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Everything posted by Panda

  1. I put a black background with the text the same. I tried the bloody background with the black text but I couldn't get it to look right. Hope this is ok. :D
  2. Well, I gave it a shot. If there are things you want changed, or your name added, whatever, just let me know. Hope you like it. :D
  3. Here you go! Hope you like it! :D
  4. I feel that people should have the right to decide if it is their time to go in certain instances. I am against suicide as the "easy way out", but I am for euthanasia for those who have a medical condition where it is the humane solution. I have worked in veterinary medicine for many years and I have euthanized animals. I have seen what humane euthanasia is and understand the medical procedure. We give animals a very peaceful way to end their suffering, yet we cannot do it for ourselves. When you are in a room with an animal that is suffering so much all they can do is scream, and there are no other medical procedures that can help, euthanasia is the humane choice. Can you imagine what it would be like to be in a room with a loved one screaming in pain and not being able to do anything for them, even when they are begging you to help? Not being able to make that choice makes it much more difficult on everyone in my opinion. This is a very difficult subject. Many people have very strong views on PAS. My opinion, which I don't expect everyone to share, is that we should have the choice to decide. Legal or illegal, people will end their own lives in whatever way they can. If it is made legal it can be done in a much more humane setting versus using a gun like my best friend's brother did. His painful medical condition could not be controlled with pain medication and he took his own life. I understand what it is like to be in constant pain and understand what his thinking was. I just wish it could have been more peaceful ending for him.
  5. My choice for an anime boyfriend would be Genjo Sanzo from Saiyuki. The obvious reason being that he is so good looking. I love how confident he is and dedicated to his mission. He has had a troubled past yet he struggles through the hard times, he doesn't give up. He is a great leader and makes decisions that change lives. He is a bit gruff, but I think that is just because he needs a great girl like me in his life. ;) As for someone I wouldn't date I would have to say Knives from Trigun. He would just kill me. That relationship would last long at all. Who would want to be with someone who has no respect for you? Not me! Genjo Sanzo is the choice for me. He is a tall blonde handsome bad boy. Everything a bishie fan girl like me could want in a boyfriend! :love:
  6. I picked up volumes one and two of Alice 19th. I am quite pleased with it so far. I wouldn't say it is my favorite but I like the art and the characters are pretty entertaining. It was a very easy read and I like were the storyline is going. Now I just have to get my hands on more Saiyuki and Gravitation!
  7. Physical 1. Eyes. I love to look into eyes. They are the window to the soul. Beautiful blue eyes have always been attractive to me. I have boring brown eyes so bright eyes have always been high on my list. 2. Body shape. I am far from the person to judge body shape! I do like a guy who takes care of themself. I never dated a guy who couldn't carry me. If I were in a burning building and my leg were broken...I want to make sure my man can carry me to safety! 3. Hands. I like nice strong hands. Hands that have seen hard work. They have so much personality. There is just something very rugged about hands that have worked hard. Not to the point of being covered in sores and stuff. Just a little rough. ;) Non-Physical/Personality 1. Sense of Humor! Must be able to take a joke and have comebacks to all the stupid things I say. I find that very attractive. Who cares if the guy is cute but can't take (or dish out) a joke! 2. Musical ability. I love a man who has musical talent. Music has always been a major part of my life. I especially love a guy who can play the piano. That just melts my heart! 3. Misc. other items. This includes being able to fly a plane, draw, cook and willing to help others (ie firefighter, EMT..etc.). The main one on this list I am going to talk about is helping others. I find a guy who is willing to put the needs of a stranger before their own safety very attractive. Head for the Hills! 1. Body Odor. Stinky guys stink! If you can't take care of yourself I don't even want to think about what their houses look like! 2. Excessive body hair. I like nice hair on a guy, but not all over their body. I actually did a post about this on myO if you guys want to check out a picture of a really hairy man! I don't mind running my fingers through hair...just not back hair! eeew! 3. Being rude. I hate guys who think they are always right and yell at clerks and those people who are trying to help them. It makes me want to scream when I am at a store and I see a guy yelling at the clerk because they are really busy. Grrr! To sum up. I am very lucky since I found all the great traits in my hubby. I think we all agree that terrible hygene is a definate turn off. So guys, take note, stay clean!
  8. I think some body modification is fine, the extreme stuff I find a bit on the bizarre side. I have my ears double pierced and I have a tattoo on my ankle. I don't regret getting the tattoo at all. I have been debating on getting another tattoo but do to lack of funds, it is on the back burner. The extreme modification I refer to are the implants and those who amputate parts of their body. I remember watching a television show on body modification and there is a subculture that feels their bodies aren't right. So the amputate their fingers and toes...then sell them on the internet!! They do these amputations at home. I just can't imagine cutting a toe off at home then going to the hospital to have them sew me up. Even more so, I can't imagine buying someone's toe and keeping it in a jar on a shelf in my home. Piercings can be removed so I really have no issues with it. Tattoos and other more extreme modifications really need careful thought. Tattoos can be removed but at a very high price. I wouldn't want to go through that procedure to get them removed! Even more thought needs to be given to amputations. It's not like you can get a new finger if you decide you want it back.
  9. Most memorable episode for me has to be Robotech episode 27 "Force of Arms". I have to give a little background on why this is the most memorable episode. The first time I saw Robotech was when I was in the 3rd grade and I was totally obsessed with the series. Robotech was the first time I had seen anime on tv here in the states and it was so far beyond the Hanna Barbera stuff I had been use to seeing. The series had a great storyline that no other animated show on television at the time could even hold a candle too. Episode 27 was the final big battle between the Zentraedi and RDF. I remember feeling really nervous and worried about the characters and what would happen. [spoiler] The moment that is the most memorable for me was when Lisa was in the ruins of Alaska Base and she is talking to her father over the video monitor and he is killed infront of her. She is all alone until Rick comes to rescue her.[/spoiler] I remember crying when he came to get her. I was sad for Lisa having to go through all that, yet happy for her because of all the people to come to her rescue, it is the man she was in love with. It was such a rollercoaster of emotions. No other anime has been more memorable in my life than that one episode. :)
  10. I agree with Monkey Orange 100%. If the characters were like the original story I don't think I would find much interest in it. In the original story Sanzo was suppose to be a real wimp that had to be rescued constantly and Hakkai was a pig! Not much bishie goodness in those images. I am really enjoying reading the manga. I can't wait until all the volumes are released in english. I am not sure at this point what I enjoy more between the manga and anime. I will have a better opinion after reading a few more volumes. Minekura's work is just beautiful and the character design is the best. I can't wait to read more!
  11. I am willing to help out with the fan art section. I enjoy being apart of this community and really love submitting my art to the site. If needed, I am more than happy to help moderate the fan art section. The updates to the fan art section are very nice and having a more streamlined submission process will help the fan art section grow. I am very excited to see this new update added to the site. :)
  12. I am a moderator on a corporate run anime website and I was picked by the administrators because I was always a helpful member in the community. I accepted the responsiblity since it was something I was already doing. It helps the online community by keeping the forums organized and free to spam. The only difference in being a moderator versus a regular member for me was the ability to lock and delete threads that were in violation of the terms of use. I never belittle or make fun of members. On that site we are required to post why the post is being locked and email members if their thread is deleted. I always just tell them what is wrong with the post and give helpful hints. I have been on sites where you feel like the mods are on a power trip and have this high and mighty attitude. It just makes the other members rebel against the site and brings out the flamers and trouble makers since it just makes them want to "mess with" the mods. For me, the reason I am a mod on that website is to help the online community I enjoy being a member of. Not because of some glory or power trip. It really is a hard job being a mod and those who have been or are moderators for message boards can relate. You just have to remember that you can't make all the people happy all of the time. You need to do what is best for the online community.
  13. What makes me cry when I hear a sad song is when I can relate to them. There are lots of sad songs out there but I don't have the emotional attachment to them like others do. I can understand why it is sad, but it just doesn't strike a chord with me. Now, on to my list of songs. "Footsteps" by Pearl Jam. The first time I heard this song is just gave me that sad feeling in the pit of my stomach. I love Eddie Vedder's voice and was a total rabid Pearl Jam fan in the early 90's. "Black" is another of their songs that makes me sad, but not as sad as "Footsteps". The feeling of being completely hurt by someone you loved and being really bitter about it just spoke to me while I was going through my teenage years. "Adam's Song" by Blink 182. This song reminds me of my friend Bryan. Many of the lyrics are perfect. Bryan and I had gone on tour with a Drum and Bugle Corps and one of the things when you are on tour is you can't wait to get home. He died a few years ago. I miss him so much when ever I hear this song it makes me think of him and it makes me cry. "The Dance" by Garth Brooks. This song was one that my friends and I listened too during the time of Bryan's death. Even though we are sad he is gone we wouldn't want to give up the good times to avoid the pain. On the same note of that the song Trisha Yearwood's song "I would have loved you anyway" is another song that makes me think of Bryan and makes me cry. I really miss him. Wow, this thread was very heavy. Now I feel like listening to those songs. There is just something great about a song that can change your feelings. I think it is the mark of a really good song.
  14. Since my last post I have purchased: Saiyuki vol 2 Naruto vol 1 Gravitation vol 1-5 I can't wait to get my hands on more Saiyuki but until then I am very happy reading Gravitation. I really like this manga. I wasn't sure if I would but something about it just hooked me. I like the colorful characters since they all have such great personalities. I don't want to give too much away so I will leave it at that. ^_^ I would have purchased more Naruto but they didn't have vol 2 in stock! The other manga I would like to get is Alice 19th but I couldn't find vol 1 of that series either. I just wasn't having too much luck on my last manga shopping trip! :(
  15. I, unfortunately, am an "adult" and don't get summer vacation. I do get time off but it just isn't the same as summer vacation when I was still in school. My plans for my vacation time is to go to my hubby's family reunion in Indiana at the end of June then go to California for Anime Expo in Anaheim. As soon as we get back from the family reunion we have to go straight to Cali. It is going to be a crazy few weeks for me! I am looking forward to getting out of my hometown for a little change of atmosphere. I miss the days of hanging out all summer with "nothing to do". I now realize that nothing to do is much better than being overworked at a job! :rolleyes: Hope everyone has a great summer vacation! :D
  16. Panda

    Embarassing CDs

    You guys are all so young! Now I have a collection of bad cassette tapes and some vinyl!! But since this topic is just on cds..I will stick to just that format. ^_^ The most embarassing cd in my collection would have to be Michael Bolton's "Time, Love and Tenderness" CD. I think that is what it was called. I am not even sure if I still have that thing! Pretty much the only people who might listen to his music are 50 year old housewives. It is "adult contemporary" almost to the point of "easy listening". I am not sure why I had it or how it ended up in my collection, but I do admit to listening to it. How embarassing.... :blush:
  17. My pets are my kids. It's to the point when my parents come to visit they refer to themselves at "grandma" and "grandpa". I also think this is their way of trying to hint at having some real grandchildren. >_< Oldest to youngest: Ana Ng, Siamese cat who rules the house with an iron paw. She is in charge. All the other pets respect her. When I say respect, they fear her. She will run out of a room just to swat at the dogs who aren't doing anything to her. I think just knowing they are there annoys her. She is named after my favorite They Might Be Giants song. Brynner, he is a pound puppy. My best guess is he is a Rottweiler/German Shepard/Chow Chow mix. He was one of twelve from a litter. If he were a person he would be the big good looking jock that wasn't too bright. My pet name for him is Bun Bun. He is named after Yul Brynner. Heston. He is a stray I adopted. He as abused before we got him. Very sad story. He is still afraid of men. Poor pup. He is named after Charlton Heston. Harrison. Harrison is a cat I adopted from the vet clinic I worked at. He was brought in by a client because he had deformed front legs. He is a special needs kitty. He is really a kick in the pants. He loves to sit up. Looks like a penguin. He is named after Rex Harrison. If you want to read more about my pets I did do a bit of a write up on them on myO site with pictures and everything. I wish I were with them right now instead of work. They are all probably sleeping.....I am so jealous!
  18. I love the Princess Bride. It has been one of my favorite movies from when it first came out. The characters are so colorful and unique. Like Spinal Tap you just end up loving the characters for their strange little (or big) quirks. I can quote the entire movie...that is how many times I have seen it. For me it was really strange to see Christopher Guest as the 6 fingered man and see him as Nigel in Spinal Tap. He is such a good actor. I didn't even realize it was him in both roles until just a few years ago! The casting of Cary Elwes as Wesley is perfect. I had the biggest crush on him after I saw that movie. "As you wish"...that line just melts my heart! Excellent storyline, great acting, a little bit of everything for everyone to enjoy. Now I have a question for all you fans. Do you hold your breath when Wesley jumps in the lighting sand after Buttercup? I find myself doing that everytime I see that scene! :laugh:
  19. A few weeks ago I saw a special on baby beauty pageants. It was quite disturbing to me. You have girls from a few months old to college age involved. Many of the moms and dads were "stage parents". They say they are doing it for their child but when the child is tired or wants to go play they force them to "pratice" the routines. Cash, prizes, trophies, crowns...it all seems to be for the parents and not the child. The parents are proud as peacocks when their child wins. If they don't win then it's the poor judging. The time, money and everything else involved is just mind boggling! In the show I was watching one 15 year old girl was being home schooled so she could go to all the pageants. Her entire life was being involved in beauty pageants. She actually seemed to enjoy the competition, but the younger girls looked like they were doing it to please their parents. To me there is just something wrong about making your 3 year old daughter parade around wearing a ton of make up while in a bathing suit on stage.
  20. I think we are in agreement that this is a very difficult and broad question to answer. In my opinion I feel that Genjo Sanzo is the best character in anime. I think his character is really well developed. He has many flaws as well as strengths, that is what makes him such a great character. He isn't perfect, which is what I like about him so much. His troubled past that keeps following him and his dark personality just adds to the color of his character. He had to make some very difficult decisions dealing with life and death, that just has to be very taxing on him. I feel really bad for him. Characters that you don't have an emotional attachment to seem to be the boring ones. For me what makes a good character is one that makes you feel something. If that character makes you hate them with a passion or makes you feel sympathy, that is a good character. The ones that don't make a change in your emotions are the ones we forget about. Love them or hate them, if they make you feel something they are a good character. And of course there is the fangirl part of me that thinks Sanzo is really cute too! :love:
  21. Panda

    Michelle Branch

    Michelle Branch has 2 songs on the Karaoke Revolution game. "Are You Happy Now?" and "All You Wanted". I think I like her songs since I can sing along to them in the game and do well! I haven't heard too much more than the songs they play on the radio. She is very talented and it is nice to see a girl who isn't trying to fit into the Britney Spears/Christina Agulera mold of who can out shock the public more.
  22. Well they say the longest relationship you will have in life is with your siblings. Unlike friends, they will be apart of your life forever! My brother is also my friend. He is a bachelor and I invite him over for dinner all the time. If I don't he would just survive off of fast food! Anyway, moving on to my longest relationships besides the one with my sibling. My longest friendship relationship has been with my friend Melissa. I have known her since the day I was born. Our mom's are friends and we were born a few hours apart. We have pictures of the two of us being held by a nurse. Our moms even shared the same hospital room. She was, and is, still a very close friend. My longest romantic relationship is with my husband. We have been married for 8 years, going on 9 in November. We were engaged for a year and 1/2 prior to that, and dated on and off before that. I guess the total would be somewhere around 11-12 years. I met him when I was 16 and I am 28 now. I am so old compaired to many of you!
  23. I was 16 years old and at my very first job at the local movie theater. I had this huge crush on one of my co-workers. He was 21 years old and a college student. We were given the task of restocking the candy in the concession area. I was putting the candy on the shelves and he was handing them to me. I was bent over and reaching behind me and he would put the candy in my hand. He went to open a new crate of candy and I reached behind me for the next box of candy. Instead of finding a box of candy in my hand I had accidently grab him between the legs! :eek: He was really funny about it,he just said, "Oh Gail, I didn't know you cared!". I have never been so embarassed in my life. I could feel my face turning beet red. But not to worry! Three years later we got married. So perhaps this was a good thing! He jokes about it still and tells me I did it on purpose, which I did not, it truly was an accident!!
  24. Truly you have a gift for storytelling through slightly deformed stick people. LOL I loved it, it was great. Who needs all that fancy CG to tell a great animated story! It was very humorous and I enjoyed it alot. Thank you for sharing. LOL :laugh:
  25. Every year after Christmas before New Years my family gets together to make Mochi. It is a sweet rice cake. Very yummy. Japanese tradition says that you are suppose to eat the rice cakes on New Year's Day for a great coming year. So we all get together and make cakes and usually have a huge meal. It is a nice way to spend time with the family and visit. We take the extras over to our friends and wish them a happy new year. It is alot of fun and I know this is a tradition that I will continue until the day I die. My hubby, who comes from a German heritage thinks that it is a great tradition and loves to participate. He is pretty good at making the little cakes! :D Great,now I am craving some Mochi!
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