Hola! 'Tis I, Godel. Anyhoo, 'tis very wonderfullnessoscityoplasm.^_^ *a retrospective cookie for Sasuke-kun*
I set it as my wallpaper, because my Sakura one was getting old after a few weeks...I make wallpapers all the time, but they're too big too upload, and I'm too lazy to change them.^^" There're some on my site if you care...
I love the way the background brings out her eyes--it was the first thing I noticed. Haha...and I must say, that grid-design...WOOT!!! Heehee...grids...*maniacal laughter*
Well, I hope you aim to be a graphic designer or something akin to one, for it would be far from a waste of talent.
Your full banner is cool and redish blackingnessoscity, too.^^