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My signature hasn't changed in the sense of layout for ages. I have always had a simple banner that I created in Photoshop and a small text link to myO. I only change the banner when I change the layout of myO site. I decide what image the banner will have by whatever spark of inspiration moves me to change myO site. Currently I have my very first animated banner. I used several programs to make this banner including Photoshop and GifBuilder. Normally I have my screen name on the banner but this time I opted not to put my name on it. Pretty simple and plain. I don't think I have ever had a really flashy signature. The character in the banner is Hanatarou from Bleach. He is my favorite character from the series. His shy but caring nature really speaks volumes. He may not be the bravest, but he is true to his friends. The fact that he is, well, let's say "medical field" is something I really admire. I'm such a sickly person being around tons of meds is normal. I thought making an animation of him looking "thrilled" was on the humorous/sarcastic side. The skull pill that is in my banner is the "energy pill" he carries. When Hanatarou takes the pill his sickly expression doesn't change but he tells everyone he is bursting with vitality. Since this animated banner actually shows a change in expression he really must be thrilled. It's pretty much the story of my life. Take a bunch of meds but nothing seems to change. If it does, it's pretty short lived. I'll leave the statement "I'm thrilled" to your own interpretation. What am I thrilled about? Taking medication? Posting here on theOB? Am I really thrilled or am I being sarcastic? You decide.
What is the strangest thing you've ever eatten
Panda replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
As I have mentioned before in the past when this topic reincarnates itself...what is weird to you may be completely normal to someone else. This of course relating to "ethnic foods". For all you Tofu haters out there I am more than happy to eat your share. I absolutely [b]love[/b] Tofu. My favorite way to eat Tofu is tied between Tofu Miso Soup and just plain Tofu with a dash of Soy Sauce. YUMMY!! In fact I may have some Tofu for dinner tomorrow night! It's one of my favorite foods! Now there is one ethnic food that makes me gag when I think about it. I know there are people here who have tried it (not me) and they are far braver than I. It's a popular Filipino snack called Balut. It's basically a hard boiled duck egg with a partially formed baby duck in it. I can stomach raw fish but Balut is waaaay beyond anything I am willing to even try. I swear that food should be on Fear Factor. Just thinking about it makes me feel icky. The strangest food I have eaten would have to be jelly fish. It was slimy on the outside with a crunch on the inside. The crunch being like a rice crispy crunch. Salty and surprisingly tasty. I had it at my cousin's wedding reception a few years back. I wouldn't go out and buy it on my own, but if it were served to me again I would eat it. Eel, octopus, squid, shark...I've had all of those. I'm sure there are other Japanese foods I've eaten that others would find weird but I just can't think of them. -
This thread is really not going anywhere. [b]D. Resurrected[/b] your inquiry and last response have offended several members here on the boards. When starting a thread we want to make sure there is conversation value to the topic. This falls terribly short of that requirement. Also using too many emoticons is not acceptable in responses. We stress quality posting here on the boards. For those reasons I am closing this thread. If you have questions about posting quality and what is and isn't acceptable here on the OtakuBoards please feel free to PM myself or any of the other staff members.
Since this topic is dealing with the workings of the site it would be better suited for the Tech section of the Suggestions and Feedback forum. I'll just re-direct it over there. Edit: I forgot to add my suggestions on finding your missing posts. First make sure they are not listed in your profile under the "Find All Posts" link. If they aren't there and you remember the name of the threads you posted in, you can do a "search" for your posts that way. Hope that helps.
A-Kon will be taking place at The Adam's Mark Hotel in Dallas, Texas the weekend of June 9-11th. You can check out their website at: [url]http://www.a-kon.com[/url] I have plans to fly down to Dallas and stay with a friend for the convention. Some of my friends are guests at the convention so I would love to attend the convention so I can watch their panels. From what my friends have told me the convention is really well run and they had a great time last year when they attended. In my experience when the guests and industry representatives are happy the fans are happy. Kenshinsg, there is a convention in Vermont. I'm not sure how close you are but it's called Bakuretsu con and it takes place at the Hampton Inn and Conference Center in Colchester, Vermont in November. You can get more information from their website at: [url]http://www.bakuretsucon.org/[/url] Like I mentioned in my first post in this thread most states have an anime convention. You just need to do a little "Google" search or scan through [b]theOtaku.com Anime and Gaming Convention Schedule[/b] which is posted every month. :catgirl:
I love attending anime conventions! My plans for this year start out sounding like I am stalking Monkey Orange. I am attending Sakura con in Seattle for sure. I already have my hotel and pass to get in! I can't wait! Also on my list is Kumoricon (Portland, Oregon), Anime Evolution (Vancouver, BC), A-Kon (Dallas, Texas) and, of course, my annual trip to Anime Expo in Anaheim, California. I definitely have to meet up with Solo at AX. I think we should plan a theOtaku.com gathering. A meet and greet if you will. I would love to attend an east coast convention but haven't decided which one to attend yet. As for finding conventions in your area you can always check out the monthly convention lists I post in the news section of theOtaku.com. Towards the end of the month I list all the conventions taking place for the coming month plus their websites so you can get more information. This list includes conventions outside the US. Using "Goggle" with the words "anime convention + (your state)" usually produces results. Most states have at least one convention a year. As for cosplayers, I do not see them as being weird. They are showing their fandom. Keep in mind many of these costumes and props are made by the cosplayer themselves. That is totally amazing to me. The hours of work, the craftmanship, the dedication....it's all to be admired. Some people show their fandom through drawing fan art, cosplayers show their fandom through costumes. To me it's just another form of fan art. Cosplaying allows you to instantly find someone who likes the same anime as you. Let's say you really love FLCL and you see someone in a FLCL costume...you know you will have something to talk to them about. Last year at Sakura-con there was a guy cosplaying Amarao, my hubby went up to him and said: "Those eyebrows." and without missing a beat he responded: "What about eyebrows!". After that we started chatting about FLCL and his costume, he posed for a picture for us and we had a nice time. If he had not been in costume we would have never known he was a FLCL fan. (steps off cosplay soap box) The main thing I love about going to conventions is meeting up with other people who "get it". They understand how great anime is. Being surrounded by people who feel the same way is amazing. Entering the Dealer's Room and buying rare imported items. Attending panels where you can learn more about anime and manga. Viewing rooms where you can watch, in many cases 24 hours a day, anime episodes. Getting autographs and pictures with voice actors and manga-kas. Gaming, concerts, contests, Japanese cultural classes, dances, manga library, Artist's Alley, karaoke, swag (free stuff).....There are so many things going on at conventions it would take me hours to type out everything! If you can attend a covention I recommend going. Just remember: -[b]Pre-registration is a must.[/b] It will help cut down on your time in line and be cheaper than buying your ticket at the door. -[b]Take a camera.[/b] You never know when you are going to see an amazing costume or your favorite voice actor, manga-ka, Japanese musician. -[b]Comfy shoes.[/b] You will be doing quite a bit of walking and standing. If you talk to any of those EGL girls they will tell you that those super high platform boots are killer on the feet. -[b]Money![/b] No matter how much you take you will wish you had more when you enter into a Dealer's Room filled with stuff to buy. -[b]Snacks.[/b] Buying food around or at many convention centers can get pricey. Taking your own yummies will help you save money. -[b]Cell Phone.[/b] If you are going with friends a phone is very helpful. At large cons getting separated from your group of friends will take you hours to find each other. -Have fun but make sure you [b]sleep, eat and shower[/b]. Conventions can be a bit overwhelming. Trying to decide what you want to do and not having enough hours in the day to do it all in. Some people don't sleep for days, other forget to eat (except for the Pocky and Ramune they bough in the Dealer's Room) and the worst, they forget to shower. H.O.B.O. which stands for Horrible Otaku Body Odor (also known as "Otaku Funk") is the horrible smell that some people get after several days of not bathing. Unfortunatly some people are too caught up in the convention they forget personal hygene. Say No to H.O.B.O.!!! I think those are the main things to remember. I love attending conventions. In addition to all the stuff I listed it also gives me a chance to meet the friends I have made online. I love being able to put a name (or screen name) and face together. If I know you are going to be at a convention I am attending I will meet up with you. Just shoot me a PM or email. :animesmil (On a side note, always be cautious when meeting someone for the first time. Make sure you are always in a public place with others you trust around you.) I usually meet up with new people then together make a run through the Dealer's Room. Conventions are great fun. Great fun indeed.
Welcome back to theOtakuBoards Lightwing. Since you have been gone for a bit I recommend that you re-read the rules page to refresh your memory. Our rules here are different from the average message board so it won't hurt to look through them again. :catgirl: We encourage people to introduce, or re-introduce in your case, themselves within their posts as they enter discussions throughout the boards. We would rather that than having a ton of introduction threads. For that reason I am going to lock this thread. As for finding out what you've been missing I suggest you scan through some of the threads you missed during your time away or PM some of the friends you made before you left. If you have any questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Again, I welcome you back to the boards and I'm glad to see you back posting around the site. Have fun! ~Panda
Welcome to theOtakuBoards nekojohn! We encourage people to introduce themselves within their posts as they enter discussions through out the boards. We would rather that than having a ton of introduction threads. We feel that the best way for members to learn about you is through the quality of your posting. On that note, using proper capitalization will make your post easier to read. For those reason I am going to lock this thread. If you have any questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Again, I welcome you to the boards and I hope to see you posting around the site. Have fun! ~Panda
Welcome xXKikoKakumeiXx! Please do not bring back long dead threads. This thread was last active back in 2004. If you feel this topic still has some discussion value we prefer you begin a new thread versus resurrecting an ancient one. For that reason I am going to lock this thread. We also have a high standard for posting quality. Make sure when responding to a thread you use proper spelling and capitalization in your post. It makes your response much easier to read. If you have any questions about posting here on the OtakuBoards please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators on the site. Thanks! -Panda
I have mixed feelings on thinpacks right now since we are in that funny transition period. I have always bought the first disk, plus collector's box and extras. I have quiet a few collections that are in mid collection. Having already started collecting the DVD's and invested a lot of money in those sets the onslaught of thinpacks makes me feel like I've been cheated. Cheapers, space saving and the entire series. This does not help those of us who were buying the full disks one by one as we got the money to spend. Now it's become harder to find the missing disks since retailers are opting for the space saving better bang for your buck thinpacks. I would have been fine if they would have waited just a bit longer before releasing all the thinpacks. I already felt like I've been cheated by buying all the Gantz DVD's and now it's in a thinpack. I know once I do finally finish collecting those box sets I've started I'll try to wait for thinpacks. But old habits die hard and I'm sure I'll end up buying those starter set DVD's in the collector's boxes. On the plus side I picked up Chrono Crusade in the thinpack today at a very reasonable price. :catgirl:
I think I may be one of the only people here who can say that I have "been there and done that". I already have my own business license (oh the joys of paying taxes upon taxes!) so I answer this question with a very realistic view on the joys of business ownership. In case someone is wondering I designed and created beaded jewelry that I sold in a little boutique. If I had massive disposable income to open up a shop of my very own I would like to have a little anime/manga/japanese music/game shop. I would do rentals and sales, found a club for fans to join and maybe a little cafe. I would have screenings of different anime series and get anime industry guest - voice actors and artists - to make in store appearances. I would also have Japanese cultural events. Tea ceremony, lessons on how to put kimonos on, origami and maybe even fan dancing lessons.
I did great all the way through my high school graduation. I had many laughs with my friends and didn't think I would cry or anything like that. That was until one of my long time friends, a guy I had gone to school with from Kindergarden until our Senior year, gave me a single white rose and said he would miss seeing me every year. :animecry: I did fine until that moment. Then I started to cry. I realized that there were many friends I had grown up with and now we would go our separate ways. It was a very bittersweet feeling. College on the other hand I didn't feel sad at all. I was actually looking forward to my upcoming wedding so there were more important things on my mind. I was very happy to finish and don't miss being in school at all. All and all, the best part of graduation was knowing that I wouldn't have to take any more finals. Yeah!!
I just want to enter into this discussion to mention that Robotech and Macross are two different series. Super Dimentional Fortress Macross is the original. This is the one that ADV has recently added an English language dub. This series has spawned several more series to continue the Macross story line. These include Macross 7 and Zero. "Do You Remember Love" is also a part of this family of stories. Robotech is a mix of three separate series into one new story line. The original Macross, Southern Cross and MOSPEADA were combined to make each of the three sagas of the Robotech mythos. The Macross Saga of Robotech is not related to the original SDF Macross. Robotech is going to continue the story in the Shadow Chronicles which should be released later this year. If you want to know more about each of the series it is best to check out theOtaku.com's hubs for [u][URL=http://www.theotaku.com/anime/macross/]Macross[/URL][/u] and [u][URL=http://www.theotaku.com/anime/robotech/]Robotech[/URL][/u]. I am a fan of both series but have a special place in my heart for Robotech since back in the day...way back in the 80's...Robotech was the first anime that was aired on US television that had a more mature theme. Cartoons were always aimed to and for kids. Robotech covered issues like interracial relationships, war, love and even killed off main characters! This was something that was never shown on tv before in an animated show for kids. It was groundbreaking. Robotech really did open the door for the acceptance of anime in the United States.
One of the servers has crashed. Until it is fixed most myO sites will be unavailable. The tech team is working on it so we just need to be patient and wait for them to finish nursing the server back to health.
One of the servers has crashed. No info is lost but until it is fixed most myO sites will be unavailable. It is being worked on so until it is fixed just hang tough and wait for our tech team to work their magic.
In addition to being in the wrong forum these types of threads degenerate fairly quickly. The types of posts we like to see on the OtakuBoards are ones that will generate quality discussions, this thread falls far short of meeting this requirement. For that reason I am locking this thread. Please feel free to PM me or any of the other moderators if you have any questions. Thanks. ~Panda
[QUOTE=Raiyuu][font=Trebuchet MS]I'm hoping the double will mark the end of the arc, but what with those three randoms in the end sequence I'm not optimistic. Lirin did say [spoiler]that finding Chad would be the "last game,"[/spoiler] so maybe the double is the end of the Lirin/Claude/Nova arc and the beginning of the 'other guys' arc? [/font][/QUOTE]I just finished watching the episode in the raw. It is [spoiler]one long episode that does explain/introduce the characters you see[/spoiler] in the end credits sans one character. The beginning credits are also altered just a tad. The story during this extended episode does "tie up" the one arc and begin the next [spoiler]vampire-esque[/spoiler] arc. I do now have an overwhelming urge to make Orihime's new "purse".
Welcome to theOtakuBoards LovesCougar! We encourage people to introduce themselves within their posts as they enter discussions throughout the boards. We would rather that than having a ton of introduction threads. For that reason I am going to lock this thread. Also, we have pretty high standards when it comes to the quality of posts (ie: making them well thought out with care given to grammar). We want threads that will produce conversation amongst the members. If you have any questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Again, I welcome you to the boards and I hope to see you posting around the site. Have fun! ~Panda
Hey Aaryanna! The picture I see is the same as the background. A very cute bichon picture with hearts. Sometimes the old picture stays in the browser memory and if you reload or quit then go back to your site it will prompt the browser to load the new picture. My site has done that a few times and when I leave myO, visit another site like the OB, then go back it will have the newly uploaded picture. Hope that helps!
Welcome to theOtakuBoards inuyashchrist. Please be aware that we have a rules page that all members are required to read before posting. These [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?"][U]Rules[/U][/URL] and [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/faq.php?][U]FAQ[/U][/URL] can also be found on the left navigation menu in addition to the underlined links I have just provided. We have pretty high standards when it comes to the quality of posts (ie: making them well thought out with care given to grammar). When you re-read the rules page it will make more sense to you. Since your thread has no direction as to where this conversation is suppose to be going I am going to close this thread. If you have any questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Again, I welcome you to the boards and I hope to see you posting around the site. Have fun! ~Panda
[color=red][b]blackfireknight[/b]- Please make note of the warning my fellow mod Raiyuu has already posted just 8 posts before your post: [quote name='Raiyuu][font=Trebuchet MS']...as it currently stands your post is spam. Please try and put more thought and explanation into your posts - see the Rules and FAQ (located on the left sidebar) for more information on OB's post quality policy, or PM a Moderator if you have questions.[/font][/quote] If you have any questions about this send a PM to one of us, we are more than happy to help answer questions about the rules and/or posting quality. Thanks! -Panda[/color] As for the weather in my neck of the woods it is beginning to feel a lot like spring. Weather here in the Pacific Northwest can be a bit of a roller coaster - especially in the late winter early spring. We can have one beautiful clear sunny day followed by snow the next two. Rain, hail, wind...we get what the tv weather man calls: A Winter Medley. In other words, expect anything. :animesigh Today was a beautiful clear day, very few clouds, sunshine but a bit on the chilly side. Basically a beautiful spring day.
Welcome to theOtakuBoards AnimeRules15421. These "list" types of threads degenerate fairly quickly. The types of posts we like to see on the OtakuBoards are ones that will generate quality discussions, the random list of item threads do not meet that criteria. Be sure when beginning a new thread you add some direction as to where you would like the conversation to proceed. As it stands now there is only a list with no conversation. This thread is also posted in the wrong forum. When posting about topics dealing with music it is best to start the thread in the [u]Music, Movies & TV Forum[/u]. Since this thread is lacking in the quality we like to see here on the OtakuBoards I am going to lock this thread instead of moving it. You are more than welcome to start this thread over in the correct forum if one of the same topic does not exist already. Just make sure you add some direction for conversation such as adding why you like these songs or what the songs mean to you. I suggest that you look through past post for examples of both what is acceptable and what is not for threads on the OtakuBoards. If you have any questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Again, I welcome you to the boards and I hope to see you posting around the site. Have fun! ~Panda
Welcome to theOtakuBoards hashikuna. Please be aware that we have a rules page that all members are required to read before posting. These [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?"][U]Rules[/U][/URL] and [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/faq.php?][U]FAQ[/U][/URL] can also be found on the left navigation menu in addition to the underlined links I have just provided. We encourage people to introduce themselves within their posts as they enter discussions throughout the boards. We would rather that than having a ton of introduction threads. For that reason and the lack of direction of the post I am going to lock this thread. Also, we have pretty high standards when it comes to the quality of posts (ie: making them well thought out with care given to grammar). When you re-read the rules page it will make more sense to you. Please don't type in all caps, on the internet it is considered rude since it is perceived as shouting. If you have any questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Again, I welcome you to the boards and I hope to see you posting around the site. Have fun! ~Panda
[quote name='CrazyMew']Then my earing back went into my ear and i had to get it taken out. Ow ow and ow again![/quote] Oh I had that happen to me too! I was in the second grade I think. I had to go to the hospital and have the back removed. They basically made an incision on the back of my ear and pulled the stud earring all the way through. That really did hurt. After that I basically let my ear piercings close up and didn't get them re-pierced again until I was 15. I actually forgot about that incident until now....ah...what memories. :animesigh Since the last time this thread popped up the only new injuries I can add to my list of a broken arm, broken ankle, numerous stitches from different lacerations, amputation of a finger and being shot in the back with a BB gun is my arthritis. I have developed what is known as a Rheumatoid nodule. It's basically when a joint swells up and stays swollen. The nodules are what causes the crooked fingers and joints that RA suffers have. Mine is on my right pinky finger. It's kind of like that red swollen knot you get after being hit in the head with a baseball. You know, a "goose egg". RA nodules look and feel about the same way PLUS they don't go away unless you surgically remove them. Needless to say, they suck.
I'm on the map! This is really a great idea. Kudos for starting it! I am happy to see a couple others up there in the lonely Pacific Northwest posting. I'm the first to post from eastern Washington. This is very interesting to see where everyone is from. Very cool indeed.