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Korey last won the day on November 12 2024

Korey had the most liked content!

About Korey

  • Birthday 06/26/1989

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Heltersberg, Rhineland-Pfalz, Germany
  • Biography
    PM me and you'll find out....maybe
  • Interests
    Video games, journalism, music, sightseeing.
  • Occupation
    Student, Moderator
  • theOtaku User Name
  • Favorite Anime
    Bleach, Samurai Champloo, FLCL, Cowboy Bebop, Lucky Star
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  1. Holy moly, this place still exists! I was having a nostalgia trip on Facebook of when Boo randomly put song lyrics of an Original Song parody we did on the OB podcast back at its height. Looking back, the Podcast was one of the most creative things I'd ever done and it was so much fun to interact with so many of you guys in person. The show was just a giant hodge podge of user-generated, user-driven content and it truly embodied how amazing and talented so many of you were. I remember my early years of OB were just me with a very age-appropriate user name doing random RPs with total internet strangers. I remember being intimidated to interact in other forums because I felt so out of my depth there, but the regular posters there were so amazing welcoming and kind. A fond memory (and this really dates me here, lol) is when I got my first invite to a group AIM conversation with several of the staff/regular members. I felt so honored because at the time I was a brand new moderator. It was so cool to interact with people in real time versus on a forum. From there it was Skype and Facetime and even IRL meetups. So many of you are so rad. I hope everyone is doing well!
  2. Sure thing. OB Podcast #11: The Real Stuff Sucks
  3. Hey all, popping out of the ether to pay my respects to Desbreko. Desbreko was the moderator who asked me to become part of the staff long ago. I was so honored back then because it was Desbreko that was asking. Even back in '07 his name had weight and somewhat of a legend behind it. I remember Boo trying for the longest to get him on the OB Podcast and when he finally did I was on vacation, heh. My experience with Des is that he was always willing to lend a hand, or a screencap (or both) and was the silent observer in the chat. If I ever had a question on moderation or tech, Desbreko was the man I ran to. Desbreko also made a few of my Avatar/Banner sets! He was a kind heart and a keen mind. May he rest in peace. See you, Space Cowboy.
  4. Man, I feel bad sometimes that it'll be like.... 3-4 days and I don't log in. But anyways, since Shy is still here.... I'm still over in Germany for at least another year. Currently I'm in the middle of changing jobs (again) because the place where I was employed closed down (again). I sliced my finger up pretty bad recently:                                                               I was opening packages of meat and hacked my finger something nasty. Got a little bit of tendon. Two stitches later, I learned a valuable lesson: knives are sharp.  My girlfriend and I just celebrated our 1 year anniversary at the end of last month and we have a vacation planned to Edinburgh, Scotland next month.  I finished up my BA in Journalism and as soon as I get back to the US I'm gonna be looking for employment in my field. I'm not having too many high hopes for it, because I'm primarily interested in printed works and the industry is definitely trending towards digital content. While I'm being a more realistic about my job prospects, I'm not completely losing faith in getting a job in the industry.  A new hobby I'm trying to pick up is Free-running. For the longest time, I've been completely out of shape and not working due to BS excuses (work). As such I've balooned up quite a bit. But I'm kinda nervous about Free-Running because I'm hilariously  uncoordinated and clumsy. I'm not too flexible and I can't jump too high. But I saw a video of some guys doing free-running in their neighborhood and I felt compelled to at least try. I'm trying to grab a few other crazies to come run with me and hopefully we can all grow together as a free-running group. So wish me luck on that, guys! But it's good to hear from people. Feel free to add me on zee FB : /KoreyKore as I'm wayyyy more active on there.  
  5. Hey there Wakashi! :) Glad you enjoyed the show! Boo and I had an amazing time recording the show during it's heyday and we still joke every now and again about just pumping out new shows. Unfortunately the site isn't as active as it was back then and we have both kinda moved on in our personal lives.  BUT, we'd be more than happy to be guests on your show or lend our help in any way. I'll forward this to Boo and we'll be in contact soon! :)
  6. Congrats Chibs! Now I look for you to truly make your mark on the world. Few things about college: 1) Be open to trying new things, but don't be afraid to stand up for your own personal beliefs 2) Weird things are going to happen on campus. Sidewalk preachers, free hug groups, protests.  3) It's easy if you pay attention and show up to class. All those horror stories your teachers told you about college aren't true haha Have fun! I know I did :)
  7. Happy Valentine's day everynyan! I love you all. <3   
  8. Lots of my friends play League, but I never found the allure of games like that. Even games like Starcraft are just too tedious for me to spend hours on. But here's a funny meme I found. So that should soften things up right?
  9. Sleak. Stylin. Good work Petie. I'll let you know if I run across any issues.
  10. Corgis are the most adorable little dogs ever. I have a couple of friends who have them and they're very intelligent and super easy to train. I assume since this little guy is 9 months old he's already housebroken. Don't be surprised if he goes in your place though. One thing about Corgis (and most herding dogs) is that you have to give them a lot of exercise and open spaces. If there's a dog park nearby, I'd suggest taking him to one. Or at least on a daily walk. I know you're pretty active, so maybe taking him on a job will keep him from getting fat haha.  
  11. Actually [url="http://www.examiner.com/article/westboro-baptist-church-thwarted-newtown-conn-by-peaceful-supporters"]they have attempted to picket some of the funerals[/url], most notably the principal from Sandy Hook and were met with resistance by those who were supporting the families of this shooting. From what is said and what actually happened, there wasn't any actual protesting going on, but the group had announced they were going to attend the funeral. WBC has a habit of protesting at high-profile people's services such as Steve Jobs and Elizabeth Edwards. Also, if you follow any tech news at all, famous (and recently convicted) hacker "Cosmo the God" broke his parole to [url="http://sourcefednews.com/westboro-hacker-broke-probation/"]hack the Twitter accounts[/url] of two spokespeople for the WBC and allegedly remote recorded gay porn on one of their DVR's. Unfortunately he'll be getting jail time for that, but he definitely did a lot of good (in his own way) to help the people who are still grieving. Now, I agree 100% that their actions are heinous and very very insensitive and shouldn't be labeled under free speech. However, and this is the kicker in America, you have to prove that the speech incites immenent violence or retaliation against a group or individual. What makes this even worse is that the definitions of Hate Speech can vary greatly from state to state. While the WBC is very hateful in their protests, they are not telling people to gun down soldiers and homosexuals and whoever else they are protesting for. They are saying "God hates ____" and "Good, another dead ___. " Since God can't imminently strike down a person or harm them, then the speech has to be left alone. You see it all the time at college campuses. Sidewalk preacher told me once I was a fornicator for kissing my girlfriend in public and I wasn't married and I was going straight to hell. Did it fire me up? Yeah, but she had the right to say it and I had the right to walk away and get away from this horrible, hateful person. What happens though is that groups like this get media attention and it spreads their message involuntarily by simply acknowledging their existence Instead of forced goverment action, why not just simply ignore them until they go away on their own? Make the flame die out on it's own by not giving it any oxygen.
  12. My friends and I went to the midnight opening for Skyfall. First time I've done that for a movie in a while. But I love James Bond movies and I've seen every one. But I was a lamer and didn't dress up. I'm not too big on dressing up for Halloween.
  13. Now he needs to end every-sentence with "Kupo!"
  14. [font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]Well I guess in some states you really have no choice but TO get married out of wedlock :/ I'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled on Friday. I think the doctors gave me too much drugs though. Perceset (SP?) AND Ibuprofen. I won't be able to feel my nose for several decades. [/font]
  15. I'll let Dragon Warrior know about this, Pumpkin :P I photobombed myself in this pic. See if you can find me [img]http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/420097_4558587887094_803442095_n.jpg[/img]
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