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Chaos Soldier

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  1. Yeah I have this paticular problem with my girlfriend. For some reason she likes to make up the most ridiculous things just to insure victory. She even did it tonight with a japanese card Pharaoh's Shrine (Temple of the Kings). As for the Vampire Lord you're compleletly right it's during your standby phase though for some reason English players continue to abuse Vampire Lord and use him the wrong way it's just plain stupidity.
  2. I tried to get into Magic though I simply don't have the time nor really the patience to sit down and learn such a game. Some of the aspects of magic are really interesting like being able to counter during your opponents turn and battle phases. Though simply there's not enough time in my day to play two card games.
  3. I heard something about it borrowing the elements of Duel Monsters and Magic the Gathering. I don't think I'll get into this craze mainly for the fact I have no love for Magic. Though I suppose just like with any sort of card game there will be a cult following.
  4. I'm not a big fan of any sort of online relationships. I tried that sort of thing many moons ago and it just never works. Wether its a "boyfriend/girlfriend" sort of relationship or just trying to make friends type they just don't suffice to the real thing. Social Interaction is a good thing but not online.. since chances are you'll never really meet nor interact with any of these friends. So what's the point of having friends you'll never hang out with or see???
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Domon [/i] [B]Ummm.. Chaos Soldier, I looked at the two Japanese sets that will comprise of the new set, there isn't a new Scapegoat card that allows you to sacrafice the tokens. [/B][/QUOTE] I hate to prove you wrong however you haven't done your research very well the name of the card is called Stray Scapegoat and if you have any other doubts the serial number for that card is IOC-092.
  6. To answer your question Snodin Multiply probably won't come out in any of the booster packs, but more then likely it will be released in one of the upcoming Yu-Gi-Oh GBA games. The card really isn't that good since all it does is fill your field with Kuriboh Tokens (300/200) that you can't sacrafice. If you really want some defensive tokens your better off going with Scapegoats or waiting till the new English set comes out and they release the Scapegoat tokens where you can sacrafice them.
  7. Well the rumor going around with the Evo Starter Decks is that most likely they will come with the English Staple cards as commons. Much like the Japanese commons you find in the Structure decks. Also to add a little bit of news to your post Hatake Kakashi the Bakura Structure deck is also scheduled to be released around the same time as Malik's. Some of the featured cards in that will be Dark NecroFear, Destiny Board, and supposidly "Dark Sanctuary". As for the Malik deck I'm mainly looking forward to his Metal Slime Tokens and certain trap monsters. Though I hope the rumor about them actually putting a Wing Dragon of Ra into his structure deck turns out false.
  8. The only reason they changed most of the fiends to archfiends was because of that Demon ruling to save themselves less aggravation when that Premature Burial type card for "Demon" Aka Archfiends come out. Otherwise there is no real major conspiracy theory involved with that. The only major problem this causes is that now you have to call Archfiends as the subtype with Tribe Infecting Virus which in reality is not even a [b]big deal[/b].
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