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Everything posted by Panda

  1. Please stay on topic. Remember the topic of the thread is the subject of what gets on your nerves, not a debate about rap music. Thanks! As for what gets on my nerves.... 1.) Spammers, trollers and flammers. I hate people who ruin good message boards just so they can toot their own horn. Sometimes you have people who do this without knowing, but most of the time they are people who know better and just do it because they want to upset people for their own entertainment. 2.) Unreasonable people. When I was working at my first job at a movie theater the power went out on our end of town. Everyone got full refunds and a free pass to see another movie. One guy yelled at the assistant manager (who was 7 months pregnant and a quarter of the size of this guy!) until she cried. He told her it was her fault the power went out and blamed her for the entire situation. That to me is totally unreasonable.
  2. This thread is really not up to the quality we like to see on the OtakuBoards. Please put more effort (ie spelling) into threads when starting a new topic. Responses to this thread have already gone off topic so I am going to close this thread. ~Panda
  3. Please do not double/triple post and remember to stay on topic. If this thread continues to go off topic I will have to close the thread. If you would like to discuss fan fictions please go to the appropriate forum and start a topic there. As for days that freaked me out I would have to say one day would be when I found out I have Rheumatoid Arthritis. My mom, her twin sister, younger sister and dad all had RA. I am the only one of my cousins and siblings to be diagnosed. It was a bit of a shock to the system since it meant that I would have to change my lifestyle. After the inital shock of finding out I have learned to cope. Live and learn.
  4. This topic will not generate the quality of responses we require on the OtakuBoards. When starting a topic please consider how much of a discussion your thread will produce. Thank you. ~Panda
  5. In the past this particular topic results in very poor post quality. Responses rarely go beyond one sentence and generally don't produce meaningful discussions. I am going to close this thread since it has been done several times before and responses will be similar to that of members in the past: search engine, friend referral or stumbling across a link. -Panda
  6. James, I really hate that teeth falling out dream! I use to have that dream when I was younger. I figured out what was triggering it for me. It would be the night after getting my braces tightened. I attribute it to having a sore mouth from the dental work. After I got my braces off that particular dream stopped. Lucky me! Now on to my most memorable dream! One of my most memorable dreams has a guy in a panda suit. In this dream I was working at the vet clinic and I was writing up some charts when this person in a panda suit walked in. I just chuckled and thought that one of my friends or my hubby had sent me a singing telegram or something. I said to the panda.."How can I help you?". The panda pulls a gun out at me. Tells me to get out of the building and get into the car. So I get into the panda's car. It is this rusted out old 1970's model Toyota Celica. It had one of those tree air fresheners hanging from the rear view mirror....Vanillaroma to be exact. The panda gets in and starts to drive through the center of my hometown. Playing on the car stereo was all 80's hair band songs. Stuff like Poison, Warrant, Winger....you know, hair bands. I was just thinking to myself that the people in my town are frickin' idiots since not one person seems to have noticed a guy in a panda suit driving a Celica playing cheesy rock songs really loud??!! I woke up after that. I am not sure if dreams are trying to tell us things or if it is just our brains sorting odd and ends in our heads. In a dream dictionary it says that dreaming of pandas means good luck. I wonder if it really was? Maybe my dream was trying to tell me that I wanted to escape from work? Who knows.
  7. I would love to go to a con on the east coast. I have only been to conventions on the west coast. It is true that there is alot of HOBO (Horrible Otaku Body Odor) at cons, but it should stop anyone from attending a convention! Like Syk3 mentioned, there are so many other reasons like the dealer's room and spending time around others who share a love of the same thing you do...anime! I have had fun at all the conventions I have attended. I think it is a great chance to meet people you have met online. I had a chance to meet up with Mamma Vash from theOtakuboards at Anime Expo this year. We had a great time and are planning to meet up again next year. ^_^ I do know that Harmony Gold, the company that owns the rights to Robotech, will be going to Otakon for their first convention outside of California. It sounds like there is going to be a great list of guest and panelist at Otakon this year. I really wish I were attending! To everyone who is going, have lots of fun and I wish I were going with you!
  8. Like my title of this post states, Japanese was my first language. My parents speak Japanese at home and that is what I grew up with. I have recordings of my brother and I speaking only in Japanese...it is really cute! My big brother when he started school actually had to take english as a second language classes with the spanish speaking kids! After that my parents wanted us to practice english all the time. They continued to speak Japanese at home and help us learn english. I understand Japanese, but when it comes to recalling words, I draw a blank, it's weird. I even took Japanese in high school. My mom pretty much just laughed at me since she said I have a thick American accent and my writing looks like a 1st grader! :rolleyes: At family get togethers everyone is speaking Japanese except for my brother and me. We can understand, but respond in english. My mom sometimes forgets and speaks to my husband in Japanese and he is getting to the point where he actually understands her. I am quite impressed with it. When you are around someone speaking the language it does make it much easier to learn than just with books or tapes. When my hubby speaks Japanese my mom, like most Japanese, get really excited and praises his attempt even if what he said made no sense. LOL I wish you all the best of luck in learing the language. ^_^
  9. I am watching the series right now. It remind me of some funny things that happened during those years. I graduated high school in 94 and I was obsessed with Pearl Jam. Ah the memories. It did make me want to watch my old tapes of Twin Peaks! So I spent the day watching Twin Peaks. Go figure. I did like the I Love the 80's and 80's Strike Back much more than this series on the 90's. I remember the 80's quite well since that is where most of my childhood was spent....yes, I am old compaired to you kids! ::shakes cane in air:: It just seems like they should have waited a few more years before taking us down "memory lane" for the 90's. It is funny to watch just for the commentary.
  10. [QUOTE=Sephy 07]Can anybody out there help me? I was wondering if Naruto is out in american or will ever be out in american. Seeing as I dont read japanese or speak it, I can only read the Manga. Ive seen the stuff online and it looks realy cool and all but I want to see it in English. WHOS WITH ME!!! Lets bring it to america.[/QUOTE] Hi Sephy 07! Your question really belongs in the Anime Lounge. There is a great Naruto thread already started there so it would be best if you checked that one out to see if your question is answered there. [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=37457&page=1&pp=20]Click here[/URL] to go to that thread. If you have any questions about posting be sure to check out the FAQ and the Rules. Feel free to PM me if you have any additonal questions. Thanks! :)
  11. [QUOTE=Kawaii]Hey,I'm new so whats up? I love Anime.My favorite show is Inuyasha,Rurouni Kenshin and Yuyu hakusho and i watch tons of Anime shows and read tons of Manga. :love: Kawaii Means cool. ~Kawaii~[/QUOTE] Welcome to OtakuBoards Kawaii. We don't allow introduction threads, feel free to join into the community and start posting. Make sure you read our rules and the FAQ pages. They are very helpful and will answer many of your questions. If you have any questions feel free to PM me or any of the other moderators. Welcome once again! :)
  12. Voice of a Distant Star is wonderful. Makoto Shinkai is truly a talented artist. The art is beautiful, great long distance love story and what makes it even better for me is how much dedication it must have taken to stick with this project. If you watch the DVD there is also a interview with the creator that was very interesting, an addition to the DVD that was worth watching. Highly recommended to those who have not seen it yet.
  13. My life is an open book. I am currently living in a small central Washington town called Moses Lake. If you look at a map of Washington state it is kinda in the middle of the state. I am a college graduate with a degree in Veterinary Technology. I am currently not working because of health reasons. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis so I have become a stay at home Panda. My husband John (Novapup) and I have been married for 8 years, will be 9 in November. I can play the trumpet, french horn, trombone, soprano bugle and John is teaching me the piano. I was told when I was a child that I could never play the piano since I had a finger amputated after an accident. I now know that isn't true and I am learning. At least I can read music already! I am Japanese, born in the United States. My first language was Japanese. My parents speak Japanese at home and forget sometimes and speak to my hubby in Japanese....he isn't Japanese, he is mostly German. I have one older brother named Hiroshi. I am a Capricorn, born the Year of the Dragon, my birthstone is the Garnet and flower is the Carnation. I love animals, anime, manga, my hubby, shopping and meeting new people who share a love of the same things I do. Before my arthritis got really bad I was very active in Tae Kwon Do and rock climbing. I just got back home from Anime Expo. I am fighting off a nasty cold. I guess that is about it. If you want to know more about me feel free to ask. ^_^
  14. That was yet another one of your masterpieces. I loved it! I am glad everyone is such a great sport about it, especially Syk3, for putting up with all the abuse! Perhaps some hazard pay should be involved?! Great job on the animation and being your sexy self DW! ;)
  15. My hubby and I have a 5 year age difference and we get along great. My parents have the same age difference between them aswell. My aunt and uncle have 11 years between them. It all depends on the maturity of the people involved in the relationship. If you have adults (over the age of 18) making the decisions it doesn't creep me out. If you have some 40 or 30 year old dating a 10 year old that bothers me. That is just plain wrong. In my opinion a 10 year old is not mature enough to make this type of decision. On top of that, there are laws against certain relationships between adults and minors.
  16. You can take a picture of it with a digital camera and go with that route. If you don't have a digital camera many photoshops will put your regular pictures on a picture cd. That is another option you can try to get your art on your computer. Another option you can always try is to find a friend or neighbor with a scanner and ask them to scan the art for you aswell. Hope you can use some of these suggestions. :D
  17. Your choice of image and image placement is excellent. The text is very difficult to read. My suggestion would be to fade out the area which the text appears so it will stand out a little more. The dark text over the darker parts of the image make it difficult to read. Another suggestion would be to add a border to the banner. In my opinion it gives it a bit more of a finished look to it. :)
  18. My recommendations for anime movies are a bit varied for different audiences. I do not recommend all animes for all ages. For instance there is no way I would recommend watching something like Wicked City with the grandparents and kids! Kiki's Delievery Service- It is one of Miyazaki's great pieces of work. He is very talented and does a great job telling a wonderful story that all ages can enjoy. It is a nice story that shows Kiki's experiences of learning responsiblity and finding her way in the world. Voices of a Distant Star- It is short, only about 1/2 an hour, but well worth it. It is a story of a very long distance love story. Love story and mecha. Very nice combo. Makoto Shinkai did a wonderful job making this anime. Cowboy Bebop the movie- Anyone who is a fan of Cowboy Bebop needs to see this movie. The fight scenes are amazing and the story is excellent. Spike and crew kicking butt, what more do you want?! Grave of the Fireflies- I love this movie. Tear-jerker. You fall in love with Seita and his little sister. It is set in Japan after a WWII bombing. I have never cried as much during an anime as I did watching this movie. It really is a heart breaking story. It hit very close to home. There are a few of my suggestions. Best of luck in finding an anime movie you will enjoy! Edit: I can't believe I forgot to add Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust to my list. This is one of my favorite movies. The animation is beautiful. The character design was done by Amano who does amazing work. It is really a great love story with wonderful, colorful characters. Definately a movie to watch! :)
  19. My hubby and I will be going to AX this year, we already paid for this years expo last year! It is so much fun. It is very hard on the wallet since you want to buy everything there. The panels are great, meeting VA's and artists is even better. Be sure to take your camera since there are some great cosplayers with amazing costumes. Lots of drawings and givaways. I believe John and I got about 15 free t-shirts last year. If you want to check out some of my Anime Expo memories from last year feel free to visit my website, the link is in my profile. The highlight of going ot cons for me is meeting people I have met online. It is great to put names and faces together. If there is going to be a get together of some type be sure to let me know and John (Novapup) and I will meet up with everyone! I know how some people are leary of meeting people online. I am not. It is a big converntion and there are lots of people around so it isn't like you are meeting privately. But it is always good to be aware of the weird people out there. There is a pic of John and I in my profile that my friend Jay who writes for Newtype took of us outside of Bucca de Beppo after dinner with VA Reba West. She did the voices of Minmei in Robotech and Tima in Metropolis to name a few. Anime Expo is so much fun. If you are trying to decide to go, definately go! It is well worth the cost to get in. There are the 24 hour viewing rooms to watch anime all day. The panels that you can hear from artists (and get autographs!). The vendor room where you can shop to your hearts content. Gaming rooms. Dances. Karaoke. Art rooms. Cosplayers-o-plenty to take pictures of....the list goes on and on. And of course the best....free stuff galore too!! That free stuff is good stuff. Posters, manga, t-shirts....the stuff you haul out of there is great! I can go on for days about how great the con is. One word of advice. Bathe! There are so many otakus out there that only come out of their caves for conventions to restock their supplies. They stink! There is actually a term used at many cons about "No HOBO zone". It is for Horrible Otaku Body Odor. You will smell people you wish you wouldn't have! ADV actually were selling and handing out Otaku soap. It was bars of soap with little plastic anime figurines inside. You must use the soap to get the toy! Brilliant idea!! Now if only some of those otakus would use it!! :laugh: If anyone has any questions be sure to PM me. I am more than happy to help out with any info I can give. Comfy shoes and take your own snacks. Important if you want to have a good time. Lots of walking and the price for food and drinks at the con can really cut into your anime spending. Oh and another funny. The convention center is right across the street from Disneyland so at many of the hotels around the convention center are families visiting the "Magic Kingdom". You should see their faces when they see cosplayers!! Oh, and they do have very strict rules about cosplaying Kingdom Hearts characters so be sure to read the rules on that if you are planing on it. It is because of the close location to Disney. Don't want the happy family from the midwest thinking they are talking to a Disney Cast Member when it is really a cosplayer who is messing with them! Eeek, long post. I'll quit now! :D
  20. Hello Okibi Masurao! I made an avi and banner using images from the Starfox game. I hope you like it. Since your request is in the art studio section of the boards I am going to ask for any suggestions from other banner/avi makers on what could be improved on my banner technique. I used Photoshop to make the banner and avi. Feedback and suggestions would be appreciated. ^_^
  21. If you couldn't tell by my screen name that I love pandas. One of my very favorite pieces of art was made my my hubby and it is of me in panda form. There are some very great furry artists out there. One of my favorite artists is Jeremy Bernal. He really is a great furry artist. He does a lot of rabbits, as do many artists, but his are very good. Most of the time with furry art you see the same animals over and over. Many rabbits, foxes, cat type animals. I am not really interested in the Scaleys(reptiles) or Featheries (birds). They just don't morp as well in my opinion. Not many pandas but there are a few really good ones out there. Can't go wrong with Shanda! I believe she is the most popular panda furry character out there. I think what makes a furry look good are the ones that are mostly human shaped. The ones that have too much animal (hoves, beaks, mammory chains) just aren't as attractive. I should have my hubby post his picture of me in panda form on this thread. :D I wonder if all this knowledge means I am really a furry at heart? ^_^;;
  22. Well, I gave it a shot. Hope you like it. :D
  23. For me many of my childhood memories involved someone getting hurt. I think the excitement of injury made the memory stick verses all the days when nothing interesting happened. One of my vivid memories was a hot summer day when my older brother was chasing me round the house. My mom got fed up with it and told us to take it outside. I ran out the screen door which I slammed behind me. I thought this is great since it would slow my brother down since he would have to open the door to get out side. Nope, he just ran through the door! :eek: I stopped running to see him standing there in a daze. He looked at me, he turned around and looked at the broken screen door, looked back at me and started to cry. Ah, what a great memory. I say it is a great memory since it is one of the few of someone besides myself getting injured. ChibiHorsewoman, I am a lot like you. Lots of head injuries. I ran into a fireplace with my head (5 stiches above my eye) and a glass coffee table (2 stiches on my forehead) with my head. It seems I am running headlong into everything. I do have a nice memory of falling off a jungle gym on the 4th of July and breaking my arm! Thank goodness, a memory that doesn't include a head injury! :laugh: I am surprised my parents didn't make me wear a helmet all the time when I was a kid!
  24. [quote name='ScirosDarkblade']Well, the Yes/No system (or any ranking system) has one inescapable problem: that people will bring down ratings of the "competition" or just random drawings they have something against. (The addition of "constructive criticism" comments is a great one, but unfortunately all you get is from people who vote "yes," so the "no"s are just as meaningless and frustrating.)[/quote] I agree with this statement. There are always going to be people who vote no just to vote no. It is very frustrating since you don't know why they voted no. My suggestion would be to vote no you have to leave a comment as to what about the art you don't like. If there is something wrong with the technique then the artist would know what they need to work on. For example, let's say they need work on shading, then they would know that is something they need to work on. If they just don't like it out of personal opinion then the artist will know it isn't because of the technical aspect but that voters personal opinion. The main problem I see with this is people may get very defensive of their art and start flaming the person who voted against their art. I am not sure if there is an "perfect" solution to the voting issue. No matter what I will continue submitting and checking out all the art. We have a lot of very talented members here. :D
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