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Most romantic hmm, well for me it is something very simple. I don't need wine and roses...bah! What I love is on a snowy winter night putting on my comfy flannel jammies, lighting a few candles and cuddling up with my hubby under a big fluffy blanket watching the snow fall. All this with a big mug of homemade hot chocolate. Chatting and being together, that is what is romantic to me.
The first time I saw that video all I could think about was what is it like to be that person's next door neighbors. The lights are so bright, the music is loud (unless like some people they have a short wave radio broadcast) and I am sure it attracts tons of people driving into the neighborhood. Imagine trying to get home after a long hard day at work and running into gridlock in your neighborhood! Mind you, I love this person's creativity. It boggles the mind to think of how much time, money and effort went into this light show. Oh, and from what I remember it's a house in Ohio for those of you wondering where this house is at. This display really makes my house lights look boring. On a related note: When my hubby and I were looking to buy a new house one of the houses we looked at was in a neighborhood notorious for elaborate light displays. All out, each and every house. They play music that can be heard blocks away and the lights make it like it is daytime on that street. They even string lights down the curb the entire lenght of the neighborhood! We decided we couldn't "keep up with the Jones'" so we opted not to move to that neighborhood. LOL
[COLOR=DarkRed]Sloppy posts are considered spam here on the OtakuBoards [b]king_monkey[/b]. Please remember to use proper punctuation, spelling and capitalization in your responses. Doing so makes your posts easier to read. Please put a bit more effort into your future responses. Thanks! [/COLOR] On topic: I agree if you like this guy you should get to know him. Introduce yourself and make yourself known. Becoming friends is going to be the best route to getting closer to him and vice versa. He has to know you before he can like you. Getting to know him will also help you sort out your feelings. Do you just have a crush on what you think he is versus what he really is? Hopefully he isn't just a cute guy with the personality of a bathroom stall. Sometimes what we see of someone from afar is completely different from what they are really like. Whatever you decide to do I wish you the best of luck.
Welcome to the OtakuBoards Nosferatu! These types of threads degenerate fairly quickly. The types of posts we like to see on the OtakuBoards are ones that will generate quality discussions, the "looking for someone from " threads do not meet that criteria. It is also very important when starting a new thread to make sure there is some sort of direction you would like the conversation to take. Just asking for members to "write" doesn't really lead the conversation in any direction. For those reasons I am going to lock this thread. If you would like to get the word out that you are looking for fellow fans from Russia it would be best to post a small note in your signature. This would be the best way since those members could then PM or email you. If you have any questions about posting quality or the rules please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Welcome once again and best of luck finding fellow Russian anime fans. ^_^ -Panda
Currently the "Home" pages for the wallpapers, greeting and fan art are being worked on. The staff is aware of it and it is currently being worked on. Just hang tough and it should be up and running after the work is done. Hope that helps.
I wouldn't want to live beyond my years. I don't want to watch every single family member and all the friends I have made over the years die. It would just be too hard on my heart to handle that kind of loss. Though, like Dagger said, it would be an exciting thing to watch all the changes in technology. This does remind me of a Hinotori episode I watched where this man is given eternal life and could not die. As time marches on the house he is living in starts to fall apart. Books seem to turn to dust in his hands because they are so old. At one point when he thinks he is the last human on the planet he finds a coffin-like box with a woman's name on it and a timer to open it, I think it was a thousand years or some other really long time period. So for all that time he waits for it to open. He doesn't want to open it earlier since there might be a reason it was set for that time. Finally the day comes and the timer goes off and -- [spoiler]nothing. It doesn't open. So he opens it himself and finds only a mummy of a woman inside. He waited all that time for nothing.[/spoiler] In the end he is sitting happily on a cliff as the [spoiler]volcanoes erupt and the world around him is literally starts falling down. He was the only one left and with the planet falling apart he hopes this will be an end to his eternal loneliness. [/spoiler] It just seemed very sad. So, as I mentioned before. I would only want to life my natural life and go when it is my time to go. I don't want to end up like the guy in Hinotori.
[COLOR=Red]Reminder: Keep an eye on the quality of the responses. This thread seems to have some issues with proper captialization and actually answering the question being asked. I would hate to lock this thread over spammy posts.[/COLOR] I met my husband when I was working at my very first job. I was 16 and in high school and he was 21 and going to college. We didn't start dating until a few years later but when I first met him I knew he was the man I was going to marry. There was just something about him, something special, that I knew deep down inside he was my soul mate. In fact today, November 25, 2005 is our 10th wedding anniversary! We still consider ourselves newlyweds though. Through all the good times and bad we have been there to support each other. I love him more each and everyday. He really is my better half.
I just had a wacky comment thing start up with my site today, perhaps it is the same your friend is having. When I look at my blog it tells me I have 3 comments. When I click on the link another window opens and tells me that I have no comments to view. When I post on someone's site in their comment box it tells me that my comment should be available to view below but it doesn't show up. Is this what problem your friend is having dposse? If not can you give some more info as to what the problem is? I am not sure what the problem with the comments are but I'm just going to wait until Justin gets some time to sort it out. He's a very busy guy after all so I am going to be patient and wait. Edit: Obviously being a bit more patient works well! I went back to check my site and the comments I had left and they are working now. Perhaps the system was being attacked by the "lag monster" and it just needed some time to get working...or perhaps it's like many of us post-Thanksgiving and dealing with "turkey torpor"! Just feelin' a bit sluggish.
Make sure your wallpapers are within the guidelines. The wallpapers cannot contain fan art that you did not make...so taking a really great piece of fan art off dA or one you found on the internet is not acceptable. The images must be licensed official art. Make sure any text used is easy to read and does not contain misspellings. If you use a font color that can be seen over the images. Using white text on a white background is very difficult to read. It seems like a common sense sort of thing but this happens a lot. Make sure the wallpapers you are submitting are not taken from other wallpaper sites. Dozens of wallpapers from other wallpaper sites like animewallpaper.com are submitted to our site daily as original creations. If you did not do the graphic work to create the wallpaper, do not submit it. Simply deleting the watermark off from the wallpaper and putting your name on it does not count as creating it yourself. Sometimes these wallpapers sneak through and when found are deleted off our server. Double check the quality of the images. If re-sizing them make sure the image is not distorted and/or blurry. Many images are submitted that are very blurry. When submitting a wallpaper for an existing anime or manga that does not have a hub of it's own it needs to be placed under the Misc. catagory. Original is for your own creation. Let's say you make up an anime style character and then make a wallpaper using that image. That original creation needs to be placed in the Original catagory. Use of photographs is not allowed. This is because of copyright issues. They don't fall under the "fair use" exemption. It also isn't in the spirit of an anime site to use non-anime related images. If you would like email me one of your wallpapers and I can tell you why it was not approved if you are still unsure.
I love Thanksgiving, it is one of my favorite holidays. It is nice to have a day set aside where we can reflect back on the past year, give thanks for all the good things that has happend AND spend time with friends and family. I know we should be thankful every day, but having a special day set aside gives us the time in our crazy busy schedules to actually do it! I will be traveling with my parents, brother and husband to my inlaws place across the state. His brother will be there as well. Our families for the past 10 years have been celebrating the holiday together. It makes it really special for all of us since both our families are small in size and this gives us the chance to have a larger get together. We catch up on the past year and eat, eat, eat! This year I am thankful for my family and friends being so supportive of me during my illness. I would be lost without them. I am thankful for the wonderful contacts I have made this past year while trying to get my second career off the ground. I feel like things are moving along quite nicely with the career front. I am also thankful for my little accomplishments during the day. When I am feeling sick there are days I can't get out of bed by myself. Being able to pick up a jug of juice and pour it on my own is a miracle in itself. These are the things I am thankful for. Much happiness to you all and: [CENTER][SIZE=4][COLOR=DarkOrange]Happy Thanksgiving!![/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
Wait until Adam posts a notice in the news section about what hub the members want added to the list next. Tell you friends to vote for that series in the comment box of the news article and when it is added, submit your review. Other than that you can post your review on your myO site for people to read until the hub is added.
Welcome to theOtakuBoards nekusagi. Please be aware that we have a rules page that all members are required to read before posting. These [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?"][U]Rules[/U][/URL] and [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/faq.php?][U]FAQ[/U][/URL] can also be found on the left navigation menu in addition to the underlined links I have just provided. We encourage people to introduce themselves within their posts as they enter discussions throughout the boards. We would rather that than having a ton of introduction threads. For that reason I am locking this thread. Also, we have pretty high standards when it comes to the quality of posts (ie: making them well thought out with care given to grammar). When you re-read the rules page it will make more sense to you. Since you mentioned "1337" it is not allowed on our message board since it does not meet the quality of posting standards we have on the boards. If you have any questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Again, I welcome you to the boards and I hope to see you posting around the site. Have fun! ~Panda
Welcome to theOtakuBoards cowboy. Please be aware that we have a rules page that all members are required to read before posting. These [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?"][U]Rules[/U][/URL] and [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/faq.php?][U]FAQ[/U][/URL] can also be found on the left navigation menu in addition to the underlined links I have just provided. We encourage people to introduce themselves within their posts as they enter discussions throughout the boards. We would rather that than having a ton of introduction threads. I do appreciate you taking the time to write out a long post versus one of those short: "Hey I'm new and need friends!" posts. Unfortunately I do have to close this thread. Just find a topic you like and dive on in! We feel the best way to let people learn about you is through the quality of your posting. If you have any questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Again, I welcome you to the boards and I hope to see you posting around the site. Have fun! ~Panda
Welcome back to theOtakuBoards stardust. Please be aware that we have a rules page that all members are required to read before posting. These [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?"][U]Rules[/U][/URL] and [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/faq.php?][U]FAQ[/U][/URL] can also be found on the left navigation menu in addition to the underlined links I have just provided. I highly recommend you re-read the rules since it has been a while since you were last on the boards. We encourage people to introduce, or in your case re-introduce, themselves within their posts as they enter discussions throughout the boards. We would rather that than having a ton of introduction threads. If you have any questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Again, I welcome you to the boards and I hope to see you posting around the site. Have fun! ~Panda
Welcome to theOtakuBoards renayiiq. Please be aware that we have a rules page that all members are required to read before posting. These [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?"][U]Rules[/U][/URL] and [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/faq.php?][U]FAQ[/U][/URL] can also be found on the left navigation menu in addition to the underlined links I have just provided. We encourage people to introduce themselves within their posts as they enter discussions throughout the boards. We would rather that than having a ton of introduction threads. Because of that I am going to lock this thread. If you have any questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Again, I welcome you to the boards and I hope to see you posting around the site. Have fun! ~Panda
Oh I don't even know what to start talking about with the latest chapter! I absolutely loved the latest release! So many things going through my mind I am just going to dive in! Envy [spoiler]in that nasty true form is very much nightmare fuel. It disturbed me how the people from were all talking and the part when the one little arm reaches out and pats Ed on the top of the head...disturbing. Or when the voices starting saying "Thank you" to Ed when they were leaving Gluttony. Creepy![/spoiler] Very sad yet very creepy. I really did like the part when [spoiler]Ed goes through the door and meets up with Al's body. I just kept thinking to myself Ed really needs to start chowing down and pack on some pounds if/since he is supporting Al's body on the other side. Al's little skinny body was so sad! You could see his ribs and everything. I just feel like I need to cook a huge meal for that boy![/spoiler] I love how Ed pointed at him before leaving and commanded him to wait there. I just got the feeling that he was fine waiting patiently for Ed and [spoiler]his soul[/spoiler] to return to claim him. Oh and of course the entire storyline progression with Bradley telling Roy his past. That was sad and very messed up. [spoiler]All those guys who died just for the experiement to inject the "Stone" into living humans. Breaking them down and rebuilding them over and over until someone survived or they died a horrible death.[/spoiler] The pure evilness of that act is no wonder that Bradley is the way he is. And the end of the chapter with the [spoiler]Elric boys, Ling, Envy and Gluttony[/spoiler] meeting up with "Father"...Oh I can't wait until January when the next installment comes out!! This last issue was amazing and I loved it. Oh the drama of it all is great. I wish there was a way to get a copy of the next issue now!! My mind is running a mile a minute after finishing that issue. The only thing it could have used was a bit more Xiao Mei. But hey, what do you expect from me. She is so flippin' cute and she and Al are just so sweet together! I think I am going to go re-read that again. :catgirl:
A message board frequented by fans of anime is not the place to seek help for suicidal tendencies. It is best to seek professional mental health help in your area from people who are trained to deal with your individual issues. Since this thread is not the quality we expect from our members I am going to lock this topic. If people feel they can help you they can PM you on their own. I wish you the best Lightwing and hope you get the help you need from professionals trained to deal with depression and suicidal thoughts.
[quote name='TailTactics']WOW. This thread is going nowhere. Then why not just close it? :animesigh[/quote] [COLOR=DarkRed]TailTactics, if you felt this was a dead thread why did you feel the need to double post just to bump it back to the top? If you feel the thread should be deleted then PM one of the moderators or administrators of the site and we can deal with the thread without you breaking the rules and double posting. Since there have been some responses I am going to leave this thread open as long as it doesn't attract spammy posts. I am also deleting the double post I quoted above. If anyone has any questions on the rules of the site or posting quality please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators on the site. Thanks. [/COLOR]
Justin is aware of the submission issues and they will be dealt with soon. If some of your work has shown up twice please use the report button on one of the doubles and report it as a repeat image. Thanks.
I am Japanese. Most of my family was born in Japan. As far back as my family history is know everyone has been Japanese. It's kind of interesting knowing that my family is all Japanese but having a mixture of ancestries would be really cool too. My hubby for instance is mostly German but also has some French, Native American and Swiss. Having a diverse family history is pretty cool too.
[QUOTE=Shadow Blade][size=1][color=slategray]This thread looks familiar. I remember that I submitted a thread called 24hrs. to live, I didn't post a scenario however. But the thread disappeared. No idea where it's at.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] Hmm, perhaps much like the thread topic the thread itself only had 24 hours to live! It's gone to the dark depths of the dead thread graveyard. All joking aside it may have been one of those threads that mysteriously disappeared a few months back. Bummer. As for this new thread I would have to say I would spend the last hour with my loved ones. As long as this mysterious virus wasn't going to be transmitted to my loved ones that is. I wouldn't do too much since spending time with my family would be the most important thing to me. I'd spend the time telling them how important they are to me and that I want them to be happy. I wouldn't do anything crazy like go on a killing spree or anything. I wouldn't want to waste my last moments on earth tracking down people to kill. My big concern with doing something crazy would be that the diagnosis was wrong and then I would spend the rest of my natural life in prison. Oops!
Yes, the world is coming to an end. We are all dying slowly. One day we will all be dead. As mentioned before in this thread people for as long as we have been around have been saying it is the final days. Some as having a Social Security number issued to each person was a sign of the end of days...natural disasters are the sign...Michael Jackson's nose tranformating into whatever it is, it's all a sign of the end of days. People will believe what they believe. Some join cults and kill themselves to catch a ride on the tail of a comet, others drink poisoned Kool-aid while others just sell all their belongings and live in yurts in the desert for the end to come. If you believe it to be the end then it will be the end. All I know is that I am going to live my life and not worry about it. The time spent worrying about it could be time spent doing something productive and/or fun.
If it is an assignment I hope I get a Gold Star for my response! I feel the use of uniforms to combat bullying is futile. Kids will pick on each other over other things. If it is not the clothes you wear then it is your haircut, what you ate for lunch, what car your parents drive...there are millions of things they will find to tease each other about. When I was in school (public) there was only a decency dress code to begin with. Girls skirts had to be a certain length and you couldn't expose too much of your chest. That sort of thing. Later they added "content" to the code. You could not wear anything that advertised beer or cigarettes. You could not wear shirts that had suggestive items printed on them...Big Johnson shirts or images of women in bikinis. Some concert t-shirts fell into this catagory. Later P.E. uniforms were added to make sure kids followed this rule. Everyone had the same shirt and shorts. Teachers would judge students' attire and if they didn't like what you were wearing you were sent home to change. It didn't stop kids from picking on each other. Forcing kids to fit a mold only makes them want to break out of it.
Noodle, you rock. The End is a great station and is the one I set my car stereo to when I am on the west side of the state. Poor me, eastern Washingtonian here...land of country music. :animecry: By trade I am a vet tech, you know, an animal nurse. I absolutely loved working with all the different animals. It is a great feeling knowing that my work improved the lives of animals. I monitored surgeries, did dental cleanings, gave medications and injections and, my very favorite, helped with c-sections. I loved being there to help bring little ones into this world. Unfortunately after 7 years of work I had to retire from that career due to Rheumatoid Arthritis. Currently I am in the process of attaining my second career as a writer. Since I am working as a freelance writer I don't work for any particular company per se. I have done work for Harmony Gold transcripting anime episodes, ADV films as an anime screener and my story has been published in Arthritis Today. The only work I do that I consider full time is here on theOtaku.com network. But truth be know I actually have the overworked, underpaid and underappreciated job of being a housewife. At least the commute to work is quick. :p
What would you like to see in a Magazine?
Panda replied to demonchild781's topic in General Discussion
I've always been partial to strange bits of news. Not like "Weekly World News" that is all just made up, but stories like how someone has removed themselves from the gene pool in an interesting way. Darwin Award quality of death. Or stupid criminal stories like the guy who went streaking at a Denny's restaurant in the winter, left his car running so he could make a quick get away and unfortunately had his car stolen while he was in the restaurant. So he ran out into the snow to find his car gone. No clothes, no car and now a criminal record since the police picked him up. Funny/stupid stories. They are always good for a laugh. Best of luck with your magazine!