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Anime Known 'real life' actors voicing anime dubs
Panda replied to JenniKate's topic in Otaku Central
I really have mixed feelings about well known actors voice acting and everyone who posted above touched on parts of what I feel. I have the tendency to initially think of the voice actor's previous roles when I hear their voice. When you have really popular actor I think it is, at times, difficult to separate the voice from the actor. For example someone like Mark Hamill who is now doing a ton voice over work, including the latest Robotech project, I am afraid I will only think that it's Luke Skywalker. Seeing how in some of the work he either plays himself or Luke Skywalker it isn't too much of a stretch to think that! I have heard many glowing reviews of his work as The Joker in Batman but I haven't seen/heard the work in that series. This also extends to well known voice actors, such as Crispin Freeman or Steven Blum. I tend to hear their previous roles. I also have friends who work in the industry and at times when I am visiting with them I start to think of the roles they have worked on. At times this can be distracting, but it actually adds to my enjoyment of a series/movie in the end. I guess I can step back and enjoy the work that these actors do. It is an extension of my suspension of disbelief. Like watching an actor on the big screen, I know that is actor Johnny Depp but on screen he is playing the role of a saucy pirate in Pirates of the Caribbean. I can separate the real life person from the role they are playing. As long as whoever is doing the voice acting is a good actor, I don't see a problem with "known" actors playing the roles. Unless of course they are taking the work away from a talented voice actor solely off of their name recognition to "sell" the animation to the general public. -
Welcome to theOtakuBoards gatorschick99. As Xyandar mentioned please be aware that we have a rules page that all members are required to read before posting. The [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?"][U]Rules[/U][/URL] and [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/faq.php?][U]FAQ[/U][/URL] can also be found on the left navigation menu. We encourage people to introduce themselves within their posts as they enter discussions throughout the boards. We would rather that than having a ton of introduction threads. For that reason I am locking this thread. Just jump on into a thread in progress and start posting. We feel the best way to learn about someone is by the quality of their posts. Also, we have pretty high standards when it comes to the quality of posts (ie: making them well thought out with care given to grammar). When you re-read the rules page it will make more sense to you. If you have any questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Again, I welcome you to the boards and I hope to see you posting around the site. Have fun! ~Panda
Welcome to theOtakuBoards. Please be aware that we have a rules page that all members are required to read before posting. The [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?"][U]Rules[/U][/URL] and [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/faq.php?][U]FAQ[/U][/URL] can also be found on the left navigation menu. We encourage people to introduce themselves within their posts as they enter discussions throughout the boards. We would rather that than having a ton of introduction threads. Because of that reason I am going to lock this thread. Also, we have pretty high standards when it comes to the quality of posts (ie: making them well thought out with care given to grammar). When you re-read the rules page it will make more sense to you. If you have any questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Again, I welcome you to the boards and I hope to see you posting around the site. Have fun! ~Panda
[quote name='x kakashi x']I think its a feeling that you get, you just know that the person is right for you.[/quote] That is exactly how I was...am..whatever. lol When I first met John (my husband) I just knew he was the man I was going to marry. I felt we had this special connection, I can't really put it to words but it was like we were just meant to be together. It felt comfortable and safe to be with him. He became my best friend. We could talk about anything and everything. You know those deep dark personal secrets, the ones that you would die if anyone found out about, I could share those with John and not feel uncomfortable. It's like finding your other half. For me there was no secret formula to know if the other person was right. It just happend. Both my heart and mind told me he was the right one for me. I never felt doubt about spending the rest of my life with him. I wasn't looking to find my soul mate but I did. This November we are celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary so apparently this magical feeling I had way back then was right, he is the one for me. :D
Breast milk is the best for your baby as many have mentioned before. I do feel there is a time and place for everything and the middle of a meeting / public place is not it. I feel if someone is totally against using formula to feed their baby they should get a breast pump and get enough breast milk at home for a bottle or two for when they are going to be out in public. Many womens' restrooms like at malls and restaurants have a "mother's lounge" for women to breast feed their babies. These lounges have comfy chairs and a more home-like feel. Those I think are great! If all else fails I think a mother should find a nice quite out of the way place to feed her baby. Covering up with a blanket or shawl...but just pulling a breast out, let's say in the middle of a shopping mall and letting the baby feed, in my opinion, is not appropriate.
Well congratulations for updating your site, unfortunately this thread is not up to the quality standard we have on the OtakuBoards. There is very little to discuss since all you are doing is advertising your site to get people to go visit. Because of that reason I am going to lock this thread. For something like this I suggest you post this message in your signature versus starting a new thread. Please remember that we want topics that will result in quality conversation amongst the members. Thanks! -Panda
Thank you Cyriel for a much needed chuckle today. I shall share with the masses my personal preferences in bathroom stalls. I have always used the stall the farthest away from the door that was not a handicapped accessible stall. I feel that the larger stall is reserved for those who need the extra space and those toilets seem to be taller than the others. Which when you are short becomes a problem if you can't keep your feet on the ground. Now here is a bathroom story to entertain and frighten. Many, many moons ago I use to work at a movie theater we had an "incident" concerning the restrooms. I live in a small town so this theater was the one and only one in town. So basically if you wanted to see a movie, this place was your choice. The janitor was fired for peeking into the restrooms through the air vent! Apparently there was a service crawl space that went above the restrooms and he moved part of the vent to peek through at people answering the call of nature. From this vantage point he could see into the first 3 (out of 4) stalls of the restrooms...but not the farthest one from the door. Ah ha! You see my wise choice in stalls came in handy for once! Needless to say he got fired.
I am in the camp that you name pets after they let you know what name best suits them. Working in vet med I have seen soooo many pets with the names that were pre-picked before the pet was adopted. These pets seemed to have names that just didn't jive with their personalites. Example: A 5 pound toy poodle who was very sweet, sickly, but loved to be around little kids and other animals: Killer. All my co-workers, as well as myself, felt that name was just not right. Let me tell you about my "kids"... [b]Ana Ng[/b]: "Her voice is like a backward record..." So if you guest I named my Siamese cat after a They Might Be Giants song. Listen to the song lyrics and pretty much it sums up who Ana is. If you have heard a Siamese Cat "talk" you know they don't meow, they scream. She is Siamese if you please...she is Siamese if you don't please but she'll smack you upside the head until you do please!! Ana Ng = Pure evil in cat form. She will steal your soul if you aren't careful. She has run screaming out of the bedroom just to attack Brynner. Apparently her knowing he exists annoyed her enough to cause her to run from across the house to scratch him. [b]Brynner[/b]: "etc...etc...etc.." He is named after Yul Brynner. I am a huge Yul Brynner fan...abs of steel...sexy. So Brynner is a mixed breed dog I adopted. One of 12 in a litter his mom was shot by a rancher and the babies needed homes. I picked the biggest, most annoying one out of the litter to bring home. He weights about 100 lbs. He is pretty much a "Bear of little brains". Big lovable teddy bear of a dog. If you were to look into his head there would be a flickering lightbulb with a moth flying around it. He can't think and pant at the same time. Ask him to get a toy, he will stop panting, think hard, then go get it. lol Brynner also goes by Bun-Bun, Boo Bears, Bear Buns, Boja Bos. Mostly just Buns. [b]Heston[/b]: "Solent Green is people!!" He is named after Charlton Heston. Rescue dog I brought home from the vet clinic. He was abused and afraid of men. There was no way he would make it in a regular home. He is a mix breed as well. He only weighs about 80 lbs. He is colored like the Grunty that you see Tsukasa riding in the begining of .hack//SIGN. Yellow and brown and shaped like a Grunty. Heston also goes by Grunty and the more formal Mr. Heston. [b]Harrison[/b]: Nope, not named after Harrison Ford, he is named after Rex Harrison. He is the actor who played the original Dr. Doolittle. Harrison is an orange tabby cat who, like Dr. Doolittle, gets along with ALL the creatures in my house...even Ana. Harrison is yet another rescue pet from the vet clinic. He was brought in by a client since they thought he had broken legs. He was actually born with a birth defect and has really short twisted front legs. Heston is his best friend and they hang together all the time. Nothing like watching the dogs groom Harrison. Kinda gross since Harrison's head is always slobbered on. lol Harrison is also known as: Something Orange, Meh, Bowling Pin (he likes to stand on his hindlegs, it makes him look like a bowling pin), Penguin (same reason as the bowling pin name). Pretty much we just call him Meh. For you movie buffs out there you will notice a link between the names. In the movie "The King and I" the lead role is played by Yul Brynner. He is the King of Siam, Ana (my cat) is Siamese...the name of the teacher in "The King and I" is Anna also. Yul Brynner played in several movies with Charlton Heston. Rex Harrison was the first actor to play the role of the King of Siam in the movie "Anna and the King" which was the first version of "The King and I". Phew! Somehow we managed to find a way to link all the pets names together! lol Now going back to what I said earlier, pick a name that best suits the pet. Names picked out before hand may not always fit the personality of the pet. :catgirl: Edit: I just had to add a picture of Harrison and Heston. I'm such a proud "mom". [center][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v290/Panda_chan_/misc/heshar.jpg[/IMG][/center]
I am not sure but maybe the school has to follow HIPAA-type laws which will not allow them to discuss the heath status of students. In my home state you cannot discuss anyone's health history without their or their legal guardian's (if under the age of 18) written approval. If the school were to send out a letter telling everyone the health status of a student they could be liable to lawsuits for disclosure of confidential information. More than likely the school could not legally put health information like that into a letter being sent to the parents. Just something to take into consideration.
Well to answer Corey's question right off the bat, I do pay for my own cell phone without help from my parents. Of course I am 29, already out of college, married and haven't lived with my parents in over a decade. It would just be plain weird to have them pay for my phone. lol The very first cell phone I owned I got my junior year in high school and I paid for it myself. My parents have never paid for my cell phones. Currently I own a Samsung. I can't remember the model type, sorry! It does has a camera which I think is pretty cool. ^_^ Anywho, my ringtone is currently Linkin Park's "Breaking the Habit", before that it was Good Charlotte's "The Anthem". As for the most annoying ringtone is one that a friend of mine has which is "It's a Small World". But really, any ringtone is annoying if the person doens't answer their phone or at least turn the ringer off. Think of being in a movie theater. Yeah, all ringtones are annoying. :animeangr
[COLOR=DarkRed]Reminder: Please explain [b]why[/b] you are addicted to the things you mention. Just listing random items is not adding to the conversation. Tell us why you are addicted to what you list. Any further posts that do not explain the reasons why you are addicted to those items will be deleted as spam. -Panda[/COLOR]
This thread is from 2003, there is no reason to bring this one back to life when there is a current thread from this year that is active. Please do no bring back long dead posts. Because we don't need two threads of the same subject on the front page I am locking this old one. -Panda
Welcome to theOtakuBoards chrono-flash. We encourage people to introduce themselves within their posts as they enter discussions throughout the boards. We would rather that than having a ton of introduction threads. Because of that I am going to lock your thread. If you have any questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Again, I welcome you to the boards and I hope to see you posting around the site. Have fun! ~Panda
I am not a morning person..bah. I am a night owl by nature. I just got back from an anime convention that zapped all my energy so now I am able to sleep. Of course I have been sleeping all the time now trying to catch up on the sleep I lost! Darn 24 hour conventions! Normally you can find me online til 3 or 4 am (PST) then back on again by 10 am. I enjoy being awake during those late/early hours. I feel like I am my most creative during those times. I think it's because it is so quite, no cars driving by, kids playing outside, phone ringing...it's just so peaceful.
Manga in the raw can also be found at anime conventions. I was able to buy Excel Saga for $5 each at a con. There are also the online auction sites that I have seen them on. As for learning Japanese using it everyday, hearing everyday is the very best way to learn in my opinion. That is how my husband is learning. I have basically been teaching him words that he now substitutes for the English words. For instance, calling steamed rice "gohan". I don't think we have said steamed rice in ages...it's always gohan. Now at family (mine obviously) get togethers when everyone is speaking only Japanese he doesn't need me to translate as much. He pretty much gets the conversation. My mom, since day one, has spoken to him in Japanese. The only difference now is he actually understands her without me translating.
My anime dream is slowly but surely coming true. I want to be on the inside, behind the scenes if you will, in the anime industry. I want to write about and interview those who are working in the industry. Eventually I would love to get my writing published in a popular anime related magazine and earn enough money doing my writing that I can support myself and live comfortably. So far I have been very lucky and have scored several great interviews and hope this will continue for many years to come. My big dream would be to travel to Japan and interview someone like Kazuya Minekura and have her draw me an original sketch of Genjo Sanzo. Now that would really be a dream come true.
In high school I didn't skip class since I live in a very small rural town where everybody knows each other. Once someone saw my mom shopping and thought it was me, told my dad and I got in trouble that night when my dad came home from work! My mom explained that it was her that the person saw...but still. There was NO way to skip class without getting caught! Now college is a different story. Most of the instructors felt like it was your dime you were burning if you skipped class. I only skipped class a few times for things like a couple of funerals. I had fun in college so I enjoyed going to class.
Welcome to theOtakuBoards shinji172. Please be aware that we have a rules page that all members are required to read before posting. The [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?"][U]Rules[/U][/URL] and [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/faq.php?][U]FAQ[/U][/URL] can also be found on the left navigation menu. We encourage people to introduce themselves within their posts as they enter discussions throughout the boards. We would rather that than having a ton of introduction threads. Because of that reason I am going to lock this thread. Also, we have pretty high standards when it comes to the quality of posts (ie: making them well thought out with care given to grammar). When you re-read the rules page it will make more sense to you. We want to have threads that will develop into quality discussions. If you have any questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Again, I welcome you to the boards and I hope to see you posting around the site. Just find a topic that interests you and jump on into the discussion! Have fun! ~Panda
Just because you haven't been in a relationship does not mean you are exempt from having an opinion. I feel you can have a say in relationship threads. Let's say the question is about being in a relationship when the other person decides that they want out. Most of us can empathize with that situation and would have a pretty good idea of how that would feel and what they would do. You can share that opinion in the thread. Your opinion will also come with out all the baggage or bitterness that may accompany the opinion of someone who has been in a relationship. Think about how many times you have heard someone give the advice of totally giving up on love. Just because that person had a bad experience, does that mean that their opinion means more? No, it is just their opinion on the subject. Plus, each situation is different. In the end it comes down to what the individual wants to do with their life. Another example are happily married couples like John Grey, Ph.D & Bonney Grey, RN who help people who have gone through painful divorces. How can a happily married couple understand what pain these divorced people are going through? Just because they have not gone through a painful divorce doesn't mean they don't know how to help. I guess what I am trying to say is that just because you have not experienced something first hand doesn't mean you're exempt from having an opinion on how to deal with a situation.
I too have thought about this quite a bit. I have made many mistakes in the past that I regret, but all those things I have learned from. Those mistakes make me who I am so I don't think if I had the chance to change the past I would do it. The only thing I would do is some little stuff like really enjoy being healthy and able to do things like hike and rock climb all day. Since I now have Rheumatoid Arthritis I wish I could do those things again. Since I can't, I would like to go back in time to really appreciate the times I did have. But since I can't change the past, I can make sure I don't have as many regrets in the future. I enjoy my good days and learn from the bad ones. It's amazing how many little things you can take for granted.
Welcome to theOtakuBoards spetznas monkey. Please be aware that we have a rules page that all members are required to read before posting. The [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?"][U]Rules[/U][/URL] and [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/faq.php?][U]FAQ[/U][/URL] can also be found on the left navigation menu. We have pretty high standards when it comes to the quality of posts (ie: making them well thought out with care given to grammar). When you re-read the rules page it will make more sense to you. Because of the quality of your post I am going to close this thread since it will not result in quality discussion or responses. If you have any questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Again, I welcome you to the boards and I hope to see you posting around the site. Have fun! ~Panda Edit: Thanks Gavin for trying to save this post, but I still feel that this thread will not develop into quality conversation beyond the description of the frog. If setznas monkey would like to add something more to the first thread via the edit button to aim this thread into conversation, I will be willing to reopen it.
Writing problems...bah! [b]Computer problems[/b]: I have had very long emails go off into oblivion when my computer has frozen up. Nothing like writing a nice email to a friend only to have it totally disappear. The other being problems like with a program to have it freeze up and not be able to save it. That is probably the worst. I was always afraid of this happening in college while writing papers that I was probably a bit "save" happy when it came to writing papers. [b]Brain problems[/b]: This is probably worse than computer problems. At least with computer problems you know what you wrote out and you could just re-write things. When you don't have anything to write due to writer's block that isn't good. Currently I am suffering from some writer's block which is why I am here on the message boards responding to threads instead of working. I am hoping being able to write about ANYTHING will help me get back on track with the writing I need to get done. Hmm, I think I am ready to get back to work now. The OB cures writer's block!
Those types of phone calls are the worse kind to get, my deepest sympathies. I have had several of those kinds of calls. Unfortunately the older I get it seems like the more of those terrible phones calls I get. One that comes to mind, that still weighs on my mind, is the call I got one Sunday about my friend Bryan. It was about 10 am on a Sunday morning. Bryan's sister called to let me know he had died in a car accident. Bryan and I were very close friends and when I got the news I couldn't believe it. I think I was in shock until I was at the funeral, surrounded by his friends and family that I realized that it wasn't a joke. That phone call will always be one I will never forget. I am just really glad that the last time I saw him I gave him a big hug and told him that I loved him. It's times like these that you realize you don't know what twists life will take.
Due to a recent bout of insomnia I have found myself up into the very early hours of the morning on the computer. I am very lucky since the only other person in my house is my husband and he knows that I suffer from occasional insomnia. I sleep when I get tired. If I try to go to bed when I am wide awake I just toss and turn. I don't want to disturb my husband's sleep when he has to get up early in the morning to go to work. So if I get out of bed and move to a different room to mill about it works out best for the both of us. He gets to rest and I get to stay up. By nature I have always been a night owl, er, panda. I feel like I do my best writing and thinking at night so staying up all night on the computer isn't a bad thing for me. :sleep:
Hi joeyw23, Be sure the wallpapers you submitted are following the [u][url="http://theotaku.com/site/terms"]submission guidelines[/u][/url]. Make sure any text on the wallpapers are in an easy to read font and color. Be sure the images used are not distorted or blurry. Make sure your Otaku user name is on the paper so we know you are the one who made the paper. Currently the wallpaper section is undergoing maintenance so as soon as that is done and you are sure your wallpaper is in line with the submission guidelines I suggest re-submitting the papers. If you have more questions concerning your wallpapers please feel free to post them here in this thread, PM or email me. :) -Panda