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Everything posted by Venge

  1. Leo slowly gained consoiusness, his head ringing like a chirch bell during a wedding. 'Ouch. That hurt...what the hell? Why am I tied up? Is this what bondage feels like?' Thoughts ran through his head as he felt the area around him. He was on his side, with his hands tied behind his back and his legs tied up together. His mouth wasn't covered though. "Where the heck am I!?" He yelled. Vaxla turned to him. "How dare you make an attempt on my life!" "Hey, I was paid to do so! Don't get your dress caught up in a bunch!" Down the hall, Leo heard the troops storming in. Leo-{Oh great! The soldiers have come to take our heads! What fun...} Ketoro-{Well, shall we?} Leo-{It doesn't matter who dies, if we die, we die fighting.} Leos intentions were to fight these soldiers, due to the fact that they would kill him, thinking he was a prisoner of theirs, but not one of them. Ketoro floated down into Leo, as a fusion within occured. Ketoro combined with Leo, Leo gaining the attributes of his dragon friend. With a sudden burst of strength from Ketoro, Leo busted the ropes on his hands and legs. And with Ketoro in him, he seen what the dragon saw, but the colors were different. Placing his hands out, Leo charged them with electricity, and his old blade and dagger appeared in his hands. "Lets go." Without another word, Leo rushed to the others that were fighting the soldiers. "Hey, how'd you get loose!?" Kimii yelled. "Heh. Ketoro, thats who!" Two soldiers rushed Leo from the front, but with a slice, side step, and a kick, one soldier laid in his own blood as he other slammed into the ground, knocking a few teeth loose. Leo grabbed the soldier by the neck and slit his throat, the blood spewing from his jugler veins. "I'm helping out. Don't attack me and I'll help fight these guys!" !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: I hope you dont mind the fusing part. Leos looks stays the same, its just a figure of speech.
  2. Leo felt about as he felt the guards scatter as an attack on the stronghold commenced. Leo felt this was a good time to make his move. Leo-{Come on Ketoro, lets go!} Ketoro-{Got ya!} Leo slowly felt his way to the room which contained Vaxla. He drew out his sword and daggar and slowly etched toward Vaxla. As he drew closer, he suddenly felt a swift kick in the gut and fell to the ground, blacking out... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: sorry its short. but I couldnt think of anything. Leo is still passed out, so do as you wish.
  3. OOC: Leo is assigned to kill Rayna, not to capture Vaxla. When I hinted 'the spirits', I meant more than one, not just one spirit as Vaxla has. I had already chosen when I posted. But I'll change it if you want me to. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Leo was sitting down near the entrance to the backside of the stronghold. His pact beast spirit, Ketoro was outside, hiding behind a bush, trying not to be seen. Ketoro-{So, how do you expect to get that girl?} Leo-{I don't know. I DO know I'll need your help, but I'll wait untill she is alone and vulnerable.} Ketoro{Doesn't she have a spirit with her?} Leo-{I can feel it, but its faint. It may be a weak one. But I'll need you when I attack.} Ketoro-{Okay...so, how long do you think this will take?} Leo-{I have no idea.} ???-{What do you mean?} Leo looked about, as someone interupted his telepathic conversation with Ketoro. "Who was that?" Leo said out loud. The guards looked at him strangely, wondering what he meant. ???-{What were you talking about?} Leo-{Who are you?} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~OOC again: Since no one knows that Leo has a pact beast spirit, I guess, someone had dropped in on his conversation just as it was going to be finished. Who ever that is, I don't mind who, you don't know what Leo is up to, just that he is up to something.
  4. OOC: Another wel thought out RP by the one and only, Takuya! *gives Takuya 500,000,000,000 dollars* BTW, Leos a mercenary. And where do the mercenarys come in? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Leo was 'looking' afar on a hill top, a good 50 feet away, towards the Eastern Stronghold. His pact beast, Ketoro, hovered around him, the beast being a little bigger than the human that was with him. "So, how do you think we can get in?" Leo asked. "Same way we always do. We go in, get the girl, and get out." Keotoro responded sarcastically. "We are NOT to get the girl, we are to KILL the girl. Remember that..." Leo snapped back. His many years of spiritual training after his loss of sight gave him the ability to sense the spirit energys of others nearby. Ketoro started to head to the stronghold, but Leo suddenly stopped him. "Wait! I feel some strong spirit there....we better be careful Ketoro. We better go in carefully and talk mentally, got that?" "Okay." The duo started to sneak around towards the stronghold, Leo keeping a good feel on the many spirit energys around him. He drew his daggar, as Ketoro aimed his body where to go, becoming his eyes, in a sense. They were going to go around the back entrance, but that way was to crowded with guards and soldiers. The other entrance was covered in Vaxlas soldiers. "Damn! How are we going to get in?" Leo asked himself. "By coming with us, mister!" A voice from behind said. Leo looked around to attack, but he felt the energys of 10 soldiers in front of him. Ketoro spoke to him. {Dammit! Don't move! You have ten soldiers in front and now you have four from behind you.} "What have you come here for?" A soldier asked. "If you don't tell us, you'll be thrown in the dungeon." Another said. "....I'm a blind man and I'm having a hard time seeing. I must've bumped into this place on accident." Leo said nervously. "Then why did you draw your weapon, sir?" "Doesn't a blind man have reasons to keep weapons on him? I use them for protection!" "Well, you're coming with us. We'll get you a carriage out of here to the nearest town." The soldiers then grabbed Leo and walked him into the stronghold. There, he could feel the various spirits of beasts and faries. 'So, who was I supposed to kill this time?...oh, it was the girl with the spirits.' He thought to himself. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: Who is Leo supposed to assasinate? I know, but I'll tell you next post. I'm sorry if I messed anything up Takuya. I'll edit it if need be.
  5. In the episode of Dragonball GT (Heart of The Prince), Bulma explains to Vegeta about how the Blutz Wave Generator was going to be operated on, it showed a shot of Bulma on Planet Tuffle while under Bebis control. I quote what Vegeta said, "Whoa, I don't want to be reminded of that face!", I laughed at it and fell of my bed while watching it. And then when Bulma said to Vegeta, "If your a prince then that makes me a princess, hmm?", and Vegeta blushed, I almost lost my breath! In the episode after that one (cant remember its name), Goku said he was going to take out Ice Shenron in 10 seconds, but he wound up and slipped on the ice and banged his head. I had tears by then!
  6. Name: Leo Wyatt Age: 25 Gender: Male Appearance: 6' 3'', short black hair, an inch above the shoulders. He has lightning blue eyes. He usually wears a sleeveless cloth shirt, and a pair of jeans. His weapon is a long sword he straps to his back and a 6 foot daggar at his side. He also wears a pair of leather boots and leather gauntlets. Pact-Beast: Blue Dragon (Lighting Dragon if allowed) Name of Pact-Beast: Ketoro Gender of Pact-Beast: Male Abilities of Pact-Beast: Lighting related blasts, ability to absorb lightning related attacks. Flying also. Pact-Price: Sight
  7. Before I make the backstory, only those who have at LEAST played Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy AND Jak 2 can participate. You dont have to beat them, just have a good understanding of the story line of both. Now, for the story: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jak had just beaten the Metal Head leader, who had disguised himself as the old man, Kor. Due to this, young Samos and young Jak were able to go through the Warp Gate that was placed within the Metal Head nest. Afterwards, Jak, Daxter, old Samos, Kiera, Pecker, and Sig went back to The Naughty Ottsel, which was owned by Daxter after Krew was blown to smithereens due to Jak. They partied for the defeat of the Metal Heads, but not everything was as it seemed... Its been a year after the Metal Head defeat. Jak has been banished from Haven City by a conservative element of the High Council, who blames him for the destruction and relative anarchy that now plague the city. Haven City has almost collapsed economically and everyone is rebelling due to the death of their leader, Baron Praxis. The Metal Heads that survived have also been attacking the city was thought to be done by Jak also. Daxter had tried to help Jak clear his name, but to no avail. Now, Jak must travel throughout the desert wasteland to help figure out the cause of this outcome, but he will not do it alone.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okies, heres the lowdown in short; Jak is banished from Haven City, and he wants to clear his name. Throughout this little adventure, Daxter will either be cured or stay the same depending on the actions and events that happen, but this will also wrap up the legends of the Precursors. And here is the characters you can be: Jak- Marcus_Beuford Daxter-Marcus_Beuford Samos- Kiera- Sig- Loykin- Since Jak and Daxter travel as a team, I shall control both of them. The other characters have to find a way out of Haven City and through the barrier of the old city. Loykin is of the High Council but is in with the Metal Heads. No one knows it though. You can make new characters if you want besides these ones, but I need to have the others tooken also. Here is what you need: Name: Age: Gender: Equipment (If any): Physical Destcription (Pic will work or type it out): Bio: Light or Dark (Original Characters and Jak ONLY): The light and dark thing is this; out in the wastlands, there are others who have light powers, or dark powers, depending on the type of Eco they've been exposed to. Jak will be exposed to both, but will need to develop his Light Jak powers. Here is mine. Name: Jak Age: 20 (?) Gender: Male Equipment (If any): Pulse Cannon, Pulse Rifle, Peacemaker, Hover Board Physical Destcription (Pic will work or type it out): [url]http://www.tothegame.com/sshotfeat.asp?screen=1366&pic=3[/url] (the one on the left) Bio: Raised by the Sage of Green Eco, Samos, Jak had a great life as a child after he left Haven City through the portal. He doesn't remember his life in Haven City, but he remembered the light of the portal. Having to help his friend Daxter cure himself of his 'Ottsel Ailment', Jak found a gate that lead to the future, Haven City. There, he battled with the Underground and one against both Baron Praxis, leader of Haven City, and Kor, the leader of the Metal Heads. Due to this, he has been banished from Haven City and is trying to clear his name. Light or Dark (Original Characters and Jak ONLY): Both Name: Daxter Age: Unknown (around 19 or 20) Gender: Male Equipment (If any): Jak, Pulse Cannon, Pulse Rifle, Peacemaker, Hover Board Physical Destcription (Pic will work or type it out): [url]http://www.tothegame.com/sshotfeat.asp?screen=1366&pic=5[/url] Bio: Having a pretty dull life, Daxter was a very hyper child. He met Jak when he was young and the two was best friends from then on. He fell into a pool of Dark Eco, which transformed him into an Ottsel on Misty Island. From then on, he went with Jak to try to cure his ailment. Doing so, the wound up in Haven City in which Jak was banished from after the death of Kor and Baron Praxis. Daxter stuck with him in hopes of returning to his normal self. Light or Dark (Original Characters and Jak ONLY): Neither ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hope you all have fun with this one!
  8. Venge


    I liked Seasons 1 and 3 the best. The story line of S1 was great and I liked the chibiness of Kari and Gatomon. But Matt and Gabumon are the best team from that season. But I missed the "Dark Masters" saga...evil mother...anyways, S1 was great but not as good as S3. S3 was the best because mainly of the character development and the designs for the Digimon. Guilmon (Takatos Digimon) was an idiot but too darn cute to think of him in a bad way. I liked Rikus bad girl attitiude and the way she can make any Digimon mence meat with Renamon. And the theory with Bio Merging....I thought I was gonna have a heart attack when Takato and Guilmon fused..even though I didn't see the battle between the fused form and Beelzemon. and Beelzemon was kick arse too when he grew those wings!...I want black wings too.... Seaons 2 and 4 threw me off greatly. Mainly because S2 had crappy characters (Davis and Ken), and rather weak Digimon. The only ones I liked from that one was...Veemon, Gabumon, Matt, Agumon, Gatomon, Kari, Sora, and Imperialdramon. S4 had no relavence to the original story line of the first 3 seasons. I mean, if the 10 Legendary Warriors were in the Digital World during S1, why didn't they just have the orginal Digidestined use the spirits to fight off Devimon, Myotistmon, and Peidmon. They really messed up during S4. I did hear that they are making a Season 5, but I can't seem to find any info on it...of course I heard it from a friend, so I can't rely on that much.
  9. Hmmmm.....I think this thread is good, so here goes... [B]Favorites[/B] Vegeta- God of all Saiyan kind. I'd ask him to train me as hard as he can, so I can be strong like him. Then, no one would mess wit' meh. Plus, I like his attitude, cruel, hateful, yet he does care some. But then, I'd have to ask to marry his daughter (see below) Bra/Bulla- Princess of Saiyans, next to her mother.....if she can boss her dad around when there isn't trouble, heh, I'd be her slave if she wanted me to. Cute, demanding...and she is the daughter of Vegeta. Pan- Full of chibi goodness! God, I love chibis....*squeezes Pan till she dies*....oops...act like you didn't see that...Pan is adventerous, kind, yet she has the stubborness of an ox. I'd act like she was a little sister of mine. Hang out with her all the time and whatnot. Kaiba- Duelist Champion. Only lost to Yami cause he drew Exodia. *Kills Yugi and Yami* Well, Kaiba is cool, best duelist I can think of. I'd ask him, not for his autograph, but for some tips for dueling. Plus, we'd have a double duel with Yugi and Joey, beating the living....tar....out of them each time. [B]People I Wish To Kil...erm, People I Hate[/B] Yugi- Short for his age, hangs around with nerds like Tristan and Bakura. I'd see him walking down the street and then strangle him with his own Millenium Item. Then, I'd draw my Millenium Item out, the Millenium Blade, and go Tommy Verceti on him! :flaming: Chaoutzu- Short, Micheal Jackson face, and is just plain out freaky like. Looks like a porcilen doll, the children of satan! I'd use my Big Bang I learned from Vegeta and blow his freaky looking face off!
  10. I watched the ending of Dragoball GT only a month ago, my brother having the entire GT saga on DVD, and when I seen the ending, I wanted to KILL whoever thought up the idea for the ending of GT! I mean, Goku leaves with Shenron, leaving Vegeta to take care of the planet. But then, it shows many years in the future, and there is Goku Jr. and Vegeta Jr. COME ON! Who are the parents of these Saiyan proteges? Why don't they continue the series, killing off all the Saiyans at the end, and causing all evil creatures outside of Earth be killed or SOMETHING! :cussing: Then, there is the Digimon series. I've seen the ending of 1, 3, and 4, but not 2. When Takato finds the entrance to the Digital World at the end of Season 3, they could make a branch series continuing off of that. But the ending of Season 4 really sucked...heck the entire season was thrown off for that matter! The fact that they came up with a new idea for Spirit Evolution instead of the basic Digimon partner was a good idea, but the 10 Legendary Warrior? Where were they in the other series?!
  11. Hmmm....heres an idea I had a couple weeks ago: Yugi finds a strange portal in Pegasus' -now dead and gone- mansion and decides to go into it. In another world, Ash visits Mewtwos old island and finds a portal and explored it. Thus, the two switch worlds! How would you think Tea and Joey would think if they seen Ash try to duel with Pikachu? Or Yugi try to fight Team Rocket with a little paper card? And this: With the power of the Chaos Emeralds, Sonic, Tails, Knuckels, Eggman, Shadow, and Amy wind up with the Z Fighters. Sonic goes Super with the emeralds as Goku goes Super Saiyan, thus creating a warp and having them all switch bodys and some new created ones: Sonic is Goku, Goku is Sonic, Tails is Vegeta, Vegeta is Tails, Amy is Bulma, Bulma is Amy, Gohan is Knuckels, Knuckels is Gohan, Eggman is Cell, Cell is Eggman, and Shadow is Krillian, and Krillian is Shadow. And for some comic relief, Piccilo somehow becomes Yoshi and Yoshi becomes Piccilo! But only for humor and being a shield. Check out [url]http://www.fireball20xl.com/tms2/[/url] to see what I mean.
  12. Hmmm...letsh meh thinkers here....I got some! Vegeta (DBZ) and Sango (Inuyasha)- okay, they both have a demanding attitude, I believe, and if Vegeta ever gets out of line, Sango would take that giant demon-slaying boomerang of hers and whap him upside the head a couple times. Chibi Goku (DBGT) and Bulma (DB)- even though Goku would know Bulma, he would know how not to get her angry and besides, Gokus body is about the same age he was when he first met her so, why not eh? Android 18 (DBZ) and Android 18 (DBGT)- hey, they're one in the same, and they may even fuse like the 17's did! They would know each other completely and wouldn't even get on each others nerves.
  13. Matt looked over at Aeomni, wondering why she is here. His thoughts bewildered him, but he was soon called to attention when his name was announced. Matt got up from his seat and entered the fighting area. "The fighters of this match are....Matthew Duffey and Kantius Brown!" Matt looked ahead to his opponent, Kantius being only 18 and a good 2 feet taller than himself. He gulped at the sight of his opponent. "So, I was given permission to fight in this tourney, and this is the round one fight?..oh well, the first victim is always the...!" With no words, Matt dashed forward, slamming his shoulder into Kantius gut, sending him flying into the opposite end of the arena. Matt jumped up into the air, backwards, readying himself for his opposer. "So, you have some power in you...well, soon, you won't need it!" Kantius ran at Matt at full speed, pulling out a long stick made of bamboo. He slammed it into Matts legs, tripping him. With that, Kantius rammed his stick into Matts back hard, causing Matt to scream. Matt rolled over on his back, facing Kantius. "I want to make this short and sweet, so bye bye kid!" He went to ram the stick into Matts head, but Matt grabbed the stick a centimeter from his forehead, and snapped to end off. As Matt got up, his eyes started to turn a strange brownish red. Matt jumped up and gave Kantius a swift kick to the side of the head with his right foot, sending Kantius flying again. As Matt landed back onto the ground, he placed his palm at his soon to be victim as a large orb of fire like energy formed, electricity flaring off of it. "Don't ever speak again..." Matt mumbled. He fired the blast at his opponent, causing an explosion to occur, Kantius being at the middle of it. As a judge looked to see if Kantius was still there, he was, but out cold. "Kantius has been KOed..the winner of this match is...Matthew!" The crowd roared in excitement of the match as Matt walked back to the waiting area for the fighters. He looked over at Aeomni, but turned back when she looked to him. 'Oh god, what IS she doing here? I didn't know she could fight!....I better keep an eye out for her, I don't want her getting into a fight that she can't get out of on her own...' Matt layed back in the chair he sat down in as he closed his eyes and drifted off into sleep...
  14. Matt awoke with a startle. His surroundings were the same, but something was different. The room was darker than usual, and had a strange evil essence to it. Matt walked over to the closet and looked for Gabumon, finding him not to be there. "I guess he went to the bathroom...but why is it so dark and cold in here?...better go turn the heat up." Matt exited his room as he walked into a dark hallway, something that never was there before. Both ends of the hallway were dark, and he couldn't see down them well. "What the heck? What did my brother do to his house?!" Matt turned to go back to his room, but when he opened the door, he was in another hallway, just like the last one. He turned to leave the door, but all that was there was a longer hallway behind him, the darkness seeming closer. "What the heck is going on!?" He ran down one of the hallways, and entered the darkness. Matt continued to run untill he reached a door, which strangely was unlocked. Matt entered it. What he saw inside, he wish he never saw. Standing in the middle of the empty room was a figure, cloaked in a large cape and robe like clothing. In his hands was a body, which Matt couldn't see, because both of them had there backs to him. Blood dripped from the bodys head and what seemed to be its stomach. Its long hair was colored blood red. "Who the heck are you? What did you do, and what are you doing here?" The darkened figure turned to Matt, the figures face darkened. Matt looked at the blood soaked body to try to see who it was. As he looked closer, he gasped and lost his breath. The body that the figure was holding was Ryo. Matt started to breath harder, and his breaths were short and far apart. The figure looked up, showing its face. Matt looked into the figures eyes, seeing nothing but red. The figure then dropped Ryo, and withdrew a long scythe. It came at Matt, and raised the scythe, and suddenly struck down on him... BAM! Paul slammed hard on the ground cluching his forehead. Matt jerked up suddenly, causing him to bump his brothers head hard. "Watch were you aim that thing!" Paul yelled. "Wha?..where?...what happened?" Matt asked, still shaky. "You were having a nightmare. You were moaning and were even screaming which woke me and your brother up. Paul came in and tryed to wake you up, and you woke up alright. About put your brother in your place!" Gabumon said. "....I had a bad dream....worse than that, even worse than a nightmare." Matt said. "What about?" Paul asked. "Well...I'll tell you all I know..." Matt said. Matt told Paul and Gabumon about his nightmare, and the two were startled. Matts dreams were weird, but this? Something was wrong, but they couldn't figure it out this late. "We'll talk in the morning about this. Ask your friends, they may know something about this, escpecially Ryo, since she was in it...but don't tell her she was dead in it." Paul said. "Okay, I'll try." Matt said. He stayed up the rest of the night playing his Pokemon game, trying to keep his mind off of his nightmare, as Gabumon and Paul went back to sleep... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: hey, ummm, you guys can control Matt in your next post, only if you are going to interact with him or whatnot. Have him explain the dream, but do NOT mention Ryos death in it.
  15. The door of Matts cell opened up, as did Phelans. The guards cuffed them as always and escorted them to 2 seperate rooms. As the doors closed, the guards said something. "The Dark Lord wants you two to train alone, even though I don't imagine why. You'll die anyways." The guard walked off, as the doors slammed. Matt looked about the room, seeing that there is only one light on the ceiling and that the same magnetic field from his old cell was also around this one. With that, Matt began his training. He started off with some punches and kicks, his speed being faster than that of a normal humans, but not too fast. He done this for a few hours, as sweat poured off of him. Matt then decided to kick it up a notch. He placed his hands in a cup formation and placed them atr his side, a little behind him. Little by little, a small orb of energy was forming in his hands. When it grew up to only a millimeter from his hands, he fired it at the wall, a tremendous force of concentrated spirit energy and electrical energy fused as a forceful blast that could kill a group of 50 normal people with just one sweep. The blast hit the wall, but it was deflected back at Matt. He jumped up, barley dodging the blast, it knicking his feet, causing his shoes to burn some. He landed and put the small fire put, but was hit in the back by his own blast, not watching what the blast was doing. Matt slammed into the wall he fired at and got shocked by the magnetic forces surrounding the walls. He was blown back and landed in the middle of the room, his body burnt a bit and badly hurt. Matt slowly got up, staggering a bit, heavily breathing. The guard opened up the door. "Times up kid. Time to go back to your room." The guard said. Matt slowly dragged his tattered body back to his cell, and plopped down on his bed, thinking. "That went rather swell...but man, did it do one hell of a thing on my body." He looked up at the ceiling, his thoughts wandering around again. "Hmmm....I wonder how Aeomni is right now? I hope she is okay, probably trying to work to keep alive...if I get out of this tournament alive, she will be the first person I'm gonna see...if I live..." Matt rested his head back on his bed, as he drifted off into sleep...
  16. Matt looked over at Phelan and his uncanny ability to make the guards angry. He chuckled to himself, as that was his only way to laugh. He was 3 cells down from Phelan, but they never spoke, due to the guards. Matt sat on his bed, day and night, wondering how he is going to win the tournament. With it only a week away, he had to train hard, and the only other person who was going to enter this tournament was Phelan and they never spoke so they couldn't train. His cell, along with Phelans was surrounded by a strange magnetic barrier, negating the powers they had. When exiting, they were cuffed with a pair of hand cuffs, emitting that same magnetic signal. Matt layed back down on his bed, looking up to the ceiling. Thoughts of the people he knew ran through his head, and he wished he could see them again. One major one was Aeomni, whom he thought about a lot, and he always lost track of time of the day whenever his thoughts wandered. "Hey boy. Wake up. It's not sleeping time untill nightfall!" "I wasn't sleeping, I was just thinking, unlike you brainless idiots." The guard turned red with anger, but he backed down, knowing that the cell barrier would hurt him, let alone the tournament if Matt was injured. Matt layed back down on his bed, looking up at the ceiling. "One week to go....sheesh, if I knew by possible death was this close, I wouldn't have punched that guard. That way, I wouldn't have wounded up in this hole."
  17. Matt looked over to Ryo to explain. "I'll tell you all I know: it's where a tamer and it's Digimon fuse together to become one. It can happen spontaneously and it can happen only when it is a last resort. Thats all I know so far about it." After the explaination, and some well earned rest, everyone went home. Matt headed towards his brothers house, which was pretty far, and Gabumon was still too tired to Digivolve or anything, so Matt carried him. "Thank goodness thats over." Matt said. "Thats for sure...Hey Matt, can I ask you a question?" Gabumon asked. "Sure. Fire away." "Do you like Ryo or something?" "Gahhhh?...." "I can feel some emotions that you can, and when you was around Ryo, I felt something like butterflies in my stomach. I asked your brother about it and he told me that you must like someone and just now, when you can into Ryo again, I felt that same feeling." "....please don't tell anyone?" "I won't." They soon walked to Pauls house, where Gabumon rested up and Matt got something to eat. Paul came into the room and sat down in a chair near the couch Matt was sitting on. "So, you have a crush on a girl or something?" "Let me guess, Gabumon told you about Ryo and what not. No interogations needed here, just don't tell anyone or I'll strangle you with your own intestines." "Oooookaaaaay...anyway, why don't you ask her out?" "Paul, no girl would want to go out with me. I asked others, but they all said no. What makes you think that she'll say yes?" "Because she isn't those girls." "...I...have to think about that....what I really need is some sleep. I'm going to bed." "Well, I'll call youyr mother and tell her that you'll be over here for a bit." "Thanks." Matt walked into a guest room that was usually for friends to sleep over or something, but Matt sometimes stayed over and slept in that room. A specially designed bed was made for Gabumon also, which was concealed in the closet. "Night Gabumon. I'm wore out." "Same here...*yawn*...good night.."
  18. Matt looked on as the others fought the Ultimate level. He looked down to Gabumon, his body still beaten after only one hit. "...if only I had the power to make him go to Ultimate...if only I had the ability to make him stronger...then, I'll be able to fight...but, how can I fight when my Digimon is knocked out with one attack?...." Matt looked back up to MegaKabuterimon, anger starting to rise. "Hey, you ugly piece of three year old roach excretements! You want a fight? You got one now!" Matt pulled out his Digivice, and placed Gabumons limp body in front of him. He aimed his Digivice at Gabumon as a light surrounded both of them. "Biomerge Digivolution activate!" Suddenly, the two lights collided, fusing together into one. The forms of Gabumon and Matt became one also. The genetic structure of the two mutated and formed into one. When the light had died down, a new figure appeared out of the light. He looked like a robot, except for the scarf he wore around his neck and the human like face and the long blonde hair. A strange design was on his large shoulder plate like armor. "Everyone, stand back. This is going to be over within a matter of seconds." A voice said from the figure, sounding like Matt and Gabumon talking in unison. The figure raised an arm, attached to it was a large blaster like weapon. "My name is Lobomon, and I will not allow you to attempt to destroy this world!" Suddenly, the figure fired a large blast from the cannon, and hit headed towards MegaKabuterimon. It hit the large monster directly between the eyes, it yelling loudly and suddenly exploding in a ball of data. As it disappeared, the figure who called himself Lobomon de-fused back into Matt and Gabumon. Matt looked up to the other Digidestined, all of them having a surprised look on their faces. Matt looked at them kind of nervous. "What?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOC: okeis, heres the lowdown. the two with Gabumon and Agumon may biomerge into the forms of the spirits of light(Gabumon) and fire(Agumon). Rookie is Human SPirit, Champion is Beast Spirit, Ultimate is the Fusion, and Mega is the Unified form. But, the energy it takes is tremendous and is only used in extreme cases only. Matt is the first, but the one with Agumon, Lance I believe?, may do it also, but it has to be sudden and in a case where it is only nesseccary. And going past Champion will be in the same manner. PM me if you have questions.
  19. Name: Matthew Duffey Age: 16 Gender: Male What village you come from: Chanta Abilities/Special Powers: Mainly energy style attacks and electrical based and fire based attacks. Very powerful in the ways of magic, but using a combonation of Ki and magic for fighting. Weapon: Dual Titanium Alloy-Mythril katanas Appearance: About 5'5'', rather short. Short black hair down to his neck, but not quite to the middle. Hair is slicked back, but is spiky like. Strong build, and very quick reflexes. Sharp, deep hazel eyes, but change to blue when angered. Always wears a pair of baggy blue jeans and a Vegeta style shirt, from the Buu Saga. Has the blades strapped to his back. Bio: Born after the overtaking of Earth, Matt had it hard. His mother dumped him when he was only 2 and he lost his dad at 10. Living on the streets, trying harder and harder to survive each dreadful day. He fought to stay alive, whether it be human or animal. Always fighting, his body retained a resistance to pain. One day, he was walking down the road, when he was attacked by this group of thugs that he was always fighting. He started to fight them in front of some of the Dark Lords' guards. The guards ran over to the fight, trying to stop it, but Matt wound up leaving most of the guards and the entire group of thugs in a bloody head. The guards soon tranquilized him, and gave him a choice when he awoke: be executed or die in the Titans Tournament. Personality: Always alone, mainly anti social, yet deep down inside, he wants friends. He was always the outcast and the loner as he grew, making him cold hearted. He always wanted friends, but was too afraid to make any, being afraid that they would reject him like all the rest. When ever he is around a girl though, he becomes a puddle of goo in their hands. Always protective of girls and women, he has a major crush on Aeomni (that okay, Conna?), and is willing to risk his life for her, even though she doesn't know how he feels for her.
  20. The blast from Garurumon slammed into MegaKabuterimons face and caused a large explosion and smoke flared up everywhere around the Ultimates head. When the smoke cleared, MegaKabuterimon was not phased, but the blast only aggitated him more. With a swift head butt, Garurumon was able to fly without the wings but was soon stopped due to gravity and the concrete below him. Matt ran over to him, in fear that he may be badly injured. "Garurumon, are you alright?" "I'm fine. Been hurt worse than that, but havent been hit that hard. It'll leave a mark, thats for sure." "You think your up to continuing?" "Yeah, just give me something to power up my attacks." ".....crap. I only have cards that increase your speed, defense, and help you Digivolve!" "WHAT?!" "Those power raising cards take too much energy. I don't like to use them!" "Dammit!...look out!" With a sudden burt of energy, Garurumon slammed into Matt, knocking him away as a blast from MegaKabuterimon slammed into the back half of Garurumon. The human and Digimon slammed into the ground with a large thud and Garurumon was forced back into Gabumon. "Gabumon!....oh crap. We gotta get you outta here." Matt picked up Gabumon and started to run as fast as he could, looking behind him. As he turned a corner and looked ahead of him, he bumped into someone again. As he slammed onto the concrete, he looked up to see Ryo again and Salamon beside her. "Gahhh! What're you doing here?" "Try and get rid of that Digimon thats destroying this town!" "But....how did you know about Digimon?" "I have one!" Ryo looked over to Salamon. He gulped a bit as he looked down to Gabumon. Ryo looked behing her and seen Lance, Arika, and Amkar running down to them, along with their Digimon. "Looks like the calvery has arrived." Ryo said with a smirk.
  21. OOC: Ummm...the Digimon attacks are in the real world. Someone (the evil guy) lets them out whenever he can, but no one knows. All the other Digidestined thinks that its somehow happening in some mysterious way. So, whenever the group can, they go to the Digital World to try and and find out whats wrong. And that is rare with high school, homework, and all the other teenage stuff. And yes, Ohkami, we go to the DW by S2, but we all have S3 stlye Digivices due to the card scanning. And, edit any post saying that you're going to the Digital World. I'll post when we'll go, okay? Pauls car stopped and skidded to a halt as they drove up to the Ultimate level Digimon. Gabumon and Matt got out of the car as Paul drove a safe distance away, knowing that his little brother can get reckless in a fight. "Digimodify!.....Digievolution activate!" Matt scanned a card, having a disc design on the face of it. Suddenly, a stream of data surrounded Gabumon as he digivolved. "Gabumon digivolved to!...." Then, an explosion occurred where Gabumon was, as his champion form, Garurumon stepped out of the smoke. "Now, for a little flight... Digimodify!...Fly Away activate!" Then, a pair of angelic wings appeared on the sides of Garurumon. He flew up, being used to this ability, which was used often. Garurumon flew up to the face of MegaKabuterimon. "So, you want to wreck havoc in this world! Well, come get some!" Garurumon flew back, thrusting his wings forwards. "Howling Blaster!" A blast of blue like energy then shot out of MegaKabuterimons face. Matt watched in anticipation. OOC: Well, you may come up to help out if you want, but I have something planned. PM me if you also do and whatnot and I'll fit it in.
  22. Matt was remembering back in his childhood, trying to remember Aric from his past. As he delved into his mind, and the years went backwards, he remembered something about a friend who looked like Aric back in when he was in first grade, which he couldn't remember very well. All he remembers is hanging out with someone who looked like Aric way back when. "Hey, I think I remember now!" Aric and Arika looked over to Matt. "I remember back in the first grade having a friend with the same first and last names and the same looks as you!" Matt said as he smiled. "Well, glad thats cleared up." Aric said. As they ate lunch, Ryo walked past their table with Lance. Matt just stared down at his food, trying not to look at her, his face red. Arika was the first to knotice. "Whats with the red face, Matt?" She asked. "Nothing. Just a little warm." "Hmmm...wait....Ryo walking past...you like her don't you!?" She exclaimed. "DON'T JUST YELL IT OUT!!" Matt whispered loudly. "I don't want her to know. I don't want to get on Lances bad side. Besides, why would she want to go out with someone like me?" "Well, you never know." Aric said. Suddenly, someone burst into the lunchroom and ran straight towards Matt. It was his brother Paul. "Matt, come on. Need your help. Somethings 'going down'." He said. "What?!" "Already signed you out. Come on!" Paul grabbed Matts arm as Matt reached into his pocket with his other arm and brought out his blue and white Digivice. He ran with his brother out to his 84' maroon Mustang. They hopped in and drove off. "Who is it this time, bro?" "I think its an ultimate level. I think its a MegaKabuterimon." "Ultimate?....We gotta figure this out soon!" Then, a furred figure jumped from the backseat to Matts lap. It was his Digimon, Gabumon. "So, you up for taking care of an Ultimate level?" "Sure!"
  23. Matt had started to dose off as always in one of Mrs. Craumers many Geomatry classes. He rested his head on his left hand, thinking about what happened over the summer. He had gotten Gabumon while he was talking to a friend of his online. He was very close to Gabumon, even though they had only met 2 weeks ago. He soon snapped out of it when Doyle whapped him on the head with a math book, which slowly woke him up. "What the heck did you do that for, Doyle?" Matt asked. "You fell asleep dude." Doyle answered back. Matt looked at all who was in his classroom. Ryo was there, making him the most nervous person in the room, and so was Arika and Lance. Matts hazel eyes drifted over to Ryo as he smiled while she looked out at the tree. He wondered what she was really like. But he was soon called to attention when Cory told him to pay attention if he wanted to even survive high school. Matt then turned to the board as Mrs. Craumer explained a lesson. "Okay, we're going to start off with some basic stuff and work our way up. You all know that a triangle equals one hundred and eighty degrees, right?" The entire class nodded their heads. "Fine, then. If two angles are equal and the third is not...hmmm?" Mrs. Craumer looked to the door to see Aric walk inside. "So, where have you been?" "Locker trouble. Couldn't figure out my locker combo. Here is my pass." Aric gave Mrs. Craumer his pass as he drifted overo to Arika, his sister. He looked down at DemiDevimon. "Why'd you bring that thing?" "Cause I wanted to." Aric just sighed as he took a seat. He glanced over at Matt, smiling. Matt didn't feel right about that smile. "Whoa..."
  24. It was a long battle, but the Digidestined, Takuya, Koji, Zoe, JP, Tommy, and Koichi, had finally defeated the evil Lucemon and restored the Digital World to its fullest. When they left, the spirits of the 10 Legendary Warriors had stayed to protect the Digital World with all their power... But, over the past 10 years, their powers diminished and the spirits that were corrupted by Lucemon and Cherubimon became evil once again. Darkness, Water, Wood, Metal, and Earth ravaged the Digital World with their powers and the other spirits, Fire, Light, Wind, Ice, and Lighting could't stop them due to their weakened powers. So, the 5 spirits that were not corrupted called out into the Real World for one person to stop the other spirits and restore the Digital World once again. When this child appeared, his young heart was not decided to be good or evil, so after he gained the power to have his Digimon partner digivolve, the spirit of Darkness corrupted his mind and his Digimon to be evil. With this, the good spirits called out once again to the Real World to try to find other children. This time, they made sure that they were already decided to be good or evil. After these 6 few were called apon, they were given each a Digimon partner, a Digivice, and a Digital Card Deck. These 6 new Digidestined must now go to the Digital World to find and stop this evil child... Matt was running down the halls to his next class, as he looked at his new school schedual. "So, first period is Geomatry with misses Craumer, second is Weight Lifting with Medved, third is English three with Claytor, fourth is gym with Medved again, fifth is CAT as always with Hoyet, sixth is Biology with....gaahhh! Misses Daughtery?! Crap. Lets see....seventh is Keyboarding with Hawkins, and last period is Study Hall. I have one messed up schedual." Matt continued to run down the hall to Craumers room as he then bumped into Ryoko. He fell, as so did she. "Oh, uhhh...hi Ryo...sorry!" Matt then helped her pick her stuff up as he finally ran into his class just as the bell rang. He took a seat near his old friends Doyle and Cory. "Hey dudes." "Hey, Duff." Cory said "You will be killed by the evil hams of Venus as they will give you probing through your belly button." Doyle blurted Cory and Matt looked at Doyle with a weird look as the class started. As Mrs. Craumer started talking about the year, Matt thought about why he was given a Digimon before this year started. As he did so, class went on and Doyle was continuosly making stupid quotes and comments that entire period. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o O (okay, the other two, Doyle and Cory, they will be the ones who stay in contact with us in the Digital World and also help us get to and from the Digital World. They are NPCsin other words, saying that anyone can control them, as long as they stick with Corys sarcastic nature and Doyles usual stupid but sometimes intelligent nature. Have fun!)
  25. Thanks everyone for signing up. Since all the positions are tooken, so more signups will be taken. And to those who have not changed their Digivolved forms, please do so soon. Thanks again!
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