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Everything posted by Panda

  1. I use to schedule my day from when I would wake up to go to bed. Because of the amount of things I use to do I had to do this in order not to let things slide. For example: High school. I was active in band, worked part time, went to night classes at the community college, studied and hung out with my friends. If I didn't plan time for everything something would slide. I had to do it. Now I don't schedule anything. Because of my poor health I pretty much wing stuff. If I schedule everything and I am too sick to do it, I would get really frustrated and down on myself. I had to teach myself to take things as they come and deal with things when I can. Life is too short, I don't want to spend anymore of it making schedules that my health won't let me keep. :D
  2. Panda


    Welcome to theOtakuBoards Ghoulish Love! We encourage people to introduce themselves within their posts as they enter discussions throughout the boards. We would rather that than having a ton of introduction threads. Because of that reason I am going to lock this thread. We think the best way to get to know other members is through the quality of their responses in threads. Feel free to just jump into a topic you find interesting. If you have any questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Again, I welcome you to the boards and I hope to see you posting around the site. Have fun! ~Panda
  3. Welcome to theOtakuBoards Kinkami! We encourage people to introduce themselves within their posts as they enter discussions throughout the boards. We would rather that than having a ton of introduction threads. I am happy you have found your way to our community. Just jump into a thread that seems interesting and start posting. We feel the best way to meet others and get to know them is through the quality of their responses in threads. If you have any questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Again, I welcome you to the boards and I hope to see you posting around the site. Have fun! ~Panda
  4. Welcome to theOtakuBoards XxXMiAka. Please be aware that we have a rules page that all members are required to read before posting. The [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?"][U]Rules[/U][/URL] and [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/faq.php?][U]FAQ[/U][/URL] can also be found on the left navigation menu. We have pretty high standards when it comes to the quality of posts (ie: making them well thought out with care given to grammar). When you re-read the rules page it will make more sense to you. As it stands now your thread can be answered simply by posting one word -- geisha or liquid -- to answer which OB skin members are using. This does not meet the requirement for a topic of quality discussion for the boards. If you have any questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Again, I welcome you to the boards and I hope to see you posting around the site. Have fun! ~Panda
  5. Panda

    My intro.

    Welcome to theOtakuBoards kenji_wanderer7! We encourage people to introduce themselves within their posts as they enter discussions throughout the boards. We would rather that than having a ton of introduction threads. Because of that I am going to close this thread. If you have any questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Again, I welcome you to the boards and I hope to see you posting around the site. Have fun! ~Panda
  6. My very first "job" was working on the family farm. My big brother and I would have to take of things around the farm. Nothing like walking 115 acres before school to check the irrigation water :animeangr Mind you that we didn't have hand lines or a fancy circle sprinkler system...only siphons. Ugh. My first paying job was working at the one and only movie theater in my hometown. I worked first as a concession worker-- selling candy, soda and of course popcorn. I then moved up to cashier and didn't have to work with the food anymore. That was nice. I also met my husband at that job. I was in high school and he was in college. I then started working at a music/video store selling tickets for Ticketmaster. The best part of this job was being able to listen to music all day, free movie rentals and ALWAYS being first in line for concert tickets. That job was great for when I was in college since I could also study when it was quite. After college I started into my career as a vet tech. Basically it is an animal nurse. I assisted with surgeries, took care of dental cleanings and medicated hospitalized animals. It was a wonderful job. I loved it very much. Unfortunately I had to "retire" due to my health issues. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and Sjorgen's Syndrome which both cause joint pain. Bah. RA/Sjorgen's suck. I now do freelance writing. I do work as needed for an anime company and of course, do work here on theOtaku network. I loved my career in vet med but I love working in the anime industry too. Since my health doesn't allow me to work my former career this is the next best thing. :catgirl:
  7. Welcome to the OtakuBoards Ancient4thLyte. Any posts concerning video gaming need to be posted in the Play It forum. As it stands now your post subject is very unclear. If you would like to discuss unlockables on FF7 please feel free to post a detailed thread in the Play It forum. As for finding members please use the Member List link in the menu bar to the left. Because of the unclear nature of your post I am going to lock this one. Please feel free to start a new, descriptive thread, in the Play It forum if there is not a current thread already active at this time. If you have questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Thanks! -Panda
  8. This post is from back in 2003! Please do not bring back long dead threads. Because of the age of this thread and the triple postings (which is against the rules of the site) I am locking this old thread. Panda
  9. Make sure your wallpapers are in line with the submission guidelines. That means they are not stolen, images are clear, any text is easily read, it is not a collage, does not include photographs...etc. If they meet these guidelines re-submit them. You can also email me an example of one of your wallpapers and I can tell you why it is not being accepted. [email]Gail@theOtaku.com[/email] Hope that helps! -Panda
  10. Please do not bring back long dead topics. The last time this was posted on was back in 2002! If you feel there is still discussion value to a really old thread, open up a new thread about the topic versus bring back dead threads. Thanks! -Panda
  11. Since this thread is more about using Photoshop and blending of layers I am moving this over to the Art Studio for techincal discussions instead of the Otaku Lounge. Great job with the blending of images too. The blending of the layers are seamlessly done. Backgrounds that didn't change (ie lots of moving things, lighting, etc.) I believe to be the key to the great job blending the pictures. The use of subtle "costume changes" made first glance at the images nothing exciting...it makes you think it's just a few friends playing around. But upon futher viewing the viewer realizes that it is actually all one person in the pictures doing different acts. Your talent with Photoshop shows through. Very well done and very humorous composition as well. I might give my hand at this when I get a chance. :animesmil
  12. I absolutely love blankets! I, like SunfallE, have made many of the blankets in my home. On the back of the chair I am in is one that I made from 3 shades of blue yarn and white yarn. I love to crochet in the fall and winter so every year I have at least one new blanket to add to the collection. Polar fleece, soft fuzzy yarn, quilts...it's all good. I love curling up on the couch with a mug of cocoa to watch anime. Blankets are very comforting and make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside when I can curl up in one. I love my blankets! :catgirl:
  13. I wouldn't mind being famous amongst a select group of people versus famous amongst the masses. The very best example I can think of is my own grandfather. He was a award-winning, published senryuu author. Among the senryuu world he was really well known and respected. But to the general public he was just another person. He made a living off of his writing, had fame and respect from those in the industry but could live a normal everyday life. That is what I would love. I would like to be known for my writing by name but otherwise just be a normal person. Then again, there is always what Shin said...perhaps I will be most well known for a bizarre death. Freak drinking straw accident, beat to death by the Burger King, or better yet -- mauled by a giant panda! That would totally rock if I could win a spot in the Darwin Awards book!
  14. Welcome to theOtaku network Miwaku! Baron is right, this does belong in the Suggestions and Feedback Forum. I am moving over there since the Otaku Lounge is not the place to ask for myOtaku help. ;) This forum is more of an offtopic forum to shoot the breeze. For specific questions there are forums made for those topics. Be sure when you visit a new section of theOB that you take a look at the threads that are pinned at the top since they may answer many of your questions. If you still have questions about the site that the rules or FAQ does not answer, feel free to PM myself or any of the other mods. Have fun posting and good luck fixing your myO site! -Panda
  15. This was definately not the thread to read on an empty stomach! I now want to eat some fried rice...but then again stuffed zucchini sounds devine as well. Yummy... I am a very lucky gal since my hubby loves to cook. It's his hobby. He will sit down with a cookbook and pick something that sounds good and then make it. He works part-time as a cook just for fun, he loves to get new receipes and figures he might as well get paid to do something he really enjoys. Just today he got a phone call from the kitchen manager from one of the golf and country clubs to come cook for them. Needless to say his cooking is well known around town. He makes everything from scratch, no mixes, frozen dinners or instant foods for him! Which is, of course, why I gained a bunch of weight after getting married to him! He loves to cook, I love to eat...it's the perfect relationship. :animesmil On the rare occassion I actually gain control of the kitchen I love to make teriyaki chicken. The sauce is one that has been passed down through the women in my family. No measuring, you just know how much of each of the ingredients to add to the mix. It must be something in our genes that allows us to know how to make the sauce. Hmmm, just thinking about this makes me hungry for some teriyaki chicken. Yummy. I think I really need to make something to eat now.
  16. Why can't you have both? I know the love of my life would allow me, incourage me, to go after my dreams. But given the choice between the two I would chose love. Call me a hopeless romantic but with the love of my life I would be happy just being with him.
  17. Nope. I wouldn't risk my life for something I didn't believe in. I always assumed that people who joined the military knew they were fighting for what they believe to be "the greater good". They may not always agree with the orders handed down but they are hopeful that there is a much larger, great good to come of the actions in the end. In the end they are not risking their lives for something they don't believe in, they are risking it for the greater good in the end...protection of their beliefs, family and country. I hope that made some sense. I just wouldn't put my life on the line for something I could not believe in. Life, in my opinion, is far to short to throw it away for something that doesn't mean anything to you.
  18. My summer is filled with many weddings and baby showers. I have a couple of weddings to attend and four of my friends are due to have their babies in June and July. Lots of gift shopping for me! For vacation the only thing I have on the books is to go to Anime Expo during the 4th of July holiday. It will be great since I am looking forward to meeting up with a bunch of online friends from all around the world. It is going to be a blast! If anyone is going to AX and wants to meet me be sure to let me know! :animesmil Other than that, I am planning on sticking around the house for the remaining summer days. AX is going to probably use up all my fun money. Oh how nice it would be to have a ton of money...
  19. I am with all of you guys. I really love the FMA manga. This manga is the first one I have read that actually made me tear up. I enjoy the way the story line is set up in the manga more than the anime...not to say I don't like the anime because I really enjoy it. I just prefer the manga more. :) The manga only characters like Mei Chen who is super cute with her little panda traveling companion Xiao Mei. I think it's really cute how she [spoiler]has these visions of Ed being this really tall thin typical bishonen.[/spoiler] Plus, how can you go wrong with a pet panda who protects you! I also prefer Barry's story line more in the manga and [spoiler]how he wants to butcher his own body since he would be the only serial killer/butcher to butcher his own body! The end of his story line with his body "killing" him was an excellent end to that story arc.[/spoiler] I also found that, in a weird way, I really liked Barry's character in the manga. I think they just spent more time on his story and character developement in the manga. I also enjoyed all the time they spent on Izumi's story too. When people ask me what I do all I can think about now is Izumi's "I'm a housewife!!" response when [spoiler]she goes to rescue Al from Greed.[/spoiler] Darn right!! I'm a housewife, get outta my way!! lol On the serious side I can relate to her being a housewife who,[spoiler]because of 'health' problems, cannot have children.[/spoiler] There are just so many things I love about the manga like the side stories when Black Hayate shows up or the creepy Blind Alchemist story with [spoiler]the mummy girl[/spoiler]. They are just great and add so much to the total enjoyment of the manga. As well as the additional relationships and story arcs included such as Ling and his team. I haven't been disappointed yet with the manga. Speaking of relationships I love the parts when [spoiler]Hawkeye loses hope when she thinks Mustang is killed, Ed has a moment with Winry when she was going to shoot Scar, Ling telling Fan he wasn't going to just throw her away because she was injured, Hughes' funeral, anytime Xiao Mei shows up....so many great parts!![/spoiler] Oh and of course not to mention all the great scenes between Ed and Al. I can go on for days about all the things I love about the FMA manga, I think I will leave it at this for now. :animeswea All this talking...er....writing about FMA now makes me want to read it. I think I will go an re-read it right now.
  20. People who don't believe it just haven't met their soul mate yet. When I first met John I knew he was the man I was going to marry. This November we are celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary. So needless to say, I am a firm believer in love at first sight. :animesmil But I wasn't always a part of that camp. If you would have asked me before I met John I would have told you that "love at first sight" was just something for fairy tales and greeting cards. I've had crushes before and dated but nothing compares to the feeling I got when I first met John. It was a very electric, amazing feeling yet very comfortable like being with someone you have known for your entire life. It's hard to explain.
  21. This topic is better suited for the Music, Movies and TV section of the boards since it is aimed at discussion of the animated series. -Panda
  22. Panda

    anybody like B5??

    I am assuming that you are referring to the musical group B5 from Atlanta, Ga. I am going to move this thread over to the Music, Movies & TV forum. I also suggest you add a bit more detail and effort when starting a thread. Please give a bit more information so others will know exactly what group you are talking about. Tell us why you think this group is great. The more effort you put into your post the better the responses will be. -Panda
  23. I am going to lock this thread since there are several things wrong about it. Including but not limited too: -Posts concerning requesting banners need to be posted in the Art by Request forum not in the Otaku Lounge. -Posts concerning use of art programs, such as Photoshop or Paint need to be posted in the Art Studio. -Posts about work done on personal websites needs to be posted in the Website Workshop. -Questions concerning submitting art to theOtaku needs to be posted in the Suggestions and Feedback. -Double posts are not allowed. If anyone has any questions concerning where a thread needs to be posted please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators on the site. Thanks! -Panda
  24. I've moved this thread from the Otaku Lounge to the Suggestions and Feedback Forum since it is a suggestion on what you think would improve the site. -Panda
  25. "I don't want the world, I just want your half" -They Might Be Giants "Ana Ng" No, not really. If I had lots of money I wouldn't use it for world domination since I don't want the world or any of the headaches that go along with it. I would spend my oodles of money for: -Finding the cure for cancer. Anyone who has a loved one, or suffers from it themselves, understands why it is so important to find the cure. No one should have to go though the treatments and stress of chemo. -Finding the cure for Rheumatoid Arthritis. I would absolutely love to get rid of this nasty disease. It's painful and it just plain sucks to have. I would like to find a cure now before any more of my joints are messed up. Cure for RA, definitely at the top of my list. -Traveling around the world to all the different anime conventions. I would love to see how different cons are run, cosplayers from around the world and just a chance to meet other people who love anime like I do. That would be so much fun! That pretty much tops the list. After that the boring stuff like paying off all my bills, buy a new house, get a new car....but for sure the main things on my list is where all my money will go!
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