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Xander Harris

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Everything posted by Xander Harris

  1. Buffy_boy, I think you miss the point. OF COURSE no one can start higher than five at the start of the game, I said the initial sign up post that as the "show" progressed you would earn more points to spend :) . Willow didn't start out able to cast any spells, but by the end of the series she was the most powerful Wicca on the planet. Also, if the plot requires it, your characters can cast spells higher than his skill level... but with risk. On the Buffy show, very few are the times when Willow easily casts a spell with no side effects, effort or risk. ;) Like with any good RPG, your characters will improve as time goes on :D In answer to your query, Farto, I think we have enough characters now. I'm waiting to get the RPG started until I see if Rei and Daermon give me some background info. I'm also waiting to see if Cyriel will post a character or not... I'll give them another day or so, and then start the RPG without them if need be. If that happens, I'll want to find someone else to take that Slayer slot Rei reserved... Anyone else want it?
  2. Sure, Cyriel. Since Buffy_boy decided not to go with the vengeance demon, then you can be a reformed vampire. A Word About Magic: Take your guts, add it to your strength, add it to your magic and divide it all by three. That's how many spells your character can cast during one game session. No one "has their spells memorized", as most spells cast in the Buffy-verse are very specificically tied to a certain plot. I've heard the idea before that spells in the Buffy-verse should only be allowed to be cast once, but I'm not going to go with that. However, the fact that someone would say that underlines the fact that magic in the Buffy-verse is very much tied to specific plots. When a spell is cast, a seperate scene will almost always be created for it. Spells in the Buffy-verse typically require several people to help wave candles, draw magic circles, chant, etc. Every spell is assigned a spell level. You can cast spells that have a higher level than your magic skill, but at the risk of side effects and possible harm to yourself. Magic in the Buffy-verse almost always has a price... not to mention the threat of magic addiction (see season 6). O.k. Here are some samples of spells from the series and their level: Level 0: Can't cast spells. Level 1: There are no spells at this level, but you may attempt spells of a higher level with risks. Level 3: Levitating a pencil. Level 6: Re-souling angel (note that willow did not have this level of skill when she cast this spell, so she suffered some ill effects. Level 7: Find demons spell. Steam offensive spell Tara uses. Level 9: Exorcism spell. Most spells to restore reality to it’s norm. (but it’s a lot easier to just break the talisman, if there is one) Level 11: Teleportation spell Willow uses on Glory. Higher level counter-spells. Level 13: Shielding spell she uses to stop the knights. Level 15: Major telekinesis. Level 17: Healing spells may be attempted… but often with unintentional side-effects. Level 19: Resurrection spell. Level 20: Dimensional portals. Epic Levels: Rework the slayer prophecy (in the season finale) The Mayor’s Ascension. Stuff like that. In general, when you want to cast a spell, PM me or have your character mention it or something, and I will set up a scene for it. Remember that most magic must be prepared beforehand, even many minor offensive magicks, because of the way Buffy-Verse magic depends so heavily on material components. If you want to use spells in combat, tell me what they are beforehand. Some things, like levitating a pencil, won’t need prior preperation, but most will. Each character with a magic score of four or higher may have three minor offensive spells (that I approve before the game starts) to use in combat. Basically, communication is the key to making magic work in the Buffy-Verse style of RPG. Talk to me.
  3. [quote name='buffy_boy_']OOC: So when and where do we start the first "scene" or "episode"?? And I've edited my Z charater to have a personality....kinda....we.....almost exactly like mine.[/quote] We get started when everyone has their characters ready. Then I'll post the first episode in the adventure arena proper. I can PM you when it starts, if you'd like.
  4. Yay! We have slayer number 1 :wigout: Your stats are great, Rei, but I would like to see some background and personality for Raven. Personality, more than anything, is most important to the Buffy-verse style of game. Some things to consider: How does Raven view the Slayer calling? Does she relish in it like Kendra, or want to live a normal life like Buffy? How much of a dark side does she have? What is her family like? What does she think of Buffy? Thanks for replying, I look forward to seeing what you come up with for background and personality :) Hey, Buffy_boy, I knew you would show up sooner or later ;) Anyway, I like the character, but he doesn't seem to have much of a personality. If you think the vengeance demon would have more of one, than use him/her instead. I'm looking forward to seeing you post in this, since your signature seems to show that you have a good knowledge of what "Buffy-speak" is all about. Welcome back, Daermon! Nice stats, but like Raven your guy has serious need of a personality and bio of some sort. Here are some questions to consider: How did Vaillanus get his soul back? Who was his sire? How does he talk? Does he think with his fists or his head? What's he think of the local Slayers? Farto, nice bio. I myself am a huge Norse-mythology fan, so I know exactly what you are talking about :cool: . A little more in the way of personality would be nice, though. Remember, character interaction and subplots will be important to this RPG, as they are on the T.V. shows by Joss Whedon. Start thinking about how your characters got to know each other, and what their relationships are to one another. I am thinking of running this RPG like a director of a T.V. show. Each episode would be divided into Acts and scenes. I think this would be good, as many RPG's seem to die because people don't know what they are supposed to do next. The format would go something like this: Act 1: The forces of darkness prepare their plan to cast a spell that would steal everyone's voices. The sub-plot of Zynth's mom's illness advances. Raven's romantic life grows more complicated. Scene 1: RAVEN and FENRIS in the halls of the high school (they post their interactions with each other and with any NPCs they make up or I introduce When they seem to be finished, I post....) Scene 2: ALL fight vampires on the nightly patrol (we post the battle.) (theme song :D ) Scene 3: Cutscene: The forces of evil gather their spell components and begin to chant. Scene 4: While the heroes sleep, the spell takes effect. Everyone wakes up with no voices. (roleplay out initial reactions) I was also thinking of posting goals and possible outcomes in the Scene posts. This would certainly be interactive. If you wanted your characters to do a certain thing or have a certain discussion, PM me, or put an OOC header at the start of a post. I'll make a scene at some point to do what you want to do. And, of course, what happens within a scene can effect what future scenes will be about. Each episode would be a separate thread. I thought this would be a good way to keep a cinematic feel and provide some structure to the RPG. O.k. The demon positions are filled, but we can still have one more slayer. You can still be any sort of human: demon-hunters, high school white-hats (remember, Xander and Willow were essential to the team, even though they weren't slayers or demons) Watchers, and anything else you come up with that isn't a demon...
  5. Ahhh, there we go. Sorry about the picture, but I couldn't figure out how to put it in the post. It's there now, though....
  6. Graduation Day Part 2 Anya The Mayor About a year Yep. 1-5, the important parts of 7 Yeah. All the DVDs. Hey, any Buffy fans who see this thread... you are invited to come join my Buffy-verse RPG over on the adventure recruitment board :D
  7. [url]http://myimages.fourvalve.com/oakenot/mana.JPG[/url] [IMG]http://myimages.fourvalve.com/oakenot/mana.JPG[/IMG] Name: Mana Gender: Female Abilities: Magic Weapons: Staff Bio: A crazy old witch who often cackles at anything. She has a good heart and tries to help the ?youngins,? but God help her, she?s becoming senile. She can?t really control the magic anymore. No one thinks they?ve ever seen her mad before, though, which is a good sign. OB name: Xander Harris Prize: Mr. T. as a bodyguard. What a nice young man! Terrain: swamp
  8. Forgot a fairly important skill. My bad. Ranged Weapons- please specify: (how good you are with a crossbow, gun or other ranged weapon) Daermon, although I appreciate your enthusiasm, the idea here was to create origional characters. If you really want to be spike, maybe I can work you in as a guest character at some point (although it might be difficult, considering how spike is a little bit busy in LA right now ;) ). I would appreciate it if you would make an origional character- perhaps another reformed vampire? Anyway, thanks for responding, and thank you for your interest in my Buffyverse RPG! :)
  9. Welcome to Otaku Lake, Minnesota. This is a friendly community about twenty miles outside St. Paul. It is home to twelve churches, more farming equipment than you can shake a stick at, and lots of small town pride. Cheer on the Wild Penguins at the home games. Lose yourself in Cedric's corn maze every summer. Swim in the beautiful (albeit occasionally polluted) waters of Otaku Lake. Here you will find family and friends and home cooking. Oh, Yeah. It also happens to be the mouth of Hell, but other than that.... With the Battle Of Sunnydale fought and won, every girl in the world who [I]could[/I] be a Slayer, [I]will [/I] be. Buffy and Company spread out over the world to mentor the emerging slayers and take the fight to the forces of evil. A new hellmouth has just formed in Minnesota, and a small group of white hats will fight to protect the Otaku Lake and the St. Paul area from the vampires, the demons, and the forces of darkness that seek to open the hellmouth and plunge the world into chaos. I need somewhere between four and ten heroes. There is a limit of 2 on bona fide vampire slayers. A limit of 3 on reformed demons/vampires with souls. One or two people can be Watchers or professional demon-hunters. Everyone else should be residents of Otaku Lake. When designing characters, try to keep the Buffy The Vampire Slayer/ Angel 'feel' in mind. Your characters should be quirky, likeable, and fun to write dialogue for. The more witty "buffy speak" the better. Advancing sub-plots/romances etcetera is highly encouraged. Your characters should interact and grow as the "show" progresses. I'm going to try something a little different in terms of character creation. Every character has 15 points to spend on abilities and skills at character creation. The following are the categories you can put these points in. Every category will have a score of one to ten, 1 being barely adequate and 10 being brilliant. Magic, unlike other skills, has a range of 1 to 20. When your characters find spells in their occult library, each spell will have a minimum skill needed to cast it. Magic in the Buffy-verse is not like the magic on the battle boards. It is very plot-specific and ritualistic, and it is rarely is used in combat. Guts: (how well you tolerate scary things. Someone with a low score will freak out when they see a vampire, whereas someone with a high score could have a staring contest with Glory.) Strength: (how strong you are. Two is average for a human. Four is average for a vampire.) Martial Arts: (how good you are at hand to hand combat. Don't take high scores in this unless it fits the character. Only slayers can start with a score higher than 3) Health: (how hard you are to kill or render unconcious) Magic: (determines what level spells you can cast) Work Skills-please specify: (construction, farming, taking tests at school, basically whatever your character does during the day) Research skill: (how good you are at finding things in the occult library) Racial abilities-please specify: (NO GODMODING! This is any skill you have that another race would not, for example, if you are a demon that can read people's minds by listening to them sing, that would be a racial ability.) Technology: (how good you are with computers and such. Three is average for a teenager, five for your average hacker. I will be using the "Episode" format that others have found so useful. At the end of each episode, you will be awarded another point to spend on your skllls if you have somewhat descent posts and stay in character. If you want to participate, but not play one of the main characters, make a description for one of the inhabitants of the town. I'll PM you if you are needed for an episode. Ideas would be the eccentric magic shop owner, a local pastor/priest, or the local grocer. So turn on some "nerf herder" music, make a character, and prepare to enter the funny and scary world of Buffy The Vampire Slayer!
  10. I dunno... I thought the fight was one of the best I've ever seen on the show. (Granted, I've only been watching this season.) I thought the wire work was fine. They have super strength, so the can jump far more impressively than the average joe.
  11. Rylon was furious. That idiot wookie! Jeaporadizing the mission! He was about to shoot Doblar in the back, when he had a brilliant idea. "Follow me." He said. Then he ran into the city and directly toward the massive creature. "We needed a distraction." He said to the others, "and here it is." He shot it in the leg to get it's attention. It turned on him. Rylon recognized it as a rancor, and saw that there were several dark Jedi running after it. Apparently it had escaped. Rylon began to run toward the building where Tara was being kept. "Jayne, Doblar, Tarpals, take out those Jedi, then head to the bunker over there. We're gonna ram this rancor right down their throats, and break all hell loose. It's time we took the offensive."
  12. Rylon walked calmly out of his hiding place. He smiled. Things couldn't be turning out better. He had watched the battle with the Dark Jedi's, and had watched the black cloaked figure take Tara away. With the Jedi gone, he felt a lot more confident about proceeding with the mission. But he was no fool. He hadn't spent a lifetime hunting dark-siders without learning how invaluable a skilled and loyal Jedi could be. Grudgingly, he walked over to Kelko. "I know where they took her. See that spire way over there? That's where the speeder went." The wookie growled menacingly at Rylon. "Oh, and I suppose you would have wanted me to try and rescue her? Personally, I think we're safer with her gone. But we might need her power, which is why I'm telling you where she is. So back off." Personally, Rylon wished it had been Tarpals that had been taken. He felt better with a trained and disciplined Jedi at his back than with a shamen. The gungan's Force power would come in handy, but Rylon had had far too many bad experiences with Force Adepts in the past....
  13. Rylon felt guilty, hateful, and depressed all at once. He wanted to scream, and sleep, and cry all at once. Wanting it all to end, he grabbed his gun and pointed it at his head. A still, calm voice in the back of his head told him to lower it. Within a matter of seconds, the anti mind control training he had instilled in himself over all these years came into play. He focused on a happy place, and did complex algeba equations as he ran to take cover behind a tombstone. He knew how to deal with this, but he was worried about some of the others. The wookie in particular. When wookies get upset, they lash out. If this wookie proved himself to be a liability in this situation, Rylon was determined to kill him without a second thought. He reached for his shrieker grenade as he watched to see what Doblar would do....
  14. Rylon realized that Owejo must have wandered off by himself and left the group. "Good riddance." He thought to himself. But the wookie was starting to worry him. It had much anger, a sure sign of the dark side. This one had to be dealt with, and soon....
  15. The blazing red sun began to set as the companians reached the final mile of their journey. The shadows lengthened, and many of them occasionally moved. At the base of one gravestone, a small black figure rose up. It's eyes flashed crimson, then it vanished. In the place where it had been was a pool of blood. Strange, haunted sounds filled the adventurer's ears. The shadows moved more and more often, sometimes swooping at one of the heroes and screeching. Ahead, the group could see the looming spires of the Dark Jedi Training facility. Rylon grinned wrily and turned to Jayne. "You'd best [I]start[/I] believing in the dark side. If you wish to live to see another day."
  16. Rylon glared at the gungan. "Rancor is when a member of a strike force keeps wasting time asking stupid questions, and another member of the team gets really angry and shoves a lightsaber up his...." The jedi who had taken the arrow off the Ackley placed his (her?) hand on Rylon's shoulder. "Dissension never helped anyone. Come now, we must be going" "Fine." As the group continued on, Rylon moved toward Jayne. "the dark side is strong in this place." He muttered. Worlds like this do strange things to Jedi. If one of them gets out of line, immediate action will need to be taken. Can I count on you if that happens?"
  17. (OOC: Firefly rocked the world. Whoever pulled the plug on itis an idiot :flaming: ) Rylon looks at the creature in awe. "I've got to get a tattoo of one of those things," he mutters to himself, then blasts off one of the creature's legs with his plasma rifle.
  18. "We are supposed to kill the Sith Lord Jaburie Matano, who is building a dark side academy." Rylon says. "According to the GPS, we only have to go another couple of miles and we will be there."
  19. Rylon Ortega walks along the path with confidence, but his eyes dart around searching for anything out of the ordinary. His hand rests easily on his blaster, and whenever the group pauses he crouches to the ground in a combat stance. He keeps an eye on Owejo Rihom. There is something not right about that one, but Rylon cannot put his finger on it. Just in case, and also to pass the time, he runs over varius strategies for killing Owejo. After about a half hour of walking, he has come up with over a dozen. After that, in the spirit of fair play, he starts to think of ways to bump off the other Jedi. You never can be too careful around Force users....
  20. The exploding blaster, just 'cuz it's cool.;) That's three weapons, plus armor and trophy lightsabers. Happy now?
  21. although I am totally psyched about spongebob coming back (whoever decided to get rid of him in favor of new Teenage Robot and Fairy odparents should be shot), I wonder how well the character and style would work in a feature length film. Spongebob works brilliantly as shorts, and I personally thought that some of the longer episode's weren't as good (of course, much of that might be due to my loathing of patchy the pirate. Has there ever been a more irritating host on T.V.?) I did like the christmas episode, however.
  22. Name: Rylon Ortega. Species: Zabrak Dark Jedi hunter. Weapons: Wrist caster (a miniature crossbow mounted on his wrist) with poisoned arrows. Blaster rifle. Blaster pistol. Both have explosives hidden in them that Rylon can activate with a stud on his gauntlet (useful against those pesky Jedi who try to pull your weapons to themselves) Vibroblade. "Shrieker" grenade- creates violent noise, flashing lights, and smoke to disorient Jedi so they can't use the force. 5 lightsabers as trophys that I took from fallen Jedi. Thermal detonator. Blast vest and helmet. Abilities: Skilled at resisting mental domination, a tricky fighter, a great shot with his weapons. Background: Dark Jedi killed his parents when he was ten years old. He dedicated his life to hunting and killing them. He knows where dark Jedi come from: Light Jedi. He has no love for any Force users, and sometimes he has dreams in which he kills everyone who has a connection to the Force. But they are just dreams.... or are they? As far as his comrades are concerned, he is a crafty warrior of the Light side. Personality: Moody, but in total control at all times. His sharp mind seems to always be one step ahead of his foes. Now let's get this party started, Farto :hippy:
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