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Everything posted by Godelsensei
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]If on nothing else, I agree with Bush's decision to remain in the classroom for the next seven minutes, for the same reason that has been stated over and over again. I think it is important, using Michael Moore's documentary as an example, that the public be exposed to the [i]other[/i] extreme view, however. The Democrats are finally starting to get a word in, media-wise, when it comes to CNN, a station who's views are reflected in most of the American opinions I've read/heard on political issues. During broadcasted debates, the Republican-based side seemed to do nothing but bellow out forced laughs at anything the Democrats pointed out, in an attempt to make them look silly. The "my oponent is smelly" tactic reminds me ever so much of the Bloc, only more people listen to the Republicans than they do Duceppe. The American media is very much on Bush's side, even though alot of people seem to think the opposite. Elections have a tendency to start to revolve around the leader of a party, which really isn't all that important, when you have their platform to worry about. The American election has become too personal, as far as I'm concearned. What a person did or did not do thirty years ago shouldn't override what they plan to do to the most powerful country in the world next. It's only a good thing for people to see their potential leader from another point of view. It balances things out; I'd watch Bowling for Columbine's film-opposite if I could find it, just to see what the conservatives had to say about the whole deal. And just out of curiosity, why does "liberal" seem to be such a negative connotation when it comes to US politics? "He's a liberal!!!" Pardon me if I'm wrong, but I find it quite weird.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]You have an expensive Japanese phone now. Brag about that; it's probably much cooler, anyway.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]Actually, Sara, if you don't practice playing an instrument for at least 1000 hours before you reach the age of 18 or so, you'll never get very good at it. But that's rather beside the point. You can't consider some one who's in a new environment, just picking up a musical instrument (most school bands start in grade seven, as far as I'm aware), to be stupid without some further justification. If, by the end of the year, she still doesn't know how to open and close an instrument case, then maybe there's a problem. And don't march around saying people who don't know key signiatures are stupid. Most people don't bother even learning them until school or extra-curricular theory tests demand it. Hell, most people don't even bother learning their music until school or extra-curricular [i]playing[/i] tests require it. When was the last time you heard some one going on enthusiastically about how much they love to identify intervals? Besides, if kids are getting progressively stupider, then why are more and more authors being published at fourteen? And why is the age range in this thread quite possibly greater than ten years? Besides, according to evolution's natural propensity to improve the species, the only logical assumption would be that we're getting smarter. What Azure-jiji said is true, too. My school still uses textbooks from the [i]seventies[/i]. It's pitiful.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]A ban has [i]expired[/i]? If you are going to ban something in the first place, isn't it generally assumed that it is an important enough issue to try and prevent permanently? The harder it is to get a gun, the safer the populous is. There is no readily applicable reason for any one to carry an automatic weapon around. The only things guns are needed for are the army, police, and hunting. Hunting doesn't require an automatic weapon. Sword Breaker's comments about Americans and guns are pretty much the sentiments of the entire world, only most people's opinions involve more common-place spelling and grammar. Some one, somewhere, in a position of power, ought to watch Bowling for Columbine. Regarding the lady who was arrested... I'm somehow reminded of Stalin. [i]Neh?[/i][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]Calvin's six, actually. But yeah, he's awesome. As is Hobbes. Any one who attempts to dispute that fact [i]obviously[/i] SUCKS. I think my favourite part of the series (of which I own 14+ volumes) is how intelligent it is, while still being funny. Calvin's attitude towards life reminds me very much of my own and that of most of my friends. The most outstanding attribute to Calvin and Hobbes, in my opinion at least, is that it never starts to wane. When Watterson knew he didn't want to go on with it, he ended it with a nice, big, picture of snow and a line that brings a faint smile to the lips, as oppose to dragging on with comics he wasn't proud of. [i]It's a magical world, Hobbes ol' buddy. Let's go exploring.[/i] (Btw, has any one else here ever actually played Calvinball? It's awesome, neh?^^)[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]I like it. It's a patronizing statement to all those teenagers who think angst makes them cool. The concept is very well put down, and the point isn't lost in needless length. It seems almost as though the figure who is speaking in this piece is a personification of bad choices. Hm. I'd maybe look into trimming three or four lines, as being as concise as possible is important in poems that have a point like this. But it's good. Very good. [/FONT][/COLOR]
[QUOTE=DeathBug][color=indigo][size=1][font=comic sans ms]Actually, Godel, if you were a true Geek, you wouldn't sacrifice guenia pigs; you would eat them. The word geek was originally a term for circus freak-show performers who would eat any and all kinds of items for the crowds. So, who knows where the word 'dork' originates from?[/color][/size][/font][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New] Actually, Buggie, they would most commonly bite the heads off of chickens.^_~ You'll be surprised at some of the obscure facts I know as well as you do. (Besides, in ancient Greece, after you sacrificed an animal, you would eat at least part of it. >_>) And the word dork was originally a slang term for the male reproductive organ. I suppose it evolved into dick-head, and then into dork. Or something. Who knows? Edit: (note) I didn't read Drix's post before answering the dork thing.[/FONT] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]This whole thread sort of ties into my endless stream of criticisms when it comes to "searching for individuality". I find the whole goth bit rather annoying. I have nothing wrong with the clothes (those don't really make a difference), but it's the attitude of, "I am a dark, mysterious, deep, depressed individual and that makes me unique," that is poisoning more and more young people's minds as I type these words. It's like they think it's cool to be a suicidal, angry, rude person. Pft. Silly is what it is. Listening to a certain kind of music or dressing in a certain way shouldn't lock you into a stereotype.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[quote name='Sesshomarufan][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue']well that depends on that person's reiligious views and other sensitive stuff like that. at my school we arent allowed to have any jewelry that has studs in it or have any necklaces that have the spikes on it . basically my school makes those prohibited because they can be used as a form of "weapon". The whole sword being mistaken for a cross may be a little too drastic, but the issue of religion could be argued either way on that. [/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New] The public school system is not supposed to reflect any specific religion's values, or those of its individual zealots. Enough said.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]I don't know about goths, but I'm a True [i]Geek[/i]. I sacrifice guinea pigs and everything. : O [Spoiler]See how silly you're all being?[/Spoiler][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]The former band teacher at my school once made my friend remove a necklace shaped like a sword because she interpreted it as a mutilation of the cross. [i]That[/i]'s unnecessary and uncalled for on the school's part, if you ask me. [/FONT][/COLOR]
You can't do that in California
Godelsensei replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]Yeah, but it's hard to get consent from a dead person when it comes to such matters. Unless they write, "**** me when I'm gone," in their will, it's not acceptable.[/FONT][/COLOR] -
You can't do that in California
Godelsensei replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]Well this is the last topic I was expecting to pop up. xD Necrophillia is nasty. However, as it's been brought up before, no one physically gets hurt by it, so I think it should be treated more along the lines of mischief. However, it is obviously more serious than spray-painting a wall, as it shows a disregard for the dead who were once active, (hopefully) productive members of society. We owe it to people to ensure they wont be raped once they kick the bucket. I think a (relatively) short jail sentence based on the fact that you're desicrating a human corpse and causing emotional trauma to its relatives should be given, along with (obviously) counseling.[/FONT][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]My school tends to be pretty easy-going when it comes to dress code. It's a BOARD-wide rule that midrifts are not to be visible, and the same goes for "frontal or prosterior cleavage". Skirts and shorts are to come halfway down the thigh, and no swearing, hate-material, or anything that "disrupts a positive learning environment" is allowed. Needless to say, there are still lots of people running about in ho-skirts and tops that don't cover their stomachs, but that usually stops being an issue by some time around the beginning of October. Spaghetti straps are allowed; I never understood how displaying one's shoulders could be considered indecent exposure, anyway, and I guess THE BOARD doesn't either. So, the above and "no hats or gang-related accessories" are really the only restrictions when it comes to dress.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]Actually, those are jutsu, just to clarify. Haruko's guitar is a pretty neat weapon, too, considering the fact that it's a guitar. With a motor-like wind-up cord no less! The sound effects it makes when used to wallop things are pretty "funky" (I hate that word.=_="), too. I want one![/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]I'd go with 8 Man. All signs point towards it, after all.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]Oh boy, there are two of those people on the world, I guess, because I know your friend's mental twin. We did end up getting her into discussions with guidance councelors and she started going to a psychologist, but that didn't really help. Often the person involved is just looking to be a victim of everything because they want attention. She either needs a serious reality check or she has some kind of [i]real[/i] dissorder. I guess I didn't help much, but PM me if you want to know more about what I went through and what I did to try and help my friend.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]America is the only country where a significant portion of the population supports Bush. (You can't say the States doesn't affect the whole world a great deal and that no one else knows anything about what's going on in it.) They're also the only country that relies pretty much entirely on American media. CNN spent two weeks or more bashing Kerry non-stop for his post-Vietnam anti-war sentiments. Then, when it was revealed that Bush skipped out on a sizable portion of his "duty", a certain gentleman I don't remember the name of said something to the degree of, "I'm tired of fussing over 35 years ago. Let's talk about [i]now[/i]." Depite the vagueness (I'm not very familliar with the crew of CNN) of that last sentence, which some one will surely make a fuss about, there's a point in there. CNN has a musical few seconds of screen featuring a logo with the American colours for a section of coverage dedicated to terrorism alone. I doubt Kerry's going to be elected. Just saying...[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]Not to play mod or anything, but I do believe there is an entire thread to do with Yu-Gi-Oh! decks in the Anime Lounge. >_>[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]As response to the question of whether women find it more acceptable for men to be gay than for women to be lesbian, I'll answer that with a simple no. As a female, I don't find it any less appropriate for a woman to sleep with other women than for a man to sleep with other men. I mean, being straight, I find boy-on-boy comic-books great fun to read, but I by no means see lesbians as a "threat" or worry that being around one will result in my being grabbed in unfair places. That would be silly. You're forgetting about the whole "We can do it!" thing.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]Axe is disgusting. I cannot respect any one wearing Axe. Especially after some total morons in my class found a can in the dudes' change room and sprayed our row of lockers with it last year. *considers* They're my friends...but I really wanted to kill them for that. Should I have? Should I at school [i]tomorrow[/i]? Hmmm... Anyway, all girls I know IRL share my sentiments. That's about it for the advice I can give you about cologne. I don't go around sniffing my friends/classmates. xD[/FONT][/COLOR]
What was the most embarrassing moment you had in public...
Godelsensei replied to So-Seductive's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]Probably getting my period in grade six gym class, while wearing thin, white short-shorts. I shudder to think what would have happened if I hadn't been a grade ahead, and if it had happened in grade five, when I would have had a male teacher. It would have been to early in the year for us to have had any sex ed. classes, either. *wince*[/FONT][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New][quote name='Deimos']Well,gay men creep me out.They get a new voice to make them sound very gat and hit on other boys and stuff like that.Sorry to say but that creeps me out big time.But women lesbians......I guess I find that creepy too unless I see that lesbian action in films.But really I don't like both out side of the film.[/quote] Just to clarify, not all gay men walk around with a limp hand saying, "Oh! Gucci [i]shoes[/i]!" And your comment about "lesbian action" in films just confirms the points that have been brought up before. That's why there's so much yurri out there. Being a girl who is friends with guys who like to talk about lesbians because they find the concept "sexy", I agree with Skip's point of exploitation entirely. It has always been more acceptable (in terms of receiving respect) for a man to be gay than for a woman to be lesbian. Even during the Edo period in Japan, it was considered honorable for a man to be homosexual, but I doubt that any one would have thought lesbianism even thinkable, aside from one herself (and if they did, they never would have mentioned it). Maybe that's part of the fun of every one's favourite shounen-ai and yaoi titles; let's exploit [i]them[/i] for a change.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]My favourite keychains both have little plastic ninjas on them. They are way better than all of your keychains combined, and if you disagree, you're just wrong. So there. My friends have keychains from the same Naruto set, and we pit them against each other in mortal combat during geography class. : D (Buggie and I are cool because we don't conform to your list of options. >:^O)[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]Well, there are 19 episodes to go for Hikaru to turn into a crazed WarLady, Skippedry. You just might have to be patient. I have to agree with you about the whole Jeanne d'Arc thing, as it is always cooler to see heroines become as much through openly being, well, heroines. I'm guessing that the rest of her party finds out she's a girl within the next two or three episodes, but who can tell for sure? And, yes, the series is based on either one or a combination of Japanese fairytales. Which is pretty cool in its own right, as far as I'm concerned. Episode seven's scenes of [Spoiler]Urabe and Tsuna[/Spoiler] sure were kawaii, [i]neh[/i]?^^ I'm looking forward to seeing more of Mansairaku.[/FONT][/COLOR]