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Everything posted by Godelsensei

  1. White bread is bleached to look that way, just so you know. It can be bad for you. Also, it doesn't taste like anything. I prefer rye, myself. Eating healthy isn't a "scam". It's common sense. What would you sooner tell your children to eat--a piece of steak, baked potato, some bread, and a salad or a McDonald's burger and fries? They're essentially the same thing--beef, vegetables, bread and potato--but one isn't packed full of salts and fats your body doesn't need, in order to make it last longer. (Hence, "preservatives".) If this wasn't the case, you could likely get by on an all-burger diet just fine. But it's not just the burger you're eating. The food you consume affects not only your weight and other physical attributes/processes, but your mind as well. You can almost instantly tell the difference between a kid with health-conscious parents and one who's been raised on pop-tarts and hot dogs. One of them will be better at concentrating and getting along and generally being calm and rational. After my aunt and uncle replaced a lot of the less wholesome foods from my cousin's diet, he was like a different child altogether. The most important thing is to not buy into just any "health food" label. You have to pay attention to what you're eating. Why fill your body with manufactured, chemical junk when you could be filling it with a perfectly natural bit of junk you made yourself that wont have any negative effects on your body, aside from a bit of weight gain?
  2. Every one who can properly call themselves human has a bit of art in them. It's the one thing that separates us from the animals, that makes us more than a breed of beast that just got really good at surviving. That said, I most [i]enjoy[/i] writing, drawing, and painting. I feel I can best express myself through them, probably because I've practiced them a lot, because I enjoy them. It's a vicious cycle, I guess.
  3. I suppose my dreams aren't all that strange, considering the direction dreams tend to lean in, however I have noticed something about them, in general. In almost all of the dreams I actually remember, I am trying to achieve something (usually reaching a certain place on time). I'll start off heading there, but then end up having to undergo some hideous effort to make it at all, checking the time constantly, knowing I'm already too late. For instance, I recently dreamt I was on a boat, going to meet some friends of mine at the movies. My father and sister were fishing off the side of the dock (Don't ask me how there was a dock there while the boat was still in motion. >>) when one of them hooked something really big. A giant fish, that looked like some kind of monster piranha, about three meters long, leapt out of the water and nearly pulled my sister in with it. Then, I somehow fell off the boat and ended up having to swim next to this thing. And I was so very, very late. In fact, I don't think I ever got to the movies at all. Also, Fall, I never wake up before hitting the ground. So that whole "always" thing isn't true, I guess. I used to have this recurring dream where I was in Lara Croft's mansion (probably due to my childhood obsession with Tomb Raider, heh), which I always thought was a museum in my dream. I'd leap off the stairs and hit the floor, then manage to get back up again, but all my teeth would be falling out. And I had a lot of teeth. They just kept...falling out of my head. I had that same dream over and over when I was nine or ten. I have no idea what what with it, but hey. I think the most bizarre dream I've ever had was one in which I slit my wrist with a broken beer bottle. I've had dreams in which I killed myself before, but none of them actually involved...dying. In this one, I saw everything go black and started feeling really light-headed and as though nothing really mattered any more. A, "Heh. Well, ****, then," kind of sentiment, I guess. Then, I "died" and woke up. Come to think of it, most of my dreams involve either myself or my friends dying in obscure, spontaneous, frightening ways. Perchance there's something wrong with me? : / Ah well.
  4. Throw your shoes at me and call me crazy, but I'm actually kind of glad. Seeing as I never plan to live anywhere without a proper public transit system, I find it highly satisfactory to see SUV owners suffer. The less gas people use as a result of its rising price-tags, worldwide, the fewer tons of crap that's released into our lovely atmosphere every day. Incidentally, gas prices have just gone over a dollar in my province, Ontario.
  5. So, women were "created" for men, eh? What really gets me here is how, by using the word "created", you just render everything you say afterwards completely negligible and worthless, since it demonstrates a severe inability to be level-headed and logical in any situation, whatsoever. To get back on track, however, this whole issue is a simple demonstration of how most people have absolutely no ability to think for themselves and contemplate why they're really performing certain actions/holding certain beliefs. There is no justification for this. The only reason some one could believe this sort of thing to be acceptable would be a complete deficiency of reason. This is also why it is important that socially developed societies maintain a clear view of real problems within themselves and throughout the rest of the world. We have hunger, we have poverty, and we have two dudes having sex in a barn. I really don't see how the third trumps the first two for relevance.
  6. Why should one property owner have the right to hold back the development of an entire community? If your house is in the way of progress and you're being offered a nice sum for it, it's really quite backwards to demand the government pay some ridiculous amount of dollars to wrap a road or school [i]around[/i] it, as oppose to just through where it used to be.
  7. Ostracizing some one and rumor-spreading are both forms of bullying. Didn't you ever see those videos in elementary school? They're both malicious and belittling and, therein, mean.
  8. If people had enough respect for others and humanity at large to simply not bully any one, no one would need to be "prepared" for it. That said, bullying some one is different from being "tough", if you will, on your younger sibling. My parents cut my sister a lot more slack than I do, so it may seem like I'm being awful, but I don't ell her she's a worthless piece of crap or hurt her physically. If you're a bully, you're a jackass, plain and simple. There's no getting around it. It's as simple as that.
  9. Godelsensei


    Fate, if you're talking about something spiritual, doesn't exist. There is no way to know for certain what is going to happen tomorrow. However, the thing that a lot of people use to justify their belief in fate goes something like this: [i]You were going to make that choice. That's why it happened.[/i] I am going to say whatever I am going to say tomorrow, but it's not predetermined. Fate seems to turn into a kind of hindsight, which is rather ironic.
  10. Hey: ketchup and eggs go almost as well together as maple syrup and everything. : O I guess some people would find putting wasabi on chocolate chip cookies weird, but if you try it, it really isn't: it just tastes so damn good. *eyebrows* Being unconventional with condiments can be quite rewarding, actually. For instance, instead of mayo, use olive oil or vinaigrette when mixing tuna. It gives it a very pleasant texture and taste. : )
  11. Seeing as you posted this in the A Lounge, I'm assuming you--and correct me if I'm wrong--watch Full Metal Alchemist. [i]That isn't alchemy.[/i] Also, kiddo, if you honestly believe you can turn lead/urine/babies into gold, all the more power to you, but I wouldn't go around [i]trying[/i], you know?
  12. French units are always heartily obscure and specific, as well. You have your BT corn, your movie make-up, your [i]fourmis[/i], your aliens coming to Earth to learn about Quebec's schools. None of it is at all useful, of course, when it comes to conversation. So you can sing a song about ants working together to make the queen happy. If some one came up to me and started spewing that kind of ****, I'd call the cops. >_>;;
  13. You don't choose to be an atheist in the same way you don't choose to stop believing in Santa Claus or fairies. I can't believe in God or the afterlife, because [i]they simply don't exist[/i]. I find it bizarre that any one [i]could[/i] believe in them. And I must say I find it incredibly lame of you to assume that just because some one finds divinity false in its entire concept, they have no reason to live a meaningful life. Life is about enjoying yourself, making a difference to the people around you. It's about achieving what you want to achieve, simply because it's something you can be proud of. If you get too caught up in the idea of an afterlife, you'll never take advantage of your [i]life[/i]. [spoiler]Also, it was the religious folks who thought they were the center of the universe, if I remember correctly? I believe they sentenced our pal Galileo to house arrest for suggesting otherwise.[/spoiler] No one is the center of the universe, unless you are Zaphod, and that's only sometimes. Nothing you've suggested about "the atheist mind" holds any degree of legitimacy because, well [i]it's not true[/i]. Tch. My god, and there's nothing painful about it, either, unless you're some kind of hopeless loser who must needs cling to the thought that there's a little bit of magic in the world to cope with the fact that their new houseplant just wilted a little bit.
  14. Guilt. I have a [i]huge[/i] guilty conscience. I lose sleep over it, even though I'm aware a lot of what I feel guilty for isn't really something that should haunt me for more than ten seconds every seventeen years. I have this annoying way of remembering all sorts of things that the people I inflicted them upon have probably forgotten. This actually contributes to the other emotion I feel most often: embarrassment. I'm self conscious about things that happened years ago, that no one else remembers. It's like I can't get over all the stupid things I've done. -_-;
  15. More people should dress this way. Clothing is too simple these days. We need more lace! I'm a big fan of this style. It's simply...elegant. And far from tasteless, like so many non-mainstream veins of fashion. I'd love to dress this way, but I fear I would simply be a mockery of it. (Also, my mother is so conservative when it comes to clothing, she'd probably refuse to be seen with me. Tch. *rolls eyes*) I actually like this style best when mixed with simpler, more worldly articles of clothing. For instance, a fancy dress, covered in bows, lace, and with a lot of bodice, accompanied by a jean jacket. It's somehow more interesting than right mundane or right Gothic. Come winter, I hope to add some more elegant pieces of clothing to my wardrobe, since cold weather allows for layers without boiling. : )
  16. I was looking for Dragon Ball screenshots and came across the[b]Otaku[/b]. I remember the words, "Bulma LOVES theOtaku.com!" being written in a very endearing way next to a little picture of Bulma. Anyway, I took some of the quizzes, browsed through the forums, but never joined. Then, I got a myOtaku account fairly early on in the game and, a few months later, joined OB, because all the kids were doing it. D: Since then, I have achieved such great feats as having set Shin on fire, like, seventeen times, poked fun at Azure's sexuality, like, seventeen thousand times, and dared our lovely administrator to buy a bra from a vending machine while she's in Japan. (She hasn't addressed this dare, yet, however, despite my having repeated it three times already. >_>)
  17. When I sat through the interview for the job I'm doing at a summer camp towards the end of this summer, the interviewer asked... [b]1.[/b] We are on a trip to Niagara Falls. A kid jumps over the railing, into the falls. What do you do? [i]Nothing.[/i] [b]2.[/b] I say to go smack that kid over the head. Do you do it? [i]No.[/i] [b]3.[/b] Have you ever beaten your sister senseless? [i]No, but I did lock her inside a closet once.[/i] [i]That's okay. Sometimes I want to lock her inside a closet, too.[/i] (He knows my sister. >_>;;) And, of course, the most important question of all: [b]4.[/b] Can you make coffee? [i]No.[/i] [i]Then learn.[/i] A different sort of job, perhaps, but being receptive to the interviewer's sense of humor, even if it's hopelessly lame, is probably something to remember.
  18. ...I like Tom Cru--er, [i]Cloose[/i]. [spoiler]xD[/spoiler] Punk'd has always irritated me. Breaking a car for no reason other than to piss Lindsey Lohan off comes across as pretty stupid.
  19. That's not a "four corner pulled together", it's a bulging vein. I bet you spent all this time thinking of a way to describe it, too. I bet you sat there thinking, "I do say, I wonder what that thing there is?" I bet you've lost over a week's worth of sleep over it, total. Seriously, man, get a life. [spoiler]*pinches your cheeks* : P[/spoiler] Have you ever watched an episode of Star Trek? I think those kids use about two and a half plot devices throughout the entire series. Tch. *rolls eyes*
  20. [quote name='Lore][color=#6699CC']I cannot comprehend that any parent would send their child to a place like this. [/color][/quote] It should be grounds for legal insanity and, therein, incompetence. It's abuse, plain and simple. They should have their children removed from their custody, since they've clearly demonstrated they don't love them enough to treat them like human beings.
  21. For purely artistic reasons, I find censorship vile. You cannot wage a war against art. It's simply the epitome of uncool. It would make more sense for broadcasters to consider their audience. Play potentially offensive material later on in the day. After all, there are very few eight year olds who would be interested in listening to MM or watching Sex & the City. If it weren't for marketers trying to cram as much material down young children's throats as possible, there'd be a lot more integrity left in the world of entertainment. It's funny, actually, because, until WW2 or so, children were basically ignored as a consuming demographic. I guess that's progress for you.
  22. See, this is why no one should be allowed to reproduce without first passing an exam to determine whether or not it would be better for the world to just break their ovaries/testicles and be done with it. Honestly, if I ever met some one in charge of a camp like this or some one who had sent their child to one, I would give them the beat-down with a cattle-prod and a rolled-up porn mag.
  23. I share a birthday with [b]George Lucas[/b]. If you were wondering, you can't [i]beat[/i] that.
  24. Comic Party's a great series. The animation isn't the most beautiful thing on this earth and the voices/character designs may not be more inspired than Dali, but I really love most things about it. It's cute, genuinely funny, and overall fun. (Like a younger Genshiken, only less "hentai is everywhere!!!") The use of a very stereotypical, wide-eyed art style works wonders in this anime. It re-emphasizes the series' point, as a whole: it's an anime, of a manga, about a doujinshi. Because of this, the characters act the way they would, were they in a typical anime series, only on purpose. Most of Taishi's lines, along with the whole, "You just hit me with a bat full of nails!" bit are quite charming in this way. Which brings me to another point: Taishi. My god. Sexiest man alive. And he has a great voice. "MAI BROTHER AND-O MAI SISTA." It's details like that that make Comic Party a truly great endeavor. Especially when one's first tongue is English and you can hear just [i]how[/i] lame some of the poor guy's catch-phrases are. I spent $64 on the first two DVDs, along with the collector's edition box, so you could say I [b]frigging adore[/b] this series. (Also, I do believe I effectively introduced our hero, Skippedry, to it, though I am unaware as to whether she actually watched it or not.) [b]Edit:[/b] Before posting in the new Comic Party thread, I searched for an old one, not remembering if one had happened or not. I didn't find one, so don't think I'm stupid for repeating myself. xD;;
  25. Strange as it may seem, I often feel disappointed when a more whimsical series is not coupled with whimsical scenery. It can add a certain charm to the whole world the story is taking place in. This applies mostly to kids' shows, of course. However, I agree with Skip: the backgrounds in anime series [i]are[/i] really, really sweet. Even people who couldn't give two craps about the anime itself notice: [i]Dad walks into room.[/i] "Wow, that forest looks really realistic." [i]Dad leaves room.[/i] I think this could be a product of how "under-animated" most anime is. Comparing most anime to most North American cartoons, you'll find there's a lot more movement in the latter. The background tends to play a more active role in the scene: people run through it or the trees sway in the wind; clouds roll across the sky; cars are more frequently featured in it at all. And when things are required to actually [i]move[/i] in animation, they're drawn in a less "photorealistic" way, to make them easier to, well, animate. Ever known exactly what was going to happen in an old Disney movie because one part of the scenery was brighter than the others? Also, it's because whimsicalness appeals to children, the target audience of North American cartoons. (Most of them, anyway.)
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