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Everything posted by Godelsensei
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]It's like a rage against the most extreme of Environmentalists disguised as a quarky poem. I like it. : D Not that I'm for ruining the environment or anything, but I still love cars and whatnot. It's a poem that made me smile. : )[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]I wrote this yesterday: Silent but for the sound of her own heavy breath and the shuffling of wary feet from every side, and above. Sweat trickled down her forehead and she felt her grip on the gun, her finger resting lightly but cautiously on the trigger, waiting for an opportunity to pull it. Her muscles tensed as she heard shuffling in the path she was not looking towards and she jerked her head in that direction, reaching forward with her gun, rising halfway to her feet, so as to keep herself as sheltered as possible while making a getaway easy. Four of them. Out. She nodded towards them, taking note of their expressions of shock and disgust, then slipped away quietly, her shoes? worn soles making little noise against the dirty floor. She found another passage upwards quickly and ducked so her body was only visible from the shoulders up. She aimed and fired. Cursing from below and people glancing towards her. But she had already drawn back, out of their view. They moved on, and she noticed a faint light out of the corner of her eye. Steady arm. Only one shot, or they?ll know you?re here. She rested the gun in her opposite hand and fired. A hit. Then, a vibrating motion in her hand and across her chest and back and the baneful notes telling her that she had been hit. ?Damn.? She checked the back of her gun, settling herself as far back into the corner as possible, waiting for the five seconds to pass before she could start shooting again. Kamo. Wild duck. Her eyes widened, then narrowed as her gun let out the opposite sequence of harmonic intervals than a few seconds ago. She saw the green and red lights moving along the highest level?s bridge and fired. She could not hear the beep but saw their lights dim. A quick squint into the darkness, then she scuttled away as inconspicuously as possible to wait for another assault or some one to render unable to get her back for as long as it took to run away. Another vibration and sequence of beeps and she swore again, more harshly and recoiled into the darkness, where she thought no one would see her. Once again, she glanced at her gun and grimaced. Kamo. She glanced at her watch, glad of its ability to light up in dim light and noted that there were many hours left before she would have a chance to leave. This was a Lock-In, after all. Plenty of time to find out whom it was who had been able to hit her twice in such a small time frame. She thought she saw some one running away and fired again. Once again, their lights dimmed, but she did not move. She fired at a few would-be snipers, who looked around for her; she was in an unlikely place, and they did not see her. Then, she whirled around and fired as many shots as she could before her lights went out. He grinned at her then rushed past her. ?****, no?? She sprung quickly to her feet, forgetting about her strategy and followed him. The few notes and she fired again and hit. ?God damn it?? He looked around, but she had ducked behind a wall. She thought she heard him coming up behind her and shifted to the far side of a pillar, gun held ready. She just had to see it one more time, and then? He walked past her and turned to fire, but she already had. She nodded to him, a smirk on her face, taking note of his expression and features, then did her best to disappear. She shook her head to herself and fired at a few kids on the top level before looking for another secure hiding place. It was definitely him. Kamo. The Duck. Forget about him, she told herself. You can?t know for sure. Besides, you need to get first place, and you need to last until it?s over. Just a few more hours. She fired at the girl with the whiney voice and the white bra?foolish, to wear light-coloured undergarments under black light; very un-1337?and hit. The girl whined as she moved away from her, not wanting to bother with players who obviously wouldn?t last ?til the end. She heard a noise behind her and turned rapidly, then dropped her weapon. ?Oh, hey.? ?What?s your rank?? ?Second.? ?Who?s first?? ?Him.? ?What?? ?I?ll see you later. Cover my back while I?m running, eh?? She heard her friend?s gun beep as she got hit, presumably from behind. She turned a corner and once again found herself checking the back of her gun. Him again. Must be him, she thought. I shall ask him to accompany us for breakfast once this is over. She fired again, and missed. Then, a hit, and she ducked. But what if it?s not really him? I?d make a fool out of myself. She ran down the passageway, through a group of four or five boys, tagging them all as she went. She had a purpose now, but didn?t know where she was going. So what? If it turns out it is him, you?ll regret not taking the chance. You?ve got nothing to lose. Ask him after it?s over. She stopped and retreated into a small room, waited for the boys to run by the entrance, and fired. All of them again. They yelled as she ran past. You?ll just make a moron of yourself. He?s, like, 25, anyway. Yeah. It can?t be him; he lives too far away. ??was killed at a strip mall, outside a Laser Tag arcade. Found with several knife wounds. There were no witnesses that have stepped forward. ?He was on vacation, staying with relatives, and was, as far as authorities know, not acquainted with the suspects, one of which was arrested at his home earlier today. ?He was 25 years old.? She turned off the TV and began to cry. Why hadn?t she taken him to the coffee shop? I was very sad when I wrote this, and had just returned home from LaserQuest. My friend and I had been discussing what it would be like if you ran into some one you knew online during a game of Laser Tag and this is what came out.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]There'll be good bands, bad bands, and the rare band that has any amount of soul. If you could classify them as something specific, I don't think any band or person could be considered unique and original. Underground bands become more mainstream over time if they're any good. It just makes sense. That's why everybody's wearing Emo glasses now. O_o"[/FONT][/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Wingnut Ninja][color=darkred]Well, I'm a very active and athletic person, and I'll do anything that'll make my adrenaline go rushing through the roof, so that should explain the Ninja part in my name... probably. The thing is, though, I've been that way since the day I was born, so in a sense, you could say that my username tries to be more like me, if that makes any sense. As for the Wingnut part, I'll let you decide. I'm personally fond of Shinmaru's description: "What are you? Some kind of ninja with flying balls?". Oh the possibilities.[/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New] "Wingnut" means crazy. So I always assumed you were a crazy ninja. Shows what I know.[/FONT] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]Stick another piece of birchbark in the hat for Miyazaki Hayao-sensei. The man's a god of animation and I think my head would a splode with excitement if I ever even got to look at the guy from within a hundred meters, IRL. He produces consistantly well-plotted, well-charactered films that appeal to just about every one who hasn't decided to screw their opinion against any one of them to begin with. And Ashitaka's hot. : O[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]Anime's becoming more mainstream, but it's sort of been shoved into the "geek" niche, to a lesser extent than Dungeons & Dragons or Magic the Gathering, and most of the people who pursue it as a hobby in North America think watching cut dubs and buying viz manga with all the wrong translations makes them "hardcore" and "underground". Heh. When people find out I like anime and say, "Oh, what do you watch?" and I reply, they usually O_o me and scuttle away. Losers. They are not 1337.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]Damn that Global Warming, doing all it can to make our lives miserable. Breaking houses and making our nice toques all job-less for longer than they should be. It's been thirty degrees for a few weeks now, after a particularly ***-freezing-off summer at the boat. Another warm Christmas and I think my head may a splode; it didn't reach -15 until after the New Year. We got a couple of heavy rain-falls, but you don't get much in the way of hurricanes when you live in Canada. Heh.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[quote name='Dagger IX1']*blushes* Er... what's a milk bag?[/quote] [COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New] Travel to myO and you shall find the information you seek, Skippedry-chan. And, yes, 'twould be incredibly bad for the planet's health if every one ran around being Hitokiri Bottousai or ninjas or other such unusual things. Because if there were that many of 'em, they'd be such low quality.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Courier New][COLOR=Gray]'Tis rather hard not to act like your username when you invented it. I act like my custom title, if anything, what with constantly having to explain milk bags to Americans and whatnot. Psh.[/FONT][/COLOR]
Writing A Random Blogger's Moment of Sanity [E]
Godelsensei replied to Godelsensei's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]Well, I guess I will have to resort to my own nitpicking in the end. Heh.^^"" The structural quibbles are mostly due to formatting problems that occur when you take a word document and OB-itize it. Thanks, guys!^.^ Compliments are so nice to read... : ) I thought it sounded like the dialogue from a comic, too, when I wrote it. Heh.[/FONT][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]I'd love some examples. As long as you agree to go read about the same sort of issues as told by CBC and BBC. Just to put things into perspective for both of us. It's not like anybody's losing out that way, after all. After all, you do live in America. ^_~[/FONT][/COLOR]
A man without religion is like a fish without a bicycle.
Godelsensei replied to Godelsensei's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]The main idea I was reaching for here wasn't that some one is going to grab a bible and start beating people over the head with it or that there should be a ban on opinionated books; it's that kids, especially teenagers, are known to blow things out of proportion. Even in highly multicultural societies, like those of Canada and America's less hick-ish points, people of the same race like to hang out together, for whatever reasons, alot of the time. This is where alot of racial tension springs from. Creating additional barriers by adding another element of division, religion, into the mix can create more tension than already exists. I've read several posts even on OB about people in schools with a strong religious affiliation being picked on relentlessly because they did not, well, affiliate. I've seen students being picked on because they happen to have a bible in their backpack, or because they happen to mention that they have a different view on whether or not any kind of god exists. Little question is brought up when a teacher tells a student to remove a necklace with a penticle on it, but make it a cross and the whole world freaks out. It's better to just remove the issue and take the unnecessary load off of teachers' and students' backs. You could argue that people have to deal with religious differences in real life, but it is expected of adults to be, well, mature about it. Most kids can't handle that responsibility. And, for whatever god you believe in's sake, Buggie, it's Canada! Not Canadia! Wtf? xD And how would the fish peddle the bicycle? Under water, no less! : O Bikes require legs to opperate properly! Your entire argument is full of holes![/FONT][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]I'm sided with Azure. Philosophy by itself gets us nowhere, but when applied to our everyday interactions and jobs, whatever they may be, it can make us more successful. It's important to think about what you do, but doing nothing [i]but[/i] thinking about things doesn't get you too far. You eventually need to take some form of action. At least I think that's what he was getting at. I agree with him anyway, because the man's never wrong, except about Eva. : O Confucious' philosophies appeal to me alot, simply because I agree with alot of things he said. "It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop." I do alot of clump downloading. I don't care how long it takes to get the Pillows' full discography onto my computer, as long as it gets there eventually. Which should be in an hour and a half. : O[/FONT][/COLOR]
A man without religion is like a fish without a bicycle.
Godelsensei replied to Godelsensei's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]My [i]point[/i] is that religion is used as a scapegoat. Since it's clear that you only replied in order to be a dick, I don't see 1. Your point. 2. Why you get kicks out of being a dick. Edit: I'm sorry. I was rather frustrated due to outside circumstances when I made this reply a few minute ago. Gomen ne yo, Rush-san.[/FONT][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]Flame of Recca was first reccomended to me by a thirty-year-old man in an illegitimate DVD store at a Chinese mall, who was there with his four year old son who kept trying to sneak into the porn section of the store. I guess that's both funny and sort of creepy. Heh. I find Flame of Recca quite amusing. The art suits the story quite nicely, and the fact that the main characters are, in fact, school children being ninjas is the kind of thing I find quite fun to read. It also manages to keep its fanservice decent enough that you don't feel like you're carting around a volume of porn. Heh.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]I'd go with Trigun. It has a huge fanbase, and I don't see why. It's not like it's an institution, like DBZ or SailorMoon, or every one's favourite Pokemon, either. It's just sort of there, sending me bad Trigun vibes, what with the flat characters and voice acting, dull scenarios, and, well, predictable plot "twists".[/FONT][/COLOR]
Does anyone have eyes that change colour????
Godelsensei replied to Heero Darkangel's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]I had a science teacher who kept switching the colour of her contacts at the beginning of the year. It was rather startling having her look up at you with different colour eyes each day. Heh.[/FONT][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]I downloaded one episode of this show, that appears to be for children. It's projected to run for 13 episodes, though, which I find odd for a kids' show, but hey. The animation style is quite...unique, to say the very least. (The people's almost complete lack of feet and rediculously wide hips are both whymiscal and something I cannot place.) I think I may download the next episode, to see if I'm dealing with the next NaruTaru, but I guess I shall just have to see. I like this show, despite the fact that it's rather kiddy-ish, and that the animation isn't all that great. (Not unlike the music. Heh.) It's...kawaii.^^[/FONT][/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Who?][size=2]There's no way to describe how happy I am that I'm too young to have an obligation to vote, lol. If everything that's been said recently was true, both of the candidates are insanely evil, anti-American ******** who bumble through their political careers thinking only of how to further screw up the nation.[/size] [size=2][/size] [/QUOTE] [COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]Which is exactly what they want people to think of their respective oponents. 'Sworking, apparently.[/FONT] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]?Do you think justifying what we?re doing right now as our not getting into drugs or joining gangs is just a way of hiding the fact that we?ll never be prepared for real life and that we have no social skills whatsoever?? ?What do you?don?t use up as jump?what are you talking about?? ?Well, think about it. At the age we?re at now, we don?t have to do anything for ourselves. I mean, our parents pay for everything for us, and we see the fact that we avoid talking to people not as something that might cause a future hindrance, but as a benefit because we don?t have to be around to support people or fulfill obligations this way.? ?So? I told you to stop using up as jump. I?m kicking your ***?? ?In real life, we?re going to need to talk to people, and we?re going to have to face peer pressure. I mean, it?s not like adults are exempt from being horrible, stupid, biased people that treat any one who?s different from them and their little group as inferior. At least the kids who let themselves buy into that crap when they?re still, you know, kids, learn better and know what to avoid doing. All we?re doing right now is avoiding that whole circumstance, just by keeping away from every one we don?t know, because we?re afraid they might make fun of us or make us want to change ourselves.? ?And that?s a bad thing? Would you seriously rather be out buying expensive jeans and smoking? I?m still kicking your ***, you know. I told you it?s better to use lightweights in this mode.? ?Maybe and no. I mean, it?s not the expensive jeans and smoking I have any second thoughts about shying away from. It?s just that we?re basically sitting, wasting away our years of youth and beauty in front the TV, playing video games, and on the computer, putting all of our effort into making ourselves noticed on forums and in fan-listings and writing pointless, long-winded, angst-ridden entries on blogs that no one of importance is ever going to look at, let alone care about.? ?Hey, man, my blog gets over a hundred hits a week. Speak for yourself.? ?And what kind of people go there, anyway? I mean, think about it! They?re just pale, overweight kids who have nothing better to do with their lives than stare at a computer screen. When was the last time you read anything really astounding anywhere on the ?net? All the real writers who know what they?re doing are out getting published at fourteen and landing themselves a level road to University and a career.? ?You could drown in the angst that dribbles off the low-quality paper pages of those books. Let?s play something else; this is getting boring. You keep losing.? ?But they?? ?I?ll put Soul Caliber on, okay?? ??yeah, okay, cool. But they get somewhere with it. Angst is what the public wants, and they?re willing to give it to them. And I?ll bet they have social lives, too, at least after their classmates find out they?re published. I mean, who doesn?t want to be able to brag about knowing some one like that? ?They learned how to get successful before their thirteenth birthday, and are already making money off of it, and neither of us can even get organized enough to look at, let alone start, our homework. We fail every test we write, and still go on doing what we?re doing, because we like to tell ourselves that?why are you playing as??? ?Shut up. She?s cool.? ?Whatever. We like to tell ourselves that we?re escaping a life of 9-to-5 jobs because we?re going to somehow get into the gaming industry or write our own books or win the lottery and move to Japan. We tell ourselves we can?t do anything our parents or teachers want us to, and that continuing to lose at everything we do and then finally pulling out and becoming rich and successful through some unlikely twist of fate is our way of getting back at the world.? ?You?re shooting kind of low there. My goal is world domination. Besides, spite is a powerful motive. You know, you can do a combo if you press more than one button at once. Besides, spite is a powerful motive. More-so than the thirst for honest, pure-hearted success.? ?You think so?? ?Yeah.? ?So, what has spite accomplished you thus far?? ?Well, I haven?t passed a single math, French, or science assignment for two years, but can speak fluent, self-taught Japanese. And I?ve transposed the entire Zelda main theme for piano, beat Chrono Trigger three times using just my toes, and can hum all of Do As Infinity?s songs backwards.? ?Really?? ?No, but neither can Bill Gates, and look where he is.? ?Touché.? This was written with the intent of entering a contest that bascially looks for insightful peotry, prose, and creative writing from "modern, urban youth". I like the idea of this piece, but can't help feeling that there's alot wrong with it I'm not seeing ways to fix. I think the ending is rather weak, and have tried several different closing lines, but none of them seem to give much of an impact. Help...?[/FONT][/COLOR]
A man without religion is like a fish without a bicycle.
Godelsensei replied to Godelsensei's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='wiccansamurai']You'r school doesn't have CCD? Or anything like that? Mine does... I guess ur school rules probably differ, but I don't see what's wrong with reaing the bible. Hell, I could read the bible at school, and what would it matter? Its not religous to ME. Its just a book, its not going to hurt anyone.[/quote] [COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New] Dissallowing all forms of religious wear/reading material prevents accusations of racism when you try to explain your "anti-violent-religious-gear" rules to other groups. It's all or nothing, when it comes to things like this. (Making the exception of clothing that does not cover the face, because I don't think they're ever going to be able to ban that.) The only time religious material should be presented to a class is when it us being used for references in a class that studies the teachings of religions for learning purposes, not to enforce them. It's silly to ignore huge chunks of what influenced history the most (aside from maybe salt), but such teachings should be kept impersonal, to prevent controversy. You have the rest of your life to practice your religion, anyway. Having people cart symbols around all day has potential to develop into something very similar to gang colours. It only takes one or two entirely silly people to start major conflicts. Silly people are a plague on us all, but they're not about to go away any time soon. Religion is a major form of division when it comes to conflicts--as much so as race.[/FONT][/COLOR] -
A man without religion is like a fish without a bicycle.
Godelsensei replied to Godelsensei's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]School board rules state that the only religious items allowed in schools are to be religious headgear and small charms that can be worn like any other, on a bracelet etc... School is an organization, and one could argue, following your logic, that having to raise one's hand to speak is an infringement of rights.[/FONT][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]Let's start out by saying this post isn't intended to be any sort of religion-bashing fest. If you turn it into one, may something particularly nasty happen to you. Religion is often used as an excuse to do things that one usually wouldn't do. For instance, I do believe that a certain type of dagger is a Sikh symbol of something or other, and that it is supposedly very spiritual to carry one around. Certain religions require people to cover their faces, which, in Western society, is generally perceived as the mark of a criminal who doesn't want to be identified. Some people who follow these customs also adorn large, baggy full-body coverings (I'll elaborate on the importance of this point in a paragraph or two). Then, there are things that are not in any way suspicious or illegal that people do because of religion. Some people like to keep a copy of the bible lying around at school, which I find kind of weird. (I'm not making this up, btw; people have done this at my school.) It would get pretty irritating to have to lug an extra book around all day. Then, there are people who want to read the bible during "silent reading time" during English class. A teacher tells them that he does not think that this is appropriate, as the school is not an environment that is supposed to have anything to do with religion and that even if it is important to the student, certain religious items can be used as weapons, because that is what they are (the daggers I mentioned before). The student argues that the book isn't hurting anybody. I agree with the teacher, simply because you need to draw the line somewhere. Religious headgear that does not obstruct the face is the only kind of symbol that should be tolerated in a school environment (you're supposed to wear turbans all the time, as far as I know), simply because people will start to argue that their "religious" weapons etc... should be allowed, also. You can read the bible on your own time. This isn't saying that all religious gear is dangerous or carried about with a sinister intention, but, in my view, you have to get rid of any chance of anything that [i]is[/i] harmful being tolerated. Political correctness is no cause to jeopardize people's safety. Also, flaunting one's religious beliefs in such a diverse society can lead to tension between less mature members of whatever group, something that budget dollars simply shouldn't have to deal with. I do not agree with the values presented by certain religious garb (that that forces a woman to cover her body, for whatever reason, to name one major one), but that aside, I think my next few points do have non-emotional value. Modern Western society does not tolerate sexism. Using religion as an excuse to disempower women (or any other group, for that matter), should not be tolerated. It goes against the values of Canada, America, England, Australia (any country you would describe as First World, really) to discriminate. Religion is used as an excuse to descriminate too often. How do you know that the nice lady wearing the head- and body-covering isn't a man with a gun, playing host to all intentions to hold up the next bank he walks into? As far as I am concearned, society's values and cautions override those of immigrant religions. It might sound like I'm picking on Middle-Eastern religions, but those are the ones that you see and hear about when it comes to this kind of thing most often. I'm in [i]no way stating that other religions are not discriminatory or in any way superior[/i]. That in mind, do you have any comments?[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]Damn you Skippedry and Azure-jiji! Saying what I was about to! >:^O People love to jump to the conclusion that any relationship between people of the opposite gender has to be sexual, if it involves any kind of love. You can love your big brother, but I doubt you'd ever want to French him. Watch 'Lost In Translation'. It's the most realistic relationship movie I've ever seen, purely because the characters didn't need to do anything obscene in order to, clearly, become very close.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]Most "Wiccans" are just people who feel like they need to be different; they take out a book from the library, start making little penticles out of sticks, and start wearing black, and all of a sudden, they've joined a new religion. All religion is silliness, if you ask me, but spontaneous, random religion is even sillier. (If you flame me for that, I wont dignify your petty, misguided insults with a response, so don't even bother.)[/FONT][/COLOR]