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Everything posted by Panda

  1. I would spend time watching TV while with my loved ones. I definitely wouldn't leave my house since it sounds like a whole bunch of ya'll are going psycho. Hey, I may only have 1 hour to live but it's still one hour. I don't want any of you to take those last minutes away from me. *points at weapon wielding rampagers*
  2. Having Rheumatoid Arthritis makes me feel really old. Seeing how arthritis is one of those diseases that people associate with geriatric people it kind of lumps me in with all the oldies. To top it off since I donate to the arthritis organizations I get junk mail for wheelchairs, medicare and the AARP even sent me membership information. :animecry: On a bit of a funny note the first time I felt old was when I was at my first job and a little boy, must have been around 5, called me ma'am. I know he was being polite but I was only 16! Miss would have been fine or even Ms., but ma'am. Oi, that was a depressing day.
  3. Welcome to the site. I've moved your thread to the Art Studio since it deals with an art program. To answer your question I use Photoshop to make wallpapers. I'm sure there are plenty of other programs used by the wallpaper artist here on the site and I'm sure they will be by to share their knowledge with you.
  4. Sounds like Baki the Grappler. Baki has red hair and is in a Fight Club-esque organization. All the characters have these unique fighting abilities so you might want to see if that is the series you are thinking of.
  5. [quote name='Queen Asuka'][color=hotpink][size=1]I'm having a baby!
  6. I've been invited to so many baby showers recently I am beginning to wonder if I should just get a charge card for the baby stores. I am really not a fan of baby showers since they usually end up with every woman at the party pestering me about having kids of my own. After 12 years of: "When are you having a baby?", it just gets a bit old. The most recent baby shower was for my cousin. I found the cutest baby boy outfit with a puppy and panda flying airplanes! I also bought the matching blanket. I do have to admit that finding that outfit gave me the little twinge of wanting a baby of my own... but that quickly faded. At the shower we also found out that another one of my cousins is also expecting their second child. So there is yet another baby shower in my future. Of the showers I've gone to I would say my favorite game was one that was really simple. The mom-to-be walked around with a roll of toilet paper and you had to pull off the amount you thought it would take to wrap around the biggest part of her tummy. After everyone had their length of TP, the mom-to-be tried to wrap the paper around to see who came the closest. It was funny to see how wrong some people were. I would have to saw the worst was this relay race between two teams. We each had to get into lines, run about 10 feet to a changing table where a doll was waiting. One person had to undress the doll and take the diaper off. The next person had to then put the diaper back on the doll and re-dress it. This continued on until everyone on the team went through the line. Oh and you had to use the baby wipes, baby powder and the diapers were cloth. I wonder how many people still even use cloth diapers... Anyway, most of the women got the biggest kick out of it. I just wasn't interested since I was pre-teen at the time. Too old to play with dolls, too young to be thinking about real babies. In fact, I still feel too young to think about having babies. I think I'll just stick to adopting pets. :catgirl:
  7. I remember I was going about my morning routine. My hubby had already left for work and I got out of the shower, turned the radio on and the DJ was saying the first tower was hit. I thought it was some kind of stupid morning "shock jock" joke. So I threw on my scrubs and turned on the tv. That's when I saw the smoking tower. It was crazy! I called my hubby and then my mom. I had to get ready for work so I did that while I was watching the news. While on the drive to the clinic I was listening to the radio and the first tower fell. At work we were all listening to the radio. One my my friends was working at DFW as a Delta gate agent and he called me to tell me what was going on at his airport. My dad then called to tell me what was going on at his work, he works for Japan Airlines. Since the planes were grounded they pretty much were just sitting around the office watching the news. My two uncles who worked for United ended up having to take early retirements after 9/11. Going to visit my dad at work is now a pain since you have to get through so much security. I love flying and my family has been tied to the airlines industry for many years. I do agree that not flying is telling the terrorist that their plans to scare us worked. My hubby and I got on a plane and flew to Florida on 9/22. Our flight was really empty but there was no way I was going to let those crazy extremist scare me off of a plane. My thoughts and prayers go out to all those who lost loved ones in the attacks as well as a huge thank you to all those protecting us.
  8. The only thing I can predict are my future purchases. I sense I shall be spending money on Rock Band when it comes out. I will be buying the game and all the extras to play said game. I shall then seek out friends to play said game with me. Yes, it's all so clear to me... Other than that I can't even figure out what I am going to have for dinner the following day so anything I am predicting is pretty much just a guess. I may be right, I may be wrong. Who knows? Obviously not me. LOL I will say my mom has this weird connection with her twin sister. They have that creepy twin thing going on. She knows all this stuff about my aunt and vice versa. They knew when the other went into labor. They know when the other is sick. They even know when the other is going to call. It's just plain weird. They can't even buy gifts without being in tune with each other. They live on opposite sites of the state so it's not like they hang out all the time and go shopping together. Yet somehow, they will buy the same gifts. I guess you can add this to the list. If my mom gets her hair styled in a new way then that means at the same time my aunt will have her hair styled the same way. That is one prediction I can make that seems to always hold true.
  9. He's a speedy one. While working on the list for [b]January 3rd[/b], Des already started one! Now I've got to do some editing to my list! We also share our birthday with Formula One racer Michael Schumacher, actor Mel Gibson and actress Danica McKellar (Winnie Cooper from The Wonder Years). In a non-traditional sense it was also the date which they started to build the Brooklyn Bridge and Alaska became a State.
  10. I totally agree with putting in mega hours on all the [B]Guitar Hero[/B] games. Darn Expert setting, curse you! Other than that I would have to say any of the [B]Final Fantasy[/B] games. I have this thing where I just don't feel right finishing the game unless I have everyone in the party at Level 99. The only other games I can think of that would have that many hours of game play would be the [B]Samurai Warriors[/B] and [B]Dynasty Warriors[/B] games. Sometimes you just need to go out and mindlessly kill a few thousand people for a few hours. Next to that I would have to say my all-time favorite game series, [B]Katamari Damacy[/B]. I will just throw that game in and roll up the world to pass the time away.
  11. My nickname, Panda, was given to me by my husband waaaay back in the day before we even started dating. We ended up in a conversation about what animal we would be. Well, he said that I would be a giant panda. Ever since then he called me Panda. The name just stuck.
  12. [b]1.) Long or short[/b] Short. For many years I had waist length hair but it's just too difficult for me to take care of now. So now it's pretty short. I really like it this way. Easy to take care of and I don't go through shampoo like I did back when I had so much hair. Another bonus is that it never gets caught in the car door on a windy day. [b]2.) Color[/b] Black [b]3.) Have you dyed it?[/b] Yes. Several times. [b]4.) If you have dyed it, what colors has it been?[/b] Since it's really dark I have to bleach it first. I've had it several shades of red highlights but the boldest would be pink and another time purple. Those were really heavy duty colors that I rarely do since they are so hard on my hair. [b]5.) What length do you prefer on the opposite sex?[/b] I actually prefer very short. :animesmil
  13. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v290/Panda_chan_/hestonharrison.jpg[/IMG] Heston (Dog) and Harrison (Cat) are both rescue pets. Heston is very timid and was abused as a puppy. It's be a lot of work to get him to not be so afraid of people. He's now 9 years old. Harrison was brought into the vet clinic I worked at since the clients thought he had two broken front legs. He was just born with birth defects. Since they could not take care of a special needs kitten I adopted him. He is around 8 years old (I think?). Needless to say Heston and Harrison are best friends. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v290/Panda_chan_/misc/ana.jpg[/IMG] Ana Ng. She is the ruler of this household. She is Siamese. She is the perfect angel when visitors are around but abuses us when they leave. She is pure evil. I really believe she just let's us live here in HER house since we are her useful domestic pets. After all, who would put the cat food on the right side of the dish the way she likes? Or clean her litter box? She is 12 years old and Siamese cats are known for their long lives. They can live into their 20's. Ah, another decade of abuse in my future... [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v290/Panda_chan_/misc/bun.jpg[/IMG] Brynner was adopted from the Humane Society. He is a very big and happy boy. Everyone loves Boo. He has a toy fish that he will retrieve if you ask him: "Where's the fish?". He will pick it out of all the toys. He also knows what the "ball" is. If you ask him: "Who's in the tub?". He will jump into the bathtub until you tell him he can get out. He is as tall as me when standing on his hind legs and weighs a bit over 90lbs. In the winter he packs on some weight and weighs about 100. Everyone loves Brynner and he loves everyone. He's a big teddy bear. I love my pets. I can't imagine my life without them. I know someday this will come to an end but at least I know that the lives they lived with me were happy ones.
  14. My hubby is like many of you guys, if it's in the shower he'll use it. He doesn't care what body wash/soap is in there. If it cleans it's good enough. I usually buy the Bath and Body Works Cucumber Melon. It's my favorite scent to use during the warm months. It just smells "summery" to me. In the winter I like using their Warm Vanilla Sugar scent since it makes me think of baking for the holidays. As for hair product I usually use KMS products. I was thinking about picking up some new shampoo when I went to my stylist last week since she used this new stuff that smelled exactly like frosting. I decided against it since the rest of the time I was in the chair I could only think about cupcakes. I swear, that shampoo is the kind kids would try to eat since it smells sooooooo good!
  15. Um, Richard Cox is the voice of Inu Yasha. She may have meet them like many other fans have, at a convention. You can learn a lot about VA while they are giving their panels. Voice actors are normal people just like us. There really isn't anything to get all excited about.
  16. Are you getting an error message? Blank page? Button not working? If you could please elaborate a bit more it would help quite a bit. ^_^
  17. Warning are issued first along with the deletion of the offending submissions to let the member know what they did was wrong. If they break the rules again after being issued a warning then they are banned. Many members, once given a warning, will never be a problem again.
  18. I am allergic to Penicillin. It's considered an adult onset allergy since I use to be fine taking it when I was little. You know, the pink "bubble gum" flavored medicine. Well, when I was 14 I ended up having to take some and after downing two little pills I got really sick. 103 temp, open blisters in my throat, purple rash... it was an all around bad situation. I ended up in the emergency room and missed 2 months of school. I think the worse part was when the Pastor for our church showed up to talk to me about Heaven. :animedepr Yeah, when you feel like you are on your death bed having a Pastor come talk to you about the afterlife really makes you feel like you are dying.
  19. My experiences with the police have been very limited luckily. I've been pulled over twice for speeding. I've got a bit of a lead foot so I totally, 100%, deserved to get those tickets. I paid them and life went on. Other than that my run ins have been because I've been the victim of crime. My first memory of the police was when my parents' house was broken into when I was 6. It was quite traumatic since we came home and the place was trashed. They even ripped apart my stuffed animals. That to me was horrific seeing my stuffed friends torn to pieces. There were also the animal control officers who I use to help when I worked in vet med. They would come in with dogs for rabies testing, need more sedatives to knock critters out or the random injured strays. Next to that the only other police contact I've had is from my neighbors. I have a police officer living next door and a sheriff's deputy living two houses down and another living three houses away from the back of my house. Needless to say I feel fairly safe in my neighborhood since there are cop cars parked in the neighborhood which, I hope, acts as a warning to would-be criminals.
  20. My favorite childhood toy was a little stuffed horse named Charlie. Yes, I know, like the leg cramp. You got to give me a break, I named him when I was 3. I got him while I was in the hospital after I had a farming accident where I had to have my index finger amputated. He is a bit like a security blanket. At night in the hospital when my parents had to leave he would be with me. I remember taking him to school for show and tell. He was also the stuffed animal I would always take on vacations. He has traveled quite a bit. Charlie even had a special place at my wedding. He's a bit worse for the wear but he still has, and always will, be my favorite toy.
  21. A few days ago I did a marathon of [b]Gankoutsuo[/b] since I absolutely love the story of the Count of Monte Cristo. It was an interesting spin on the story and the innovative animation style at first, for me, was distracting but I eventually got use to seeing it. Currently I am watching [b]Berserk[/b] since I have been wanting to watch something a bit older. Other than that I would have to say my current love is [b]Le Chevalier d'Eon[/b] which I am watching as ADV releases volumes.
  22. I am proud that I have supportive friends and family around me to help me through the hard times. Many people don't have a strong support system so I am really proud to have surrounded myself with people that I truly love and trust. My friends and family are the best.
  23. I have a few games I still need to finish but this is what is currently ruling my gaming time: [b]PS2[/b]: My games vary but currently I'm trying to finish [u]Okami[/u]. It's one of those games I started but never finished so I've started over. Of course at any given time I'll toss in one of the [u]Guitar Hero[/u] games since they, like me, rock. :animesmil [b]DS[/b]: [u]Phoenix Wright[/u] games will always be a constant with my DS. Next up is Trauma Center. [b]PS[/b]: *dusts off ol' machine, peeks inside* Ah, this is one game that I will never get rid of. [u]Final Fantasty IX[/u]. I love this game and never get tired of playing it. I would have to say it's one of my all time favorites. For that reason I can never get rid of this old Playstation.
  24. On January 3rd I expect to see plenty of presents at my door. Only the coolest of the cool were blessed enough to be born on such a glorious day. Don't believe me? Well just ask Desbreko. On to the post: [b]1. Do you have any birthday traditions?[/b] When I was younger my big brother, whose birthday is January 4th, and I would celebrate our birthdays together. We would have a dual party with friends, get a cake with both our names on it and celebrate that way. As adults we just go out to dinner with our family. I now also get to celebrate with my brother-in-law since his birthday is January 1st. [b]2. What was your best birthday present ever?[/b] I'd have to say a car. My hubby bought me a car one year. Unfortunately for me it was a one time deal. Too bad it didn't become a yearly tradition! :p [b]3. Has knowing your age ever given you a certain mindset? Did you ever feel like you'd passed a certain rung or like you had to change?[/b] Nope. I thought as I got older that I would want to have kids but so far that "clock" hasn't started ticking. Oh well. I also thought being an adult would make you feel differently but so far I still feel like I did back in college. Which, was only slightly different than how I felt in high school. [b]4. What was your favorite birthday?[/b] They've all been special but I think it was back when my grandparents were still around. It was nice to have them there to celebrate. I miss those days.
  25. I have an iPod nano and I just got an iPhone which also has an iPod option. I have a weird potpourri of music on them. Everything from "Yatta!" by those crazy Greenleaf guys to all my 80's songs I so dearly love. My Nano has been really sturdy and hasn't given me any trouble. Once I dropped it on the treadmill, kicked it and had it bounced off the concrete floor with no issues. Now if we are talking about it being too small, I like it's size. It's nowhere near the size of that tiny iPod Shuffle. Now that thing is way too small! It makes me think of the Futurama episode where Amy kept swallowing her cell phones since they were so tiny. lol As for that naming thing, I just leave it on the default which is my name. I just didn't bother with changing it.
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