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Sorry but this thread is not going to to produce much discussion beyond, "Yes I'm happy" or "No I'm not happy". Because of the lack of discussion value I am going to lock this thread. Please put a bit more effort into starting new threads. Be sure they are well thought out with extra care given to grammar and spelling.
Home to me is where I can let my hair down. I can relax and be myself. I feel at ease and comfortable. For me that place is the town I am currently living in. My parents are near by, my brother still lives here and I have many childhood friends who still hang around the ol' stompin' grounds. Right after I got married I moved away for a while. It really just felt like I was visiting that place and it wasn't home. I just felt out of sorts there. After we move back it was like I felt like I was "home". I just feel more at ease here, more relaxed and comfortable. I was back in my natural state. For me what makes a place feel like home is how comfortable I am residing there. I've moved around this town to different houses, all of which felt like home. On a very basic sense, home to me is the place you can wear your ugly comfy clothes, use the bathroom without worrying about how clean it is (unlike a public restroom...ewww!) and just be yourself.
The best way to tell a guy your not interested
Panda replied to Lennex3's topic in General Discussion
I am with Lore and Ed on this. Honesty is the best policy. Be upfront and honest. Tell him you are not interested. Ignoring him may lead him to think you are playing hard to get. Just be straight forward and tell him that you are not interested. -
My purpose in life...just trying to survive. As mentioned before everyone at some point wonders why they are here and what their purpose in life is. Who knows? I know I don't. I am just here for the ride. I'm just going to see where life takes me and enjoy the scenery along the way.
The happiest I have been...that is a tough one. I would have to say my wedding day. Of course it is the generic answer to every girl's "happiest day of my life" question..but it really was. Yes I was happy since I was getting married to my best friend but all the wedding planning was finally over! Weddings are a total nightmare to plan. Both John and I were happy we were finally married since the entire wedding planning was such a stress factory. We both decided we would never get divorced since the wedding was such a trial to get through. LOL
Well, now I know who the carrier of the plague is. ::eyes DeathBug:: I was never good at faking sick as a kid. Heck, when I really was sick my parents wouldn't believe me. They would believe me when I would be in the nurse's stations on death's doorstep. I would have loved to stay home from school while feeling fine. That would have been so much fun. Seeing how all the times I did get to stay at home sick I was really sick. Oh well, life goes on.
I have a fairly large pool of friends. In school I got along with everyone no matter what clique they were in. I am always willing to make new friends and I will chat with anyone who wants to visit. Just being my usual friendly self allows me to make friends quickly. :D
Yes, my pets are very much active members in my family. Unconditional love from pets is an amazing thing. No one in the world greets you when you come home like a dog will. Whether you are gone for 5 minutes or 5 days they will be overwhelmed with happiness at your return. I just love that about my dogs. My cats on the other hand show their appreciation of us in a different way. By climbing on my lap and purring. Studies have shown that petting a cat will lower your blood pressure. My cats help me relax when I am stressed out. My parents announce themselves to the dogs as "grandma and grandpa". I am sure they just do this to give John and I the hint they want grandchildren. -meh- I do not treat my pets like people though. I refer to them as "the kids" but I do have rules that need to be followed. For instance no one begs at the table or steals food from plates. You can leave a pizza on the table and the dogs won't touch it. Look at it, but no stealing. They do not eat "people food" either. I am very strict about nutrition and my pets. I am sure this comes from my veterinary past. Speaking of my veterinary past I have seen my fair share of extreme pet owners. People who will share their water from a cup with their pets, sharing food, leaving their estate to their pets, dressing them in their clothing on a daily basis...it's just plain weird. Now I am not going to say that I haven't dressed up my dogs. I would take them to the business area of town dressed up on Halloween for the kids to see. Nothing like seeing a pair of 100 lb bumble bees! Like any good "parent" I have pictures of "the kids" to share with everyone! [center][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v290/Panda_chan_/misc/heshar.jpg[/IMG] Harrison the cat and Heston the dog.[/center] Harrison was a rescue cat from the vet clinic. He was born with a birth defect, his front legs didn't grow properly and they are bent. He likes to sit up just on his back legs. He pretty much looks like a bowling pin or penguin when he does that. Heston was a rescue pet too. He was found covered in ticks and flea. Mostly skin and bones. He is really afraid of men. Poor guy wouldn't make it in a regular home so he lives with me. Lots of work on behavior and he is not as afraid as he use to be...and not so skinny either! [center][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v290/Panda_chan_/misc/ana.jpg[/IMG] Ana Ng[/center] "Ana Ng and I are getting old and we still haven't walked in each others majestic presence." She is Siamese if you please or if you don't please. She is the typical Siamese cat who knows the world turns for her. [center][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v290/Panda_chan_/misc/bun.jpg[/IMG] Brynner[/center] Brynner was adopted from the Humane Society. He was one of 12 in a litter. His mother was killed by a rancher. As you can tell from the picture he is a big happy dog. When he stands up on his hind legs he is as tall as me. Oh, and he weighs more than my mother. I love my pets. I call them my kids. Like siblings they are all expected to get along. No fighting! They all get presents on Christmas. I would never refer to them as my real children though.
Unfortunately for me I was blind sided by an autoimmune disease (Rheumatoid Arthritis) so all the time I spend working towards my degree in vet med was for not. Even though I can no longer work in the career I studied for I wouldn't change anything I did. I loved the ride. College was fun and even silly things like getting lost in the cow barn while trying to get to a class was worth it. The time I spend in the career I studied for was well worth the time, money and effort. Currently I am working towards becoming a freelance journalist. I can do my writing when my health allows me to write. I am not going back to college for any further degrees or anything. While in college I did take journalism classes and lots of english classes since I love writing. I did it mostly for fun. But now I am taking what I learned back then and applying it to my life now. You never know what life is going to throw at you. Be prepared for anything.
I love my family. I am very lucky to have a family that does love each other. Just tonight my parent's picked me up from my house and took me out to dinner since my husband is on a business trip. They didn't want me to eat dinner by myself. They were worried that I was lonely. I absolutely love my parents. My older brother and I are close as well. He stops by and I feed him a decent meal every now and then. He is a bachelor living on his own so he rarely gets a well balanced home cooked meal. We are only 2 years apart in age and when we were younger we would fight. But as adults we are very close. He even checks up on me to make sure I am ok. As for friends, I am blessed in that department too. Online or off I have a wonderful group of friends who care and support me. I love going out with friends and meeting the friends I have made online. I am always willing to give a helping hand to any of my friends since they do the same for me. Now my very best friend in the world is my husband. We do tons of stuff together. Vacationing, playing games on the PS2 or just sitting around. No matter what we are doing as long as we are together it is fine. I am very lucky to have such a great guy in my life. My family love him too...I am really lucky they all get along. The relationship I share with my friends and family means more to me than anything else in this world. They have given me such support and love that I will eternally be grateful.
Welcome to theOtakuBoards CTanimenut. Please be aware that we have a rules page that all members are required to read before posting. The [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?"][U]Rules[/U][/URL] and [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/faq.php?][U]FAQ[/U][/URL] can also be found on the left navigation menu. We encourage people to introduce themselves within their posts as they enter discussions throughout the boards. We would rather that than having a ton of introduction threads. Also, we have pretty high standards when it comes to the quality of posts (ie: making them well thought out with care given to grammar). When you re-read the rules page it will make more sense to you. If you have any questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Again, I welcome you to the boards and I hope to see you posting around the site. Have fun! ~Panda
The most scared I have ever been was when I was little and almost drowned in a swimming pool. I was at a friends house swimming in their pool when I accidently slipped into the deep side. No one saw me go under so I tried to swim but couldn't. I eventually hit the bottom of the pool and I pushed up as hard as I could and managed to get myself out of the pool. I remember thinking while in the pool that I was going to die. I learned how to swim so it wouldn't happen again but I still don't like water. I am sure it is from this near drowning experience I had as a small child.
Welcome to theOtakuBoards nanako22. Please be aware that we have a rules page that all members are required to read before posting. The [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?"][U]Rules[/U][/URL] and [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/faq.php?][U]FAQ[/U][/URL] can also be found on the left navigation menu. We encourage people to introduce themselves within their posts as they enter discussions throughout the boards. We would rather that, than having a ton of introduction threads. Also, we have pretty high standards when it comes to the quality of posts (ie: making them well thought out with care given to grammar). When you re-read the rules page it will make more sense to you. If you have any questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Again, I welcome you to the boards and I hope to see you posting around the site. Have fun! ~Panda
I am going to move this post over to the "Suggestions and Feedback" forum since it sounds like you have a question about HTML and the Arena. Hopefully you will have more luck with your post in that forum. -Panda
[quote name='CoWbOyBeBoP RoX']hi im new do u wanna b my friend?[/quote] This is spam. Please put more effort into your responses. Your responses should be about the topic at hand and you need to work on your spelling. Because of this the above quoted post will be deleted as well as the other off topic posts in this thread. On topic: What keeps me here? I love the community. I enjoy reading others responses on whatever topic is at hand. I really like meeting new people, especially ones who enjoy the same love of anime that I have. I also love how well moderated the boards are so there aren't tons of spammy "going nowhere" posts to deal with. As a whole I would say the reason I stay here is because I really enjoy the members and the quality of posts they produce. Community, it really is what makes a message board appealing to me.
Welcome to theOtakuBoards Julie Elric! We encourage people to introduce themselves within their posts as they enter discussions throughout the boards. We would rather that, than having a ton of introduction threads. Because of that reason I am going to lock this thread. Your message will still be up so people can PM you individually. I am very happy you found your way to the message boards here on theOtaku. You will meet lots of really nice people here who are in your age group...myself included. I am 29, feel free to PM me if you want to chat. :) If you have any questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Again, I welcome you to the boards and I hope to see you posting around the site. Have fun! ~Panda
I don't think online dating and the entire "mail order bride" thing shouldn't be compared. It's kinda like saying that if your friend hooks you up for a date that they are your pimp. My husband had someone make a referrence to me once in the tone of me being a "pen pal" (pen pal = mail order bride). When we bought our first home we were moving in the neighbor across the street stopped to visit with my husband and said: "I see you are married to an Oriental." John just looked at her. After all rugs and chicken salads are "oriental" people are Asian. Apparently her daughter-in-law was a "pen pal" and got married to her son and moved to the States. Needless to say he set our neighbor straight and informed her I was born an American citizen and was not a "pen pal". I am sure you all know I am FAR from being the "submissive ORIENTAL wife". I am way too outspoken for that gig. From what I have seen. Online dating has been pretty good for my friends who have met via the internet. The couples I have seen set up via the "pen pal" system are not happy. Most of those girls seem like they are getting married as a way to escape their poor lives in their native country. I know of 2 people in my hometown whose "pen pals" divorced after getting their citizenship.
I absolutely love hair color. It is such a great way to express yourself. I have jet black hair. Really, really dark. It's the dark jet black that most people who want black hair drool over. I have red and copper highlights. I go to my stylist/colorist to have it done since it is so dark. If you look through the hair color swatches the two colors are the brightest orange/copper and the brightest red. When it is put in my hair it shows up as two different shades of dark burgandy. I love it! The last time I was in for a little trim my stylist told me next time we are bleaching then coloring. I am all for it. This way, as many of you with dark hair know, my color will be even bolder. I am looking forward to that. :animesmil
[quote name='Jonexe']I believe he's asking how to use one that he already has.[/quote] If that is the case there is no need for a URL. Avatar submissions has an option to upload the avatar directly from the computer. As long as the avatar is the correct size then there should be no problem. The site will host the custom avatar image. The real issue is getting the image the correct size to be used as an avatar.
Welcome to the OtakuBoards Zombie_Nosh. Questions concerning custom avatars are best suited for the [b]Art by Request[/b] forum. The nuts and bolt of how to get the avatar uploaded can be read [u][URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=42879]here in this post.[/URL][/u] As for the other parts of your question I will try to answer them. If you have an image you want to use for an avatar but don't have a program to use to edit the image, add text, etc. your best bet is to start a thread in the [b]Art by Request[/b] forum. You can ask other members to make an avatar for you using the image you have. You can attach that image to the post by clicking on the "manage attachments" button below the post reply window in the "Additional Options" section. Read through some of the other requests and you will see what other members have done to request their own custom avatar. If you have additional questions feel free to PM myself, I am more than happy to help answer questions. :animesmil
The types of posts we like to see on the OtakuBoards are ones that will generate quality discussions, the "add words" threads do not meet that criteria. I suggest that you look through past post for examples of both what is acceptable and what is not for threads on the OtakuBoards. Please feel free to PM me or any of the other moderators if you have any questions. Thanks. ~Panda
For some strange reason I feel like this conversation went off topic because of me. :animeswea People and animals have many similar medical treatments and very different ones. If a vet were to be the first responder at an accident the first and foremost thing is: "First Do No Harm". That applies across the board for anything you do in medicine. Unfortunately it seems that many human medical personnel feel they can treat their pets and usually end up doing more harm then good. It's a two way street. It's best if you just stick with the species you were train to treat. If you go back and read my response in this thread that is why I picked an EMT to be with me on the island. Of course on one of those camping trips I mentioned in that previous post, I used the first aid kit I pack for animals on my husband because he ended up with a big cut on his hand. When he walked into the emergency room all the staff there responded "Vet wrap!" since that is what I used to keep the gauze on his wound. Hey in an emergency you grab what you know. I know my kit better than his first aid kit. People go to MDs. Animals go to DVMs. But in a pinch I would rather have a vet treat my wounds on a deserted island than let's say...Britney Spears. Now let's all stick with the topic at hand which is which member you would be ok to be stranded with on a deserted island.
I would love to have the ability to [b]control time[/b]. For example, if I saw someone in danger I could stop time and help them. Let's say they are going to get hit by a bus. I would stop time so I could go over and move them out of the way. I wouldn't have to work since I could find out the winning numbers of the lottery, rewind time and buy a ticket with those numbers and win! It would be great! If controling time is too much to ask for I would like to be like Cyborg 009 and be able to move very quickly. It has a very similar idea. I could move quickly enough to help people in danger. If I can't control all of time I would at least like to move very quickly. So many great benefits...messy house and unexpected guests...no worries! I could clean the entire house and get cookies in the oven all before answering the door. Then when they enter the house I can tell them I just put some cookies in the oven so they are just in time for some fresh baked cookies. That would so rock.
Anime Which animes should be on or put back on t.v.?
Panda replied to graysky07's topic in Otaku Central
[quote name='Slade_455]Anything like [B]Cowboy Bebop[/B']? [/quote] Nope, Saber Rider was more old west-y like Trigun's setting. There was one group of bad guys and the group of good guys who would have to take care of them. You know, the typical good guy/bad guy conflict. Another show I started to think about was [b]Mazinger[/b] or as it was know over here in the States- [b]TranZor Z[/b]! Truly a classic giant robot anime. If you are a fan of "Nadesico" it is very similar to the anime Akito was a fan of: Gekigangar! I believe that Mazinger was what they spoofed when making Gekigangar for Nadesico. The main thing I remember from watching Mazinger as a kid was the "female" giant robot. It had these missles placed on the robot at the same place breasts would be on a woman. So if the pilot fired the missles it looked like the giant robot was shooting it's boobs. Can't go wrong with an anime with giant robot boob missles! -
Anime Which animes should be on or put back on t.v.?
Panda replied to graysky07's topic in Otaku Central
Oh all you kids and your new anime series! We need to get a bit more old school here if you are talking about bringing back a series to television! I would love to see [b]Sei Jushi Bismarck[/b] otherwise known as [b]Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs[/b] brought back to the small screen! It was a 52 episode series that took place in the early 22nd century. It was a mix of old west and sci-fi. The Star Sheriffs were to enforce the laws and keep the Outriders which were a bunch of renegades in check. Outlaws, bounty hunters, giant robots and robotic horses that can fly...all and all a great anime from way back in 1984! I think a show like this would be great to have during the early hours of the morning for all of us older fans to watch. Just plug it in at the end of the Adult Swim block on Saturday and I would stay up to watch it! Other than that I can't think of another series I would like to see back on television. If I liked it enough I would have already purchased the DVD's and would be watching them without commerical interruptions! I should find out if I can get Sei Jushi Bismarck!