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Everything posted by Nikorasu

  1. I think you're right about Lockon as well. I am scared that [spoiler]he'll get killed, since he does seem to be somewhat of the cool older brother character[/spoiler]. I do like how Gundam occasionally has those young characters with no combat experience actually be affected by it. I just get reminded of Amuro alone in his room in the White Base, with his eyes all white and him kind of in a state of shock. A lot of the older ones show the main characters actually figuring out how to cope with war and making decisions and mistakes that they wouldn't have made later on in the series because they have grown up. I'm not really liking Setsuna because he's not really coping or doing anything. His personality seems almost robotic at times. Hopefully as he has to confront that one guy and more of his past, he'll open up a bit more to the audience. I am eager to watch episode 10 and see how the fight goes.
  2. I tend to download fansubs of fairly recent shows that aren't license or haven't made it over here yet. I'm currently watching Genshiken 2 and Gundam 00. I know for sure that I'm going to get Genshiken 2, if for nothing else than to go along with Genshiken 1. Gundam 00, being a longer series, I'll probably watch more to be sure if I want it. I also recently finished Seto no Hanayome, which is a good series of this kid who is saved by a mermaid and then has to marry her. Also, I recently finished Kamen Rider Kabuto and am on Gekiranger and the live action Cutie Honey series. There are series I like that I've watched on fansubs that probably won't be out here, otherwise they would be licensed by now. I was shocked when I actually saw the Yakitate!! Japan manga out here, but I highly doubt the anime will be released here. I've seen it all though, and it's amazingly hilarious. I also do not see Disney ever allowing any Super Sentai series to hit the states as long as they can just use stock footage to make Power Rangers, so I pretty much have to stick to fansubs for that. There does need to be a legal download service if legitiment anime companies want to compete with fansubbers. As soon as a series is licensed, ADV should have subbed versions of the first couple of episodes at least on their download service. Make it pay per episode, subscription, or load the thing up with adds between the eyecatchers (because that's actually for commercials anyway). People want anime faster. As for the DVDs, I don't really see much of a drop in sales if that happens. Perhaps even the opposite, and you'll see in increase. People who want DVDs will buy them regardless. After all, most anime fans are materialistic collectors. Why else would we buy so much crap at cons? Maybe entice people to buy DVDs by having the first episode of each volume online before the volume goes on sale, making people want to buy the DVD to see the next two or three episodes after that first one.
  3. I'll probably put off season two until Media Blasters does the $40 box set like they did with season one. I wish I could just get the box to put my three volumes of season one in.
  4. Of the ones you said, I'm more inclined to go with the Gundam series, especially 08th MS Team which has some good mobile suit action, especially the Ez8 vs the Gouf Custom. Last Exile is also quite good.
  5. Right now, I'm really just watching Gundam 00, Genshiken 2, and Kamen Rider Den-O. Don't really have another series that I can watch more than once a week since I finished Koutetsushin Jeeg and Eureka 7. I'm currently reading Mobile Suit Gundam: Ecole du Ciel, which is feeling like Gunbuster set in UC, which is fine with me.
  6. Gurren Lagann is one of my favorite series of all time. My weeks are a bit bleaker now that I don't have a new episode to look forward to each weekend, but then again, constantly rewatching episodes 26 and 27 help. This show just has so much hotblooded energy and awesomeness. I don't see how it couldn't become the pinnacle super robot anime of this decade. Now if only ADV would hurry up and start doing something with that license. They've had it since AX in July, yet I haven't heard anything close to even one casting choice since. I don't even care about dub voices. I just want it over here so I can own the series and merchendice.
  7. Genshiken 2 is very well done, and anyone who liked the first series like I did will enjoy it as well. Episode 5 is hilarious, and it probably handles this particular scenario better than it did in the manga. Keep in mind though, there's three Genshiken OVA episodes between Genshiken and Genshiken 2 that were released with the Kujibiki Unbalanced DVDs. They are basically episodes 13, 14, and 15 of the first series (as those are the actual OVA episode numbers) so you may want to watch those before watching Genshiken 2. Also, last volume of the Genshiken manga, volume 9, comes out in the states this month.
  8. Just finished episode 7. I'm liking this series so far, much more that SEED. Nice to see a Gundam series that's not so much of a copy and paste of previous Gundam series. Setsuna seems kind of overly non emotional, like they're trying too hard to make him seem traumatised, but it may be warrented when they reveal even more of his back story and why he's a Meister. So far, Lockon is my favorite pilot, but he is seems so much like that cool older brother character that I worry that they may kill him off. Who would take care of Haro though? Tieria is probably my least favorite in terms of likability, but I think he's very well connected to the darker side of Celestial Being, which would prove to be an important plot point later on. I'm really eager to see the Meisters' back stories and more interaction with the several other side characters in this series. The Gundams themselves are pretty decent. Dynames got even better with its add ons in episode 6. Exia is also pretty good in this. Even Kyrios, despite basically being a new Zeta, is being handled pretty well. I like how each Gundam is really well suited for specific purposes instead of being different just for the sake of being different.
  9. Maybe it has to do with that server change thing. I don't get anything at myO. I just get something from cPanel saying "There is no website configured at this address."
  10. I remember mine. I didn't have much of a party, but that was mainly because I was having a graduation party soon after it. I do remember the wakizashi I got, mainly because the stupid thing broke two months later.
  11. I'd love a new laptop, but I doubt that'll happen. I guess either comics, manga, anime, or money to buy them.
  12. I really want to cosplay. The problem is choosing who and getting the costume. I can probably make some of the costume, but I'll probably get a lot of it off of ebay. Finding who to go as is hard. I don't want to limit myself to who I look closest to. Besides, I won't be able to go to a convention until April.
  13. Nikorasu

    Mad TV & SNL

    I prefer SNL to MadTV, but it's true that SNL has lost most of their best people. Will Ferrel was the best Bush, and with the election and all, it's awful that he's gone. It's also sad to see Jimmy Fallon leave. At least we still have Darrel Hammond.
  14. I like Megas XLR. I think it's funny and a good parody on all the mecha anime shows out there. Still, the loss is bad. I wouldn't be upset if dbgt left, but seeing on how little of that is left, maybe SEED will take dbgt's place when that ends.
  15. Maybe it's just in Tethe alla. I don't know. It works in Meltokio, Sybek, and other cities there.
  16. This is a great RPG and a great GC game. I like the real-time fighting system instead of turn-based. The story is good, even if Colette is kinda annoying. Lloyd is voiced by the same person who does Robin off of Teen Titans, which is cool. The boss battle was kinda easy, but it was still good. I'm in my second time through, and it's still just as fun. Also, I don't know if anyone put this up, but I will. Here's a tip. If you use Zelos as your on-screen character and you talk to women, they usually give you stuff.
  17. I want to play this game. Being an X-Men fan, I've been looking foward to this for a couple of years. I just need to find a place to rent it. I've seen a show about in on G4TechTV. Is that my imagination, or is Wolverine voiced by Steve Blum? I could be wrong, and I wouldn't doubt iit since I just barely heard Wolverine's voice.
  18. My favorite is Gundam Wing. It has an in-depth plot with plenty of twists and turns. Plus, it was my first Gundam series, so it'll always have a place in my heart. G Gundam was cool. Plenty of action and fights, as well as a nice love story. It's been a while since I've seen MS 08th Team, but I remember it being really good, with a nice love story and some suspense. SD Gundam is by far the worst. I know it's a parody that's meant for little kids, but geez. It's still bad, even for what it's supposed to be.
  19. Nikorasu


    [QUOTE=Solo Tremaine][color=#503f86] I actually had a theory that [spoiler]Legato was a Plant as well, just like Vash and Knives. He managed to attach Vash's hand to his left arm and in episode 24 he says "We shold have died a long time ago, as soon as we fell onto this planet", or something along those lines. If he is a Plant, the chances are he's about their age. So over 130 years.[/spoiler] But don't hold me to that- it's just a theory. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] I don't think so. In the manga Trigun #2, [spoiler]when Legato gives the order to kill Vash near the end, Knives stops him and calls him a "piece of trash." I don't think Knives would call a fellow plant "trash."[/spoiler]
  20. I know there was no slaying involved in [spoiler]that battle that was about to happen at the end[/spoiler], but no one really knows what happened to the characters when the credits started. Sure, they probably [spoiler]die, but it would be cool to think that Angel at least killed the dragon before that.[/spoiler]
  21. There's just one thing I really want to know. Did Angel [spoiler]get to slay the dragon? I really would have loved to see that. Too bad it ended before then, but I guess they wanted to spare us from seeing all of them die.[/spoiler]
  22. I think that not only should new updated be highlighted, but there should also be a number showing how many times a site has been updated that day.
  23. The restrictions are for people having rediculously long intros that take forever to lode, especially for us dial up users. Still, I think the limit is too low. I suggest that the limit not include html, just the text and images. Also, a spell check in posts and an option to preview posts before posting them.
  24. I've got two now. 1. a list of the people who visited 2. stop counting ourselves in the number of visitors.
  25. I've got another one. We have fan art. How about fan fics?
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