thanks for the help so far, you two. Those title ideas are pretty good Kid Anime. And thanks for changing the thread title Lady Asphyxia ^-^. From Lady Asphyxia: [QUOTE]Not a bad idea. I don't have any ideas on what to name it, sorry. Just to clarify; you say that Deverca has joined the good side; which is the good side? The side of God or of the people? How are you planning to get them to that point in life? How will she [?] die? Why does Deverca go to the good side? Why does Rex get more power? It'd be good to expand it and stuff. I can't wait to see what you've written. [/QUOTE] To clarify what you asked, the 'good' side is the side of the people. Rexs' mother is a soul eater/taker. And he has that power. Whosever soul he takes, he gains more power and can use the powers of the people he has tooken. He takes Adrienns soul, but it still lives in him, making Adrienns body just a living shell, but having no soul to occupy it. The only reason why Rex is keeping her body....well, you'll see and/or read in the story. On another note, here is the list of characters in the story, with the race in () and the owner in []: Venge (1/2 Human, 1/2 Lightning/Shadow Demon) [Mine] Kay Sutonis (Neko) [Mine] Apriella Herroe (1/2 Elf, 1/2 Vampire) [April Nance] Deverca Draconis (Yurkerian) [Cory Coll] Bob the Goblin (Goblin) [Cory Coll] Adrienn (Angel) [Mine] Soulless Selestrial (1/3 Human, 1/3 Fox, 1/3 Wolf) [Josh Florea] Rex Selestrial (1/3 Wolf, 1/3 Fox, 1/3 Demon) [Josh Florea] Leona Briann (1/2 Human, 1/2 Dragon) [Mine] Kiona Kitsune (3 Tailed Fox) [Stephanie] Olarken Sercon (Dragon Andraen) [Mine] And some more notes on the story: [list] [*]Bob and Olarken die at the end. [*]Venge and Kay get together. [*]Soulless and Kiona get marries in it. [*]After the final battle, Soulless and Rex disappear. They aren't dead, they just disappeared. [/list] I hope I get started on it soon. I'll post any new info I remember or whenever I have a good chunk of the story done. -Matthew Duffey
Hmm...this seems like an interesting thread. I'll post! ^-^ [U]Girls I Would Date[/U] Bra (DBGT)- teen, around 14-15 age, daughter of a prince, and she tends to be the one to boss others around...I strangely like to be bossed around by a girl...dont know why... Pan (DBGT)- only if I was a preteen, ONLY. Too cute to resist, and has an adventerous attitude. I'd probably be able to keep sane with her and her friends! Raven (Teen Titans)- brooding, likes to keep to herself, but I'd try to pry away at that hard, outer shell. I don't know why but I find her kind of cute, even though she IS from another planet. -sweatdrop- Starfire (Teen Titans)- rather a ditz, but her good things outweigh the bad. She is overly strong, and very funny. I'd get along with her well. [U]Girls I Would NOT Date[/U] Chi Chi (Dragonball Series)- Well, for one, she gets angry too easily, and she is stupid enough to get married to an idiot with a brain the size of an ant. Come ON! Bulma has better taste than her! Thats all for now...I dont get to watch much anime or read much manga....god I hate Cartoon Network.
I have this idea in my head and its been forming for the past 4 days or so. I tinkered with it and debugged the bugs that I can see and so far, the story idea is pretty good. Here is the plot (for those who have played Shadow Hearts, I did NOT get this idea from the game. I havent even played it!): God, seeing all of the evil apon the world, wants to cleanse it, thus destroying all life on it. He promised not to flood the world, and fire was one of the symbols of Hell. And he didnt want to kill all life using something that resembled Hell. So, he sends down an angel named Adrienn to do what he wanted. She hires two people, Deverca Draconis and Rex Selestrial. By the end of the story, Adrienn is 'dead', Deverca has joined the good guys side, and Rex has become more powerful than imagined and wants to rule the world. That is a rough draft of the summary. I'll post something more thorough next time. If you can, please post title ideas. Oh, content: Strong Language, Graphic Violence, Heavy Drug and Alcohol Usage, and Strong Sexual Content. -Matt Duffey
Project Name: Project Ryu-2 Name: Cory Matthews Age: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: 5' 6'', rather short for his age. He has short, messy, dark brown hair, almost black. He has deep, midnight purple eyes, and with the change of the weather, so does his eye color. He has a rather strong build and many childhood scars and scrapes. Transformed Appearance: [URL=http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=get_pic&pic_id=19901]Darkness Form[/URL] Personality: Likes to be alone, and likes to work alone. Hardly speaks, but when he does speak, it comes out as if he had an IQ of 250. Cory isn't that social. Home Colony: Germany Zero Battle Specialty: Close Range Weapons: Double Edge Katana 12 Gauge shotgot Dual 9 mm handguns Phyiscal Ability: Top speed: 80 MPH Max Arm Strength: 2 1/2 tons Max Leg Strength: 4 tons Special Abilities: Invisiblilty, Flight, Healing, Teleportation, Mind Block, Bless Weapon Spirit Partner: Deathwing
Name: Matthew Jacob Duffey Age: 16 Gender: Male Items: 7 foot long kendo stick and a can of lighter fluid which to light his lighter, which he left at home at the time. Bio: Matthew was always the loner, wanting to be alone, since his mother left him when he was two. He was raised by his father, which is the only person who he shows feelings for. Always being shoved around in school, Matthew has been suspended and almost expelled for putting a fellow student in the hospital with his kendo stick, but further investigation showed he was using self defense. Due to this, Matthew had a temper with bullies, and will stick up for nerds, outcasts, and the other various people that are bullied but he doesn't really like to converse though. He was dared to go into the mansion, cause he was told that if he did, Cindy Griffin would like him, which wasn't true to anyone, but Matthew went ahead and went in. Description: [url]http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/spiral/spiral06.jpg[/url]
Name: Matthew Jacob Race: Fox Age: 24 Gender: Male Description: 6' 0'', black and grey fur, with long black hair that is in a ponytail near his mid back. Usual attire is a white muscle shirt and a pair of loose blue jeans along with a pair of tennis shoes. He has crystal blue eyes that can pierce the souls of anyone. Biography: Matthew had grown up in a lively family, and had good parents and lived in a good area of Station Square. He had gone to a public school, dispite his parents wishes, and he had also went to various martial arts classes to keep his energetic mind under control. He had ADHD, which kept him hyped up and on the edge all the time, but he hated it. So, he took various classes and also learned various sword defense arts as well. He graduated from his high school and had gotten a good job with an animation-game creation industry, and currenlty lives by himself, but is always willing to have someone else move in with him, due to the lack of activities in his day. Personality: Rather the hyper and crazy type. Not too smart in terms of thinking before acting, but when it comes right down to it, he can do almost anything if he sets his mind to it. Special Ability: Being hyper active 50% of his day, Matt can do a lot more activities and exercises than the average person. But he gets tired afterwards. Besides that, he has a strong sense of his surroundings, able to sense anyone coming at him or nearby, but only if his mind is clear enough to do so, which is also rare. But, whenever he grabs a staff, long stick, or any blade like weapon, beware. He is especially good with any type of blade weapon, and can KO or kill anyone with using just one hand and a simple, single strike. (I hope thats alright everyone. Had to change his Special Abilities to suit his ADHD problem. And most of his abilities has a backdraw to it, if you haven't knoticed.)
Just to warn you guys before the Mods do, check the Rules and FAQs before you post...and if you go to make an RPG, it should have a backstory of SOME sort (you know, whats going on, what MAY happen). That kind of stuff. Peace! -Matt
Is anyone here willing to do a Vegeta banner and avatar for me? The avatar would need to be the regular size for the site. Make it where Majin Vegeta is telling Buu that this next attack will kill him off for good. The banner would basically be Vegeta based, but NO images of Bebi (Baby) Vegeta, please. Do anything you want to with the banner, just none of those images. Thanks to whoever takes this up!
I've been having an idea for a new RP, Dragonball based. It would take place AFTER GT, but not so far ahead as the Goku and Vegeta Jr. generation. Mainly, a year after Goku had left, my half Saiyan character, Matt, reappears after he decided to leave when Buu was destroyed. Thus, the Saiyan roster is this, from full blood-hybrids (least amount), and strongest-weakest (depending on blood): Vegeta, Matt, Gohan, Trunks, Pan, Goten, and Bra. Well, after hearing about Matts return from Trunks, Vegeta rushes to see his old friend and second rival. But, Matt is not in good spirits. Due to a wish that he made himself, a Shadow Beast has arrisen. It is similar to that of a Shadow Dragon, but just 1% of his power would equal Omegas full strength. But, this beast also has the ability to take control over whoever has a pure heart, that is not tainted with malice. Well, that leaves only Goku, who seems to be the only pure hearted one around. With Gokus body and their combined strength, this new force decides to use the Saiyans as targer practice. I'm still working out all the bugs, but who would've thought that Goku would turn out to be the bad guy this time hmm? Any opinions or suggestions, post them. Any questions on Matts background, PM me and I'll get back to you as soon as possilbe.
Sign Up The Pact: The Battle of the Corrupted and the Poor
Venge replied to G/S/B Master's topic in Theater
I hate to be a bother..but is this RP going to start? It seems like an awesome RP idea. -
Sign Up The Pact: The Battle of the Corrupted and the Poor
Venge replied to G/S/B Master's topic in Theater
~EDIT~ Thanks for keeping a spot for me! Name: Onimore Cabal Nickname: Oni Age: 19 Gender: Male Weapon: A wide, polished oak staff, 8 feet in length. Inside is a sword, which part of the staff is the sheath, the handle of the blade being a marble stone polished to look like the staff. In its staff form, it can be used as a walking stick, blocking weapon, or a offensive weapon. In its sword form, it can be used as a normal sword. The blade is long, yet thin, and has only one sharp edge, similar to a katana. Its a variation of Ohkamis weapon. (Points off of me for lack of originality. Sorry!) Race: Human Born at which City: Beor Mountains. Side: The Union Appearance: [url]http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=get_pic&pic_id=35182[/url] but take away the sword and give the staff/sword weapon from above. Bio: Oni was born on the outskirts of Galfni, and was raised by foster parents from the age of 3, since his parents had mysteriously dissappeared when he was that young. No knowledge was that they were dead, but no one knew if they were alive either. Oni was raised believing that his parents had died, but he had a funny feeling that they were not. At the age of 13, Oni was travelling through the mountains of Beor, gathering various roots and herbs that were found only in the mountains for his step parents, and as he started to head back home, he was ambushed by a pack of wolves that had eyed him since he left the safety of his town. Oni tried to run away from them, but the wolves were too fast for him and finally surrounded him. Just as they were about to leap in for the kill, a dragon, about the size of the house in which Oni lived in, suddenly flew in and in a quick landing swipe, most of the wolves were instantly killed. The rest ran off, afraid of this dragon that suddenly appeared. The dragon looked down to Oni, as a voice drifted in his head asking if he was okay. Oni shook his head, and answered to dragon, amazed that he was able to speak to him telepathically. From then on, Oni met up with the dragon, who called himself Omni, everyday. After hearing that the Union had dragon fighters, Oni and Omni decided to join, willing to fight along side them. Pact Partner: Dragon Pact Partner Name: Omni Appearance: [url]http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=get_pic&pic_id=23140[/url] but with blue instead of red and without the eye thing on his left shoulder and without the glowing red eyes. -
I never went to the site that you guys are talking about, but I have played SSBM. I have to say, some of the characters are balanced, but some are not: Bowser, DK, Ganondorf, and Jigglypuff. All the characters have their own abilities. Example: Fox may be hell of a lot faster than Bowser, but can Fox do the same amount of damage to a non damaged DK like Bowser can? Maybe, but not that likely. But, it also depends on the players SKILL. Knowing what moves to use and when to use them is the key. Using items, dodging, and using the shield helps also. Throwing moves are rather helpful. Example: Samus throws Mario away with her beam gun. She would need to charge for me B Button attack. It would give her time to charge the attack, much like Ganondorf and DK. Basically, unless you are a pro at using ALL the characters, then you are not a true pro at the game. PS: Please tell me the site. EDIT: To those who say that they have KOed someone at a set damage limit....its rather easy to do...take a Link at 55% and have Young Link do his double slash SMASH attack, which would send Link to the land for KOed losers...(sorry, bad DBZ joke)..anyways, Link might survive, but he will most likely die, especially if Young Link smacks him with a Bobomb. It all varies with skill.
Making an RP last is the hardest out of the questions, because, not just of the dullness, or storyline, it's also because of the people who sign up for the RPs. Some may be experienced people, but some can be newbs also. They make a 'good looking' sign up, but when they post, they mess things up, post too often or too late or sometimes, not at all. The people like that make the other RPers angry, to the point where they don't want to post anymore. Having others join the RP is the second hardest. Some like original RPs, set where it has NO relatively to any anime, show, or anything of the sort. Others like RPs based off shows, mangas, or anything of the sort. Personaly, I like both. But making an original RP is harder then making a non original RP because of thinking of the originality within the RP itself. Now, having 'inovative and entertaining involvment' is probably the easiest, because when you think of an RP, you have a pretty good idea what things are going to be in it: violence, sexual content, adult language, ect. Posting within the name what is going to be in it may attract the attention of others. Myself, I really don't care whats in it, as long as it's fun and I like the story. Thats it for now. Bye! -Matt
This is an RP that consists of the various sagas of the DBZ storyline...yet, I've decided to add my own half Saiyan character to it, since that was my plan to do so ever since I had created him. I'll be making some twists and turns to the story, like the characters personalities, who kills who, and other various stuff. I'll post his bio in my next post. And if any of you want to, you can add your own DBZ fan character to the roster to make it even more fun!
Name: Prince Vegeta Approximate Age: 47 Picture:[IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/grrl/vegetagirl/images/vcharggie.jpg[/IMG] Personality: I'm more of an anti social type of guy. I don't get along really well with my fellow workers or fighters unless...well, unless they don't get on my nerves. The few that I can stand to be around are my son, Trunks, my daughter, Bra, and my dear wife, Bulma. The only way to make me angry is to insult my race, me, my power, or my family. Background: In one event that totally changed me from the inside out, was the battle with that pink bastard, Majin Buu. I literally sacrificed my life to destroy him, but it wasn't enough. I wound up having my life restored to fight him again, but I had to fuse with that clown, Kakarott to do so. Anyways, the fused form got absorbed into Buu and we split apart. After wer escaped and I had to watch as Kakarotts two sons, my son, and that Namekian, Piccolo, get blown to smitherins in the destruction of Earth by Buu, Kakarott and I led Buus battle to the Kai Planet. There, we fought our best and finally destroyed Buu as Kakarott used his powerful Spirit Bomb. Skills/Qualifications: I am very strong, able to lift, carry, or push and pull about anything that I can get a grip on. Blowing up a bigger entrance for the 'larger' workers would be a piece of cake for me. Other than that, my ability to fly can make transportation instantaneosly easy. Homeplace: Planet Vegeta (destroyed), or Earth Game Appearance: Dragonball Z: Legacy of Goku 1 and 2, Dragonball Z: Legendary Super Warriors, Dragonball Z CCG, Dragonball Z: Super Sonic Warriors, Dragonball Z: Taiketsu...I think thats it for now. ------------------- Post Background Preference: [COLOR=Navy]Navy Blue[/COLOR] -------------------
Hmmm....well, give him more of a DBZish like look, larger hair coming from his forehead, but not too big, his chest fur doesn't sprout out as much, and...his eyes need to be more Saiyan like. Need a reference? Go to: [url]http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=get_pic&pic_id=20919[/url] for a normal look and [url]http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=get_pic&pic_id=29739[/url] for a Super Saiyan look , if the pic will load. And yes AnimeSoul, I have asked someone to draw it. Thats why its put under the "Art By Request" board.
I was wondering if someone could do a piece of art for me? I've always wanted a pic of my character, Matt, and his fiance, Hope, together. Any pose will do, but if you can, draw Matt sitting down, legs straight and arms holding him up, with Hope behind him, dangling her arms around his neck. Here are the decriptions of the two: Matt- He looks like Tails but, he has black fur instead of orange fur, and he also has grey fur where the white fur is. A scar is going down from his left eye, an inch above to 2 inches down his cheek on that side. Its a sword scar by the way. He is half Saiyan, so he is rather muscular, Teen Gohan (Cell Saga, SS2) like. He has emerald green eyes and he always wheres a pair of loose blue jeans and a pair of Saiyan boots. Hope: She is half elf, half vampire, but in this pic, she is in her elven form. She has emerald green eyes as well, and wears the usual outfit of long sleeved shirt and jeans. Hope also has long blonde hair in this form, down to her mid back. Not much else I can say about her. You can throw in a background or something if you want to. I'd greatly appriciate it.