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Everything posted by Sportsguy76
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathBug [/i] [B] Malevolent Nuzzler > Ax of Despair. I know it sounds odd, but hear me out: if you want to return MN to the top of your deck, what's the cost? &00 LP. Black Pendant is used as a bluff card in burner decks. Rush Recklessly, because it is a quick-play magic, has a great deal of versitility Reverse Trap isn't situational if you plan to use it on your own monsters. Flash Assailent and Nuvia the Wicked Don't close yourself off to experimentation with the game. [QUOTE] all of that is very true but in ben's deck he had no need for Reverse Trap or black pendant since it isn't a burner deck... and Malevolent Nuzzler is good but getting back on top of your deck is never any good agaist a possible yata...but rush recklessly you can't really say anything about that card since its only draw back is that it's only for one turn... and of course i experiment with the game, i'm like addicted to making decks! lol ask Lalaith Ril... heh oh man bell just rung Later ^_~
oh man Relinquished is such a good old school card lol, but... Relinquished would slow our deck down. we could use old school man eater bugs and penguin soldiers to recycle them to help clear the field for a weenie rush...lol oh man that is just so old school...oh yea dream clowns... wow that was basicly a rant but if you have pulled that off before you would all know what i'm talking about... X3 Man Eater Bugs ps- after remember the fact that i first started with a Relinquished deck... it actully wouldn't slow the deck down that much if it was just 2 of them...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ben [/i] [B] New breeds? Could you give an example? Again, could you explain what you mean? [/B][/QUOTE] I did have a much more detailed post but after i closed the window with out posting i got pretty upset and i didn't feel like going into depth again...sorry about that... The New Breeds are the new stantard 4 star attackers like gemini elf(1900Atk), acrhfiend soliders(1900Atk), luster dragons(1900Atk) and gagagigo (1850Atk) Black Pendant, Rush Recklessly, Malevolent Nuzzler and such are ineffective equip magic cards Mage Power and United We Stand are the ones you should seek and Axe of Despairs if you want lots of Power ups, Reverse Trap is not effective since you can't usually use it at a worth while time. same goes for last will. i hope thats more informative!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ben [/i] [B] I've begun to see a resurgence of people using Dragons, due to the cards in LOD that directly pertain to them, i.e. Dragon's Rage, Dragon's Gunfire, The Dragon's Bead. But, heh, that's just in my area. [/B][/QUOTE] This is true but Dragon decks remain slow and easliy put to rest... your deck needs to replace its 1800 attackers with the new breeds and should have more then one MST and many Cards are ineffective but if it is tailored to your area then i hope its working and i wish you best of luck!
StrikeGundam keep in mind that not many use dragons since they are easy to destory and slow...
giant turnade a plus in anydeck with gravitiy bind not to mention helpful for removing thier traps and magics for a one turn cheap shot...
Ray Of Hope,Luminous Spark x2,Terraforming, Thunder Nyan Nyan x2,Hysteric Fairy x2,X-Head Cannon they are all out dated... Drillago x2 Kaiser Seahorse x3 are only decent at best... but your traps and magics are solid and full of staples so you could turn this deck into a new direction easily...
DeathBug i just wanna say that i am throughly impressed by your knowledge. although i do know more then enough, i'm not art skilled at making quick and perfectly correct replys... *still in utter awe*
3xBook of moon That card is a life saver, nough said but i shall comment futher... book of moon- quick play, target monster is turned face down defence amazing for stoping jinzo to active a much needed trap or just stopping an attack, or one thing thats fun is make it a combo with nobleman of crossout, or Sazuke Samurai, or magican of faith... getting 2 magic cards is just plain fun awesome come on, there i go again ranting about a card when first we would need to structure the deck futher... but my point is that book of moon is an extremely useful card... sorry for wasting your time since i think that this post is quite low on content level...
Torrential Tribute since this deck doesn't have many trap cards facing Jinzo won't matter much and adding one more can't hurt to much... but if our mirror force has already been used and we can't seem to get a monster out to change the tide then why not just let them summon just one more monster so they can all be blown up? or my ideal way of blowing things up for this deck, suppose we only have 2 fiends in the graveyard and we need our necrofear out well how about we summon one of our weenie fiends and blast all the monsters down with it and then special summon our necrofear and slap them for 2200 damage... if that wouldn't teach some one to take our deck seriously well then i give them a cookie...
Hatake Kakashi your deck is alright but it needs more planning in it... and if i'm not mistaken buster blader only gets the 500 atk boost only for your opponent's dragon monsters, so running a dragon deck does nothing for buster blader...and you have outdated cards as well, Sticky Pit Trap should be taken out and replaced with atleast a trap hole but idealy Mirror force lol but even i don't have that card...(well i did but i traded my 1 edition Mirror Force for my Yata...) and Sword of Deep Seated if i'm not mistaked it returns to the top of your deck when it is destoryed and that only slows down your deck futher and makes you vunlerable to yata, or just a massive beat down. suppose your opponent has a summoned skull and you only have a Sword of Deep Seated and dark magican out, well playing sword of deep seated would rasie dark magican to 3000atk but next turn if they destroy dark magican with a fissure or something, then you have no monsters and sword of deep seated is placed back on top of your deck and next turn you would get it back but your opponet would know this as well and just play a monster to attack you and then he would gain control of the duel... your deck is also very vurerable to a gravity bind deck since you don't have any mystic space typhoons and such...i could go on about that situation but i think this post is long enough... I give you a 6/10
I completely argee, take archfiends for example... when you complete an archfiend deck you would basicly deal extreme amounts of damage to your opponet in a very short amount of time, due to pandimoniam and other archfiend special summons. but if your opponet has his deck packed with exile of the wickeds, you my friend already lost that duel before you drew your cards... *exile of the wicked-destorys ALL fiends* even though theme decks have a massive upside and are fun to play, they can easily be taken care off....
my bud Lalaith Ril has posted up the decks i've made before but i figured that since i won a torney were i knocked off the #1 kansas state yugioh player i might as well show ya'll the current "BLUE" deck... (the "gold" deck is majorly revamped and is now extremely evil...worst duel of my life, 45-50mins of my blue vs gold and even though i had the blue i couldn't get his stinking fiber jar out of the game... the life was 8000 me to his 6100 by the time i surrendered...) ANYWAY now that i bored you with that and if you haven't skipped my post yet, how bout ya'll tell me what you think of my deck? Yata-Locking-hand-destorying-uber-BEATDOWN lol this deck is supposed to have a million back up plans and combos... Normal Monsters x1 Summoned Skull x1 Luster Dragon x1 Gemini Elf Effect Monsters x2 Magician of Faith x1 Fiber Jar x1 Jinzo x1 Yata-Garasu x1 Exiled Force x1 Don Zaloog x1 Great Maju Garzett x2 Spirit Reaper x1 Sasuke Samurai x1 Witch of the Black Forest x1 D.D Warrior Lady Traps x3 Drop Off x1 Negate Attack x1 Imperial Order x1 Torrential Tribute x1 Magic Cylinder Magic x3 Book of Moon x2 Mystical Space Typhoon x1 Nobleman of Crossout x1 Permature Burial x1 Swords of Revealing Light x1 Change of Heart x1 Graceful Charity x1 Raigeki x1 Heavy Storm x1 Delinquent Duo x1 Mage Power x1 Monster Reborn x1 Dark Hole x1 Pot of Greed