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Everything posted by Godelsensei
[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]You could accuse me of being a nerd for it, but one of the things I find the most intruiging is the use of slang. Although I don't know why... Every society (online or off) has its own way of speaking, its own inside jokes, and its own expressions unique to it. Cliques have their own slang, entire schools or workplaces have their own slang. Every forum seems to have its own little bit of flavour, unique to it. Simply out of curiosity: what are a few commonly-used slang-terms by you and your group of friends, school, neighborhood etc... ? My group of (incredibly geeky--*nyah*) friends uses some of the following (I don't know any one else who says these things specifically): "Dude, that's, like, woah." (
[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]I have not seen this ad, and probably never will, as I not only do not watch television, but don't live in America. However, based on the information you have provided, I find the nature of this ad completely immoral. I have not actually seen it, so I don't know how the footage was presented, but I find it unbelievably sleezy and heartless to exploit such a tragic loss of life to simply (try to) boost your campaign. And the eternal question: [I]Why does this man persist in making an *** of himself?[/I] (I'd preffer it if no one used the above comment to start a flame war. This isn't about Bush-bashing...i'ts about morals in advertisement.) (Yes, I know that I shouldn't have stated that, knowing the above is the case, but I couldn't help myself.^^")[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
The Final Word...should parents have it?
Godelsensei replied to Godelsensei's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]As movie ratings go "up here", your NC-17 is pretty much the equivalent of our 18-A (aside from the one-year age discrepancy). Speaking of Kill Bill: Oh, how I regret not finding a way to see it in theatres. I am hearing so many wonderful things about it. :( Heh, maybe I sort of contradict my original point through my nature alone, but I don't think any one has any business bringing their small child to see a movie full of non-stop violence. It's simply inapropriate.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]Until you have been forced to take a hands-on IQ test, you know not the aggravations of testing. I tend to get quite bored during tests, unless I am nervous (always during math tests, hense my forgetting everything and failing), and usually zip through them as fast as possible. Needless to say: I don't get very good marks. If you mean by "too much testing" that teachers often throw a term-test at you after simply brushing upon a subject, or that exams (which I will have to start taking next year, unless I fail the grade) are too long and frequent, then I guess I see where you're coming from. However, what ChibiHorsewoman said is legitimate: tests are a way to make sure we understand the material. My only problem is I figure out what I'm supposed to know after the test--before that, I just kind of sit around drawing, not completing my homework, and talking in class. Heh. It's the explaining the constant stream of 50%'s to the parents that makes me bitter towards the concept, though. At least they don't hand us blocks and demand we construct paterns from them, based on the mediums presented on their various faces. Then they have the nerve to [I]not give us our intelligence quotas[/I]. Damn them...[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
The Final Word...should parents have it?
Godelsensei replied to Godelsensei's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]Okay, I think the nature of this post was inverted somewhere along the lines. I am not talking about over-protective parents. No, not the people who are loving and care for their children enough to place restrictions on them. I'm talking about the parents who agree to let their children see/take part in things that are simply inappropriate for a child of their age. I'm not whining about early curfews and whatnot. If there is material that is clearly inappropriate for a child's eyes, then the parent should not be given the right to purposely expose their son/daughter to it. Same for the kind of parent that ChibiHorsewoman brought up: the apathetic kind. Perhaps I worded the original post poorly...[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]As every (or at least most, I should hope) parent would like to imagine, they are given the right to have the final word when it comes to what kind of media their child is exposed to. This means that while some children will not be allowed a video game console of their own, others spend all their free time playing shoot-'em-up games. Similarly, some children are left in the dark when it comes to how intensely offensive and violent the media can be, while others revel in it constantly. In most cases it seems entirely appropriate to let the parent decide what their child is prepared to see and take part in, however, there are some instances when it seems parents do a rather bad job of making judgements. As I see it, my parents are neither over-protective when it comes to the media--I am allowed to watch R-rated movies, as they seem to understand I don't like chainsaw massicurs--nor are they overly passive. Though some parents are, in my opinion, far too restricting when it comes to what they allow even their teenagers to see, there is another extreme. With the release of the recent film, The Passion of Christ (was there a second 'the' in there somewhere??o.o), have come news stories entailing how parents brought their children, from ages [I]as young as six[/I] to view this film, as it was merely rated 18-A. As is widely known, Mel Gibson's flick is incredibly gorey--I have heard it described as a two-hour beating. One lady actually died of a heart attack after watching it. Do you believe that parents should have the right to bring their children to a film of this nature? Or, in a more general view, do you think they should be allowed to truly have the final say to what their child can and cannot take part in? In my opinion, parents should not have the right to expose their children to media of this nature, nor should they be allowed to determine whether or not it is safe for their child to live in a home with a large, aggresive dog. In my eyes it is a form of emotional abuse. In yours? Hey, this was my 100th post. Do I get a million dollars, or a goldfish or something?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] :all:
[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]Wow, this thread is just one big spoiler, isn't it?^^ Not to mention the dimensions got thrown off by something...could it be that some one decided to make a rather wide row of underscores??_ _U Anyway, I think Claes is definately one of my favourite characters, though Rico and Triela are, of course, still my favourites. I never liked Elsa very much, though I guess that's what was intended. I don't want to ruin anything for any one though, at least no more than I already have, so I will...use the spoiler tag!^_^ [Spoiler]I was very shocked when Henrietta made her statement to Jose: Love me or I'll kill you. Then, I'll kill myself. I honestly thought she had done herself in, and I was terrified. We're finally getting into the Ponochio mentality here though: why can't I be a real girL? Would Jose-san love me if I were a real girl? I was also very surprised to hear Jose's statement about Henrietta in episode 11. "It is a very limmited amount of love that I can give her." Or something to that effect.[/Spoiler] Needless to say, I love this show.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
Godelsensei replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]I'm sorry for not being able to care about your senselessness and childish tears that wash away any desire I had to stay here beside you. I think I used to look up to you. Nevertheless, it's akin to a heavy burden lifted from metaphorical shoulders on the hypothetical trek up a mountain.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]If I have them availible, I will watch episodes, and watch episodes and watch episodes. If I borrow a spindle of discs containing a completed series from some one, you can be assured that I will sit in front of the computer for endless hours, taking everything in. This is what I did with Kenshin, Scrapped Princess, Escaflowne, alot of Naruto, and the portions of other series that were already availible for downloading, at least. And Inuyasha as well, come to think of it...along with half of Cowboy Bebop. I think this is the kind of thing that drives people to saying I "watch too much anime"--perhaps I just don't know when to stop.^^" I got through Scrapped Princess is two days, though I would have in one, had my mother not forced me to stagger into the sunlight for a few moments over Christmas break. I watched the last 18 episodes of Kenshin in one day, as soon as I was able to get them working (it takes two things to be an avid downloader: patience, and alot of codecs). I think I got through Escaflowne in three--it was during the week, so I had less throw-away time to squander. Perhaps some people will find this borderline sick, but I enjoy the series I watch alot more this way. I download episodes of currently-running shows weekly, and I must say: I cannot stand the wait. I spend my week ranting about not being able to see episode (insert number here), then rejoice as soon as I am able to get my hands (mouse, whatever) on the awaited article of footage. Hense the fact that, every day, I hear something to the effect of, "Get a freaking hobby, you Wapanese troglodite." Only, people try to be nicer about it.[/FONT] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]Nah, Shingetsutan Tsukihime is never going to be dubbed. Seeing as the river of life likes to spite/contradict me incessantly, however, you can sit and *wait* for it to be dubbed tomorrow!_ _U I don't think it's ever going to be brought to North America because there is neither a large fanbase, nor a large population (relatively, of course) of people who have even heard of this beautiful, heart-wrenching, intense, blood-sucking series' name. Same for Narutaru. I hate to think what they would do to it though: the animation would turn off any "mature" dubbies right off the bat, and I don't see how you could edit it to be more for children. Oh, [Spoiler]Akira's just, uh...measuring the width of her arm with a...er...sharp ruler. Yeah...that's right, kids. The JSDF is just sleeping...yeah...[/Spoiler] *dies* Heh. Then again, the fact that it was based on a hentai game might appeal to some audiences. (Shingetsutan Tsukihime, not Narutaru)[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]Hey, Baron--props, yo. Haha...that was good. "Irregardless." I don't want to turn this into a stupid, meaningless post, so I will attempt to provide it with said article. Yes, Skippedry, I remembered your nickname. More importantly: I got your point. *sweatdrop* I could never stand the word "really", myself. It's such a bland emphasis. Nevertheless: I hear it hundreds of times a day. *sigh* Thesaruses are some of my best friends.^_^ Along the lines of grammar: "Got some teeth." I utterly despise this video and song, not only for its sexism, but for its grammar. Well, lack thereof. This is probably why I tend to hate most of the hip-hop I hear. Every time I hear some one use improper grammar, a little bell goes off in my head: :wigout: Well, this was a...fruitless post. I think I made one point though, though it did not exactly adhere to the original intentions of this thread. Funny how things go that way... Now! My cousin is making me watch a spoof of an Outkast video...[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Kinetic][font=Verdana][size=2][color=slategray] I'm one of the only graphic designers left and I unleash my real humor over there (you guys would shun me). [/color][/size][/font][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]Heh. I *highly* doubt that. *maniacal laughter* Shlooooop. Well, I wasn't really expecting these kinds of responses, to be quite honest. So far, two people have said that they are un-nerds, and that this topic is "very interesting". I read the first line of the second response and thought, "I've seen [I]this[/I] before..." I am a traditional geek, bar the striving-academically bit. I am perfectly content to wear away my days (and the condition of my back and eyes) in front of the computer screen. I am happy to do nothing but tell my campaigners off for various things, while pitting various man-eating fungi (you don't know the fun of it until you've DMed *muah*) against 'em for all hours of the night. ^__^ The only un-geek thing about me is that I have a talent for lay-ups. Go figure. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]Reading people's posts and considering what they have replied to, and how so, I've been thinking: what section of the standard "social higharchey" would you consider yourselves to be part of? I guess it's sort of a weird (if not outright dumb_ _U) question to ask, but hey. Even if you honestly don't care (none of us should, really), we all pretty much "fit in" somewhere. I also have noticed a social higharchey online. At the top, of course, are the oldest and most active members and mod.s. Then you go all the way down, through the less interesting/respected/jaded members, right down to the snivveling newbies. Heh. How does your "real life" label diffrentiate from your online one? I, myself, am a complete geek and a slacker/loser when it comes to school and life beyond the computer in general. I don't know where I would fit in online, but I am sure there are many people who would find me irritating._ _U[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]Every one knows that we all go through personality changes, depending on what situation we're in. Whether you're at home, at school or anywhere else, you're going to behave differently. Only, I find it interesting that some people can be [I]so[/I] drastically different from place to place. I have friends who are pretty much the same everywhere they go, regardless of who they're around. And then there are those who's personalities reverse themselves as soon as they get home. I was wondering what different people feel happens to them when they experience a shift in scenario. I, for one, find myself extremely surly, whiney and even lazier than usual when I'm at home, with my immediate family. When I'm with my friends I tend to talk extremely fast, about multiple things at once. While smiling. Online, I turn into the evil, self-enfranchising, stuck-up, smart-assed twelve-year-old you guys know me as. Not that I'm not always twelve, mind you. Well, my age changes, of course, but it's static for the purpose of this topic. (if that made any sense, at all) The only things that really hang tight are my laziness and my sarcasm. What a joy I must be to talk to._ _U [I]Hoo-wee, how many times did I type "drastically" up there?? o_o""[/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]That whole bit about psychology majors--gah. That drives me insane. "No, you see...they just have to kill people..." Oh for whatever-diety-you-serve/follow's sake! I don't really have too much against curse words, myself. *whistles innocently* More words I hear *way* too often... [B]Negative[/B] Telling some one that they're too negative about something is like saying, "This sucks, but you should like it anyway, because you have every argument on your side." I can't stand it when people tell you to be optimistic about every single thing in life. I probably just sound bitchy, but you know what I mean, right? You can't look on the positive side of everything, and those who try to just end up being annoying._ _U [B]Cynical[/B] The ability to make accurate observations is often reffered to as cynicism by those who do not have it. Enough said.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Ganging up on one person bites.
Godelsensei replied to Farto the Magic's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]Skippedry: you'd be surprised. I have never encountered bullying first hand, however. Well, maybe a couple of people have tried to bully me, but a mix of apathy and contempt sort of helped me brush them off. Also, the fact that I offered up some drawing advice for them without restraint or irritation seemed to make them feel guilty. Nevertheless, I hate bullies with a passion. There are some people who diserve to be hit over the head with a shovel from behind, and that's just the way things are. I don't care whether you're emotionally secure or not. I guess I'm not really a valid source of advice, as my school experience to this point has probably been different from most, as far as social higharchies go. I am currently part of an anti-bullying demonstration at school (as pathetic as our campaign my be *sigh*), and I don't think any of the tips they give are helpful, aside from stay in a group. Apparently, rolling your eyes is bullying. :rolleyes: [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]Words that I hear too often...hmmm...I guess the one word I hate the most is "supposed". Not as in, "I suppose...", but as in, "You're supposed to be..." Gah. [B]Conformist[/B] Playing by the rules makes you a conformist, enjoying anything that isn't rediculously obscure and irrelevent makes you a conformist, *voting* makes you a conformist...Aiya. I have heard this word far too much in the recent year. It has made me extrordinarily bitter. "You acted in your best intrest: you're a bloody conformist!" Please...just shut up. [B]Racist[/B] This word is *way* too overused. Even if it's usually a joke, people screaming "Racist!" at you for saying something that has nothing to do with ethnicity really gets to you after a while. It seems that if you say something rude to some one who isn't of the same race as you (and, interestingly enough, is not white), you are, in fact, a racist. For instance: If I were to say to one of the 500--that's about 80% of the students--Asian people at my school, "You piss me off." I would never hear the end of it. Once again: please shut up. Well, those are two that are constantly used out of place, and too lightly. Racism is evil, plain and simple. Extreme and unbending conformity is also a negetive thing, unless it cums too speelingg etc... It seems that alot of people don't know what these words mean any more, though. :nope: Edit: On "insecurity". [I]Well[/I], I don't care if a bully is insecure or not, there's still no excuse for hurting some one. Alleged emotional issues are too often used as excuses for treating people badly, or doing stupid things. I have experienced this first hand quite recently (and frequently), and, to be frank, I don't care. Gah! So this bully's insecure? Good--well, bad--for them. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]My favourite anime quotes? Hoo-wee, I have tons of quotes I *love*, as I am a quote-ish kind of individual. Some of my favourites... Kaoru: "Don't randomly state things that defy logic!!" Misao: "Wow...Southern Europeans are smaller than I thought..." This was so priceless. I dispare to think what the dubbers might have done to it. *sigh* And, though it's not a qutoe, and more of a conversation... Kankurou: You're an interesting guy! I like you.^^ Naruto: ... You're not an interesting guy. I don't like you. That truly was the greatest. *maniacal laughter*[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]I made Kenshin cosplay using nothing but fabric, two needles, one spool of thread and a pair of nail scissors. And every one was all, "OMFG. You're so cool. What are you, a ninja?" Me: ... Personally, I think subjecting your children to the taunts that will undoubtidly come with being named "Goku" is sick. Fine, naming them names that exist, and happen to go with anime characters is fine (my dad wanted to name me Suzie--you know, the Calvin and Hobbes character? Calvin and Hobbes kicks ***, BTW). Shinta, Kaoru, things like that. But...otherwise, no. Just...no. [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[quote name='"Wasabi'] Heh, any anime involved with guns, weapons, whatever, influences me even to join the army. [/quote] [COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]O_O Aiya. You American's really scare the ******* out of me sometimes. As far as influence from anime, I guess I have been influenced by the advice given by every mangaka: if you want to draw, you have to love drawing, and do nothing but draw. As some of you may or may not know, I [I]do nothing but draw[/I]. It's the only thing I ever really liked doing (as something coming from myself), aside from writing. Similarly, it's the only thing I find myself very good at. Heh. As much as I would love to make a living off of publishing comic books , I think my best hopes for a career would be writing. I guess manga has influenced me in the fact that I get so involved with the stories I love the best. If you can make people love your characters, and believe they exist, you really can live off of your hobby. Cool, neh? So it's not the anime and manga itself, but the talented people who produce it.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]I've been told on numerous occasions, by adults, that they feel embarassed, mis/uninformed or inadequate when talking to me. I don't know whether this is a compliment or just a statement announcing that I am mean. I've been described as "wise" and "level-headed" by online friends my age, who often come to me for advice. I don't know why though, as I am immature in the fact that I pretty much live behind my moniter. I often find myself telling my friends to take a different approach to what they're doing, but end up being ignored until it's too late. Gah. Then again, I can be a smart-assed, contemptuous, self-absorbed little kid sometimes. :p [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE=JazzLady22] Triella is my favorite, too, Goden-sensei! [/QUOTE] [COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]Yay! Triela's the best.^_^ I love how she guilt-trips that guy for not making contact with his daughter just by talking to him. She's more of an individual than the rest of them, so I guess her personality is refreshing. "Why the hell do I have to come while he takes a piss?!" Haha...that was funny. "They're just cramps. Because [I]somebody[/I] had to make me run..." ^_^[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]So you guys *do* call it "The Revolutionary War"! Ahaha... History classes are bound to be biased. Sometimes, it's hard to tell in who's favour. One minute it's "Britain is great, Britain is good!" The next it's all, "Vive le France!" Aiya. We never get very far in history class. We just recently began WW2. It seems they are more interested in making us design "concept posters" than actually discussing the material. I guess you don't have the whole France-Britain thing in the states, but seeing as you asked, yes, I do think our text books are biased. They are written from a British point of view as far as the War of 1812 goes, but seeing as I don't pay much attention in history class--_ _U--the only thing I remember is reading about how people were tarred and feathered for not creating upheavel against the Brits. Once again: Aiya. o_o We spent about a month on Confederation, resulting in every one wondering the same thing: What the hell is the point of 7/8 of this country?! It's frigging EMPTY. Aside from all the crazy people who choose to perpetually freeze their rears off. There's no hope left for them. *shakes head slowly back in forth* I guess it had something to do with Manifest Destiny, but still...Nunavut has very few practical uses. o.o I hope that helped in some small way._ _U[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]Haha! Ayatsuri Sakon is cool! Though it's horribly cliche and the music isn't that great, I like the opening. And the puppet. It's not the kind of thing I'd typically be able to stand, but I love it so...funny that we seem to be watching all the same things laely. I plan to buy the box set as soon as I get out again. (I rarely leave my house, aside from going to school) ^__^[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]1. Haha...yeah, I was a big Sailor Moon buff, too. Hell, I still have a large Sailor Moon gift bag on display in my room.^_^ Sometimes, you just have to go back to what you loved when you were six years old. There's something pleasantly nostalgic about it. I really started off with (don't laugh at me now) DBZ, though I don't know how I was able to stand the dubb. I must say, I still quite like the original Dragonball manga and have no shame in it. I mean, come on: some things are just hilarious.^^ I still can't believe they tried to aim that stuff at four year olds when they brought it over. Aiya. But...I think it really began back when I saw Totoro, if you wanna go that far. It's kind of funny that, when I think about it, I was a Miyazaki-watching-person before the guy who made me a total anime buff. 2. Hmmm...well, yes. I find I like the dramatic series better, as a general rule, though I love the "kung-fu-action" stuff, too. Psychological-looking stuff is always what jumps out at me. I guess that's kind of why I'm such a huge Naruto fan. It's action-packed, rude, heart-warming, psychological and NINJAS all at the same time! :D I now find myself looking for depth in what I watch, as oppose to just saying, "ALL ANIME IS THE BEST!!! YOU WILL LOVE IT!!!" *sigh* ... 3. You know...I have some trouble answering this question. I honestly don't know. Heh. Anime is still the best, however, even though I'm now beyond shoving it down people's throats. :p[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]