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Everything posted by Panda

  1. It is very disturbing when you start to see all these attention seekers who get on tv during terrible events just so they can get some attention. I guess it's the mentality of "any attention is good attention". Like those people who went out to the Twin Tower site with pictures of missing loved ones when they didn't have anyone there at all. Meh to them. I would have to agree with HedonismBot that everyone lies from time to time. Like when you are at the store and the clerk asks you how you are doing today...do you honestly tell them that you are doing crappy or do you just say "fine" even though it's a lie? I just give the generic response of fine because I doubt they really want to know how I am doing. LOL I suppose this is why when you are in court they make sure you know you need to "tell the truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth". It's very, very easy to only tell half truths and little lies.
  2. Panda


    *pokes GrimmFang with spork* Check out Petie's [u][b][URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=53703]very helpful sticky[/URL][/b][/u] at the top of this forum. Your answer is in there. :catgirl:
  3. The topic of your thread would be best suited for the Music, Movies and TV Forum. But do to it's low quality I'm going to lock it here versus moving it to the appropriate forum. As it is now there is no clear subject that you want to discuss. The only question you asked will result in a yes or no response and no conversation. Be sure when starting a thread you use proper capitalization in your responses. Also the use of messenger shorthand is also frowned upon. Please feel free to improve the quality of your topic and repost it in the appropriate forum. If you have questions about posting quality or any of the rules feel free to PM myself or any of the moderators on the site. Thanks! -Panda
  4. Truly, the job of stay-at-home mom is way underappreciated. I know I would totally go insane if I were to be stuck in the house all day doing chores while tending to little ones. Mega props to those moms. They rock. As for my folks. My dad has worked at Japan Airlines Flight Training Facility for the past 34 years. His job has evolved over the years and now it seems like all he does is sit at his desk in the office and read the newspaper. LOL I guess there are perks for being the senior employee. With the major changes in the airlines industry they just aren't training as many new pilots as they use to. My mom is a housewife. She is very sickly and cannot work. She keeps busy during the day with light housework and watching television. Other than that I think her "job" is bugging my hubby and I to have kids so she can be a grandma. :rolleyes:
  5. Welcome to theOtakuBoards sweet~chan18! Please be aware that we have a rules page that all members are required to read before posting. These [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?"][U]Rules[/U][/URL] and [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/faq.php?][U]FAQ[/U][/URL] can be found on the left navigation menu and the [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=52331][u]Otaku Lounge Rules[/u][/url] are pinned at the top of the forum. You can also use the underlined links I have just provided. We encourage people to introduce themselves within their posts as they enter discussions throughout the boards. We would rather that than having a ton of introduction threads. For that reason I am going to lock this thread. If you have any questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Again, I welcome you to the boards and I hope to see you posting around the site. Have fun! ~Panda
  6. Since I am the youngest member of my immediate family we have a boring "grown-up" birthday gathering. I hesitate to use the word celebrations since all this gathering consists of is my parents, brother, husband and myself. We usually go out to dinner. My birthday is January 3 while my older brother is January 4 so we end up celebrating our birthdays together. As for stories I only have one about my brother's 2nd birthday. It kind of counts as my birthday story since it deals with my actual day of birth. Since my mom was in the hospital giving birth to me and dad had to work my brother had to celebrate his 2nd birthday with only my grandparents. All of his birthday pictures has him sitting there with a huge frown on his face. I joke with him that I am the best birthday gift he has ever received! Truth be known I feel really bad when looking at his unhappy face in all his 2nd birthday pictures. On a different note he is the only one to have 2 birthday parties without having to share them with anyone else. When we had birthday parties we only had one cake with both our names on it. I have never had a birthday party just for me, it's always been with my big bro. It's like being a twin without the coolness.
  7. I'll keep this answer short and sweet...just like me! :rolleyes: [b]Panda[/b] is the nickname my hubby gave to me many, many years ago. It's my nickname so I try to use it or a form or panda everywhere online. It's really tough to get "Panda" unless I'm one of the first people to sign up for an account so I usually end up with something like Panda-chan.
  8. There are so many things I am grateful for which have already been mentioned. Computers, internet, indoor plumbing and all the other creature comforts that help make me the lazy person I am. A couple of items at the top of my list are: - Central heat and air. I love having a cool house in the summer and a toasty warm one in the winter. My grandparents house didn't have central heat or air so in the winter you heated the house with the fireplace, wood burning stove and portable heaters. It seemed like my grandpa was always chopping firewood. - Modern textiles. Light weight fabrics that can keep you warm or cool. Best example. Look at those old pictures of climbers on Mt. Everest. All they had to protect themselves from the elements were layers of wool. Brrr! Hmm, appears that things that moderate my temp. are important to me. There are so many things out in our world that are just nifty. Oh and another invention I used today that I absolutely love: - Automatic bobbin winder. Anyone who sews knows how annoying it is to have to wind thread on a bobbin by hand. Most newer models of sewing machines have auto bobbin winders and they totally rock. Truly it is a gift from the sewing gods.
  9. I love window shopping! I don't have to buy anything, just looking is fine for me. It really doesn't matter where I am I will be perfectly content being a lookie-loo. Home Depot, Wal-Mart, the mall...car lots...it doesn't matter, it's all good in my book. Now if you would have asked me this question a decade or two ago it would be a different story. I use to love to buy stuff but as I got older and ended up with responsiblities (mortgage, insurance, misc. bills) my paychecks went to those instead of CDs and designer clothing. I really don't miss it and found that just looking at stuff is fine.
  10. What's in my car? Now that is a good question! Perhaps it's better that the world doesn't know. :animeswea Labor Day weekend I went on a road trip so there are some odds and ends still in it. I own the most generic car in the US: a Toyota Camry XLE. It seems like everyone and their neighbor drives a Camry. Let's see what weird things I can remember seeing in there. Front seats of car: -My hubby's sunglasses. He looks like Rude from Final Fantasy when he wears them. -Vanillaroma tree. It's getting old so the smell is getting weak. Maybe when it finally dies I'll get one of the ones you stick on the air vents. Snazzy. -Handicapped parking pass. It's one of those plastic ones that you are suppose to hang off your review mirror when parking in those handicapped parking spots. I actually perfer to park in regular parking since there are people who are far more in need of those closer spots than I. Keeping my fingers crossed that I won't have to use them all the time. -Hotel parking pass for the Red Lion on the River in Jantzen Beach (Portland, Oregon). Needed to have that thing to park in the lot for Kumoricon. -Press pass for Kumoricon and for some reason I still have my press pass from Anime Expo in there too. It was in one of the cup holders. -Glove box contains all the generic stuff you "gotta to have" in your car: maps, title, insurance, maintenance log, pens, notepad and one CD compliation containing 3 disks of 80's power ballads. -A bunch of CD's including misc. anime soundtracks, ABBA and the Laagan soundtrack. There are also a few cassette tapes which are also from the 80's. -Garbage bag that printed on the side it states:" Litter and it will Hurt". I know it means that it will hurt the environment but I like to see that statement as more of a threat to the reader. It's more fun to think of some muscle-bound thug showing up to physically harm someone who litters. :p -Box of Kleenex. I have allergies and when traveling usually there is something that sets them off. It's always good to have Kleenex handy. -1 large box of Spree candy. I get a sweet tooth on road trips. In the backseat: -On the floor is a map of the Cortona Inn in Anaheim, California. It's the map the front desk gives you to give you directions to your room. I think it might have slipped under the front seats and finally migrated to the floorboards of the backset. -Two of those roll down window shades. Otherwise the backseat is really clean. I have to get the car cleaned out for another road trip to San Francisco this next weekend. Perhaps I will find even more interesting things in there...hiding...lurking... under the seats of the car. Oh! I forgot the trunk! The trunk has all the generic car maintenance stuff in it like the spare tire, jack, "Fix-a-Flat" and roadside emergency kit. We also carry an EMT medical kit, a roll of paper towels, blanket, raincoat and gloves. Again, like the backseat it's pretty organized and clean since we use this space for our luggage when traveling. I guess that is about it. :animesigh Edit: I just noticed my car is completely void of pandas...weird. :p
  11. Panda


    I was going to say the same thing about Kon's voice. Otherwise I think it's okay. I'm still worried about the other voices like Hanatarou and all the Taichous. I guess I'll wait and see.
  12. "I know you love me, I want to wad you up into my life. Let's roll up, to be, a single star in the sky!" Banner and avi are both a simple nod to one of my favorite games Katamari Damacy. Yes, we all should love Katamari. The characters in the images are the cousins to The Prince of the Cosmos. My custom title includes lyrics to the swingin' lounge-esque song "Que Sera Sera" from the game. Beneath the banner is a little link to myO site which I am really terrible about updating. There isn't a deeper meaning or statement I am trying to make with my banner and avi. I just think the cousins from KD are cute.
  13. Try using that hand degreaser that mechanics use. The orange stuff which unfortunately right now I can't think of the name for. It works really well. Another product is called Nature's Miracle Skunk Odor Remover. It's some pretty good stuff. While working in veterinary medicine these two remedies seemed to have the best results for clients' dogs whom have been sprayed by skunks. Did you know there are states where it is legal (or at least use to be a couple of years ago) to de-scent skunks and keep them as pets? The question is what vet do they get to do this job?! I know I wouldnt' want to be anywhere near that surgical suite! Ewww, stinky!
  14. Oh how I miss bowling. My hubby and I bought each other custom bowling balls for wedding gifts for each other. He joked that instead of my name he should have put "Homer" on it. :p After we got married we would go bowling quite a bit. It was really cheap entertainment and we were both pretty good. Turkeys-o-plenty when bowling with us! But, alas, a perfect game was never had. I haven't gone bowling since I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. I've gone along to watch but no more bowling for me. :animecry: (If you get the Homer reference you rock!)
  15. [b]What year did you graduate from High School?[/b] I feel old compared to many of you! I graduated in 1994. [b]What "clique" did you belong to?[/b] I was just in a generic upper-middle class group. Most of my friends were band geeks like me. We all did well in school (honor students) and got along well with all the different groups. [b]Do you still remember your friends, do you still keep in touch?[/b] I remember my friends! I keep in touch with most of them. Many of them are married with children now so responsibilities seem to get in the way of keeping in better contact with them. A few of my friends have passed on due to accidents and whatnot. That is the worst way to lose touch with friends. [b]What state/province/country did you graduate from?[/b] I gradutated from a small high school in Washington state. [b]Do you remember your high school enemy?[/b] I didn't have one. Either that or I never noticed them... :animeswea
  16. The most important person in my life is my mom. I love my mom so much. She is a source of inspiration for me each and every day of my life. She has never let things, like her poor health, bring her down. Even now that she can no longer walk and has to use a wheelchair to get around she still keeps her chin up. There are days when my chemo makes me sick and tired and I want to give up and thinking of all the things my mom has gone through gives me strength and hope.
  17. Extremes of anything: anime fantics, sports fanatics, music fanatics...etc...will find those who hate their level of fandom. Making blanket statements based on those extreme fantics to cover all fans of whatever genre is wrong. For example saying that all sports fans, from those who riot in the streets to those who just watch it on television are the same level isn't right. Wanting to choke ALL cosplayers because just a few are over-the-top is another example of a blanket statement. I do find it quite funny and ironic that the person who wishes to do this wants to do it while cosplaying Darth Vader. I guess after choking everyone in costume he'll have to choke himself too. :p I've run into my share of Japanophiles and they are a bit creepy. One girl actually tried to one-up me on being more Japanese than me. I'm not sure why someone would want to try to do that but whatever. In the end she just ended up making a fool out of herself in front of a bunch of Japanese people. If these are the kind of people the journal writer was specifically referring too I totally understand where she is coming from. I don't have a problem with -chan and -kun since my mom still calls me Gail-chan. I wonder if Jenn would think that is wrong even though my mom was born and raised in Japan? :p In the end being a fan and having fun is one thing. Thinking you are the end all ultimate fan and there is nothing else in the world but you and your fandom is too much. Oh and blanket statements = Bad.
  18. Welcome to theOtakuBoards [[new~new]]! Please be aware that we have a rules page that all members are required to read before posting. These [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?"][U]Rules[/U][/URL] and [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/faq.php?][U]FAQ[/U][/URL] can be found on the left navigation menu and the [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=52331][u]Otaku Lounge Rules[/u][/url] are pinned at the top of the forum. You can also use the underlined links I have just provided. We encourage people to introduce themselves within their posts as they enter discussions throughout the boards. Also, we have pretty high standards when it comes to the quality of posts (ie: making them well thought out with care given to grammar). When you re-read the rules page it will make more sense to you. As it stands now your thread is not up to our standards. Please put more effort into your posts. Due to this poor quality I am going to have to lock this thread. If you have any questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Again, I welcome you to the boards and I hope to see you posting around the site. Have fun! ~Panda
  19. I don't know why I haven't responded to this thread right away, I mean come on...there are snakes on a plane! I really don't have too much to add to this conversations except that there are now cosplayers doing versions of Snakes on a Plane costumes. That totally rocks. I love the quote by Samuel L. Jackson at the MTV Movie Awards: "I'm here tonight to present the award everyone's been waiting for: best movie. Now, this award holds a special place in my heart because next year I'll be winning it for Snakes on a Plane. Now I know, I know that sounds cocky, but I don't give a damn. I am guaranteeing that Snakes on a Plane will win best movie next year. Does not matter what else is coming out. The New James Bond... no snakes in that! Ocean's 13... where my snakes at? Shrek the Third... green, but not a snake. No movie shall triumph over Snakes on a Plane. Unless I happen to feel like making a movie called Mo' Motha-****in' Snakes on Mo' Motha-****in' Planes." Genius, pure genius!
  20. This was a pretty fun thread to read through. :catgirl: My first name [b]Gail[/b], per the keychain I received as a gift from a friend many years ago, states my name means: "Her father rejoices". Hmmm, not too sure about that. When I asked my dad why they picked my first name he said: "The hospital wouldn't let us leave with you until we gave you a name." Thanks dad. :animeangr I do not have a second name since I'm cool like that. My maiden name is [b]Shimura[/b]. The kanji for this can be written in different ways. The correct way to write my family's name equals the symbols for "new village". My married name is [B]Brightbill[/b]. My hubby's family changed their name from the original Brachbiel way back when they first moved to the US. Apparently the reason behind this was to "sound more American". I believe the original family name means: "He who farms high uneven land" or something like that. I guess that means combining my maiden and married names equals "a new farm village on high uneven land". Sheesh, that seems kind of lame. :rolleyes:
  21. Long time no see Dan L! Good to see you back posting again! :animesmil I am in a long term committed relationship. I've been married for over a decade and we are still going strong. We've had our ups and downs but we work through it together. For better or worse we are in it for the long haul. Any relationship, friendship or romantic, takes work and dedication from both involved. If someone isn't willing to work through those hard times they probably aren't ready for that level of relationship.
  22. Welcome to the OtakuBoards BlueEyedAngel. Please do not bring back long dead threads. This thread was last active back in 2005. If you feel this topic still has some discussion value we prefer you begin a new thread versus resurrecting an ancient one. For that reason I am going to have to close this thread. If you have any questions about posting here on the OtakuBoards please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators on the site. Thanks! -Panda
  23. Well since all the basics have been suggested I would like to add taking a disposable camera with you. I say disposable since they take pretty good pictures and if it gets lost or stolen you aren't out hundreds of dollars like you would be with a fancy digital camera. I think having pictures of my friends is one of the best things to bring back from camp.
  24. AtomskOO, Please work on your posting quality. We have pretty high standards when it comes to the quality of posts (ie: making them well thought out with care given to grammar). Using proper capitalization is a must and makes your post much easier to read. It would also help to have a clear focus as to where you would like the conversation to go. If you have questions about posting quality please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators on the site. Thanks! On topic: No I have not heard of this man from Thailand who supposedly committed the crime. Do you have a link to a news article about it? Can you perhaps share with us what information was released about this person? It would help those of us who are not current with the happending dealing with this case or the case itself. As for what the Ramsey's named their daughter that is their own choice. I know someone who named their daughter Sky Green. To each their own. In the end it is really terrible what happened to this little girl. The entire situation surrounding her murder was just plain bizarre.
  25. Unlike those of you who live at home with the folks I don't have to keep my decorating to just my bedroom. Having an entire house to personalize means that my bedroom is actually pretty boring since it's the room I spend the least amount of time in. Hope that makes some sense. LOL My bedroom consists of a Queen sized bed, matching pair of nightstands, two dressers, one really large dog bed and a treadmill. The room is the largest of the bedrooms in the house and has a walk-in closet and bathroom. On the wall near the bathroom there is a panda calendar next to a corkboard with notes and pictures on it. This way in the morning after I finish getting ready in the bathroom I can check my board for what I need to do that day. As for decorations I have a beautiful large framed photo given to me by a local professional photographer. A few pictures of me and my hubby from when we were dating, our engagement pictures and wedding pictures and a framed poem given to us when we got married. There is a large picture window that takes up most of one wall and it has dark blue drapes. My bedding currently is a dark blue, pale yellow, white plaid comforter with solid white sheets, pillow cases and pale yellow bed skirt. The walls are white and the carpet is a latte color. At any given time there will be at least one pet sleeping in there. Usually a cat...sometimes two. At this very moment: One large orange cat. Pretty boring, I know.
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