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Everything posted by Xander Harris
Don't persue it. Back off. I've been in so many blasted situations where I and a friend both liked one girl, and nothing good ever comes of this sort of rivalry. It's funny in cartoons, but a waste of energy in real life.
Ahhh! This thing will never die! I started this months upon months ago! And it still won't die! I've created a monster!!! I'm proud of myself. And now back to our reguarly scheduled posts....
A bouncer in a prestigious Japanese penthouse bar.
Most painful ([physically painful) experiance ever
Xander Harris replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
Most painful? Last year in the fall I had a painful experience. A cyst developed right where my butt stops and my back starts, just above the tailbone. It burst and bled, and I had to go on antibiotics and crap. It was a good week or so before I could lie on my back again. Apparently, this is an ailment that a fair amount of guys my age suffer from, but because of it's location on the body it doesn't tend to be publicized much. Doctors aren't sure what the heck causes it. A guy who graduated a year ahead of me had to have surgery for it, but I recovered without. A highly painful experience, but I'm sure any of you ladies who have given birth suffered far worse than I could imagine. -
[quote name='Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f']I've been slighly misunderstood. I didn't mean kill off Israelis by that. I meant Israel should be renamed Palestine. The state itself should be wiped off the map. Literally. You know what I mean? Like looking in an atlas and seeing the word "Palestine" instead of "Israel". I think I misused the expression "wiped off the map". I apoligize.[/COLOR][/quote] Ah, o.k then. So you are saying that the palestinians should be in charge? That just replaces one ethnic ruling class with another. Or are you saying the two people groups should just get along and make one 'palestine'? If so, then I think that's an admirable idea, but would be terribly difficult to execute. Neither side will want to give up any power to the other, and the Israelies would not be happy about the idea of changing their countries name. I think the idea of giving the palestinians their own state is probably the most doable at the moment, although it could also be setting up for an all-out Israeli-palestinian war. My solution? We give one side or the other the uninhabited parts of North Dakota, and they all move there to live. Problem solved ;) (just joking, those of you who live in ND...)
[QUOTE=Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f]All I was saying that Is what makes me think my religion is correct, which in turn shapes my beliefs about death. I'm sure a Christian believes their way of life is the only way for salvation. Otherwise they wouldn't believe Jesus as their saviour. I wasn't trying to preach Islam. I was just saying the reason I believe in Islam and it's views of death. I'm pretty sure religion plays a big part in how a lot of people think of death.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Yeah, I think it's hard to start a discussion about death and not bring religion into it. You did a good job presenting your views, Chabichou.
All right, first of all, let's stop with the "anti-Al-Jazeera=racist idiocy", because that's what it is. You are commiting a logical fallacy known as the Ad Hominem, or attacking someone instead of the idea they have presented. I think Fox News is biased against liberals and Dan Rather is biased against conservatives. Does that mean I'm racist against caucasians? Does this also mean that neither source says anything credible? Of course not. I just take the reports I get from them with a grain of salt. Al-Jazeera reports plenty of true stories. They also publish heavily slanted stories and distorted truths. They air videos of Americans being beheaded. All the people on this thread are saying is that you need to check anything you hear from Al-Jazeera against other sources. And for the record, like others have said, there are plenty of other news sources that are slanted against Israel but have more credibility than Al-Jazeera. My thoughts on the matter are as thus: The U.N. and the Jews were wrong to establish the modern jewish state. So what? That happened long before most of us on this message board were born. We can go back and argue about who has a right to the land all we want, but it is irrelevant. The jews are there now. The palestinians are there now. And for Palestinians to attack Israelies that were not EVEN BORN YET when the atrocities you speak of occured is downright evil. Now, supposed Israeli attacks on civilians simply do not exist. Israel does not simply attack civilians, they make targeted attacks against militants and militant leaders. Some times civilians get killed by accident. Is this wrong? Certainly. The place is a mess. There is no clear right or wrong side, but what is clear is that if there were no suicide attacks, Israel would have no justification for attacking palestine, and the international community would be much more in favor of palestine. As it is, things seem to go in a cycle of Palestinian suicide bombers killing civilians, another suicide bomber attacks civilians, then Israel launches a targeted assault on militants. The palestinians swear vengeance and the cycle starts over again. No side is entirely without blame in this, and until they both recognize that the matter will never be settled 'once and for all.' Origionally posted by Chabichou: "That's why Israel must be wiped off the map. " O.k. I went back to reread your post, and caught that. It's that attitude that is the root of the problem. We don't like the other people on this little strip of land, so we will wipe them all out. That sort of attitude leads people to strap on bombs and head into israeli bus stations. You talk about how oppressed the palestinians are, because all people groups deserve dignity, then you say a racist and militant thing like that. Idiocy. Is that an idea you got from 'unbiased' Al-Jazeera? 'Wipe Israel off the map'. Yep. Those are the words of peace and reconcilliation right there :rolleyes: You don't want justice and you don't want peace if you believe the best way to deal with a people group you don't care for is to 'wipe them off the map'. Shame on you, Chabichou. You should know better.
The only race I make fun of on a consistant basis is white middle-class americans, and I am one, so I consider it o.k.
[QUOTE=Dagger IX1]I second everything Solo said. Just as nearly all of the other scientific stuff included in his books is there for the purpose of contributing to the madcap comedy, I strongly doubt Mr. Adams meant for this "theory" to be taken seriously. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] Yeah. Those are comedy books. Most of his philosophical stuff is there for the sole purpose of mocking philosophers (the meaning of life, the universe, and everything, anyone?) However, the theory that no one else but yourself exists is a lot older than Douglas Adams. The basic idea is that you know some things automatically, such as a square circle does not exist. However, there are other things you learn with your senses. If your senses are lying to you, then it is possible that other people do not exist.
[QUOTE=Beorhun]I'm posting this because...well, I looked around and there didn't seem to be a thread like this, but maybe I didn't look hard enough. I don't know. I was wondering if there was any untouched territory left in the RPG world here on Otaku. I'm not going to use the info gleaned from this for an RPG, I'm just wondering. How long have the Adventure Square and the Inn been here? From what I understand, it's fairly new compared to the rest of the site. Still, looking at the Inn, and all the signups there, it's mind-boggling why anyone cares anymore. How many times do you have to start from nothing, romance the girl, save the world, and kill the villan before it gets old? I shouldn't talk about being jaded (I'm at 71 posts) but there just seems to be a lack of variety in terms of the RPGs. I understand occasionally you get a gem of an RP, one that rises to become one of the most epic and treasured threads in the inn. Still, how many RPs have you seen that seem like a recycled story from a thread that got two signups the last time it was posted? Now, the majority of the time, that can be attributed to noobs (I'm a member, I can talk.) but still, members can be attributed to it, as well, we all can't be saints of the boards. lol. :demon: So, does anyone else think that the inn is getting a little...repetitve?[/QUOTE] Oh yah, definately. I think it is mainly because save the world, romance the girl, kill the villain are the kinds of threads people will sign up for. I've attempted to launch some rpgs in the past that break this mold, but no one signs up. Why? Because they were mainly designed to be about character or idea explorations, not about KEWL POWERZZZ. So the threads here continue on, with the zillionth Demon Saga about ninja warriors harnessing elemental magic to kick the butt of the reincarnated evil guy. That's why I hardly ever post in the Adventure Inn anymore. It's so repetetive, and no one is receptive to things that don't fit the formula. Its too bad, because I enjoy pbp games. But the other forums I look at for these are either too swamped with people or have crappy post quality. The OtakuBoards could be a much more effective force in the internet pbp scene, simply because of the mod dedication to good post quality, if they could ever break out of their rut. That's my thoughts on the subject.
Another good bit of advice: learn how to spell 'girlfriend' before you ask someone to be one ;)
Does anyone have eyes that change colour????
Xander Harris replied to Heero Darkangel's topic in General Discussion
I don't think my eyes change color... but it would be awesome if they did. If someone ticked me off my eyes would flash red... if I was feeling competetive they would sparkle with purple fire... if I was tranquil they would be blue... -
[QUOTE=Lady_Rin]I think it's time I started a thread to see where it goes. Today we went to nonsecular naming and blessing of baby Ella brought into this world by my friends Elise and Andre. I think they are similar to Christain Scientists or a new age sect. That doesn't matter. Their spiritual advisor Lisa performed a beautiful ceremony as the sun went behind the western mountains (about 4:00). Ella was annointed with rose oil from a single white rose symbolising purity and innocence. During Lisa's sermon(?) not the right word but it'll have to do, she said something I though was quite wonderful especially considering that we are a small community for the most part and those of us who were there are very close friends. What she said not only had a special meaning it was also very simple. It takes a village to raise a child. It takes the community to teach love, compassion and acceptance. That's all she needed to say. [IMG]http://img14.photobucket.com/albums/v43/desertranger/kisses.gif[/IMG] Goodnight, it's time I made dinner.[/QUOTE] Ultimately I think that the parents are the most important influence. The 'villiage' is best for teaching citizenship, the parents are best for teaching basic behavior and morals.
[QUOTE=Adahn][font=Courier New][size=2][color=blue]Instead of asking a question, I'll make an assertion.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=2][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=2][color=#0000ff]I will define contentment as being satisfied with one's current situation.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=2][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=2][color=#0000ff]This contentment is based solely upon one's level of comfortability, and how one's situation relates to that level of comfortability.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=2][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=2][color=#0000ff]Therefore, it is unfair to judge the contentment of others based upon what you see as comfortable.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=2][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=2][color=#0000ff]I assert that if someone lives in a 'third world country', and lacks luxuries we take for granted, it is wrong to provide such luxuries for those people, unless one can provide a steady supply. It will only raise that person's level of desire, and make that person feel that he/she is no longer within his/her bounds of comfortability. It would make that person unhappy. It would harm that person.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=2][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=2][color=#0000ff]Furthermore, the ideal human situation would be to have a relatively low requirement for comfortability. To desire anything more than what is necessary is a complete waste. I will not, however, define what is necessary.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=2][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=2][color=#0000ff]In conclusion, societies that raise this level of comfortability are detrimental to humanity, and we should praise societies where contentment is dependent on less resources.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=2][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font] [font=Courier New][size=2][color=#0000ff]If our level of comfortability were more on a level with human necessity, there would be an abundance of all things necessary to be comfortable, and everyone would be happier.[/color][/size][/font][/QUOTE] Yeah, this makes sense. We ought to learn to be content more with the necessities, and not think we NEED any other stuff to be happy.
"Some day they're gonna throw you in a hole, toss dirt on your face, then go back to the church and eat potato salad."- Tony Campolo When you die, you can't take any of your stuff with you. You can't take your reputation, or your friends. When you die, two things will matter. One is the destiny of your soul. As a Christian, I believe that if you believe in Christ's sacrifice on the cross for your sins, you will go to heaven. The second thing that matters is what you left behind, what you did with your life. Will your legacy be a bunch of meaningless material possessions, or will you have genuinely touched peoples lives? Live in such a way that when you die, the people who mourn you will mourn you for your love and compassion, not your material accomplishments. That's what I believe about death, life and life after death in a nutshell.
I want Santa to give me his job.
My thoughts on this: The medium of the video game is still young. If someone makes a T.V. show, book, or movie about the conspiracy theories surrounding JFK's death, then it is history. If someone makes a video game to interactively explore the issue, then it's considered deviant. I say it could be a good thing for the game makers to attempt to push a young medium in a new direction. I think this could be a remarkably effective way of proving to someone the point of view of the game developer. But there's a difference with video games, the element of (alleged) fun you get when you blow JFKs head off. (not sure what kind of twisted person would find this entertaining... but whatever) To this I say, how is this different from the T.V. specials, books, and movies about the subject? Surely all the people watching these get some kind of pleasure from the programs? Whether or not this is morally wrong is irrelevant. If we find it acceptable in one medium, it should be acceptable in others. The final objection is that in the game you are actually pretending to kill the president. O.k. But isn't that what conspiracy theorists do when they replay the scene in their minds? There seems to be little difference except that the video gamer doesn't have to put as much effort in. I predict that in 20 years, once the interactive computer simulation medium has aged a bit, games like this will be common place, and no one will bat an eye. My personal opinion is that this is a bit tasteless. (especially the blood option... that's going a bit too far) But I think the reams of films and books on the subject are a bit tasteless too. Oh, and controversy sells. Simply by posting this to a message board you have increased the traffic the site will recieve. Quite frankly, I for one am sick of hearing about a killing that happened decades ago. Let a great president rest in peace.
The New Formula For Getting Chicks!!!
Xander Harris replied to Sauce-head's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Sauce-headEDIT - More What I'm trying to do here, is show all the guys who don't know this, how to do it and WHY it works. When some guy says, "I like this girl at my school and its her birthday. Do you think I should buy her something??" That's society's mentality embedded in his head. No one teaches guy's how to get girls. So without having a clue, 80% of guys grow up thinking the way to get a girl is to buy her junk, call her all the time and make her #1 on your priority list. Furthermore, I'm trying to teach you (at least the ones willing to learn) how to pick up chicks and get some action, not how to get a long-term girlfriend. I think its a HUGE mistake when your 16-24 yrs old and your in a long term relationship. Your only young once, being a player and having some variety helps you to realize what exactly you want in a girl and what you don't. Your being very naive when you tell everyone to "be yourself." That's such a broad statement, being yourself is different to everyone. If every guy on this earth had the SAME EXACT PERSONALITY, then being yourself would work. I'm putting the way you should be around chicks into a package. I'm not trying to start a flame war with you, but don't generalize your situation for everyone else.[/QUOTE] Up until the last paragraph, I found this quite amusing. Last paragraph: Ah. I get it now. This isn't about having real relationships, it's about getting laid as quick as possible as much as possible, with no regard for the consequences. After all, you're only young once. That is an excellent lifestyle... for a dog. Human beings should be better than that. Quit acting like a frickin' animal. On the flip side, yeah, confidence, decent looks, and a pleasant personality will often get you as far as lots of money. But for the kind of sluts you seem to be gunning for, throwing your monetary weight around certainly can't hurt. And maybe you won't find 'the one' you're looking for while you're 16-24 (although quite a few people do) but you will be developing the habits and patterns of behavior toward women that you will take with you for the rest of your life. If you treat women like objects when you're 16-24, you will treat them as objects when you are 30. And any kind of marriage will have a higher degree of failure. And believe me when I say failed marriages are a BAD THING. As in, one of the number one social problems in America today. You aren't helping things much, saucehead. Sigh. I know the holidays are approaching when I get in the mood to argue with people on the internet... -
[quote name='mononoke_man']If you had a shotgun in your hands, and everyone you hated were standing in front of you, would you shoot them? To me, it would depend. If I were to shoot them, I'd have to be extremely pissed that day... But then again, I myself can't just hate someone. I have to completely and utterly despise them, and I don't know why. So, with that said, I would more than likely blow their brains out. :blowup:[/quote] What we have here is a classic example of why the free informational exchange of the Internet may prove to be the downfall of humanity.
Um, you mean CAPITALISM or communism? Socialism is just an extension of democratic principles into the economic sphere. Communism is when a few people in the state ends up running everything because people tried to make a socialist state and failed. Democracy and Communism are not opposites. Capitalism and communism are.
The New Formula For Getting Chicks!!!
Xander Harris replied to Sauce-head's topic in General Discussion
LOL!!! This thread is hilarious!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: On a more serious note: Sorry folks, but girls aren't computer programs. There is no 'right' way to 'get chicks'. (which, by the way, is a highly objectifying expression) There's this guy I know who hardly ever bathes and reeks to high heaven, but he has a girlfriend, so even that bit of apparently common sense advice fails (although why anyone in a nation with accessible water to bathe with would not do so is beyond me. Do the noses of the rest of us a favor, geez...) There are, however, 'right ways' to treat other human beings, which, believe it or not, is what girls are. Treat them like you would any other person. You can add romance on top of that if you'd like, but if you don't respect them as human beings first, any relationship is bound to fail. -
When I turned 18 the birds came to my window and sang to herald the joyous occasion! The sun shown the brightest it ever had as flowers sprouted up between my floorboards. I danced and sang all day, exulting in the rapturous thrill of having spent another year on glorious Mother Earth. I ate cake like unto the food the gods eat when they convene to reorder the universe. The President declared it a national holiday, and all the good little boys and girls got candy and all the bad kids were eaten by Black Pete. Everyone in town came to my house to shower me with gifts, then hoisted me onto their shoulders and carried me down the street singing "oh he's a jolly good fellow!" Oh, alleluia, what a happy day that was! The whole earth did resound with joy!!!!
Anime Music: Does it really "Make or Break" a show?
Xander Harris replied to Sol-Blade's topic in Otaku Central
Well, good music certainly can't hurt. If something is really good than crappy music won't hurt it, but if it's mediocre than good music can elevate it. Music can convey a sense of drama and emotion that words and pictures sometimes fail at, and can therefore compensate for poorer quality in the other aspects of the Anime. -
[QUOTE=Shinken]Does anyone else here believe that ki/chi (energy present in all living things) is real? QUOTE] I believe we have souls, which is sort of like that. As to using our souls to perform gravity defying martial arts feats and cloning techniques and other sorts of Naruto type stuff... yeah, I think you're loco ;-) I do however, think that perhaps it is our souls which allow us to have true free will. Just a thought.
Some punk rock is good... unfortunately a think many punk groups get in a musical rut where all their stuff starts to sound the same. Of course, once it starts to sound the same, is it still truly punk rock :p