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Everything posted by Godelsensei
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]Sasuke-kun! *grabs you by the lapels and shakes you back and forth* [Spoiler]WE DO SEE SHINO'S DAD. Sheesh. He saves Shino's life. What I meant was that we haven't been given his back-story yet. I guess I stated it poorly. If he's the last of his clan, that can simply mean that he is the youngest, and the only one who will be able to pass on the Aburame bloodline. It doesn't mean that he's in the same situation as Sasuke and Naruto. Maybe it was just a small clan to begin with or something...>_> [/Spoiler] As far as Hinata goes, I would like to see her relationship with [Spoiler]Hiashi developed. It's obvious that they do not have a positive connection.[/Spoiler] I would like to see Ten-Ten play more of a role, as well. After all she's [Spoiler]The All-Powerful Neji's only friend. At least, it would seem that she is...after all, she's the only one who really talks to him.[/Spoiler] Any one who has been subjected to my fanart will know how Neji x Ten-Ten obsessed I am.^^"" So, perhaps my thoughts are rather biased... I want to find out more about Neji and Hinata's relationship, as well. [Spoiler]It seems to me like Hinata is genuinely afraid of him, even though we really haven't been given an example of why. Even before the exam incident, where he tried to kill her (I'll never forgive him for that, despite his coolness), it was like she was afraid of him due to some prior event...[/Spoiler] But that's just my opinion.[/FONT] [Spoiler]AIYA!!!!! Lee-kun!!! *jumps around* I was so worried he was gonna die!! T_T He better whup Kimimaro's ***.[/Spoiler] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]Hahaha... I want to find out who [Spoiler]that woman who follows Kakashi around at intervals is[/Spoiler]. I mean...Who is she? Where did she come from? And what does she want with [Spoiler]Kakashi[/Spoiler]?!?! @_@ The thing about Shino is that, unlike most of the characters, [Spoiler]he has no tragic past that we're aware of. He's such an awesome character concept, but, for some reason, Kishimotto-sensei doesn't use him as such.[/Spoiler] What makes Shino awesome: [Spoiler]- The bugs! He's like a freaking Vermin Lord!! : D[/Spoiler] - The sunglasses. Very sexy. *_* - The quotations. - The collar. Almost as sexy as the glasses. - The personality. - Everything. As far as seeing the parents goes...I wonder if they're going to develop [Spoiler]Shikamaru's parents more than they were in the manga. They already introduced Shikamaru, Chouji and Ino's dads early, so it makes you wonder... My bet is that they make his mother even more histerical. :laugh: [/Spoiler] I want to find out who [Spoiler]Lee's[/Spoiler] parents are. I mean, [Spoiler]we see Shikamaru's family, know about Hinata & Neji's, know what happened to Naruto & Sasuke's, we see Ino's dad, Ino's mom is addressed. Sakura's mom yells upstairs to her, Chouji's dad has a chapter or two, Shino's father is in the manga... But what about Lee? And Ten-Ten for that matter! >_>[/Spoiler] *thinks*[/FONT][/COLOR]
The Seperation of Church and State
Godelsensei replied to PrincessGoneral's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]To amble back to the original subject matter of this thread... Religion-based prisons and childcare centers. Let's start off by reminding ourselves that the purpose of prisons is "not to punish, but to rehabilitate", as a certain individual I know would say. When you commit a crime, you commit it against the state. I say this because there are so many different religions with different teachings. Though the laws of the state, and those of religion often meet (i.e. Thou shalt not kill), they don't as a rule. For instance, adultery is not a crime. However, in certain theocratic governments, it is punishable by death. By stoning. What is most chilling about this is that rape vicitms are also liable to be punished in this manner. I use this example again because it is an extreme case. Anyway, I seem to have gone off on a tangent, so I will stray back to my original purpose... If the idea is to provide a "more leniant environment", you will have many a raised eyebrow across North America (and probably in other areas of the world, too). Is this stating that those who choose to be rehabilitated based on their religious beliefs will be subject to a more pleasant prison environment? Sounds fishy to me. Dealing with criminals is the government's job. Leave the church out of it. As for religious child-care centers? I don't think the government should fund any race- or religion-based schools (or other such organizations, regardless of how moral they are), simply because it takes away from the public system. One system is the way to go. Crimson Spider, you [I]were[/I] implying that religious people are all morally stable in stating that religious rehabilitation institutions reduce violent tendancies. I was about to bring that up, but I had to go...come back and Transtic Nerve's done it already... So I'm just agreeing with him. Let's put it this way: [B]If you want a religion-based government, go live in Iraq.[/B][/FONT][/COLOR] -
The Seperation of Church and State
Godelsensei replied to PrincessGoneral's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]Crimson Spider, are you trying to say that all religious people have a strong sense of morality, as a rule? Or, rather, that they have a sense of morality that is realistic? I am not attacking religious people in a general fashion, but you cannot go about making implacations that 1) all religious people follow a sense of reasonable morals 2) atheists, for the most part, do not. I bring this up because pretty much every deliberate, devistating crime/conflict has been brought about by religion. Is blowing yourself up in order to kill 50 people of a different faith moral in your eyes? I think I understand what you were trying to say, but the way you worded it was rather foolish, to be blunt. I wont even go into gay marriages. *exasperation* But the fact remains that if you were to base government on the Bible, or any other religious book, for that matter, things would go downhill very, very quickly. I agree entirely with Goneral's vinegar x baking soda symale: the two just don't go together.[/FONT][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]Come now, Naruto's shorts are superior to all others. They even have those little lighting-wishbone-thingies on them. : D To tell you the truth, I have seen maybe four actual shorts at most, and I can only remember two of them. However, I never stated that I had a wide range of knowledge concearning said medium. It just so happens that I like She and Her Cat the best out of what I can remember. I don't know why I haven't seen the Animatrix, but I know I never inteded this thread to really have much to do with it, specifically. Funny how things go that way, isn't it? Miyazaki's 'On Your Mark' was very cool, although rather weird. I quite enjoyed it, though I think I need to see it again to refresh my memory. I don't even remember how the song went...>_>[/FONT][/COLOR]
Writing Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Godelsensei replied to Manic Webb's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy [I]was[/I] essentially thrown together. And this is what makes it so wonderful to read. It was written in the way whipped cream is made: to be light, enjoyable in any circumstance, and to make you keep wanting [I]more[/I]. It is packed with delicious little tidbits of humour and serves you so much of the author's mind, it's almost as though you know Adams personally. Marvin was a brilliant addition to the story: the cherry on top, if you'll have it. His existance can almost come across as a statement about something or other, but that would take away from how simply [I]fun[/I] this book is. Needless to say: I love whipped cream. : D[/FONT][/COLOR] -
The Seperation of Church and State
Godelsensei replied to PrincessGoneral's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]Obviously, due to the diversity of religious beliefs among American citizens it is simply illogical to base any form of the government (other than such statements as "thou shalt not kill", which would probably be stuck in there anyway) on religion. Even if America were not as diverse as it is, it still would be a highly negative thing for the constitution to revolve around religious statements. Take the Middle East for example. Many countries' governments are basically what is written in the religion of the area. This is what results in rape victims being stoned to death instead of their attackers being brought to justice (this isn't something I made up, BTW). It just doesn't work. Based on the information given, it seems as though Florida's government is all but stating that any one who is not, in fact, Christian has no place in the governmental staff. I shouldn't need to explain how utterly wrong this is, as I know (based on seperate threads) that we are all (almost all) reasonable people here.[/FONT][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]Chibbi, your former friend disgusts me. My day? Well, I woke up, ate an apple, went on the computer for...nine hours. And now it's...now. I've been bored to tears all day, as no one is online most of the time, and I have nothing to do. Ryuu-kun is right: I need video games.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]"They have not been awaken." That's "awakened", Chunky the Doughnut Slayer. I sure hope you weren't referring to yourself: I would have to lose alot of respect for you, if you were. Anyway, it's very cool, though it drones on a bit towards the end. I think you could compress it a little to get a more "short and sweet" effect. Don't mind me, I'm just a friendly reminder...[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]Well, r2vq, I'm sorry to say that I cannot actually show you the dance, as I have no idea where you are. However, if you turn on some music (anything really, as long as it's as cool as Shino), and move according to your opinion about Shino, you should achieve the Shino dance.^_^ It's really kind of funny having people call you "Sensei". *chuckle* As for the bugs thing? That is the best attribute Shino has! As annoying as I find insects, the thought of having chakra-sucking little insects inside of you, that you can control at will, is just utterly utterly uber.^^ And the sunglasses! *swoon* I love those sunglasses! And the collar and everything that is Shino!^^ His hair's cool, too, in its own puffy, spikey way. : D Shino's a vermine lord! Woot! Know what'd be cool??? If he could get the bugs to come out of his MOUTH.^_^ Like in The Mummy...*thinks about that for a while*[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]I recently finished Gunslinger Girl (the anime), and I must say, the ending was surprising. But it was surprising in a wonderful, uplifting way. It wasn't what you would expect from a series of this nature, and, quite honestly, I thought it was beautiful. [Spoiler]I mean, what better way to end a series than to have all the characters start singing up to the stars? And in German, at that![/Spoiler] Now, that, my friends, is what I like to reffer to as True Majesty. *draws majesty around Gunslinger Girl* And, as always, Triela just has this way of being utterly awesome.^^[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]If I created an anime? This is sort of a tricky question for me to answer, because my tastes tend to be incredibly "out there". If I ever created an anime, I would preffer to focus on more psychological aspects of characters and storylines than actual events. It's just more fun that way. I wouldn't want to stick the characters in an alternate universe, or overly-futuristic time period. I guess you could say that I'd want to create a story that takes place now, in a world just like ours in every way, though I would avoid giving the place it took place in an actual name at all costs. As far as I'm concearned, you don't need to give a city a name for it to have a personality--it's more fun when you can take guesses as to what the place was based on, or which actual place it is meant to be. I would definately have a character named Akiko, as that is the best name ever. As for plot? Something internet-based would be cool. Perhaps I would focus on the individual lives of a group of people who assosciate over the 'net. I have written a few stories like this out of boredom...it's a neat concept to work with. I think the most important thing is to be unique, however. As some one stated earlier, trying to fit into a specific genre can really screw a story up.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]For paint, yes! you are doing "pretty good". However, there's only so far you can go with such primitive software. I'll tell you a secret: there are tons of places where you can download Photoshop...*whisper* That is, unless you have this strong set of moral values...it would seem that I am evil in that way.>_> Sorry for not actually rating your banners...[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]My friend, Gil, wrote a bomb threat once. He's such a moron, it's unbelievable. Luckily, no one took it seriously. We still mock him for it to this day, though... "You know, like the time Gil wrote that bomb threat..."[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]Several months ago, a little girl was abducted. I am not sure if this case is common knowledge in the states (I'd doubt it), or even throughout all of Canada. This girl was a student in fourth grade. She attended the same elementary school as myself, and was in the same special ed programm, with the same teacher as I had. Needless to say, this had a gigantic impact on the school, my peers and myself. Not to mention the neighborhood. Living in a metropolis, one gets used to constantly hearing the sirens of police cars. However, though the crime rate is not increasing, the per cent of crimes involving guns is. Nearby my home and school, seven or eight people have been shot. These shootings all took place at a plaza [I]directly across the street from the school I would have gone to if I hadn't transfered schools[/I]. Luckily, no one I knew was involved in any of these shootings. However, I did know the girl who was abducted. Well, it's not so much that I knew her, but that I knew who she was. I remember her constantly coming to the office when my friend and I were on office duty, because she needed bandaids. She fell down alot. When I saw her picture in the paper, under the headline, "LOCAL GIRL ABDUCTED", my stomach did flip flops. I felt as though I might have thrown up. Because it wasn't just [I]the pretty little girl with the crinkly eyed smile[/I], as the Globe put it. It was Dong Yue--Cecilia. [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New][QUOTE=SasukeUchiha]Better to put it int he tag, than suffer the wrath of us fanboys/girls for giving us a possible spoiler lol. [/QUOTE] Sasuke-kun, I can't tell if you're speaking on behalf of all the fanboys and girls, or just yourself. Ahaha... That was the stupidest argument ever, neh? [Spoiler]Yes! Shino should have become a Chuunin! Shino should have more air time! His entire design is the combination of some of the sexiest traits a guy can have. Not to mention he's intellectual, and has bugs living inside of him! BUGGIES!! Eeheeheehee...*does the Shino dance*[/Spoiler] *ahem*[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New][QUOTE=AnonymousSource]Good Lord Farto... quit complaining! I mean... just cus you suck doesn't mean you can blame the system;) In all honesty... there's the problem with being in a hack and slash group... they never think at all! But hey... we get some good laughs here and there...[/QUOTE] Yeah, Mike (Your name *is* Mike, right? Seriously: you've never actually TOLD me your name, even though I keep asking. I'm never calling you Farto. Anyway...) that's...I don't even remember what your friend was replying to. I'll just leave it, then..._ _U Anyhoo, as far as group types go, my campaigners vary. They go from being intelligent thorough-thinkers to "Who can kill the most commoners in fifteen strikes?!!?" I was very pleased with how Goneral actually remembered that she had a little magical item that could be used to defeat a Flesh Golem (I know about the magic-resistance thing, BTW...heheheh...heheheh...AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! *ahem*). Confusing the crap out of your players is always fun. Especially when they come to you and say, "I DIDN'T THINK YOU WERE THAT EVIL!! I HATE YOU!!" Once again: ahem. Chibi, your character looks very cool, though somewhat disproportioned. I see you played an urban RPG. I don't know whether to laugh and call you a wuss or ask what kind of magical items you used. >_>
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]My favourite anime short, thus far, is She and Her Cat. I can't remember the name of the director at the moment, but I do love this little short oh-so-very-much. Within four minutes and forty-four seconds, it makes you love the little kitty (and his owner, too). The story, while told in a cryptic fashion, is obvious and practical. It's practical, every day stuff, but from the point of view of an affectionate cat. Being a cat person, myself, I appreciated this little work boundlessly. What's your favourite anime short?[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]Well, I just watched the first episode of said series, and I must say: despite its outlandishness, I love it so. The opening theme is simply [I]magnificently random[/I] (or so it seems now...I'm sure it will make sense later on--like the Narutaru one), and begins with the greatest line in opening theme history (in my opinion). Well, after the random, Lion King-like yelling, that is. [I]"Oh, what a wonderful mushroom cloud in the sky...!"[/I] Pure gold, my friends, pure gold.^_~ As far as animation goes, the style is very appealing (I love the noses), and the movement itself is akin to that of Gunslinger Girl. Which makes sense, seeing as they were made by the same studio. That is, I think they were... The only thing I didn't like was the last shot in the ending theme. It was simply disturbing. O_O But that's just my opinion... Want to know why? Watch it. There is no way to describe it without turning any one off the show for life. I was delighted to see that, in the online messages used, every one's favourite faces were used. [I]Par example[/I], "I was so upset, I stayed up all night crying!!!!!(T_T)". This isn't really a significant aspect of the show, but it just makes it that much more loveable--it's accurate. Also, the main character's working for a toy-making company is pretty cool. Paranoia Agent seemes to be making a statement about the use of cel-phones in Japan. Watch the opening scene, and I'm sure you'll aggree. Well, that and the untrustworthiness of people... >_>
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New][Spoiler]*pictures Yon- and Sandaime playing cards for all eternity* But, wait, they wouldn't have playing cards in limbo (or Naruto's tummy, wherever^^), would they?[/Spoiler] Oooh! Are we hinting at a consperacy here??[Spoiler] [COLOR=Black][FONT=Verdana] [I]The relationship between Naruto and Yondaime has been hinted at, but what is the true relationship? Father sonr? Or... Father Father?[/I][/FONT][/COLOR] Father-father? What are you suggesting?? That Naruto and Yondaime are each other's fathers? Or was that a joke? Back on track: Yes, it is entirely unreasonable to believe the innitial explanation that, "Naruto's parents died fighting the Kyuubi." Why? Because one doesn't immediately go off and fight a supernatural menace after having a baby. Naruto's father could have been killed by every one's favourite fox demon, but his mother? Uh-uh. Perhaps Kishimotto-sensei wasn't thinking when he stated what had become of Naruto's parents, or maybe it's all part of a bigger plan. If Yondaime was, in fact, Naruto's father, wouldn't every one know? Or maybe no one was supposed to. >_>
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]You know, if you fixed up the lighting, picture quality and font, this banner's layout would be very promising. Why'd you only spend ten minutes if you're not very good? Practise makes perfect, supposedly. Supposedly... Anyway, it's Naruto.^_~[/FONT][/COLOR]
My banner is failing to show itself...
Godelsensei replied to Godelsensei's topic in Help & Feedback
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New][QUOTE=Dagger IX1]A staff member would have PMed you if he/she found your banner offensive and chose to remove it, so you don't really need to worry about that. Anyway, I was referring to the fact that your signature features two red Xs rather than the usual one (or hopefully none >_>). ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] Whaa?? I can't see any Xs at all. This is getting very weird. I think I'll just make a new signiature from scratch and see how that works. Thanks for being there to support me in my time of distraught...ness, Skippedry. T_T[/FONT][/COLOR] -
My banner is failing to show itself...
Godelsensei replied to Godelsensei's topic in Help & Feedback
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New][QUOTE=Dagger IX1]Well.... I don't think you're allowed to have two banners. ^_^;; I'm not sure if that has anything to do with your particular problem, but you should probably take it into consideration. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] I mean I tried one, then tried another. I wasn't sure if the first one was deleted for being offensive...^^"" Eheheh... [/FONT][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]Wow! You've got a fairly original style going there, as far as lines go--and the colouring is superb! It's just right: not too detailed, not too plain. In fact, it makes me want to go read your web comic.^^ Very nice.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]The one thing that really bugs me about this piece is the font. It's very...out of place. Courier New ( ;) ) or something a little more modern would suit the gist of the banner better. I would work on the background and save quality a bit--some of the colours are rather out of whack. It's good for a first-time, but I highly recomend brightening and sharpening the subject of the banner. It's no fun when you can't see Megaman properly, now is it? ^_^[/FONT][/COLOR]