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Everything posted by Panda

  1. Anime elitists make me giggle. Some say a true fan needs to love the "classics", steer clear of mainstream stuff (unless you "found" it before anyone else), hate dubs and watch anime in Japanese - raw- because you should have learned the language to enjoy it how it was "meant to be". Whatever. I see anime fans like, let's say football fans. I could say that you aren't a real football fan unless you love the Seahawks. We all know that kind of argument wouldn't fly so why do people make it when it comes to anime? "You aren't a real fan unless you love {insert anime series}." People like what they like. Anime is made for many different tastes. I'm not going to razz someone for not loving what I think is the best anime ever. Trying to one-up someone in fandom is not my bag, that's for sure. To me a fan is someone who enjoys anime.
  2. There is a slot on one side of the DS that takes the DS games while the other side of the handheld has a slot for GBA games. So think of it like a car stereo that has a spot for CDs and one for cassette tapes.
  3. [QUOTE=Sara][color=#b0000b][size=1]When it gets to be late summer/early fall, I literally walk around every day thinking [b]God, I love this season.[/b] Some days cool, some days hot. Stormy. Windy. Colorful. Crisp. Leaves on the sidewalk. Cold in the air. Sunlight on your back. Blue skies that go on forever. Yes, please.[/size][/color][/QUOTE] So very true! I love fall when all the leaves on the trees begin to change and the mornings are brisk. Afternoons are warm. Evening are cool. It's not too cold or too hot. When you step outside in the morning and take a deep breath in you feel completely alive and refreshed. I got married in the fall since I absolutely love that time of year so much. I love late summer/early fall.
  4. Keeping my feet happy is very important so I am all for the correct sock for the job. When I wear my hiking boots or work boots I wear these heavy duty socks. The kind you make sock monkeys out of. For exercising I wear white ankle sport socks. For fun I'll put on some panda print socks. I've got a ton of socks with pandas on them! For lounging around the home front I have a couple of favorite pairs. One pair are 3 different colors, super warm, uber soft and, of course, don't match any outfit I own. The other pair are a light sea foam green and when I put them on I just feel all warm and fuzzy. Of course I do like to go sockless at times. Sandals are a must for me in the summer. If I don't who will ever know that I have the coolest nail polish on my toes! :catgirl:
  5. I love playing board games! It's nice to unplug once in a while and play a good old fashioned board game with friends. I totally rock at Pictionary but find playing against my hubby and brother unfair since they are both very talented artists (college degrees and all that jazz) that can draw really well, really quickly. I make up for my lack of drawing skills with superb guessing skills. Oval + 3 short lines = daschund. Yeah, I totally rock that game. Clue, Monopoly, Risk, Trivial Pursuit (80's edition is super hard!) Checkers, Chess... they are all just fun to play! Someone mentioned Scrabble, I haven't played that game in ages! I should dig through my closet and see if I still have that game somewhere. I really want to play it now. Ah, so many board games so many wonderful memories of spending time with friends and family. Memories like fighting with my brother over Monopoly "rules" and the ethics of whoever is the banker. :animeangr
  6. I just got back from a long weekend in Las Vegas. Vacations for me really isn't dependent on breaks from school anymore since college is but a distant memory. My next "vacation" is for Sakura-con in Seattle, Washington this next weekend then Anime Expo in Long Beach, California during the 4th of July holiday. Other than that I have nothing else planned. I may tag along with my hubby on a business trip or two, but that really isn't vacation. His next trip is in 3 weeks and he will be going to Tampa, Florida.
  7. Clurr, I hope you had "not pigeons" on your Bottom 10. There are plenty of things that grind my gears but I think one of the things at the top of the list would be people who are outright mean and spiteful to others and say they are "just being honest" or it's just "constructive criticism". They troll around baiting people to see who they can get a rise out of. When confronted they act innocent and say the offended person is taking things the wrong way since they are just "trying to help". Yet anyone and everyone can see there is plenty of venom behind their words. :animeangr
  8. Have your friend email me directly from the email account used to set up the account on theOtaku.com. I will work with them individually to solve the issue. My email is [email]Gail@theOtaku.com[/email]
  9. Just to make sure I'll light a fire under Adam as well. I know tonight he is working on network stuff so hopefully this is on the "to do" list. I haven't been getting any emails about PMs from the OB so it would be nice to have that back. :catgirl:
  10. [COLOR=DarkRed]This thread is getting off topic. If you want to continue the language discussion please take it to PM's start a new thread. Thanks![/COLOR] Name: Mom Real name: Yoriko Current age: I'm not going to say, it would be rude. Height: 4'10 , 76 lbs. Hair: Black Eye colour: Brown My mom is my best friend. We spend lots of time together hanging out, shopping and even watching anime. She is the strongest person I know. I don't mean strong in terms of muscles, but spirit. She has severe health problems yet she doesn't let it bring her down. Multiple surgeries, more prescriptions than a pharmacy and constant pain yet she always has a smile on her face. She never let her health problems stop her from being a great mom. My mom is my inspiration, my hero and my very best friend in the entire world.
  11. People have been using the "oldest profession" for ages. I think it should be legal as it is in Nevada (except Clark county that is)- Highly regulated, monitored and taxed. People are going to seek this service out anyway, legal or not. I think it should be taxed the heck out of and then that money can be used to help the community.
  12. Panda

    Drum Hero?

    I was chatting about this with friends the other day. We were saying how much fun it would be to have an entire band. You got Karaoke Revolution for the singers. DDR for the dancers. Guitar Hero for the guitarists. And only Donkey Konga for drummers. If there was a way to make drumsticks in a Wii controller sort of way that you can "air drum" the parts that would be fun. It wouldn't require lots of parts, just sticks that somehow could tell what level/direction you are drumming and maybe a bass drum pedal. In KR there is a mode that you can sing and use a DDR pad to dance at the same time. Why not make an entire band!
  13. When meeting new people I find that a smile goes a long way. :D If the person is someone that you have a mutual friend, have them introduce you. This will help break the ice. And, of course, as many other people have mentioned, just be yourself. Think about how relaxed you are when you are hanging with your best friend and extend that relaxed, non-stressed feeling to other people.
  14. I would rather spend the day with Michael Jackson. It would be interesting to speak to a music legend about his career and about his life in the public eye. I really don't see a day with Hillary Duff being anything but a boring time since I really have nothing to talk to her about.
  15. [quote name='Shadow Blade][SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]So on a lighter note the question is what scares you as a male or female?[/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote] Honesty one thing that does scare me as a woman is the thought of childbirth. I'm not going ot have children and this is one of the reasons why. The thought of the pain is scary to me. There are so many horror stories of women dying, how horrible the pain is, complications and such that the thought of giving birth to a child is quite frightening to me.
  16. I have to admit that I only skimmed through the linked articles since, well, they really don't apply to me. I'm already married, over 30 and a woman. And I'm sure we can see from the article source that I am not considered in the reader demographic. LOL I am with those who just want to live a comfortable life. Which I am. I have all those things "grown ups" are suppose to have to prepare for the future. I started making plans for retirement when I was in my early twenties. As long as I don't have to worry about how I am going to pay the bills or where my next meal is coming from I'll be fine.
  17. Welcome to theOtakuBoards. Please be aware that we have a rules page that all members are required to read before posting. These [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?"][U]Rules[/U][/URL] and [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/faq.php?][U]FAQ[/U][/URL] can be found on the left navigation menu and the [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=52331][u]Otaku Lounge Rules[/u][/url] are pinned at the top of the forum. You can also use the underlined links I have just provided. We encourage people to introduce themselves within their posts as they enter discussions throughout the boards. We would rather that than having a ton of introduction threads. A great way to figure out how things work is by reading through some of the existing threads to get a feel for the boards. Unfortunately since intro threads are considered spam I am going to lock this thread. If you have any questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Again, I welcome you to the boards and I hope to see you posting around the site. Have fun! :catgirl: : ~Panda
  18. The March issue of Game Informer has "The top most wanted songs for Guitar Hero 3". There are some good songs on the top ten list and some great honorable mentions as well. Of course Zeppelin is number one. Other bands in the top ten are Metallica, AC/DC, Derek and the Dominos, Soundgarden, Bon Jovi, At the Drive-In, Living Colour, The Strokes and Television. I love this game. I just wish I didn't have arthritis so I could play it more than I do. I get about 3 songs and then have to quit. It so totally does not rock. But what does rock is the fact Spinal Tap and Strong Bad's Trogdor are on the game. You can't go wrong with that!
  19. Hi Moonlight87! Are you still having difficulties accessing parts of theOtaku.com site? Which wallpaper links are you trying to use? Are they ones on theOtaku.com menu bar, the links at the top of the backroom or the ones at the bottom of the OtakuBoards page? We'll have to make sure we don't have a broken link somewhere. The backroom issue and answer for site requirements are going to have to be fielded by the technical support crew. For that you might want to send a PM off to "massin". Hopefully things are back to normal for you with the site. If not feel free to PM or email me (Gail@theOtaku.com) and I can see if we can get the problems solved. :animesmil
  20. Anime Pet: Are you still having problems with the site shutting down on you? We haven't been having any troubles on our end with servers. It may be something with your individual computer. Please let me know if you are still having trouble accessing the site. Grey Wolf Tsume: That is quite unusual and definitely a first for me to hear about. I am assuming that your screen name here is the same as over on theO. Using the main page of theO as the starting point as an example. You should see in the upper left corner under the banner for theOtaku.com a menu bar that runs the lenght of the left side. It's similar to what we have here on the OB. It should look similar to this when you are signed in under that main banner: [b]Welcome, Gray Wolf Tsume.[/b] [list] [*][u]Site Backroom [*]Log Out[/u] [/list] If you are signed in the link to the Site Backroom should take you to your backroom. While checking the account with the above user name it shows that the site is turned off so unless you change the option to have your Site Status "On" then your site will not be open for people to visit. From the administrator backroom your site looks like everything should be working correctly. If you are still having trouble accessing your backroom please let me know. :animesmil
  21. Apartment life makes me think of college and completely destroying my old couch by smashing it into a million pieces so I could fit it into the dumpster so I wouldn't have to move it. That thing was so old and it was kinda fun to totally trash a couch like a rock star would thrash a hotel room. I should have heaved it off the balcony... that would have been so cool. I really did like that apartment. Apartment B-308. It was nice and as Whiteblaze mentioned - apartments are cozy. I was on the third floor and I had super quite neighbors all around me. Either that or that apartment complex actually had good sound insulation. I had a sweet little kitchen with a breakfast bar. There was the one big rectangle room which was the dining room/living room. I only used the breakfast bar since putting a table and chairs in there would eat up too much space. On the far wall was a small balcony with a nice view of the parking lot. Which really was nice since I could peek out at my car to make sure it was still there! There was a small hallway. Which had three doors. One directly to the left was a large storage room. Straight ahead the bathroom and to the right the one bedroom. The one and only window had the same view as the balcony. The plus to living in an apartment is when something breaks, like the stove or fridge, you just call for someone to come up and fix it. Landscaping is maintained by the apartment staff. There was also a nice hot tub, swimming pool and sauna. Yeah you don't get much space but those were nice little perks. As a homeowner I get more space but I have to make sure everything is maintained. Gotta mow the law, pay someone to fix the broken appliances and no more hot tub, sauna or pool. I really miss the hot tub. One thing I definitely don't miss is lugging all my laundry and supplies down to the basement to do laundry. One time I went down there and it smelled like burning rubber. Another person who also came into the laundry room helped me look for what was causing the stink. We found that someone had left their clothes in one of the dryers and something on one of the articles of clothing had melted. Not sure if it was like one of those plastic knobby things that are on drawstrings or what but it was melted right onto the dryer. The other person and I just got our laundry done and left before the owner of the melted clothes ever came back. I wonder if they ever came back for their melted clothing. LOL
  22. *First of all, I'd like to ask how old are you? [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]Don't you know it's rude to ask a lady how old she is?! LOL I am 31.[/COLOR] *How would you say you feel about abstinence? (A. Excellent, B. Good, C. Fair, D. Poor) [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]D. This is in reference to me. I am married. Now if this question is in reference to someone who is underage than A. [/COLOR] *And how many times have you been in a situation where you had to make a decision to abstain from sexual activity or not? (It's cool to estimate.) [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]Honesty, I don't know. I'd say before I got married...a few dozen.[/COLOR] *How many relationships have you been in? (A numerical estimation is cool here too.) [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]2 [/COLOR] *How often would you say you see public displays of affection? [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]Rarely nowadays. I really don't spend much time out and about so the most I see is hand holding.[/COLOR] *When you see these public displays of affection would you say you're offended in any way? [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]I'm not but I do believe there is a time and place to be intimate. That time and place is not the check out line at the grocery store.[/COLOR] *Would public displays of affection be alright for you to show? [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]I feel comfortable holding hands, quick pat on the bottom and a quick kiss.[/COLOR] *How far would you say is too far for a public display of affection? (A. Kissing, B. Hugging, C. Other. If other, could you provide me with a short explanation of what you consider too far?) [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]C. I would say too far is reaching under clothing to fondle parts.[/COLOR] *In your opinion have school dances become too sexual? Yes/No. [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]N/A. I haven't been in school (or college) in years so I can't say how dances are now.[/COLOR] *At what age do you think that dating should begin? (Like, a real age not "Whenever!") [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]16. You gotta be able to drive yourselves on dates. Having mommy and daddy take you and your guy/gal in the family mini-van for your date is just embarassing. lol[/COLOR] As I mentioned before I feel, and have always felt, that there is a time and place for showing certain levels of affection. Holding hands and a quick kiss is fine in general public but going beyond that I feel should be done in private. Standing in line at the post office or DMV reaching down each others pants is really not appropriate. :animeshy:
  23. Thank you for deeming me Nifty and congratulations to all the nominees and winners! Once again this year's Nifty Fifty is visually appealing and a great list of some of the people and events that make theOB the end all Niftiest places to be on the internet. Congratulations to everyone...[SIZE=1]especially you size 1 font[/SIZE]!
  24. I first heard about the mall shooting last night from Aaryanna. My thought and prayers go out to those suffering in the community especially the families of all those involved. Listening to the news this morning reported that 5 people and the 18 year-old shooter have been killed. For me the closest I have to a similar incident was a few years back. Before Columbine and all the other school shootings there was one in my hometown. A troubled kid named [u][URL=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barry_Loukaitis]Barry Loukaitis[/URL][/u] killed 3 people in a school shooting. My hometown is small so everyone pretty much knows everyone in this town. I currently live about 5 minutes away from that school. Heck, we only have one high school! The teacher who tackled Barry and held him down till the cops came was one of my former teachers. I know some of the vicitims' families from taking care of their pets at the vet clinic I worked at. This was probably the worst event in our town's history. Some of the victims families have moved away because it was too difficult to stay here. What is left are the memories and a memorial outside of the school for the victims. It's all just sad.
  25. Sun Shang Xiang is my favorite character to use in DW5. I love her chakrams. You run into the middle of a swarm of soldiers and just unleash a Musou attack and watch the body count rise!
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