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Everything posted by Panda
[QUOTE=Satoru]Case and Point. But no way am I asking her out....not yet I don't feel the need for gf to be honest.[/QUOTE] If you don't want a girlfriend then what is the problem? If you are just friends and hanging out...and you don't want a romantic relationship....then why get upset? Perhaps this is the reason she appears to be wishy-washy on her answers since you are wishy-washy with yours. Let's say she likes you but she doesn't know how you feel. First you give off a vibe like you are interested in her so she does the same. Then you give off the "I don't want a girlfriend" vibe, so she pulls back. She isn't going to put herself out there for you to hurt her feelings. Just my two cents.
I am with James on this. When you are an adult it really isn't an issue. My husband and I have a 5 year age difference. When we first met I was 16 and he was 21. That is inappropriate for a romantic relationship and illegal. Needless to say we were just friends for those years I was jail bait. When I reached my twenties the age gap wasn't an issue. My parents have a 5 year age gap and my aunt and uncle an 11 year age gap. When you put that in terms of the older being a high school senior it's a bit disturbing as to what grade the younger would be in. :animeblus Again, as adults the age spread is not an issue.
Oh that AZN pride thing...sheesh. My grandpa, who was very, VERY old school Japanese use to tell me when I was little that I would grow up, marry a good Japanese man and be a housewife (you know, cook, clean, have babies..). 'Cause you know that is how it's suppose to be. :animeangr Needless to say that attitude didn't really fly very well with me. My parents are more "American" in their views about relationships. They just chalked up grandpa's attitude to being old fashioned. After all arranged marriaged were still taking place with my parent's siblings. That is another thing I thought was weird...but that is for another post. Back on topic. I am in an interracial marriage. We never really thought about it until after we were married for a bit and a friend mentioned we were in an interracial marriage. I totally remember the two of us looking at each other like: "We are!" LOL I know it sounds funny but we never really think about it. It is not an issue. So much so that I really didn't even realize it until it was pointed out. Best of luck for all of you who are still confronted with that "stay with your own kind" mind set. I hope some day people will realize that being with someone is about love, not race, religion, gender or social standing.
Ah, must be time for my monologue. [B]Cutie_Gurl_1990[/B], The OtakuBoards is a discussion based message board. This thread is a private message to an individual member and should have been dealt with in that manner - privately. Solo's information can easily be found by using the "Member List" link on the menu to the left. There you will find a link to PM (private message) him directly. We also have a very high standard when it comes to grammar and spelling. Using "u" instead of the word "you" is not acceptable. Using capital letters is a major plus as well. For those reasons I am going to lock this thread. If you have questions about posting quality or the rules feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. -Panda
Welcome to the boards Edward_oO Please be aware that we have a rules page that all members are required to read before posting. These [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?"][U]Rules[/U][/URL] and [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/faq.php?][U]FAQ[/U][/URL] can be found on the left navigation menu and the [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=52331][u]Otaku Lounge Rules[/u][/url] are pinned at the top of the forum. You can also use the underlined links I have just provided. Please remember, as stated in the rules, that asking where to download stuff is against the rules of the site. For that reason I am locking this thread. Also remember when posting a thread related to anime to place it in the Anime Lounge. The Otaku Lounge if for off-topic discussions. If you have questions concerning the rules feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Thanks! -Panda
I've moved this out of the OL since it doesn't belong there. To answer your question you first need to get an image hosting service. Imageshack or Photobucket are two great free services. After you open up an account there, upload your pictures. Then take the "Tag" (Photobucket will generate it for you) that is the code with the "
There are tons of little odds and ends I really want. Here are the more "odd" than "ends" of stuff I want. I really want a [b]ukulele[/b]. The only reason I want it is so I can play the Chocobo music from Final Fantasy IX. Kweh!! There is just something really catchy about "Ukulele De Chocobo" that makes me want to buy a ukulele! I also want this machine that looks like a pitcher and it makes hot chocolate. It's made by Mr. Coffee and it's called [b]Cocomotion Hot Chocolate Maker[/b]. I really don't need another appliance that takes up space and only does one thing. But it makes cocoa! That one thing is a [i]really[/i] good thing so that should be reason enough...right? I want a [b]pink wig[/b]. I don't know why but I just want to get one. Will I wear it? Probably not. I just want it.
I am definitely a slave to technology. I too can remember the days before my cell phone and laptop. I was perfectly fine. I didn't need to be on the internet at all. I didn't need to be next to a phone 24/7. Those days are long since past. I can't imagine my life without them. My cell phone has become my regular phone. I do not have a land-line phone in my house. The only ones who ever called me on that thing was telemarketers during dinner. All my friends and family called me on my cell since they knew they would get me. I also go in the habit of always having it with me when I worked emergency at a veterinary clinic. Nothing like waking up at 3am to the sound of a cell phone ringing. Both my computer and cell phone are vital to my social interactions with people. Without them I would feel totally cut off from the world. I use to feel this way about my radio and tv. But now since my computer and cell phone can handle what the radio and tv use to...I don't really need them anymore.
Here ya go, all you wanted to know about a Panda! [b]1. If your avatar has a character, what race, age (if applicable) and gender is it? (avatars without characters are neutral or asexual)[/b] On the OB: It's an energy pill so N/A Overall: My online image is that of a cute, cuddly female panda bear. [b]2. Would you say your avatar is masculine, feminine or both? Why?[/b] OB: Neither. I don't think the pill has a gender. It is associated with a male character from Bleach but that is about it. Overall: My online image is definitely female. [b]3. Does it have mature or childish attributes?[/b] OB: I think a bit of both. It's a pill that is good for you yet it has a skull which normally is associated with death. Overall: Childish definitely. [b]4. What gender and race are you?[/b] 100% Female and 100% Japanese [b]5. When you meet someone online, unless they specify, do you feel you naturally think of them as white? (Answering yes is not racist - this is much more common than you think)[/b] I honestly don't think about it. Really. For instance it wasn't until a friend pointed it out a couple years into my marriage that I was in an interracial marriage. Until then I didn't even think about it. Race isn't something I think about when meeting someone on or offline. [b]6. Do you roleplay? If yes, identify your roleplaying character in terms of race, history, gender and sexual preference (if applicable).[/b] Nope. [b]7. Have you ever been mistaken for another race or gender or have been asked due to the lack of detail in your profile?[/b] Yes. Not another race but I have been mistaken for being male. At the time my online avatars was a chubby panda bear with angel wings and my profile states "female" yet this person was really surprised that I am female. In fact they questioned me several times to see if I was joking. [b]8. Have you mistaken others for being of another race, age or gender? How many times (if applicable)?[/b] I honestly can't say. I don't think about race, age or gender when reading responses online. Quality of response is what influences my opinions about others. None of those factors determines how well someone replies to a question. Just because you are a certain race, age or gender doesn't exempt you from being smart/stupid. [b]9. What does your online nickname mean or how did you come up with it?[/b] Panda. It the nickname my husband gave to me years ago. [b]10. Do you think people online tend to correctly guess your age, race or gender most of the time without being told?[/b] I think they usually guess my gender correctly. As for my age and race, I don't think anyone has tried guessing. [b]11. Do you think people tend to correctly guess your sexual preference without being told?[/b] Yeah. I make it pretty easy since I make reference to my husband all the time. [b]12. Would you feel threatened if people online knew your age, gender, race or sexual preference? If so, why?[/b] Nope. My life is an open book. I don't care if people know I am a 30 year old Japanese woman who is married to the man of my dreams. I'm pretty happy with my life and don't think there is anything wrong with sharing it.
Welcome to OtakuBoards [b]Central Fusion[/b]. Please be aware that we have a rules page that all members are required to read before posting. These [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?"][U]Rules[/U][/URL] and [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/faq.php?][U]FAQ[/U][/URL] can be found on the left navigation menu and the [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=52331][u]Otaku Lounge Rules[/u][/url] are pinned at the top of the forum. You can also use the underlined links I have just provided. I wanted to remind you that placing links to advertise a site/forum is not allowed in a post. You are welcome to but it in your signature as long as the content of your site doesn't contain offensive or adult material. If you have any questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Again, I welcome you to the boards and I hope to see you posting around the site. Have fun! [b]On topic[/b]: Child labor. I am assuming you are referring to child labor as found in "sweat shops". In many of those economically depressed countries that 8 cents an hour is what helps keep their families alive. Also more than likely the places these kids are working don't have or don't enforce a set minimum wage or child labor laws. The kids have to work in order to pay for food and other staples of living. Many adults don't earn much more than that with their paychecks. Child labor is wrong when taken to an extreme. Kids should be concentrating on their education not if they are going to eat that night. Child labor to the lesser extent is not a problem. A kid having a paper route after school is also child labor. These kids, of course, are not pushed to the limits those of sweat shops. I grew up working on a farm. I never got paid but the money earned from the family farm went to pay for our everyday cost of living. In that sense I did get paid. It's terrible that kids have to work in those conditions just to survive. edit: Obviously Shinmaru must buy Kathie Lee Gifford's fashionable Wal-Mart line of child labor clothing. :p
I have a mod rod, I won. Please be aware that we have a rules page that all members are required to read before posting [b]tanukioh[/b]. These [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?"][U]Rules[/U][/URL] and [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/faq.php?][U]FAQ[/U][/URL] can be found on the left navigation menu and the [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=52331][u]Otaku Lounge Rules[/u][/url] are pinned at the top of the forum. You can also use the underlined links I have just provided. We have pretty high standards when it comes to the quality of posts (ie: making them well thought out with care given to grammar). We want the threads to have some substance which will produce quality discussion amongst the members. This thread does not meet this requirement. When you re-read the rules page it will make more sense to you. Because of the low quality and spammy nature of this thread I am going to lock it. If you have any questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. ~Panda
These Mutant Chickens Will Destroy Us All!
Panda replied to gabrielzero's topic in General Discussion
Oh the horror! Not the mutant chickens but the quality of responses in this thread. I fear that this thread will only spawn more low quality posts. No need for a death ray when I have a mod rod. Thread closed due to lack of quality and spammy posts. -
Ah...sounds like classic "Otaku Funk" or "H.O.B.O" (Horrible Otaku Body Odor) that usually occurs at anime conventions. I have, unfortunately, had a run in with H.O.B.O at Sakura-con in 2003. Ah, the sweet smell of convention memories... I was standing in line waiting to get into the dealer's room. In front of me was about 50 other people. As I am watching up the line I can see they are making sour faces, waving their hands in front of their faces...one guy even fell over. As the reaction got closer to me I saw what looked like a "con orphan". A con orphan are those people who attend 24 hour anime conventions and don't bother getting a hotel room. Instead they opt to "rest" where ever they may fall. A quiet hallway, under a stairwell, in their car...even worse, in one of the 24 hour viewing rooms. They do this for the entire convention. Anywhere from 3 to 4 days. That is, if they even bothered to bathe before they left for the con. Anyway when the con orphan walked by I knew he would bring a cloud of stench with him. That's when it hit. A stink I had not smelled ever before in my life. If it were to be animated the cloud would be brown and as it enveloped people it would instant destroy them. Wallpaper would peel off of walls, people wilting like dead flowers...just as if the doors to Hell had opened up and vented evil gasses. Truly, it was a noteworthy stink. So, because of this H.O.B.O problem many cons have a smell patrol that sniff out these stinky people and tell them they have to address their offensive odors or leave.
Oh how I so very much love my socks! I have an impressive collection of panda socks as I am sure you guys are not surprised about. Even though they have cute panda images weaved into them my favorite pair of socks would have to be these really weird maroon/cream/white overly large thick pair of socks. They make my feet happy when I wear them. You know that wonderful squishiness that new socks have...these socks have never lost that softness. Walking around in them is like walking on little pillows. I do have another pair that are in a close second place to my favorite maroon/cream/white socks. They are a light green pair made out of chenille. Oh so soft and comfy! They totally rock. I think the main reason they haven't moved into first place in the sock competition is that they aren't as long as the other pair. They only go up above the ankle where the other pair, when in sloppy slouchly mode are mid calf. The latest edition to my sock drawer is a pair of snow white tabi socks. I needed them for my Bleach cosplay costume. The last time I wore tabi socks was back when I was taking traditional Japanese fan dancing lessons as a kid. That would be....over 20 years ago! I always thought it was a bit of a weird feeling of having my big toe separated from the others. When I put those tabi socks on it felt exactly the same as it did all those years ago. Ah the wonderful sock memories....
[quote name='Sara][color=#b0000b][size=1]Personally, I think it's much sweeter when he says "I thought about you today when...." or "This reminded me of you." I like knowing that he thinks of me when I am not around.[/size'][/color][/quote] I am with you here. There is just something special about hearing those little comments that let you know you are on his mind. For me the feelings behind the words give whatever words you use strength. For instance, telling my best friend "I love you!" when she gives me a latte doesn't hold as much weight as when I tell my hubby "Ki o tsukete!" (Be careful) when he leaves for work in the morning. Telling him to be careful holds more emotion than the "I love you" I told my friend. A phrase is only as strong as the emotions behind them.
As Japan mentioned the Anime Archives is a read-only forum. James has a great post about [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=554923#post554923][u]what the Anime Archives[/URL][/u] is all about. Hope that helps!
[COLOR=DarkRed]Please remember when responding to this thread, or any thread, that you stay on topic and give reasons for your opinion. I have already deleted two posts in this thread for being spam. Thanks everyone. -Panda[/COLOR] On topic: I feel that regardless of how terrible the crime everybody has the right to a trial. Without a trial it reduces all of us to the same level of those breaking the laws.
Welcome to theOtakuBoards KageRyu. Please be aware that we have a rules page that all members are required to read before posting. These [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?"][U]Rules[/U][/URL] and [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/faq.php?][U]FAQ[/U][/URL] can be found on the left navigation menu and the [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=52331][u]Otaku Lounge Rules[/u][/url] are pinned at the top of the forum. You can also use the underlined links I have just provided. We here on the OtakuBoards have a very high standard when it comes to posting quality and starting threads. We want the threads to result in conversations between the members. Your thread fails to meet that requirement. This question can easily be added to your signature and people can PM you with answers. Since your thread does not meet our standard of posting quality I am going to have to close this thread. If you have any questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Again, I welcome you to the boards and I hope to see you posting around the site. Have fun! ~Panda
[QUOTE=Otaku Lounge Rules][b]Expired threads (Grave digging).[/b] Grave digging is a term used when someone revives a thread which has remained inactive over a prolonged period of time. This is looked down upon, and any threads that have been ?dead? for over one year are considered off-limits for posting. If you find an outdated thread that you?d like to contribute to, please feel free to create a new thread discussing the same topic, but do not post in the inactive thread. The same thread topic will inevitably crop up multiple times throughout the year(s), and this is perfectly acceptable as long as there is a lengthy period between them, so don?t worry about creating a thread the same as an inactive one; it?s actually encouraged that you do. If you?re debating on whether or not a thread is too old to post in, feel free to ask that forum?s moderator, or category moderator, before posting.[/QUOTE] This thread was last active way back in 2001. Please don't bring back long dead threads. Let them rest in peace. Thread Closed. -Panda
Due to the complete lack of direction of this thread I will put the Pirate/Ninja/Samurai battle in different situations. [b]Battle of the Bling-Bling[/b] Hands down pirates have the best bling, stolen bling, but bling-bling non the less. Think of all the great booty they've plundered from all those ships they attack. You would never see a zen-like samurai with a ton of gold chains on. Imagine how hard it would be for a ninja trying to hide in the shadows with the diamonds in his overly large dollar symbol ($) necklace sparkling in the moonlight. No contest here the win goes to pirates. [b]All-You-Can-Eat Contest[/b] Again, pirates win. Pirates are notorious for their wild ways. When you have barrels of stolen rum you've gotta have plenty of eats to go along with it. Perhaps a turkey leg, a mug ale and a wench on his knee...you would have one happy pirate. Now an overfed ninja wouldn't be very light and quick on his feet. Definite loss there. But the samurai could hold his own. I think he would eat lots, but just wouldn't hold a candle to the food a salty pirate could put away. Pirates for the win again! [b]Super Bowl[/b] Again, Pirates have the upper hand. Why? Because we have the Raiders, Buccaneers and for kicks the Vikings can join the fray. There are no samurai or ninja inspired NFL teams. No contest, Pirates would win the Super Bowl. [b]Best Next Door Neighbor[/b] Unfortunately for pirate fans, they lost this battle. Loud parties and the fear that they would plunder my house would be a major negative factor in this battle. Ninjas and Samurai would be a tough choice. I figure a samurai would have a beautiful garden with a koi pond and it would be very quite and peaceful. A ninja would be so quite you wouldn't even know you had a neighbor. In this case I would have to go with the samurai. I think having a neighbor with a beautiful Japanese garden next door would be wonderful. The samurai is the victor in this fight. [b]Sing-a-long[/b] Yo Ho Ho! Pirates win this one. Pirates have a much better soundtrack. There are so many more pirate songs, that is, songs sung by pirates, than ninjas and samurai combined. In movies and shows we don't see singing ninja or samurai like we do with drunken pirates! Pirates win this battle of the bands. [b]Restaurants[/b] Well, we have Samurai Sams and their Americanized Asian food, Long John Silvers and their fried fishy dishes and Ninjas? Well, I don't know of any ninja named restaurants. In this particular case the only thing I am sure of is that ninjas have lost. I don't really care much for either of the two choices so I am unable to really crown a winner. I think I'll just leave this battle null and void. [b]Pirates vs. Ninjas vs. Samurai Melee[/b] In a three way fight between the groups I put my money on the pirates. Why the pirates. While the ninjas and samurai are battling each other on land the pirates would sail in and plunder their homes. The pirates would be sailing away before the other two groups would even notice. All joking aside in a fight between the factions it would really depend on where the battleground is. Location, location, location! Location is the key to success. Is the battle on land or sea? In the forest or open field? It all depends on location as to who would be the victor. Without knowing what the situation is there is no way to say for sure who would win. But reading through my "battlefields" apparently it appears that pirates are in the lead as to who would win in the pirate/ninja/samurai rumble.
Strange nicknames given and received and how did you get them
Panda replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=DarkRed]Senko and Little_Rena : Your off topic conversation about .Hack have been deleted from this thread. It would be best to do any off topic discussion via the PM system versus using this thread about nicknames. If you have questions about posting here in the OtakuBoards feel free to PM myself of any of the other moderators. Thanks![/COLOR] On topic: As for nicknames, I have never given any to anyone. I have a bunch for my dog Brynner whom I call Bun Bun, Boo Buns, Bear Buns, Bo Bears, Boja Bos or just Bo. It's funny, it's like I only call him Brynner when he is in trouble. I sound like a parent. As for nicknames given to me I have one and only one - Panda. This nickname was given to me by my husband way back when we first met. It started with a conversation about what animal we would be. He told me it's easy to pick what animal I would be since I am cute and cuddly like a panda. After that he started calling me his little panda bear...which then evolved into just calling me Panda. I pretty much use a form of Panda (since many times the name Panda is already taken) for all of my internet screen names. It's too the point that when my husband calls me by my first name it sounds funny. I guess I am just use to hearing him call me Panda. -
NekoSama101, These types of threads degenerate fairly quickly. The types of posts we like to see on the OtakuBoards are ones that will generate quality discussions, the chat-type threads do not meet that criteria. For that reason I am going to lock this thread. I suggest that you look through past post for examples of both what is acceptable and what is not for threads on the OtakuBoards. Please feel free to PM me or any of the other moderators if you have any questions. Thanks. ~Panda
[COLOR=DarkRed]I was going to go in and individually edit each post but there are too many. Thus, you guys just get this one warning. Several responses in this thread are not quite up to par. Just giving a list of random colors without a reason is not enough. Please share with us why you like these colors. The OtakuBoards is a conversation based forum and we would all know why you like these colors. I highly recommend those of you who did not take the time/effort to explain why you picked your colors to edit your posts and add in some more information as to why those are your favorite colors. I would hate to close this thread due to the fact so many people can't follow the rules. Thanks. Edit: When skimming through the post I missed Stuart's warning. Since I already typed this all up I'll leave it be. As he mentioned in his warning, don't post if all you are going to do is give a list. Kudos to everyone else who have added to the conversation![/color] One of my all time favorite colors is [COLOR=Blue]blue[/COLOR]. The color is very soothing to me. It makes me think of things like a blue ribbon at the country fair, cool summer sky, the bright waters near the Bahamas and my husband's beautiful eyes. All these things make me feel happy, warm and safe. It so calming and welcoming. It's funny how a "cool" color would make me feel "warm". I suppose it is because the color [COLOR=Blue]blue[/COLOR] has always been linked to happy memories for me. Some other colors become my favorite for a short time but [COLOR=Blue]blue[/COLOR] will always be a favorite of mine.
Congrats to everyone involved with the Nifty Fifty! The presentation is amazing! You guys totally outdid yourselves. Kudos! It makes being Nifty even more, well, Nifty!! Now I can't wait til next year so I can vote this layout as Nifty! :animesmil
I would like to begin by saying I hope this post makes some sense. I need sleep but I just need to post in this thread first. [quote name='MistressRoxie][color=#9933ff']Lunox - you like half-Asians? That makes one of us. And, you know, you have no idea now inadequate it makes me feel when I know I can't write Chinese. Or even Japanese for that matter. My MOTHER (who is caucasian) speaks more Cantonese than I do! @_@[/color][/quote] Oh Roxie, don't feel inadequate. I am Japanese. If you look back on my family tree it has no other races in it but Japanese. I can't read or write Japanese to save my life. I can understand the spoken language though. My grandparents only spoke Japanese and my parents speak it at home. I may have all Japanese genes but something went wonky. I am not the typical petite Japanese woman. I am plump. Very panda like if you will. I have freckles. Oh and that straight black asian hair is a pain. I know for a fact that Japanese hair will not perm or color easily. If you want to get anything done you have to go to someone who knows how to deal with that annoying straight hair! Needless to say I grew up with long black straight hair since that was all I could do with it. I did get a perm when I was in high school. It only took 5 hours of my young life away!! That straight asian hair thing is way overrated. I guess it's like those girls who have naturally curly hair wishing they had straight hair. The grass is always greener. I think half asians are beautiful. I know there are tons of other people who feel the same way. I know this because they all tell me and my hubby to "hurry up and have kids since they would be so beautiful!" He is the typical American guy. Blonde hair, blue eyes. He's a mix of a bunch of different races. Mostly German though. In my family my generation (that would be me, my bro and my cousins) are the first to marry outside the Japanese race. There is something about having some asian...it's an exotic look. My cousin's kids are super cute. Speaking of mixed races, Keanu Reeves has some Chinese heritage you know. My brother is more Japanese-like. He has a thin athletic build. Darn him. He got the good genes. Not to mention he is super healthy, didn't have to wear glasses until he was in high school, thin, great in martial arts, smart and good looking. I got the short end of the gene stick. Oh, and he's taller than me too. When I said short I meant it literally! BTW, I hate math. I think having a mixed heritage is very interesting. You can learn so much about what makes you who you are. You should be happy being who you are. Yeah I can't read or write Japanese and my American accent when I speak Japanese is super thick...but I am who I am. No matter what - be yourself. Trying to fit into the mold of what you think others want you to be is not important. Being happy in your own skin is.