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Welcome to theOtakuBoards Happyjoyjoy0011. Please be aware that we have a rules page that all members are required to read before posting. The [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?]Rules[/URL] and [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/faq.php?]FAQ[/URL]. They can also be found on the left navigation menu. We encourage people to introduce themselves within their posts as they enter discussions throughout the boards. We would rather that, than having a ton of introduction threads. Also, we have pretty high standards when it comes to the quality of posts (ie: making them well thought out with care given to grammar). When you re-read the rules page it will make more sense to you. If you have any questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Again, I welcome you to the boards and I hope to see you posting around the site. Have fun! ~Panda
[quote name='keisuke shuuken']still living with my folks when im 20 years old.[/quote] Welcome to theOtakuBoards keisuke shuuken. Please be aware that we have a rules page that all members are required to read before posting. The Rules and FAQ can be found on the left navigation menu. We have pretty high standards when it comes to the quality of posts (ie: making them well thought out with care given to grammar). Your post is considered spam on this message board and has been deleted. When you re-read the rules page it will make more sense to you. If you have any questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Again, I welcome you to the boards and I hope to see you posting around the site. Have fun! ~Panda
Welcome to the OtakuBoards badjesus. Please try to use proper punctuation and captiliaztion in your posts. This type of posts tends to only produce list answers and very little to no discussion. Please re-read the Rules and FAQ which can be found on the menu bar to the left. Thanks! ~Panda
Welcome back to theOtakuBoards Sorax. Please be aware that we have a rules page that all members are required to read before posting. The rules and FAQ can be found on the left navigation menu. We encourage people to introduce (or re-introduce) themselves within their posts as they enter discussions throughout the boards. We would rather that, than having a ton of introduction threads. If you have any questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Again, I welcome you back to the boards, hope you had a very happy birthday and I hope to see you posting around the site. Have fun! ~Panda
Anime Otakon 2004, Anime Weekend Atlanta 2004 & other conventions
Panda replied to Syk3's topic in Otaku Central
Labor Day weekend, September 4th through 6th, will be the dates for Kumoricon in Portland, Oregon. If you are in the Pacific Northwest this would be an excellent con to go to. This is Kumoricon's second year and it will be held at the Downtown Marriott in Portland. Nothing like new con smell... Preregistation price for the con is $30. But tickets will be available at the door for a little higher price. Help support the anime fandom in the Pacific Northwest, go to the con if you can! There will be an artist alley, dealer room, gaming, karaoke competition, cosplay masquerade, panels and much more. I will be attending the con so if anyone is planing on going PM me, I would love to meet up with fellow OBers! :D -
Koshiro, please work on your post quality. Proper grammar is very important when posting on the boards. If anyone has any additional advice for him please PM koshiro directly. Since a thank you from koshiro has been given and the following responses have been, well, spammy, let's just call it a night on this thread.
Welcome to the OtakuBoards koshiro. Please read the Rules and FAQ for the boards located on the menu bar to the left. This thread is not up to the quality standards we like to see in posts here on the boards. Proper spelling, captalization and punctuation are very important. If you have questions about the Rules please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Thanks! ~Panda
With the growing popularity of chat rooms, messenger services and message boards are people becoming less social in real life since there is no need to "go out" to meet people? The second part of my question is do you think that the internet is also causing people to be less polite than they would be offline when interacting with people because being online is not "real life"? My opinions on the first part is that the definition of "social" is changing with the times. Before if someone stayed inside all the time and rarely left the house meant that they were a shut in and anti-social...having little to no contact with other people. With the increase popularity of the internet I think that people now have a 24 hour outlet to connect with other people. It gives you a chance to be very social without ever leaving your home. I think the internet has actually made the world a much smaller place and lets you be more social than you could be going out and trying to meet people offline. On the other side of the coin you have people who don't have any friends offline and only online friends. This is the type of person who I believe the internet has cause anti-social behavior since they don't have the social skills needed in the offline world. My opinion on the second question is that I feel that some people, feeling safe behind the cloak of the internet, will act in ways they would never act to someone offline. I am sure you have all run into them on message boards, the ones who say "I would never do that in real life!". Those people I feel are lacking in social skills since they feel that online is not real life. It's almost like they see the people online are not real people and don't have feelings. Since they don't have a face to put with the name it doesn't matter what they say to them. Now what are your opinions? Do you think people are becoming less social offline because of the internet and are people less polite online than offline? Feel free to share your views.
For those concerned about the OL: Why not be pro-active and start an interesting, thought provoking thread in this forum. People complain about the forum yet won't do anything to change it. Start a great thread and make a difference in the forum. :) Now back on topic I think the only time I have been pushed to my limits has been when I was injured in a farming accident. It truly was a matter of life or death and I am lucky that I got the help I needed before it got worse. Only lost a finger in the accident but it was both mentally and physically hard on me. All in all I am a stronger person since I lived through that trial in my life. What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger. :D
If people are upset they just won't frequent the establishment. There are many privately owned places with special rules such as these and they are still in business. Like the VFW, private club for military vets. You can only enter if you are a member or a guest of a member. Otherwise you can't go in. At least at the one here in my hometown. There are so many teen dances that only allow 12 to 18 year olds in and I don't think that is age discrimination against older people. It is just that establishments rules.
[QUOTE=MangaFreak]Dude, you've never been to my church! It totally rocks! We have basket ball hoops, pool tables, nentendo and all of the above! I especially love the balance/surfing practice board. And my pastor for the jh is super funny! He tells us jokes through out the servace. Its never longer than 20 minutes and we all hang out and go to our own coffe shop. My church rocks. I go to every servace. Sunday: 1 and 2 Wednesday: the only one. If they had more I'd go. Oh and we have a time in the servace when my pastor plays clips from stupidvideos.com and we all have a good laugh. Its realy tight. Even if you were an athiest and hated things like church you probably would come just for the fun of it. Truthfully, I know cause people actually do that. But realy, Ocean Hills(Comunity Church) rocks! If you live in southern Cali and near laguna nigel or san clemente you guys should look it up![/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed]Welcome to the OtakuBoards MangaFreak. I deleted your second post since double posts are not allowed on the boards. If you need to add in another comment just edit the last post you just made. Please refer to the Rules and FAQ on the menu to the left if you have any additional questions about the boards. If you don't find your answer there feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Thanks. ~Panda [/COLOR]
Welcome to theOtakuBoards Marik Ishtar. Please be aware that we have a rules page that all members are required to read before posting. The rules and FAQ can be found on the left navigation menu. We encourage people to introduce themselves within their posts as they enter discussions throughout the boards. We would rather that, than having a ton of introduction threads. Also, we have pretty high standards when it comes to the quality of posts (ie: making them well thought out with care given to grammar). When you re-read the rules page it will make more sense to you. If you have any questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Again, I welcome you to the boards and I hope to see you posting around the site. Have fun! ~Panda
Well DW, I found that "Meh" very sexy. :love: I love the flash animation. Flash is probably one of my favorite programs to work with, it's very sexy. My vote is for the sexy new season.
[QUOTE=densuke]I think this is unfair in that it makes it sound like some anime adaptations are poorly done ripoffs. I think most of them are quite skillfully done. Regardless of how much they edit out or where they leave off, they are worthwhile in their own right, even if the viewer never takes up reading the manga the anime was based on. A few OAV series (like Tokyo Babylon) provide only a brief introduction to or slice of a story told in a manga, but you didn't mention any of them. And plenty of manga endings are no less open-ended (after 20+ volumes in some cases!) than their anime adaptations.[/QUOTE] My intention for that statement was not to imply that they are "poorly done ripoffs". I never said that. I just said that the anime did not follow or complete the storyline that is in the manga. The question brought forward in this thread was why manga should be read, not why you shouldn't watch the anime. My point was that you can get more story, in some cases, in the manga than in the anime. I also said "a few other animes" after the animes I listed. I don't think any of us want to sit here all day and list every single anime that could fall into this description. Thus the reason why I "didn't mention any of them." I agree with your statement that there are also many manga that are just as open-ended. But going back to the topic of this thread, I was just giving my personal reasons for why someone should read the manga even when the anime is available. I am sorry if you misunderstood my statement densuke, I did not intend for that statement to be taken the way you did. I never said they were "poorly done ripoffs", they just aren't the same as the manga. Thus, a reason to read the manga in addition to the watching the anime.
Welcome to theOtakuBoards Lusheeta. Please be aware that we have a rules page that all members are required to read before posting. The rules and FAQ can be found on the left navigation menu. We encourage people to introduce themselves within their posts as they enter discussions throughout the boards. We would rather that then having a ton of introduction threads. Also, we have pretty high standards when it comes to the quality of posts (ie: making them well thought out with care given to grammar). When you re-read the rules page it will make more sense to you. If you have any questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Again, I welcome you to the boards and I hope to see you posting around the site. Have fun! ~Panda
Many excellent points have been brought up why it would be beneficial to read the manga even if you can see the anime. Using a few things Unborn Lord Xion mentioned I would like to elaborate. Steven King has many movies made from his books. I think the books are far more interesting and entertaining than the movie. The reason for this is because my imagination is far more detailed than what can be put on the big (or small) screen. Because of this, as with many novels, the book is better than the movie. Saiyuki is an excellent manga and the anime is also very good. If you read and watch Saiyuki you will see there are difference in the story. The manga is much more graphic. One example of this [spoiler] is when the youkai are killed. You can see this in the very first volume when Gojyo kills a youkai. In the anime they just vaporize into millions of little pieces where in the manga the crushes it's skull.[/spoiler] Kare Kano, Hellsing, Gravitation, Chobits and a few other animes don't complete the storyline or follow the storyline that is in the manga. Which when watching the anime makes you feel like the story just drops you or is incomplete. Reading the manga is the only way you can find out what happened to the characters. There are many reasons to read the manga even though you can watch the anime. One thing I love is that I can take a manga with me on an airplane, waiting for appointments and on car rides much easier than packing up a bunch of dvd's and something to watch them on. ;)
I believe the answer to Eli's riddle is: Nothing. The reason it is nothing is because if you break down the riddle into separate questions the answer is always the same, which is nothing. Greater than God= nothing. More evil than the devil= nothing. Poor people have this= nothing. Rich people sometimes want it= nothing. Born with it= nothing. Die with it= nothing. [COLOR=DarkRed]Now I am going to stress what Lore has already mentioned. The responses to this thread need to be of OB quality. One word post are considered spam and extremely short posts are not acceptable. If this continues the thread will be closed. Thanks.[/COLOR]
[quote name='SadAngel];) [COLOR=RoyalBlue']Wrist Cutter, I was hypothetically speaking when I said that(lol). But I thank you for briefing me with your knowledge.[/COLOR][/quote] SadAngel, double posts are not allowed on the boards. If you have something you forgot to mention please edit your post and add too it versus starting another post. Thanks. ~Panda
[QUOTE=haruko]woow that is weird you shoulda looked at her face anyways[/QUOTE] [quote name='haruko']nothing weird has ever happend to me really...well once some middle aged woman asked me how much. in the middle of the grocery store. i mean wtf?[/quote] Welcome to theOtakuBoards Haruko! Please use proper captialization and punctuation in your posts. I suggest you re-read the FAQ and Rules for posting on the boards. I deleted your above posts due to the lack of quality. Thank you. ~Panda Edit: Note to everyone posting in this thread, please put some effort into your responses. I don't want to have to close this thread due to poor quality of posts. Thanks.
[quote name='wrist cutter']Therefore roughly 1/41 of your life is spent in school; hardly a majority.[/quote] Point taken, but it is a bit off subject. Let's keep to the subject at hand which is school drama. Thanks! Back when I was in school there was more drama on a daily basis than you would see in a soap opera. Personal conflicts, illegal activites, pregnancies and all the normal teenage angst. I remember one of the big dramas that took place in high school was a girl who got dumped by her boyfriend. She knew it was the end of the world so she was going to burn the school down. I am not sure how this was going ot help her situation....but she tried anyway. The big problem with her plan was the school had a campus set up. It wasn't just one big building. There were 10 different buildings. So she ran to each of the buildings and set fire to the garbage cans in the girls' restrooms. All the fires got put out quickly and only one building had major damage to the bathroom. I just remember seeing her get taken away by the police screaming about how it was her ex-boyfriend's fault. :rolleyes: I am so happy not to be in all that "drama" anymore.
I am very good at procrastinating. I have been putting off posting in this thread since it was posted. Why was I waiting to post? I have no idea except I just didn't. I will come up with a better excuse later. See, I am good a procrastinating! I think we are all guilty of procrastination to some degree. Some of us are just better at it than others. A perfect example is how I am on the boards right now instead of doing some much needed work. Everything I do seems as though it is just the thing I am doing so I don't have to do something else. Unfortunately I don't think this is a trait that I will ever get rid of. Oh well, life goes on.
I became a Goo Goo Dolls fan back when Superstar Carwash came out in the early 90's ('93 or '94..I can't remember which). "We are the Normal" was the song that hooked me. This was before the band became mainstream and the band had this really cheesy wannabe grunge look to them. :laugh: Since that album I haven't really listen to much of their work since they have many songs on the radio now. I remember thinking back when Superstar Carwash came out that they were going to be a popular band.
I am sure you will get your wish for a banning. If you hate this site so much why are you spending so much time here?
The groups are just built into the boards by default and they show up in the profiles even though it is inactive. This is a part of the site that is inactive and will probably remain that way. As far as I know there are no plans to make the groups option active. For future reference any questions dealing with the functions of the site need to be addressed in the [B]Suggestions and Feedback[/B] forum. Also before starting a post make sure there isn't an existing thread dealing with the subject. Thanks! ~Panda
I am going to ask just one more time, please stay on topic. Bean and lava lamp- If you want to continue this debate in emails or PM please feel free to do so. Hijacking a thread to have your off topic debate is not going to be tolerated. If you continue to post off topic further action will be taken against your accounts. On topic- 3.) People who hijack theads. Another thing that really gets on my nerves are people who hijack threads and use it as their own personal soap box. I have had my threads closed because of people like that and it is annoying for those who actually participated in the topic.