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Everything posted by Godelsensei
[QUOTE=Chaos]Greg, I do believe the meaning of the red x is that it IS his banner. In which case, it is a somewhat old idea. And the person in your avatar, Godelsensei, should be renamed to "Toomanysundae", but eh. That's just my attempt at a bad joke. The use of noise gives it a bit of a rave look. But I suppose that is the purpose?[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]Dude. I'm not one. The banner simply is refusing to show. If I posted twice as a reply, it was entirely by accident. I keep screwing up the browser Going ness. Did that make sense? Anyhoo, if you want to see it: [URL=http://www.freewebz.com/godel/boardsbanner.jpg]http://www.freewebz.com/godel/boardsbanner.jpg[/URL] [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
I updated my...non-existant banner. And my avatar has changed. Still Tsunade, but I think it's cooler. Oh well, there's a long story behind the phrase on the banner, and I know you all hate the blury font but...aside from said attributes, what do you guys think? (I've been quite impressed with other people's banners etc...^^)
Gay Marriage, PLease, let's be mature
Godelsensei replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=wrist cutter]Yes. It's supposed to be. But the fact is, it isn't. Remember that whole Britney Spears thing awhile back? She got married ON A DARE. She was probably drunk at the time and so was her husband. There's no sanctity in that. Then they got divorced the next day or something. As I recall the marriage vows including something along the lines of taking each other in sickness and health yadda yadda FOREVER. The whole fact we allow divorce pretty much blows that vow out the window. Let's face it - marriage isn't in a beautiful state right now, gays or no gays. It's still possible to have a "sacred" marriage, I'm sure they happen every so often. But the whole idea has become so bastardized that I really can't see how allowing gays to get married as well is going to make it any less sacred than it currently is. Whether gays are ever allowed to marry or not, marriage is no longer a sacred thing. Unless you're going to protest rednecks and drunks and a whole gaggle of other people getting married, there's very little reason to oppose gays in this situation.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New] [SIZE=2]*clap clap* Well, somebody's earned my respect.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR] [color=darkred] Sentiments aside, please avoid spam. ~Drix [/color] -
[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]*flower petals* Do you throw flower petals when a baby is born? O.o Eh. Why not?^^ I have always loved my middle name, Louise, but my first name is so...normal. "Katherine." At least my parents had the decency to use the traditional spelling instead of "Kathryn", or even worse: "Cathrin". *shudder* C is such a wussy letter. Lydia's a pretty cool name, too. You ever read those books, "Lydia in Monet's Garden" or something. My little sister has a poster. I wanted that. Grr... I have always loved Japanese and Hawaiian names, personally. Heheh...Loki. You'd be able to talk to a friend of mine for a long time: she gives Tarot card readings.^_^ Well, congradulations! anyway. Heh.[/FONT] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
Gay Marriage, PLease, let's be mature
Godelsensei replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]Boba: I don't mean to sound stuck up, but I'm not American. I would not want to be part of any America that supported denying a certain group of people their rights as human beings to openly love some one through both emotional openness and law. I'm sure that there are many people, already Americans, who share my views. I am not attacking your country, or your values, mind you. Another thing, whoever said that it was our duty as a species to reproduce...well, think about it: there will be a population explosion in approximately ten years, according to data projections. We've reached the 6 billion mark and are steadily growing. More and more children are being born, and so many of them are neither wanted nor expected. I think that samesex couples, unable to have children of their own, are actually a plus for a country in the fact that if they chose to have children, it would provide homes for all those kids waiting out there for adoption. We are not in the same situation as Nausicaa and Asbel: we are not desperate for population growth. But, I do think it is our duty, as humans who have progressed so far by means of intuition, to assure that, as far as each individual can help, every one is treated as fairly as possible. Providing two people who love each other with rights--regardless of their gender, race etc...--is not going to shatter the bedrock of society. What is going to shatter that bedrock is humanities failure to learn that we are all born into this worn wet, naked and helpless. It's other people's accepting or rejecting us that makes us who we are. I don't want to see this turn into a flaming war, as some one put it previously. This is not an assult on any one's ideals or beliefs etc..., and, quite frankly, nothing should be.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[QUOTE=wrist cutter]It would only be wrong if English had any sort of rules as to how to pronounce any given word. Unfortunately it doesn't. Tomato, tomato. How else would you spell "nike", as the shoe company pronounces it? What magical spelling is the "correct" way? As far as I can tell, they spelled the word as they wanted it and that's how it is.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2] [FONT=Courier New] Oh no, no, don't get me wrong.^^" The reason I say they got it wrong is that Nike is the name of a Greek diety. It is pronounced "Nike." The diety of victory or something of that nature. Anyway, I suppose they found that "Naye-kee" sounded better, so they used that pronounciation. Or they were just uninformed. But it's Nee-kee.^^[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]In reference to the thing about the pads/tampons: What kind of obscure, pointless, senseless argument is this? Should toilet paper be free, too? After all, other perfectly natural bodily functions are equally involuntary. Unless you don't plan on eating. If some one has the time to argue against pricing sanitary pads, while they could be out doing great things, then there really is nothing that can be done for them. Anyway, I wasn't attacking you personally, I just found the argument kind of amusing. (yes, I am, in fact, a girl, so I have a right to make an argument here) Apparently, in Canada, heroine etc... addicts are able to get free drugs from the government, as well. I am not informed very well as to the ways of our health-care, so I wont try to make any arguments based on assumptions, but I do agree that those with diseases should have priority over those who are addicted to drugs when it comes to funding. And you can't blame people with STDs, like some one stated above. After all, unless you're [FONT=Arial Black][B][COLOR=Red]SPOILER ALERT[/COLOR][/B][/FONT] Himura Kaoru, you're not going to knowingly put yourself at risk.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[quote name='Shinken']Personally, I'm against the whole 'spread-the-faith' thing, because 1) It's their choice to worship whatever they want, and 2) Who says we're right in doing so? That's just my opinion, and I'm a Christian. I have no problem with discussing it, but telling them that it's the one and only way, etc... It rubs me the wrong way.[/quote] [COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]I must say: I do concur. I don't care what you believe in, and I don't care what you do. But don't tell me about it, and don't even dare using your beliefs as an excuse to bring another human being to harm. [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
I, myself, love names. Though this may seem like a strange comment (I find it rather odd, myself_ _U), flipping through baby name books is one of my favourite pass-times. Being an amteur writer, I am constantly in the want for good names to give my characters. Along the same lines, I often find myself wishing my name was Drusilla, Prue, or Yoshiko. These are some of my personal favourites... Things to name a boy: -Toru -Akira -Keoki -Francis -Louis (pronounced the French way, I mean) Things to name a girl: -Drusilla -Yoshiko -Prue -Nike (this is pronounced Nee-kee--that's right: the shoe company got it wrong) -Erieto Things to name a pet/plant: -Antoinne Waldo Riccardo -Persephone Well, that was fun. Maybe the cause of this post is that my name is oh-so-terribly mainstream. It doesn't even have a double "i". T_T Well, I'll just spell it the Greek way. Akhatariini. That's cool enough, I guess. If you're not bored of me already, I'd appreciate some names you think are cool...? *wanders off, and quite possibly, into something*[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Gay Marriage, PLease, let's be mature
Godelsensei replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New][SIZE=2]Recently, same-sex marriage was legalized in "up here", though this took one hell of a debate to accomplish. Personally, I hold the same view on the subject as my English teacher. In his words, (these could have been taken from somewhere else, but he said them in class) "The government has no business in the bedrooms of the country it governs." I honestly do not feel that there should even be a debate about this. Even though same-sex marriage is harshly scorned by the Bible--probably any other religious document alike to it, as well--I don't think this even counts as an argument. The church and the state were seperated for a reason: they couldn't get along. I see it like two little children who always fight persisting to sit together during circle time. To be frank, I think the whole thing is very silly. If it's not hurting you directly, then you have no right to speak against it, unless it invovles hurting others. Since when does openly loving another human being count as hurting some one, aside from your ex-significant other?[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR] -
Oh, but it isn't a matter of organization. More a matter of keeping everything any one ever gives you/you make/anything at all and moving it around to create space for new things. People, even my best friends, walk into my room and start nagging me to get rid of the birthday card they gave me four years ago. "Oh, but you gave me that! I can't throw it out! Don't move my DVDs around!" Well, yeah...I have my DVDs in an exact order, which is not to be altered, under any circumstance. It follows no patern...but hey. My books are all sorted by author. But aside from that...well, I don't even know what I had for homework tonight. Doesn't matter anyway...*falls asleep on top of keyboard*
I will not delve too far into the evils of Disney, but I will state that, as an individual company, The Emperors New Groove was the only original movie they have every made, as far as I know. By this I mean it was not a sequal, a rip-off (Lion King fans, I honestly don't mean to break your hearts), based on a book etc... That movie kicks ***, nevertheless, though Disney isn' t exactly my favourite company on its own. Disney-Pixar produced two good movies: Toy Story and Toy Story 2. The rest were just kind of, well, "meh." That's just me, though. *shrug* I mean, the animated ones...
[QUOTE=Boba Fett][color=green]While I agree that this was neither the time nor the place for this pilot to mention his faith, you?re mistaken. This pilot did in no way attack non-Christians. He simply recommended that they discuss their faith with Christian passengers. I draw my information from a reputable news source, CNN. The article link is below. [/color][/QUOTE] [COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]*ahem* I did state that this was an editorial, no? The woman who writes these things tends to rant in a way that lacks structure in its entirety--but she brings up some good points. The piece of writing in question implied that he attacked the non-Christian passengers. Nevertheless...dude...*dou*[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Aiya. What I don't get is why every one is so hung up on the canabalism part. Guy kills other guy. He admits this. He has it *on film*. Guilty as charged. And, in reference to canabalism: there are many reasons that fish have not evolved farther than they have, and henseforth do not have message boards. In my opinion, eating there young has got to be one of them. *sweatdrop* The world is just so..."silly" sometimes. It's almost funny, but then you have to go and realize what you're laughing at. Then, it becomes: O___O!!! *runs and hides under bed*
I know what you mean about insecure friendships. You're lucky from what I've read, at least: my group of friends got so bad for about three months, that we had to go into *therapy*. Personally, I found the whole thing rediculous: after all, if they're your friends, you shouldn't need some one else helping you out. But... Anyway, people change. People become depressed. People become total jerks. It happens. I'm not telling you to get over it and move on, but I'd strongly recomend sitting your group of friends down together and being blunt. "What the hell is wrong with us?" It's what saved us.
To go ballistic is basically to explode with anger and start raving, ranting and freaking out. Id est: To "wig out", "freak out", "go into hysterics". That kind of thing. About languages...don't talk to me about French grammar. Like Skippedry (yes, I am going to call you that, if you're reading this^^) said to me once, French grammar is the Devil. Well, that's all for now...later, then.
[COLOR=Gray][SIZE=2][FONT=Courier New]To begin with, I ask that no one take this post as an insult in any way. *ahem* Now, recently, I read an article--well, it was more of an editorial, but still--about an incident which occured during a flight on American Airlines (I believe this is the name of the airline, excuse my lack of worldliness_ _U). From what I gathered, the pilot of the plane left the cockpit, and addressed the passengers personally. He instructed all of them that were Christians to raise their hands, and then began to rant and curse those who did not. I find this disgusting. Not only did many of the passengers report being almost sure that they were under attack from a terrorist, but they honestly believed they were going to be killed. This has really been bothering me since I read it, as I simply cannot see why a person would do something like this. Even if he had no plans to bring any of the passengers to harm, the emotional stress and trauma imposed--even on the children aboard, at seeing their parents freeze up with fear!!--is simply, well, revolting. This is not a matter of religion: this is a matter of civility. I find it despicable that people use their beliefs to try and justify their putting others through pain of any sort. This applies for anything you claim to stand for, relgion-wise or not. And then there is the issue that some people just disserve to be shot. Sorry for sounding harsh, but if any one thinks that they are at liberty--for any reason--to do something like that when they are in a position of authority, and when there are hundreds of people dependant on them to get home safely (alive!), then they have something else coming. At least I think they should. I just needed to get that out in a semi-structured blurb. *phew*[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
Chivalry, as Lancelot knew it, is dead, dude. Okay, maybe I have a different standpoint than my fellow girls/women because I happen to be a geek. This means that the guys I am friends with are generally skinny little weaklings who need me to open the paint for the miniatures for them. Joy. Personally, I think chivalry has more progressed than died. As I said: Lancelot is *so* old fashioned. "Chivalry" now seems to go both ways. In other words, it has been reduced to a far less satisfying improper noun: manners. I'd open that door for any one unless I knew that they were a complete jackass who disserved to have it slammed in their face, for whatever reason. Well, that's just my opinion. I'm not nearly nice enough to my male friends to expect them to be chivalrous in any shape, way or form anyway.^^" At least to me...
If you think death is creepy...well, so do I. There's nothing wrong with not liking the concept of death. But, the fact that life does not matter is, well...I'm not sure how to say this. The way I look at it is this: Through our achieving things that no one (had they been around to think at all) would have thought we, as a species, could do, we have given another dimension to living. I'm not suggesting anything even close to spiritual, but merely suggesting that life is, "what you make of it". We live to be remembered. Don't we? We live for the rest of the people on the planet, when you think about it. To befriend, support, provide an image to follow if we accomplish enough...I know I sound like an optimistic dumbass, but I really believe that life has been given something new from, well science. Once we were able to forget about merely surviving, we were able to think about each other and ourselves. It's why we're the only life forms on the planet playing video games: we have enough time to waste on entertainment. Did that make any sense? Even if you think it's lame, think about it. Or you could ignore me. *shrug* Konbon wa.
Hah...*wanders off* ... *wanders back* Okay! I have spent the past--er--five seconds trying to think of something that would actually qualify as an "accomplishment." Now, this is a very broad heading, that can mean many different things to many different people. I think I have accomplished having made nearly every person I know think I have a different personality, as well as having more nicknames that I can even remember. I know that this isn't even an accomplishment, but I find it quite amusing...^^ _ _U Well, every one says things like this to me: Oh, of course! You're *Katie*. You're drawings are always perfect. Hpmh. Does that count?
Would you really *want* this to happen? Okay, I don't mean to be an anal bastard, but think about it. Your mind, in reality, no matter what set of beliefs you follow, is a private thing. That said, I will give you that we probably could, perhaps not too far into the future. But, unless we were able to place some sort of filter within our own brains, in order to prevent them from transmitting thoughts that we generally would not be comfortable sharing with others, this would not be a good thing. You can't completely control where your mind wanders, no matter how hard you try. After all: trying not to think of something is a contradiction in itself. What if you happened to think something that you, under no circumstances, would want the person you're "talking" to to know? What would happen to all those contemptuous, sexual, homocidal, spiteful, hateful and generally embarrassing thoughts we go through each day without meaning to? But, if we were able to create a device that would only transmit thoughts we actually "thought out", meaning intentionally projected, using words and our "mind's ear", if you'll have it... What is there to say but, "Now that's what I call communication!" Don't tell me I'm lame: I already know._ _U Ja ne.
Okay, I don't know anything about this series. However, that is the most damnably cool font I have ever laid eyes upon in my entire life. Aside from maybe two or three that I don't know the names of...hmm... You might want to try smoothing down the girl's picture's edges--they're a little rough. Other than that: nice.
Ooooooooh. Pretty. The subject looks a tad stoned, though...Gomenasai!^^" Anyway, it's a bit pixy, but that can't be helped. The font works wonderfully, and though this really isn't the kind of thing that appeals to me in general (like, the flowery butterflyness in general, not your stuff, specifically), 'tis tres, tres beaux.^^ -Godel
Haha--yeah, I wasn't too sure about the font before. Anyway, I kind of meant for it to be pretty dark--you know, so the eyes are THE thing you look at. Haha...I spent most of the time on the eyes, specifically. Anyway, thanks! Ta!
This was spontaneous. I just love that picture of Sasuke, for several reasons... One: it's the most convincing expression I've ever seen, ever. Two: it's from the section of the manga where Sasuke is actually *cool*, allbeit for only, like, five chapters. I don't know why I liked him for that period of time...maybe 'cos he was lest Orochimaru and more Sasuke. Whatever. I think I might have overdone it with the eyes on this one, and I'm not too sure about the font, but I like this banner anyway. Meh. *shrug*