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Everything posted by biggillistyle

  1. My wish of all wishes is for either: -A Misc. Fanart Category OR -A form on the Fanart submission page to submit a category for approval It has been on my mind and it would be SUPER-AWESOME to have it in v2! Thank you Adam for all the hard work you're putting into this!
  2. yeah i'm talking about myOtaku not OB
  3. ok...so...one thing i don't understand. there's no misc. anime category and there (apparently) seems to be no way to add a new category. people often submit fanart that doesn't have a category and sometimes they let it through and sometimes they don't...honestly, what is going on?
  4. yeah original anime i know is for OCs and stuff. i allready put up a post too...oh well! i'll try emailing again. .thanks!
  5. there's an "original anime" category, but no "other anime" category. should i just email adam or james?
  6. i mean like when you are submitting art...there is only a limited amount of categories, but i can see new ones pop up once in a while. what do you do if you have art that doesn't fit into any category?
  7. How do you add new categories to the FanArt section?! :huh:
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