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Everything posted by Godelsensei

  1. I kind of made them look "scanny" on purpose--I dunno. I kind of like the effect it gives, personally...my real concearn was that the desktop icons would cover either Neji or Hinata, depending on which side they're lined up on. Haha... Thanks for the input, though.^^
  2. That is...impressive. O_O!! Haha--I have a friend who makes things like that, only they're not as...square. Oh man, if you did that on MS Paint, I think I'll have myself a new hero...haha. Very inspiring.^_~ -Godel
  3. A wallpaper I just finished...I'm not quite sure what to think of it, myself--it turned out totally different from what I'd planned. Isn't it weird how that happens sometimes?? I discovered an interesting little technique while making it ("Difference Clouds"^^), so I think I may have overdone them just the teeniest bit...eheheh...*sweatdrop* Any comments/suggestions would be well appreciated...thanks! -Godel
  4. Sasuke-kun~~! Hola! 'Tis I, Godel. Anyhoo, 'tis very wonderfullnessoscityoplasm.^_^ *a retrospective cookie for Sasuke-kun* I set it as my wallpaper, because my Sakura one was getting old after a few weeks...I make wallpapers all the time, but they're too big too upload, and I'm too lazy to change them.^^" There're some on my site if you care... I love the way the background brings out her eyes--it was the first thing I noticed. Haha...and I must say, that grid-design...WOOT!!! Heehee...grids...*maniacal laughter* Well, I hope you aim to be a graphic designer or something akin to one, for it would be far from a waste of talent. Your full banner is cool and redish blackingnessoscity, too.^^
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