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Everything posted by xxxGothChickxxx

  1. I love Mushroomhead, yeah, I love them, yup.
  2. COFFEE!!!!! COFFEE!!!! WEO0 WOE0!!!! *LOVES COFFEE* I NEED IT IN THE MORNINGS!!! Wo0oT!!!! YEAH...Umm....sugar....and cream!!! oh yeah iced mocha's too and yeah stuff like that!! weo0 *hyper* i am never hyper...im a dark person...i have not been hyper in like 1 year hahaha
  3. i guess i like them....after all i did see them in concert..they're okay i had to check them out..ya know?
  4. 1-Jeepers Creepers 2 2- Freddy Vs. Jason 3- Stuck On You 4- House Of The Dead 5- Last but not least....*Drum Roll*..........Dun, dun, dun........American Weeding XD
  5. Dark colors!!!!! Red Blue Black Purple! Ya know?
  6. Lol, that's selfish. But you know you couldn't do that....Because if you're in a band you have to have more than just yourself! Unless, you want to do that stupid crappy rap shinot or r an b or pop! Ya know? Lol, so unless that's the case there would be no way for you to do that! Get my flow? Haha. XD
  7. Yeah, what are they doing? Running around stage being stupid? I mean come on you have enough people. Let's see you only need 2 at the most guitar players, One drummer, that's 3 already, one bassist (some may think different with 2) and a singer! So, how's that. I guess it depends on who can do what right? Well, anyways that;s just what I think. Because I have 5 members in my band.
  8. I'm organized..............in a way. I have the basement for all my guitars and my drum set and our bands equipment. Um, I have a certain place for all my piercing rings. As far as school with paper and binder wise, I am and I'm not I guess you could say.
  9. Well, all of them are my favorite. I love them to death. Yup, so I can honestly say all of their albums are.
  10. hehe yeah thanks...see i get them because it's a way of me saying i dont give a flying flip what people think....it's a way for me to express myself....it's really kool.....i don't really care if poeple think it's freakish...cuz i'ma just tell them to screw off it's what i do...
  11. HAHAHA! I seen this movie...It was great!!! Funny, too.
  12. k...2 songs only "violence" and "miss you" i likethose songs from the new c.d. about it...:D
  13. Hmmm...Disturebd...Ahhh yes Jewish Rock, lol. I like 2 songs thats it. Yup. Theyre Ok not even that.
  14. i have six words "one of the greatest bands ever" i love them
  15. well.....out of all my music that i like this group i can honestly say i like and will be the only one i like different from what i listen to amy is a great singer....i love their songs because theyre real ad energetic....bah
  16. lol, i like anti-flag for some reason they're great....yesh i saw them in concert quite a few tomes i have no problem with them
  17. It's simple, any rap,hip-hop,R&B,Pop or anything like that is the worst ever........Especially Aqua...
  18. I have counted out all of those bands I like there are 250 of them so that tiz why I couldn't name them all...They hard coreness just keeps me alive...music is really everything...i dunno wut i would do with out my heavy/dark/death metal or my band i think i would die....tiz why i love it so friggin much!!!!
  19. I love it...Call me crazy...If anyone is obbsessed with it then d-load some Velvet Acid Christ....I love Trace heheh Raves are fun
  20. Name:Heidi Age: 15 going on 16 DOB: February 19, 1987 Location: Born in Tulsa Oklahoma now livin in Des Plaines Illinois One Word: Evil No, seriously. Describe yourself in one word: Evil Occupation: MMMM, Hot Topic sadly...And with my Uncle at his business thingeh Color: Dark Colors Food: Lasagna Beverage: Surge Alter Ego: Dream Job: Photgrapher.......Vet I think Self-Proclaimed: Scary Ethnicity: German, French and of course American but if you wanna get technical English Extracurricular: Something Hobby: Music, My band, My guitars, Friends, Photography, Being me ol' goth self.....And other stuff Dessert: Chocolate Moose Cake Musician: Umm.....Umm.....Brody Armstrong....I guess Group: Umm...Way to many to name meaning bands instead of groups Mac or PC? PC Nics: A lot Blog: Mhm Home Page: Yeah but Not anymore Religion: Christian Book: Don't have one Collections: Scary things and no one knows but coca cola things i have a huge collection of it from when iot first came out to now Sport: Rugby (people get hurt in this sport more than any other sport especially in Germany:devil: ) Won't Eat: Fruitcake and Squid or Muscles TV Show: Ummm I don't watch t.v. I'm too busy but if I do that 70's show would be it Words to live by: I dunno....A lot of saying I guess Addicted to:Music Comic: I don't know Movie: Any slasher movies
  21. So, what's everybody's take on piercings and tattoos? Anyone have any? Mm..I have 33 piercings (yes, I know I'm a freak) and 8 tattoos hahah funny huh I'm only 15. Umm, 4 on my lips 2 on each side..my liberae the thing in the middle of ur chin n bottom lip my eye brow 4 times my tongue 4 times and my belly button and my ears make up the rest of the 33...i have a bar code on my wrist i have a jester on my neck my intials in old english on my ankle a dragon on my lower back i have demon wings on my hips...i have 666 on my hip lol my friend dared me on that one i have a witch craft star on my arm and last but not least a saying on my inner lip that says bite me hehehe! Sorry about the bad grammar i'm really tired right now.
  22. So, anyone here in a band? If you're not do you play anything? I'm in a heavy metal/dark metal band it's name is Physco Epidemic we've been a band since 1999. I play the guitar. I have played the electric guitar since I was 8 1/2. I also play the drums but I favor the guitar more, I also play it in my band and I am back up vocals. We have played many of many shows. It's cool. We have a record deal we're signing next year! So look for us! So, what about ya'll?
  23. Welp, here's one of my poems to get you guys started out.... Apocalypse Energy....Stuck in a moment in the past, The present, now and always. Forever one with the universe... The universe torn in two pieces. And never again will it shine. The words fall from broken lips, The mouth trembles with anticipation. Waiting, and seeing behind the blades of infinity. Only in our lifetime. Running backwards fowards, Skipping stones in an endless stream...Life. Following the rythm of earth, We seek what we can never know. Higher it pulls us into the nothingness of mankind. Our own destruction we have created. Filling the air with darkness, and it drips So slowly now. The earth trembles, and our bones are weak. Never again may we remember what never was. Further into the ground... Digging for words of past civilizations... Never again. Seeking truth, But believing the lies. What is hidden from us, Is what we were before. Washing the brain, With sounds of structure and chaos. Together as one, yet never united. Tying up our thoughts with myths and lore. Fiction never seemed so real. Now we sit quiet, Almost waiting for the end to come. A weary spirit comes from deep within, It pours out it's sadness to the earth. Fields of laughter, From the children who will never know. Discussion, remembrance, And what the future holds, It is all to bright for human eyes. When the sun comes closer, Bringing with it secrets, and promises. Complete fulfillment. One more time around, One more day to live. Everything matters when nothing does.
  24. [COLOR=blue]SOOOO!! Who in this forum besides me is a dark metal heavy metal and death metal fan? My fav bands well i have so many i can only name a few umm slipknot,dimmu bogir,shut down,hatebreed,primus,cradle of filth, GODSMACK (yes i know alternative metal) fear factory drowning pool coal chamber and a lot a lot more shadow fall is great too i have a loy more but it would be too long of a post lol! Anyone else?[/COLOR]
  25. I am a Slipknot fan I always will be! Yeah, all of their songs are my favorite, but one that appeals to me the most is People= Sh it and Left Behind. I actually know the drummer:D
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