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Xander Harris

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Everything posted by Xander Harris

  1. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet] Of course if Bush does win this election those of us who didn't vote for him can always look forward to a few things: 5.) THere are more speeches with big words for him to mess up. Yes, it's a scary thought, but we must always look to the bright side! [/color][/QUOTE] LOL. Yeah, I just don't think late night comedy would be the same with Kerry in office. Life without "George W. Bush's joke that isn't really a joke" and similar Letterman segments would somehow seem empty. ;)
  2. Who have your favorite teachers been through the years, and why? My favorite would have to be our high school history teacher. He is retiring this year, and won Wal-Mart's teacher of the year competition. He is funny and friendly, and always tries to relate the lessons to something relevant. He has really done a lot for our school not just in the athletic department (he's been the Athletic Director for years) but also for the school in general, by modeling a good attitude and a contagious love for life.
  3. We have a beta fish. His name is Buddy. If he is hungry, he will swim to the top of the bowl and stick his mouth out of the water, demanding food. He likes to have his water changed. After we change his water, he spreads out and swims around, instead of just sitting there. Sometimes I think he is dead, but he is really just sleeping. I like our fish. And that post looks like it was written by a two year old. So sue me, they can't all be gems :rolleyes:
  4. (This RPG looks Awesome!!!) Name: Uila Nioco Age: 300 Race: Elf/Pheonix born Race Information: Pheonix born are Elvish men and women who once died. But they were brought to life by Pheonix blood. Now, when they die, they are reborn from their ashes like a pheonix. They tend to ban together, and worship the sun god. Description: Uila has dull green eyes that suddenly flash with fiery brilliance when he is angered or when an enemy is near. He has thick black, matted hair then goes down to his shoulders. He is thin and wiry, but there is a surprising amount of strength and vitality in his limbs. Occupation: Bank clerk by day, agent for Department 7 by night Bizarre/Supernatural powers: Rebirth: When killed, Uila may unleash a burst of energy that slays all evil in his vicinity. He then will be reborn from his ashes within a day. Tears of the pheonix: Uila's tears may heal all wounds, like those of a phoenix. Flight: Uila can surround himself with a green, fiery bird-like construct, and then may fly. The construct can deal damage when he flies past a foe. Great strength: Uila has incredible strength. Detect enemy: His eyes flash when someone with hostile intention is near. Wind mastery: Uila can summon and control strong winds. Detect shadowkind: Eyes flash when other Shadowkind are near. Weapons/Possessions: 3 Tiol (the god of birds in the shadow world) daggers: 3 small daggers with a green gem in the center of the hilts. 1 can absorb magical attacks, 1 becomes surrounded when thrown and gains more and more power the further it travels (not so effective at short range, but a devastating long range attack), and 1 that will return to it's weilder when thrown. Pistol: standard issue to Department 7 agents. Laptop computer Ear-piece communicator Trench coat Background: Uila was a great Elven warrior back in his own world. He was the primary scout for the greatest of the Elven warlords. One day, he was scoping out the territory in front of the advancing Elven army, and he saw a great horde of giants and ogres approaching. He ran back toward the troops, but one of the ogre shamans had cast a detection spell. The army shot Uila dead. His animal companion, a pheonix, flew back to the elves and warned them of the oncoming army. The elves achieved victory that day, and the pheonix flew back to the side of it's fallen master. It cried over it's master's corpse, then died. Uila rose again, transformed into one of the Pheonix-Born. But the new life came with a price. Dark sorcerors craved the power of the Pheonix- Born, which only a few select few worthy souls were chosen by those enigmatic birds. They persued Uila relentlessly, and drove him to seek seclusion in the woods. There, he found a pool of muddy water. The water seemed to call to him; to bubble and churn with a hypnotic song. Uila stepped into the water, and the next thing he knew he had awoken on the streets of New York. Little memory of his former life remains. He sees his homeworld in dreams at night. And sometimes in nightmares. He quickly learned to his Elf ears in public, and eventually had plastic surgery to make them look more normal. In the early days, when he was confused and scared, he met an agent of the government agency known as Department 7. Department 7 took him in, and taught him of his true origins, and of how to survive in the mortal's world. They put him through training, and made him into one of their agents. Thanks to a few papers signed by the President of the United States, he was secured a job as a bank clerk. His current mission for Department 7 is to monitor and catalogue the other Shadowkind in NYC, as well as those that hunt the Shadowkind. Occasionally, his duties require him to engage someone (or something) to learn the extent of their abilities and enter them into his datafiles, but typically he just observes. Uila is all business. He is diligent, calculating, and resourceful. But despite his workaholic exterior, he is known to develop great affection for those he considers friends. Although he would never admit it, he has come to care deeply for some of those beings that he is charged to observe. Miscellaneous: Uila can ask Department 7 for things if he needs them, and he makes very good money as a government agent. He is skilled in Judo.
  5. I like each verse until their last lines.... Maybe make a chorus with the "loving embrace" in it and give each verse a new ending... I really like the first two verses...
  6. Yes. the Bible is against homosexuality. According to the Bible, God wiped out Soddom and Gamorrah because they were filled with practicioners of homosexuality. Hebrew law explicitly states that homosexual behavior is forbidden. Many jewish laws are no longer followed by Christians, which brings us to the New Testament... Romans 1:26-27: "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence [sic] of their error which was meet." It drives me nuts when people try to pretend that the Bible doesn't say what it clearly states... of COURSE homosexuality is condemned in scripture. However, I am equally disgusted by Christian leaders who act like homosexuality is the greatest sin possible, and like their mortal enemies are gay people. We're all sinners. There is no reason to treat homosexuals any differently than any one else. As a conservative christian, I believe homosexuality is a sin, but that doesn't mean I hate all gays. Some gay people are quite intelligent and talented. We should treat gays with the same respect and kindness we would give any other fallen human being. That's my two cents.
  7. I'm fairly certain the Ripper project died... I hope they don't kill Wesley, just 'cause I love that character. I would love to see Gunn finally die, though. Actually, I think it will be Wesley who goes. He's been slowly dying inside ever since Fred was killed... I think that's foreshadowing of his fate. He's overcome his little drunken episode, got himself back together, time to go out like a hero. Gunn already got his heroic death in the basement with the monster. He doesn't need the heroic death spotlight again. I personally hate Illyria (even though she looks cool) because I think she is a second-rate Anya.
  8. Math is a pain in the butt. You have to work repetitive problems over and over and learn complex, irritating things that will never be useful in the rest of your life. That said, I am finishing up an Advance Math course right now. (I graduate in a couple more days) I'm glad I took Math in high school. It teaches you to do things that have no point, and to wrap your mind around tough concepts. It stretches your brain and teaches you work ethic. That said, I'm taking the easiest math course I can as soon as possible to get it out of the way in college :p Oh, and I laughed at the story. But maybe I am just easily amused...
  9. Wow... you really do like this movie :eek: I apologize for my, er, ... blasphemy. I couldn't remember that dude's name, and was too rushed to look it up. Kittychanann couldn't get it right either, so now I feel better ;)
  10. [quote name='HOTpage2004]Plus, Bush has to finish this war, if Kerry gets elected and brings all our troops back, than all the tropps that died would have died for nothing. So I would vote for Bush, who would you vote for?[COLOR=Blue][COLOR=Blue]xxx[/COLOR'][/COLOR][/quote] No! No! No! No! No! Kerry would NOT bring all the troops back. He has said so from the beginning. To pull out of Iraq now would be folly, anyone with half a brain knows that. If anything, it seems Kerry would send MORE troops. Everyone just THINKS Kerry would pull the troops out because when Bush gave his big press conference a couple weeks back, he kept repeating over and over that "We must stay the course!" Therefore, he has convinced everyone his opponent has said something that he has not. Kucinich was the only Dem who wanted to pull the troops out right away. Both Bush and the press interviewing him came across as complete idiots in that conference. In answer to your question, I still don't know who I want to vote for. Bush has done some good things in office. He has also done some stupid things. Rumsfeld needs to be gone after the Iraqi prisoner scandel, though. Kerry has some interesting ideas, and would perhaps be better at diplomacy, but in order to vote for him I would have to vote for abortion. It might be worth it, if it comes to the point where I couldn't stand to vote for Bush. After all, it's not my fault if some lady decides to kill her kid. Kerry has certainly done his share of flip-flops, and didn't vote for the money the troops needed. I think some of his tax policies are flawed. But I don't buy the "vote for Bush because he is resolute and confident" thing. Someone can be decisive, firm, unyielding, but also wrong. Some may call it leadership, others may call it stubborness and foolhardiness. Who will I end up voting for? I have no idea. I think I would really like to see the two of them debate each other before I make any final decision...
  11. Yeah, the "Princess Bride" is a classic. "You killed my brother. Prepare to die." Classic line. The bit with the poison is nice too, and all the actors and actresses are so charismatic. The boy and his grandfather as narrator is ingenious. If you want a similar movie, go see "Ella Enchanted". I thought it had a similar feel to "The Princess Bride".
  12. Yeah, the final story arc feels incredibly rushed. The Alyria-centric episode a couple episode's back had Star-Trek level bad writing. It was practically unwatchable. Thankfully, the style and skill we've come to expect from these creators came back with tonight's episode. But it still feels rushed. Taking out a foe this big would have occupied Angel or Buffy an entire season or more in the good old days. Now they have to do it in one episode, thanks to the stupid muckety-mucks at WB. I wonder if some of the talk in tonight's episode about 'The Powerful' was aimed at the WB execs... I also liked the darker tone this episode had. The moral shades of grey and the film noir grittiness are back. Thank goodness, after the ludicrous silliness of last weeks Italian fling. David says he won't do any more Angel after this; he wants to take what he learned from the role and move on. But James Marsters would love to keep playing Spike. So, what they need to do, is make a show about Spike. He could be a travelling agent, like was suggested earlier in the season. It would be great! I can't wait to see what Alexis does next. He has been absolutely incredible as Wesley this year. I think he should be the next James Bond. Does anyone know if Whedon is directing the final episode or not?
  13. Well, I'd pray. I believe I'm going to heaven because of my belief in Jesus. Then I would probably tell all my friends and family how much they mean to me... Watch a bunch of movies I wanted to see but didn't get a chance to see yet. Write my memoirs. And die.
  14. Welcome to the peaceful island of Guirnicava. Here you will never want for food... so long as all you need is bread and water six times a week. Here you will have all the money you could ever want... if you are one of the drug lords. Here you will have the honor of living under the rule of our great leader: Manuel Locovaca. And you will like it, or you will die a most heinous public death. The fictional island of Guirnicava is a tropical island located about 30 miles off the coast of southern California. It is ruled by a heinous dictator, and the people slave away in his fields growing plants with which to make heroin and opium. Most of the inhabitants live in abject poverty while the wealthy drug lords live in splendor. The towns are run down and filthy, and health care is practically non-existant. The U.S. refuses to do anything but blockade the island, which only makes things worse. (not that they'd be better off with a U.S. imposed 'regime change' either... see current world events) The wealthy criminals can use smugglers to get what they want, but very little filters down to the people. So it's time for a rebellion! Some military leaders will join with the rebellion, but others will remain loyal to Manuel. A civil war is about to erupt. Angry, starving villagers will rise up and turn the clear waters of this tropical paradise red with blood. :flaming: O.k. For sign ups, this is what I need. Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Biography: Occupation before becoming a rebel: Faults and/or quirks: Favorite weapon: Secondary weapon: Supplementary (anything else?): I'll post mine later. Basically, this RPG is just going to be a violent massacre. Lots of death and meyham, as the rebels and the loyalists fight for the future of Guirnicava. Maybe we'll have some back-stabbing and revenge, too. And property damage, riots, and fires. A very chaotic and crazy rpg. Viva La Revolution!!!!!!
  15. It's said that the spirit of a little boy haunts a local cemetary... the kid loved candy. If you go there, and put a candy bar on the bridge, when you return he will have eaten the candy and left the wrapper. There's a story that the KKK used to have a cell here in Iowa, too. But I think that is just a legend. That's about it for urban legends around here.
  16. M. Night Shyamalan [I]is[/I] the next Steven Spielberg. That said, my thoughts on 'The Village'... Shyamalan has a great way of bringing out little details in his films that make it all come alive. The fact that it is set in the past made me wonder if it would be harder to get into the 'atmosphere' of it since we first have to mentally immerse ourselves in the past before we can immerse ourselves in the plot. But if any director can pull this off, it's Shyamalan. I like the idea for the film: it sort of reminds me of the last few chapters in "A Wrinkle In Time". I think it will also be a bit of an homage to New England scary folk legends, like those Poe and Washington Irving wrote. I've always loved the unique feel these tales have. So, in conclusion, 'The Village' will be a great film. If I'm wrong, you can sue me for wasting your time and money ;)
  17. I would definitely have to say slutty. I've never really been attracted to her, because I really have no respect for someone who makes their living by coming out on stage with practically nothing on and doing sexy dances. Which is all she really does. She can't sing. Her computer sings for her. If she had something else to her besides bare flesh, I would like her more. She does have a nice body. However, in today's society, with Christina Augilara (Sorry if I can't spell her last name right... she's not worth the effort of looking it up) dancing around in a thong while grinding with everything that moves, Brittany Spears starts to look like a nun. She has been trying to 'sex up' her image more to appeal to a 'more mature crowd', but compared with Christina, her efforts are in vein. I actually kind of started to like Brittany Spears this year. Wait! Hear me out! She kisses Madonna, gets married for 48 hours, then puts out one of the most bizarre songs I've heard in a long time (toxic). People like Brittany may not contribute much to music, but they contribute oodles to late night comedy and our pop culture. Brittany Spears, Paris Hilton, etc., are good for our society. They give us someone to feel superior to and laugh at. So the verdict: Slutty, but like others have said, she isn't giving sex for money, so the more appropriate term would maybe be 'promiscuous'.
  18. Well, I myself am bursting with exitement for this movie. I think I'm looking forward to it more than anything else coming out this summer. That song they have playing on the previews (Something Wicked This Way Comes) is cool, spooky, and totally captures the mood of the book. A great war is coming, and the peaceful world of the wizards, witches, and even the muggles will be changed forever. I wouldn't say that the third book is my absolute favorite, but it's up there. I love the stuff with the divination teacher, and all the background about Harry's dad. The last few chapters have so many delicious twists and turns of plot, that Azkaban really does the best job of any of the books of keeping you eagerly turning the pages until the very end. Brilliant book. I think the Harry Potter books really lose something on the big screen. So much of what makes the books so great is just the way Rowlings will turn a phrase. Every sentance in the books is entertaining in some way, because she has a way of working subtle humor and subtext into even the most mundane passages. You just can't capture that in a movie. I like the darker tone this film seems to be taking, and am looking forward to a good ride. I think that this will probably end up being the best Harry Potter movie, since the later books are so long they could never be successfully translated to film. Although I think the visuals in Goblet Of Fire will be the best.
  19. I think some of the stuff in the previews looks funny, and some other stuff looks cliche and stupid. I'd like to see it, just 'cause everyone else in the world will. 'Puss in boots' looks great. But I don't think they can top the storyline of the first film.
  20. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=violet] Back to topic. I've listened to Nirvana, but I can bearly understand their music since Kurt sang like he had marbles in his mouth.[/color][/QUOTE] OOO! You haven't by any chance heard the Weird Al parody "Smells Like Nirvana", have you? The marbles thing is in that song. Weird Al. Now there's someone who truly changed the face of music. Why, if it weren't for him we wouldn't have all those modern rock bands utilizing the accordian, singing about food and T.V., and pretending it was their own idea. Ok., so maybe Weird Al didn't contribute crap to modern music and maybe he's not the topic of the thread so moving on now... As to the suicide topic: I blame Courtney Love. Because I know I would shoot myself if I were married to her ;) But seriously, I don't understand why people even argue about that. The dude was shot full of enough drugs to kill a buffalo, and he had a death wish and a gun. I fail to see any kind of conspiracy there. And Courtney was too full of drugs herself to carry out any kind of brilliant murder scheme. I mean, c'mon, give our American CSI a little credit.
  21. Music, to me, is impossible to seperate entirely from the creative process and from storytelling. I find my greatest inspiration comes when I hear a powerful instrumental peace or a passionate ballad. I often listen to music when I am writing something. I don't have much money, so I don't buy many CD's, and therefore become quite attached to those I do buy. The radio is my main source of music right now. Sometimes when I am making up a story, my brain will compose music to go along with it, or start 'playing' a song that matches the mood of the story. I always, and I mean always, use music with my roleplaying games. I, too, like a wide variety of music. I'm someone who can listen to a hard rock song one minute and a classical piano piece the next and like them both equally. I like country music, rock music, oldies, soundtracks, classical, heavy metal, pop... everything, pretty much. Although I'm a bit iffy on rap and hip-hop. Some of it I like and some I really can't stand. I always love it when I hear a song that perfectly matches a mood I'm in or something I'm struggling with, or when I hear a song so beautiful or sad it makes me cry. Like the other day '100 years' by Five For Fighting came on as the background music on our "what's on T.V." channel and I just sat there and listened to it with tears in my eyes. For some reason, that song just makes me want to cry. It's so beautiful musically, and the words speak to our mortality and fleeting youth. Our choir sang a song this year called "The Awakening" about what the world would be like without music. You think about it, and just about every culture there is in the world has music of some kind. Even some of the hyper-strict christian sects allowed hymns to be sung. The world we live in is just a small piece of the cosmic all. What we see in front of us is often only a small part of a much bigger story. Music, by appealing to our emotions on a powerful primitive level, allows us to transcend the barriers of the mundane, and glimpse, for a moment, a bit of what the world is really like. Sometimes it's an uplifting picture, other times it is bleak. But there can be no denying the almost mystic power of music to stir and illumine our souls and minds.
  22. LOL Biggs :rotflmao: I too watch Kim Possible, and am darn proud of it. It has some of the best animation and funniest plots you will find in American cartoons these days. I love to sing along with 'the naked-mole-rap'. Kim Possible rocks the world! Sometimes if I think I have something funny to say, I will just say it to the air. If someone laughs, I pretend like I was talking to them and life is good. If no one laughs, someone usually looks at me like I'm insane. I then give myself a stern talking to about acting like a mental patient when others are around, and head off to class. Silent Angel, swing music is awesome! I love jazz. Swing dancing is kind of fun too. We had that in PE once upon a time... of course, much of my enjoyment came from dancing as a partner with a hot Latina girl, so maybe it wasn't the dancing itself I enjoyed... Speaking of dancing... I have come to the realization that I cannot dance. I perform sketch comedy to a beat. Sometimes it is funny, sometimes it makes me look like a complete retarded spaz. When I try to seriously dance, I always look stupid. I think that's just a guy thing. Most girls look good when they dance. When they 'just move with the beat' (as they tell us to), they look cool and sometimes even sexy. We men look like dufuses, except those few of us who happen to not be WASPS, and those who have incredible physiques. I always feel equally stupid if I don't dance at a function where you are supposed to, so I try anyway, and the results are not pretty. As I mentioned earlier, however, dancing [I]with[/I] girls is fun. Charles, most of my friends think OtakuBoards are the greatest things ever, but I have a hard time explaining them to people who aren't already involved. The one thing that drives me nuts is when I'm in the computer lab, minding my own business looking at OtakuBoards or some other geeky site, and some loudmouth moron starts yelling "Hey James! What's that? Porn!?! ARe ya lookin' up PORN!?!" Hardee Har HAr Har. What a damn comedian. That would have been funny... in seventh-grade! Grrrrr.
  23. Anyone else here like the group Aerosmith? They are playing a concert in one of the nearby cities, so all the radio stations started playing a bunch of their music. I found that I really liked a lot of the songs, and then found out that some other songs that I liked were by them, so I went out and bought a 'greatest hits' album, which I am listening to while I type this. ;) What I like about this band is how... tuneful... their music is. Some rock music can just sound like a bunch of screaming noise after a while, but these guys incorporate really cool melodies and riffs into all their songs. I also like all the touches of blues, big band, and even latin music that get incorporated into some of their music, like 'Dude Looks Like A Lady'. And I love the lyrics and the mood of songs like 'Living on the Edge', 'Angel', 'Janie's Got A Gun' and 'Dream On.' There's just so much energy and a sense of fun behind all of their songs. I'm finding, though, that many of the songs I hadn't heard of before were unknown to me for a reason. I'm certainly not trying to imply that everything this band does is gold. What do other people think of this group?
  24. I run a pen and paper game for a bunch of people here in the real world. It's an original campaign universe, and I was wondering if anyone would be willing to make a logo for it? It's about a group of demon and bounty hunters in the far future after a great war. The worlds are fairly corrupted, and even though it seems like things are getting better, beneath the surface beings of pure evil are gaining power. There are alien races and starships and vampires and demons, and the heroes work for a group called the 'Covenant' that opposes the demons and vampires. Think 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' meets Cowboy Bebop with a dash of cyberpunk. Could some people make a logo or two that says 'Dark Suns' (the name of my campaign) and in little letters "Powered by GURPS" (the rules system we use) with some kind of appealing design that reflects my campaign? Thanks! Also, could anyone make a banner for [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=39303][COLOR=Blue]this[/COLOR][/URL] online rpg? Thanks!
  25. Name: Ariana Iari Horseman you represent: Famine Gender: Female Physical Appearance: Thin and wraithlike. Her cheekbones are highly visible, and her ribs stick out. She is fairly tall, with whitish/yellowish hair cut short. When she transforms into horseman form, her skin turns yellowish as well, and her normally pale blue eyes transform into pure white. Clothing description: In human form, she wears a short black dress with the bottom edges torn, and no shoes. In horseman form, she has a course bodysuit with a skeletal design upon her chest, and war moccasins. Weapons: Wraith blade: This ghostly sword reminds onlookers of Famine's victims. It is intangible when she wishes it to be... unable to affect anything. Then it becomes strong and deadly, like an insurrection of hungry peasants. Her attacks with this blade are almost impossible to parry. "{5} When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, "Come!" I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand." Pair of scales: Anything intercepted by her first scale comes out of the other scale as a mere fraction of it's former self. Useful as both an offensive and defensive weapon. Magic: Withering Beam: A shimmering wave of energy emanates from Famine's hand. It turns all food to dust, and causes sentient beings to shrivel up and die. She can lesson the effect to simply reduce someone to skin and bones without killing them, if she so desires. Equalization: Food is the great equalizer. All men and women must eat. When Famine casts this spell, both she and her opponent's power is averaged out, and both combatants become equal in power. She can expand this spell to include as many people as she wishes. Hordes of restless souls: Those who died because of hunger can be summoned by Famine to serve her wishes. Her favorite soldiers are aristocrats who were beheaded by hungry hordes in the French revolution. Phasing: Like her sword, Famine can become intangible at will. Theme Song: Hope you don't mind me adding something to your sign-up sheet... Heat rolled off the streets of New York City. Ariana stepped out of the taxi, and smiled at the driver as he extended his hand for money. He was a short and tubby man who kept looking at Famine with a strange look in his eye. Famine giggled. He wanted something from her. Something he would probably use to buy more slimy hot dogs and the putrid balls of cholesterol the humans called 'candy'. There was no way he would get what he wanted from her. She didn't want to help fatten him up in any way. She started to walk away, and the man began to curse at her. Famine turned, and her eyes began to glow bright white. As she gestured with her hand, the man began to shrink. His large stomach faded away, and his round face became gaunt. Then he fell forward onto the steering wheel, and lived no more. A loud, unpleasant honking sound emanated from the human's vehicle, and many of the surrounding vehicles began to make the noise as well. Famine turned up her nose and walked away. This city, indeed, this entire nation, disgusted her. As she walked, her thoughts drifted back to the lovely country of Sudan, where even the littlest babes could not find relief from their hunger. There, Famine didn't stand out at all, but here the humans kept looking at her. Ariana looked up at a sign for diet pills, and shook her head. The people of this land were so eager for her gift. They begged for starvation! Many had all the disgusting food they could ever want, and yet they purposely starved themselves. This country was ready. And yet the command from On High still didn't come. Why not? These people deserved to have their fields die out, and their cups run empty. They deserved to taste dust in their mouths and feel pain in their bloated stomachs. Famine quivered with joy and anticipation at the thought. She passed by a drug dealer standing outside a porn house. She saw a church filled with so much resentment and pride that it made her hair seem to stand on end. She walked down a dirty alleyway next to an idol store labeled "Discount T.V.s" while the horrid smell of fried food assaulted her nostrils. Ariana smiled from ear to ear. The day would soon come when He would need her talents. Any day now, the Apocalypse would come. Then the humans would know the meaning of the word 'suffering.' Ariana reached the end of the alleyway, and finally found what she was looking for. A group of sad looking humans dressed in rags rummaging through the garbage for food. She was far more comfortable with these people than those on the better kept streets. Food, food, food, that's all these filthy human beings could ever think about. Well, soon they could look and look all the wanted, and none would be found. The day of Famine would soon come... She reached out toward the garbage bin, and transformed every scrap of organic material into dust. A strange sensation prickled the inside of Famine's mind. She was summoned! At long last! She shed her mortal guise, and rose up to her full height. "Now, Americans, the Day Of Judgment is upon you! Beg for scraps, and you shall have none! Beg for mercy, but it will not be found! Beg for..." Wait. These were not the right summons. Famine gave an exasperated sigh. No Judgment Day yet. Just some upstart called Damian she was supposed to help kill. Drat. Her black horse flew down out of the sky. She leapt upon it and took off, as the scavengers in the alley rubbed their eyes in amazement. The wind whipped around Famine as she soared upward. It felt good to be airborn again...
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