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Everything posted by Godelsensei

  1. Heehee...cool. I like the fadingness. The grid (of course) is mondo awesome. Haha--I, for some reason, like Ebisu alot. He's so...self-absorbed and pointless. XD Have you noticed that Konohamaru and Rosette from Chrno Crusade have the same voice?! Well, they sound identical...which would mean that Shikamaru and Rosette have the same seiyuu?! Okay, I read somewhere that Morikubo does both Shika and Konohamaru, but...oh nevermind._ _U
  2. Hmmm...the lines are kind of detatched--she looks like alot of her joints have been dislocated. Her feet are kind of small, and undefined, and the facial proportions are rather off. I know that large eyes can count as a shoujo style of drawing, but they don't look right here. Try making her hair less of a solid, and more a bunch of wisps--like real hair. If you're going for a picture of an Elf floating in the wind, avoid kiddie-ish drawing styles. It takes away from the feel of the picture.
  3. This is overall a good picture, but the lips and nose are a little too round and, well, big. They contrast with the style of the rest of the picture. -Godel
  4. Uhh...what Sakura-chan said about her boobs. XD It's kawai, by all standards, but I agree that the proportions are kind of out of whack. Her eyes are too big (I understand that shoujo follows this trend, but...) in comparison with the lower half of her face...it sort of makes her look lopsided. I would recomend trying to focus less on the eyes and more on the entire face as a whole--following the individual parts mentallity often leads to chopiness, from my experience. Keep working at it--and take a jab at designing some outrageous clothing. It'll really make your work stand out! ~_^ -Godel (My dear...uh...um. Something. Well, anyway, did I just "e-wink"?! Excuse me while I puke at myself...)
  5. Haha...I thought the blurred effect worked with the picture. So, you mean...you don't think any of it's a bit blurry? Haha--I guess I should have made that clear, huh? (ditto on Circeus' emoticon) It's from Naruto, BT--you know, the one about the ninjas...the best manga to ever come into existence...^^ Thanks for replying! :D
  6. Hmmm...to be perfectly honest with you, Sasuke-kun, I like your Kiba one much better. I don't know--I guess I'm not a big fan of the chibbi style in general, but I think you could have added more detail in there...oh well, 'tis still kawai.^^ G'job. -your friendly e-chum, Godel
  7. *phew* This took me...alot of stress and hours to finish. It's the completed version of the one I submitted before. You know, the one that no one looked at? Haha...*sigh* Ah well, I hope you like it. -Godel
  8. That depends on what you mean by talent. If you mean the ability to see things in a different light, something that some people simply can't do, or figure out a way to position things just right, then partially, yeah. But the most important thing in drawing is the firey wanting to do nothing else. When you reach the point where all you want to do is draw, and drawing is all that matters...well, then you're bound to get somewhere. -Godel
  9. The Godaime Hokage in all her ness. Otherwise known as "Tsuzilla." Well, actually, that's what my friend said when he saw it...after having said, "WTF MAN!!!!!!!!!!!" *ahem* This pic took a long time to colour, believe it or not, because the scan was really crappy, to be blunt. I also think it would have been easier had I inked the pic...but hey. I am actually quite happy with how this turned out, but I realize the hair needs work...any other observations would be helpful. Thanking you.^^ -Godel
  10. Hmm...I dunno what to think of this picture. The reason that it's so dark is the scan didn't turn out too great, and I had to clean it as best I could so it would actually be moderately presentable. That involved...changing the contrast settings until the spoltches were less prominent.:sleep: Aren't I just so overacheiving? _ _U -Godel
  11. Wheee...even though I hate the subject matter, I must say I'm quite proud of this drawing.^^ I hope it is in fact good, and not just my mind playing tricks on me, but I'd like to know what I should fix up before I colour it. (haha--Sakura, Sasuke, I was thinking of you guys as I drew this) -Godel
  12. Nice...but the fingers are a little different, as I said before. I think it would be more interesting if you drew him sleeping in a different setting...stick a butterfly on his head...or Akamaru, of course.^^ Heehee...
  13. Yeah, well, it is the first time I've CGed one of my drawings, so it's a little lumpy in places. Thanks, though.^^
  14. Yay! It's all colourfulness...I thought the roughness of the edges looked neat, but opinions would be appreciated. -Godel
  15. Like it was said before: the program...? *ack* The picture's are rather distorted, and I think you could have used nicer pictures over all...but the font is interesting enough, though it doesn't really suit the banner itself. Try using clearer images--and I think it would look better if the text didn't have its own box... o.o
  16. I like the picture in the background, but the text looks a little jagged...maybe if you softened the lines a little? Nevertheless, a very nice piece of work there.
  17. Wheee...it's Shino.^^ Yeah, yeah, I know: the thing's messy and needs cleaning. The scan quality isn't that great either, but that's just not the point with this picture.^_^ And, yes, it is drawn on...a calendar. Any one who knew anything about Shino that I showed this to got a crack out of it, and I must say, I do myself. Haha.
  18. Dude!! That is some awesome stuff you've got going there...though the font is a little bit unclear...I love the colour scheme. Aboslutely *love* it. *goes on about that for a while* Why, 'tis just made up of all my favourite colours...*laughs* -Godel^^
  19. Zori=traditional Japanese sandals. As in, those worn by all our little Naruto friends. *yay* ^_^ By "convincing", I mean the picture flows together nicely. Have you ever looked at a drawing and just known that the person drew it in "chunks"? For instance, they draw the left eye, then the right eye, then the nose, and the mouth and the head. And then, as a seperate entity, they draw the neck and each strand of hair seems to be doing its own thing. This often happens with hands especially, because, when you get down to the rudiment, you actually have FOUR. Well, it helps to think of it that way, at least when drawing them, or playing an instrument. Have you noticed that your thumb and first finger work together? And that your other three fingers always move together at least a little bit? Of course you have--after all, you type, don't you? Haha...I suggest that, instead of seeing the hand as four fingers and a thumb, that you look at it as two sections that work individually, but merge together. I actually learned this technique from my strings teacher (who--damn damn damn--just retired *cries*) who taught us alot about how the muscles in your arms work. This also applies to toes. Your baby and big toe have their own thing going on, but those three in the middle? There's no way you can move one on its own unless you're literally a freak of nature. It's just the way people have evolved. Same goes for drawing torsos and wastes--they're one and the same. Think of them as a bean. (a technique I got from a site I forget the name of^^") Believe me--it actually works. O.o Same for the neck...it has to work with the base of the head, as oppose to just attaching itself to it. Haha...I've been going on for quite a while, haven't I? I guess it's a combination of my loving the theory behind art, and the smooth rythm of the keys under my fingers... ^___^ -Godel (hope that was useful to you in some shape way or form)
  20. *sigh* I'm only dissapointed that you think I would sink as pittifully low as to copy a picture...
  21. Nice stuff y'got there, Dan.^^ The lines are convincing enough throughout most of it. Only, the hands and feet look a little awkward--you know? Like they were sort of slapped on. I know that hands and feet are very troublesome (it's taken me quite a while to become decent at them) but they really are an important part of the image, itself. Yeah, yeah, I know, this is coming from the person who made a website about pants, but seriously--if you miss something in the feet...it takes away from the drawing. So, I think you should add the three straps that hold the zori together.^^ Like I said--nice.^^ -Godel
  22. Due to the fact that no one liked this picture, I accept that it is, in fact, a shity drawing. But, what exactly is wrong with it? Aside from the feet and the lack of detail in the flowers, I mean. I thought it was at least half-decent myself when I finished it... Oh well, any input would be greatly appreciated.^^ Thanks, -Godel
  23. Yeah...it is too feminine...interesting colouring on the hair, though.^^ I think the main reason it looks like a girl is the eye, and the fact that it has a female-ish torso...like it was said before: guys tend to be flat chested. Haha...I meant no offense by that if you took any. -Godel
  24. It looks almost Christmasy. Heehee...Christmas...^_^ CURLZ!! I love that font!! I'm not sure whether I prefer this one over your Hinata one--they're both quite good--and take it you used "smart blur" somewhat, no? Very prettynessoscityoplasm. Sasuke-kun does it again with his wonderful Naruto-themedness! Yay! (PS--check out my Hyuuga wallpaper, if you care to see it...I dunno what to think of it myself....XD)
  25. WOOT!! Shingetsutan Tsukihime! Yay! I love that show.^^ Heehee, Arcueid is just so cool. Awesome banner--I love the drippy, grotesque-ish blood effect. It's so...*her*. Heheh...blood...^_^ That's a good picture of her, with her creepy smile...*shudders* Good job!
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