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About Mizu
- Birthday 02/14/1989
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I'm a martial artist who's been going from dojo, to dojo, and planet to planet to become as strong as I possibly can..
Waiting or Yami Yugi/Atemu to become a widower
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OOC: ((Aw crap crap crap crap crap crap CRAP!!! PLEASE IGNORE MY LAST POST. @@ I was in a hurry, and I miss-read that part! (which also explains why it was so short) Man, this is exactly why I hate it when people (irl/msn IM) rush me when I'm TRYING to read other peoples' posts!! *shoots random objects w/ a machine gun* Oh yeah, I can't think of anything to post, so go ahead and continue @@'))
OOC: ((It's ok, happens all da time. ^.^)) "I'm glad that that weird cult ain't showin' up. u_u Cuz if they did, I'd beat the freakin' crap outta 'em!" Oo Mizu laughs demonicly, then punches herself in the face. "I hate it when I do that. o.o' Anyway, I'm sorta surprised that I'm the strongest person u've met. 0.0 And weird or not, I'm proud that I'm strong! :D Mostly cuz if Pokemon have a strong trainer, they become strong too!" ^^
OOC: ((Actually, Mizu wouldn't be all that shocked by Rorohiko's additude because she's been desencitized by movies and television. o_o')) Mizu nods, now understanding the situation "Ohh, now I get it. u_u Man, what a bunch of losers. =\ Of course they were losers from the start because of their crazy looney ideas, but still.
Mizu fallows Rorohiko as he leads the way "Man, that cult or whatever that wants u dead is filled with a bunch of crazy-looney-people!! 0.0 To even THINK that ANY Pokemon can be even the smallest bit Satanic is just plain WRONG!! >
"Heh, alright then Squirtle, lets make this battle quick, shall we?" Squirtle nods "Squirtle, use water gun!!" The water gun makes a direct hit on the charmeleon, but the Charmeleon stands its ground. Then Charmeleon charges in using scratch attack, and Squirtle gets hit dead on, but thanks to it's hard shell it didn't do as much damage. "Squirtle, you may have an elemental advantage, but don't forget, that Charmeleon is probably way ahead of you in level and experiance, so try to dodge it's attacks as much as possible!" "Squirtle Squirt!" "Alright then Squirtle, lets try one more water gun and try to give it ur best shot!!" Squirtle then shoots a water gun attack, that looks to be unusually larger than most water gun attacks, and it hits the Charmeleon straight on! "Char, charmeleonnn.." @@' "Alright! v0_~ Squirtle, return!" ^_^ Squirtle then goes back into its Pokeball "Now to find Rorohiko.....though I'm sure he's fine, it's still better to be safe than sorry. o.o Wait, why am I just standing here talking to myself?! >< I gotta see if he's ok beepit!!" Oo (Ya know how on TV they cencer bad words using that "beep" noise? 0.o well, Mizu actually says the word "beep" to replace the bad word. o.0....Yeah, I know she's weird, but this is nothing compared to the maximum level of her weird-ness. o.o) Mizu then runs after in the direction Rorohiko went
"Great job Squirtle, u should have a good rest." ^_^ With that said, Mizu returned Squirtle into its Pokeball. "......Wait,..there was something I was planning to do.." o.o............."!!! Now I remember!" 0.0 Then Mizu started running at lightning speed, heading to where Rorohiko is, talking to herself on the way. "I'd rather at least "TRY" to help Rorohiko get Jirachi, then go on some wild goose chase trying to find the other Orbs and other rare Pokemon.." Soon enough, Mizu makes it to the dock, completely out of breath. @@;;;;;;.......after catching her breath for a bit, she spots Rorohiko "! Hey, over here!!" :D She waves at him and runs towards him. OOC: ((I'm not sure if Rorohiko is on the boat or not @.@))
Mizu takes a few steps away, sneaking into Veridian Forest. "Dang, I better catch me some Pokemon! 0.0 I'm practically the only one who doesn't have any other than my first Pokemon!" She looks around the Veridian Forest "Hm, there's gotta be some Pokemon arround here somewhere....AH HA!" Mizu sees a Spearow searching for food in the Grass "It's....so....CUTE!" -^^- The Spearow stops, hearing Mizu's voice, and lets out an angry scwaking sound. "Oh no, it must have heard me! No matter, I'll still catch it anyway.." said Mizu, smirking some. She then grabs the Pokeball that her Squirtle is in "Squitle, lets catch us a new friend!" Squirtle pops out of it's Pokeball, ready for battle! "Squirtle squirt!" Said Squirtle, then Spearow starts with a tackle attack, then Mizu says "Squirtle, try to dodge it!" Squirtle then moves to the side, barely missing the attack. "Great job Squirtle, now use Water Gun!" Said Mizu, then Squirtle uses Water gun on Spearow when it least suspected the attack. "Awesome!" Spearow then flys up high and swoops in for a peck attack ((I can't remember if Spearow already know this attack or not @_@'')) "Squirtle, look out!! try to use a tackle attack!!" Squirtle then jumps up, and they both collide with eachother in a big flash, Spearow using Peck, and Squirtle using Tackle. After the big Flash, they both land on their feet, opposet eachother, their backs turned. The wind blows during this moment of silence, as it is just a matter of time before one of them faints, but it is hard to tell which Pokemon took on the most damage..then, Squirtle falls on one knee "Squirtle?!" said Mizu, worried for her Squirtle's safety. Suddenly, Spearow falls over on it's side, then Squirtle gets up and turns towards the Spearow, looking at Mizu, giving her the V for Victory sign "Squirtle Squirt" said Squirtle. "Well, here goes nothing.." And with that said, Mizu grabs the other Pokeball and throws it at Spearow. The Pokeball shakes for a while, and quite a bit, since that Spearow is tough and doesn't want to give up so easily. Then finally, the Pokeball stops shaking and blinking. Mizu stands there, totally speachless, then a wide smile appears on her face "WOOOOHOOOO!!!, YEAH BABY, YEAH!!!!!" She then runs over to the Pokeball and picks it up "AHA HA HA!! ALRIGHT, WE DID IT!!" Mizu Jumps up in the air and does the V for Victory sign "WE CAUGHT OUR VERY FIRST NEW FRIEND!" "Squirtle squirtle!" Mizu then picks up Squirtle "Come my friend, as we celibrate this joyice accasion!!" She holds both Squirtle's hands and starts twirling around for a moment, then she does a quick Tango w/ Squirtle, then tosses Squirtle into the air and catches it. "Thank you so much Squirtle, you are so awesome!" ^_^ She then kisses Squirtle on the Cheek "Squirtle Squirt...." ^///^' Said Squirtle.
Mizu Finally found Aura "Yo!" She runs up to her and tells her everything that Prof. Oak told her to, then grabs her arm "C'mon, we gotta go! You got Ghastly by now, right?" Aura nodded ((I assume she did by now since there's been alot more posts @@;;)) "Right, then we better hurry!" Eventually, they made it to Prof. Oak's lab OOC: ((I'm not gonna be prof. Oak at this part cuz I have no idea what to make him say, and I dunno where everybody is exactly. u.u'' Oh yeah, ya know when eclips made Carter pair everybody off in groups? Well, I don't really mind the group that I got put in o.o I was probably going to go help them anyway. ^_^'))
Mizu still sits there, petting her Squirtle's head as if she were some kind of evil scientist petting a cat, (Mizu is a very strange person, no? o.o) and starts talking to herself. "Hm....I "Could" go to Ferina w/ Rorohiko...BUT he said that he doesn't really need any help, and I have a way of messing everything up, so I guess that option is down the toilet." A flushing sound is made in Mizu's mind. "Hm....I could look for an orb by myself....or w/ the others...hmm.....man, I hate thinking..." Mizu sighs again "Oh well, I guess I'll think more about all this tomorrow.." She then calls her Squirtle back inside its Pokéball and goes to a nearby Pokémon center to sleep. OOC: ((I'm sorta confused on where we all are at the moment. @.@ One min it's like we're in Prof. Oaks lab, and the next we're in Varidian City/Forest. 0.o Sorry, it's just that I'm use to rping in IM, so maybe it's a little different. @@;))
Mizu sighs and sits down somewhere, leaning against something, w/ Squirtle on her lap. "Maybe Rorohiko's right..maybe I will never be as close to all my Pokemon as much as he is w/ his Absol.." Mizu's Squirtle looks up at her then says "Squirtle squirt." Mizu then looks down at her Squirtle and blinks "...?" "Squirtle squirt squirt, squirtle!" Mizu then sighs again "Well, at least you know what I'm saying....but I can't quite understand what you're saying....." "Squirt Squirtle Squirtle.." Mizu pets her squirtle on the head "Well, I may not understand you yet, but I think I get the message.." She smiles at squirtle, then Squirtle smiles back.
Mizu blinks after everything that just now happened. "Um....okay..." She shakes her head some then looks to Rorohiko. "Well, it sounds like to me that you and your Absol are really really close. ^_^ I hope that someday that me and my Squritle, and all the other Pokemon that I'll catch become just as close to eachother, just like you and Absol!" ^^ She then looks down at the Squritle that she held in her arms, looking into it's large red-ish eyes. "Right, Squirtle?" ^_^ Mizu's Squirtle nodded and said "Squirtle Squirt!" ^^ Then Mizu cuddles her Squirtle "Awww, you're so cute when u do dat!" ^.^ Her Squirtle then says, w/ a slightly embarressed expression "Squirrrtlle..." ^_^' After she cuddles her Squritle for a bit, she looks at Rorohiko "I can't believe that anybody would be afraid of an Absol. o.o I mean, I am well aware of the legends, and how they appear before huge disasters, but I think Absol is really really really adorable! ^^ I even hope to catch one myself someday." :) OOC: ((Oh yeah I forgot to mention, Mizu thinks that EVERY Pokemon is adorable...ok, now think of a Pokemon that u think is the LEAST adorable for a min...that's it, have a good picture of it in u mind.........yep, Mizu thinks that that Pokemon right there is adorable too. o.o))
Mizu nods "Yeah your right, it would make more sence to go after Jirachi first. But it's kinda a shame that Jirachi is sleeping, cuz it would have been cool to see a real one up close. uu' But oh well, at least it will be easier to capture, and I think THAT is what is most imortant....aside from getting Mew, Celebi, and the Orbs and such of course.
"Well, the only thing that I know about Mew's whereabouts is that it should be somewhere here in Kento. If we knew where it was hiding, we could get Mew, fallowed by Celebi, then Jirachi. But sence we don't know where Mew is hiding...which Pokemon are we trying to catch first?"
Mizu thinks more about everything, still holding her Squirtle "Hm....so we just have to figure out where Mew, and Celebi are.....Celebi....." she looks down as she thinks more, as if trying to remember something long forgotten, then looks at the group "Hey! I think I might know where Celebi is! There's a legend about a forest near..Azalea town, somewhere in Johto, and the forest is called...I think it's "ILEX Forest", yeah, that's it. ^_^ Anyway, the legend talks about a gaurdian that watches over the forest, and it mentions that the gaurdian is some type of grass Pokemon...and even though Celebi is a grass, AND psychic element, I think that the gaurdian of Ilex Forest IS Celebi!" OOC: ((Oh yeah, I didn't make up ILEX Forest, or that legend by the way. ^_^' it's actually in the game Pokemon Crystal...and maybe in Gold and Silver......I can't remember. @.@))
She blinks as she holds her Squirtle in her arms. (She tends to somewhat baby her Pokemon @_@) "Wow...and I thought trying to be a Pokemon Master was gonna be tough...but now this on top of that..?" Mizu thinks about the situation a bit more, and raises her hand. "Prof. Oak? Howcome the Elite Four or somebody doesn't do all this? I mean, I really want to help, I'm just asking out of curiousity"