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Everything posted by Icemaiden

  1. Ok have to ask. Why do you go to the movies? Do you go for the actors? story line? Both or a completely different reason.... I generally go for storyline even if thier no name actors it's nice to take that sort of risk every once in a while.... Place to just chill and enjoy a good movie. So there's the question... Where's your answer?
  2. [COLOR=Blue]Villians are generally defined by their actions not their mentality... You can be simply insane like knives in TRIGUN where he has come to the conclusion that all mankind is a plague no matter where it goes.... Hmm that reminds me of the Matrix where the Agents are the villians. Villians are truly strong when they go out of their way to take free will from someone else... sometimes i find myself supporting or cheerring for the bad guy because of their past i.e Kurei from flame of recca... In the end no matter for what reason they are still the villian.... Opposition all things. [/COLOR]
  3. Ok Here is my question to all of you joining me from cyberspace.... Why Do you come to the Otaku boards... For other than the obvious reasons and mean that we obviously have the hard core fans and we have a great way to associate with other people with similliar interests. We have the RPG's and a way to discuss what we think feel about what's going on around us. Als owhat role do you play here are you a newbie just trying to find out more are you here to share your skills or are you just a pain in the butt? I wouldn't ask If i didn't want to know....
  4. [COLOR=Blue]Woot! something I know a little about. It seems to be human nature to classify and place. i'd love to be able to say I'm non descript and dont fit in any particular place but I guess that would be pretty far from the truth As much as i would like to claim to be an indvidual and unique I always manage to find someone who is similliar to me or would at least like to think they are. however things have changed from the 18th century typical mindset of upper and lower class (which to some small extent still exist) We get into a idea of where do you hang out for fun whether your a "gamer", "otaku" , "academic" etc.. everyone more or less has the abillity to be whatever they want. We all have a need to belong somewhere or to try and figure out who we are.[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Blue]The first anime i ever had contact with was Aeon FLux. I dont know if i can even get a copy of it. It was on MTV when I was younger. Anime Is one of the few things I can just sit and chill too. Alot of the times I'll just have it going in the background and I'll start to pay attention when the stakes get a little high during the show. For a long time I didnt even have anime around if it werent for programming like adult swim, I wouldnt know about things like cowboy bebop and trigun. Ah good times.[/COLOR]
  6. Well even though i am american, i ended up going to school in a foreign country. No not Canada. I went as far as I could before I started heading back New Zealand. And we did a in depth focus on the vietnam war my junior year. It is easier to study something when it dosent directly effect you. The real problem with education is everything social or historical is based on opinion. Even if you were there how you have been brought up or what you have learned will effect what is happening right in fornt of you.
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