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Everything posted by Panda

  1. I actually have several days that are in the running for being my Worst Day Ever. One was the day when I got my finger caught in the gears of some farm equipment and then had to have my finger amputated. But that really isn't as bad as the allergic reaction I had to Penicillin. When I was 14 I had a major reaction to Penicillin and ended up hospitalized. It was bad enough that I missed 2 months of school and the Pastor for my church even stopped by to visit me to talk about Heaven. :animeblus Nothing gives you a boost of confidence in your recovery like having someone talk to you like you are knocking on Heaven's door. I had some major problems going on and really am surprised I survived. Chemo right now is a literal pain as well as my Rheumatoid Arthritis but I think my stay in the hospital with the Penicillin problem even beats the weekly Chemo injections and those side effects. So after much thought I think that entire period of my life when I was 14 and laying in a hospital bed wishing the pains would stop would rank as the number one worst time in my life.
  2. I am not much of a swimmer. I almost drowned when I was little. I knew it was bad that I didn't know how to swim and even though I was totally freaked out by the idea I took swimming lessons. I made it through the swimming lessons to where you learn all the different types of swim strokes and started into diving. I didn't stick with it but many of my friends did and went on to become lifeguards and/or join the swim team. I only go swimming with others who are very strong swimmers. If there is something I can do and do really well, it's floating on my back. I could do that all day long and not sink. It's funny, my hubby can't float if he stops moving. He's exactly like Osaka in Azumanga Daioh. He can swim, just not float. :animesmil
  3. First things first, accidents happen. The moderators are only human and mistakes happen. People need to understand literally hundreds of wallpapers a day are submitted to the site and some slip through the cracks. I personally spend hours daily on the site solely on submissions. Of these submissions some are obviously stolen with watermarks from other websites still in place or they are multiple submissions from people who submit the exact same wallpaper 4 or 5 times in one day. I've seen several of my own wallpapers be re-submitted to the site with my name still at the bottom! It really is a lot of work keeping on top of what wallpapers have already been submitted and by who...plus knowing what wallpapers are out on the web that people might want to steal as their own work. Not to mention the different styles of official art work...photo real, chibi, super deformed...that each series seems to have licensed. Added to these submissions are the honest submissions by people who have taken the time to scan art books or gather their own screen captures to create something unique. I do not feel that a wallpaper needs to have every single Photoshop effect to be considered "good enough" for the site. I prefer simple backgrounds with a nice focal point. It doesn't need lense flares, embossing, swirly backgrounds along with dozens of layered images with tons of filters and enough text overlaying the image to make War and Peace look like a fortune cookie. I know some people like wallpapers like that but there are just as many who like the types of wallpapers I like which are the simple, clean single image focal point kind of wallpapers. Each situation needs to be looked at individually. If there is a particular issue you can always PM myself or the moderators taking care of that section. If your wallpaper(s) don't show up in 48 hours re-submit it after double checking. Spelling is very important. Many people don't seem to understand the difference between "You're" and "Your" for example. Other times it is just a simple typo. Make sure text is easy to read. Using white text over a white background is not a good thing. To address Tony's suggestion I have brought that issue to Adam's attention. I would love to see an area for people to explain how they created their work. This for the wallpapers and a section specifically for explaining how fan art was created. I know some people, myself included, use the comment area but not everyone explains how their work was created. We are about 100 wallpapers shy of having 30,000 on the site and over 60,000 pieces of fan art. I was told that this would be a major undertaking to add this due to the submissions that have already been approved. I am always happy to answer questions dealing with the submissions. Just be polite. I have been called some pretty nasty names by people who didn't like the fact I warned them about submitting stolen work as their own. This includes flaming left in the guest book of myO. Myself, as with all the moderators, work very hard on the site to make sure it retains a high level of quality. If there is a particular issue with any submissions please feel free to contact us directly, the contact information can be found on the staff page. I hope this made some sense. I haven't been feeling well lately but wanted to post in this thread so everyone knew that we do take their concerns seriously and are working on making theOtaku network the best on the web.
  4. Panda

    elfen lied

    Currently there is no Elfen Lied section (hub) on theOtaku.com. If there is quite a few submissions...wallpapers, fan art, cosplay, greeting cards....then one may be added. Until then all Elfen Lied submissions can be made under the "Miscellaneous Anime" section. Because of the graphic nature of Elfen Lied be sure with the wallpaper meets the [URL=http://www.theotaku.com/site/terms/][u]submission guidelines[/u][/URL].
  5. This thread topic is not up to the quality level we like to see here on the OtakuBoards. The questions you asked can be answered with simple yes or no answers. When starting a new thread be sure to begin with a subject that will spawn conversation and discussion, not just because you are bored. The first post in your thread should set the tone of the discussion you would like to see formed. Start with a spammy first posting and it will attract spammy replies. Whereas if you start with a well thought out topic others will follow suit with equal effort in their postings. Due to the spammy nature of this first post I am going to lock this thread. If you have questions on thread quality or anything dealing with the message boards and the rules, please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators on the boards. Thanks! -Panda
  6. It's been a while since I responded to one of these "first" threads. My very first manga I remember was Ranma 1/2 in Japanese and Battle Angel Atila in Japanese also. My first manga were in the raw. They were gifts from friends who live in Japan. My first english translated manga was Chobits. Since then I have added many more manga to my list of reading material the latest being Legal Drug.
  7. No, you are right, she is a she, not a he...blame it on the chemo, my brain is fried. I am not sure why I said he...meh. Anywho, the Guide book is a must have the pictures are great, one of my other favs is of a little dog with Al's helmet and a little voice notation coming out of it saying "Brother!". It is just too cute.
  8. Lindus you have just made me very happy! ::huggles:: It's great to find someone who knows what I am talking about! I love the storyline with Ling and it's sad to see this missing from the anime. I do suggest that any FMA fan buy the FMA Perfect Guide Book. It's still in the raw (not translated) and it is great, hopefully they will translate this book since there is so much in it that is interesting. There is a little section in it that is an interview with Hiromu Arakawa who likes to use a little cow avatar for herself since she was born and raised in Hokkaido, which is "rural" Japan. She grew up on a dairy farm. LOL The book also has maps of the area, character descriptions and charts on how they relate to each other. The best thing being the little side pictures and comic strips that are added in. Like the side story of Black Hayate falling down a cliff. [spoiler] Hawkeye says she will help him and she just tosses him a hand gun! Black Hayate is just thinking to himself "How the heck is a dog suppose to use this?". It just seems like something Hawkeye would do since she seems to always use her guns when she is in trouble![/spoiler] Anywho, currently I have last read up to [spoiler] when Mei Chen fights with Ed and Al trying to protect Scar and Xiao Mei gets left behind and picked up by Al. I totally love how she (Xiao Mei) views Al as the top of her social structure and Ed below single cell organisms![/spoiler] Because of how sweet Al is with Xiao he has moved up in rank as one of my favorite FMA characters. Xiao Mei and Mei Chen being at the top of my list. I really wish they were in the anime. Edit: Brain Fart- needed to change some info because I am a loon and said the manga-ka was a "he" not a "she". Gomen!
  9. Welcome to theOtakuBoards Talon505. Please be aware that we have a rules page that all members are required to read before posting. The [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?"][U]Rules[/U][/URL] and [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/faq.php?][U]FAQ[/U][/URL] can also be found on the left navigation menu. We encourage people to introduce themselves within their posts as they enter discussions throughout the boards. We would rather that than having a ton of introduction threads. Also, we have pretty high standards when it comes to the quality of posts (ie: making them well thought out with care given to grammar). When you re-read the rules page it will make more sense to you. If you have any questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Again, I welcome you to the boards and I hope to see you posting around the site. Have fun! ~Panda
  10. I agree with Helba on this, this thread is about winning a contest versus about the subject of the contest itself. FUNimation is based out of the Dallas/Fort Worth area and since they are running the contest I think they would call you from their headquarters in Texas. I know when I won a Full Metal Alchemist Fan Art contest my prizes were sent directly from Texas. Never give up hope but there really isn't any reason to get worked up over a mystery phone call from somebody in Florida. I am not sure on this, someone from Florida may know the answer, but is the reason Florida residents not allowed to enter because of some restrictions on contests in that state? I have always wondered that when watching commercials for contest...trips or prizes...on different shows on HGTV, FoodNetwork and the like, about how Florida residents are exempt. Does anyone have an answer to this contest question?
  11. I never had an imaginary friend but all my stuffed animals had names and personalities. At night I would feel bad for them since they all couldn't fit on my bed with me. I was afraid someone would feel left out and sad. My favorite was a stuffed horse I ended getting when I was in the hospital. His name is Charlie (yes, he is a Charlie Horse. lol) and I still have him. At times I feel bad when I see him sitting on my bookshelf. Almost a bit guilty for not paying attention to him. I guess it is this empathy that makes me so sensitive when it comes to animals. Charlie is probably older than many of you on this message board, I got him August of 1979! :animeblus
  12. Okay, time for a mini veterinary lesson everyone! The disease that pregnant women are afraid of is called Toxoplasmosis. Toxoplasmosis infections can occur by eating cat feces from an infected cat, eating contaminated meat that is undercooked, drinking water infected with Toxoplasma or get it from organ transplant or blood transfusion. If a pregnant woman or someone who is immune suppressed is very careful (uses gloves and washing hands) after cleaning a litter box AND making sure the box is cleaned daily, the risk of Toxoplasmosis is low. I have worked with plenty of pregnant vet techs who never had a problem with Toxoplasmosis while pregnant even though they worked with dozens of cats daily during their pregnancies. Also, like DW said, many cats are lactose intolerant and any change in their regular diet can give them diarrhea. Another question is if this cat was a Manx, or one that has a very short tail. Many cats with very short tails have problems with their bowel movements. Worms can also cause diarrhea too. All in all, there are many things that can cause this problem, including stress (nervous colitis). I don't want Molleta to think I am picking on her, I just wanted to explain it to everyone on the boards. I want to actually give kudos to Molleta for taking a stray to the vet, many people don't want to even do that. I just wanted to set the record straight for those who may not understand how Toxoplasmosis is transmitted. In other words, DON'T EAT CAT POO!! (FYI, lots of little kids get it from eating "stuff" they find in the sandbox on the playground. Keep the cat, great rid of the sandbox in the playgrounds!) Now on topic: I have four pets who have all been rescued. I am sure you can tell by the way I started out my post that I have worked in veterinary medicine for many years. I, like all my co-workers, have a collection of pets who were brought into the clinic, abandoned or have special needs. Many of the pets people who work in vet med take home are the ones that won't do well in a 'normal' home. For instance, my cat Harrison was born with a birth defect. His front legs didn't grow correctly so can't be an outdoor cat. He hops around like a bunny instead of walking -- or stalking-- like a normal cat. I live in a very rural area and many people keep cats for work on their farms as mousers. Needless to say, Harrison will never be a mouser. Many of those cats become coyote food and cats like Harrison wouldn't last very long. Much love to all of you who have rescued pets. The only thing I ask of all of you is for safety first. If you don't feel safe dealing with a stray, call animal control since they know how to handle stray animals safely. You don't want to get hurt or hurt the animal. An example of this would be one day when my hubby and I were driving home from the gym. On the highway was a big traffic jam. We finally make it up to the vehicles holding things up and there is a Pit Bull in the road. Apparently this lady hit the dog and didn't know what to do. I went to check the dog and she was more scared than anything else. The poor lady who hit the dog had a car full of kids crying. I tell them it's ok since I am a doggie nurse. There was a man in a truck who stopped and I asked him if he could give us a lift to the vet clinic I worked at. I pick the dog up and we get in the back of the truck. The poor stray had some major road rash but that was it. The woman gave me a hug and all the kids did too. No one wanted to touch the dog since 1) It was a stray. 2) It was a Pit Bull. 3) They didn't know what to do. The woman and the kids came back daily to visit the dog and no one ever claimed her so they paid the bill and adopted her. In our state a stray is held for 48 hours before it can be adopted. And since no one claimed her they did. She really was the sweetest dog. Poor Pit Bulls get such a bad rep. I love helping animals and if I had more room I would have many more pets. My pets are my kids and I love them very much.
  13. I checked your site and it shows your quiz results at the bottom. Remember if you have a problem dealing with your myO site first check in the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=35734]Official myOtaku Problems thread[/URL] if someone else has already had a similar problem and received help. If not, then post your question in that thread. Because your myO site is showing the quiz results and this topic is in the wrong forum I am going to lock this thread. Be sure to post in the correct forum in the future. Thanks! -Panda
  14. [QUOTE=Imi][SIZE=1] [CENTER][CENTER][B][U]January[/U][/B][/CENTER] Stubborn and hard-hearted. Ambitious and serious. Loves to teach and be taught. Always looking at people's flaws and weaknesses. Likes to criticize. Hardworking and productive. Smart, neat and organized. Sensitive and has deep thoughts. Knows how to make others happy. Quiet unless excited or tensed. Rather reserved. Highly attentive. Resistant to illnesses but prone to colds. Romantic but has difficulties expressing love. Loves children. Loyal. Has great social abilities yet [B]easily jealous[/B] (You have [I]no[/I] idea, mate). Very Stubborn and money cautious.[/CENTER] The only thing that isn't right is the 'loves children' bit because, hey, I can't stand kids. But I used to, maybe I'm just getting petty in my teen years, heh.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Oh boy Imi, I also have a January birthday and don't like children. My hubby and I don't plan on having kids. The other thing that is wrong is the [b]Resistant to illnesses but prone to colds.[/b] I have 2 autoimmune diseases (Rheumatoid Arthritis/Sjorgen's Syndrome)!! There are some things that are right but many things that are waaaay off base. Money cautious? Me? What a joke! lol To address Chaos, I think people like reading their horoscopes, fortune cookies and the like since it makes them feel like they have some insights into the future. It doesn't make them feel so helpless. Or they could just be like me and think they are good for some cheesy entertainment.
  15. So many unfortunate names, so much fun reading them. One of my friends, Eric Dover, has a younger brother named Benjamin. Thus his name being: Ben Dover. Doesn't look too bad but when you say it out loud you'll see what is funny about it. There was also a family in my hometown whose last name is Horney. All the kids, I believe there were 7 of them, were in sports and had lettermen jackets. As most people they had their last name put on the backs of their jackets. I am not sure if I had that last name I would advertise it on my back. My husband grew up deep in the apple growing area of Washington state and there was a family with the last name Apple. Which was very appropriate since they had orchards. The kids were named Jonathan and Delicia. Delicia a take on the Red Delicious apples. The other unfortunate name belongs to one of the clients I use to help while working at the vet clinic. Her parents gave her a traditional Norwegian name (please forgive me if I misspell this.): Wenche. Which looks like it would be pronounced "Wenchy", but is actually pronounced "Ren-ka". I am very happy to have such a boring name.
  16. This has been a bit of an interesting thread to read. I feel that having sex is something that needs to wait until you are completely ready to deal with all that goes along with it: STD's, pregnancy, social and religious stigmas. Whether someone is 15 or 50, it is their choice of when it is right to loose their virginity. I don't think someone is strange or not normal for being a virgin at any age.
  17. Suicide is a very touchy subject. I have lost a few friends to suicide and, to be quite honest, have thought of it myself. I guess for me my opinion on the subject is that there are many reasons why people decide to take this as an "out" from their problems. Each of those problems being what seems to be the worst event(s) of their lives they find no way out. It is easy to judge those who take this route since you are not them. One of my friend's killed himself after his ex-girlfriend got engaged to another guy. He shot himself in the head with a shotgun and his mom found him in his room. He felt that this girl was his world and he couldn't live without her. At the time, I am sure he thought it was the end of the world. I just feel if he would have given his broken heart some time I am sure he would have seen there was more to life than his ex-girlfriend. In my case it is poor health. Constant pain and feeling like I had lost my purpose in this world was, and is, really difficult to take. I studied hard, worked full time through college and got a degree I can no longer use. There are days when I can't even get out of bed because of my pain. I felt like everything I had done up to that point in my life was for no reason. I know that there was no point in being depressed so I sought help. I talked to a therapist who helped me through this rough patch. I knew there was nothing I could do nothing more about the constant pain but I could take care of my mental health. I can totally see why people who are sick and in constant pain would commit suicide. When you are completely worn down from constant pain it is easy to find the idea of ending that pain very desirable. I can also see why people who only suffer from mental anguish would also like to find an end to their problems. In the end I guess I can understand why people do it but I know there are many other means to deal with problems that are far more healthier. Whether you feel it is right or wrong it is a way some people deal with their issues, just not my way.
  18. Please do not bring back long dead threads. I am closing this thread for a couple of reasons. First being this thread was last active back in 2001, since then people who have posted may have changed their opinions thus making this thread way out of date. Next is the fact the thread is now in the wrong forum. All anime related threads should be posted in the Anime Lounge and not the Otaku Lounge. If anyone has any questions on posting guidelines please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Thanks! -Panda
  19. Welcome back to the boards MaggotDude! Glad you found your way back to us. Since you have been away for a while I strongly suggest you re-read the Rules for the site which can be found on the side menu bar. We also don't allow introduction or re-introduction threads since we would rather you just jump into a thread and start posting. If you have any questions about posting please feel free to PM myself or any of the moderators. Welcome back again! -Panda
  20. Panda

    Scary, huh?

    [QUOTE=Erriku]Edit:I fixed it... [B]Wow ,youre very inulectual, like me...[/B][/QUOTE] Erriku, double posts are not allowed on the OtakuBoards. If you need to add something to a thread directly after you have posted please use the Edit button and add it to the last post you made. Because of this rule I deleted the post that contained the above post. I also suggest you try to add a bit more substance to your post when starting a new thread as to what direction you would like the conversation to progress. Having a beginning post which could be answered by a simple yes or no is not a good start. If you have questions about post quality feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators on the board. Thanks! On Topic: Some the things you listed could be also be considered to be paranoia. To me being scared would be things like the fear of falling as you are clinging to the side of a rocky cliff or having a guy with a gun holding up the store you are in. Thinking someone is outside of your shower or looking over your shoulder is more paranoid than scared in my book. Then again if the person in question is "self-medicating" then they have an entire different set of issues going on than just being "scared". :animestun
  21. To help answer your question: Yes, Love Hina is an anime. As for what you have "heard" about it, I have no idea since you didn't explain what you did hear about it. I recommend adding more detail to your post to help give those who might want to help you an idea of what type of information you are looking for. I would like to suggest a couple of things. First go read the quick summary over on theOtaku.com's Love Hina hub. It is located [URL=http://www.theotaku.com/anime/love_hina/][u]here.[/URL][/u] The hub contains such things as a brief summary of the series, some reviews on the series and movies, fan art, wallpapers and greeting cards. Next I suggest you check the Official Thread Directory that is posted at the top of this forum. In that list you can find the official Love Hina thread which is located [u][URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=17994]here.[/URL][/u] Checking the Official list is a great way to find out about a series and helps from starting another thread when one is already in progress. I hope that helps answer your question. :catgirl:
  22. I have been stalking James and knew that the only way I would be able to do that properly was to join the OtakuBoards. :naughty: Ok, all joking aside I found the OtakuBoards via theOtaku.com. I was searching Goggle for something and stumbled across a quiz on theOtaku, thus leading me to myOtaku and the OtakuBoards. I was amazed to find a message board of such high quality discussions free of spam. After a while I was asked to be a mod for the Otaku Lounge and happily accepted the job. What keeps me here is the level of discussion quality and the numerous friends I have made thanks to theOtaku network. That and the stalking of James I mentioned earlier...
  23. Please do not bring back long dead threads. This thread was last active in 2001. Not only that but it isn't even in the correct forum by today's forum regulations. Because of this I am going to lock this thread. The information in this thread is several years old and no longer current. -Panda
  24. Welcome to the OB RipfangDragon! As sakurasuka already mentioned that the size requirements for banners on the OB will not allow something as big as the quiz results to be used as a banner. That is, unless it fits the size restrictions. Here is a bit of info the uber cool Syk posted about the sizes of banners, avatars and profile pictures. [quote name='Syk3']Be aware of the sizes if you are going to use a banner/avatar on this forum, which would include 150 x 80 pixel or smaller avatars, 500 x 100 pixel or smaller banners, and 100 x 100 pixel or smaller profile pictures.[/quote] This topic would also be better suited for the Suggestions and Feedback forum so I am moving it there to continue the conversation. If you need more help just post it here or PM one of the moderators. We are all more than happy to help ya out! Welcome once again to the OB! -Panda
  25. Please do not bring back long dead threads. This thread was last active back in 2002! If you feel there is still conversation value in a subject then feel free to start a new thread giving special care to spelling and grammar. Because of the old age of this thread I am going to lock it. -Panda
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