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Everything posted by Godelsensei
What;s the most funnist thing you have ever seen?
Godelsensei replied to WhiteAoiFox's topic in General Discussion
My friend running full-tilt into a brick wall. He was running to catch the bus or something, when another guy called his name. Without stopping, he turned his head and began to gesticulate and yell with the greatest enthusiasm. Then, there was an elementary school in front of him. Then, he was lying on the pavement, utterly confused. The same guy has also launched himself off my treadmill, into [i]another[/i] wall, hit me in the head with a cello, shot himself during a LaserQuest game via a mirror, hit a kid in the face with one of the guns during a LaserQuest game, farted during an English exam, bumped a volleyball into his face, and put his own nuts in the way of an overhand serve in tennis. Also, my entire math class wearing sandwich bags as hats, my cat launching himself into closed window, and this guy I know pretending to lick a glue-gun. -
I am almost positive it was Kenshin. But I could be wrong. I remember being very excited to find some lousy site that had crappy scanlations on it for viewing only. Ahh...inexperience. : P
Hey, tell ya what: [b]never enter the dollar store again.[/b] Do not buy useless crap you will never use just because it's "so cute". These things are unnecessary, yet mass-produced, creating tons and tons of pollution. Don't shop at stores like Walmart and Costco, because they screw up our development patterns. They encourage the growth of suburbs, as oppose to smaller towns and cities. Relying on them for everything gives them control over how things are produced. Don't drive cars that use ridiculous amounts of fuel. Don't drive when you could walk/bike, period.
A big part of the pollution problem is the fact that so many people are unwilling to accept that 1) there is a problem and 2) there are things that can be done about it, many of them quite simple. Installing more windows/skylights in homes decreases the need for electrical lighting during the day; taking public transit cuts down on exhaust fumes released into the air; not turning up your A/C so high you need a sweater in the middle of summer. These are things that can be easily built into our daily routines. Our lifestyles and patterns of development need to change to stop further destruction of the earth as a whole. Instead of building a sprawling suburb, from which you have to drive kilometers upon kilometers to reach the grocery store, the mall, the dentist, or work, build a smaller, self-contained town. If you can walk to many of your daily destinations, you obviously wont use your car as much. Instead of building massive houses, equip with huge lots, we should be focussing on building condominiums and town-houses, within already flourishing cities. Zoning by-laws have worked to make this difficult, but they can be changed, if there is enough pressure for them to be. When pollution is so out of control, it is unsafe to [b]go outside[/b], it's time to change. If people were more willing to accept new technologies and alternative energy sources, things like geothermal energy, solar power, and wind-mills would become more commonplace and be developed further, making them more reliable and affordable. We have the ability to use wind, the sun, and even [i]cow crap[/i] to power at least part of our cities. The alternative is getting sick from taking a walk on a hot day. Come on.
[quote name='Bloodseeker']A hero does something so great or lives in such a way that it inspires others to follow in their footsteps. How is that not a sort of leadership?[/quote] Say I were to stop WWIII from happening before it even started, only no one heard about it. Would that not still be the most god damn heroic thing thinkable?
What would you choose Love or your Dreams?
Godelsensei replied to WhiteAoiFox's topic in General Discussion
Providing you've thought through your dream a few times, it probably includes love, anyway. That aside, [b]nothing but your very life is worth chucking your dreams or principles.[/b] Nothing. -
On the subject of Mr Gates: he has always come across as an okay fellow to me, so I guess I admire him and like him, despite the fact that the Xbox 360 is the ugliest god damn thing on Earth. It's entirely possible to admire certain aspects of some one while disliking them in general. Condoleezza Rice goes against a great deal of what I stand for, but I admire the fact that a woman, also a visible minority, was able to become such a powerful political figure, in a white-male dominated country. Similarly, I used to hate Belinda Stronach because she was a Torie, but I always admired the fact that she was so damn powerful. (Now that she's come over to the Light Side, I can admire her and like her.) I especially admire the fact that she's refrained from making any mean-spirited comments towards the Conservative Party, despite the recent wave of sexist garbage they've been spewing.
Would you risk your life for something you don't believe in?
Godelsensei replied to sakurasuka's topic in General Discussion
Never. Life is too precious to throw away. If a cause is unworthy of your [i]support[/i], why should it be worthy of your [i]life[/i]? That's dying for your [i]un[/i]-principles. -
Being extremely right or left wing is, in itself, stupid. You can't hold on to what has "always been" forever and you can't just run around changing everything for the sake of it. I would never vote for a party that refused to accept the fact that the world is changing and that people are different. Similarly, I would not want a party with no concept of what is realistic holding more than fifteen seats. That said, I would like to address something that bugs me: the fact that no one seems to understand what the word "liberal" means. [Quote=The Dictionary]1. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry. 2. Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.[/Quote] Being liberal doesn't mean you're some sort of homeland-hating wussy with no concept of what is and isn't possible to accomplish. It doesn't mean you give a man a fish instead of teaching him to get one himself. It means you are willing to accept change. If you look at Canadian politics, the Tories are very Albertan. Their platform tries very hard to support a Canada that isn't there. They focus heavily on rural areas, ignoring the needs of the cities and the fact that the times are changing. Which is natural, since everybody in Alberta is white and there's little there in the way of urbanization. They have a narrow outlook. So narrow, in fact, Belinda Stronach decided she'd had it with them. (For those who don't know, she was their most influential and prominent spokesperson. She joined the Whigs recently.) Flinging fish at people doesn't help any one in the long run, but being a hardass about the fact that people just need support sometimes doesn't either. Throwing reason to the wind lands you poor and helpless, but being unwilling to budge when the time to smell the coffee comes is ridiculous.
It's impossible to claim there is one, sole, individual, all-alone country producing all the best music. Actually, it's quite bizarre. There are, of course, certain countries producing [i]more[/i] music than others or [i]different types[/i] of music, but not the "Best Music". Even determining what the "best" music [i]is[/i] is impossible, seeing as it's not a quantitative value. I think a slightly more interesting [related] question would be, "What language precipitates the best music?" After all, some languages flow better than others, have more rhyming words, etc... Or you could look at the subjects brought up in different culture's music. A couple bands I am rather--quite--fond of hail from Canada: Our Lady Peace, The Arcade Fire. Howard Shore, a fabulous contemporary composer, is also Canadian. As far as I'm aware, Ted Leo is from the UK. My favourite band, The Pillows, is Japanese. And they're not my favourite [i]because[/i] they're Japanese, either. I'm pretty fond of German music, too, simply because the language just sounds interesting when put to a tune. Italian and French music flow wonderfully. Most music made in a specific decade sounds overall similar, anyway. Take AKFG and a lot of North American bands, for example. If you didn't notice the language, you wouldn't be able to tell one of them was Japanese. So this thread is basically weird.
While I have as much against the thoughtless spammer as the next fellow or lady, there's no reason to set out on a witch-hunt. Drinking the blood of n00bs doesn't grant you any of their crazy mutant virus powers, and giving them the beat-down is, at best, not among the most impressive things in the world. Also, [b]you are lucky to be here.[/b] Ever seen Gaia Online? A place so overcome with spam no one has any real concept of what a n00b even is? Somewhere any one may begin cybering in the most innocuous of threads and [i]not be reprimanded[/i]? Somewhere a post over 50 words in length is considered the Great American Novel? There are boards out there where the most elite of [i]mods[/i] would be instantly banned from these precious servers for sheer inability to punctuate or spell. So calm down and revel in your superiority. If it weren't for them, we'd have nothing to prove us awesome. Edit: Any one else feel a crappy teen movie coming on? "You Got n00bed!"
I think [u]2001: A Space Odyssey[/u] would be a better anime than movie, actually. The movie was very ambiguous, artsy, and [i]long[/i]. If there was more space for articulating every idea, the overall effect would be less vague-ness and more, "Hey, that's pretty damn cool." I dread the thought of a low-quality studio trying to remake the Obelisk scenes, however.
[quote name='Jin][CENTER][COLOR=Navy]the movie can't really be non-Japanese or else it would be a cartoon and not an anime, which are different things[/COLOR'][/CENTER][/quote] Oh boy. *falls over* [i]Anyhow[/i], I think the main problem with turning movies into animated series is you have to keep the story going for [i]a long time[/i]. Years, even. While this can give writers more flexibility and an opportunity to develop side characters and sub-plots more, story lines tend to fall flat. Things often become episodic, which likely breaks up the mood the original film had. Also, series based on movies tend to be geared towards an audience younger than the films were meant to attract, so, inevitably, something is always lost. That said, there are few movies I would really appreciate seeing a TV series made out of. I think some more action-oriented, angsty movies, like "Underworld" could be made into animated series, providing they were kept under 26 episodes and upheld that dark, blood-suckery feeling well. [Quote=Bloodseeker]Top Quality Live-Action > Animation Real People > Animated Characters[/Quote] [b]No.[/b] Sorry, but that's completely untrue. Animation can be far more effective when it comes to portraying certain ideas than live action could ever hope to be. High quality animation and voice acting are really more appreciable than high quality acting and special effects, a lot of the time. I mean, who the hell would want to watch "My Neighbor Totoro" if it had been done in live action? The Animatrix? Toy Story? You can reach a very unique level of coolness with animation, since you're not held back by physics.
So start dating her. If you think she likes you, it would make sense for her to transfer any spare affections to some one who is openly returning them.
I always wondered why the people who edited DragonBall felt it would be more appropriate to have a little boy running around in a thong than simply naked. I mean, really, how many people would have found a small child's rear all that traumatizing? I doubt even the soccer moms would have cared. Apparently, Chinese editing studios don't even bother to replace cigarettes with lollipops, instead merely leaving a white blob hovering in front of whoever's face. I mean, at least 4Kids takes some initiative to make things suck [i]badly[/i].
Love at First Sight.......Does it exist?
Godelsensei replied to Shadow Blade's topic in General Discussion
To me, love has always seemed like a deeper form of friendship. And you can't really become best friends with some one by glancing at them. -
Should Women be Allowed on the Front Lines?
Godelsensei replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Bloodseeker']All I've got to say is just rinse yourself off like they did in the old days! They didn't have all of these special hygine products until the last century or so, and they got along just fine![/quote] Imagine walking, running, or trooping around all day with a bloody, oozing blackish sludge dribbling down your thighs and soaking into your clothing. Now, please stop pretending you know what you're talking about. You're embarrassing yourself. -
I'm always writing a novel, but I usually get bored with them or sick of my unbearable excuses for word-weaving and never look at them again. Honestly, I would love to "take the Buggie plunge" but I have exams coming up and myriad other time-eaters flitting around me all at once. I'd love to see what you turn out, regardless, however. : )
The Catholic faith is notorious for discriminating against women. The entire gist of the faith is that women are either incapable, unworthy, or evil. When my dad went to a Catholic school, the girls weren't allowed to be "alter boy-girls". The faith describes the pain experienced during childbirth to be a punishment for eating the forbidden apple. They've accused the lady Mary Magdelaine (I'm unsure of the correct spelling, so bear with me.) of having been a prostitute or simply ignored her, throughout history. There's a steady pattern of misogyny, if you look into it and consider the implications of many teachings of Catholicism (and religion in general). Very uncool.
[quote name='DeathBug']Agreed. However, some ideas must remain solid, wouldn't you agree? If you don't have core beliefs that don't change, then you really don't have a center.[/quote] But core beliefs should never be stupid and legitimate grounds for a perfectly decent person to hurl a brick at you. Misogyny is unacceptable, plain and simple. Additionally, any one who can validly be described as "hardcore against women" is not an "okay guy". Unless it's coming from some one who has it in for their mom or something. As a response to Retribution's comments on a static doctrine, [b]I do not see how it is considered appropriate or lawful to openly condemn and discriminate against women.[/b] If it were a large corporation disallowing women from joining its upper positions, do you honestly think people would accept it? (Not directed at you, specifically, of course.)
[quote name='EVA Unit 100']That isn't an insult. Now if that was "DBZ and Pokemon are the spawn of Satan which will corrupt our children's and our own minds to lead to the appocalypse and anyone with any interest in them or anything made in or slightly related to Japan is a demon! Now on to burning down Sony!", THAT would be an insult.[/quote] That's not really an insult, either. It's more of an accusation which is too stupid to take offense at. Most people who get huffy about people discrediting anime haven't seen enough of it to know those "pr0n!!!" guys are mostly right.
I have a few years yet until I turn 19, but I think I can safely say I have next to no alcohol tolerance, whatsoever. I've had small amounts of wine on holidays, after which I promptly turn bright red and feel like I am going to fall asleep in the filo pastry. I took one sip of peach wine last Thanksgiving and fell asleep at the table a few minutes later. (Good thing there was no food there, I guess.)
[quote name='Baron Samedi][size=1']As it is, I sleep with a hockey stick under my bed.[/size][/quote] Indeed, one would have to be pretty damn stupid to attack any one with a hockey stick anywhere near them. : P My dad's always telling me that, when I live alone and am walking home by myself in the dark, I should carry a hockey stick. Not only is it the perfect weapon, but it guides the assumption that the person carrying it plays hockey. I've never actually had an experience involving some one crouched outside my window (I think my little cousin did once, actually, but it's not the same thing.), but I tend to be paranoid about stuff like that. I constantly have dreams where some one or a group of people is at the door, trying to get in, or some one is in the house and I'm home alone. (I remember one time I had a dream where I was upstairs with my cat, when I heard some one knocking the piano. *shudder*) If some one really was in the house, I don't know if I'd curl up in a closet and try not to breathe, make a dash for the nearest exit, or freak out and go at them with a pair of scissors.
1. [i]Onmyoji[/i]. Quite possibly the worst movie ever made, this piece of crap plays host to lousy acting, lousy writing, lousy music, and the worst story-line--or lack thereof--I have ever laid mine eyes upon. Five minutes in, my dad and I were watching it for the laughs. Five minutes after it finished, neither of us had any idea as to what it was about. 2. [i]Van Hellsing[/i]. Oh god. This movie made no sense. Even if you were to completely ignore the fact that vampires so cannot have babies (let alone non-humanoid ones), the characters seem entirely...nonexistent. They have no personalities, no tangible motivation... Pure stinking ********. 3. [i]Home On the Range[/i]. Just. No. I don't care if it's a kids' movie. [b][i][u]NO.[/b][/i][/u]
[QUOTE=Momiji Love][SIZE=1]Radi3r is right.Thats a bit obsessive. But I do like the name Ao Tsuki.I do believe it means Blue Moon.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] That would be [i]aoi[/i] tsuki, though I'm not sure if there should be a "no" or "na" in there somewhere. I don't like Japanese girls' names all that much: I find them frequently too cute. I do like the name "Junko", however. I find it has a lot of substance. Japanese boys' names tend to be a lot stronger. The dramatic syllable count is very impressive: Yukihiro, Yoshiyuki, [b]Nobuhiro[/b]...