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Everything posted by Panda

  1. Welcome back to theOtakuBoards lil_hell4t. Please be aware that we have a rules page that all members are required to read before posting. The [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?"][U]Rules[/U][/URL] and [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/faq.php?][U]FAQ[/U][/URL] can also be found on the left navigation menu. Since it has been so long since your last visit I highly recommend you re-read the rules. We encourage people to introduce, or in your case, re-introduce themselves within their posts as they enter discussions throughout the boards. We would rather that than having a ton of introduction threads. Also, we have pretty high standards when it comes to the quality of posts (ie: making them well thought out with care given to grammar). When you re-read the rules page it will make more sense to you. If you have any questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Again, I welcome you back to the boards and I hope to see you posting around the site. Have fun! ~Panda
  2. If I had a million dollars I would pay off all my bills, all of my parents/inlaws/siblings bills, then deposit the rest and live off of the interest. I would probably spend my time going to anime conventions and traveling around the world. Otherwise I don't think I would change much else. I don't need a huge house or fancy car, so I guess you can say I am a fairly easy keeper.
  3. Ah, the joys of being able to control ones dreams. It really is fun. I have done this quite a few times. One time I can remember is a dream where I was on stage infront of hundreds of people playing the piano. Beautiful music was filling the air. As I am playing the piano I realize that I don't know how to play the piano like that. I tell myself as long as I don't look down at my hands everything will be fine. So I continue on with the dream, playing this wonderful piano piece until it was finished. I got a standing ovation then I got the heck off of stage! Another dream was one where I was standing on the edge of a cliff. I was looking over and thinking to myself that I really should move away from the edge since it was dangerous. I then decided I didn't like the feeling of it at all so I just changed the dream so I was on a beach. I like being able to control my dreams. :D
  4. Howdy xzer0joker! Like the others have mentioned there is the Art Studio forum that is better suited for this discussion. I am going to move your thread over there so you will get more responses to your thread. On topic: When I make my greeting, wallpapers, avatars and banners I use Photoshop. The program is a little pricey but I think it is well worth it. I also use Photoshop to do all my photo editing and inking/coloring of my fan art. I absolutely love the program and think it is well worth the money spent on it. Best of luck in your search for the perfect program! -Panda
  5. I think the "suits" were so prim and proper was because they were at work. It would be like having the director of a movie screaming and acting like a fan when they see their favorite actor. They should be professional and working and not being star struck. I think many of them feel they need to project an air of professionalism and they have to keep their fandom on the down low. It's not like they didn't care, they just didn't jump up out of their sets and scream like a rabid fangirl like me. They were clapping, just not squealing. I probably gave them all heart attacks when I did! Now back on the topic of cosplay, I would absolutely love to be able to make costumes like those Spirited Away cosplayers. I am just not a seamstress so I have to do my best trying to piece together my costumes. If you ever go to an anime convention you definitely have to get tickets to see the Masquerade. The skits and costumes are very entertaining. The hours of work the cosplayers have invested is well worth your time to enjoy. I highly recommend it.
  6. Love is really difficult to define. There are so many different types of love as mentioned before in this thread. The love I hold for my husband is different from that of my love I have towards my parents. Which is again different than my love of anime and different once again from the love I have for my pets. The word love can be tossed around so easily in everyday conversation. For example when you tell someone you love chocolate cake. You probably don't even think twice about professing your love of chocolate cake, yet if you had to tell someone you have a crush on that you love them, it would be very difficult. Both are examples of you "love", but hold far different meanings. Love takes many forms and it is impossible to give it just one definition.
  7. I've never liked Valentine's Day since it is just a way for the card, candy, jewelry and flower industries to make a ton of money off of people. My former boss basically has the same view point I do about the holiday. He says that he doesn't need anyone telling him when he needs to tell his wife he loves her. I agree. I don't need a holiday to tell me that I have to buy a bunch of candy, jewerly, flowers or cards to prove my love for my husband. Us being together is proof enough. We love each other and we don't need a cheesy card or giant heart box of chocolates to advertise our feelings for each other. To me Valentine's Day is far too commercialized and over-blown. It make those who don't have someone special feel lonely and those with someone like they have to spend money to prove their feelings. The only one who comes out ahead are those selling the goods to the masses. As always, these are just my opinions. Kudos to those of you who are not jaded by the holiday and can enjoy it. Oh and anyone who wants to point out my signature and avi as being contradictory to my above statement- the true nature of the "Cupid Panda" can be seen in PMBQ's comic works. The "Cupid Panda" makes people fall in love by attacking them. Nothing says love like being mauled by a cute panda!
  8. I love going to conventions and taking pictures of cosplayers. I have a little story I told on myO after Anime Expo last year. I was sitting with some industry-type people up front at the Masquerade and there was a Gravitation cosplay group. All the people around me were the people who work in the anime industry...so basically "suits". They were there since it was work. The MC announced it was going to be Nittle Grasper and Bad Luck. I let out this really loud fan girl squeal. I was the only one to do that up front. Only the fans in the back of the room reacted the same way. Everyone around me just looked at me like I had lost my mind. Oh well. As for cosplaying I have dressed up as Lynn Minmei from Macross. Red full length Chinese dress and I even put my hair in buns. This was back when I had really long hair and could make that cheesy hairstyle she has with the buns. I also have a costume for the "video girl" from Battle Royale. You know, the girl in the orange shirt that explains the rules to the kids in the Battle Royale movie. I know I have pictures somewhere, I will have to find them. Cosplay is fun especially when someone recognizes you. Many cosplayers put hours and hours into their costumes which are simply amazing. As for glomping. I give bear hugs, nice friendly bear hugs. I am not agressive when it comes to hugs. Here's a picture I took before the Masquerade in 2003 of a Spirited Away troupe. Their costumes were absolutely amazing. I wish I could have taken a picture of the entire group. Great cosplayers. [center][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v290/Panda_chan_/misc/spirit.jpg[/IMG] Those costumes rocked my socks![/center]
  9. Panda

    the bet.

    ETJ your friend is correct your posts are very spammy. If your posts do not improve you will have your account banned. Please put more thought into your posts before posting more threads. If you have questions please PM myself or any of the mods. I also [b]highly[/b] recommend you re-read the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?"][U]Rules[/U][/URL] before you post anything else on the boards. Thanks. -Panda
  10. Panda


    Welcome to theOtakuBoards ETJ. Please be aware that we have a rules page that all members are required to read before posting. The [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?"][U]Rules[/U][/URL] and [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/faq.php?][U]FAQ[/U][/URL] can also be found on the left navigation menu. We encourage people to introduce themselves within their posts as they enter discussions throughout the boards. We would rather that, than having a ton of introduction threads. Just find a topic you find interesting and jump right into the discussion. Also, we have pretty high standards when it comes to the quality of posts (ie: making them well thought out with care given to grammar). Capitalization is your friend. If you have any questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Again, I welcome you to the boards and I hope to see you posting around the site. Have fun! ~Panda
  11. No matter what there will always be people who feel they are better than other just because of their race/nationality/gender/creed. I just think in some places it has gone under the radar. Back when my dad was younger he actually had a guy tell him he was a stupid *derogatory name for Japanese* because it was his fault that the war happened. My dad was in grade school. I think we can all agree that a grade school age little boy who is working on a farm isn't the cause of the second world war. While going to school I was one of two Asians in my grade. Once in a few years we would get a new student when their dad would transfer into the Japan Airlines training facility. Otherwise you could count all the Asians on one hand. We didn't feel like a minority since our friends never made us feel that way. No one, at least that I have noticed, has even batted an eye that I am in an interracial relationship. It's weird to think about but I am. My husband is of German decent and I am Japanese. I guess I don't feel like it is an interracial relationship since my peers have always been non-Asians. It would be nice to get rid of discrimination, but that will probably never happen.
  12. That particular petition is in response to another petition on the same site to ban anime. It is that person's opinion. What articles/information do you have to site that Bush wants to ban anime besides hearing it on another website? Are there news articles? Newpaper articles? Where is the proof that Bush wants to ban anime in the United States? I think before we light our torches and storm the castle we need to know that he really does feel that way. I also deleted the double post of this thread and I am going to move it to the Anime Lounge since it deals with anime. I will let the moderators there decide whether or not this thread stays open.
  13. You can find members by using the [b]Member List[/b] located in the menu bar to the left. From there you can seach for members by name. I found all of [u][URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/member.php?u=3639]Youta Moteuchi[/URL][/u]'s information there. ouhokan please work on your post quality. The subject is fairly difficult to read because of the strange placement of spaces. Since I have given you the link to his member profile I am going to close this thread. Thanks! -Panda
  14. My one true fear I have is that of disappointing those who count on me. I think this goes back to not wanting to let my parents down. If I did something bad, like getting caught doing something I wasn't suppose to, my parents always seemed so sad. They would be so sad that I let them down that it made me feel just awful. I never wanted them, or anyone I cared about, to feel that way. We have all been disappointed at some point in our lives, I just never want to be the reason someone feels that way. I also have a fear of guinea pigs. Creepy little furry monsters. That squeaky noise they make and how they freak out when you reach in their pens. Never did like those neurotic little rodents.
  15. It sounds like he is not ready for a relationship. I would sit down and discuss the situation. I would let him know how you feel. If he has respect for you and cares about your feelings I would hope he wouldn't want you crying at night and feeling so upset you can't eat or sleep. If he doesn't care that you are so upset then he is probably not the right guy for you. Take care of yourself. You need to get rest and eat. If you can't take care of yourself how can you care about anyone else? If it is meant to be it will be, if not then it is time to move on. I wish you the best in your situation.
  16. Capricorn (the goat) is the sign for those born between December 22nd and January 20th. I think I fit most of what my sign says I should be. Of course I have always felt that the descriptions for the signs have always been so vague that they would fit most anybody in one way or another. I only really see my sign as being a bit of fun. I don't take it to heart. For me, it is just for entertainment. Now, on to the traits of Cappies! [b]Capricorn traits include: [/b] Ambitious and disciplined Patient and careful Humorous and reserved [b]And on the flipside to that are:[/b] Pessimistic and fatalistic Miserly and grudging I would like to ask if any other Cappies are spenders? Do you like to save your money or spend it? And my question to all those Bulls out there, are you thrifty? Do you like to save your money? I was wondering since all the Cappies I have met have been shoppers whereas the Bulls have been savers. I just want to see if anyone else out there in the wide world of the internet fit this description. Thank ya much!
  17. This thread has the potential to become very spammy very quickly. I suggest people explain why they like the particular soda they enjoy them and not just list them. If the quality takes a nose dive I will close this thread. This will be the one and only reminder. Now on topic: My favorite soda, which here in my area we call it "pop", is actually an Italian Soda. Raspberry to be exact. An Italian Soda has Club Soda, flavoring, half and half and whipped cream on top. It is very tasty and much better than just a plain old can of pop. You can usually buy them at coffee shops but I like to make my own at home. It's much cheaper that way. Ramune can usually be found in Asian grocery stores or at most anime conventions. It's some good stuff. I enjoy the orange flavored one but nothing beats the classic Lychee flavor. I really think the bottle is half the fun of the drink! I have a bottle of Hello Kitty Ramune in the fridge right now. It has the cutest Hello Kitty print on the outside. It just rocks.
  18. [QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1]Two men are in a desert. They both have packs on. One of the guys is dead. The guy who is alive has his pack open, the guy who is dead has his pack closed. What is in the pack?[/size][/QUOTE] Is it a parachute? The guy who is alive had his chute open where as the guy who didn't...well, didn't.
  19. Correct! The answer to my riddle is shadow. You rock TOOD! I will leave a riddle for you as your "prize". What happened in 1961 that will not happen again for over 4000 years?
  20. The answer to my riddle was chess. Very good. You guys are just too smart for the riddles I know. You guys answer them so quickly and add new riddles before I can post my guess someone else already has the answer posted! I need some speed typing classes! Baron: Was the parrot deaf? If it couldn't hear it wouldn't repeat anything. Edit: Morpheus: Is the answer to your riddle hair? It seems like hair would work since many people miss it once it is gone. LOL Here's my contribution to the riddles: Each morning I appear To join you, All day I stick on, No matter how fast you move, Yet I nearly perish in the midday sun. What am I?
  21. [quote name='Baron Samedi][size=1']@Morpheus again: Shows how much you know. Roosters + hens = eggs with babies. Hens on their own = eggs people eat. ~_^[/size][/quote] You are right about the eggs. For some reason I was thinking that the roosters needed to be kept near the hens to stimulate egg production. But you are correct. Roosters are not needed. How embarassing, I use to work in vet med and knew that at one time. I never worked with farm animals, only companion animals and exotics. So I have an excuse. LOL Now getting back on topic, anyone have a guess to my riddle?
  22. -Morpheus you are a witty one. You got the correct answer to my riddle. Your riddle I miss took that he was a replacement actor. I thought he was getting to take over a one man show for the original actor who died! LOL -Baron, you know you are always right. ~_^ Oh and Morpheus, that last riddle was a good one. You get too caugh up in doing the math you forget that you only have hens and no rooster. Very good, very good indeed. Edit: ThatOneOddDude: Are you sugar? It's makes it a bit more difficult to figure out with the emoticons instead of words. But sugar seems to fit the riddle. How about this riddle: 30 men with ladies two gathered for a festive do dressed quite formal, black and white yet movement turned to nasty fight. What's going on?
  23. [quote name='Gravy Train']What happens once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a hundred years?[/quote] It is the letter "M". Minute has one m, moment has two m's and there are no m's in the words "a hundred years". Now don't forget when responding to this thread to answer the riddles as well as ask some of your own. Anyone have a guess to my riddle in my last post?
  24. [quote name='Billy Shears][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]And I dunno what Chupacopacabanachips or whatever it's called is.[/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] From the Skeptic's Dictionary: The chupacabra ("goat sucker") is an animal said to be unknown to science and systemically killing animals in places like Puerto Rico and Mexico. The creature's name originated with the discovery of some dead goats in Puerto Rico with puncture wounds in their necks and their blood allegedly drained. According to UFO Magazine (March/April 1996) there have been more than 2,000 reported cases of animal mutilations in Puerto Rico in the last two years attributed to the chupacabra. In otherwords it's like a nasty little vampire bat like animal. Some say it looks kinda like this fellow: [center][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v290/Panda_chan_/misc/chupa.gif[/IMG] He's got mad moves![/center]
  25. Morpheus, I told you my riddle was easy. Yes, the answer is "ton". Now for my guess to each of the following quizes. [quote name='Morpheus][B']Jon has been told that he will be a part of a performance of a Marvolous one-man show when one of the actors dies. Is it possible for John to get from Hollywood to New York and back in 2 days?[/B][/quote] Jon and John are different people. Jon is taking the place of a one man show while John travels. So yes, he can travel to NY and back in 2 days. [quote=ShadO MagE]I am a 7 letter word I came before god. I am more powerful then god. I amMore evil then the devi.l The rich need me. The poor have me. Every thing came from me. And to me everything shall go. What am I?[/quote] [quote=sinna]What is it the poor have, The rich need, And if you were to eat it, you'd die?[/quote] Nothing. The answer to both is nothing. Nothing came before God. Nothing is more powerful than God. Nothing is more evil than the devil. The rich don't need anything, the poor has nothing. We all came from it and shall return to it in the end. If you eat nothing you will die. Now here is my riddle: A Father, son and grandson are walking in the park. A man approaches them and asks for their age. The Father replies, "My son is as many weeks as my grandson is in days, and my grandson is as many months old as I am in years. We are all 100 years together." How old were each?
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