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I am sorry to hear about your situtation. That was very cruel of her to do that to you. You deserve to be with someone who give you the respect you deserve. If she cared about you she would have been upfront and honest about wanting to go out with someone else and not wanting to go to the prom. I wouldn't take out your anger on the new guy. He is with a girl who obviously doesn't care about others feelings and he will see her true colors soon enough. If she was willing to do that to you, what will she do to him? Maybe he will dump her and she will end up all alone. Whatever happens, happens. Hope you are feeling better and don't let this get you down. Breaking up is difficult no matter what the situation. Best of luck to you.
What was the very best and the worst concerts you have attended? What made them stand out and do you think that concert prices for those ticket were too high or just right? For me the very best concert I have gone to was They Might Be Giants. What makes this one better than the others I have gone too is the concert was held in a smaller venue so you got to be closer to the band. The price was resonable and they put on a great show. My friends and I were close enough that we got guitar picks from the band! I would definately go see them again! The worst concert is a tie. New Kids on the Block or Michael Bolton, both back in the 80's. What made the NKOTB concert bad was it was in a huge venue so you couldn't even see the band very well. The ticket price I am not sure of since my friend got me my ticket. This was when they were really popular so we almost got crushed in the stampede to get into the building. The show itself was awful. Sound was feeding back, the language they used to talk to their fans was not age appropriate and it was really hot! I am embarrased to say I saw them in concert! LOL The other bad one was Michael Bolton. Yet another concert where my friend, in fact, the same friend who got me the New Kids ticket, purchased them. Again, we were so far away you couldn't see anything. It was an outdoor venue in August and over 100 degrees outside. Drinks were really expensive and you couldn't bring in anything from home, you had to buy their concessions. A day out in the heat followed by mellow adult contemporary music. zzzzz Both tickets I feel were overpriced. I know, I didn't pay for them, but they were still too expensive. My time is more valuable than those concerts were! So, what were the best and worst concerts you have gone too?
This is definately one list that changes as my moods change. I would have to say that my three favorite movies right now are "Say Anything", "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" and "Airplane". Say Anything- Growing up in the 80's I loved this movie. I loved how the underdog, Lloyd could end up with the cute, smart girl. Love has no bounds and even through all the trials their relationship suffers, they see it through to the end. There is always something great about a story about the underdog coming out on top. I love that. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof- Liz Taylor as Maggie the cat is one of her best roles. I think she is beautiful and does a wonderful job acting. Paul Newman as Brick does a wonderful job acting as well. The conflict in this family is just too good to not watch. It is one of those stories that you feel bad for everyone, yet pity everyone at the same time. You will definately feel better about your own family when you watch this family! Airplane- I know, not a life changing movie. Whenever I feel bad, sick or just need a no brainer to watch, this is the movie I pick. The funny thing about this movie is how accurate the aviation termanology is. Many movies that are suppose to be "accurate" end up using stuff that makes no sense at all. Airplane is actually on the ball when it comes to flying terms. Life gets too serious and having something to laugh at is a nice break. Now that is my list for right now, ask me in a couple of days and I will probably have 3 different movies to list! LOL
My personal views on religion would have to be summed up in one word....confused. I was raised in a family that the majority was/is Buddhist. My mom was Buddhist then became Baptist. My dad was raised Buddhist. They both go to a Christian Missionary church now. :confused: Going to the Missionary church there were many things they taught us in Sunday school that I didn't like the idea of. I know it bad to pick and choose parts of religion, which is something else they taught us, but I can't help it. We were taught if you were not Christian you would go to hell when you died. That means the majority of my family who has past on is now in hell. They were good people, yet by the teachings of the Missionary church they are in hell. There are many teachings in the Missionary church I agree with, but that was one belief I don't agree with. Right now both my husband and I do not attend church. We live our lives by the golden rule and try to be good people. He was raised going to the Church of the Brethern. I am open to learning about all the religions in our world. On a side note, thank you to those of you who have given information about their religions. I think it is great that we can share this information about our faiths. Many times all we know about other religions is rumors and tall tales. Thanks for sharing.
I am finally getting over my cold. It has been hanging on for over 3 weeks now! :flaming: It is very true that daytime tv isn't that great. I have watched all of X, Hellsing, Noir and caught up on a ton of reading. I even tried my hand at updating my website and designing my very first banner for this site! I played a couple of games on the PS2 but it was hard to concentrate on gaming when I was coughing so much. Those of you who are at home, enjoy having parents to take care of you when you are sick. There are times that living on your own is great, but when you are sick is definately not one of them! Feeling terrible and having to get up and cook and clean is no fun. Thanks again for all the suggestions, I have put many of them to use while fighting off this 3+ week cold. :D
I started reading manga when I was probably about the same age as many of you are now...probably 15 or 16. I would read manga at my dad's office. He works for Japan Airlines and they have a company "library" that all the employees drop off books and magazines to share with each other. There is always some manga from fellow employee's kids. I ended up reading Ranma 1/2. Before that manga really didn't interest me since the stories were a bit too old for my tastes. I would choose to read the kids books. I enjoy the art and it keeps my reading skills up. You know, if you don't use it, you lose it. I should really start reading more manga again. LOL I have slacked off on my Japanese manga since you can easily find manga in english now in bookstores and malls. I guess I am just too lazy and choose to read the manga in english now. The latest one I have purchased is Saiyuki. The last one I read (reread) in Japanese was Ranma 1/2 number 15. So to sum up, I started reading manga as a teenager and the reason was because I enjoy the stories and artwork. :D
Uzumaki Naruto already beat me to it! I love that banner and avi. Very nice work. I will still post my little try. Hope you like them. It was fun trying to make these. You can tell that mine are done by a newbie banner/avi maker. Thanks for giving me an excuse to try my hand at making a banner and avi for a fellow Saiyuki lover! Any excuse to look at those cute boys is a good one! :D [IMG]http://www.televar.com/~jkb/arylleavi.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.televar.com/~jkb/aryllebanner.jpg[/IMG]
I will try my luck at making a banner for you. I need the pratice and just made my own Genjo Sanzo banner today. Which by the way was my very first attempt at making a banner. I will get started on it first thing tomorrow morning. If you don't like it no biggie, this will give me a chance to use a great picture I have of Hakkai. After all, this will only be my second attempt to make a banner! I love Saiyuki so I will do my best to make you proud! Just to check with you, do you like the pictures of him in his usual outfit or do you like the ones with more modern clothes? Just so I know what kind of image to use. Feel free to drop me an email or PM. I will just start working on stuff and see if you like it. :D
Anime Wow... they're just like me!: Characters you identify with
Panda replied to Balinese's topic in Otaku Central
There isn't one single character that sums me up. I have traits of several different characters. I would have to say that Akane Tendo from Ranma 1/2 is one of the characters I identify with. She is a bit of a tomboy, into martial arts, not the best cook but tries hard, puts up a tough front but is really sensitive inside and has a wacky family with weird little quarks. :wigout: Another character would be Subaru in .hack/sign. I spend time online enjoying a freedom that I don't have in real life. Online it doesn't matter what you look like, how old you are, what religion, gender, or how much money you have in your pocket. All that matters is the way you conduct yourself online. That is what will be used by others to judge your character. I find myself, like Subaru, looking out for the welfare of others online. The third character would be Lisa Hayes in Robotech. I fell in love with a pilot who at first didn't even know that I was around. Went though some hard times but came out together in the end. She is very dedicated to her career and can sometimes come across as being "an old sourpuss". Each of those character and I share similar characteristics, but I can't think of just one that fits me completely. I guess I don't make a very good anime character. :( -
If you are on an anime message board this topic will pop up a million times. LOL I actually watch an anime in Japanese, then with subs, then in english. I am very fortunate that my first language was Japanese since that is what my family speaks at home. I compare and contast the versions. I see how close the versions are...then as fun I will see if my translation of the Japanese version is close to what the subs actually say. I know, that is pretty sad when you watch an anime just to check your language skills. LOL All in all, it is personal preference on which you like. Sometimes the voice acting in English or Japanese is annoying. If you don't like the sound of someones voice it makes watching anime in either language difficult.
The first time I found out about Last Exile was at Anime Expo this past year. The preview hooked me right away. I love the look of the character design and mecha. The soft coloring and look of the anime gives it a bit of a "dream" feel to it. I also love the dark and brooding characters like Alex Row. I am currently in the process of buying the DVD's. I have throughly enjoyed the episodes I have seen so far and can't wait until all the disks are released. I am also hoping that they will make a goat plush like the one that Alvis Hamilton carries around. ::baaaaa::
Looks like all is fine now. It looks like it was just alittle hiccup in the system that worked itself out. It's nice to be apart of a web community that cares about it's members and willing to help with their posting problems. Thank you for all your help, I really do appreciate it. :D Wonderful site and I love the high quality of posts in the forums. I hope to contribute to the boards. See you all around the boards! :D
I watch anime as a form of entertainment. I love animation and anime seems to have a different caliber of storyline than that of "American" animation. Anime has more "adult" storylines and actually expect you to pay attention to each episode. Mind you, there are many good "American" animations out there but most stuff is geared towards the SpongeBob age group versus the wide age range of anime. On the "Otaku" discussion. Being Japanese, that word is very offensive to some in Japan. I see it like any word that has a negative connotation that is adopted as a badge of honor. It's like the Meredith Brooks' song "*****". The word has a negative connotation but has been adopted by some as an honored titled they have worked hard to achieve. To each their own. :D Again, I am an anime fan because I love the art form. I spend my cash on it and use my vacation time to go to cons to spend time with others who feel the same way.
I got the number 20 from a post James made about how the new member status would automatically changed after that many posts. :D It really doesn't matter to me but if it is a bug in the system I think the admins would like to know about it. I just like posting to interesting threads. I have started more than 3 threads so I guess there is a glitch in my profile. A perfect example is this thread. I started it but it is not showing as a thread I started. Weird huh. Thanks again for the response Boo. :D
At this very moment my favorite anime quote is by Izumi from Nadesico. She is with the other 2 female pilots camping out. "I ran out of filters so I ran the tea though a copy of Shakespeare, now I have the Tempest in the Teapot, that's trouble brewing." What I love about this quote is that Izumi makes all these little jokes that if you aren't paying attention to her you will miss. Her jokes are sometimes punny, but they generally are really smart. I think that sometimes they go over the heads of some of the other characters and I like jokes like that. Izumi will be herself, say the jokes she gets and thinks are funny, and I like that about her. I wish I could be more like that. Be happy for who you are and who cares what anyone else thinks as long as you are happy. :D Make your own fun! :laugh:
I have had dreams that last longer than one day but I think the dream that stands out to me is a reoccuring dream I have. I have been dreaming this same dream for at least 15 years. I am not sure what triggers the dream but everytime I am dreaming it, I tell myself "Oh, it's the dream again!". In this dream I am following a man in a trench coat. I never see his face and that is one of my goals is to finally catch up with him to find out who he is. When I was younger I though maybe this was suppose to be my soul mate, but I have found my real life soul mate and I am still having this dream. Weird huh. Timelines in dreams are an unsual thing. Sometimes my dreams seem to last only a "few hours" of a day up to several years or lifetimes.
I just have a few questions I am hoping someone can direct me in the right direction for the answers. I have been looking around the site and haven't found my answers! Help! :confused: -Does membership status change after you have started 20 posts or after you have posted 20 times? Or has that number changed since the update in system? -When I go into My Profile and use the "Thread started" link it only shows 3 of the threads I have started. Does it only show three or is this a glitch in the system? The "post started" shows all the responses I have left and all the threads I have started. -Is there a newbie area/ new member FAQ link or is it just best to message a mod for help with questions like this? I really enjoy the boards here but don't want to add to the work of the mods by asking questions they probably have had to deal with over and over. If someone can direct me to the answers, or answer my questions, I would really appreciate it. I would really like someone to tell me what I am doing wrong so I can quit being such a newbie and learn the ins and outs of the boards! Thanks all!
Lots of good suggestions. I have started a few posts on the message board here which has been quite entertaining. I will probably turn on the PS2 for some .Hack a little later just to raise a Grunty or two. It's hard for me to concentrate on games when I am sick so Grunty raising might be the extent of my gaming abilities. LOL I haven't read a good book in awhile or done any art or writing. Of course, when I am sick I am not going to do my best work which ends up just frustrating me. I think I might do something I haven't done in years....a puzzle! Thanks again for the suggestions!
If you could magically be transported into an anime, what anime would you want to be apart of? Mind you, this is not what character you would want to be, this is you in an anime. You would still be you, with the knowledge you have now and you are just transported into this anime universe. With my life experiences and knowledge I have I wouldn't mind being transported into the Chobits world. I know, not very flashy, but I could handle that. It is like the times we live in now but with persocoms. I would love to have a persocom to help me out. I have excellent credit so I am sure I could get a loan to buy a persocom. The best thing is you can have your persocom go out and work to earn money...so they pratically pay for themselves! Other animes like NGE or Hellsing have way too much conflict and too much of a chance of me getting hurt. I don't think I would want to be living in an anime that had a lot of war, demons, vampires or things I couldn't defend myself against. That is just too much stress. So what anime world would you want to be transported into and why?
When you were younger, let's say grade school age, what did you want to be when you grew up? Has it changed now that you are older? If it hasn't, what are you doing to make your dream into a reality? If it has changed, what is your dream job now? When I was younger I wanted to work with animals. I have always loved dogs and cats. I wanted to be a veterinarian. As I got older I realized that there was a lot of negative things about being a vet. So I went to college and became a veterinary technician. A technician is an animal nurse. You get to help the animals, but you never have to go into a room and give the owners' bad news like their pet is dying. My dream from when I was little changed, but not by much. What were/are your dreams for "when you grow up"?
I am looking for members of any Drum Corps International Drum and Bugle Corps members! I was wondering what corps are you a member of, what years you marched, who is your favorite corps and what is your favorite memory? If you are not a member, have you ever heard of Drum and Bugle Corps? In 1991 I marched with the Marauders Drum and Bugle Corps based out of Longview, Washington. We went on tour and traveled around the country competing in different states. The DCI World Championships that year was in Dallas, Texas. Anyone who is a member of a corps will tell you that there is nothing more exciting that being on the field performing infront of 30,000+ people! My favorite corps is the Phantom Regiment. I loved their '91 field show where they performed the Bacchanal! My corps, the Marauders, had a pirate theme and we performed "Captain Blood" and "Victory at Sea". I think what made it the most exciting about going on tour was that this was my first adventure on my own without my parents! Everyone in the corps was between the ages of 15 and 21. The staff was a little older but there were 240 members in the corps to keep track of! If you have the musical talent to join a corps, I highly recommend it! :D
I have been fighting off the flu for the past 3 weeks and have missed several days of work. I have run out of things to keep me from dying of boredom so I need your help. When you are at home to sick to go to work or school, but not sick enough to just stay in bed, what do you do to keep yourself from being bored? I have been marathoning some anime, watched tv, looked around on the internet and worked on my personal website. What else can I do to keep myself occupied until I am feeling well enough to go out again? What do you do when you are stuck at home sick? Thanks in advance for any suggestions! :D
densuke you are right about that. It really does depend on the time and place for a food to be unusual. What is funny is 1/2 the food you listed can be found in my home right now! Natto, I can't stand the stuff. My hubby loves it. I really think Natto is a food that there aren't fence sitters on. Either you love it or hate it. I can live the rest of my life without ever having to eat Natto again! I think it kind of smells like old coffee. MRE's....I have never had them before. I know when my hubby was fighting fires for the Dept of Natural Resources in 1989 they fed the firefighters MRE's that were from the 1960's! Do those things really last forever? Seaweed is great! I grew up with it so I love the stuff! :tasty: I guess this goes back to that saying that if you are asian you will eat anything from the sea! LOL Has anyone here eatten any bugs? Wild animals like bear or moose? Keep on listing those unusual foods that are out there to consume!
What is the most unusual or exotic food you have ever eatten? What was it like and would you eat it again? For me the most unusual food I have ever eatten is jellyfish. It has an weird texture. Jellyfish is chewy on the outside like jello, but has a cruchy part inside like a rice crispy. Very salty and slimy. It was served cold so I am not sure if it was cooked first then put in the fridge or if it was raw. I wouldn't go out and order more, but if it were given to me I might eat it again. I would love to hear what interesting foods you have tried. Any recommendations? Food is fun and I am willing to give anything a try once. Well, almost anything, no fear factor "food" for me! LOL
Slang words come in and out of our vocabulary. I haven't been able to keep up with all the changes! Growing up in the 80's (which is the time many of you were born!) leaves me with very dated slang words. I still find myself saying "totally" totally too much. LOL Of course, I am with my friends who are the same age and have the same old slang words. You will all see when you are my age you will be using the slang words you grew up with!! As for all the new slang words, I am really out of the loop on this. The newest thing I find myself saying is "meh". Other than that, the old tried and true sayings are what I stick with. As for group appropriate speech patterns I find myself using lots of medical terminology when with my friends. Since we all work in health care it is something we all understand and what we are familiar with. "My TPR and CRT seems a bit off today, I might be a bit anemic, I think the boss should take us out to lunch!" :laugh: