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Everything posted by Panda

  1. It's a bit of a sticky situation. When you see a friend in trouble you want to help them. If they are in a situation where they don't see a problem they may take your concern as meddling. On the other hand if something happends and you did nothing to help you are the one who has to deal with the "what if" guilt afterward. Very tough situation. I personally would voice my concern and keep an eye on him. If things get really bad then seek out further help for him. It makes me think of that television show "Intervention". It's about people who are in self destructive life styles and those who want to help them. Sometimes you just have to do what is best for them even if at that moment they can't see it that way. Best of luck to you Solo and I hope your friend will begin taking better care of his health.
  2. [b]1. Are you a band geek?[/b] Once a band geek always a band geek. I gave up Tae Kwon Do to dedicate myself to band. I could have done both but with the amount of time/dedication required for both there was no way I would be able to perform both at the level I would be happy with. [b]2. Do you play an instrument or instruments?[/b] Yes. Trumpet, Soprano Bugle and French Horn. I have been teaching myself piano and did try to play Trombone a bit back in the heyday of my band nerdom. [b]3. If so, what instrument or instruments do you play?[/b] See above. I was really into band and Drum and Bugle Corps. [b]4. Do you play in your school band?[/b] I was in concert band, symphonic band, jazz band, pep band, marching band and Washington State Honor Band. I always competed in Solo and Ensemble and all those band competitions. I also toured the US and competed with a Drum and Bugle Corps. [b]5. do you have your own band?[/b] Nope. My musical performing days are behind me. I am a ham when it comes to karaoke so that is the only musical performance you'll see coming from me as of late!
  3. Kiba_the_Chosen, It is against the rules to post a thread for the sole purpose of advertising. If you want to advertise your site you are welcome to put a note in your signature. Because this thread breaks the rules I am going to have to close this thread. If you have questions about the rules of the site feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators of the site. Thanks! -Panda
  4. It could be Rider from Fate/stay Night. Her hair is purple, she wears a black dress-type outfit (with purple accents) and a blindfold looking thing. But without a picture it's pretty tough to be sure. Can you describe the anime plot any?
  5. Panda

    A Poem

    The topic of your thread would be best suited for the Anthology Forum. Since it would be on topic in that forum I am going to re-direct your thread over there. If you have any questions on where a topic should be posted please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Thanks! -Panda
  6. This thread has gone on far too long. It's not productive and is getting to be too heated. Please remember if there is a thread in need of a moderators attention use the "report" button, that's what it is there for. Thread Closed.
  7. Anime related threads need to be posted in the Anime Lounge. There is a specific thread for Sailor Moon discussion and it can be found in the Official Threads Directory that is stickied at the top of that forum. Since this topic is in the wrong forum I am going to close this one.
  8. What I really want right now is a cure for arthritis. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. If I could be healthy again I would do all the stuff I use to love to do...like rock climbing. I really miss climbing. I would love to have another bookshelf to put my anime DVD's on. The current one I have now is overflowing. It's so unorganized and full that it looks awful and it makes getting to a particular DVD difficult. I also really want a chocolate milkshake right now. It's so hot out it would be a nice, cool tasty treat. Chocolate....yummy.
  9. As Sara said there is a quota that needs a-fillin'!
  10. [b]Eruption of Mt. St. Helens and Funyums[/b]. May 18, 1980 Mt. St. Helens erupted dumping ash all over my hometown. While watching the news my brother and I were snacking on Funyums, those onion ring snacks you can find in the chip aisle at the grocery store. We had set the bag inside of my brother's Tonka dump truck and would push it back and forth across the living room floor as we snacked and watched the "breaking news" on the status of Mt. St. Helens. [b]Call of Cthulhu and Princess Diana.[/b] I was playing Call of Cthuhlu with some friends at my house when I found out that she had been killed in a car accident. It just made an impression on me and I am not sure why. Every time since that point when I see items related to Cthulhu it makes me think of the death of Diana. Countless songs make me think of different events in my life. There's just too much to list. One from my hubby, for some reason all seem to revolve around wisdom teeth: [b]My wisdom teeth and Flash 5[/b]. I'm pretty sure it was Flash 5. When I got my wisdom teeth removed that same day he ended up getting Flash 5. At the time we only had one computer and with me totally drugged up and out of commission he had free reign over the computer. In the few days I was sleeping off the drugs he used that time to learn how to use the program. Thus, when he thinks about Flash he thinks back to me being heavily medicated after having my wisdom teeth pulled. [b]The song 'December 1963, (Oh What a Night)' and wisdom teeth[/b]. When he had his wisdom teeth removed the last song he remembered hearing before being knocked out was 'December 1963 (Oh What A Night)' by The Four Seasons. So when the song comes on the radio he always makes mention of his wisdom teeth and the weird dreams he had while under the influence of those medications. Weird hallucinations all set to that song by The Four Seasons.
  11. I would have to say I was well-known in school but not a part of the so-called "popular" clique. Growing up in a very small rural community I pretty much knew all of my classmates from pre-school on through my senior year in school. Having an older brother who was 2 years ahead of me also increased my friend/acquaintance pool as well. I was friendly with everyone regardless of what group people were "members". In that sense I was popular. No one picked on me, everyone would talk to me, but I would hang out with my core group of friends and they are who my high school social life revolved around. As for my college days. I pretty much only made friends/acquaintances amonst the people who shared the same classes as me. I was far to busy with working full time and studies to be worried about cliques. Today I am still the same visit with everyone person. Am I popular? I don't even know if there is such a thing at my age. Unless you count being famous or infamous as popularity. While out shopping I still get former vet clients who tell me they miss me at the clinic and wish I would come back. It's nice to feel wanted but I'm not sure if that counts as popularity. The closest I came to having that feeling like I was popular recently was when my best friend's teenage daughter told her mom on a shopping trip they should have asked me to tag along because I'm fun to hang out with. Awww....I'm a grown up that's fun to hang out with, that rocks.
  12. [quote name='bellpickle][SIZE=1']Most importantly, Morita is total crack, and I honestly think the whole series is worth watching just to see him flounce around, babbling about croquettes and dying from hiccuping too much. And Nomiya's cool too, but it seems that I've run out of time, so I'll just leave it at that. :D[/SIZE][/quote] That pretty much sums up my reason for watching the series. Morita with a giant bag of croquettes of dubious origin is well worth the watch. I really enjoyed the first season and didn't know the second was out. Thanks for the heads up bellpickle! I'm going to have to re-watch the first season to refresh my memory. I think what I like about the series is the age of the characters. They are all college students instead of the token 15 year old high school students seen in every other anime series. Unfortuately for me I am highly influenced by seeing food in anime and after watching the first season I went on a bit of a croquette binge. :animeswea I hope this second season doesn't do the same to me as the first. Hmm...now I'm craving croquettes...darn it! Edit: I just remembered another reason for Ms. Dagger to check out Honey and Clover: Twister game with too many colors!
  13. I need to start off by saying [b]BKstyles[/b] you totally rock for listing [b]Chapel the Evergreen[/b]. I agree with what you have already said Chapel is the best of the Gung Ho Guns. In my opinion the one that makes the biggest change in the lives of Vash and the girls. After all he is the one who [spoiler]kills Wolfwood.[/spoiler] Even though he was only in 2 episodes he is very important to the story. I guess I should also mention that I'm a bit biased since the English language voice actor is a close friend of mine. For old school fans I would have to mention [b]Minmei/Minmay from Robotech/SDF Macross [/b] . People hate her with a passion. I understand why since she can be a whiny brat and is in the middle of the love triangle. Being a Lisa/Misa fan I understand this 100%. But when you step back and think of the role she plays in the series she is absolutely essential for the outcome of the war. Without her singing there would [spoiler] be nothing that could disarm the Zentraedi forces and lead to the Earth's victory in Force of Arms.[/spoiler] Love her, hate her, without her there wouldn't be much of a story. [b]Tatewaki Kuno from Ranma 1/2[/b]. Yes he is full of himself and a spoiled rich kid, but he is so much fun! Kuno is the only one who could be so oblivious to realize that the [spoiler]Pig-tailed Girl and Ranma[/spoiler] are one in the same. His reactions to events are priceless. Also, there wouldn't be anyone that Nabiki could totally take financial advantage of if he wasn't there to buy into all of her schemes. Oh, and I am a part of the NabikixKuno camp. They really do belong together. She loves money, he has money. It's a perfect match! [b]Nova, Claude and Rinrin from Bleach[/b]: People hate the filler arc but I really like these characters. I'm not sure how many people have told me at anime conventions they love my Claude purse but hate the filler episodes. Meh. They are fun to watch interact with the main characters. Nova and Chad are cut from the same "quiet-type" fabric. The boisterous Rinrin and Ichigo are probably the only ones who could put up with each other and Orihime and Claude...that purse....so ugly it's cute. Their skills in the [spoiler]battles against the Bount are helpful and it's great that Kon has other plushies[/spoiler] to play off of. Now if this discussion were to include manga only characters *cough*Mei Chan from FMA*cough* my list would be much larger. But that discussion is best for another thread in a different forum. For now this is my list. If I think of more I'll edit my post.
  14. Since we are putting physical appearaces aside I would have to say when I was younger I felt as though I had an "old soul". I was much more mature than others my same age. When I was 16 I knew I met the man I was going to marry. I was already taking college classes at 17 all the while working full time and taking care of my high school obligations. I would have to say back then I felt more like I was 25 years old. Now that I am older I feel I am not as old as I am. My soul is still a young 25 years old. I don't feel old/mature/responsible enough to have children. I still like anime/manga/cosplay when my friends have "outgrown" this hobby. I guess you can say I am still waiting to become a grown up. I still feel like I should be in college. To sum up: Currently I feel I am 25 years old. Now if we were to take physical appearance into consideration I would say I feel like I am 73 years old. I kind of feel like a stereotypical grandma. I am short, very squishy ( I'm overweight), positive attitude (always happy to see you), blind as a bat without my glasses and very arthritic. "Is it time for my medicine?" The only thing I am missing is the white hair, dentures, hearing aid and a fresh batch of homemade cookies!
  15. Cosplay is about having fun dressed as a character you like. Height doesn't matter. Think of all the tall Eds that are running around. He's suppose to be like 4'11 and I've seen Eds that are over 6'. I've also seen more female Eds than male ones. As long as you have fun go with the character you like. Just my cosplaying 2 cents.
  16. Welcome to theOtakuBoards wolf37841. Please be aware that we have a rules page that all members are required to read before posting. These [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?"][U]Rules[/U][/URL] and [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/faq.php?][U]FAQ[/U][/URL] can be found on the left navigation menu and the [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=52331][u]Otaku Lounge Rules[/u][/url] are pinned at the top of the forum. You can also use the underlined links I have just provided. Also, we have pretty high standards when it comes to the quality of posts (ie: making them well thought out with care given to grammar). Using messenger shorthand is not acceptable. When you re-read the rules page it will make more sense to you. As it stands now your post is very vague. What team do you want information on how to join? A school sports team? Debate team? You need to elaborate a bit more when starting a thread. Due to the poor quality of your thread and it's vague nature I am going to lock this thread. If you have any questions please feel free to PM myself or any of the other moderators. Again, I welcome you to the boards and I hope to see you posting around the site. Have fun! ~Panda
  17. [quote name='silver_blade']I read on (all-knowing) Wikipedia that CLAMP said they would resume it in the near future. Unfortunately, there are no cited sources on the page. Which brings me to another problem...[/quote] Well, I can answer this part for sure. Ageha Ohkawa said they will be resuming Legal Drug in the near future. She didn't give any more information beyond there is no problems and they will be getting back to it in the near future. Since this came directly from a member of CLAMP which I heard with my own ears I trust what Ohkawa sensei had to say. I can't wait til they get back to work on it! Edit: I'm such a loon. I should give more info as to where my info came from! [u][URL=http://www.theotaku.com/news/view/clamp_interview_at_anime_expo_'06/1577/]Check out my article on theO[/URL][/u] for more CLAMP information but I got that info during the press conference at Anime Expo '06.
  18. Make sure your wallpaper doesn't break any of the rules for submission. Double check all text is spelled correctly and easy to read. Be sure your images are clear. If your wallpapers meet all the requirements then resubmit the piece. If it still does not get approved in the next day or two you can email me the the wallpapers and I can tell you why they were denied. Or you can just email them to me and I can review them now. Up to you. -Panda
  19. [COLOR=Red]Please remember when responding to this thread to put the same high quality into your responses as elsewhere on the OtakuBoards. Explain why you listed the items that are important to you and proper grammar is a must. Kudos for those of you who have kept the quality of this thread excellent. [/COLOR] As for what makes it all worth it for me: [b]Friends and family[/b]: The time I spend with friends and family make the bad times easier to handle and the good time even more enjoyable. They are my support and I, hopefully, am to them in return. [b]My pets[/b]: The unconditional love is limitless. They never judge me for trivial things like my hairstyle or what hobbies I keep. They also get me up and moving even on my bad days that I would much rather stay in bed. They keep me going. [b]Tasty food[/b]: I really do love a tasty treat. There is so much in this world I haven't yet had the opportunity to experience. That is great motivation to keep on keepin' on. [b]Good smelling things[/b]: Candles, potpourri, bath salts, lotions, perfumes! A pleasing scent can instantly make me feel full of energy or totally relaxed. A simple pleasure I enjoy that makes life good. [b]Anime[/b]: Hours of endless entertainment that fits whatever mood I am in. It just makes me happy to watch anime. [b]Movie Quotes[/b]: I never get tired of using a well placed movie quote in a conversation. It's even better when someone else gets the joke. [b]Meeting new people[/b]: Knowing there are still people out there who are interesting and fun to hang out with I just know I have to meet them. [b]Music[/b]: I think many of you may already understand how important music is for enjoying life. Songs that seem to be written just for a certain situation I'm going through...whether that be a happy or sad time...stirs such emotion it is just essential to my life. [b]Internet[/b]: It's my life line, my connection, to the entire world. I'm sure there is much more but this is what I can come up with so far.
  20. [COLOR=Red]Kira93 - Please work on your posting quality. Capitalization is a must when posting on the OtakuBoards. Thanks! [/COLOR] As for the topic at hand. I feel "emo" is a over used term as SunfallE has mentioned. Every generation has their title for those eternally depressed kids who wear a certain style of clothing and listen to a particular type of music. This generations term just happens to be emo. Back in my day it was Grunge. Flannel shirts, Docs and the Seattle sound. Oh how I miss those good ol' days...
  21. Oh the joys of having a big brother.... When we were younger we drove each other crazy. I was such a tomboy growing up I would try to do whatever he was doing...which usually resulted in me getting hurt and him into trouble for "letting" me do whatever it was that got me hurt. He would do stuff to me and I to him in return. Being only two years apart in age we really drove each other batty. I really did love him back then since he would look out for me. On my first day of school he walked me to class. All his friends became additional big brothers. When we got older all my friends loved it since all his cute friends would hang out. :rolleyes: I never thought about his friends that way since they were like my big brothers! As adults we are friends. He's still a bachelor and, for some strange reason, just seems to stop by for a visit during dinner time. Hmmm, you don't think this is for a free hot meal now do you? We can just hang out together and there are times when we just look at each other and break into laughter for no reason. We'll talk about our childhoods and how we managed to survive. Like the time he was chasing me around the house when I ran out the front door and slammed the screen door behind me. This, just in time for him to run through the door. He was fine...until we both got it from Dad when he came home from work. :animeangr Hopefully all of you with sibling troubles will grow out of it and become friends like my brother and I did.
  22. Wait a minute...you mean there is a world [I]outside[/I] the OtakuBoards?! Besides spending time on theOtaku.com network I enjoy attending anime conventions. Despite being completely drained of money I have plans to attend Kumoricon in Portland, Oregon at the beginning of September. Unfortunately the plan to attend Anime Evolution in Vancouver, BC are out since it's next month and I will definitely not have enough money saved up by then let alone have enough to attend both cons. Bummer. If only those guys from Publisher's Clearing House would just bring me my giant million dollar check I wouldn't have to worry about money!! When my health allows it I usually can be found working on some sort of crafting project. I have a blanket I have been crocheting on and off for a while now and there is my ever growing list of cosplay costumes and props. Currently up on the list of costumes is an Ururu costume from Bleach. Since my hubby is the perfect Tessai I figured I should match him with an Ururu costume at least one day of a convention. After that I am making him an Armstrong (FMA) costume and my next one will be finishing my Katamari Damacy "Ichigo" costume. The head is about 1/2 way complete! Besides crafting and sewing I enjoy spending time reading manga, hanging out with my friends, spending time with my hubby playing video games and playing with my pets. Oh, and there is that thing called work. Since I am a freelance writer I just sort of cram it in when I have time. Speaking of which I have an anime screener from ADV waiting for me. I should go work on that.... :animesigh
  23. I would love to have the ability to control time. Stopping, starting and re-winding. There are so many wonderful things you could do! If you broke a priceless family treasure you could rewind time and not break it. Let say your drunk friend throws up in your car, you could rewind that too. On more of a deviant side you could go gambling in Vegas and fix the games so you win. You could walk into a bank and just take money. You would never have to work since you could just take whatever you needed!
  24. Great story guys. I have another one to add that was a misconception my husband John had as a kid. One day while he, his brother and mother were standing in their living room in front of their front window a car drove up and some people got out. John's mom tells the boys: "Get down and don't make a sound!!" Since she had such urgency in her voice they did what she said. In a whispered voice John asked her who it was. She answered: Jehovah's Witnesses! So as they crouched under the window John was thinking they were like the mafia or something and would bust into the house with guns a-blazin'. I'm sure you can all imagine what a little boy's imagination could take a situation like that.
  25. Growing up many of us had misconceptions about the world around us. I was wondering what childhood misconceptions you had. Did you think a word meant one thing but in reality means something else? Perhaps you thought being a certain age meant that person was an adult. Maybe even where exactly babies came from! Let's share some of the childhood misconceptions we had. I hope I'm not the only one! Wheelbarrow = Wheeled Barrel. When I was younger I thought a wheelbarrow was called a wheeled barrel. I think it's because growing up my parents, having strong Japanese accents, made it difficult to tell if they were saying "wheelbarrow" or "wheeled barrel". Add to that I knew what a barrel was and the thing looked like a half a barrel with a wheel - thus - it must be a wheeled barrel! High School Student = Adult. This is a misconception I had when I was in Kindergarden. I remember looking out of the school bus window as we drove through the high school parking lot. There I could see, what looked like, grown ups. They drove cars, had boyfriends/girlfriends and jobs! I thought after you graduated high school you were done with school. You got married, had kids and went to your jobs. I knew if you wanted a really important job like a doctor you needed to go for some more school. Otherwise high schoolers were just a step away from being 100% grown up. Looking back at this I can't believe I thought that! More than likely I was looking at 16 year olds thinking they were adults! I guess I'll just chalk this up to when you are 5 years old anyone who is a decade older than you [i]IS[/i] a grown up. So, what were your childhood misconceptions?
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